Kirks Journey

By Cool Dude

Published on Apr 10, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Four

Kirk had never traveled far from his home town of Sunninghill and, now that he knew that his parents had been relatively wealthy, it riled him a little to think that he had been deprived of family vacations of the type his peers at school had enjoyed. At the time he had not been resentful as he had assumed his parents were unable to afford vacations. He resolved therefore to make every effort to enjoy his trip to the convention in Las Vegas and he was satisfied that Blade would look after matters adequately at Slaves r Us in his absence. It was with some excitement then that he looked down at the lights of Las Vegas as the plane prepared to descend, with the Strip clearly visible. As the hot desert air hit him on exiting from the plane he felt quite elated. He hailed a cab outside the airport building and was soon on his way to the convention hotel. The hotel itself was huge, beyond his expectations, and had a Roman theme with kitsch frescos of gladiators and slaves. He smiled at the irony of it. He found the reception desk for the convention, was given a name tag to wear, and was accompanied to his room by a bellhop. (He noticed that the name of the convention was given as "Service Industry Convention" with no direct reference to slavery). The bellhop naturally asked him whether it was his first visit to Las Vegas and when Kirk confessed that it was, the bellhop looked at him conspiratorially and said if there was anything, anything, he required he should merely utter the word.

After showering Kirk went down to one of the restaurants in the hotel and enjoyed a steak dinner and a couple of beers. He then wandered through the scores of slot machines at the entrance to the casino and was amazed to see people of every type and description feeding money into the monsters at as fast a pace as was humanly possible. They appeared to be driven in an absolute frenzy. Deeper into the casino he reached the tables where people in attire of every possible type were engaged in trying to beat the odds and Kirk became caught up in the unreality of it all. He desisted from joining in the madness but nevertheless enjoyed the headiness of the gambling. To his surprise he came upon quite a number of slaves kneeling beside their Masters at the blackjack tables secured in a variety of ways. Most were shaven of all their hair in the accepted slave style although some had unusual haircuts which accompanied rather comical outfits. All the slaves were clothed as nudity was not permitted in the casino. Kirk was impressed as without exception the slaves appeared to be completely unaffected by what was going on around them and kept their heads bowed and eyes down. It was a credit to the industry he thought. Quite frequently revellers who were the worse for wear would bait the slaves as they passed and the slaves bore it all stoically. He stared at a rather pretty boy of about 18 for quite some time and the slave must have become aware of his stare, because suddenly the boy's eyes briefly caught his and a momentary smile crossed his face. What a little flirt! thought Kirk but nevertheless he was aware of a slight hardening of his dick in his pants. He moved away quickly and decided to retire to his room and enjoy an early night. @@@@@@@

The programmed events of the convention were scheduled to last two days and Kirk discovered that many of the speakers merely rehashed a lot of stuff that was common knowledge to most and he found it boring. However, he was interested to hear of views of people in law enforcement. The perception was that there was a definite hardening of attitudes among the various law enforcement agencies regarding the treatment of criminals, ranging from those who had committed relatively minor misdemeanors to hardened felons. The administration had let it be known that the authorities on the ground would have its full support in using an iron fist in dealing with people who fell foul of the law with the result that the prison population was soaring. To ease matters the courts were more and more frequently passing down slavery orders on offenders and the various parties who had interests in the slave trade were finding their hands full, not that there were any complaints. To compound matters, some states had now legislated that in future the definition of a juvenile would be a person under the age of 16, not 18. Furthermore, due to the general malaise in the economy many families were finding it difficult to keep their heads above water and the voluntary enslavement of a child by its parents helped in two ways; there was one less mouth to feed and the sale price of that child provided the means to support the rest of the family. Kirk had seen this coming and resolved that he would focus on taking advantage of the situation.


On the evening of the first day of the convention a cocktail party had been organized and it was possible to meet and exchange views with other delegates. I attracted some attention due to my age. During the course of the cocktail party a young latino-looking guy who I had noticed earlier in the day came across and introduced himself to me. His name was Carlos Mendoza and he informed me he was a visitor from Catalonia, a Latin American country. He smiled and said to me in good English, "It seems that we are attracting attention due to our age. As if age matters at all in the business of slaves!" He grinned showing off a set of perfect white teeth. He was a handsome young man, about 24 years of age, and was wearing expensive clothing. "We are strangers, I know, but if you have no other commitments tonite, why don't we have dinner together? I happen to know there is an excellent Mexican restaurant in the hotel." I accepted his invitation and we agreed to meet in an hour's time.

I showered and changed into slacks and a sport coat and tie and rendezvous-ed with Carlos in the restaurant. He ordered what turned out to be an excellent meal and neither of us had much to drink, a mineral water and two glasses each of a chilled Californian white wine. As we settled back to enjoy coffee and a liqueur, he asked me what my involvement was in the slave trade. I briefly told him about my ownership of Slaves r Us and he seemed genuinely impressed that a guy going on 22 should own a dealership. He asked whether I was actively involved in buying and selling stock on my own behalf and I explained to him that I was aiming to go that route but that finance was hobbling me. I hadn't realized how long capital was tied up between the purchase and ultimate sale of stock. He mused for a while and then said "Kirk, maybe we can do some business together. It may be that when I put my proposition to you that you will not feel comfortable with it. If that is the case, just say so and we will forget about it. No harm done. OK?" I said "Sure thing."

He informed me that his father had for many years been involved in the brothel trade, which was not an uncommon thing in his country, and that he had amassed a lot of money. At that time slavery was illegal and the brothels had to be staffed with whores who had been coerced in one way or another into the trade. A few years ago his father died and he as the oldest son inherited what turned out to be a string of brothels across the country. His father's death coincided with the reintroduction of slavery in his country and the brothels now operated to a large extent using brothel slaves. Since both prostitution and slavery were now legal his businesses had been legitimized and the stigma which had attached to his father no longer existed. He carried on "In Latin America there is of course no shortage of black and latino slaves but we always have trouble in obtaining sufficient, for want of a better word, "anglo" slaves. The most obvious source of supply is of course the USA but I just don't have the time to seek the stock out. I could of course attend the auctions in the large cities but prices there are extortionately high whereas I am sure that in less populated states like your own, top grade stock at reasonable prices must be available. What I would like to know is would you be interested in acting as my agent in procuring suitable stock on my behalf?" The offer came as a surprise of course and, although I was interested in this potential new source of revenue, I needed to think it through. I told him how I felt about the matter and he informed me that there was no hurry and that I could take whatever time was necessary to think about it. I then told him that a major stumbling block might exist and he asked what that might be. I explained to him that I had absolutely no experience in dealing with female slaves. He laughed out loud and said "Good heavens, man, I thought I had already mentioned that my brothels are all-male houses! I would like to suggest that you pay us a visit in order to get an idea of how we operate and to apprise yourself of the type of boy we require." I accepted the invitation and we exchanged business cards with a view to organizing my trip.

The following day I attended the presentations at the convention and the only ones that made an impression on me were a couple made by new firms who were specializing in the breaking in of newly-enslaved properties. This was a new departure necessitated by difficulties new owners were having in taming their slaves despite their having been processed at facilities like Slaves r Us. There was also a display by a company which manufactured and marketed all manner of tools of the trade, such as, whips, tawses, canes, shocking devices, hoods, gags, restraints, collars, etc. The range was awesome and I obtained much of their marketing material to show Blade.

That evening I decided to have an early night as I had an early flight to catch and ordered dinner from room service. About a half- hour later there was a knock and when I opened the door I was confronted by a young waiter who truly took my breath away. He must have been 19 or 20 and the first thing that struck me was the beauty of his face. He was fair with a soft tan and his eyes (which were particularly striking), nose and mouth combined to form really attractive features. He was dark blonde and his hair was cut short in the latest fashion. He was about 5'8", 145, and although he was clad in a waiter's uniform, I could see how well proportioned his body was. I asked him to enter and while he was setting out my meal, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was certainly used to attracting this sort of attention and as he prepared to leave, he caught my gaze for one long moment and gave me a knowing smile. I thanked him and he left the room.

I had not been dating for a while now and, when I did, I did not derive much enjoyment from it. The girls I dated were attractive enough (I had never had problems in attracting the opposite sex) but at the end of the evening, even if my date was signalling promises of more to come, I would take my leave as I just didn't feel into it. I had begun to wonder about my sexuality and matters were not made any easier by my close proximity to the young males that passed through our hands at Slaves r Us. Many was the time that I found myself sexually aroused at work but I put it down to the fact that I wasn't getting enough. I told myself that, being in Las Vegas, I should have contacted the bellhop and arranged for a call girl to come to my room. However I just did not have the inclination to do so. I decided that I would jack myself off one more time.

I was laying on the spacious double bed clad in just my boxers watching the 11pm news when there was a sudden knock. I went to door and opened it and there was the waiter guy. He was obviously off duty now as he was wearing street clothes. He had on expensive looking jeans, a clearly expensive shirt, a wide brown leather belt, and loafers. We looked at each other neither saying a word; I moved back and he entered. Once he was inside the room, he smiled at me and said "Dude, you are an attractive looking guy, but its still gonna cost you 200 bucks." I laughed and replied "But are you worth it?" He responded "You get a full money-back guarantee." I took out two 100-dollar bills and put them on the dresser in the time-honored fashion. He chuckled and started to undress. Meanwhile I lay back on the bed and soon he joined me there. Of course this was a business transaction so he went about his work without delay. He leaned over me and started to use his tongue on my body running the tip of it around my nipples and then nibbling on them gently. I became aroused and more so as he proceeded to run his tongue down the center of my chest to my belly button. He ran his tongue around the inside of my belly button for a short while then licked down my sparse treasure trail. When he reached the waistband of my boxers he lifted it with his teeth until my dick popped out. It hit him in the face and he said "Ouch!" He told me to lift my ass and he proceeded to take off my boxers. He spread my legs and got between them going down on my cock which was hard against my belly. He ran his tongue along the underside of it and worked his way to the head which he proceeded to suck into his mouth all the time using his tongue to lick around it. I was by this time going crazy and felt an urgent need to cum. I pushed his head down on my dick and he went all the way until his face was in my pubes. He started to suck up and down real hard with his lips tight around my dick and his tongue running along the underside of it. He went back to the head once more furiously using his tongue and then before I could say a word I started to orgasm into his mouth. He continued to suck on my dick until I was spent then moved to the bathroom where presumably he spat out my load. He came back to the bed and lay next to me. After a while he said "Are you going to jerk me off?" Well, I had never before done anything of that kind but suddenly it seemed quite natural for me to accede to his request. I slowly masturbated him then, before I knew what I was doing, went down on him and took his dick in my mouth. I sucked him softly until he was close then gave his dick a few jerks and he came all over his chest and belly. He lay there for a while then got up and went into the bathroom and showered. When he came out dressed he asked "Well, do I get to take the money?" I laughed and went to my wallet and gave him a 20 dollar tip. He kissed me softly on the lips and was gone. I lay back on the bed and went into a deep satisfied slumber.

I was up early the next morning to catch my flight. On the way home I started to think about the proposition which Carlos Mendoza had made to me.

To be continued ......

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Next: Chapter 5

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