Kinky Teens

By File Gavin

Published on Apr 6, 2004


Categories: High School & Authoritarian

Damn, it's hot, even here in the shade! I don't think I've ever felt so much humidity. It feels like a wet blanket! Beads of sweat trickle down my sides as I take in a neighborhood of large houses and huge manicured lawns. This is Dayton ... Ohio ... or a suburb just outside it. I'm Shaun, 16, blond hair, blue eyes, tall, slender, and a surprisingly good tan having lived my whole life in San Francisco.

My mom just started a new job here in Dayton, now during the summer between my tenth and eleventh grades. She's an accountant and right now, April, is her busiest time of the year. Usually she doesn't come home till about nine or ten at night, but she's always made up for it in the past by trading overtime for vacation time. I hope she still can with this new company. We get along great and she knows I have gay feelings from time to time. Well, that's an understatement. I'm actually quite boy crazy! That part she doesn't know. The point is that she accepts me for who I am and whomever I become. It's just that, even though most people say I'm cute and good-looking, I'm incredibly shy, so I haven't had any experiences yet, at least not with anyone other than myself. Little did I know that was all about to change.

Apparently here jobs are more abundant and housing is cheaper. That's what mom said. She didn't say she was getting paid more than she was getting paid in San Francisco, just that she wanted me, her only child, to have a better life after the divorce. Let's not go there. That's another story. Anyway, here I am and, except for the weather, Dayton looks okay, but I hear it's very conservative--much more so than San Francisco, but then almost any place is more conservative than San Francisco!

Anyway, here I sit under a shade tree, my mom in the huge empty house, we're both waiting for the moving truck to arrive, when I see this guy walking towards me. How can someone look like the boy next door and be drop-dead-gorgeous at the same time. Well, this guy was! Wearing only cut-offs and flip flops, he introduced himself as Gavin, and sure enough, he lived next door. Like me, he was also going into the 11th grade. In fact, we were almost the same age as our birthdays were only a month apart. And what's more, his house had a pool!

Well, it turned out that the moving truck wasn't going to arrive until about the next morning. Apparently they were having some engine trouble. My mom got a motel room nearby, but Gavin invited me to stay with him at his house. At first, mom wasn't sure, but he was a new neighbor and we had to get to know them sometime. She said he sure seemed like a nice boy. Later I would find out just how nice!

Gavin's parents had mom and I over for a barbeque cookout to welcome us to the neighborhood. Weird, no fences in the back! Of course, they had a six-foot iron bar fence around their pool, but that's it. All the backyards looked as wide-open as the front yards. For a boy having lived in SF his whole life with our only "yard" four flights up on our roof, this was like the twilight zone! So much space! I almost felt dizzy. You could play soccer back here across three or four back yards! Yeah, the place was growing on me.

Finally, mom went to her motel room and Gavin and I went down to the basement to watch some DVDs. A basement?! Gavin explained that this was kind of like the kid's family room. He was as interested in SF as I was amazed at Dayton. I explained that we also had a three-car garage in our old Victorian house, which was by the way over 100 years old, but it was a "tandem" garage in which you parked the cars one behind the other. Well, our lot was only 15 feet by sixty feet, no windows on the sides. But we had an awesome view of the bay. Yeah, we lived in Pacific Heights. My mom must have given up a really good job to come here. Either that or the divorce wiped us out. Who knows. That was another life and I've got my life to think about now.

Gavin and I watched movies till after midnight. He never did put on a shirt, not even in the cool air conditioned house. Don't get me wrong--I'm not complaining at all! More than once I pondered reaching over and touching his taut stomach and smooth chest! Actually, we were sitting quite close together on the sofa in front of the big-screen TV, our shoulders and knees often touching, often resting against each other. Fortunately, I wasn't getting hard ... yet.

It turned out that his bedroom was up in what used to be the attic of the house, third floor up from the ground. He had dormers for windows, but he had the ENTIRE attic! Cool! I'm not going to tell you how small my bedroom was in SF! Man, we could do laps up here! He even had a private bathroom. His parents moved him up here when he was in ninth-grade to give him some more space for his budding rebellious teen years and his not so quiet music, but apparently he had mellowed since then. He seemed pretty nice.

Gavin's bedroom was like an apartment all by itself! At one end was his bathroom, closet, and dresser. Hanging on the wall were belts--LOTS of belts, brown and black leather, some narrow, some wide. Why did he need so many belts? At the other end of the attic was his bed--one bed--a queen size, complete with wood-slatted headboard and footboard. In the middle were a desk, his computer, some big floor pillows, a small TV, and even a small fridge! Since this was the attic, overhead rafters were above. The place was truly massive! What a lucky guy.

When I asked him about the pile of rope in one corner, he said it was just a hobby. What hobby? He was vague on this issue. I was a drawing tablet on his desk and he said he liked to draw. I mentioned that I liked swimming, bicycle riding, and racquetball and he offered the use of their pool, even when no one's at home. Both of us liked ice skating which sounded pretty good right about now since the air conditioning wasn't very effective up here, one of the few drawbacks of summer, Gavin said. I did feel warm, but I think it was more than just the room temperature.

Well, time for bed. We brushed our teeth and Gavin dropped his cut-offs and clamored into bed. Wanting to follow suit, I peeled off my shirt and dropped my jeans. What the heck! We were both guys and I hadn't had an erection yet in the presence of this incredibly gorgeous adonis. Maybe I'd be okay for the night. So there we were, lying next to each other, inches apart, each of us wearing only briefs. Amazingly, we eventually drifted off to sleep. Yeah, I guess the night would go okay. Little did I know!

I had forgotten to go the the bathroom, so after about an hour I got up and looked back at Gavin. He had kicked the covers down and was sprawled out on his back with his arms resting above his head. In the dim moonlight, I couldn't see one hair in either armpit! Damn, he looked delicious!

On my way back to his bed from his bathroom, I stopped at his desk. I was curious to see what he liked to draw. So I quietly opened the tablet and got quite a surprise. He liked to draw pictures of scantily-clothed boys our age in various bondage positions. He was quite talented and had a good eye for detail and when I finally reached the last page, I was rock hard! There was one drawing, however, that I simply couldn't get out of my mind--not that I wanted to. It was so hot! This cute shirtless boy was standing, tied with his hands over his head, and another boy was standing off the the side behind holding a belt. I looked up at the overhead rafters and then over at all those belts. Apparently, Gavin and I had more in common than either of us were willing to admit ... yet. Gavin was still asleep as I gingerly settled onto the bed. Yeah, it was warm, so I didn't bother with the sheet or blanket.

Sometime later during the night I was startled awake by something tickling my stomach and discovered that it was Gavin's hand. I was on my side turned away from him, so he couldn't see that my eyes were open. Man, this was so hot! My penis got rock-hard in an instant and I was so embarrassed that Gavin would find out. How ignorant I was at the time! He was the one who was feeling me! Duh! I guess I was so frozen with shock that I didn't, or couldn't, move a muscle. I think I even forgot to breathe!

I was ticklish and my stomach began to quiver a bit as Gavin's fingertips tenderly tickled across my soft belly. I liked this feeling. I did'nt have to wait long before I felt the palm of his hand smooth up and down my bare side, back and forth, back and forth, again and again. Oh, man, this felt so good! His fingers dipped down around my chest and touched my nipple, which hardened immediately. As he lightly pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, at the back of my neck I felt his breath, then the tip of his nose, then his lips, and finally his warm wet tongue, licking across my neck and up and down, from shoulder to shoulder, up and down, over and over, again and again. No way he'd believe my possum play now.

I feigned a slight stir as if I were still unaware of his touching and licking. I didn't want him to stop! He didn't and as I slowly rolled over onto my back, toward him, our eyes locked in gaze. He was almost on top of me now, his big brown eyes staring down into my deep blue eyes, the seriousness of the moment weighing heavy on our breathing. I could feel his heart beating against my ribcage. Gavin slowly lowered his lips to mine and kissed me. It was a kiss so tender filled with love that I lost all awareness of the passage of time, a kiss that lasted long into the night.

Yeah, I think I'm gonna like it here.

Next: Chapter 2

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