
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 19, 2023


Kismet Chapter 11

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Eleven

My body had already started resetting to real world time again; I was awake at 5:00. I tried to stay in bed at first, but a list of all the things we had to do before we left kept playing through my mind so I finally gave up around 5:20. I got up and pulled on my lounging shorts and padded into the kitchen to start some coffee. The cheap coffeemaker sputtered as it finished its duty. I found a cup and poured some and turned around to see Mason standing quietly beside me in his underwear. I ruffled his hair; he smiled and sleepily hugged me. I reached into the fridge and got him one of the Yoohoos and we very quietly took our drinks out onto the balcony. The morning air was a little cool from the rain last night; after a short while Mason got up and came over to sit on my lap. He laid back with his bare back against my bare chest and we both warmed up.

Sunrise is one of my favorite times of day. We sat and watched as the fine line of light on the horizon spread wider and taller, and the black sky began to turn dark blue, then lighter blue until the top edge of the sun peeked over the ocean. I thought Mason had fallen asleep, but when I leaned to the side so I could look at him I could see his eyes were wide open taking in the beauty. I thought to myself that this kid is enough like me he should really be my son. I had about a half a cup of coffee left when Cheryl came out to sit in the lounger next to us.

"Its beautiful isn't it" she said in a hushed voice. I nodded.

"Me and mom watch sunrises a lot of days at home" Mason said.

"I've always been an early bird" she said. "I saw you and Mason come out earlier, hope you don't mind me joining you."

"Not at all" I said.

"I meant I didn't mean to elbow in on the moment you two had going" she said.

"Don't worry about that, you're his mother. I'm just some dude your brother fell in love with" I told her.

"If you had been straight, I would be trying to get you. You're great with my kids. Mike has good taste in companions" she said.

Mason jumped up and went to the rail, motioning for us to come over. Way out in the distance we could see some dolphins playing. We watched until the disappeared again. Mason was holding the front of his underwear and fidgeting, I said "Go on and go pee. We'll let you know if anything happens." He nodded and made a run for the bathroom. Cheryl looked into her cup and said "More coffee?" We went inside for a refill.

With all the activity going on around him CJ finally stretched and yawned and joined us in the kitchen. He put his arm around Cheryl and hugged her; they were about the same height now. I swear it looked like he'd grown two inches in height since we'd been at the beach. Cheryl gave him a once-over and whispered "I think you're getting a little old to hang out in your underwear." He blushed a little and went back to pick up his shorts he'd dropped beside the sofa bed and slide into them. "Better" she said.

"Can I have some coffee?" he asked.

"There's no creamer or anything" Cheryl said, pouring him about a half a cup.

"I can use some of this" he said, pouring some of Mason's Yoohoo into his coffee. We all went back out on the balcony and Mason rejoined us in a minute. He said his number one trip had turned into a number two trip. CJ said "thanks for keeping us up to date." The door slid open behind us as Jeremy made his way out with a steaming mug. That left Jax as the only one still in bed as usual. It was getting close to 7am, we started getting everything ready so we could get back home before too late in the day. Cheryl and I both wanted time to get clothes washed and other mundane tasks before having to jump back into reality tomorrow. She let CJ finish his coffee concoction and told Mason to hurry up with his Yoohoo so they could go strip the bedding off the pull-out and close it back down. She and Jeremy went to do the same in their room. I went in to try to wake sleeping beauty.

I slowly pushed the door open and saw my man sprawled across the bed laying about halfway on his back with a hard cock standing like a flag pole out from his crotch. I slipped in and locked the door just in case. I went over and crawled on the bed and took the entire length of him into my throat and squeezed on it a little. "Mmmmmm" came a noise from the log as I felt a hand make its way up the leg of my shorts.

"I hate to break this up, but we're getting everything ready to pack so we can get back home" I said.

"I hate having to leave" he said, "can't we just run away and live here forever?"

"Unfortunately, no. We have to get back to the matrix" I said. My play thing was wilting fast as Jax thought about going back to ho hum. He got up and went to the bathroom. "We still have to have a shower" he said. I shrugged and dropped my shorts and joined him. My half hard-on went full blown pretty quick when he began soaping me up. As he washed my neck and shoulders his meat was propped up on the small of my back at the top of my ass crack. With a little wiggling I got it to drop into the crack and from there, Jax figured out my goal and took over. He smeared a little soap in my crack and got himself positioned and I bent my knees a little and pushed myself onto him. I had both hands on the wall to brace myself as he began his assault. I said "they'll be waiting for us." He took that for a sign to start rapidly pounding me. I reached down to take care of myself but he slapped my hand away as he grabbed my cock and started fisting it somewhat in time to his strokes. "Let's try to cum together" he whispered into my ear. I nodded and tightened up around his dick. He sped up and tightened his grip on my cock. "I'm really getting close" I said. He went into a frenzied pace slamming into me until seconds apart we reached climax. He almost lifted me off the floor when he shoved his entire length up into my ass, and I coated the wall in front of me. We stood like that for a minute, catching our breath, then we rinsed off and I washed down the wall. As we were getting dried off, he said "Edward Murphy, I love you so much it hurts." I said "the feeling is mutual, Michael Jackson."

We got dressed and stripped our bed and took all the sheets and towels to the laundry room to add to the pile already started. Cheryl had loaded the dishwasher and started it as per the instructions. CJ and Mason had been sent in to get a shower. We gathered all our luggage into the living room and I went down to procure us a luggage cart. Everything went into the van, we turned in the keys and were ready to go. This time I was driving first shift, with Jax beside me, the boys in the two back captain's chairs and Cheryl and Jeremy took the back bench. Near Montgomery we caught up to the rain that came through last night. The trip home was much more solemn than the trip down there. The whole thing felt like an ending; I hate endings. We stopped and gassed up and changed drivers. Jeremy fought the rain and wet roads the rest of the way home.

Justin's truck was in the driveway when we pulled up; he's gotten off early and stopped by to check up on Momo on the way home. It was almost 2:30 and still raining. We got out and pulled our stuff out of the pile and the rest of the crew went on down the street to Cheryl's. We were soaked by the time we lugged everything inside. Justin was worried; Momo was acting funny, when he tried to feed him, the cat just ran and hid. I assured him that was normal for crazy cat, nothing to worry about. Justin's phone rang and it sounded like it was Andrea. "Just feeding the cat and talking to Eddie and Jax, they just got back in" he said, then "Oh, really. Okay, honey, I'll be there in a minute." He looked at me and shrugged as if to say `what can I do?' and ran out into the rain.

"Kind of strange that every time he's over here there's a problem at home, isn't it?" Jax said.

"Yeah, it is" I said. I had too much to do to worry about his bitch of a wife right now; I untied the garbage bag and started piling all the dirty clothes into the washer. Afterwards I remembered the money Cheryl and Jeremy had sent me. I sat down at the kitchen table and transferred the money from my CashApp to my Discover card account. I heard the front storm door open and stomping and panting.

"Mom and Jeremy went to turn in the van; we decided to stay with y'all till they get back" CJ said. I just nodded. CJ took off into the house looking for Jax. Mason came and sat with me and asked "What's wrong? You look sad."

"Oh, sorry, it's nothing" I said, "Our trip is over and it's raining, all that. I just have the blues I guess."

"What I do when the trip is over is start thinking about all the other places I want to go" the nearly 11-year-old told me. "To me, it's better to think about starting something new than thinking about something ending." Then he came over and hugged me. This kid has the wisdom of an old man I thought to myself as I hugged him back.

"Where are some places you'd like to go?" I asked.

" took us to the mountains one time. I'd like to go back there" he said thinking. "I'd like to go to Mexico too, the food is good and everything is pretty with lots of colors. What about you, new dad, where are some places you'd like to go?" he asked. I thought about it and said "Bavaria at Christmas time, Venice, Alaska..."

"Ooooh, yeah, I forgot about Alaska. Me too!" he said. My mind started spinning trying to figure out what we could do to afford a cruise up the inside passage, the one I'd read about with the connecting train going to Denali. Before I knew it my mood was lifting. I looked a Mason, he just smiled.

"You're good, little man, very good" I said, "By the way, in case you didn't know it, I love you."

"I love you too, new daddy" he said.

Jax and CJ came in and saw us sitting close together talking, Jax said "What are you guys plotting now?"

"How to take over the world" I told him. "So far we've decided to use Momo as our secret weapon."

"I can see how that would work" Jax said "People will go insane when they try to feed him and he runs and hides, that and the scratches."

"No, seriously, we were discussing places we'd like to go" I said.

"Some tropical island, Europe, Yosemite, Alaska" Jax said. Me and Mason both laughed.

"That's three votes" Mason said "How about you CJ?"

"Well, it wouldn't take that long to get to that place dad took us that time in the mountains" he said.

"Where else?" I asked.

"A lot of places that y'all already said. I think Alaska would be cool. I saw a YouTube video where these people took a boat from Seattle to Alaska then got on a train up to Fairbanks. That's something that would be awesome, but I bet it would be expensive" he said.

"Unanimous votes for Alaska" I said. "Now, we just have to figure out how to finance the trip. That'll be the hard part."

Our dreaming was interrupted when Jax got a text. He said it was Cheryl, she said to send the boys home, there were post-trip chores to be done. "Aww man!" Mason whined. I assured him we'd talk about it more later on. The two ran out in the never-ending rain and ran home. The buzzer went off on the washer, so I got up and put the laundry into the dryer. Jax had moved into the living room and put some mindless show on the TV. I walked over and sat beside him and said "Can we just cuddle for a while?" I sat down and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I lay my head next to his and the fragrance of Jax hit me; faded, almost gone deodorant mixed with his pheromone charged musk. It felt like a safe place. I kissed his neck and drifted off into a nap.

I woke up on the couch alone, I looked around and saw Jax in the kitchen folding the clothes. I guessed the dryer buzzer must have gone off. I walked in the kitchen to help but he was almost done. He held up a pair of underwear next to my body, then his finding no match.

"Those are CJ's I think" I said.

"Then I'll put them over here with Mason's bathing suit that was in here too" he said. I was sure they'd be back over sooner rather than later.

Mason's birthday is today, September 30. We all went in together to take him and a handful of friends to Surge in on Lakeshore Parkway for his birthday. Wrangling ten 11- and 12-year-olds was quite the feat. Jeremy and Jax both conveniently had to work, so that left me, Cheryl and CJ part-time (when he wasn't jumping on the trampolines) to chaperone. I noticed that although Mason engaged with all the boys, he engaged with one more than the others. The dark-haired boy whose name was Oliver, said he was six months older than Mason. He already had one of those pubescent boy hairy lips. When he bounced close by in the gym shorts he had on, it appeared to a trained crotch-watcher such as myself that he did not have on anything under them. CJ jumped down and came and sat by me and Mason and Oliver came over and sat on the edge of the trampolines. CJ elbowed me and pointed. Oliver and Mason had twisted the top halves of the bodies around talking to the other kids and the way Oliver was sitting we had a clear view of his sack and the head of his intact penis. Hoping nobody else spotted it, I kicked the boy's foot and he closed his legs and after a minute they got back up to jump some more. We had booked four hours, and time was running out. CJ jumped up and onto the trampolines and started gathering our group up.

It took us about an hour to deliver all the boys to their homes; only Oliver was left. Mason asked if Oliver could spend the night if his mom said it was okay. He reminded Cheryl that he had a spare bed. She said okay, so at Oliver's house we waited while he went in and asked. His mom came back out with him and introduced herself and asked Cheryl if she was really okay with letting him stay over. Cheryl told her it was no problem. Jan, Oliver's mother, told him to go in and get a change of clothes and said she'd come over and pick him up around lunchtime tomorrow. When Oliver came back, he had a pair of shorts like the ones he had on except a different color and another tee-shirt; underwear and socks were nowhere to be seen.

Back home Cheryl and the kids went in and I walked down to my house. Jax had gotten home and the door was open so I went in and plopped down in my recliner. I leaned the chair back and Momo jumped up on the back of it and started giving me a scalp massage with his front paws.

"How'd it go?" Jax asked.

"Tiring" I said.

"Justin came by while you were gone" he said.

"Oh yeah, she let him out of his cage?" I said with heavy sarcasm.

"Yeah, and you're gonna love this..." he teased, "He was telling me about Andrea's younger brother."

"Is that Brad?" I said to myself.

"Yeah, that's what he said, Bradley. Well, little brother Bradley just came out to his parents. Andrea doesn't know what to do" he said, then added "Karma's a bitch."

"It's funny because of their attitudes, I know, but Bradley is only like 17, maybe 18 and her parents are the type who might throw the kid out on the street" I said, dialing Justin's number. I asked him how they were handling the situation. Justin said Andrea's dad gave Bradley time to pack a suitcase and told him he better find somewhere to go. Andrea's older brother and sister were not willing to have a queer in their house, so Andrea was his last hope. As deeply as Andrea's distaste for `the gay' went, her love for her baby brother was at least a little stronger. She thought she could make him see that he'd been led astray by somebody and get him back on the right track. I found myself shaking my head as I talked to Justin, thinking of how hard she worked to avoid me and keep Justin away from me. I finally said if you need any help with the situation let me know, and hung up. It would be interesting to see if her attitude would change now that it affected someone close to her.

After our short trip my internship went full steam. I was lucky to get enough time off to do laundry. By the end of October, I had logged over 300 hours according to Dr. Benton, who was insisting that I take some days off to recharge as he put it. That's how I ended up off work the first week in November. The problem was, I hadn't been idle in so long it felt alien to me. I jumped out of bed at 5am the first morning only to have Jax pull me back down and remind me that I was off just before he fucked the stress out of me.

I was completely out of the loop on all the personal business that had gone on in my absence. Over morning coffee Jax filled me in on the events of Oliver's sleepover with Mason. It seems after Oliver's mom picked him up, Mason had CJ come in his room to `show him something' and proceeded to show CJ how to masturbate (something CJ was already well aware of). He told CJ that Oliver showed him how to get those tingles like he had in the pool on vacation. CJ went on to tell Jax, who had a talk with Mason encouraging him to keep the information to himself. I still felt like Mason was at least partially my responsibility so I said "Thank you for that." He nodded.

I asked if there were any plans for CJ's birthday which was coming up on the 6th. He said that CJ and his friends wanted to have a boy/girl party. Cheryl agreed as long as he kept it small and a couple of the mothers had to be there to chaperone with her.

"So, you got left out this time?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I guess it doesn't matter" he said. "I think he'd rather be with his friends than me, anyway."

"He was bound to grow up" I said.

"It's just know... I feel like I just got to finally be his dad, and now I'm obsolete" Jax said.

"You're not obsolete for me" I said, kissing him.

We spent most of the week catching up with each other along with quite a bit of making love. It was unseasonably warm for November, so the day of CJ's party we decided to pull the grill out to the patio on the backside of the house and have our own party. We sat around in our plastic chairs while the meat smoked. It was looking like it was ready so I sent Jax inside to grab a plate to put the meat on. He went around to go in through the open garage door and saw two boys headed to the party down the street. He looked down toward Cheryl's and saw CJ standing on the stoop waving at the guys and telling them to come on.

One of the boys yelled back "You didn't say you lived by the fags!"

CJ shushed the boy, who just ignored him. I walked around the corner to see what was taking Jax so long. The boy saw me standing with Jax and said "Look there's the cocksuckers now!"

CJ finally spoke up "Guys, just shut up. Those guys aren't bothering anybody."

"Oh. CJ, you didn't tell us you go for the older guys" the boy with the big mouth said.

"Tommy, that's enough" CJ said "Its my birthday, don't ruin it."

My heart sunk into my stomach because I heard the way CJ didn't defend us and I knew that Jax's black mood would be even deeper now. A couple more kids were dropped off out front when I was putting the grill away. It looked like there were about 10 in all, five boys and five girls. I closed the garage door and went inside and sat by Jax on the sofa in the dark living room.

"I wish I'd taken the job in Cheyenne. I wish I'd never told him. I wish I hadn't been born a deviant" he said, dragging his sleeve across his eyes. "I might have been hooking up with some cowboy or something right now." I held him and he sobbed into my chest, wetting my shirt. I kissed him on the top of his head. There was a knock at the door so I got untangled and went to see who was there. I opened the door and Mason came by me and immediately saw Jax.

"Tommy Butler is a fucking jerk" Mason said.

"Mase, watch your language" I said.

"CJ is just as bad" he said "I'm kind of glad we're not really brothers now. All he wants to do is impress the cool kids."

I closed and locked the door and went and sat down between my two men, putting an arm around each of them.

"I would never let somebody talk about him like he let Tommy talk about me" Mason said.

"Wait a minute...he was talking about you too?" I said, my Irish temper sending waves of heat up my neck.

"Yeah, dad. When he came in the house, he said `there's that little queer that beats off with Oliver Martin in the bathroom'. Then he did the jacking thing with his hand and all of them laughed, including CJ."

I was fighting a battle now to keep the anger down that was shooting through me trying to take over my mind. Now Jax was the one comforting me; saying `deep breaths, breath in...breath out' as my fists were balled up so tight my nails were cutting into my hands. Jax grabbed my face and made me look into his eyes and then pulled me to him and kissed me and said "its going to be all right, calm down, you can't beat the shit out of a 12-year-old. You'd go to prison." He rubbed my neck until the tension started releasing and I blew out a huge breath.

"Mason, text you mother and let her know you're staying with us tonight. I don't want you around that ignorant little fuck anymore tonight" I said.

"Dad, language!" he said as he tapped on the phone sending the requested message. She didn't answer back but I was too pissed to care.

"We grilled some burgers if you're hungry" I managed.

"Is there any Mountain Dew?" he said.

"I always keep some Mountain Dews and Yoohoos for you in the bottom drawer" I said.

The three of us made up burgers and got some chips, then all proceeded to pick at the food since the events of the night had spoiled out appetites. We turned some movie on the television, but nobody was really interested in it much either. Sometime around 11:30 Cheryl called in a panic saying she thought Mason ran away from home.

"Look at your messages" I said flatly.

"Oh, okay. Me and the moms were in the kitchen drinking wine. I guess I didn't hear the phone" she said. I wondered what else she hadn't paid any attention to while hanging out with `the girls'.

"Good night, Cheryl" I said and hung up before getting into anything with her over the phone. She immediately texted me back `What the hell was that about?' `Ask your son' I texted back. I shook Mason, who had fallen asleep on the couch and he got up and stumbled half-asleep up the stairs to the guest bedroom. Jax turned out the lights while I went in and undressed Mason to his underwear and slid him under the covers. I made a point to turn my phone off and suggested Jax do the same. No more drama tonight.

Lambodara 6/17/21

If you've gotten this far, you know the spiel

All in all, its just another brick in the wall.

Next: Chapter 12

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