
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 17, 2023


Kismet Chapter 9

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Nine

We got up early Thursday morning and met up with the others at Cheryl's. We learned that Jeremy was a manager for Enterprise and he got us a big van so we wouldn't have to take two cars. Jeremy and Cheryl sat up front, Jax was helping to navigate (back seat driver) so he sat behind Cheryl and CJ sat beside him; that left me and Mason in the back seat. We got on the road about 7:30 and by 8 o'clock CJ was slumped over with his head against the window sleeping and Mason's head was in my lap as he was stretched out on the bench seat beside me, also sound asleep.

Somewhere around Montgomery my morning coffee started begging to be released from my bladder and the bouncing head of a ten-year-old boy in my lap was causing me to have a piss hard-on. Jeremy stopped for gas at the Shell station after we turned off onto Highway 31. When the van stopped, Mason woke up and felt the hardness in my shorts against his face. He looked up at me through sleepy eyes and I put my finger to my lips as I pulled him into an upright position so I could get out of the van. While Jeremy was filling the tank, the rest of us went to the bathrooms. Me and Jax took the two urinals, so CJ and Mason shared one of the stalls. The boys finished and came out to wait on us, we all washed our hands and then took the opportunity to walk around a minute while we waited on Jeremy to go. When he came out of the bathroom, Jeremy handed Jax the keys and we all rotated seats. This time Jax was the driver, I was shotgun, Jeremy and Cheryl had the two back captain's chairs and CJ and Mason were on the bench seat in the back. After we'd been driving for about 30 minutes and I looked back and saw that CJ had taken over the back seat and Mason was laying on a blanket in the floor next to him.

"How much longer do we have to go?" Cheryl asked.

"Probably an hour and half" Jax said. She leaned her chair back and nodded off like the boys. Hearing her snoring, Jax took the opportunity to grill the boyfriend.

"So, Jeremy, where are you from?" he said congenially.

"I was born in Tupelo, Mississippi" Jeremy said "but the family moved to Alabama when I was 12, so I've spent more of my life around Birmingham than I spent in Mississippi."

"You have any kids?" my nosey boyfriend continued.

"Yeah, my son Kelly, he's an engineering major at Georgia Tech" he said "wanted to be close to his mother." I could sense a little hostility in his voice. "She's devious, she started turning him against me before she asked for the divorce; we haven't spoken since he was about 16."

"That's sad" I said, "I'm sorry to hear it." He just nodded and looked out the window. Jax wasn't letting it go.

"So, my sister. Are y'all getting serious?" he goaded. Jeremy looked over at Cheryl kind of nervously.

"Well, I don't know. I like her a lot. I think she likes me. Its more up to her at this point" he said.

"Nobody asked me, but I don't remember giving Eddie the third degree either" Cheryl said, moving the chair back upright. Jax blushed.

"A guy has a right to look out after his sister..." he started.

"Whatever" she said "your sister is old enough she was helping change your pissy pants when you were little. I think I can take care of myself."

"Yes ma'am" Jax said, and so ended the interrogation of Jeremy Clark.

The one thing none of us had thought to look into was when check-in time was, so we arrived a little after noon and learned that we couldn't check in until 3pm. We went down the road and found a place for lunch called Mike's Diner. After that, we still had about two hours to kill so we went to Pier Park to walk around and shop to kill the time. We went into Old Navy and Jax and I got new swimsuits and got CJ and Mason sunglasses since they didn't have any. In Dillard's, Cheryl got a swimsuit and some flip-flops. We stopped and got some ice cream and after that it was about 2:30 so we drove back over and got registered and started unloading the van.

Mason ran straight through to the balcony as soon as we got in the condo. "Wow!" he said. I had to admit the view from the 18th floor was pretty sweet. Both the bedrooms had kind size beds so there was no fighting there. We showed the boys the sofa bed where they would be sleeping and unpacked all our stuff. Cheryl wanted to go pick up a few groceries. Me and Jax wanted to hit the beach, so Cheryl and Jeremy went back out to run her errand and the boys and us changed and went down to the beach. In the elevator I explained to CJ and Mason how dark sunglasses made it easier to perv on people, but you still had to turn your head now and then. They laughed as if I was trying to be funny, but they took it all in. Me and Jax went into the ocean, but CJ hung back with Mason. Mason was kind of scared of the ocean, too many waves. We swam a few minutes then took them back in to the pool. Once in the pool Mason swam from one side to the other of the shallow end to show us he remembered, then him and CJ played around for a while.

Some other kids showed up and jumped in the pool and our two started talking to them. CJ swam over and asked if he could go back out on the beach with this boy Graham that was in the group who just came down. Jax told him okay, but don't go way out in the ocean. He said they were just going to walk down the beach and started to walk away, then ran back and got his sunglasses off of the lounge next to me so we kind of figured out what those two were up to. Meanwhile, Mason seemed to have made a new friend who he was getting along with very well. They stayed in almost the same spot, talking a laughing. It took me a while to figure out what was going on, but the boy was showing Mason the joys of the pool circulation jets. They were taking turns standing in front of the jet and letting it squirt its strong stream of water into their crotches. The new boy hugged the wall for a long time and Mason tried to get his turn but the kept saying "wait, wait" until a few minutes later he was shaking and then pushed off from the wall with his feet and back-stroked away with his tented trunks up in the air. He swam back over and whispered to Mason and Mason grabbed the wall the way the boy had done, but he kept moving. The boy told him to stay put. When the feeling hit Mason, it took him completely by surprise I could tell; he slipped and went under water for a second, I was about to jump in when I saw his little friend rescue him. He coughed and sputtered for a minute then the two broke into giggles and went back to chasing each other around the pool. I was glad we were the only adults by the pool other than the lifeguard who was preoccupied watching two girls who had laid out with their bikini tops undone to prevent tan lines. I figured I better have another talk with my son about what was acceptable in public.

"Hey Mason, come you come up here for a minute, buddy?" I shouted.

"Sure dad" he said and surprised me by trying to swim over, though staying close to the edge in case he needed to grab it. "What's up?" he said. I asked him to get out and come up by me.

"Am I in trouble, Eddie?" he whined.

"No, son" I said trying to make him feel more comfortable "I know what that kid was showing you, but you can't be doing that when people can see you. Some people will get mad about it. I've done it before but usually at night when it's dark."

"Simon told me it would make you feel really good, and it really does!" he whispered excitedly.

"Yeah, buddy, I know but it's another private thing" I said, then added "it does feel good, but just don't a show that you're feeling it or some of the parents will not like it."

"Oh, you mean be dastreet like you said before" he said and winked at me.

"Yes, discreet, now you got it" I said "you might want to pass that advice on to your friend Simon too."

"I will dad" he said and jumped back into the pool to consult with Simon. After he finished talking Simon looked up at me and waved, I waved back and then Simon gave me a thumbs up letting me know he got the message. I saw them go back about fifteen minutes later and take turns again but this time other than a little extra squirming it just looked like they were talking.

Simon's parents came down and got him to come up to dinner, so Mason came back to sit with me. Jax had fallen asleep in the lounger. Mason pulled his chair right up next to mine.

"Simon's got a big one" he whispered.

"Oh yeah?" I said. He held his hands apart about 3 or maybe 3 ½ inches, "How do you know that?"

"I saw it when he got out of the pool, his bathing suit was sticking to him" he told me, "but he didn't see me looking, I was discreet" he said pronouncing it correctly this time. It was close to five-thirty when Cheryl and Jeremy came down and he jumped in the pool while she and I were talking. She said they got back a while ago but had to put the groceries up. I winked at her and said "so that's what you kids are calling it these days."

"Oh, stop it!" she said. Jeremy came up the pool steps near where we were sitting and I had to use my discretion as I scoped out the salami in his trunks. I felt a small hand give my forearm a squeeze, and I looked at Mason who mouthed `Dang!' to me. I couldn't have agreed more.

Cheryl tore her eyes away from the main event and looked back over at me and asked "Where's CJ?"

"He met a kid named Graham and they went for a walk down the beach" I said. They had been gone a long time I suddenly realized. I shook Jax and told him we might have to go look for CJ, they still weren't back. By the time we got up and got our flip-flops on and got ready we saw CJ climbing the steps from the beach alone.

"What happened to Graham" I asked.

"Graham wasn't being discreet" he said hitching his thumb toward the steps he'd just come up. There came Graham who looked as if he was going to need an ice pack on his left eye tonight. "This doofus got his lights put out by a high-schooler" CJ said, laughing.

"Totally worth it" Graham said. The two laughed like idiots. Graham said "she was STACKED!"

"I think that's enough excitement for the day" Cheryl said and rounded us up for dinner. "Tell your friend goodnight, CJ."

"Goodnight Graham, see you tomorrow" he said.

"We'll see about that" Cheryl said.

Cheryl and I volunteered for kitchen duty, she bought a double pack of hamburger helper and some drinks so I browned the ground beef and she took over and added the rest of the stuff. I reached it the fridge and got a Corona while it was cooking, I called into the living room and asked if Jax and Jeremy wanted one. I pulled two more out of the pack and sliced up a lime and stuck a slice in each one. Cheryl was having some kind of pink wine cooler.

"Where's mine" CJ asked sarcastically.

"Yours needs to age another 8 years" I told him "In the meantime I saw Dr. Peppers and Mountain Dews in there."

Once the food was done, Cheryl told me to set the table out on the balcony so we could see the sunset while we were eating. We set up the most romantic dinner one can have when serving Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper. I got us a second beer and another strawberry wine cooler for Cheryl. It felt good to finally be winding down.

"Mom, after dinner can we go back down to the pool? It's open until 10 o'clock" Mason asked.

"I don't know, maybe" she said. "Why are you so in love with the pool anyway?"

Mason looked at me and carefully chose his words, being discreet.

"I don't know" he said "it just feels good to hang out in the pool."

She didn't look very convinced, but didn't say no.

Maybe you can get Uncle Jax and Uncle Eddie to go down with you" she said volunteering us.

"I don't know Mase, you looked kind of shaky in the pool earlier" I said, tongue firmly planted in my cheek.

He gave me a look of consternation and said "That was only for a minute, then I was fine."

"We'll see. You're not supposed to swim for 30 minutes after you eat, you can get a cramp" I said.

"I don't need to swim, I'll just hang on at the edge" he said, grinning.

"What the hell" I said "its vacation. We'll go." Jax gave me a look that made me think he had other ideas.

I whispered to him "We've got all night, babe."

Jax and Jeremy got stuck with dish duty so me and the two boys went on downstairs and I sat in a lounger. Mason told CJ to come over, he wanted to show him something. There were other people by the pool so I grabbed CJ's arm and pulled him to me. "He's going to show you the pool jets, don't stay there long enough to shoot in the pool, that's gross." I said. He nodded. Jax come down and sat by me and asked what was the deal. I explained it all to him and elbowed him to watch as Mason stood there with CJ beside him until he was doing his little squirm and then he backed off and pushed CJ over there.

"I hope he don't cum in the pool" Jax said.

"I warned him" I replied.

CJ stood there for a while and then moved quickly to one side. He looked back at me and shook his head no, he got away before he blew. The couple on the other corner of the pool got up and went to get in the hot tub, turning their backs toward us. I leaned over and kissed Jax and squeezed his hand. CJ came over and said "I'm ready to go in, I need to use the bathroom." I could see his trunks were tented. I smiled and said "I bet you do. Come on Mason!" I shouted just as he was trembling again. "Okay" he said weakly as he started climbing up out of the pool. I had to hand it to the designers of this building. I think me, Jax and CJ all knew what was going on in Cheryl and Jeremy's room but it was well sound deadened. Jax ran into the bathroom, saying he needed to go #2 but we knew what he needed. Mason turned on the Cartoon Network and we helped him pull the couch out and get their bed ready. I pulled Jax out onto the balcony and we sat and enjoyed the sea breeze and the waves sloshing onshore. Around 10-10:30 I looked inside and CJ had gotten in bed and turned the living room lights off. It looked like Mason was dead asleep, but if I'd had a dozen orgasms in one day I'd probably be exhausted too. We got up and I followed Jax into our room and locked the door. I was so tired I wasn't that worried about sex right now. Jax didn't initiate anything either other than to kiss me. From the sun exposure and the fact that the A/C in the condo was set on 65 it was kind of chilly, so I was glad when I turned on my side and Jax spooned up behind me with his arm around me.

We didn't hardly stir all night. When the sun started peeking over the horizon and the room filled up with light, I felt Jax attacking my back door with a battering ram. I jumped a little at first when I felt his pre-cum coating my hole, but then I remembered the test results and pushed back on him. He didn't get in me, but did get his head lodged in the indentation. I reached back and jacked him a little and made more pre dribble out. This time when he pushed, I bared down and he lunged into me. He turned us so that we were 2/3rds on our backs and he started jacking me off while he pounded me. I wasn't sure how close he was but I was going to cum soon. He shifted me slightly toward the end of the bed which caused his dick to start rubbing my prostate on every stroke. I felt him gain girth and stiffen and he shoved every millimeter of his cock into me and pulled my foreskin back almost painfully and I unloaded. I was quick to catch it in my hands so we wouldn't have to sleep on dirty sheets the rest of the trip. It was a handful. He grabbed my hand and saved the cum from being wiped on a beach towel. He brought the hand up to his mouth and sucked it clean and swallowed it. He pulled out slow and I clamped to keep his juice in, then ran into the bathroom and let it go along with about a gallon of piss I'd been holding. He came in behind me and we showered together and got ready for the day.

Cheryl looked very relaxed this morning, as did we all actually. On a vote we all decided to go out and have a big breakfast; something had given all of us huge appetites.

Lambodara 6/15/21

Feedback, comments, winning lottery numbers –

I hope everybody out there had a `satisfying' weekend.

Next: Chapter 10

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