Kirks Journey

By Cool Dude

Published on Apr 9, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part Three

The news that I had become the owner of Slaves r Us spread like wildfire through the community of Sunninghill and Blade called me immediately he heard the news.

"Dude, am I on some kinda trip here or did I hear correctly that you bought Slaves r Us?" I laughed and informed him he had in fact got the facts straight.

"Blade, you and I gotta have a meeting this evening and plan some sorta strategy. Meanwhile I want you to arrange a meeting of everyone employed at the firm, handlers and assistants, trainers, slave processors, and warehousing staff for tomorrow morning. Ok?"

"Sure, dude, whatever you say." he replied.

That evening Blade came around to my new apartment and I informed him that I intended to appoint him as chief handler, effectively my second in command, and asked whether he was with me.

"Hell yeah, dude, I'm with you all the way".

I then told Blade what I had in mind. The business had been allowed to drift as Mr. Gilbertson had grown older and he had not really kept up with the times. He had been comfortable with things the way they were and no new innovations had been introduced. "For the time being, Blade, we gotta keep things going without disruption, but I wanna slowly transform the place. It's gotta become a more dynamic operation and we have to minimize costs and maximize profits".

I explained to him that with the recent 2020 election resulting in an even more right-wing administration in the nation's capital, new opportunities presented themselves and it was up to us to identify those opportunities and exploit them. The administration was focused on the continuing so-called war on terrorism and Attorney- General Teacroft had a blind spot when it came to the defense of civil liberties. The administration's successful march to power had in no small way been due to the support of the right-wing religious fundamentalists led by the Reverend Jeremiah Tugwell and here was where there might be an opportunity to exploit matters. The battle for the re-introduction of slavery had been won and the religious nuts rationalized to themselves that slavery was justified by its existence in biblical times. Furthermore, one of the planks in the new administration's election manifesto had been law and order and the electorate, traumatized by what they saw as rampant crime, would clearly support tough new measures against offenders. For my own part, although I did not verbalize this to Blade, I was convinced that the many minor indiscretions of kids, e.g. pot possession and joyriding, would take on a new dimension and that many more youthful offenders would enter the prison system and fall prey to the slave courts. My idea was to exploit this "youth" market to the full. Supervision of the slave system had become lax and I could see a situation where the commercial exploitation of young slaves in the sex trade would be possible.

The following morning the employees of Slaves r Us gathered as Blade had arranged, and I addressed them. There was clearly a stunned undertone to the meeting at the realization that the young handler of yesterday had today become the "boss" of the firm. I assured them that no reckless changes would be made in the objectives of the firm and that every employee's job was safe.

"I have decided", I continued, "to appoint Blade Anderson, who has been with the firm for nearly seven years, as chief handler and I expect all of you to lend him your full support. I know I will rely upon him to a large degree. In my absence Blade will have full control of the firm's operations."

I looked around the assemblage and, although nothing was overtly obvious, I was convinced that the older pot-bellied employees were not at all happy at the turn of events and I decided that they would be weeded out at the first opportunity and replaced by young committed personnel. As it happened, three of the older brigade left of their own accord and I decided that they would not be replaced. This meant of course that the slack would reluctantly have to be taken up by those remaining. It was a first step in culling the older staff and in reducing costs.

During the next few weeks I told Blade I expected him to impose a harsher regimen of treatment of the slaves that passed through our hands. I also streamlined the handling of the slaves. The first priority I set myself after taking over, was the redesign of the warehousing cages. I had never considered the "prison-cell" type cages suitable and soon small portable cages measuring 6' x 6' x 6' were obtained and lined up along the one side of the warehousing facility. They were secured to the wall and in addition were secured to pallets which made for easier movement of the cages to the despatch area utilizing a forklift. Thus there was no need to remove the slave from the cage during transport to the vehicle.

A slave auction was usually held about once a month. In between a catalogue containing all relevant information pertaining to the slaves, was available to prospective buyers. In addition this information was put out on the internet. Usually what buyers were interested in were the age (most important) and physical attributes of the slave. Of less importance was the level of the slave's education and intellectual capacity. This latter information was completely inconsequential as the only duty of a slave, once trained, was to obey the orders of its Master and the need to reason was completely irrelevant.

Once a slave had been sold, he was hustled away and placed in a holding pen. The new owner then went through the usual process of finalizing the sale with the authorities and registering the slave. He was also asked to complete a requisition form specifying what body modifications he wished the slave to undergo and these were passed on to Slaves r Us for implementation along our processing line. In every case the owner selected a new permanent collar for the slave and this was locked and forged permanently on to the slave's neck. The other most common requirements related to the manner in which the slaves hair was to be shaved or cut, ringing of the slave (ears/nipples/nose/penis) and the type and size of the rings, further tattooing (usually some identification of the owner), and the branding of the slave with the owner's logo. It had been the practice to outsource certain procedures, e.g., circumcision and castration, but I told Blade we should look to do these on site as soon as possible as they were sure moneyspinners.

An area of operations which had been seriously neglected by Mr. Gilbertson was the actual dealing in slaves on our own behalf and I resolved to tackle this at the earliest opportunity.

I informed Blade that I suspected it would only be a matter of time before we lost the services of more of the older handlers when they were able to find positions of a less demanding nature. "If that happens, we cannot afford to have to employ new people hurriedly who may not be suitable to replace them. We must identify new talent in advance. I have always believed that handling slaves is a young man's game and I am prepared to stick my neck out and, in future, employ only guys in the 18 to 22 year old age bracket. They usually don't have the baggage of wives and kids, have abundant energy and drive, and have few scruples in coming down hard on the slaves. The problem is we have to make sure we don't employ softies. We have to identify guys who accept the basic premise of the inferior status of slaves and understand that they are property, no more no less, and that their sole purpose once enslaved is to serve their owners."

We decided that, as an experiment, we would offer a full tour of the facility on the next auction day to six young guys, possibly even kids in their senior year in high school, who we thought might have the makings of a handler. We would study their reactions and monitor their future interest. Sunninghill was a blue collar town and there were thus a good number of high school kids who did not have the means and in many cases the inclination to go to college. We figured that this was a pool of talent we could target.

Blade's younger brother, Kenny, was a senior in high school and of course through his brother was wired in to the slave trade. I had known Kenny for some years; he had been a freshman at the time I graduated high school. Kenny was well liked by all. Blade was extremely proud of him and I liked him too. I think I saw a lot of myself in him. We decided to take Kenny into our confidence and asked him whether he could identify two of his high school buddies who we might invite to accompany him on a tour of Slaves r Us. I told him upfront I didn't want any loudmouthed jocks. He said he would do some reconnaissance and report back to us. Blade meanwhile had put forward the names of two of his younger buddies who were currently working in dead-end jobs for family members. The sixth person was a guy of Blade's age who was working as an overseer on a farm owned by his uncle which was run completely on slave labor. He had approached me at the time I took over the business and I had promised to keep him in mind if a job opportunity occurred. Kenny came up with the names of two of the seniors at his high school and I was impressed because they were not close friends of his.

The five guys we had identified, apart from Kenny himself, were casually asked whether they would be interested in visiting Slaves r Us and they all accepted the invitation with alacrity. I had, however, insisted on seeing the two kids Kenny had suggested in advance. They came to my office on a Saturday morning with Kenny. They were interesting looking kids but not of the type that would automatically catch your eye on the street. Kevin Ridge was about 5'9", 145, and slim with short brown hair and dark eyes. He had nice features and had a serious look about him. His father worked in law enforcement and Kevin planned to go into the Army. Pete Jackson on the other hand was quite fair but of similar build and demeanor. His father owned a small downtown store and was quite active in civic affairs. Pete was resisting pressure to go into the family business after graduating high school. They were casually dressed in jeans, t-shirt, leather belt, baseball cap (one worn backwards), and sneakers. I told them we had agreed to let Kenny accompany his brother Blade on a tour of Slaves r Us and to let him bring along a couple of his friends if he so wished. I asked them if such a tour would be of interest to them and indicated that if they felt they might be uncomfortable with it, it would be no big deal. I emphasized that if they had reservations about the appropriateness of the re-introduction of slavery, it would be better maybe if they did not accept. They both quickly professed that they were entirely cool with the situation and would like to join Kenny.

The day of the auction arrived and, although it was not due to start until noon, Blade arranged for our guests to be at Slaves r Us by 7am. We took them through to the warehousing facility and they were shown the slaves awaiting auction in their individual 6' x 6' x 6' cages. At that time we were holding about 20 newly-enslaved properties. They accompanied us down the row of cages and it was clear that they were quite transfixed. Kenny, I could see, was intensely interested and he asked his brother whether "these dudes are kept in their cages all the time". Blade explained that the slaves had to receive some type of exercise time and were taken out of and chained in front of their cages for a half-hour each day. This enabled them to stretch their limbs. "What happens if they want to crap or piss?" asked one of Blade's buddies. "We can't have the handlers wasting their time taking slaves to the bathroom", Blade explained. "They shit or piss right where they are and the cages are hosed down morning and night and the waste disappears down the trough you see running along the wall at the back of the cages. You boys gotta remember these guys are slaves and their right to normal treatment disappeared, with all their other rights, the moment they were collared". "Wow, heavy!" one of high school kids opined.

The visitors were then taken back into the processing center and Blade explained what took place there. They would be able to see the slaves who were sold that day being processed later in the day. Shortly thereafter fifteen of the slaves in the warehousing facility were brought through. They were shackled at the ankles with short connecting chains while their hands were shackled behind their backs with a connecting chain to a d-ring on their collars. I explained that these slaves were due to be sold that day and they were to be prepared for the auction block. We watched as slaves employed in the processing center washed their entire bodies down and proceeded to give three consecutive enemas to each slave. This was a humiliating experience for the slaves as they were being watched with amusement by our young guests. If they balked they were threatened with an electric prod. Normally a whip would have been applied but on auction day the handlers were under instructions not to mark the slaves' bodies. The slaves were then freshly shaved and their head hair was trimmed short. Scented oil was then applied to their entire bodies so that they shone and when this was done between the cracks of their asses and to their genitals, some of the slaves became semi-erect. The visitors all laughed and Kenny said "The dirty bastards! If it was up to me I'd whip the lot of them!" Blade laughed and said "Cool it bro." The processing slaves then scrubbed, clipped and cleaned their nails and they were given toothpaste and toothbrushes and told to freshen their mouths. I must say the stock looked exceptionally presentable even though they did not carry any adornments at this stage. In addition this particular group of slaves was uniformly young and they thus still had good bodies. One of them was slightly chubby but I had no doubt it would soon shape up under its new owner.

At noon the auction commenced and the six visitors had secured for themselves front row seats. The auctioneer was a county official who had the authority to accept or reject bids. The auction was well attended as the stock was of high quality and the bidding brisk. The bidders were permitted to come forward and look the stock over at closer range and this entailed running hands over the slave's body, looking in its mouth, and judging the slave's reactions when its nipples were pinched, its genitals fondled and squeezed, and fingers inserted in its anus. Blade and I nearly collapsed laughing when Kenny and one of his high school buddies took it upon themselves to go up on the platform and carry out such an inspection. As soon as a slave was sold handlers attached a leash to its collar and hustled it out of the auction hall to one of the holding pens all the time applying a touch of a short whip or cane. The time for handling the slaves with kid gloves was over.

After the new owners had completed the paper work with the authorities we received the requisition forms completed by the owners stipulating what modifications were to be carried out on the slaves. We had installed recently a viewing platform that ran down the entire length of the processing center; it was basically just a scaffolding structure. Blade and I, together with our young visitors, ascended the steps and we were thus able to view the entire processing line. The first station was an important one from a psychological point of view; it was here that the slaves were fitted with the permanent collars that their new owners had selected. It was really the point of no return for the slaves and its significance was lost on no-one.

Thereafter followed the shaving or trimming of the slaves eyebrows and head hair according to the owners' stipulations and the adornment of rings. Quite a few of the owners instructed that the slaves were to be shorn of all hair and it is true that once this was done the slaves assumed the look of a true slave. Ringing of course took many forms and most owners considered rings to be items of adornment. However, the ringing of the nose was an entirely different matter and a slave ringed in this fashion assumed the look of an animal with deep psychological effects.

Our young guests, as I knew all long would be the case, showed tremendous interest in the tattooing of the slaves, usually with some personal identification of the owner (the slave identification number of the authorities having been previously tattooed on the slave's breast and inner wrist). The six young men stared mesmerized when the slaves were finally branded by means of a red hot iron, amid ear-piercing screams, with the new owner's logo. Their pants betrayed how sexually aroused they had become. This act was confirmation of the slave's irrevocable descent into slavery. Kenny opined to all and sundry "It serves the fuckers right! You read in the papers every day of runaway slaves. That should definitely help to keep those pieces of shit in line!"

Our visitors lined up eventually to watch the slaves now newly modified and looking completely different to the way they had looked that morning, being hustled through to the despatch bay, all the while under the whips or canes of the handlers, to be loaded into cages on slave transport vehicles. My own feeling was that what they had seen that day had triggered something in the minds of those six young men and I expected that three or four of them at least would be prime material to become involved in the slave trade. Blade smiled at me and gave me the thumbs up sign.


I had regularly renewed my subscription to "Slavery Today", a publication which was a mine of information of the subject of slavery. It was with great interest then that I saw in the latest edition that a convention was to be held under its auspices in Las Vegas, the purpose of which would be an exchange of ideas among interested parties in the slave trade, presentations of various kinds, a discussion regarding trends in the industry and opinions as to where the industry was headed. The question of the creation of an effective lobby in the nation's capital would also be discussed. I resolved to attend and immediately sent off the required application form with deposit.

To be continued.....

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Next: Chapter 4

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