
Published on Nov 19, 2021


Kipling F. Holliday IV Part 4 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I was painting portraits of wealthy men, mostly sports stars, actors, and internet millionaires. It was easy work and paid well. I had a problem with men who wanted an improved version of themselves. I pointed out that if the portrait was too improved, it might be laughable and be treated as a joke.

One of the internet men was Tyler DeWitt. He was an eccentric genius who created something included in computer gaming machines. Tyler was not handsome. He was just a guy. He wasn't ugly, but no one asked him to be the face for a new men's cologne either. The press had him pegged as a crazed eccentric. It was true that he wasn't conventional, but his computer developments required deep knowledge and imagination. He was a loner, and socially inept. His sex life was limited. He liked professional wrestling.

He wanted a portrait. I went for neo-Goya atmosphere for his portrait and that worked. The elongated figures of Goya merged with Tyler DeWitt's slightly goofy look. The little bit of sparkle in the Goya inspired portrait was memorable.

At the studio, he saw preliminary sketches for the paintings of Rocky in the Labors of Hercules. They had been great success. Prints of the paintings sold well, and I tried my hand at etching. The etchings were a great success artistically and financially. My worst critics admitted they had merit. Some of the studies were very nude, and overtly sexual.

It hadn't occurred to Tyler that I drew Rocky from life and nude. He was surprised I knew him. When I said yes, he asked if he could meet him.

"He doesn't pose much since he did the Labors paintings. I assume he would if there was a new project," I said. A week later I was doing a sketch of Rocky for his "If you need a gun to prove you're a man, you ain't a man," campaign. It had been effective with boys and young men in both the Latino, Afro-American and Anglo communities.

Tyler unexpectedly came by, and they met. They got along well. Rocky had a high tolerance for fawning fans. I showed Tyler's a new nude of Rocky.

"It's fucking beautiful," Tyler exclaimed. Rocky knew Tyler wasn't commenting on my drawing.

Rocky laughed. "All the guys who have seen the paintings I modeled for say they like the bold composition and artistic quality. I can guarantee they all took a long look at my cock and the artistic brushstrokes of my bush!" he said, "It's human nature. If you look closely at my cock, there often is a little highlight. That a little drip of precum."

Tyler looked at his portrait. He didn't see a highlight on the tip of his cock. Think he was disappointed. "It's not on my picture," he said. His erection tented his pants.

Rocky laughed again. "It helps if you just had sex or were expecting to have sex later. Let's just say Kipling and I are really comfortable being naked," he explained. "We've traded loads and I've done a complete investigation of his asshole."

"I wouldn't mind if you investigated my ass," Tyler remarked.

"Lots of guys want me to fuck them. I'm a professional, not amateur fucker." Rocky said. "I've had a problem with boys whose eyes are bigger than their assholes. There is another problem. Some guys want to be fucked by a famous wrestler, not a man named Rocky."

"Is it twice as good if Rocky the man and Rocky the wrestler fucks you?" Tyler asked.

Rocky laughed. "I'll fuck you for pure originality! I'll dump enough sperm in you that you can leave it in your will to impress your heirs."

Soon, Tyler's long tool was in my ass as Rocky poked into Tyler's behind.

Rocky told Tyler that he liked to give an ass a buff and shine. He liked to lubricate the hole as he left a sperm souvenir. Tyler didn't object. I was on my back as Tyler fucked me and I could feel Rocky's thrusts as he pushed deeper into Tyler. When Rocky bellowed as he shot off, I felt Tyler ejaculate forcefully into me. Tyler left my studio smiling and clenching his ass tightly. I think he wanted to save the sperm.

After Tyler left, Pablo came home. Pablo, Rocky and I showered, and we had a good session. Rocky said he wanted some of my special lube in his behind. A few minutes later, Pablo and I took turns fucking Rocky. Rocky rarely bottomed and this was a surprise. He was feeling mellow. I think he wanted sex but didn't want to expend the energy. It was good for all of us. Pablo shot off in Rocky.

When he shot off, my cock effortlessly slid into Rocky's sperm lubricated ass. It was easy, relaxed, friendly sex. My cock was not relaxed. Rocky appreciated that. When I shot off, Pablo had recovered enough to enter my ass. Pablo tends to shoot huge loads. It was enjoyable and fun. I wondered if it was sex, or just three men entertaining themselves. Pablo popped and I decided it was definatly sex for him.

Rocky and Tyler became friends. Tyler was made of money, but still acted as if he were living in a one room apartment fiddling on a computer. Rocky did a lot of charitable work and he told Tyler to start giving it away before he turned squirrely. Of course, that would normally be offensive, but when Rocky told you something, you obeyed. Tyler didn't like publicity. Rocky told him to do it secretly and he wouldn't have a problem. I did illustrations for Rocky's campaign. My first drawing was of an empty classroom in disarray with chairs and desks knocked over. It was unsigned, since I wanted the focus to be in the dead or terrorized children. The title "After the Gun Show" caused a stir.

Professionally, I had a strange combination of admirers. The men who like wrestlers loved my work. I painted works which were definitely art and definitely of naked men. Some might have preferred it if they had been painted on black velvet, but they liked them. While rednecks were the majority in this group, there were a number of businessmen who secretly admired them.

There was another group of wild-and-crazy men who wanted a naked picture to impress a date or partner. These paintings would be in the bedroom in an exercise room. About sixty percent of these men were straight and some wanted enhance genitals. I mentioned that impressive, enhanced genital might backfire with a potential date. You never want your date to ask, "Were is the rest of it." Most men agreed.

On man brought the painting back. He had another artist expand his cock. It was a total disaster, artistically and failed to cause the desired impact on a date. "It's hard to get it up when your date is laughing," he explained.

While most art critics were unimpressed with my painting, Mary and the Innocents, they weren't the only ones. There was another group that disliked the painting. There are people who think killing a few Latino children was a good thing. Some of these were gun freaks, some were born-again "Christians" who thought their god only liked white people. They thought Jesus was a redneck who approved of keeping the neighborhood white.

Mary and the Innocents was a huge success with a different audience. For Pablo's family and friends, it was comfortable and reassuring. There are a lot of things you could say about an artwork that are worse than that. My priest friends said it seemed to be both an outlet for emotions and have a calming effect. There was a place where you could mourn your loss and a comforting image to reassure the mourners.

The painting was incredibly not avaunt guard. One art critic referred to my painting as Christian-Porn-Lite. If an artist wanted good publicity, he could hardly ask for anything better than that. My personal life was quiet. I am not equipped to be a publicity hound.

There was an Episcopal Bishop who came with a group to see the painting and mourn the dead. They met with the Catholic priest and had a small ceremony expressing their deepest sympathy. That wasn't unusual. My mother and father brought a group from their Presbyterian Church for the same reason.

Somehow that caused a stir. There was a problem with those in the modern American freak show. Several old families left the church writing letters to the editors declaring the bishop betrayed the faith and had turned away from the bedrock principals. I couldn't tell if the problem was reverting to Elizabethan era anti-papist attitudes, or of the problem was mourning the deaths of unworthy Latino children. The letters cause a stink in the born-again churches.

Twenty families left the Bishop's Cathedral church. During the next year 137 families joined. This was an unexpected chance for Episcopalians to be radical. Attacking the church for mourning the death of six children and a teacher was way too much for normal people.

The Right Reverend Walter Jerome, the bishop, was not a natural leader of men. He did have a very strong sense of propriety, and a sympathy for the human condition. He wasn't radical in any way, but he had standards. He also believed that keeping silent when dealing with evil was the same as condoning it. He also lost a child to cancer.

Bishop Jerome decided to convert a small side chapel of the cathedral into a memorial to the victims of prejudice and hatred. The new chapel was to deal with the acts of cruelty in the modern age, such as the 9-11 disaster, the extermination and prison camps, lynching, ethnic cleansing, and the Holocaust. While it was for an Episcopalian Church the bishop thought all these violent acts offended God. "God doesn't check your membership cards. God can save anyone he wants," was his statement on the subject. There were howls of complaint from some. The cathedral had to add another Sunday service to handle the increased attendance.

There were feelers made to me about doing a painting for the chapel. This was because the church didn't want anyone to publicly reject the commission. I talked with my parents about the possible project. They were fine with me as an artist, but were not too sure about my subject matter. I told them about my portrait with the overpainting of enlarged genitals. They were modestly amused. Apparently, my mother told the story to her bridge club. They almost upset the card tables they laughed so hard.

My parents didn't have any blood thirsty tendencies, so they had no problem with Bishop Jerome's sympathy with martyred persons. Mom thought I should take the commission if asked. I was asked and took the commission. My Dad suggested a theme. He thought "Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee," might work. I looked it up. It was by the poet John Donne and it was right.

Rocky's "if you need a gun," campaign launched nation wide with the quote above my drawing of the mutilated classroom. It caused a sensation. I wasn't named as the artist, but some people knew.

Rocky let it be known that it was about the children, not about artists or sponsors.

I had a surprise visit from Rutherford B. Townsend, the art critic for a major publication. When he knocked on the door, Pedro's aunt let him in. He was early so she offered him coffee and a pastry. He saw a small copy of Mary and the Innocents with a candle burning in front of it. I came in and took him to my studio on the top floor.

I think his plan was to confront me as a panderer to lower class tastes. I would love to say he was dazzled by my talent. He was dazzled by my subject matter, naked men. He all but drooled when he saw some drawings of Rocky. Rutherford didn't know who Rocky was, but he knew what he liked. He also liked drawings and paintings of any man who was well endowed. I was also good portraying dogs and did some portraits of animals at the zoo. I was good at painting hair. He liked bear types.

Rutherford was a pompous ass in public and in his writings. When he saw naked, macho, stud muffins he all but melted. Since naked, macho, stud muffins were at the core of my success, I had Rutherford's number. We talked and Rutherford tried to be pleasant. Pedro came up to give me the mail. He was shirtless and wearing only shorts.

Rutherford recognized him from one of my more overt drawings. Things developed the way things do when three gay men are in private place. Normally, Pedro was either semi-erect or erect when he was with me. Rutherford was soon showing hard under his linen Bermudas.

Rutherford said that in the informal, quick sketches, the men seem to be seconds from sexual activity.

"Somehow I don't think that offends you," I said. Rutherford cupped his hand over his cock. "Why don't you and Pedro strip and let's see what happens."

"For your information, I'm a top," Pedro said. Rutherford was already striping.

"My partner left me two years ago. I may be a little rusty," Rutherford said.

"I've got some rust remover in my balls," Pedro said.

An hour later it seemed that Rutherford's pompous and pretentious personality was due to sexual frustration. Underneath the pretention there was a needy slut. Pedro's rust remover did wonders for his ass. Before they fucked, Rutherford complained that Pedro's cock was too big for his ass. Pedro's cock head gave his prostate a massage that seemed to change Rutherford's attitude. Pedro pushed his thick tool deep into the rectum.

Pedro took his time working his cock up to the orgasm. I drank Rutherford's load as Pedro ejaculated deep in his ass. When Pedro pulled out, I fucked him next, and apparently, he had never been fucked by two men in succession or taken two loads in his ass. I wasn't that interested in Rutherford, but Pedro always shot big loads and I enjoyed the slippery goo in a tight space.

I discovered that I couldn't do a revenge fuck. Some men can fuck a man to punish him. Rutherford's articles on me were pretentious and nasty. He liked the cutting quip. His cum filled ass was so warm and inviting, I could only enjoy it. He was moaning in pleasure. My cock loved it and rewarded it with multiple ejaculations. He shivered each time I ejaculated. He was all but crying when I pulled out. he wanted more.

"Shit! I didn't expect that," he said a minute or two later. "I've never felt a man shoot off in me. I'm not really sure anyone has done that."

"Your lover didn't breed you?" Pedro asked.

"Sean was a pretty boy toy. He liked to be sucked, and top, but was afraid of sperm," Rutherford explained. "He was great at cocktail parties with older men. They loved him. I was his introduction to upper class men with money." He paused, "I thought it was true love."

"I'm afraid you won't find true love here," I said. "We can give you lust, good sex and some sticky stuff up your behind."

"No meaningful interpersonal relationship?" Rutherford asked.

"Rutherford, you can go and look for a meaningful interpersonal relationship, or you can stay here and get fucked silly," Pedro asked.

I handed him a quick sketch I had done of him on his back with his legs spread and Pedro fucking him. I had down some detail on his cock dripping in excitement.

"Damn, you can draw," he said. Rutherford said he had another appointment, dressed and left. I knew he would come back.

Rutherford did come back. He came with a new friend, a middle-aged carpenter named Marco. If there was a person who was the complete opposite of a Boy Toy it would be called a Marco. He had never been to a gym or a weight room but was solid muscle. He showered every day' but you wouldn't know that after he had been at work two hours. His beauty regimen was brushing his teeth. He brushed what was left of his hair every few days. Marco might have been able to do a comb over with his shoulder or back hair.

Marco was polite and soft spoken. When you are as big as he was, you don't need to raise your voice. He thought my drawings were pretty. He loved my more explicit drawings of Rocky. When he was looking directly at Rocky's cock he muttered, "Fucking beautiful."

I had a smaller painting of Rocky, semi-erect, and showed it to them.

"He's nice hard," Marco muttered.

"As I recall, he was only semi-hard," I said.

Marco smiled and added, "I love to see that!"

"No one gets to see that. I did get to feel it when he was squirting in my backside," I said.

"I guess he's all top?" he asked.

"He's eighty percent a top, but we've traded home brew a few times," I replied. I told Marco that I would try to arrange a meeting with Marco.

Marco, Rutherford and I had a good, but odd threesome. Rutherford wanted Marco to fuck him, but he was afraid of him. I was there to save him if things got too rough. I doubted that Marco would be rough. At first, I thought his cock was short but thick. That was an optical illusion. It was so thick that it looked short.

Marco was experienced enough to know that he had to ease it in. Rutherford was all but paralyzed but the combination of fear and lust. I had a bottle of amyl available and had Rutherford take a snort. Rutherford didn't like it, but suddenly, his ass opened like the Red Sea welcoming Moses to the promised land.

Marco's cock slid in all the way, and he cried, "What a fucking tight hole!" after a few minutes of fucking, it was too much for Rutherford, and Marco pulled out.

Marco looked at me. I whispered that I would drink his load from his cock. I would like a threesome with Rocky to take it in the ass. I took his load. Each ejaculation was wonderful and tasted great. I continued to suck his cock. He loved that. Rutherford rallied enough to shoot off and push his spurting cock into my ass.

Next: Chapter 5

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