
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 16, 2023


Kismet Chapter 8

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Eight

Breaking our news to the boys turned out to be pretty much a non-event. As long as we were going to be within walking distance away, they were fine with it; in fact, CJ was glad to be getting his room back. He said "I love you dad, but I love having my own room too."

"The cool thing is since I have the new bunk-beds I can have friends come over and spend the night" Mason said. Cheryl looked at us with a face that said `what have we done?"

At the end of the night, Jax came home with me; the beginning of our time together. As we were getting ready for bed, he said "Next weekend is Labor Day, it's a long weekend."

"Yep, and Dr. Benton and his wife will be enjoying it at their lake house" I told him, "I, on the other hand, will be on call all weekend."

"Damn!" he said.

"Well, the upside is the next weekend he's giving me Friday and Monday, so I'll have four days off" I said.

"I'll see if I can swing getting off too" he said "but where would we go?"

I grabbed my iPad and looked on Craigslist under vacation rentals and found a last-minute cancellation condo at Emerald Isle in Panama City Beach. It was a two bedroom but it had a pull-out queen sofa; it was $500 for the four days we were looking for. Jax went through his contacts and called one of his friends at the university and asked if she could cover his class for him that Monday, since he only had one class scheduled that day; she said sure. We high-fived and he called Cheryl while I called the number on the ad. I put the charge on my Discover card, thinking they could pay me back later, and waited to see what Jax found out. He hung up and said "she said to let her call Jeremy real fast and she'll call me back." About ten minutes later, we were good to go. Four days on the beach, split four ways, a $150 each mini-vacation on the beach with an 18th floor view. Everything was great until I thought about Momo. I called to see if Andrea would allow Justin to come by and feed him. I thought I was joking, but he actually had to ask her permission. As much as she disliked me, I guess she felt sorry for the cat (and the fact that we weren't going on the holiday weekend) so she said sure. Now I just had to make it through the next 11 days with no real off-days.

We'd been moving and going all day since our early morning intimacy, so we were both pretty exhausted. We decided to turn in for the night. I fell asleep thinking about the last family trip my family took together, which was also to Panama City Beach. Mom and Dad allowed me and Justin to each bring a friend with us so they wouldn't have to work as hard to keep us entertained. I was 14 and Justin was 17. I brought my friend Danny, and Justin brought his friend Nick. Mom and Dad booked two rooms, a single for them and a double for us guys. It was one of those old hotels/motor courts across the highway from the beach. After we were supposed to be inside for the night Justin and Nick decided they were going to slip out and chase girls and smoke the joint Nick had smuggled along. They told us they would stomp our asses if we told my parents. I asked Justin how long they would be out, he just shrugged and took off after Nick. I figured that gave me and Danny at least a couple of hours. I watched until the older boys had crossed the highway and got out of sight.

I went back to the bed where Danny was stretched out watching TV and pulled his shirt free and off of him. His interest in the television went away almost instantly. I pulled of my shirt and threw it on the chair with his. I could see something happening in the front of his shorts, but it was muted by the layers of clothes he had on. I unbuttoned his shorts and pulled the zipper down to uncover the gray Hanes boxer briefs underneath. His hands were busy fumbling with my cut-off Levi 501 shorts; which meant he had more buttons to go through. My mother was old fashioned in her clothing purchasing so when Danny pulled the shorts down my hips, he found the bright white Fruit of the Looms I had on, as well as the raging boner inside them. We were more than a little worried about Nick and Justin coming back, so we decided to take our fun into the bathroom. We only wore our underwear into the bathroom and took them off as soon as we locked the door. Since last year when we were camping puberty had hit me like a freight train and now, I was about an inch longer than Danny and maybe a little thicker too. I had a full bush instead of the little pubic moustache I had last year. I was about to ask what Danny wanted to do when he surprised me and got on his knees and bent over the bathtub, spreading his legs wide. He reached over and wet the tiny bar of hotel soap and soaped up his ass and told me to take it easy. This was all new to me, up to now we'd only tried hand jobs and blowjobs. I wasn't sure what to do so I pressed my peter up against his hole and pushed but his clamped muscles kept me out. He put more soap and water on it and told me to try again. I pushed again, but he was still locking me out; I had an idea. "Push out like you're taking a dump" I said. One flex later I was in past the head and he was trying to pull away saying "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" but he didn't have anywhere to go. I felt him squeeze really tight about a dozen times and then he suddenly loosened up and the rest of my five inches slid in. Again, he yelped and squeezed until he was calm again. "Go ahead and try it now" he said. I started moving in and out and on the third stroke I popped out and had to reinsert. This time it went much easier. He was so tight and the sensation was so new to me I only lasted about four or five strokes before I filled his butt up with my boy juice and slumped onto his back. Danny was eager for his first time too; he got loose and bent me over the tub and said "now it's my turn." I don't know if it was the excitement or what, but I took him pretty easy for a first time. Yes, it hurt like hell, but only for a minute. When he came in me, he lay on my back and kissed the back of my neck.

"What the hell, Eddie, I thought you said you were too tired" Jax said, bringing me out of the twilight dream state. My cock was rock hard and poking him in the belly button.

"Sorry" I said "I was just thinking about the trip to PCB I went on when I was 14" I told him.

"Damn, that must have been some trip!" he said. Due to my horny state, Jax had boned up too, I could feel his dick growing and sliding under my balls.

"We're not going to sleep like this" he said.

"Take me missionary" I said. He put a pillow under my ass and stopped.

"We don't have any more condoms" he said.

"Are you clean?" I asked.

"As of two months ago, when I was tested" he said.

"Well, I haven't been with anybody in about four years, we're probably okay" I said, definitely wanting to continue.

"Once we both have a current test, I'm all for bareback, but until then..." he pulled the pillow out from under my ass and then buried my cock all the way down his throat while he literally was humping my leg like a dog in heat. I pulled him off my dick and up even with me and we locked into a kiss, grinding our dicks against each other. The motions kept increasing in intensity until I felt him go stiff and the hot jism shot between our stomachs. I kept grinding a little longer before giving up my copious offering to add the mess already there.

Immediately, I was dead tired. Jax ran in the bathroom and grabbed a towel and wiped up the mess. Before he was done, I was sound asleep. I didn't have any more dreams that night.


I could kind of hear something but it wasn't registering until Jax shook me and said "Hurry up, you're going to be late!" I looked at the clock. Damn, I barely had enough time to get to work. I sprayed on some cologne and hoped it would cover any sex odors that might be lingering as I definitely didn't have time for a shower. I got dressed and hung a tie around my neck, I'd try to tie it on the way to work. Downstairs, I slipped on my loafers and ran into the garage. I was on the interstate in less than five minutes, headed to Tuscaloosa. I fell in behind another commuter going about 80 and kept pace until we got close to my exit. I got off and saw that I still had about 10 minutes so I ran through McDonalds and got an Egg McMuffin and a coffee. I pulled into the staff parking almost exactly the same time as Dr. Benton. I chewed the last bite of the McMuffin and tied my tie, then grabbed my coffee and went inside.

"Good morning, Mr. Murphy, you were cutting it close this morning" Dr. Benton said.

"Yes sir, I'm sorry, I overslept" I said. He nodded pertly and led the way to start our rounds. Great way to kick off my week. Jax didn't have to be in until 10 for his first class, so he had time for a leisurely shower and breakfast before making his trip to the university.

Monday was a nightmare. Tuesday was a little better and by Wednesday I was hitting my stride. Thursday Dr. Benton said he'd decided to take Friday off too, as he felt I was capable of handling the short day by myself. It may not sound like much, but coming from him it was a real compliment. When I left at 2 on Friday, I saw my cellphone number on the white board under "In case of emergency"; I was simultaneously excited and terrified.

Jax also found out on Thursday why his associate Julia so readily agreed to take his class. She had a field trip scheduled for Friday with a van full of freshman archeology students for a tour of the Moundville Archeological Park, but she wanted to have an extended weekend. Knowing she had him over a barrel, she asked him to take her place. That meant that even though I was off for my half day, we still wouldn't get to spend any time together. Oh well, it always seems like once you decide to take a vacation, the fates punish you for it. Jax got in Friday about 5:30 and we were deciding on where to eat when my cell rang and I was off to Tuscaloosa again. By the time I got my emergency under control it was midnight, and I got back home around 1am. Jax was sound asleep so I quietly undressed in the dark so as not to wake him. In a few minutes I was dead to the world.

I woke up with a cat sleeping on my head and an empty bed beside me. I glanced at the clock. It was already 10:18, I never sleep this late. I pulled on my shorts and went to locate Jax. I found him in the kitchen cooking sausage and pancakes.

"I figured we could have brunch. I haven't been up long either" he said.

I kissed him and put a pod in the Keurig to make my motivation for living. I took the filled mug and sat at the kitchen bar so I could watch him as he cooked. He served me, laid a plate for himself and then made his version of coffee which was more like desert and then came around to sit with me and eat. Neither of us had showered and I could smell his musk when he would move his arm to take a bite. After no sex for 5 days the pheromones were getting to me. We finished eating and I did the dishes since he cooked. He went upstairs and came back down in his riding gear and carrying mine. `Seriously?' I thought to myself.

"We really need to ride some of this food off" he said. I couldn't really argue with that so I changed into my riding clothes in the kitchen and then we got the bikes down and started off. He set the pace at what I felt like was way too fast for having just eaten, but I pumped the pedals and kept up. We only took the short (7 mile) route I'd done when I first moved in, but we did it full speed. We were glistening with sweat by the time we glided back into the subdivision. CJ was out in the street on his bike.

"You could have asked if I wanted to go" he said.

"Spur of the moment" Jax said "we still love you though." I looked over and saw Mason sitting on the steps alone.

"Does Mason not have a bike?" I asked Jax. He shrugged. I called Mason over.

"Hey, buddy, do you have a bike?" I asked.

"No, mom said maybe for my birthday" he said.

"Ask your mom if you can go off with me for a few minutes" I told him. He ran off to Cheryl's and came back and said yes.

I parked my bike and went inside and go the car keys and told Jax we'd be back in a few minutes. I drove to the self-storage place where I had my excess stuff stored away. I pulled in and rolled up the door on the unit and rummaged around until I found my old bike. It was another Trek, just a lower level one, but it still worked fine. He was a little small for it but it would give him something to grow into. We took it home an Jax helped me adjust everything we could and after a wobbly start he and CJ were riding circles around the townhouses.

"Do I get to keep it?" he said as they came back around.

"Yep, it's all yours" I said.

"Thanks, daddy!" he said giggling and he took off again. The light breeze outside blew eau de Jax to my nostrils again.

"I need a shower and sexing up" I whispered to Jax "and not necessarily in that order; your stink is driving me wild." We put our bikes up and headed upstairs to complete several tasks. Before he came up, I saw Jax go put the slide chain on the door, no doubt because his son still has a key and he didn't want to be disturbed.

We stripped and Jax fell back on the bed. I lay on my stomach beside him with my face buried in his armpit. I huffed his scent and my dick was so hard it could explode. He wiggled me around and pulled my ass down on his face and rimmed me until I was about to cum just from having my salad tossed. I stopped him and rolled a condom on him and sat down on him, taking him all in me in one motion. My cowboy skills had improved quite a bit since the last time we tried this position. I leaned back and adjusted so that his cock was hammering my prostate causing a line of syrup to connect from the end of my dick to his body. I was wound up so tight that when I started cumming the first shot left a spat on the headboard behind his head. The second went mostly into his mouth and the third left white line down his chest. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down tightly onto him as I felt his dick throbbing inside me. I rolled to the side and put my arm behind my head. Out of my nearly closed eyes I could see him sniffing my pits; there was no doubt our chemistry was a match. We were still catching our breath when my phone rang. I picked it up off the nightstand expecting to see the hospital's number but it was CJ. I put him on speaker.

"Hey Eddie, I can't get in. There's a chain or something on the door" he said. Jax burst out laughing.

"Yeah, uh, let us get a shower and we'll be back down" I told him over Jax's hysterical laughter.

"Okay" he said "what's so funny?" he asked.

"Nothing, just your dad being silly" I said "we'll be down in a few. Bye."

"You're welcome" Jax said. I guess I was glad he chained the door, poor CJ would have gotten an eyeful.

I thought I had made it through my on-call weekend, but around 11:30 Sunday night I got another call from the hospital. By the time I got the situation under control it was nearly 2am, so I just stayed there and slept on a sofa in the staff lounge rather than make two more trips. The rest of the week was pretty hectic as well, Jax and I didn't see much of each other. Wednesday night when I drug into the house, Jax handed me an envelope from the county health department; our HIV test results. Negative on both of us. I was anxious for Thursday to be over so I could relish my days off. Now I was really looking forward to our trip.

Lambodara 6/14/21

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Was this chapter a little too heavy on the sex? Let me know.

Next: Chapter 9

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