
By Lambodara

Published on Jun 6, 2023


Kismet Chapter 1

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and is in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

Also, please donate to Nifty to keep the magic happening. Please feel free to let me know what you think and maybe any suggestions you might have for future installments.

This story is going to start off building a relationship, so if you only read these for the sex you may find it lacking, at least at first. If you have patience, I hope you'll enjoy it. L.

Chapter One

The first time I met him was on the Tennessee River Walk. I was riding toward Chickamauga and he was coming toward Ross Landing when we collided. A cat ran out across the trail and this guy swerved to avoid hitting it and consequently ran straight into me. We ended up in a heap of arms, legs and mountain bikes at the side of the trail. I managed to extricate myself from the debris and stood up, offering the guy my hand to help him up.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, a little bruised, but I'll make it" I said, "You?"

"Nah, I'm good I think" he said. I pointed out the blood running down from his calf into his ankle sock on his left leg.

"Oh damn!" he said. I reached into my saddlebag and pulled out my baby first aid kit and handed him an alcohol wipe and a bandage.

"Thanks, uh..."

"Eddie" I said, "Edward Murphy. I know, I know, please spare me the humor."

He smiled and said, "No, really, I understand. My name is Michael Jackson. But friends, and those wishing to be friends, call me Jax."

We shook hands and then examined our bikes. Jax's bike looked pretty much okay, but my front wheel was toast where t-boned me. I resigned myself to walking it back to the parking lot.

"I'll walk mine back too and keep you company" Jax said, "it's the least I could do."

"Thanks" I said. He seemed like a nice guy. Leave it to me to meet a nice guy a couple of days before I was moving back to Birmingham. He probably wasn't gay anyway. He didn't really present as gay, but then, a lot of southern guys don't. I was trying to think up a way to bring it up when he popped my arm.

"Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought" I said.

"Yeah, I could tell. I was asking about the bear flag on the back of your bike seat" he said, "are you gay?"

"Uh, yeah. Is that a problem?" I asked. I'd forgotten about the sticker. Most of my friends either already knew I was gay or thought it was some kind of eco save the bears sticker.

"No. Not at all. If you'd be interested, we might hang together some time. I'm gay too and to be honest I haven't met many people since I've been here" he said.

"Sure" I said, "I mean, we better do our hanging out quick though, I'm moving back home Saturday."

He looked a little disappointed.

"Where is home?" he asked.

"Birmingham" I said.

"No fucking way!" he said, "I grew up in Tuscaloosa. This is some kind of serendipity thing. Do you have a place there already?"

"I signed papers on a townhouse down near Tannehill, if you know where that is" I said.

"Is it the ones right there past the Tannehill General on the left?" he asked.

"That's the ones" I said.

"Damn dude. My sister Cheryl lives there" he laughed, "and get a month we'll be neighbors!"

"For real?" I said, this was getting pretty weird.

"Yeah, I just got an associate professor gig at Alabama" he said, "I start Fall semester."

"Weird! I'm going to be doing my internship at Bryce Hospital" I said, "maybe we can commute together."

Back at the parking lot, I picked the bike up and strapped it into the carrier. The bent front wheel kept trying to scratch the paint so I took it off and put it inside.

"What's your number" Jax asked. I rattled it off and he sent me a text so we'd have each other's contact info. I waved as I passed him on the way out. I stopped by the Trek store on the way home. I ended up having to buy a new wheel, there was just too much damage to the old one.

I walked into the house and Momo came running and crisscrossing between my legs, mewling and purring, while trying to trip me and throw me face first into the floor. Out of self-defense, I picked him up and carried him through the house, sitting him on the counter while I retrieved his bowl to get his dinner. I popped open the can of Fancy Feast Chicken in Gravy and emptied it into the bowl. He ran over like he was starving and sniffed it and then walked away into the living room. Pretty normal for him. Meal time was a game; he had to play it cool. Well, tonight I wasn't really in the mood to beg him to eat so I ignored his behavior.

I kicked back in my recliner and pulled up reruns of Ancient Aliens on the Roku and zoned out. I was about half asleep when my phone dinged. It was a text message from my new friend Jax.

`Did you get the wheel looked at?'

`Yeah. Had to replace it'

`Damn. How bad?'

`Not cheap, Bontrager'

`I'll split it with you. It was my fault'

`Don't worry about it, it was an accident'

`Are you riding tomorrow?'

`Yeah, probably. You?'

`I'll be there around 4:30'

`I'll make a point to get there then so we'll both be going the same direction. LOL'

`See you there'


I turned the TV off and went to get in the shower. It was always entertaining to shower with Momo plastering himself to the outside of the glass door trying to see what I'm doing. I thought about Jax as I was drying off; we were so similar in so many ways. We were both about 6', we both were around 175-180lbs, both had jet black hair. Jax had blue eyes whereas mine were green. Beyond the superficial I had no idea. I would easily classify as an otter; if I had another 100lbs on me I'd call myself a bear. I wasn't sure about Jax but I could see tufts of hair curled over the collar of his tee shirt, so I'd assume he was at least somewhat hairy. I pulled on the pair of basketball shorts I used to sleep in and turned off the bathroom light.

I went back into the bedroom and turned on the ceiling fan, turned off the light and got in bed. Momo jumped up and proceeded to stamp out a circle at the back of my legs and lay down. I was almost asleep when he woke me as he jumped down to begin his night prowling. I drifted off with the thought that I hoped I had everything put up I didn't want destroyed.

My internal clock woke me at promptly six in the morning. I'd tossed and turned out of the sheets at some point in the night. When I turned over onto my back my shorts were tented with a painfully stiff erection. I scratched my pubes and suddenly my bladder was screaming for relief. I sighed and sat up and beat a quick path to the bathroom and pissed about a quart. I went into the kitchen and rerolled the paper towels Momo unwound into the floor, then put a pod into the Keurig to start my day. I was out of cereal and milk so I ended up making a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Around 6:30 I got ready, I had to be at work at 7.

The day passed slow; I was getting antsy by the time 4pm rolled around. Exactly 4:01 I was on my bike and on the way to meet my new friend. When I got to the trail, I stood by my bike and started taking off my work clothes and putting them in the saddlebags. As I started shimmying out of my work pants Jax rolled up and started whistling the stripper song. I had my spandex biker shorts on under them, which gave off significant clues about what was underneath. Now that I knew he was gay I let my eyes roam and the bulges in his shorts appeared to be similar to mine. I stuffed the slacks and my loafers into a bag and pulled out my other shoes and sat on the curb to pull them on. I got the feeling I was being watched and when I looked behind me, I caught Jax staring at my back. In this tank style shirt, my back hair probably looked like a sweater poking out at the top.

"Damn, dude, you're one hairy beast!" he said.

"So I've heard" I said with a courtesy laugh, "Let's go!"

He turned his bike around and took off and I jumped on mine and fell in right behind him. As we pulled away from the crowd, he stood up and started to really pump the pedals. I followed in suit, trying to keep up so I could watch the near perfect ass in front of me. We rode for about an hour, I told him I had some errands I had to run and we started to part ways.

"Will you have time to meet up again before you leave?" he asked.

"The movers will be there in the morning" I said, "do you have any dinner plans?"

"Only if you call a cold cut sandwich by myself dinner plans" he replied.

"Why don't you come over and have dinner with me then" I said.

"Lead the way" he said and I took off. We stopped at the grocery store on the way to my apartment and grabbed a pack of wraps and a rotisserie chicken. It was small so I figured we could eat most of it and maybe have a dinner treat for Momo as well. We brought our bikes up in the elevator and left them in the foyer to the apartment. We had a nice dinner and Momo seemed to like Jax. Well, as much as Momo likes anybody. We talked about everything and we were both amazed at how much we had in common. We really seemed to have some chemistry, but I have a personal rule about fooling around with somebody before I really get to know who they are so around nine I said I didn't mean to come across as rude, but I had to get up early; tomorrow would be a busy day.

"I understand, I'm not a first date pushover anyway" Jax said smiling.

"I really enjoyed tonight" I said.

"Me too, it's going to be a long thirty days until we're able to see each other again. My record for space between first and second dates" he joked.

I escorted him back to the street and he mounted up and started to take off. I looked around at the deserted street and called him back.

"What's wrong" he asked.

I leaned in and kissed him and was met with equal force as he kissed me back.

"Fuck! Now it's really going to be a long month" I said, feeling a little more girthy in my shorts than a few minutes earlier.

"We'll text each other constantly until then" he said.

"Till next time" I said and walked back inside and watched his perfect ass make its way down the street.

When I got back in the apartment, even though I was tired, I was too keyed up to sleep. I lay back on the bed and absentmindedly started playing with myself. I probably would have rubbed one out, but I was so tired I ended up turning the lamp off and turned the radio on softly and tried my best to sleep. The last time I remember looking at the clock it was 11:30 so I guess I dozed off around then.

When the internal clock woke me up at six, Rod Stewart was on the classic rock station yelling about hot legs, which made me think of Jax. I reached for my dick but as usual, the leaning tower of Eddie in my pants was rampant and my bladder was screaming; the bladder ended up winning out as I dropped the shorts and went into the shower to get ready for the big day. I got the water adjusted and let my stream loose while I soaped up. I rinsed off and shampooed my small amount of head hair and rinsed, then grabbed the towel and dried off. The hamper was full and my clothing was almost all packed so I'd be going commando today. I pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and a tee shirt and went in the kitchen for coffee while I waited for the movers to come.

The movers got there around 8:30 and were finished loading by 10:30. Right before 2pm we arrived at the new place and they started moving my stuff in. I directed the placement of the boxes and when they were done my job had only just begun. I busied myself first putting the bed together, then putting stuff away. By the time I turned around it was 5:00. I looked for my phone, wondering why I hadn't heard anything from Jax or anybody else. Of course, I'd put the phone on `Do Not Disturb' like a dumbass and forgotten about it. I had several missed calls and a bunch of text messages.

You have three new messages. First new message: "Hey Eddie, it's me. I tried texting you earlier but no answer. Call me when you get this." Beeep. Second new message: "Eddie, it's Jax again. Is something wrong? Call me." Beeep. Third new message: The third message was just the sounds of a person fumbling around to hit the End Call button.

I scanned the text messages really quick; five out of eight were from Jax, two from my mom, and one from my brother. I'd get back to the family later, I pulled up my contacts and dialed Jax.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey man, sorry about today. I put my phone on Do Not Disturb last night and completely forgot about it when shit got hectic" I explained.

"Oh, okay. I was hoping I didn't do something to piss you off" he said.

"Nah, just me dumb-assing" I told him.

"So, how's the new place looking?" he asked.

"Okay. I can tell it's going to take a while to get situated. I'm hoping to be done by the time you get here" I said.

"Damn! That bad?" he laughed.

"Yeah" I answered, "So, did you ride today?"

"I did, it's weird but after having somebody to ride with it was kind of boring alone" he said, then after a pause "you should scout us out a route around there."

"As soon as I get a chance I will. I still have a ton of shit to do so I can be ready for work" I said.

"Yeah, I understand. I'll let you get back to it. It was good just hearing your voice" he said.

"You too. I'll be glad when you get here" I said, "I'll try to remember to turn the DND off tomorrow early so I'm not ignoring people."

"Good deal. Get back to work. I'll talk to you later" he said.

"Ok. See ya."


I hung up and dialed my mom to let her know what happened and let her know I got here with no problems. Afterwards, I called Justin, my brother and spoke with him a minute. He only lives about 10 miles away and he said he was on his way here to help me get stuff set up. Justin is a few years younger than me, and whereas I take after our dad, Justin is shorter and blonde like our mom. As soon as he got here, things started getting together way faster. He was good at organizing and reassembling. We decided to take a break about 8pm and have a beer.

"This reminds me of when we first moved to Vestavia" Justin said, "remember us trying to help dad? I was like 12 so you would have been..."

"Nine" I finished. "I remember us trying to move our own mattresses. Good thing Dad and Uncle Frank were close by or we would have broken our necks when we lost control on those steps."

"Glad to have you back home, little brother" he said.

"Thanks. Did Andy give you any shit about coming to help me? I know she doesn't really care for me" I said.

"Andrea doesn't have anything against you, and no she didn't give me any shit" he said, "I see your paranoia is still running rampant. Shouldn't a psychiatrist-in-training be able to treat himself?"

"I'm a good judge of people, J, I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me. She's what a friend of mine would call nice-nasty" I said.

He blew out a big sigh, "Its all a product of the upbringing, bro. Her father, the honorable pastor Westin did a real head job on her and most of the rest of the family."

"I know. How is Zach doing these days?" I asked. Zach was Andrea's youngest brother and the unpleasant surprise gay child in the fundamentalist family.

"Okay, I guess. He's living his best life down in Key West. Last I heard he was with a Cuban guy named Estevan" he said. About then Justin's phone rang. After a quick conversation he said "Well, looks like you'll have to carry on without me. Andy said Benny was trying to shave the cat. I've got to go play daddy for a while."

"No problem, man. We knocked out a lot of the big stuff. I can handle it from here" I said.

"I'll come by after work tomorrow and help you with any other projects you come up that require extra muscle" he joked.

"Oh yeah, who are you bringing with the muscle?" I jabbed back.

"See you bro" he said grabbing me in a bro hug.

"Good night" I said. I walked him to the door and he got in his truck and took off.

It was already after 9 and I was exhausted. I surveyed the stacks of stuff everywhere and just decided to call it a day. At least we got the bed set up. Now if I can find the box with the sheets and pillows. Against all odds it was actually in the bedroom, so I made the bed and checked the phone one last time. Nothing but a few Facebook notifications. Tomorrow was my orientation for my new internship, so I had to get up early and get ready. I plugged the phone into the charger, hit Do Not Disturb, shut off the lamp and crashed.

Lambodara 6/2/21

If you want to comment, give praise, tell me I suck...

Next: Chapter 2

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