
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 17, 2023


Kismet Chapter 10

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Ten

We found a Shoney's listed on the internet so we decided to go there for breakfast. The hostess seated us pretty close to the breakfast bar. After our morning activities, Jax and I were starving. Judging from the heaping plate Jeremy made, it would seem that he and Cheryl had done a lot of strenuous activity too. The adults had just settled down to eat when Mason and CJ were going back for second plates. Jax nudged me with his elbow and pointed to the buffet. CJ had found another girl; this time she looked like she might actually be his age. She had brown hair that was lightened from the sun, and the beginnings of a developing body; definitely enough to make the tee-shirt she had on stand out on top. I went back to eating and was taking a sip of coffee when Jax said "he got her number." I glanced over and saw CJ putting his phone into his pocket, then he started walking back toward us.

Cheryl shook her head and said "I don't know where he gets it."

Jax pointed at himself with great flourish and took a small bow.

"What was all that about" CJ asked as he sat down.

"Somebody asked how you got to be so incredible, I just had to take a bow for donating my outstanding genes to you" Jax said. CJ just rolled his eyes.

Mason, who hadn't been paying attention up till now laughed and said "Chris can't wear your jeans, they'd be too big!" We all broke up into laughter.

CJ's phone dinged with a text message on the way back to the condo. "No way" he said to himself. I was sitting in the back with him, so I turned and asked "What's up?"

"That girl, Madison, from the restaurant...they're staying two floors down from us!" he whispered to me excitedly.

"Cool" I answered "Maybe we'll see her and her family on the beach or at the pool."


CJ sat up and said "Mom, can we take the Sea Dragon ride?"

"I don't know, let me see how much it is" she said and punched it into her phone. She let out a whistle and said "$27 for adults and $19 for kids..."

Jax piped up "I'll take you, what time does it leave?" CJ texted back and forth then said "at 10 o'clock, like half an hour."

"Can I go too, Uncle Mike?" Mason asked. Mike started counting the money in his wallet, I reached in my pocket and handed him a twenty. "Sure buddy, you can come" Jax said.

We dropped them off at the dock and I went back as a third wheel with Jeremy and Cheryl. I didn't care, I was on vacation and going to enjoy myself regardless.

Instead of going back to the condo, Jeremy wanted to go to the pier and see if anybody was catching anything good. Cheryl said she was going to hang out on the beach while us guys walked the pier, she bought one of those $4 booth daiquiris that have very little alcohol in them and took a seat on one of the benches by the beach. I went with Jeremy and checked out the 1500ft pier. I kept getting distracted by the way the pendulum in his trunks looked like he had a muskrat running around in there, but I tried my best to ignore it. There wasn't all that much going on until we got about halfway out on the pier. We came across a guy who had a pretty good-sized fish which he told us was a Spanish Mackerel. Jeremy asked if I liked to fish.

"I've never really been much" I told him "My dad like to, but he didn't like taking kids. It was usually him and fishing/drinking buddies. Me and my brother went with him once or twice, fishing for crappie. I fell asleep in the boat and lost my rod when I got a bite and the fish took off with it. I don't remember being invited to go again after that." I laughed.

"My dad used to take all five of us" Jeremy said.

"Five kids in a boat at one time?" I shook my head.

"Worse" Jeremy said "five boys. There was my older brother Dennis, me, Marlon, Wayne and my baby brother Jesse. Jesse is gay, like you guys" he added.

"I guess that's why you're not uncomfortable being around us?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess that has something to do with it. When I was about Chris's age I dabbled with some boy-on-boy activities too, but I grew out of it" he said. I glanced down toward his shifting bulge. He caught me looking and said "I still kind of get off on seeing guys checking me out" he laughed, "just not interested in following up on it."

"Well, it does present itself well, I have to admit" I said.

"Thank you" he answered.

We finally made it to the end of the pier and stood back as some guys there were struggling to figure out how to get the small shark they had pulled up loose and thrown back into the water. They finally just cut the line and pushed it over the rail. We stood there a while and Jeremy talked to the two guys about night fishing and stuff, I lost interest and zoned out watching the boats in the distance. He tapped me on the shoulder and we started walking back toward the beach. I looked at my phone and was surprised we'd been on the pier about an hour. Cheryl was getting burned so we went for a ride; no point in going back to the condo since the pirate cruise would be back in less than an hour, supposedly. We went out toward St. Andrews State Park and turned around and just rambled for a while. We went back to the Sea Dragon dock about 10 minutes before they were supposed to be back. They came in a little later than scheduled. CJ was red as a lobster; that's gonna hurt tonight I thought to myself. He climbed in the back with me and once we were moving, he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of Madison. I nodded and said "Yeah, she's cute." He took two fingers and zoomed the screen in showing the girls bikini bottom where it was sticking up into her crevice, then looked at me again with a smile and whispered "I did that". I looked at him and he seemed so excited about it.

"You shouldn't be doing stuff like that I" I whispered into his ear "You can get in a lot of trouble."

"She wanted me to" he whispered back "she played with mine too. I had to stand at the rail a long time while it went soft."

"Do you know about condoms and all that?" I asked.

"We learned about that in school" he said, "but it's not like she would let me do that anyway. She only let me touch it for a few seconds."

"Just be careful, buddy and with stuff like that you really, seriously have to be discreet" I whispered.

"Are you going to tell my dad?" he asked.

"I think that's something you should do" I said.

"What are you two doing back there, thick as thieves?" Jax asked.

I looked at CJ and said "nothing, he was just telling me about the boat ride."

"Not much to tell" Jax said "the best part to me was the free beers."

"Nuh uh" Mason said "it was awesome!"

"I really like some parts" the little asshole next to me said.

Back at the condo we kind of split off into groups. Cheryl got burned at the beach by the pier, she forgot to put on sunscreen, so she went and laid down and Jeremy went in and put lotion on her. Mason wanted me to go to the pool with him, horny little devil. That left CJ with Jax. Since CJ got burned too, Jax agreed to put the cooling lotion on for him. I hung out in the pool with Mason between his times on the jet. Upstairs, Jeremy laid down with Cheryl and caught a quick nap. In the living room Jax put the cooing gel on CJ and then CJ took a deep breath and went on to show him and tell him what he had told me. Jax got kind of pissed off and didn't handle it well, it reminded him of his childhood and how he ended up a dad at 15. CJ got mad and ran out of the condo and showed up at the pool. He found a chair in the shade so he wouldn't get any more burned. I got up and went to sit with him.

"Why couldn't you have been my dad?" he asked.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I told him, just like you said. He went ballistic and told me to stay away from her" he said.

"Take it easy, I'll talk to him when we go back up" I said.

"Thanks, Eddie" he told me. We sat there quietly, when he noticed what Mason was up to.

"Oh my God! He's at it again!" he said. After watching Mason for a few minutes, he said "I'm going back up, I need to use the bathroom."

I winked at him and he blushed. "Shut up" he said.

"I didn't say anything" I said, then added "We'll be up in a few minutes, please don't get into it with Jax again before I talk to him."

He gave me a thumbs up and walked back to the elevator. I waited until Mason got his quivers and called him out of the pool. I asked him to go on up and ask Uncle Mike to come down.

"Can I come back down?" he asked.

"No, buddy. I need to talk to Uncle Mike alone" I said. He pouted a little but did as I asked.

When Mike came down, I stood up and said "Let's take a walk on the beach."

We went through the gate and down the stairs and left our shoes there. The moon was just rising and the beach was pretty quiet other than a few other couples like us.

"What was so important that I needed to come down here right now for?" he asked me.

"Do you remember being 13 and how full of hormones you were, how confusing and exciting everything was to you?" I started.

"Tell me you're not going to lecture me on raising my son" he said to me in a completely different tone of voice that I hadn't heard from him before.

"You're pushing him away from you" I said quietly.

"No, I'm trying to do what's best for him" he said angrily.

"Just because something happened in your past doesn't mean it will happen to CJ" I said calmly.

He let go of my hand and cocked his head to say "Don't use your psychobabble bullshit on me. I'm not your patient. I'm supposed to be your partner!"

"Michael" I said a little less calmly "I am your partner and I'm trying to help you clear your head so you don't, to use your phrase, fuck up. If you don't respect me, I wish you'd told me earlier."

He stopped and I walked to the water's edge with my back to him, regaining my composure since internally I was furious at the way he was acting. I waited, taking deep breaths to calm myself so I didn't mess things up between us with my mouth. I stood there watching the waves wash over my feet for what felt like a long time.

"I'm sorry, Edward" he said "It's just that I know where the behavior Jake's exhibiting is bound to lead him. For God's sake I'm living his future now."

"Only one problem with your hypothesis babe, CJ is not you" I said. "When I talked to him in the car, he said he knows about condoms and all that stuff. Kids now are way more prepared that you would have been back then. Besides, he said she only let him touch her over the clothes and he didn't think she would do anything anyway."

"Why does he confide all this shit to you? Why doesn't he tell me?" he said sounding frustrated and hurt.

"Maybe because of the way he's already seen you react" I told him. He looked like I'd slapped his face. "I'm sorry, I was out of line."

"No Ed, you're the rational side of my brain tonight being projected back to me from your mouth" he said.

I took advantage of his vulnerable moment to lean in and kiss him, releasing the tension our conversation had built up. I pulled him by the hand back toward the condo building while I texted CJ with the other hand asking him to meet me by the pool. He was sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water when we walked up the stairs. He looked up and saw that his dad was with me and dropped his head back down staring at the pool lights.

"Does this mean I'm gonna get another lecture" he asked.

"No, not this time kid" Jax said. "I think I owe you an apology for earlier."

"I just don't understand why you don't trust me, Mike. It's not like you don't know me. You practically raised me" he said.

"It's not like that, Jacob" Jax said. "I just don't want you to end up in a bad situation. Whether you believe it or not, I fucking love you."

"Ever since you decided to tell me your deep dark secret its like you want to take over my life too" CJ said.

"Fuck! I can't do this shit, Eddie" he said to me. "I guess I really wasn't cut out to be a father. Maybe I should have just moved out west and started a new life."

"No mater how far you run away from your problems, when you look in the mirror, you'll find out that you brought them along for the ride" I said. I reached over and wiped away a tear that had run down his cheek.

"Dad, I don't want you to go away. I love you too. Just give me a little slack on the leash, I promise I won't choke myself" CJ said, he scooted over and put his arm around his dad. We all sat in silence, huddled together for a long time. I finally got up and said "Well, gentlemen, it looks like your hour is up. I'll see you next session and don't forget to pay the receptionist on the way out of the office." That was all I could get out before the armload of pool water Jax scooped up slapped me from my head to my waist. "Well, that will add a dry-cleaning fee to your bill, sir, good day." I said as I walked briskly toward the lobby doors. I got almost to the elevator when I heard the slap of bare feet on concrete flying to catch up with me.

"Seriously, guys, are we all good now?" I asked. "CJ, will you promise to be responsible?"

"Yes, BFF, I will" he said.

"Jax, will you temper your temper?"

"I'll tell you what, if I feel a moment of righteous rage coming on, I'll run it by you before I go off half-cocked" he said to me, "but I can't promise I won't still say something."

"Fair enough" I said "If you run it by me, I'll help you work through it so you don't create your own hell."

"Now, we've only got one more day, can we enjoy the rest of our weekend?" I said.

CJ said "Madison and her folks are leaving in the morning, going back to Macon."

"Text her and ask if she and her parents want to go get dinner with us" Jax said. CJ gave him the `really' look. Jax nodded.

She texted back a few minutes later asking where we wanted to go. I said "It's their last night, let them choose" I told him.

"Captain Anderson's okay?" he asked. Jax and I winced but we said okay. This was going to end the vacationing for a while between this trip and our camping adventure my card was probably getting close to maxxed out. We told Cheryl what was going on but she said that her and Jeremy were tapped out so we'd be on our own. Mason whined that he wanted to go but Cheryl saved us and told him not this time. We told CJ to grab the decent clothes he brought and the three of us changed in the bedroom. Jax got the van keys from Jeremy and said we'll be back in a little while. I got on the internet on the way to Captain Anderson's to make sure I had room on my card. Jax said not to worry, he still had about $700 available on his card.

We pulled up and CJ spotted Madison across the parking lot, so we made our way over to meet them. The father introduced himself and his wife as Jeff and Sharon McMahon. Jax told them his name was Michael Jackson and introduced me as his fiancé Eddie Murphy. Jeff laughed out loud, then said "Oh wait, you're serious? I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, we've heard about all our lives" Jax said, "Most people just call us Jax and Eddie. I guess you've met my son, Jacob?"

"He told us he was CJ" Sharon said.

"He answers to a variety of names, but CJ is the latest, yes" I said.

"Well, let's get inside, our reservations are for seven" Jeff said. We followed them in and were seated at a nice table near the windows overlooking the water. The waiter gave us our menus and asked what we wanted to drink. The McMahons asked for water, so we figured we'd better stick to non-alcoholic beverages, we got tea and the two adolescents ordered Dr. Pepper. We chatted while we inspected our menus and found out Jeff had his own car dealership in Macon; Sharon was one of those rare stay-at-home moms. The waiter was back with our drinks and ready to take our orders. The prices were a little high, but I kept telling myself we're on vacation. I ordered the charcoal grilled jumbo shrimp, Jax wasn't really crazy about seafood so he ordered the grilled chicken breast, the two kids both got popcorn shrimp, Jeff ordered lobster tails and Sharon got the hamburger steak. While we waited for the food to arrive Jeff asked me a lot of questions about working in the mental hospital. Around the table Sharon and Jax were discussing secondary education. The two infatuated youngsters were busy with important conversation about favorite bands and colors and what concerts they had been to.

The food came and the table went silent as we all got busy eating our food. I was getting more stuffed by the second and just laughed when the waited came back to ask if we wanted any dessert. When the waiter stopped back by, he asked if it was one ticket or split. Jeff floored us when he said he'd get it. I caught a glimpse of the ticket which had a price north of $120. Jeff stuck his platinum Amex card into the leather ticket holder and the waiter came back by and picked it up. Jeff signed the ticket when the waiter brought it back and added on a $25 dollar tip. We thanked them profusely for the hospitality. Jeff said he could write if off as a business expense and just asked that if we decided to buy a Honda to come to Macon and see him. I noticed that CJ and his new friend were sitting a little farther apart before we got up to leave. Outside the restaurant we chatted a few more minutes and thanked the McMahons again for dinner then our group broke apart and went our separate ways.

"Well, CJ, are we good now?" Jax asked.

"Yeah, dad. Sorry to put you through that" he said, "It would have never worked out between us anyway. She's into crap music like Billie Eilish and she didn't even know what an Acura NSX was, and her dad even sells Hondas and Acuras."

"The horror!" Jax emoted sarcastically.

"Plus, their Georgia Bulldogs fans" he said.

"Well, now that's just ridiculous" Jax said, "Two words – Nick Saban."

"For real!" CJ said.

"Well, at least we got a free dinner out of it" I said laughing. It was a little after 10pm when we got back into the condo. The television was on but Mason was out for the count and the door to Cheryl and Jeremy's room was closed. CJ pulled off his nice clothes and laid them on the chair and got into bed in his boxer briefs. He waited till we got in our bedroom and turned the light on then he turned off the TV and said goodnight. It had been such a long day coupled with the big meal, we didn't have much desire to do anything but sleep, so we got ready and crashed.

Sunday was when the rain came in. The first half of the day it was all dark skies and rain. We watched movies and sat around bored. Cheryl found a Monopoly game in the coat closet and we played that for a while until around eleven the sun started peeking out. We got into our bathing suits and went down to the beach, but the storm had washed up a bunch of jellyfish, so we retreated to the pool. Mason preferred that location anyway. I saw him take up his spot, and engaged Cheryl in conversation to prevent her from seeing what he was up to until he finished his squirming fit. The rest of the day was relaxing and peaceful; most of the folks who had just come down for a regular weekend had left and it almost felt like we had the place to ourselves. Sunday night we cooked in the condo since we were all getting low on funds. Around 9:30 that night another storm blew up and I listened to the rain as I fell asleep.

Lambodara 6/17/21

I really enjoy talking to you guys! If you have any comments or anything, feel free to email

Ever noticed that if everything is going your way for a while, it's followed by a period of nothing going your way so it all evens out?

Next: Chapter 11

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