
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 6, 2023


Kismet Chapter 2

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Two

My first week back home was a blur. Long days on the ward bled into long evenings settling into my new home. Justin came over to try and help out a couple of days, but suddenly got calls about some problem going on at home so he'd have to leave. Mother came down Thursday and we put away all the kitchen stuff and hung some curtains. Friday, Dr. Benton, my immediate supervisor, said I should take off early since we'd made it through our patient load by lunchtime. On the way home I kept getting Growlr notifications, apparently a lot of people checking out my profile. When I got out of the car, I opened the app and checked it out. One was a message from a guy who was just listed as `K', the only message was `Woof' and Private Media Unlocked. I clicked on his profile and got the obligatory dick pic, in his case it was a long thin circumcised one with a comically big head. The next pic was of a pretty well-worn asshole. No face pics. I really wasn't interested, so I just shut the app down.

As I walked in the door, I was instantly attacked by Momo who made figure 8s between my legs as I was trying to walk. I went upstairs to the bedroom and exchanged my work clothes for a tee shirt and a pair of basketball shorts; my usual lounging wear. With my help during the week, I'd managed to make a pretty big dent in my unpacking. I thought about setting up the spare bedroom, but I realized I hadn't been on my bike since last Saturday, so I quickly changed my plans and grabbed my keys and went out through the garage door. I shut the door and stuck the remote in my pocket and took off in the direction of Tannehill Park. I normally would have put on my riding gear, but I didn't plan on going that far anyway. Due to the time of day the traffic was pretty light. At Eastern Valley Road I made a left and rode up to Kimbrell Cutoff and rode up to Old Tuscaloosa Highway making another left back toward home. It was roughly 7- or 8-miles round trip but it felt good to get back outside again. The school bus turned in just as I was riding back up to the house. A woman with purple tipped hair standing with a young brown-haired boy flagged me down.

"Hey, I'm guessing you're Eddie, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's me" I answered.

"When I saw the bike, I put two and two together. I'm Cheryl, Jax's sister" she said, then told the boy "Mason, this is Uncle Mike's friend he was telling us about."

"Oh, cool. Your brother told me you lived here but didn't say where" I said, "I didn't know you had a kid either."

"Yeah, two actually. Chris has football practice at the middle school. I'll have to go pick him up in a half hour" she said.

We started back down the street; I walked my bike to be polite.

"Well, that's mine right there" she said, pointing to a unit only four doors down from mine, "If you need anything feel free to stop by. I better go, I've got to get dinner ready for me and the kids."

"Nice to meet you" I said.

"You too. See you around" she said.

I popped open the garage door and hung my bike back on the wall rack, clicked the remote again to close the door and then put the remote back into my car before going inside. Momo was relentlessly stalking my ankles. He wanted to make sure I remembered its supper time for him. I pulled out a kitty dinner and put it in his bowl, and as usual he sniffed of it and ran into the living room to peek around the door and wait until I left so he could eat. Strange cat. I ignored him and put some rice into the rice cooker; I still had some beans I'd made earlier in the week. I poured a glass of tea and went into the living room until the rice was ready. I turned on the TV and started watching an episode of the Man in the High Castle. About halfway through the show the rice cooker beeped. I paused the show and went to heat some beans in the microwave. I made a bed of rice on a plate and covered it with beans and a little shredded cheese and salsa. I sat at the kitchen table and hit play to restart the show while I ate my meal. I was rinsing my plate when I heard the text message sound and dried my hands to check it.

Jax: Hey, you got your phone on?

Me: Yes, just washing some dishes. Met your sister earlier.

Jax: She told me. I have news. I'll be there earlier than I thought.

Me: When?

Jax: The first of next week. The university called and wanted me to come help with a side project before classes start up.

Me: Cool

Jax: Cheryl said you met her and Mason, so I take it Jacob wasn't home?

Me: No, she said he was at football practice.

Jax: I'll withhold my comments then until you meet him.

Me: What's that supposed to mean?

Jax: So, are you going to cook me a welcome dinner Monday night?

Me: Wow! What a shut-down! Ok, sure. Would you rather have hot dogs or frozen pizza?

Jax: I thought I saw a pretty nice grill packed in that truck?

Me: Oh yeah. So, you'd rather have hamburgers?

Jax: Surprise me.

Me: Grilled escargot it is, then.

Jax: Whatever, I'll be glad to have somebody to talk to again. I did know how much I missed that until spending that few days with you.

Me: Me too. Don't worry, we'll have some kind of reunion celebration. I'll see what I can whip up.

Jax: If you don't want to cook, I'll hit Cheryl up. We could have a family gathering.

Me: Just let me know what you want to do.

Jax: I'll think about it tonight and figure it out. For now, I've got to finish my packing. I'll see you Monday.

Me: See ya!

I finished up my dishes and unpacked another box of food that needed to be in the pantry and another containing my laundry supplies. Around 7pm I sat down with my laptop and went over some case histories for work for about an hour, then turned it off and watched a few episodes of Rick and Morty. A little after nine I found myself nodding off in the recliner so I got up and got ready for bed. I noticed that at some point the cat food bowl had been mysteriously emptied. When I started up the stairs a flash of fur came out of nowhere and tried to trip me. I grabbed Momo up and went to the top, brushed my teeth and hit the bed.

I was pretty sound asleep when I heard somebody knocking on my door. I looked at the clock, it was 8:30 already. The room was fully lit. I got out of bed stretching and yawning and tried to pull my shorts over my incredibly hard dick, hoping it would go down on the way down the stairs. I opened the door a crack and saw the younger spitting image of Jax standing on my stoop. Well, facially anyway; this younger Jax was semi-ripped, very tight for a kid that young.

"Uh, hey" I said.

"Hey, Mr. Murphy, my mom said she didn't think you have a lawnmower. You want me to cut your yard for you?" the kid asked.

"How much? And don't call me Mr. Murphy, it's Eddie. I'm assuming you must be Chris?" I said.

"Yes sir" he said, "$10 bucks okay?"

"Front and back?" I asked.

"Yeah, its not that much yard" he said.

"Then sure, go for it!" I said, watching him as he bent to crank the lawnmower. I felt like a pervert, but the boy had some nice melons and the way those shorts were following the contour of his indention... I broke away and closed the door; my cock was making a wet spot on my shorts. Man, I needed to get laid.

I went in the kitchen and poured a bowl of cereal and turned my phone. No new messages. I finished up and rinsed out my bowl and left it in the sink to wash later. I ran upstairs and got in the shower while Chris was still cutting the grass. I pissed but my dick would just not go down, so I decided to milk it in the shower. I pulled the foreskin back and got the head wet and started stroking. I hadn't cum in a week so it didn't take much stroking until I blasted a huge load on the shower wall. I finished washing and rinsed the cum down the drain, stepped out, dried off and pulled on my cargos and a tee shirt and stepped out on the balcony to watch Chris finish up. I was just getting a cup of coffee when Chris knocked again.

"Come on in!" I shouted; I'd left the door unlocked earlier.

"I'm all done" he said.

I reached back for my wallet and realized I'd left it in the car. I walked by Chris to go into the garage and his smell hit me. Damn, there's just something to be said about the smell of a hot teen boy.

"I'll be right back" I said. I opened the car and retrieved my wallet and pulled out a ten. That only left two singles in it, so I pulled them out too.

"Here's ten, plus a tip for you" I said, handing him the bills.

"Thanks, Mr... I mean Eddie" he said with a smile that would melt the Grinch's heart. "I usually have to cut ours about every two weeks, if you want me to get yours let me know."

"Okay, Chris. By the way, your mom said you play football for the middle school. What grade are you in?" I asked, being nosey.

"Eighth, I'll be in high school next year" he said.

"So, you're like 12?" I asked, a little surprised.

"No, 13. My birthday is in November, so I got pushed back a year" he said. I watched as he raised his arm to scratch his head. He had on a tank style shirt and I could clearly see (and smell) the small patch of hair under his arm. Puberty was hitting him like a ton of bricks.

"Maybe I can come with Jax to one of your games" I said.

"Jax? Oh, you mean Uncle Mike. Yeah, that would be great. Are you" he asked awkwardly.

"Yeah, we're friends" I said, making sure to leave off the loaded intonation he'd used "we just met a couple of days before I moved here, but, who knows, we may end up being friends" I said. "By the way, is your mom home? I need to discuss something with her."

"She's there for about..." looking at his phone "another 10 minutes."

"I'll walk back with you, then" I said. We walked up the street, him pushing the lawnmower.

"Mom! Eddie wants to talk to you" he shouted into the house.

"That's Mr. Murphy to you" she said walking out to the car.

"It's okay, Cheryl, I told him to call me Eddie, I hate the Mr. Murphy thing. It makes me feel like I'm ancient" I said.

"Okay. What's up?" she said "I only have a minute before I have to leave for work."

"I talked to Jax/Mike last night, he said his plans changed and he will be here Monday" I said.

"Damn! We don't have the room ready yet" she said, "I have a set of bunk beds I need to put together for the boys, Chris'll be moving in with Mason, and Mike will be getting that room."

"Do you already have the furniture up there?" I asked.

"Yes, but I have to work all weekend" she replied.

"Tell you what...If Chris will give me a hand, we'll get everything ready" I said, "that is, if you don't mind me being in your house?"

"That would actually be great. You don't have practice today, do you Chris?" she asked.

"No, mom. I can help" he said.

"Okay. Eddie don't look at my house too hard. Remember I have two boys living in there" she said.

"No problem, I'm not exactly the world's best housekeeper myself" I said with a smile.

"See you guys this afternoon" she said as she got in the car and took off.

"Okay, let's see what kind of tools we'll need" I said to Chris. I followed him up the stairs and into the room. According to the instructions we'd need a Phillips head and a half inch ratchet wrench.

"Do y'all have any tools?" I asked.

"Not really" he said.

"I'll be back." I walked down to my place and grabbed my toolbox and went back.

We started putting the pieces together. It was one of those bunk-bed sets where the beds were at right angles to each other and there was a small desk tucked in next to the bottom bunk. It took us about an hour to make sure everything was tight and secure. Then came the fun of carrying the mattresses from the garage up the stairs in to the bedroom. By the time we got through, Chris's funk was driving me insane and mine was pretty close to matching his even though I'd had a shower this morning.

"Hey Mase, where's the sheets momma bought?" Chris yelled down the stairs.

"Hold on, I'll bring them up" Mason shouted back.

Chris stuck his nose into his underarm and went "Whew, I need a shower."

Mason said he'd help me put the sheets on the beds, and I was utterly floored when Chris stood in the open bathroom and dropped his sweaty clothes in the floor. Apparently, from playing sports, he had no modesty issues at all. The way he was turned all I could see was his naked ass, but it was glorious and hard to believe for a 13-year-old. We made up the beds and Mason ran back down to get back on his game. While the shower was running, I took the opportunity to be nosey and walked into the room that was currently Chris's but soon to be Jax's. There were a lot of white socks on the floor and a couple of discolored jocks. I picked one up and held it to my nose and relished the funky odor. I wasn't about to get caught, so I dropped it carefully back where I found it. I reached between the mattress and box springs and encountered exactly what I suspected to find. A crusty item that looked like it probably started life as a hand towel before it had been turned into a cum rag; a well-used cum rag. I heard the water stop so I quickly stuffed it back into its poor hiding place and walked back to the other bedroom and sat down on the lower bunk. When Chris stepped out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and started drying off, he was facing my direction but had the towel over his head drying his hair. This gave me an opportunity to see his chubby three-inch soft penis drooped over his tight little balls. He was cut, but pretty loosely, skin still partially covered his head. He had a little crotch-mustache of dark hair above the top of his junk. I picked up the bed instructions and acted like I was reading something. He walked naked into the other bedroom and opened a couple of drawers and a few minutes later came back dressed in shorts and a tee shirt. While he was getting dressed, I thought about the dead raccoon I'd seen in the road yesterday, trying to get my partially chubbed cock to go back to normal.

"We still need to clean my old room up. Do you know how to wash clothes?" he asked.

"Yeah, gather everything up and strip the bed too, we'll go ahead and wash the sheets. You'll get major brownie points with mom" I said. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he grabbed the cum rag and tried to hide it down in the middle of the clothes. We carried about two loads of laundry down to the laundry room and I started separating it. Chris went in the living room and told Mason to turn the game off and go upstairs and run the vacuum cleaner in both bedrooms.

"Ohh man!" Mason whined.

"While mom's out, I'm in charge. Get your butt in gear" Chris said.

Mason skulked up the stairs to do his chore. Chris turned around right as I was pulling his cum rag from the pile. I looked at him and threw it into the colored pile without a word; his face was red as fire.

"Don't worry, our secret" I said casually, "every boy your age has one of those, and they're all for the same purpose. Don't worry about it." He didn't answer but I could see him kind of relax a little, since he could tell I wasn't going to tease him or tell on him. We put the colors in the washer and started it and then went back upstairs. Mason had pulled fresh sheets from the hall closet, so we made the queen bed up with fresh linens. I went into the bathroom and picked up the shorts and undershirt Chris had pulled off; couldn't help but notice there were no underwear anywhere. I grabbed the soiled ankle socks and mentioned to Chris that they really needed to clean the toilet and around it, it smelled like pee. He nodded and called Mason and they set to cleaning. I took Chris's clothes down and put them on the remaining pile after examining the crusty spot in the front of his shorts.

The washer finished so I took the clean clothes and put them in the dryer. I checked the lint trap and cleaned it out then started the dryer. Then I loaded the second load into the washer and started it up. While waiting for it to wash I walked around the bottom floor and picked up paper plates and dishes that had been left on side tables and in the floor and took it all to the kitchen. I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and started it up and packed all the trash into the can, then removed the lid, tied the sack off and pulled it out. Chris walked up and grabbed it and took it to the big trash can outside.

"Eddie, you're really cool" he said.

"Thanks" I answered, "I think you're pretty all right yourself."

"I didn't know that,,.guys,,.you guys could do all the stuff you can with the tools and all that" he said.

"Well, you learn something every day" I said.

"Dad never liked Uncle Mike. They got in an argument when I was little and daddy told Uncle Mike to get his faggot ass out" Chris said.

"What happened to your dad?" I asked, downplaying the statement.

"He died when I was eight, mine collapse" he said.

"Do you miss him?" I asked.

"I don't really remember him that much, I do miss having a dad. All my friends have dads. I never go to the father and son stuff" he said.

"Maybe you should ask Uncle Mike to go with you. I know he's not your dad but an uncle is kind of close" I said.

He looked thoughtful for a minute. "Yeah, maybe I will."

"By the way, Chris" I said, "gay guys are able to anything a straight guy can do; we just don't like girls." I laughed and then he laughed.

The dryer buzzer went off and I helped/showed him how to fold the laundry. When the washer stopped, we loaded the second load into the dryer.

"I've got to get over to my place to get some stuff done. If you need me just call me" I said.

"I don't have your number" he said.

"Let me see your phone" I said, and punched my number in and saved it to his contacts. "Now, if you need me just call me."

"Hey" he said as I was leaving, "If you need me to help you with anything, just text me and I'll come over."

"Deal" I said, "but you'll have to text me first so I can store your number."

"Okay. Thanks for all your help, Eddie."


Chris: Store my number!

Me: Got it.

I walked in and started unpacking boxes again.

Lambodara 6/3/21

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The story is about to get way more interesting now. Don't give up.

Next: Chapter 3

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