Kips Long Distance Domination

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 29, 2021


Ted was working at his desk, trying hard NOT to get too excited about kip moving to town. That would happen this weekend. As he worked at his computer, occasionally, ,his hand would drop down and feel his hard cock. He knew he was dripping: it was ok. He had a whole list of things he planned to do with kip. Several of them involved public humiliation. He smiled broadly as he thought about the spiderman costume he had gotten: it would fit kip tightly: just the way he wanted it to. There was a D/s costume party coming up, and he had decided kip was going as his prisoner: a captured superhero. Then of course, there were some of the other outfits that he knew would piss kip off big time: and he'd wear them anyway: the hot pants. The crop tops. He was gonna turn him into his boy toy, one way or the other.

His reverie was broken by a buzz from his assistant. "Yes Gloria. What's up?" "I'm sorry to bother you Ted. There's a woman here who wants to see you. She doesn't have an appointment." "Well, who is she?" "She says her name is Dr. Kara Parker." THAT was a surprise for Ted. Kara was kip's wife. What was she doing here? Was something wrong? He sighed. "Ok, Gloria, thank you. I'll come out and meet her. By the way, she's kip's wife. Gloria sighed. "Yes, I know. She's told me three times." She paused and then said "There's a private email that just came in to you Ted. You should take a look before you start your meeting." Ted smiled. Gloria didn't want Kara to hear whatever she had put in the email. It was simple: "should I get the discretionary spending checkbook out?" Ted typed back an answer. "Have it ready, but let's not go there yet."

Then he walked out.

"Dr. Parker. Or do you prefer Professor Parker? I'm Ted Murry. I'm glad to finally meet you." Ted was all smiles. He could be very charming and Kara, who was very tense, and very nervous, began to feel more comfortable. "I would actually prefer Kara, Mr. Murry. Can I call you Ted?" "I'd be insulted if you didn't. Why don't you come to my office? I suspect we won't stay there, but.. please come in, let's talk." He turned to Gloria. "Could you please hold my calls, Gloria? You can tell whomever needs to know that I'm in a meeting with an educational consultant." "Yes SIR Mr. Murry. " She turned away before they started laughing. She NEVER called Ted "Sir" or "Mr Murry." "Please have a seat Kara. May I offer you coffee, or water, or tea?" Kara laughed. "I was hoping for something stronger." "Ha ha. A woman after my own heart. Now we definitely have a reason to go elsewhere at some point. " He sat in his seat. "What brings you here Kara?" She paused. "Well, first, I wanted to meet the man who's fucking my husband." Ted had suspected something like that. He smiled. "You don't mince words Kara. I like that. Yes, you're right. I'm the one." "I'm going to sound like a voyeur... how did it happen. Was it a steam room or a sauna?" "Oh heavens, that's so old fashioned. Hardly. Hardly. " Then he told Kara the whole story. She had a bitter grin on her face. "You know, kip thinks he's so smart. So clever: why the fuck do men think they can fool women? You know why he comes to the sleaze bars here?" "Uh, I think it's because he likes them." She laughed and almost snorted. "It's because he had already sucked just about the entire down low population at town. EVERYONE knows about him, Ted. EVERYONE. When even HE couldn't ignore the talk, then he applied for his job: meant he could do it out of the sight of our friends." She paused and spoke, bitterly. "Not that it didn't stop them from talking." Ted had to change his approach. He lowered his voice. "So you knew. And you didn't try to stop him?" She shook her head. "I don't really care as long as he makes sure he doesn't catch anything. I HATE that he's not, well, 'steady' with someone, but from what I saw on his computer, his phone, you're kind of making him your steady." Ted remembered the night he took kip out and had him "do" several men in front of him. Now he felt bad. He'd stop that. This woman deserved it. But first: "You saw his computer? His phone?" She laughed again. "You know, kip thinks he can outsmart everyone, and he's so... oh, I don't know. I teach math. I expected something more challenging. His password: rekraPPik. Not hard. "His name backwards," Ted laughed. "That IS pretty easy." "Well, in case you don't know it, kip keeps a diary. And yeah, I read it. I read it because when he came back from trips I began thinking 'it's happening again,' and it was. He wrote about your first meeting, the hotel, the photos... Incidentally, not sending them to me was the right thing to do - or NOT do. I don't care. " Kara, I think we may be ready to go out for that drink. " "Ted, I have to ask you one thing. Well, maybe two. Do you love him? And second, are you planning on marrying him?" Ted laughed. "Well, on the second one, no. On the first, I'm not as sure, but I think it's no, too. He's fun. I almost regard him as a pet. But love him? No. I won't hurt him, but he's not getting a ring from me." Kara smiled. "That's the answer I wanted to hear. Now let's go get that drink."

Ted took Kara to a cafe' not far from the "golden tower." "So you're alright with him moving here, Kara?" She shook her head. "How is he fitting in? I presume the apartment is a shell, and he's living with you." "That's right, but he hasn't gotten here yet. He moves in this weekend." Kara looked flummoxed and then... "the bastard fooled us both. He's here. He left home two days ago. He's been texting me about how well things are going.... He's..." "He's having a last hurrah," Ted added. He didn't add what he was thinking: and he'll pay for that." "So, you didn't know? " Kara asked. "I did not. " Ted put down his scotch and looked at Kara. "Rest assured, he's going to have to explain this, not that any explanation will be acceptable. And rest assured, Kara. I will make sure... it does NOT happen again." When he saw Kara's lip curl, he knew there was something in the relationship he did NOT know, but it wasn't relevant: that bitch boy was here, slutting, and he was gonna have to pay for it.

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The text read: "Can't wait until you're here. I picked up extra rope and some.... surprises for my kipster." kip responded. "Yes sir. You're going to cage me, I imagine." "Damn right. I don't want my boy slutting." The text exchange came as kip was getting ready to go out to... slut. Ted had been very clear: he regarded kip as HIS property. kip had to admit: the feeling of being owned by such a powerful man, turned him on. He had never faked an orgasm with Ted either, but... did he want to give this up? If he was going to have to, he wanted one last fling. That's why he had come up early. He had gone out over the last two nights, and may have sucked at least 12 different cocks. Or some twice, but he had had twelve cocks in his mouth. He hadn't stayed in town: he had his car, and he drove two towns over. One guy REALLY liked him and wanted him to stay, but that was too risky. Tonight though, he was heading to his favorite stop: the place where Ted had gotten the pictures that had led to where he had been: Ted's long distance bitch. Now, he was about to become Ted's live in... toy. Being tied up everyday. Being fucked. Giving head. .. "SHIT, what am I doing? " kip thought, as he pulled on a tight wife beater, put on a cap with the brim backward, and headed out.

His back was turned, so he didn't see Ted coming up behind him, and the bar was loud, so he didn't hear him. He FELT the leash collar go around his neck and tighten. "WHAT THE FUCK... LET ME GO, BASTARD." "SHUT UP BITCH SLUT" was Ted's reply. "OH SHIT" kip thought. "Yes sir." He answered, and without being told, put his hands behind his back. He felt the rope go around them. He saw some of the guys watching and stroking as he became Ted's prisoner. "Sir, I can..." "SAY ANOTHER WORD, AND I'LL TAPE YOUR MOUTH SHUT. LET'S GO." Ted pulled on the leash. He was rigidly hard. So was kip. As Ted led him back to his car, kip was scared but he was feeling something else too: it was something he had probably begun feeling a while ago, but he had only become aware of it on this last trip "home," although he didn't know what home was anymore. He had begun falling in love with Ted. Yes, being dragged out of the bar was humiliating, but exciting: someone had wanted him enough to come and do what he just did: he had shown everyone that kip was HIS, and kip hadn't put up a fight. Ted had done this before: something that the guy kip THOUGHT he was going to be with forever, never had shown. Those years, right after school, when he was with Miller.... he had a career now as a singer, and when his career took off, he left kip behind. "You were just a fuck buddy," he told kip the day he moved out. "A good one, but just a fuck buddy. Get used to it, bitch. No one's gonna want you for more than a few whacks at your ass." No one could argue: Ted took kip's ass plenty, but... how much "captial" had he spent to get kip here? How much had he "invested" in tracking him down? And being with Ted was like... well, it was like nothing he had felt before. "GET IN THE CAR CUNT. AND JUST HOPE I DON'T DECIDE TO DRIVE BY YOUR APARTMENT, LEAD YOU IN AND EMBARRASS YOU IN FRONT OF THE DOORMAN." kip lowered his head. Would Ted do that? He hoped he didn't. Apart from everything else, now kip's cock was leaking badly, desperate for some kind of sexual abuse. He needed it from his... Master. He had never said that, even to himself. Ted had mastered him.

Ted dragged kip into his apartment, and bellowed: "BEDROOM. NOW. JUST SIT ON THE BED CORNER. DON'T MAKE A SOUND, FUCKTOI." He took the leash off kip, but left his wrists tied. kip sat there for about ten minutes until Ted came in. He was naked, and his cock was well out in front of him, hard, like steel. kip began licking his lips. Ted saw it and laughed.

"Oh no. Nothing that easy for you tonight, bitch. Tonight, you suffer. You suffer BIG TIME. " He untied kip and ordered him to strip. kip's smaller cock was pointing out, and Ted laughed. "I just read a story about a guy who's been in chastity for 20 years. 24/7. I wonder if I should lock you for 3 months." kip was stunned when he heard that. He was going to protest, and then he said "whatever you want Sir. I deserve to be punished." "You're DAMN RIGHT you do. It's the only fucking thing you did right since you snuck up here. SPREAD OUT." kip had his wrists and his ankles tied down. That concerned him a little because Ted almost never used the ankle restraints, and his feet were very sensitive. Then he saw the evil smile on Ted's face, as he brought over a box. Clothes pins. And clips like they used from the office. kip began to struggle. He had seen a video where a DOM had put one of those on the tip of his sub's cock. Was that..... No. Not quite. Ted started up at the top of kip's side: right under his right armpit, and began adding the clothespins, at about half inch intervals. Each one hurt more than the next. After about four of them, kip was moaning. And dripping. Then Ted did the same thing on his left side. He wasn't done. He pulled out a handful of the little tiny ones. He held them in one hand, as he picked up kip's cock and balls. "NO SIR PLEASE. PLEASE. I'LL BEHAVE. I PROMISE I'LL.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" The first clip went on the left side of kip's cock. Ted spaced these much closer. Soon, there were at least twelve of them on each side of kip's cock, and then another 8 along his balls. kip alternated between moaning in pain, and whimpering. Ted was fingering his hole, and every time he hit one of kip's "spots" and his cock reacted, the pain on kip's dick got stronger. Then he saw Ted pick up something at the side. "It's called a carbon pain stick, fucktoi. The good news is, as I strike, those clips will fall off. The bad news is, well... you'll see." It didn't look like much: it just looked like a metal rod. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" was all kip could say the first time it came down on his balls. "PLEASE SIR. NO MORE. NO MORE. I ONLY SUCKED..." "I DONT WANT TO KNOW, CUNT. IF YOU SUCKED ONE, IT WAS ONE TOO MANY." The rod came down, and again, and again. kip began to cry. "PLEASE SIR. I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY. I WANTED YOU TO CATCH ME. I WANTED.... I WANTED TO KNOW THAT..... THAT I MATTERED." He began to sob more. Ted heard what he was saying. He filed it away, but the scene would go on. "You needed to know you mattered? POND SCUM. WHO THE FUCK DO Y OU THINK YOU ARE, THE POPE?" "No Sir. No. I'm your bitch. That's what I am. Your fucking cunt bitch. The boy who wants your cock so bad. SO BAD." "And you're gonna get it, even though you don't deserve it." kip saw Ted reaching for something. At first, he thought it was a clear chastity cage, but... it was like a ribbed tube, and he was sliding it onto his own cock. "A new toy for my boy. A breeder tube. Gonna make you SQUEAL like you've never squealed before. And with each thrust... I'm gonna take off a pair of your side pins." "OH SHIT" kip thought. "I'm gonna die." The tube gave Ted about another half inch of girth, but it was... ribbed. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DADDY. FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK" kip was screaming as Ted entered him. THE RIBBING... OH SHIT. And as every pair of clothes pins came off, and the blood rushed back... kip thought he was going to pass out. As Ted pumped, faster and faster... the clips came off and the pain increased. kip's last scream was a silent one. He just couldn't get any sound out, as Ted pushed and began flooding him with jizz. He wasn't done. The carbon rod came out, and Ted stood in front of kip. "You're gonna learn what happens if you try to get away from me, bottom." The rod came down. It came down just five times on each foot, but it was enough. "I'LL NEVER TRY TO GET AWAY SIR. NEVER NEVER. I'LL ONLY LEAVE IF YOU THROW ME OUT." Ted saw how kip bit his lip when he said that. He had to file that away too. For now though, he began edging kip. "Who's your dom, studmuffin?" "You are Sir" "You gonna cheat on me again?" "No Sir." "Better not. Know what happens if you do?" "More of this Sir?" "And... at least two hours of tickling. And if you pee ... another hour." "Oh shit. Yes sir. I understand.. No, I ..." kip stopped talking. Ted had edged him to the point where he was going to lose control. And he was thinking of how much he hated being tickled, unless Ted did it. he remembered one session: Ted's fingers in his pits and... "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SIR. THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU."

Now kip began to sob. Ted covered kip's lips with his. "It's ok, baby, it's ok. We're done for tonight. All done. " He circled kip's navel with his finger and kip giggled lightly. "No more cheating on me. Understand?" "I do Sir. I do. " "Tomorrow, you lock the cage on yourself. It'll prove to me you mean it." "Yes sir" "Ok, I'm gonna get us ready for bed now. Think you can sleep?" "If you hold me Sir. " Ted smiled. "Not a problem."

As kip cuddled into Ted's arms, he smiled a little. This felt SO good. It was as good as the sex play, but different. He began dreaming about how much he wanted to let this man control him completely, but he was also thinking about how much fun it would be to get caught disobeying. He fell asleep. Ted was up a little bit longer. He was thinking "what has he gone through? What is his past? Can I just ignore it and move forward?" He thought about the spiderman costume, and the party that kip didn't know they were going to. He snickered. "That'll be a GOOD test."

Next: Chapter 6

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