Kirks Journey

By Cool Dude

Published on Apr 17, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Seven

I had made it a rule that we would not procure stock under the age of 18 years. However, on one occasion, two young beauties aged 17 were up for auction. They met all our other requirements and, since they were only one and two months respectively away from their 18th birthdays, I decided to bid for them. They were duly knocked down to us and we took delivery of them. I instructed Kenny to warehouse them and make sure that they were not handed over to Carlos's people before their upcoming birthdays. A week or so later Carlos contacted me and said we could hand over whatever stock we had available for him at a specified time and place. I passed on the instruction to Kenny and left the matter in his hands.

The day after the planned handover of the slaves was to take place, I was awakened at about 5am at my apartment by loud banging and shouting. I opened the door and in burst four members of the local police force. I was read my rights and told I was being arrested and would be charged with violation of the Department of Commerce's regulations relating to the export of slaves, specifically the attempted export to another country of two slaves under the age of 18 years. I was handcuffed and, much to the interest of the neighbors, bundled into a patrol van and taken to the station. There I was allowed to call my attorney and then pushed into a holding cell. My attorney duly arrived and I explained to him that it had been intended that the two 17 year olds be exported only after their upcoming birthdays but that some error must have been made by Kenny. My attorney told me that the police had proceeded on the strength of some anonymous tip-off and had acted as the slaves were being handed over. Nobody apart from Kenny was aware of the time and place of the handover and I was in no doubt that I had been deliberately set up by Kenny. My attorney came around later and informed me that my trial would take place within the week; such undue haste was usually only evident in cases the authorities considered to be high profile.


Kirk Hansen's trial attracted a lot of interest and, although his attorney put up a spirited defense based on Kirk's assertion that Kenny had been instructed not to hand the slaves over for transportation to Catalonia prior to their 18th birthdays, and that Kenny must have erred in his duties, this was negated by Kenny's own testimony that he had never been instructed to delay handing over of the slaves. The judge in handing down his judgment made great play on the fact that had it not been for the timely intervention of the police, who he commended for their actions, two young Americans may have ended up as slaves in a foreign country. He decided that the owner of Slaves r Us was ultimately responsible for whatever took place under his roof and could not rely upon a defense of blaming his subordinates. In any event young Mr. Anderson was highly regarded in the community and his evidence rang true. A verdict of guilty was passed and Kirk Hansen was sentenced to lifelong servitude. In accordance with a procedure he himself had suggested be introduced, Kirk was stripped naked in the court and fitted with a temporary collar. Kenny Anderson was on hand to hustle Kirk out of the court all the time laying in to him with his ever-present riding crop and urging him to "Move it slave-boy. Get your ass in gear. We aint got all day". Kirk was loaded into the open slave transport vehicle together with the other newly-sentenced slaves, and driven off for processing and warehousing at Slaves r Us. Kenny dragged Kirk by a leash attached to his collar to the warehousing section and forced him into one of the small cages saying "Move your ass faggot, you and me gotta lot of unfinished business. If I hear so much as a peep out of you, I'll gag and blindfold you".


The Anderson family had always lived in Sunninghill. Blade and Kenny's father and uncles and cousins had all attended the same high school and, as in many blue collar families, life's progression was expected to take the same turns. The boys usually ended up marrying their high school sweethearts, usually aided by a pregnancy engineered by the girl, and they would end up in the same type of blue collar jobs. Blade, as Kirk had found out and easily identified with, was an easy-going type and would always be happy on a diet of girls, buddies, beer, cars and sport. Kenny, however, was a different kettle of fish. Although he by no means lacked company, male and female, he was at heart a loner and had his own set of priorities. The idea of marrying a girlfriend, who once married would swiftly turn into a tub of lard, and rearing a pack of sniveling kids, was not he had decided what he had in mind for the future. He had no pretensions of joining the rich elite of the town as he knew that such an objective wasn't possible; it was a closed small-town society of its own based on inherited wealth and even a guy who made a lot of money by dint of business acumen and hard work had little chance of joining it.

From a young age Kenny hung out with a "street-wise" group and was always on the lookout for easy money, although he had had no brushes with the law. He learned from his friends that money could be had from the homosexual community and from the age of fourteen had accompanied gay men for quick sexual encounters; usually he would allow older men to fellate him for ten, fifteen or twenty bucks. It really was easy money he figured and why turn down a blowjob anyway? It was the best of both worlds. Deep down he held these men in contempt but he did maintain one or two regular relationships. Those gay men could always be relied upon to "lend" him small amounts of money when he was short; of course both parties understood that there would be no effort to repay those "loans". As he entered his later teens, he started to introduce younger boys to older men. In this way he was able to exercise an element of implied blackmail into the situation as quite frequently those men were well-known in the community. They were there to be taken advantage of. He might for example call them up without notice at all hours wanting a ride here or there, or he might drop a broad hint that he was badly in need of a new pair of jeans. Invariably the man involved would deliver. One such man was a Mr. Neville Murgatroyd, who was middle-aged and, judging from his house and car, was seemingly well-heeled. He was unable to resist his urge to consort with quite young boys, usually introduced by Kenny, and as he was an elder in the church among other things, was desperate not to be compromised. Kenny saw right through him and took due advantage; it wasn't too long before Mr. Murgatroyd was giving Kenny a weekly "allowance".

By the time Kenny reached his senior year in high school, he had become very overt in his demands and on one or two occasions had delivered a beating to these men if they resisted him. Of course he knew that they would never report him to the police.

Such was the situation when he joined Slaves r Us as a learner handler. From the very first he suspected that Kirk Hansen was gay, as like all young hustlers, he had a sixth sense about it. Those stolen looks at him never escaped his notice and he played up to it.


In the days following Kirk's sentencing, Mr. Burlington's bank, being the major debtor, made application to the Court for temporary control of Slaves r Us. The application was granted and Blade Anderson, as second-in-charge at the firm, was asked to assume control. It was his younger brother Kenny however who intimately knew how the firm operated and it was to him that Blade turned for advice.

Meanwhile Kenny had evolved a plan by which he hoped to take over ownership of Slaves r Us. He did his homework and immediately got to work on implementing this plan after Kirk's sentencing. He called Neville Murgatroyd and told him he would like to visit him as a matter of urgency and of course the latter agreed. Kenny decided to play it cool with his old friend and asked him whether he would be willing to assist him with a project he had in mind. Mr. Murgatroyd was suspicious and Kenny quickly assured him nothing illegal was involved. He explained that he was hoping to purchase the slave who had been Kirk Hansen, as Kirk had been his mentor and he wished him to avoid falling into the wrong hands. Would Mr. Murgatroyd front for him with the Bank so that this could be achieved? Mr. Murgatroyd immediately demurred and asked Kenny did he realise how much money would be involved? Kenny knew this was coming and decided to play hard ball. Much depended on it.

"Neville, I hope you don't mind me calling you that, I realise I am asking a lot but we have been friends for years. I have been your closest collaborator in some personal matters and I would never dream of placing you in any danger as far as that is concerned. In the same way. I always thought I could depend on you to help me out when I asked for help. What I want to do is borrow the money from the Bank and merely have you stand as surety. You would not have to lay out the cash."

"But Kenny, slaves don't come cheap. You must realise that surely".

"Nor do reputations Neville." With that Kenny threw an envelope over to him. "Open that and have a look." Contained in the envelope were a number of photographs of Mr. Murgatroyd in the company of young boys. "If I have to I can obtain the agreement of those boys to lay complaints against you with the police. It's not something I would like to do, so why force my hand?"

Mr. Murgatroyd looked completely defeated and said nothing.

"So, Neville, do we have a deal?" asked Kenny. Neville nodded yes and agreed to approach the Bank with Kenny.


As a matter of routine all newly-sentenced slaves were held for auction but the authorities had it in their discretion to accept a private bid if they considered it to be advantageous. Previously the age of majority for contractual obligations had been 21 but with the lowering of the age at which a young offender was considered to be an adult to 16, the age of majority for contractual purposes had also been lowered to 19. Kenny Anderson had now reached that age.

Kenny made an appointment to see Mr. Burlington at the Bank the following day. The latter now knew both the Andersons and Kenny explained to him that he wanted to purchase the slave who had been Kirk Hansen for the reason he had previously given Neville Murgatroyd. He wanted therefore to obtain finance for the deal. Neville Murgatroyd, who had accompanied Kenny to the Bank, explained to Mr. Burlington, who he had known for many years, that he would stand surety for young Mr. Anderson. The finance was agreed and Mr. Burlington undertook to approach the authorities with a private bid to purchase the slave on behalf of a client. The banker had connections in many areas and it was no surprise therefore that he was able, with the necessary palm-grease, to obtain agreement to the sale. Thus it was that Kenny Anderson became the owner of the slave now renamed Spike.

On confirmation of the sale, Kenny confronted his newly-acquired slave and informed him of the bad tidings. "Asshole, I want you to know that if you thought you had experienced bad treatment up to now, you are about to experience a whole new dimension in that area. I knew all along that you were a fuckin faggot and now you are gonna get the treatment that low-life faggots deserve." Kirk started to plead "Kenny........" Kenny flew into a rage and said "Did I not order you at the outset to keep your dirty mouth shut? Well, we can fix that little problem slave-boy." He summoned one of the other handlers and instructed him to fit a full hood over Spike's head and to attach to it the accompanying leather blindfold and ball- gag. When it was in place, Kenny said "Slave, that will remain in place until I say otherwise. And furthermore, if you ever have the chance to speak again, you will refer to me as Master Kenneth. Is that understood?" Spike nodded miserably.

Thus began Spike's descent into slavery.


Legally, the property of an offender devolved upon the relatives of that offender in the event of an order of lifetime servitude being passed down by the courts. Mr. Burlington, who was an interested party in the matter of Kirk Hansen's estate inasmuch as his Bank was owed money by Slaves r Us, set out to trace Kirk's relatives. He was aware of course that Kirk's parents had perished in an accident and that he was an only child. He also knew that Kirk had had an uncle and aunt, who were childless, resident in a neighboring state. Upon making enquiries it transpired that both the uncle and the aunt had recently passed on. If, as he suspected, Kirk had no other relatives his property would then in terms of the law devolve upon his legal owner. Mr. Burlington turned all shades of purple when he realized what had taken place. Kenny Anderson must have been aware of the situation and had set out to weave a deliberate web of deception in order to obtain ownership of Kirk Hansen's estate. There was nothing to be done and, subject to a moratorium of 30 days during which time the matter would be advertised so that any other interested parties might come forward, Kenny Anderson would become the owner of Slaves r Us.


A month later when Kenny assumed legal control of Slaves r Us, he received a call from Carlos Mendoza to congratulate him and to invite him to visit Santa Ana in order that they might discuss mutual interests. Kenny accepted the invitation and told Carlos he would be bringing with him a gift which he hoped would cement their relationship. He called the airways reservation office and booked a flight to Santa Ana. He then called Blade into his office and instructed him to prepare the slave Spike for accompanied cargo shipment to Santa Ana on Flight CA521 leaving at 1pm on the following Thursday.


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