Kirks Journey

By Cool Dude

Published on Apr 3, 2011


Usual disclaimers apply. This is a work of fiction. All rights reserved by the author. If you are underage, object to gay erotic fiction, or it's illegal where you are, please leave now.

Part One

Kirk Hansen had always been an enigma to his peers while in high school. He was an attractive enough looking boy but did not fit the jock stereotype. At the age of 16 he stood 5'10" in height and weighed in at 155lbs. He had dark hair and intense dark blue eyes, a combination which many of the girls around his age found irresistible. He had a fair complexion and an open face with eyes, nose and mouth combining to form features that many considered to be desirable. He had a lean hard swimmers body. Yet he was not considered to one of the school studs for the simple reason that he did not spend much of his time in pursuit of the opposite sex. He dated occasionally but none of the relationships he embarked on led to anything of a permanent nature. Needless to say there were the usual murmurings among the jock population to the effect that he was probably a fag but only on one occasion did one of that group openly suggest that to his face. Kirk dealt with him summarily and thus discouraged such talk thereafter. He became to be known rather as a loner to be avoided.

Kirk was a youngster when slavery had been re-introduced in his state and, like most of the other kids, was used to the sight of slaves being paraded around the streets of Sunninghill, his home town. Many of the more affluent citizens now availed themselves of houseslaves, in the nature of status symbols in many cases, and these slaves were frequently seen about town performing shopping duties and other chores. Such slaves were basically household servants but there existed cases quite frequently where the young sons of the house were given personal slaves to mark such occasions as a 16th or 18th birthday or graduation from high school. In many such cases the slave would accompany the young male heir to college to provide the services which the young Master had taken for granted at home. And of course to possess a slave was regarded as ultra cool among peers at college.

At about the time Kirk turned 16 he struck up an acquaintanceship with a young buck in the town. His name was Blade and he was two years older than Kirk. It came about after Kirk, alone as usual, had been to a movie in the town one evening. After exiting the cinema Kirk became aware of a commotion at the end of the city block which then moved into an alleyway. Kirk decided to investigate and found four young thug types beating up a slave who they accused of having had the temerity to utilize the main street rather than a back street, which many slaves did as a matter of course in order to avoid just such an incident. The slave took a severe beating from fists and boots and the assault ended with the boys pissing all over the slave as he lay on the ground. Blade was among the four assailants and when it was over he sauntered over to Kirk and enquired why he hadn't joined in. Kirk meanwhile had watched with fascination and had found himself sexually aroused by the whole spectacle. He answered Blade that he had arrived on the scene too late and had thus merely remained a spectator. Blade seemed impressed with this young man and suggested that, if ever Kirk found himself in the vicinity again, he should join the "gang" who habitually hung out at a nearby fast food outlet.

Kirk at the age of 16 had all the usual adolescent sexual yearnings but the incident in the town had stirred up in him hitherto unknown feelings. He was not given to violence, except when provoked as in the instance when it had been suggested he was a fag, but the beating of the slave had caused some turmoil in his mind until he rationalised that there was definitely some justice in what had taken place and that the slave was the one who had insolently provoked the incident and fully deserved everything he had suffered. Thinking back on the incident invariably caused his dick to harden. Kirk while growing up had basically ignored slaves who came across his path and had discarded any notion that they might be anything other than some inferior species there to serve the free population of which he was a part. He lived in a liberal home however, his parents being anti-slavery, but he considered them to be old- fashioned and quietly held on to his own opinions.

The more the incident with the slave played on his mind the more tempted he became to meet up with Blade again. Here was someone who clearly felt the same as he did and all that prevented him from trying to hook up with Blade again was the thought that Blade may have made the invitation just in passing. Furthermore he wasn't certain that the older guys would accept a callow 16yo into their midst. In the end he decided to bite the bullet and one evening went into town. He passed by the hangout Blade had mentioned a number of times hoping to be seen and just when he had decided to leave for home with his quest unfulfilled, Blade happened to glance outside and saw Kirk. A big smile split his face and he motioned for Kirk to join him and his buddies. He was introduced to Blade's buddies as the guy who had witnessed the beating of the slave and, although his welcome was rather unenthusiastic, the fact that Blade vouched for him was sufficient and he was invited to join them. Much of the talk revolved around cars and girls but one topic that recurred frequently was that of slavery. For his part Kirk held his peace. Much later when the group broke up, Blade offered Kirk a ride home which he felt flattered by and he happily accepted. On arriving at Kirk's house neither of them made any move to end the evening and they continued to chat. Blade laughed uproariously when he reminded Kirk of the slave's beating and enquired whether the Hansen household owned a slave. Kirk, rather embarrassed, said no and Blade offered the opinion that they were behind the times and that all households and individuals too should take advantage of the benefits that the re-introduction of slavery in the state offered. It was the biggest step forward in a century and the economic benefits were there for all to see. Blade then imparted the staggering news, to Kirk, that he worked as an overseer's assistant at "Slaves r Us", a slave dealership on the edge of town. Kirk's erection was almost instantaneous and he vowed to himself that he must retain Blade's friendship at all costs. Without knowing it then, the direction which Kirk's life would take was decided at that moment.

Kirk had a mature head on his young shoulders and he knew that if he was to nurture his friendship with Blade, he should avoid tagging along after him like a puppy dog particularly when he was in the company of his buddies who, while deferring to Blade's friendship with Kirk, were less than keen to have a high school boy in their midst. Kirk occasionally would bump into Blade in the town and it was on those occasions that they would spend some time together, very often going for a spin in Blade's car and enjoying a few beers at some spot on the outskirts of town. Blade would always smile when Kirk, inevitably (and with an obvious swelling in his jeans), started to ask questions about his job at Slaves r Us, but he recognized a kindred spirit in Kirk, and was in fact only too happy to discuss his work with his young friend.

Mr. Gilbertson, who owned Slaves r Us, had always recruited staff via the recommendations of his existing employees as he believed that it was essential to obtain the services of people who sympathized with and understood the objectives of the slave system, but not necessarily some sadistic thug. Muscle was of course part of the game but Mr. Gilbertson also understood the value of subtlety. Thus it was that Blade, on dropping out of high school, had been recommended for a job by one of the handlers at the slave center. Although a laid-back person on his own time, as Kirk had discovered, Blade was a highly committed person while on duty and exerted whatever pressure, force or compulsion was necessary to turn out the mainly newly-enslaved properties that passed through his hands as products that Slaves r Us could be proud of. He inculcated in Kirk's mind the values he had been taught and in which he believed fervently, namely, that the system of slavery at the present time was essential for the well-being of society as a whole, and that any possible moral objections thereto by bleeding heart abolitionists, were far outweighed by the economic advantages. Kirk was a willing listener.

Meanwhile in his 17th and 18th years, Kirk bore with little fortitude the boredom of high school life. He had decided that to keep his parents off his back he would complete high school but that on graduation, when he would be 18, he would decide what steps next to take. He avoided the question of college, which was being raised more and more by his parents, and had decided that it was a lot of bullshit in any case and that he would branch out in some other direction of his choosing. Girls meanwhile had just about given up on him but he did not care. They were keen to go "all the way" but fucking did not appeal to him and none of them were worth a damn at giving a satisfying blowjob. He was not considered to be a fag but merely weird.

Kirk was not oblivious however to glances he received from some of the males among his peers. They were probably gay he decided but he was not about to become a notch on some pussy boy's belt. He enjoyed the attention in his own way and wondered if some fun might not be had in stringing them along. As luck would have it one of his most fervent admirers was a neighbor kid named Peter Love ("what a fuckin name to be saddled with!!"), and Kirk now noticed for the first time that he was always hanging around the fringes of Kirk's orbit. On one hot summers day Kirk was lounging in the yard in shorts and t-shirt when Peter stuck his nose over the garden fence and asked whether Kirk would like to come around for "some cold refreshment". Kirk thought what the hell and said sure!. The boys eventually ended up in Peter's bedroom on the pretext that Peter would show Kirk his "stuff", that is, PC and stereo, etc. Kirk politely showed interest but in no time lay back over Peter's bed with his hands behind his head against the wall and with a huge hardon showing. Kirk had difficulty in restraining his laughter at the look on Peter's face. He did however feel a surge of power in knowing that here was a boy who would bust a nut to suck his dick. He thanked Peter for the cola and was on his way. He knew he could take advantage of the situation, however, and a few days later called Peter. "Hey! Pete. Kirk here. I'm fuckin tied up with a project on my PC and I need to get some stuff urgently for tonite from the cleaners. I hate to ask but I was wonderin if u could pick it up for me? If it's too much trouble just say the word. It be cool". Peter assured Kirk he had nothing to do at that moment and, after collecting the slip from Kirk, hopped on his bike to carry out the chore. After that Peter was very much at Kirk's beck and call and Kirk mused how cool it was to have a pussy boy servant.

On another occasion, Kirk was cruised in the town by a young guy around 22 years of age. Kirk gave him no encouragement whatsoever but kept in range and eventually the guy plucked up enough courage to approach Kirk while he was looking in a storefront window. He came up with some feeble small talk and eventually asked Kirk whether he would like to go for a ride, maybe have a beer or something. Kirk merely shrugged and followed the young man. Once they were in the car, the guy stuck out his hand and said " By the way, I'm Justin". Kirk said "I'm Kirk" but ignored the hand. Eventually Justin parked his car at the lake's edge and pulled out a couple of beers. Kirk sat there impassively and eventually Justin slid his hand on to Kirk's thigh. Kirk swung around indignantly like this was the last possible thing he would have expected. "You fuckin fag! What the hell you think you doin?" Justin was really taken aback and was profuse in his apologies. Kirk continued his charade of outrage and said "Dude. You know how old I am? 17! You could be in a heap of shit if I reported this to the cops". The young man was clearly panic-stricken and asked if there was anything he could do to make up for his indiscretion. Kirk told him he didn't need his cash or anything else for that matter, but he didn't want to get Justin into any trouble. Perhaps if Justin really wanted to help him, he might be willing to provide transport for him when he really needed it from time to time? Justin was just too eager to agree and thus was born "Kirk's Taxi Service". Kirk would thereafter call Justin at all hours, including office hours, to be transported to some destination he had in mind and, despite his obvious annoyance, Justin would comply.

Kirk had discovered one of life's truisms. Some people were meant to command and others were born to serve. Kirk looked forward to his future with pleasure and confidence.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 2

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