
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 13, 2023


Kismet Chapter 6

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Six

5:30 I lay wide awake in bed. I saw the screen on my phone come on so I picked it up. It was a text message from CJ. "Have you seen Mike? He didn't come home last night." I told him I wouldn't lie to him, so I didn't answer his message. I got up to take a piss and get a cup of coffee. My movement woke Jax.

"Wha time issit?" he slurred, half asleep.

"5:32" I said.

"Who tha fuck gess up at 5:32?" he mumbled.

"Sleep, baby. You don't have to get up yet" I said kissing him on the forehead.

I pissed and slid into my lounging shorts and padded downstairs to the kitchen to start my coffee. Momo showed up at my feet from out of nowhere meowing. I picked him up and sat him on the counter and he licked my hand while I was petting him. I decided to give him a treat and poured him a little milk in a saucer. I went and sat on the couch in the dark living room and Momo, now finished with his milk, came and jumped up beside me and curled up. I picked up my phone and decided I couldn't just ignore CJ, so I sent him a reply.

"Your DAD is over here. He spent the night with me. He wanted to get away from people who hate him"

I let that sit with him for a minute while I sipped my coffee. Momo purred beside me while I scratched his ears. I flipped on the TV news and turned the volume low. The weather lady said it would be in the 90s most of the day with thunderstorms expected this afternoon. No bike rides today, I guess. DING!

"I never said I hated him"

It was approaching 6 o'clock. Jax, who was bare-assed naked, came down the stairs saying he couldn't get back to sleep once I got up. I offered to make him a cup of coffee. He asked if I had milk and sugar. I stirred it up and delivered it to him on the couch where Momo had now curled up next to him. We sat and watched TV for a few minutes when I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Jax grabbed a couch cushion and put it in his lap for coverage. CJ just walked right in and sat down in the recliner across from us. At first, he didn't say anything. After staring at us for a minute he said "You're naked". Jax looked at him, then at me.

"Amazing sense of the obvious. At least he can see me again" he said to me.

"Yes, I can see you. And by the way, I don't hate you" CJ told him, "I'm still pissed off at you though. Can you blame me?"

"No. I guess I kind of understand. But, do you understand I was a victim in all this as much as you. Do you think I wanted to let another man raise my son? So go ahead and be pissed off at me, but do me a favor, if you would, from now on if we have a problem come up, instead of pouting or ignoring me and avoiding me just talk to me, okay?"

"Okay...uh...Unc...uh...Mike. Sorry, but I just can't call you dad, not yet anyway" he said.

"It's okay, it's kind of weird to me too" Jax said, "we'll get there eventually."

"What's weird is you sitting on Eddie's couch naked. He'll have to replace the couch now" CJ joked.

"Nah, I washed my ass last night before bed" Jax answered, "I need to go get my clothes so I can go get ready for work."

He stood up and dropped the pillow and darted up the stairs, CJ's attentive eyes followed him across the room.

"Want me to take a picture for you?" I kidded.

"No!" he said, "It's, he's my father. So, that's what I'm going to look like? All hairy and stuff?"

"Well, probably. Like you said, he is your father" I said, "it's in your genes. Good thing you're not my kid, you could've ended up a real sasquatch like me."

"I think you'd make a good dad" he said. "Hey, maybe I'll have a big schlong like his." He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. I gave him a thumbs up.

Jax came back down in his riding gear, kissed me and told CJ "Let's go, I need to get ready."

"Ok, see you later Eddie!" CJ said as they went out. I heard him lock the door from the outside, so I got ready and left for work.

I didn't see much of them until the weekend, the four of them were busy hashing things out and I had to stay late a couple of days at work. Jax texted me Thursday morning and told me not to make plans; he'd already gotten tickets for CJ's football game, the season opener. By the time I got to the school I'd already missed the beginning, I couldn't leave early due to some problems going on. I gave my ticket at the gate and went and got something to eat at the concession stand. My dinner was apparently going to be a hot dog, a bag of chips and a half-flat Coke. I texted Jax to see where he was sitting. He said stay put and he'd come get me, so I leaned back against the wall of the concession stand and scarfed down my hot dog and chips real quick while I was waiting. He came and found me and we made our way up into the stands. The place was nowhere near full, but it was a pretty good turnout for a middle school game. Neither of us really cared that much about football, but we didn't come for us as much as to support CJ. We sat down next to Cheryl and Mason and settled in for the game.

At half-time Mason needed to go to the bathroom. Cheryl and Jax wanted to go down and talk to CJ, so I told them I'd go with him since Cheryl didn't want him going alone. When we got in the bathroom it was full, so we got in line. The urinals were pretty close together and there were no dividers. The man in front of me finished up and since we were both practically dancing by now, I pulled Mason up beside me and we shared the urinal. He didn't hesitate to unzip and pull out him miniature penis, which, to my surprise, was intact. When I pulled mine out, I saw his head turn my way as he looked at it. We finished up and moved out of the way for the next guy and went over to wash our hands.

"Hey, Eddie. Your wiener looks like a turtle like mine" he said.

"Yeah, I noticed" I said.

"That's cool!" he said.

"Let's keep that info between me and you, okay? It's not something you talk about to everybody" I said.

"Oh yeah. Okay" he replied.

We made it back to our seats as the game kicked off for the second half. The score was 14-17; our guys were behind by a field goal. At the beginning of the 4th quarter, we scored another touchdown bringing the score to 21-17. Our defense shut the other team down and ran out the clock, so McAdory Middle started off the season with a win.

The middle school games were earlier in the evening, so the game was over by about 8:30. We went around to collect CJ and when we started home I was surprised when Mason asked if he could ride with me. We were all going to the same place so Cheryl said she didn't care. I asked why he wanted to ride with me. He said "Us turtles got to stick together." I just laughed and shook my head; crazy 10-year-old ideas.

We went by McDonald's before heading home, CJ said he was starving. I had to admit I could use something to bolster the hot dog from earlier myself. CJ and Jax got Big Mac meals, Cheryl and Mason just got drinks and I ordered a quarter pounder and a coke. We found a booth and I slid in next to the wall. CJ and Mason argued over who was going to sit by me, CJ won. I just shrugged and started eating. CJ was ripe from all his activity during the game and I was trying to ignore it but his scent was making little Eddie plump up a little. It had been four days and I needed some alone time with CJ's dad. Mason sat directly across from me and was kicking me, almost playing footsie with me. I smiled at him and he giggled. Jax looked at me questioningly and I shrugged again.

When we got back home, I asked Jax in a very loaded tone if he wouldn't like to come over for a while. He said to let him grab some stuff from Cheryl's and he be over in a few minutes. I went in and put some food down for psycho-cat and made sure his water bowl was full. He came running in from somewhere and, as usual, sniffed the food and ran to hide somewhere until I left the kitchen so he could eat. I walked the living room and opened the front door just as Jax was walking up carrying his backpack.

"I hope you don't mind, but I really need a sleepover" he said.

"Damn, mentalist, you read my mind!" I said.

"You want me to bend you over in the kitchen?" he asked.

"Oh, hell no! Momo would starve to death if we're in there where his food is" I said with a chuckle.

"Onward and upward then" he said on the way up the stairs.

We got undressed and he waited for instructions. I had him lay on his back, I wanted to ride him the way he rode me when we were camping. I sucked him a little until he was rock hard, then rolled a condom on him and greased myself up and straddled him. I got his cock situated in the right spot and then willed myself to relax as I started applying downward pressure. It had been about a month since he'd been in me so when I finally opened up his head slid in and I felt almost a pop. I kept slowly letting my weight onto his dick until finally I was sitting on his hairy thighs. I sat there for a minute flexing and getting used to it. I blew out a big breath of air, adjusting to the amazing feeling of fullness. My break-in period didn't last long; he started bucking upward, hinting for me to get moving.

I obliged and started my up and down stroking motions; damn it felt good to be with him again. After a minute or so of my clumsy motions, he held my ass up with both hands and started hammering me from below. Well, hell, I thought, if he wants to do all the work... I rolled onto my back bringing him with me; his cock never leaving my hole. He took charge and grabbed me behind the knees and pushed my legs up toward my chest so he could get deeper. I could tell he had saved up all week too. He was already speeding up and getting into his short strokes, so it wouldn't be long now. Every time he pounded me it was making my dick roll back and forth across my stomach between us and I was getting so close to making a huge mess. He was humping me full-speed and when he put his weight down on me to turn my head and run his tongue ever-so-lightly tracing around the edge of my earlobe I lost it and glued our stomachs together. A dozen or so strokes later and his whole body seized up and he blew out a big breath of air and I could feel his dick pulsing inside me. When he pulled out, it looked like there was an ounce of cum in the condom. We were both panting as bad as we had been after taking the 20-mile loop on our bikes. We got up and went to shower off so we weren't sleeping in a sticky mess all night.

Jax was washing my back in the shower when he said "I've been wondering a lot lately about why we're still living in separate houses."

"Maybe we should consolidate" I replied. For a while now, I'd been wishing I could have him more often.

"Jake could have his old room back. A kid his age needs his privacy. By the way, what's the deal about turtles?" he asked. I laughed to myself.

"What?" he said.

"Nothing" I said, "Mason saw I'm not circumcised when we went to the bathroom, he's not either. He said ours look like turtles and yours and Chris's look like mushrooms. He's really interested in penises for a kid his age."

"Wait...Oh, I get it now... turtles" he grabbed my dick and pushed the skin back "and mushrooms" he said grabbing his at the base and waving his mushroom around. "Do you think he's gay, doctor?"

"He's a little young to have to deal with that" I said.

"He'll be eleven in about three weeks, so that time is coming fast. I guess my sister can worry about that when it comes up" he said.

"Who was that guy Cheryl kept talking to at the game?" I asked.

"Uh, Jeremy something...she said they went to high school together" Jax said.

"They make a cute couple" I said.

"What? Are you a matchmaking service now?" Jax chuckled.

"Just sayin', she's only 9 years older than you. I doubt she's planning on staying a single widow the rest of her life" I said.

"Further reason for me to get out of her hair" he said.

"Exactly" I said.

"Dude, we need to shut up and sleep. I know you're off tomorrow, but I still have my short day" I said turning off the lamp.

"Good night, Eddie" he said, then very quietly added "I love you."

I laid my head on his shoulder and whispered "You're getting better at it. I love you too. Good night."

Jax was sound asleep when I wiggled free in the morning and went to get a shower before work. He was still asleep when I while I was getting dressed. I went down and had coffee and cat hair with a microwave biscuit, and I left Jax a note on the refrigerator asking him to lock up when he leaves.

My commute was short, there wasn't much traffic today for some reason. When I got to work, Dr. Benton called me into his office. One of our patients tried to commit suicide and had to be placed into a padded room. He handed me the forms, so my first hour and a half was spent making a report on an incident that happened while I wasn't even there. I had to do a lot of investigative reporting which included calling and waking up several people from the night shift who weren't very happy to hear from work while they were trying to sleep. Luckily, Dr. Benton took on our regular patients by himself, so when I finished making the report and sending copies to all the regulated entities, he only had a couple of other minor tasks for me to take care of. I was off and walking out the door about 30 minutes earlier than usual.

When I opened the garage door, I discovered I couldn't pull the car in due to Jax's truck being in there. I got out and walked around the truck to get to the door. It was packed with what looked like all my camping gear with the addition of a brand new 10x14 Coleman tent. I went through the kitchen and found Jax, CJ and Mason sprawled on my couch watching South Park on my TV.

"What's going on, guys?" I asked.

"You're home early" Jax said.

"Yeah, circumstances, etc." I said, "so, one more time, what's with the situation in the garage?"

"We're going camping" Jax said, "I figured we don't have many more weekends that will be warm enough and we promised the boys we'd take them to Wind Creek."

"You couldn't have mentioned that yesterday?" I asked, mildly annoyed.

"I didn't really know till today. We went to Walmart and I found that tent for half price, they're clearing out the camping stuff since the season is over." Then he walked over and whispered "Jeremy is spending the weekend with Cheryl; she owes us a solid."

"Okay, I guess I better pack" I started to say, Jax interrupted me and said "I took the liberty of packing your stuff for you."

"Did you get my toothbrush, shampoo, all that?" I asked.

"Yep, all we need to do is get in the truck and go" he said.

"What about Momo?" I asked.

"Cheryl is going to look out for him" he said.

"Stop worrying Eddie, we're not morons" CJ said.

"Move your car so I can back out" Jax said.

I backed up and let him out, then pulled my Outback in. I made them wait for me to go change into something more comfortable than my suit and tie from work. I grabbed the garage door opener on the way out and shut the door down and got into the truck. Jax's truck was a Chevrolet Silverado with the small back seat and the rear doors that only opened when the front doors were open. The two boys were fine back there but it would probably be uncomfortable for adults. We only made one stop at the Burger King in Childersburg for a piss break and to get something to drink.

We got to the park around 4:30 and even though the tent was new to us, it didn't take long to set it up. We put a tarp up over the picnic table and I noticed that Jax had also bought two more chairs to go with the tent, so we all had somewhere to sit. Since we came on such short notice, we ended up in what used to be the `A' section, the one by the marina. It wouldn't have been our first choice (or probably second) but at least we were on the water. Since we had everything set up, we took the boys over to the beach area where there was white sand. There was quite a crowd, so me and Jax swam out to the boundary line away from most of them. Even here there were more people than I wanted to deal with, so after 15 minutes or so we went back and sat on the beach while the guys played around in the water. A little while later, Mason came back and sat with us.

"You wore out already?" Jax asked.

"No, but Chris found some girl to play with" he said.

We looked out and scanned the area and saw CJ with a red-head, sitting in the shallow water talking. The girl looked like she was a few years older than him just judging from her development. He saw us looking and waved. We waved back. A little while later the girl got up and walked off toward the campground and CJ came over to where we were.

"She looked a little old for you" Jax said.

"Yeah, she is. She was just telling me about going to some island in the lake where you can swim without so many people" he said, "I didn't hear all the directions, it was confusing."

"I bet" I said, "It's hard to concentrate when you're busy studying them tig ole bitties."

"You're the one who said the stuff about fishing in a bucket and all that" he laughed.

"Okay, okay" I said, "I know where that island is she was talking about, or at least one of them. Dad used to take us out there when I was a kid. We'll check on boat rentals in the morning."

"Cool!" Mason said.

We went back and had dinner and hung out a while before turning in to the sound of waves splashing on the bank.

I was up early as usual Saturday morning, so as soon as the marina opened, I walked over and rented a small boat for the day. I brought the boat around and tied it off to a tree in front of our campsite. I made a pot of coffee and sat in the early morning light and took in the view across the lake. When the sun started peeking in through the trees it got hot enough in the tent Jax finally came out, poured a cup of coffee and sat with me. He leaned over and gave me a kiss and said "Good morning, love." It took him that long to notice the boat.

"I wonder who decided to park their boat in front of us?" he said, looking toward the tent in the next site over.

"That would be me" I said. "I rented us a boat for the day. I figured when the guys get their lazy asses up, we'll have breakfast and take off."

"Our lazy asses are up" came a comment from the peanut gallery.

"Then come on out and let's get cooking" I said. We cooked the pound of bacon we bought and some eggs and made some makeshift toast to go with it. The boys had a Yoohoo with theirs and we had some more coffee. After we washed off the skillet and threw away the trash, we got in the boat and I made sure they had their life preservers on since the marine police seemed to be very attentive this weekend, then we set off into the lake. We were out early enough that when we got to the island, we still had it all to ourselves. I tied off the boat and we got down to swim trunks and ran into the water. CJ said Mason didn't know how to swim so me and Jax made a point of trying to teach him. We took him out to where the water was over his head and had him lay on his back and float; at first, we were holding him up, but after a while I told him to try it by himself and we let go. He started sliding down into the water, I told him to take a breath and he looked surprised but happy as his body came back up to the top. In a little while he was getting pretty good, but he was tired and wanted to rest a few minutes. We got him to turn over (with help) and showed him how to stroke; then let him go and he actually made it back to shallow water and got out on his own; he was a fast learner.

We all got out and pulled out the cooler for a cold drink and were enjoying those when CJ's new friend, her parents and her boyfriend showed up. CJ was crushed, but turns out Amber was a freshman at the University and way more out of his league than he even knew. When Amber's boyfriend Sean got ready to swim, Mason suddenly was rested and wanted to go back in too. Sean was wearing one of those boxer-style Speedo bathing suits and Mason seemed to be very interested. Jax and I pulled him back and whispered that he couldn't just stare at the guy's crotch, some dudes would take offense and you could get beat up. Jax whispered to me, "If he's going to be gay, we need to teach him how to be discreet." I nodded.

About that time our attention was drawn to the other child. It looked like he was being dressed down by Amber's boyfriend.

"Everything okay, CJ?" Jax yelled.

CJ turned around to come back to us, but Sean grabbed his arm and spun him back around. That's when Jax went over to intervene.

He was eerily quiet and calm when he told the boy "Lay a hand on my son one more time and you'll go back to your parents in a box."

"That little fucking pervert needs to get his eyes off my girlfriend" he yelled.

Again, in a demeanor that reminded me of the calm before the storm, Jax quietly said "You're trying to pick a fight with a 13-year-old. After I finish kicking your ass back to the campground, I'll have you put in jail for physically abusing a minor."

Sean just shot daggers with his eyes, but he backed off. Jax was in a stance that reminded me of old Bruce Lee movies. Sean could tell Jax was prepared to back up his statements. He went back on the beach with Amber and her parents and spoke to the father. A few minutes later they got back on their pontoon boat and took off. Good riddance, I thought. I called a meeting on the beach and Jax and I gave a very detailed meeting on being discreet in order to avoid unnecessary conflict. We broke it down in a detailed manner for each of the cases at hand and made sure we were crystal clear. Afterwards, we asked if there were any questions. CJ raised his hand.

"Yes CJ?" Jax said.

"Did you call me your son?" he asked.

"Yeah. Sorry" Jax said.

"Wait a minute" I interjected, "Surely that's not all you got out of this conversation."

"No. I got y'all's point...I thought you said you weren't ready for the dad/son stuff?" he said to Jax.

"I didn't want you to be uncomfortable, Jake, but I've been ready to be your dad for a lot of years" Jax said, his eyes looking a little watery. CJ looked down into the water and was very quiet. We were about to just forget about it and move on. Jax started to walk back into the water, when CJ said "Hold on."

"What, Jake?" he asked.

"Thank you for taking up for me" then, almost under his breath, added "dad."

Jax walked back to the shore and pulled his son into a bear hug. It looked like CJ melted into him. I grabbed Mason's hand and took him back out for another lesson; leaving our two guys alone to share their minute. When we were out in the water, and Mason was on his back floating again he looked toward the shore, then back at me.

"Since Chris has a dad again, would you be my dad. I miss having a dad too" he said.

"You got it, buddy" I said with a smile, "Us turtle guys have to stick together."

Lambodara 6/11/21

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I want y'all to know I really appreciate all your kind comments!

Next: Chapter 7

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