
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 22, 2023


Kismet Chapter 13

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Thirteen

Monday morning, I saw a real estate agent go to the empty house on the corner by Cheryl and put a `SOLD' header on top of the `For Sale' sign as I was leaving for work. At work, I had a new admittee; Elvis Presley. At least he claimed to be Elvis; his paperwork read differently. I heard old Elvis classics coming from his room every time I walked by. On the way home there was a wreck on the interstate so I sat barely moving for a good, solid half hour. Then, when I got home to try to relax, I walked in to find my living room turned into a dojo. Jax and CJ had their backs to me when I walked in. When they turned around, I saw the mess that was CJ's face.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked.

"Tommy Butler" he said.

"Why?" This past weekend they'd been all buddy-buddy.

"He said you insulted his dad, and when he got home his dad busted his ass for hanging around queers. He decided that I should pay for that, so him and some other guy jumped me in the bathroom. The big guy held my arms and Tommy beat the crap out of me" CJ said.

"And that's why I'm going to teach him how to defend himself" Jax added.

"So, you two are okay again?" I asked.

Jax avoided answering the actual question, instead saying "I'm not going to let my son be anybody's punching bag." I left it alone and went into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich. Cheryl and Mason came in the front door and Mason came in the kitchen with me while Cheryl stopped to watch the proceedings in the living room.

"What are you trying to do?" she asked Jax.

"I'm going to teach CJ some Tae Kwon Do" he said.

"Well, if you're going to do that, why don't you start by doing it right? You're always sloppy. Let me show you" she said to CJ.

Due to the noise level of the martial arts lesson going on, Mason suggested we go to his house to eat in peace. I grabbed the sandwiches I'd made for us and we went down the street. There was a car in the driveway of the sold house and we could see what looked like somebody walking through with a flashlight. We went inside but left the door open so we could look out the storm door and be nosey. A few minutes later, a couple and two kids came out. It was hard to tell anything about them in the dark. They got into the sedan and drove away.

We watched TV for about an hour. Mason sat pressed up next to me on the sofa; he was really a cuddler. Cheryl and CJ came in a little while later. She said "you can have your house back".

"How did the lesson go?" I asked.

"Pretty good for a start, it'll take time" she said.

"The new neighbors have kids, mom" Mason said "We saw them looking at the house a while ago."

"Did y'all go introduce yourselves?" she asked.

"No, we just saw them looking around, then they left" he told her.

"You two are hopeless. How are you ever going to get the gossip if you're not nosey" she said shaking her head.

"We'll try harder next time" I said "I'll see y'all later. I have to work tomorrow."

I walked back over and helped Jax replace the furniture to approximately where it was.

"I had a long talk with CJ just now" he told me.

"And?" I asked.

"I did what you suggested and `shared my feelings' with him" he said "I just want you to know, your phrases like that make me feel super, extra-rainbow, mega-gay."

"Sharing your feelings and emotions isn't limited to gay people, Jax" I scolded.

"Anyway...after his run-in with that asshole today, I think he understands those kinds of people are not his friends" he said.

"So, he's back in your good graces?" I asked.

"Well..." he was still going to hold onto it, I could tell. "Never mind" I said.

The rest of the week was hectic at work. I was home late every day and I had Elvis songs stuck in my head. Trying to go to sleep I'd hear "I'm caught in a trap, I can't walk out, because you love me too much baby". Wednesday night I decided to take a hot shower to see if it would relax me so I could get to sleep easier.

I got the water running and threw my towel on the vanity and got in. I washed my face and was standing under shower when Jax opened the door and joined me. He rinsed off a little then went into a crouch and sucked my dick into his mouth. He'd become an expert on slipping his tongue between my head and foreskin. The little swirl he did would almost make me lose my breath. He planted my dick deep in his throat and pulled my scrotum down away from my body making me jerk a little. He spit my dick out and stood back up and faced the wall. I knew what he wanted; I squatted down and pulled his cheeks apart and buried my tongue in his hot hole. I slurped on his ass until I had his hole winking at me, then I grabbed a squirt of liquid soap and put just a little on the end of my cock before breaching him. I would say he was really wanting to be fucked because as soon as I was in, he pushed back on me until we were belly to back and I couldn't get in any farther. I only allowed him a few seconds to adjust before I started an all-out assault on his ass. I shoved my dick into him so hard I lifted him up on his toes a couple of times. It had been several days since we'd done anything due the all the shit going on and the emotion roller coaster he had been on, so after about ten minutes of deep heavy pounding I felt him tense up and saw the load of cum splashing the wall in front of him. I sped up my thrusts and had no mercy as I fucked his ass. I pounded him another five minutes and when I started to cum, I pressed him tight against the wall into the sticky mess he'd just deposited there as I filled his ass with my juices until they were running back out and down the sides of my shaft.

"God damn, I needed that!" he said.

"That was awesome" I panted "I love you."

"I love you more, baby" he cooed.

"I think you actually mean it now" I said.

"Always have. You're the one with the insecurity issues" he chuckled.

We rinsed off in the now cool water, then dried each other off and got in bed. I was out like a light.

When I got home after my short work day Friday, I passed a moving truck on its way out. Our new neighbors were struggling with a garage full of boxes left off by the movers. I walked over to introduce myself since I'd been berated by Cheryl for not being nosey enough. The new neighbors were Germans, the father Peter (he pronounced it Pay-ter) works for Mercedes, the mother Heidi said she is a stay-at-home mom for now anyway, then there were the two children Clarissa (13) and Oskar (11). I offered to help them take things inside; but Peter declined, saying they were going through everything as they took it up but thanked me for the kind offer. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mason's bus pulling up and soon enough he came running over to where I was. I intercepted him and told him not to bother the new folks right now, let them get unpacked. He looked a little disappointed but walked back to my house with me; he sat down and turned on the TV. I asked him if he had any homework. At first, he said no, I locked eyes with him, and he changed it to `a little', but he could get it done later. I turned the TV back off and told him, "If it's just a little, then it shouldn't take you too long to knock it out" as I ushered him to the kitchen table while I finished dinner.

Cheryl said she'd be working late today, so when CJ's bus stopped, he just came on over. It was about 4 o'clock, the lasagna I was making had the whole house smelling like an Italian restaurant. I'd wait until about 15 minutes before the lasagna was done to put the garlic bread in the toaster oven. I'd stopped on the way home and picked up a bottle of Gabbiano Chianti, for me and Jax, to go with it. CJ had been on his best behavior lately. He saw Mason sitting at the table doing his homework, and without even being prompted his pulled his out and started on it. I sat with them to answer any questions that I could help with.

At 4:45 my timer went off; I got up and put the bread, heavily coated with butter and garlic powder, into the toaster oven. Jax walked in and said "Oh my God! Now you're trying to starve me to death!"

CJ said "You shoulda been sitting in the room with it for an hour."

The oven timer went off so I pulled the lasagna out of the oven to cool down, then took the garlic bread out of the toaster oven. I opened the Chianti and poured us a glass.

"What do you guys want to drink?" I asked.

"Mountain Dew" Mason said, as usual.

"Are there still any Dr. Peppers?" CJ asked. I rummaged around and found one left so I put that on my grocery list.

The cool down time was complete so I pulled the aluminum foil off of the pan and started serving it up. I made my plate last and went over to sit down and eat. As a precaution, I made Cheryl a plate and covered it, just in everybody went back for more. After dinner, we were sitting in the living room and saw a boy go around the circle on a bicycle; Mason had to go investigate. After a while, he came back in with the boy in tow.

"This is Oskar, his family just moved in next to us" Mason said "Oskar, this is my Uncle Eddie, my Uncle Mike and that's my brother CJ."

We all said hello and he said good to meet you all, and then quick as they came in the two went back out. Mason must have gone home and gotten his bike because we saw them riding in circles together talking. We watched them ride for a while, then CJ saw the blonde girl standing outside talking to the two boys and he was gone.

"I'm betting that's Clarissa" I said, "the daughter."

"That's a bad thing to have in such close proximity" he said between sips of chianti. She did seem to be pretty well developed for her age.

As the street lights started coming on, the Hoffmann's called their two inside so CJ and Mason followed suit and came back in. The temperature was dropping fast as darkness set in.

"I think Oskar likes boys" Mason said "and he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen and his hair is almost white it's so blonde."

"Clarissa's too" CJ said "and her accent it so...mmm."

"Y'all don't do anything stupid, we still have to live by them" I said.

"Yeah, CJ, keep your zipper up" Jax added.

Around 7pm, I saw Cheryl's car pulling up, she tooted her horn and the guys gathered their backpacks and started out. I stopped Mason and handed him the plate I'd made for Cheryl and corked the Chianti and sent the last glass-worth to her too. She texted back after about 15 minutes and said "Thanks sooo much! It's delicious!" The second text said "and boy, I needed that wine!"

Around 11:30 Jax and I were about to go to bed when we heard the key in the front door, and CJ came in.

"Do you guys mind if I crash over here? Mason's already asleep but Jeremy's over and the sound of them doing it is grossing me out" he said.

"Did you leave her a note or anything, so she's not worrying and freaking out?" I asked him.

"I put it right on the coffee maker, she can't miss it" he said.

"Then lock up and come on, you know where your room is" I said.

Upstairs in the bedroom, after I'd finished with my nightly routine, I got into bed and turned out the lamp. Almost immediately Jax turned his on.

"I don't think CJ should keep a key to our house" he said.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Now that the German girl is close by, what if they decide to use this place as a hideout for sex?" he said.

"Damn! That five-minute conversation sure escalated quickly!" I said.

"Make fun if you want to, but he's got my genes. I really don't want to see him repeat history" he said.

"Maybe you should buy some condoms, tell him about your past one more time" I said.

"Give him condoms? That would give him the idea that I approved" he said "I don't think you're taking me seriously."

"I'm sorry. It's just that at their age, if they were to decide to do anything, the place would not be important. Nobody can be around to watch them every second of the day, everywhere they go" I said. "I remember sucking Scott Wilson's dick behind a carny booth on the midway at the state fair one time. I have no idea if anybody was watching or not, but I knew I wanted that dick."

"I may not live through Christopher Jacob's teenage years" Jax sighed, "even if I do, I'll end up with a head of gray hair."

"You've taught him a lot. Let him show you he learned it" I said.

"By the way, Cheryl signed him up to a dojo. With her hours she can't keep up the practice every day and all she does is bitch about my execution. She don't want me teaching him `lazy, sloppy technique' she said" he told me.

"I wonder how long that'll last now that the Aryans are next door" I said with a chuckle.

"See, that's what I'm talking about" Jax said.

"I'm going to recommend a therapy for your condition. You need regular orgasms, at least one per day" I said.

"Is that the oral or suppository form, doctor?" he asked.

"That all depends on you" I answered, sucking in my breath as his middle finger circled my hole.

I turned my head toward him and we began to tongue wrestle; his finger was wrestling its way deeper into my ass. I turned toward him and he readjusted to continue finger fucking me. I started down his body, nibbling on his earlobe, then licked down his neck through his forest of chest hair down to the pink nipple sticking out. I lingered on the nipple for a while and he lifted his arm to ease my access. His morning deodorant was long gone and the pheromone filled musk from his pit was driving me completely insane. I dropped down and engulfed his dick but he wasn't having any of it. He reached into the nightstand drawer and grabbed the lube then flipped me over and dribbled the lube in my crack. In another minute he had me on my back and his cock was halfway inside me. The headboard started banging into the wall. From across the hall, I heard "Oh God! Seriously!?" We both broke into laughter and our fuck was delayed. I shrugged and Jax wiped the lube off himself and pushed me downward so I could finish the blowjob I started earlier. I sucked him close to orgasm three times before I finally let him cum. I spit it on his stomach and he looked at me quizzically as I moved around and sat on his legs, then leaned over to get a whiff of his musty pit again, then I started jacking off. I was so close to the edge, I bent down and sniffed the pit one more time then blasted my load onto his hairy stomach, mixing our loads together. I crawled back down and sucked both loads into my mouth and then moved back up to share the goodies with him. We swapped it back and forth until it was gone.

After all that, we needed the shower. We jumped in and cleaned off and quickly got back in bed. My therapy worked wonders, Jax was sound asleep and not worried about things that might or might not happen. I threw my arm across his fur and joined him.

As per my modus operandi, I was up at 5:15. I just pulled on my shorts and went to the kitchen and made my coffee. As had gotten to be his habit, Momo appeared and started climbing me and my shorts went falling around my ankles. I shooed the cat away and straight into CJ who was standing in the doorway looking at my naked crotch. It didn't even phase him. I pulled the shorts up and asked, "What's wrong, couldn't sleep?"

"I need to use the washing machine" he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I had an...uh... accident" he said.

"What kind of accident?" I probed.

"Well, I woke up in a puddle of sticky" he said.

"Oh, a wet dream. I can't even remember when I had the last one of those" I said.

"It's so embarrassing" he said.

"Don't worry about it, it's not the first time those sheets have had sperm on them" I said.

"Gross. Let me go strip the bed before I barf" he said and went up to get the linens.

"Hand the fitted sheet to me so I can pre-rinse it before we put it in the washer" I told him. I was really just being nosey. There was a lot of cum for a kid. The slime circle was about six inches oblong. I rinsed at it for a second then walked toward the laundry room.

"I can't believe you're just handling something with my jizz all over it like it's nothing" he said.

"You should have seen what I did with some of the jizz that you're made from last night" I said, eliciting another "Gross!"

I just laughed, added the detergent and took my coffee to the living room. CJ made a cup and doctored it and joined me. We sat in the dark and chatted about nothing in general. Just enjoying each other's company; it felt like old times again.

Lambodara 6/20/21

The drama is not over folks, don't get too comfortable. Coming up: Thanksgiving at Justin and Andrea's.

Next: Chapter 14

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