Kirks Journey

By Cool Dude

Published on Apr 13, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Five

I discussed Carlos Mendoza's proposition with Blade and although he made no objection I could see that this was something on which he would prefer not to take too firm a stance. Blade was a good line manager but his entrepreneurial skills were limited. I contacted Carlos and a date for my visit to his headquarters in Santa Ana, the capital city of Catalonia, was fixed.

I arrived in Santa Ana in the late afternoon and it was interesting to observe from the plane as it descended the lush topical countryside and the two merging brown rivers between which sat a medium sized city. The buildings seemed to be uniformly white and the glare tested one's eyesight. On deplaning I soon caught sight of Carlos in the arrivals area and he smiled a welcome. He was dressed in a white linen suit with an expensive looking light blue shirt set off with a red tie. "Welcome to Santa Ana" he said "I hope you had a pleasant flight." "Thank you, yes" I replied. We boarded a large Mercedes Benz limousine which was chauffeured by a slave in a gray uniform and cap. If it had not been for the collar you would not have realized the young man, who was in his late 20's, was a slave. The drive into the city took a mere 15 minutes and we soon arrived at the hotel. "May I suggest" said Carlos, "that you have a rest and that I pick you up at 8pm for dinner?" The slave carried my luggage into the hotel and I was soon settled into a large suite with a balcony overlooking the river. The hotel itself was a two-storied affair in the Spanish colonial style, all white with red bougainvillaea climbers. The contrast to Sunninghill was stark.

Carlos arrived promptly at 8pm and the slave chauffeur accompanied me to the car. I climbed into the rear where Carlos was seated alone. We exited the city and soon arrived at a country restaurant where we were shown to a private room. We had a leisurely meal ordered by Carlos, as he done in Las Vegas, and once again as we sat back to enjoy our coffee, Carlos started in on the business of the evening. "Kirk" he commenced "I explained to you in Las Vegas that I would like to source some "anglo" stock in the U.S. on a regular basis and that it would suit me if I could appoint an agent to do that on my behalf. I am prepared to enter into an arrangement with you along those lines on a trial basis and if after three months I am satisfied with the imports, we could continue the arrangement. I am prepared to pay you a 10% commission on each purchase, plus expenses, and either of us would be free to discontinue the relationship at any time." He paused for a short while and asked "Does that sound fair and are you interested in doing it?" I nodded but informed him that I would need to consider the details of the deal. He responded "Of course."

He continued "I explained to you in Las Vegas that I could source stock at the auctions in the large cities. However, the prices there are extortionate in relation to the return obtained in operations in this country and I would like to experiment with the idea of sourcing stock in the smaller states such as yours. It seems that your experience does not extend to the brothel industry and perhaps I should expand a little on the trade. Purchasing slaves for brothels carries by far more risk than other avenues of use. As you are aware, if one is purchasing a slave for, say, heavy labor, the fields, or the mines, one has to look no further than the age and physical attributes of the slave, and then rely upon the whip to obtain maximum efficiency and a proper return on investment. Even, in the case of a domestic slave, there is little risk as it can quite easily be sold on if unsuitable. In the case of an intended brothel slave, however, there are many factors that come into play. Firstly, one has to consider the suitability of the product from a cosmetic point of view. The vast majority of customers look to the facial attractiveness of a slave when selecting one for use which in my opinion is really stupid. However, that is the reality of the situation, and one must take that into account. I am not prepared, however, to pay a 20% premium on the purchase price just for a pretty face. Furthermore, a slave in that category is not necessarily a plus in a brothel as it attracts too much interest on the part of the customers and detracts from the attributes of the other whores. It is by far a better solution to have whores of a uniform attractiveness so that each one receives similar usage. I suggest therefore that you not be swayed by how pretty the boy is when you bid for it. Secondly, and very important, is the basic makeup of the whore. There are many sissy whores right here in Catalonia and I would not want you to source that type. You should rather concentrate on slaves that are masculine in looks, be they homosexual or straight. It is impossible to judge when they are on the auction block whether they will adapt easily to working in a brothel, so do not try to evaluate that; it is in the domain of the slave breakers to ensure that the slave adapts to its new surroundings. Also you will not consider the need to look for slaves who would be used in the heavy duty area, that is, by customers involved in S & M. This is an area where we use slaves who are approaching their sell-by date, that is to say, whores who have been in use for over 5 years. Usually by that time it becomes noticeable that usage by customers is beginning to drop off and it is in everyone's interests then to move the whore into the heavy usage arena. It provides the brothel with the whores necessary to service that area and the whore itself receives a new lease on life. Whores are very conscious of the fact that when they are not producing to the brothel master's requirements, they are likely to be sold off either to the secondary brothel market or on the wholesale market. In either case they are likely to be worked to extremes. It is rather discriminatory, I know, but you should concentrate your efforts on slaves who are hung to 7" at least. I don't think I need elaborate on the reasons for that. Furthermore, we live in an age where youth is king, so you should normally bid only for slaves in the under 20 year old age bracket."

As I exited the limousine at the hotel, Carlos said "If its OK with you, we'll pick you up at 8am tomorrow morning and give you a tour of our operations here in Santa Ana. And, by the way, if you feel the need for some company before turning in, make your wishes known to reception. They will deal with it." I thanked him and proceeded to my suite.

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The following morning I was picked up by the slave chauffeur promptly at 8am and driven to a building on the outskirts of the city from which Carlos conducted his business. It was a nondescript one-storey affair but typical of so many slave businesses, including Slaves r Us. I was shown into Carlos's office and offered coffee. Carlos eventually said "Let me tell you something regarding our operations. When I took over after my father's death I discovered that he owned a string of ten male brothels across the country. I was aware that he was in the prostitution business but the extent of it came as a surprise. Remember that in those days slavery was still illegal so the staffing of the brothels was a lot more problematical. Since then I've expanded to fourteen brothels. Although I don't have any further plans for expansion at this stage, the need to purchase slaves continues as probably 15% of our whore complement needs to be replaced each year with new blood. You may be surprised that we consider 5 years to be the optimum usage period but our brothels are top of the range and our customers expect to choose from prime young stock. A whore which is expected to work for 14 hours a day and entertain a minimum of ten customers a day will start to lose its allure after five years and despite the fact that we circulate our stock from one location to the next every month or so, it becomes a familiar face to customers after a certain time. The availability of fresh young stock on an ongoing basis is the secret of success at our end of the market. The knowledge that it will be sold off if it under-performs is a great motivating factor for a whore. We continuously receive enquiries from the owners of brothels at the lower end of the market and usually the stock we wish to terminate is sold off to them. Those brothel owners expect to obtain another ten years of usage and expect a higher turnover from their whores as they are servicing a market which cannot afford high prices. When a slave can no longer make the grade as a profitable whore, it is usually auctioned off in the wholesale market for who knows what purpose.

Carlos continued "The breaking in of new slaves on arrival is not an easy process. Like other slaves their wills have to be broken and it is necessary that much force and punishment be applied until the slave accepts in body and mind that it has become a mere possession whose sole function is to obey and serve its Masters without question. None of this, Kirk, is news to you I'm sure. However, there is more to it in the case of a brothel slave. In the case of, say, a hard labor slave, once the will to resist has been eradicated, it is a question thereafter of putting the slave to work under the whip. In the case of a brothel slave, the next step is to train it to perform all the sexual arts and to adapt to constant use. The whore has not only to serve the customer sexually but must act as a pleasant host. In any event, let me show you the rest of this facility."

The building consisted of a couple of offices and two conference- type rooms at the front, all pleasantly furnished and air- conditioned, with a passage leading through to the rear of the building. We passed through a security controlled steel door to the left of the passage and entered the holding/warehousing facility. Our equivalent facility at Slaves r Us was a spartan affair for the reasons I have given previously, but what I now saw literally took my breath away. The long room was dark and dank and the heat and humidity were beyond belief. The smell of sweat, piss and shit was overpowering and there appeared to be no means of ventilation. Carlos ventured "The conditions may appear to be a little harsh but that is what slavery is all about and we consider this to be useful in the slave's acclimatization to its new situation." On the left side of the hall were four holding cells of the prison type each having four foldaway shelves for sleeping. The cells contained nothing else except for an open latrine at the back. Two of the cells were occupied and the eight naked inmates looked pretty normal except for the effects of the conditions and the fact that they were all fitted with chastity cock cages, They all wore narrow shiny steel collars, not the heavy iron collars associated with the every day slave. Carlos informed me that these slaves were brothel whores who were in transit from one town to the next. They would be leaving in a day or two when transport was available. On the right side of the hall were about 20 small cages similar to the type I had installed at Slaves r Us for slaves awaiting auction. These housed the slaves who were undergoing training before being deployed to brothels. Six of the cages were occupied by young men who had frightened expressions on their faces and a cowed look about them, and whose bodies bore the marks of beatings. Beyond the cages at the end of the hall was an open space which clearly was the punishment area. Above this area was stripped neon lighting although it was not illuminated at the time.

We exited the warehouse and passed through a steel security controlled door on the right side of the dividing passage. We entered what looked like a doctor's reception room with some plastic furniture. Seated there were two young men who looked like laborers. They looked up but avoided our eyes. From this room, a passage ran down the left with a series of about ten small rooms leading off it. In the first room sat an overseer with closed TV screens in front of him which allowed him to monitor the goings-on in the other rooms. Carlos explained that the slaves undergoing training spent about a month in this facility and were subjected to ongoing beatings and sexual use. In addition there were a number of female slaves who were utilized to train the boys in the requirements of women customers, principally clit licking. This overall training was a precursor to their being deployed in the brothels proper. We had a look at the monitors in the overseer's office and at that moment four of the rooms were occupied with slaves being sexually used by one or two cocksmen. The use of a short whip was much in evidence. I asked Carlos who the young men were in the front room and he explained that free men and boys assisted in the program on a voluntary basis and were paid the equivalent of $3 a time for their services. The two young men were awaiting their turn to use the slaves.

After lunch. I was taken to Carlos's Santa Ana brothel. It was situated in the "Zona Rosa" but was not as obvious as the other brothels, which in the main were right on the street and, even at that time of the day, had touts on the outside trying to lure customers in. Carlos's brothel was in a large old house on about a half acre of land. The perimeter of the property had a high fence with an electrified security system. It was clear that entry was restricted in some way. The house was furnished in an old-fashioned way and, although I did not have the opportunity to view the upstairs rooms, I was able to obtain a picture of how the house operated. To the left of the entrance hall was a large "parlor" containing comfortable easy chairs and couches and a bar. There were about six customers chatting with the whores, about ten in number. Clearly the customers were not pressured in any way. There was a "clubby" atmosphere and once in a while a customer would depart up the stairs with one of the boys. The boys had the appearance of hosts and were uniformly dressed only in blue shorts which showed off their genitals to good effect. The boys all wore thin shiny steel collars of the type I had seen at the warehouse, and in addition other adornments of their own choosing. They were rouged too in a rather provocative way. It was a very genteel atmosphere and difficult to equate with what I had seen that morning.

We left after about an hour as I had a plane to catch that evening but not before Carlos and I had agreed to proceed with our plan and had finalized some of the details as to how we would operate.

To be continued ...

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Next: Chapter 6

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