
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 9, 2023


Kismet Chapter 3

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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While I was re-reading the first two chapters, I found a couple of mistakes. For clarification: Eddie's brother Justin is the older of the two. I mistakenly put `younger' instead of older; I could see where it was confusing. The second, I'll just see if anybody noticed it. LOL

Chapter Three

Sunday I was tired of unpacking so I decided to take a day off from it. I put on my riding gear and popped the garage door and pulled my bike down. As I was closing the garage door, I heard somebody calling me. It was Chris.

"Hey Eddie, where you going?" he asked.

"Just riding, got to get out of there for a little bit. I think I'm gonna ride to the park and hang out a while" I said.

"Mind if I ride with you?" he asked.

"Do you think you can keep up?" I returned.

"I used to ride with Uncle Mike, I have his old bike" he said.

"Get ready and come on then" I said.

He ran home and about ten minutes later he came out of the garage on an older model Specialized bike in still pretty decent shape. What was even more interesting was the bike shorts, or at least the way he was packed into them. I shook my eyes loose and took off. I got about half-way down the block before he caught up with me. We set a decent pace and headed toward the park. He kept playing around and passing me, so I'd give him the lead for a while, then pass him and take the lead for a while. A short time later we were riding up to the park entrance gate. As we approached, Chris stopped his bike. I circled back to see what was wrong.

"Shit! I mean shoot, I forgot to bring money to get in" he said.

"I got you, come on" I told him. I gave the man at the gate a ten and we pedaled on into the park. We went around to the right where there was kind of a town made from old buildings brought in from other places in the state. We parked the bikes and walked around the old buildings; the old post office had a couple of rocking chairs on the porch so we sat and enjoyed the weather for a while. I watched him as he spoke and it was uncanny how much he looked like Jax; I guessed the genetic code was strong in their family. I asked him a lot of questions about Jax and I could tell from the way he answered that he and Jax were pretty close.

Out of the blue he asked "when did you know you were gay?"

I thought about it a minute and said "I don't really know exactly when; I kind of always knew. I guess it really started with just feeling like I was different" I told him, "At least until I got up around your age."

"What happened then?" he asked.

"Well, all my friends were going crazy over girls in our class who had sprouted boobs over the summer but I had no interest in that at all" I said, "in fact, I had become obsessed with looking at the boys' crotches, trying to see if I could see an indication of how big their stuff was, that kind of stuff. How about you? Have you picked a team?"

"Not really picked a team" he said, "like you said, I've always kind of known...I like girls. Even when most of my friends were going around saying girls were nasty and all that, I liked them in secret." He let out a chuckle. "I have a friend on your team though. Being around Uncle Mike, I know how to spot `crotch-watchers' as he calls them. It don't bother me; I'm not ashamed of what I got. I'm just don't share it with boys."

"You definitely don't have anything to be ashamed of, I'll agree with you there" I said, smiling, "you're going to make some girl really lucky."

He gave me a weird look and said "Thanks...I think?"

I raised my hand, "Crotch-watchers anonymous" I laughed. "Don't harass a man for fishing in a bucket" I said, "he knows he's not going to catch anything; but he's still having fun." He thought about it for a minute, shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in the chair.

"So, what about you? Do you have any special chest bumps you're keeping track of?" I asked.

He kind of blushed and said "Ashley" in a low voice.

"Big chest bumps?" I goaded.

"Not the biggest, but she's really cute and when she wears tight jeans her butt looks like a peach" with a kind of shy smile. I slapped him on the back and he blushed again. We sat quietly for a few minutes enjoying the breeze that had kicked up.

"You want to go get something to drink?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Sure, but I still don't have any money" he said.

"Did I ask you anything about money?" I replied as I mounted my bike and we headed back toward the little store close to the entrance.

The lady in the store asked if we were locals, and I told her yes. She said if we planned on coming a lot it would probably be worth getting the annual pass. I'd have to look into that. We took our drinks and decided to chain the bikes and walk to the old civil war iron furnaces. As we walked Chris told me more about Ashley he was crushing on hard, but he hadn't said anything to her yet. I told him not to be shy, the worst thing she could do is reject him and in that case, he could look for his next crush.

"I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable, but for a kid your age you have a lot going for you" I told him, "You're smart, good-looking and I don't know what kind of workout you do, but you are ripped."

He smiled and said "Thanks! I guess I do work out a lot for football."

"Well, it's working, so have confidence in yourself. There's probably a lot of those girls at school drooling over you if you just start paying attention."

We arrived at the furnace and walked around reading the signs and looking at the display. Out of the corner of my eye I could see he was walking a little straighter and holding his head up more. I felt good about boosting his confidence. We walked back toward where our bikes were, and about the time we got there I heard thunder in the distance. We decided we better head for home.

We made it about halfway there when the bottom fell out. By the time we made it to our street we were both drenched. I flew into my driveway and he sped on past to his. I waved as I hit the garage door remote. I hung my bike up and closed the door and stripped out of my wet clothes so I wouldn't drip water all through the house. The closest thing I could find to dry off with was a dish towel in the kitchen so I made do and then wrung out my clothes in the utility sink and threw them in the washer. I went upstairs and put on my lounging clothes in case anybody came around. I turned on the TV and started up Ancient Aliens for some mindless entertainment, which, of course led to an afternoon nap.

I woke up when the text notification dinged.

Chris: Mom stopped by Marco's and got pizza. She said to ask if you want to come over and eat with us.

Me: Are you sure there's enough?

Chris: This is Cheryl. I got a special deal on three larges, I'm sure there's enough. Besides I owe you for teaching my son to do laundry and dishes. LOL

Me: Ok, let me put some decent clothes on and I'll be over.

Chris: OK

I went back up and put on some shorts and a decent shirt and decided to wear my Crocs since it was so wet out after the rain. The door was open so I waved at them through the storm door and Cheryl yelled to come on in. There was more than enough pizza for the four of us, Cheryl ended up putting nearly a whole pizza in the fridge. Cheryl said that if I decided to get the annual pass to the park, let her know because her aunt worked there and she might be able to get me a deal of some kind. We sat and chatted for a while; I kind of zoned out due to the carb load. I was looking at Cheryl and Mason. Mason looked a lot like his mother but Chris didn't look like them. I wondered what the boys' father looked like; he must have looked similar to Jax I guessed.

"Hello?" Cheryl was saying.

"Sorry, I must have zoned out" I said.

"I was just asking if you'd like some ice cream?" she said.

"No thanks, I really should get back to my place. I still have a lot of boxes to empty out" I said, "Thanks for the dinner, I'll repay you soon."

"Don't worry about it" she said.

"Bye Eddie, see you tomorrow" Chris and Mason said.

"Good night guys!" I let myself out and walked back to my place. Since I had to get up early, I decided to call it an early night. I turned off all the downstairs lights and went up and got undressed and into bed. I played around on my laptop for a little while but kept dozing off, so I turned it off and went to sleep.

Work kept me so busy Monday that it seemed like by the time I turned around it was 5pm. I finished up typing in my patient notes, logged out and headed home. I pulled into the driveway and hit the remote for the garage door. When I got out of the car, I was assaulted by a sweaty man in bike shorts who proceeded to push his tongue all the way back to my molars. I retaliated by grabbing two handfuls of ass and pinning him against the wall. Which was about the time I looked up and saw Chris staring on in what looked to be amazement.

"You guys want to come in for something to drink?" I asked, blushing.

"I've got to get to practice" Chris said.

"See you tonight, Jacob" Jax said.

Chris looked exasperated, he just shook his head and took off to jump in Cheryl's car.

"What's that all about?" I asked, "I was confused when you called him that before in that text."

"Christopher Jacob Chilton" he said. "His father always insisted on calling him Chris, so I made a point of calling him Jacob or Jake. I hated that asshole. He accused me of molesting Jake. Cheryl had asked me to help her with getting the kids ready and I was helping him get a real bath instead of play in the tub for an hour. When Gary came in the bathroom, Jake had sprung one of those little boy boners and was flicking at it. I hadn't even noticed it until I was dragged by the shirt into the hallway. He made threats about cutting off certain body parts and stuffing them down my throat and wouldn't let me say anything. He yelled at me to get my faggot ass out of his house, and just like that I was homeless."

"Damn, dude. That's harsh" I said.

"Yeah, Cheryl was crying and kept saying she'd talk to him and wanted me to say I'd never do it again. I said `I never did anything to begin with and I'm not going to admit to being a child molester so I can stay with him and be treated like shit everyday'. I packed my clothes and stayed with friends for a while till I could afford my own place" he said.

"Sorry, all that happened. Why was that Gary such an asshat?" I asked.

"That's a whole other story, for later in our relationship, if we end up having one" he said, raising a hopeful eyebrow.

"Come on in, I'll throw on my riding gear and we can get in a few miles before dark" I said. I showed him around the house and pointed out that he was being stalked just before Momo jumped off the counter onto his back.

"You'll never be able to eat your whole kill" I told the cat, "Think smaller."

Jax watched some TV while I was getting ready. I came down and bent over to lace my shoes and he stuck his finger in the crevice made by my bike shorts and said "Boop!" and laughed when I jumped. We went out through the garage and I grabbed the remote and my bike and we took off. Jax led the way; going up toward the Tannehill General and then across the bridge over the freeway out toward Lakeview. We rode through Lakeview and turned onto Woodward Lake Road, then after a couple of turns we ended up back on Eastern Valley Rd. which was a death trap this time of day. We kept having to pull over in the grass to keep from getting run over. It was around 20 miles round trip and a little over two hours when we got back. It was too late to have a real dinner so we settled for protein bars and bottled water.

We sat on the couch with the ceiling fan going and one lamp on. Ever so often the breeze from the fan would blow his scent to me; it was a mixture of nearly dead deodorant mixed with healthy musk. I casually leaned over toward him, hoping to get more than just the random subtle whiff. He caught me sniffing his pit and laughed.

"I knew you were a crotch-watching pit-sniffer!" he taunted through the laughter, then he said "Don't worry, I am too!" He grabbed the back of my head and stuffed my nose into his sweaty pit. Involuntarily, I snorted his personal cologne and before I could think about roadkill, I could feel my dick lengthening down the leg of the tight bike shorts. Jax stuck two fingers under the waistband and stopped and looked at me silently asking permission. I nodded and he peeled the shorts down my legs exposing my rampant cock. He wasn't kidding about being a pit-sniffer like me, except the pit he wanted to sniff was elsewhere. He ran his fingers between my balls and my thigh and then put them under his nose and huffed.

"I'm no scientist, but I'd have to say we're chemically compatible judging from current test results" he said.

I wasn't going to be the only one with my dick out in this situation, so I peeled off his short too. I found a pretty nice cut cock, much like what I imagined Chris's would look like hard. Jax was cut loose too and even hard, he still had a little collar of wrinkled skin behind the ridge. I suspect at some point or another he'd been with an intact guy before because he wasted no time soaking a finger in saliva and burrowing it under my foreskin massaging my head.

Instead of using the finger test on him, I leaned over and pushed my nose in next to his ball sack and took a deep sniff. On the way back up I let my tongue trail between his balls and up the bottom of his cock before making my tongue into a tight point and sticking it into his piss hole. He started maneuvering me around into a 69 position and didn't play around much before swallowing me to the short curlies. I followed suit and swallowed him while pulling down on his balls. He upped his game by swirling his tongue around my cock head and then slipped a wet finger downward to rub circle around my asshole. Still pulling on his balls with one hand, I reached up with the other and pinched the shit out of his nipple while I let my teeth just barely graze his shaft. I could feel his heartbeat though the dick in my mouth. He pulled off for a second and said "I'm getting close". "Me too" I said before I started fast bobbing on his cock. When he shoved two fingers into my ass I unloaded. I have big messy loads and I think I almost drowned the poor guy. I twisted his sack and buried his cock as deep in my throat as I could get it. I could feel the pulses as his load went straight into my stomach. We were both panting more than after our 20-mile ride.

"Whew...second date...much better than first" he said smiling and licking his lips.

"Agreed" I said.

We sat in bliss for a while, then I got up and got us a beer. It was close to 9:00 o'clock when we started getting dressed.

"I better get over to Cheryl's before she locks me out" he said, pulling me in for another kiss.

"Yeah, I need to get to bed, another busy day tomorrow for me" I said.

"I'm not sure, but I think this thing might work out" he said.

"Good night, Jax. I'll see you tomorrow" I said. I didn't like to count my chickens before they hatched; I've been hurt a time or two in the past. I stood on the stoop watching him as he walked the four doors down. He kept turning and waving and blowing kisses every few feet like some teenage kid. I was hesitant to admit it to myself, but I was feeling something.

Lambodara 6/6/21

Comments, feedback, bizarre conspiracy theories, alien contacts, etc. to

A lot of skeletons in these two guys closets.

Next: Chapter 4

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