Kinky Love Under Lockdown

By Namab Mas

Published on May 15, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Kinky Love Under Lockdown

Chapter Five

I couldn't get enough of being Ed's toilet, and the very next day it happened again. This time we didn't bother with the chair or the plastic sheets, and instead he did it on me in the bath. He stood and watched, stroking his bulging crotch as I stripped naked and got in with my hard-on thrusting out in front of me. Then he stepped over, turned away and pulled down his jogging bottoms and boxer shorts, just as if he was about to sit on the toilet. His gorgeous arse peeped out teasingly from under the hem of his T-shirt. He lowered himself down until he was perched on the side of the bath with his bottom hanging over me, shuffled back a little so it was right over the middle of my chest, and leaned forward to balance himself.

For a few moments my mind raced through what he'd eaten the day before – the big vegetable curry especially – and what that was about to make him do. The unpredictability of shit was part of the turn-on: I could never know whether he was going to sit for ages pushing out solid logs, or whether he'd drop a quick mushy pile, as he very occasionally did. Either way I was his toilet, and I could only lie there and take what he gave me. Then his bottom relaxed and he farted softly. I felt the little puff of warm gas, and a moment later the smell reached me. It was fresh and inviting, and my dick throbbed and twitched. If I'd have touched it I'd have cum straight away. Slowly his turd started to come out, thick and a lumpy, and weirdly squared off at its end. A couple of times it paused, and his hole rippled as he pushed, so that it came again with a brief slimy crackle. Then with a third little push his shit grew smoother and slightly lighter too, and he curled out a big snaky turd. It touched down on me at once and bent to the side, and its hard end slid through my chest hairs as a big mass of hot, slimy shit descended beside and on top of it. His turd snapped off suddenly and flopped heavily down, and another big, smooth curl came down quickly on top of it, crackling and hissing wetly, with big deep cracks in it and a few lighter flecks and lumps half-buried in its glistening, cracked surface. He let out a little satisfied grunt as it dropped away from him.

His smell washed over me. It was still fresh and light and pleasant, but for him it was pretty strong, and it was hot beyond belief. He was using his toilet again, giving me his shit, and I loved him for it. He fidgeted and raised himself up a bit, and the light flooded in so I could see his heavy, coiled pile better. He'd done a big one already and I wondered vaguely if he had much more to come. But then he leaned forward a bit further and gave a soft little grunt, and I could just imagine his face stiffening as the stick brown lips of his arse rippled and started to pucker out. He farted twice, a little wet rasp and then a long hiss that morphed into the slimy crackle of another turd being pushed from his bowels.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Oh that's better...'

Weirdly his shit was more solid now, but thinner, and it curled from his bottom like a long, long brown rope that jerked and twisted one way and another, hissed and cracked and snapped off, and covered his logs in a big heap of ragged brown curls. His gloriously sexy smell seemed to redouble. I started edging as the first of them dropped onto me and he kept going for ages, grunting softly and straining, with his bottom making filthy noises, so that by the time he'd done I was on the verge of cumming. He twisted round and looked down on me, leaned to his left so he could see what he'd just done, and grinned.

'Phew, I needed that! Sorry ... smells a bit!'

'Mmm! Mm, yeah, it does! Have you finished?'

'Uh-huh.' He nodded. 'Gonna wipe my bum for me then?'

He half-stood and shuffled forward a bit, so I could do it without getting my arm in his shit. The light fell on it again and I marvelled at its size, and how something so deliciously dirty could come from so exquisite a young man. Wiping his bottom for him when he'd just given it to me like this felt right, and my dick throbbed all the while as I reached up, and dabbed and rubbed at his hard, muscly little hole. Only when he was completely clean did he turn around to face me and bend down over the bath. He smiled again as he looked down on his own shit, and his shaking, edging toilet. Then he bent down, sniffing at his own smell and grinning wryly, took my cock in his right hand and wanked over me with his left. The sensation seemed to surge through my whole body.

'Ooh! Oh Ed ... oh I'm cumming! Ah ... ah ... oh fuck!'

He grinned again as I yelped and writhed and came all over myself, then lay there all blissed out as he wanked off over me and shot onto his own shit.

'So good shitting on you like that,' he grinned later, as we sat down with a joint. 'It had made me think, though.'

'Oh yeah? let me guess ... you wanna try it?'

'Ha ha, yeah!' he chuckled. 'You know me too well! We like the same kinda things, and if you get off on it that much I wanna give it a go! But I've got another idea.'

'Oh yeah...?' I said again. 'Go on....'

'I wanna be tied up,' he said flatly. 'Tie me up and shit on me.'

Two days later I stood over him as he lay down on the bathroom floor and stretched his arms and legs out, and then moved in to tie him up. I looped the cords securing his ankles around the base of the toilet, and at the other end cuffed his wrists together above his head and tied them to a conveniently placed pipe for the central heating. It wouldn't hold him if he really wanted to get away, but that wasn't going to be a problem! His dick was rock hard and twitching, and he was letting out little whimpers in his throat, visibly trembling all over in anticipation. I stood back up and looked down on him.

'I need a shit,' I said quietly. 'I need to go to the toilet...'

It was his last chance to back out, but I knew he wouldn't take it. The day before he'd knelt behind me as I sat down on the end of his bench, backwards with my arse hanging over the front, hovering over a plastic bag. He watched with wide eyes as I did a huge shit and came all over it almost before I'd finished. He'd got me to do it in his room so the smell of it would linger, and when I took myself off to my room to get on with my work for the day he stayed in there and worked out with the door and window shut. After an hour of that he was turned on again and he too needed a shit, so he called me through and did it in the same position, and we'd wanked off together for the second time that morning. When we got stoned and horny that evening he'd talked of pretty much nothing except how he wanted me to shit on him. We'd eaten loads that day anyway, but we ended up heating up the deep fat fryer for chips and getting a pizza out of the freezer, and having a second dinner. Now I needed a shit badly. It had hit me quickly and hard, like it often did in a morning, and there was no way I'd have been able to hold it for long. I had a big bulky load pushing hard at my back door, and even as I tied him up I was having to clench my arse up hard.

'Ready...? I really gotta take a shit...'

His eyes were all wide again and his dick was going crazy, and he let out another little whimper and nodded. I stepped forward and straddled him, and then squatted down slowly until my arse hung about a foot above his chest. I put my hands on his thighs to steady myself and looked down on his twitching cock, and suddenly the reality of what I was about to do hit me. The feeling was the reverse of what it was when his arse hovered over me, and every bit as intense. I could hardly believe I was about to do something so utterly disgusting to him; defile his stunning body with my own shit. But what was even crazier than that was how badly he wanted me to do this thing to him. His cock was bobbing up and down and behind me he was breathing hard and whimpering. He'd said just before he went down that he was starting to need a shit as well. For a moment or two I squatted over him and tried to take it all in. But then my body's physical needs took over, and all of a sudden the pressure in my arse became nearly uncontrollable.

'Ooh! It's coming ... Ed, I'm shitting...'

The sensation as I let it go felt like the most pleasurable shit I could ever remember taking, multiplied several times over. I grunted out loud as my hole flared open and I started doing a thick, lumpy flow that pushed slowly and ecstatically out of me. A solid lump pulled away at once and dropped between his nipples and he moaned out loud, and then I looked down past my balls and watched my first thick log descend down, curl to the side and drop, and then another shorter one on top of it. The smell filled the room and hung heavily around us as I squatted there, with one chunky, dark-brown lump after another falling from my arse. As usual my shit was a touch softer than his, and the pile settled as more lumps landed on top of it. A longer turd landed with its end sticking up, but then subsided onto his skin and made him moan out loud. I looked down again, to where his dick was still dancing and bobbing up and down. He was desperate to wank but he was tied up and couldn't touch it, and that made him even more excited. He let out a little gasp as I ran my fingers over his thighs and brushed his shaft.

'Ooh!' he squeaked. 'Oh don't or I'll cum! Oh ... oh Cam your shit stinks! So fucking nasty...'

I strained gently and started dumping again; that second phase of a shit I often had, when it was sludgy and sinuous and a bit gassy, and I kept giving little pushes to keep the filthy brown flow moving. Underneath me he was still moaning, and I looked down between my legs and watched as one slim curl after another dropped from my crackling hold and landed on the big, coiled brown pile. Then suddenly my shit grew looser, and I farted wetly and dumped three mushy little loads on top of it.

'Ooh!' he moaned. 'Oh god...'

'Okay?' I reached down and touched his dick again. 'I've finished now. Is it alright?'

'Yes! It's ... oh no, don't wank me Cam or I'll cum ... ooh, no, I'll cum!'

'Mmm, good!'

'No ... Cam, I need to shit as well. I wanna do it ... untie me?'

Quickly I got up off him, reached forward and undid his ankles, and he fumbled above his head and released the cuffs, moving gingerly so as not to disturb the pile on his chest. He was staring at it, his eyes wide and his expression somewhere between awe and disgust. Quickly I nudged his legs apart and knelt down between them. He looked at me sharply, raising an eyebrow, and then realised what I was thinking as I lifted his thighs up and smiled. He drew his long legs right back, knees nearly up to his shoulders, until it raised his bottom up and parted his cheeks. He smiled at me, closed his eyes and sighed when I reached in and tickled his tight, muscly little hole. His face stiffened, and he puckered it out beneath my fingertips and farted softly.

'Need a shit now?'

He nodded and smiled again, and I cupped my hands slowly under his bottom. I could just smell his fart, despite the stink I'd made. He met my eyes and smiled again, and then his face stiffened as he pushed, and his hole puckered open. On impulse I bent right down, so his emerging turd was right in front of my face and his smell was fresh and erotic. The little crackle and squeaks as it came out of him seemed very loud. He let out a little grunt and sigh and I looked back up and met his eyes, and he smiled as he strained, and took a big dump in my hands. His shit was firm and slightly greasy, and he did it very slowly. He hadn't needed to go urgently, so he took his time as he pushed two long, solid logs down my fingers and let them fall back into my palms. I watched his face as he did it; the way his expression stiffened and his lips pursed as he strained, and then relaxed into a contented smile as more came out. His smell rose up and tickled my nose. I thought he'd finished and went to move my hands away, but then he grunted and strained again, and added a long, slightly smoother turd to the heavy, warm mass in my hands.

When he was done I lifted his shit up and held it down next to my own. Mine was bigger and darker and messier, and much smellier, but his was beautifully formed and golden, and his dick danced as he stared and sniffed at both of our piles.

'Wank me off...' I breathed. 'I gotta cum. Lemme cum all over you.'

He reached down, brushing one upper arm against my pile as he did so, all hasty and clumsy as he tugged at my dick with his right hand and his own with his left. His face screwed up in ecstasy at once, and I too felt the orgasm rising inside me.

'Keep going ... make yourself cum too..'

'Yeah!' he gasped. 'I'm ... oh fuck ... oh!'

I don't think I'd ever seen him cum so hard. His mouth fell open and he gave a sharp cry, and spunk shot out from underneath me and spattered all over his chest. At the same time he was still pulling frantically at my cock and then I was cumming too, and I spattered my cum all over his skin and both of our brown piles.

He did it in my hands again the next day. I got him to kneel in the middle of the bathroom floor, with his elbows on the floor and his bottom sticking right up. I reached in and cupped my hands underneath him, and then whispered to him that I was ready for him to do what he had to do. I loved the way that it stopped me wanking, so that my dick bobbed about and throbbed as he took a dump in my palms. His turds were hot and heavy; one chunky log that broke and dropped in three parts, and then a long succession of smoother, slimmer turds that started up again every time I thought he was about to say he was done. Afterwards he wanked me off so that I came all over it. The following day I did the same to him, and then an hour later knelt down for him to do it for me.

For a few days we barely used the toilet; certainly not for shitting, and he'd got back into his golden showers as well, so at least once a day he stripped and got into the bath, and I pissed on him. At first I just pissed on his torso, but then he encouraged me to do it on his cock and balls, and then the next time his face. Standing over him as he lay in the bath with his eyes and mouth tight shut, pissing all over his pretty face with a dick that was only just flaccid enough to let me piss at all, gave me a power trip almost as great as shitting on him. It gave me an idea too; opened up a door in my mind that had long been ajar but I'd never properly walked through. I wanted to submit to him again, this time even more completely than I had before. I wanted him to go to the toilet on my face.

Only a few days later I got into the bath, naked and massively turned on. He stood next to me, fingering his big cock through his shorts and looking very intense. He'd been like that all morning, since he got up and even more so since a few hours earlier he'd sat with me whilst I was on the toilet. When he'd called through to me a few minutes ago, saying that he'd finished working out for the morning and he needed a shit his voice had been all hushed and serious, although that might just have been him getting his breath back. For the last few days he'd tended to shit later in the morning I'd noticed: the urge came to him whilst he was in his gym rather than before, and he waited until he was finished before he gave in to it. I loved him fresh from his workout, all hot and sweaty and slightly musky, with that little glow he had about him when he'd been pushing his taut body hard. He really needed a shit too, and his farts smelled particularly fresh and erotic that day. I'd cooked up another Indian-style dinner the night before, including his favourite lentil curry, and he'd eaten loads. He knew full well why I'd done it, he'd chuckled as well sat smoking weed together that evening. He was right: I'd done it because that sort of food always made his shit particularly bid and beautiful. When I'd told him what I wanted him to do when he needed to go the next morning his face had lit up, and he'd pawed at himself through his pants.

The bath felt very deep and narrow as I lay down; right down so my head was resting on a folded towel on the bottom and my legs were up in the air, feet planted on the far end. For a moment it was easy to fantasise that I really was in a toilet. Then he stepped in closer, and I looked up in something like worship at the perfect young hunk who was about to use it, still in his gym gear fresh from his workout, with his dick making a big spike in the crotch of his shorts. Then he turned away from me and pulled them down, his boxer shorts to follow them, shuffled backwards and lowered himself down onto the side of the bath. His bare bottom descended on me until it was right above my face. I looked up in awe at the most private bit of his body; his balls hanging down and the lovely shapes of his hairy thighs and lickable, smooth cheeks, and the darker skin of his crack, and his wrinkled, hairy little hole. It was right above my face. He was going to take a dump and there was nothing I could do about it. He was going to drop his shit on me, maybe cover my nose and mouth in shit and leave me fighting to breathe, and cover my eyes in it so I couldn't see, though I was wearing my glasses so I could keep them open. I was actually frightened, and the sense of submission to him was complete. He fidgeted above me, getting into a comfortable position, and leaned forward to balance himself better. Then he sat, still and silent, for a few moments that seemed like an eternity.

'Uh ... ooh.'

He grunted; a little, awesomely masculine sound, and I imagined his head going down, like it always did as he started to shit. His bottom relaxed, crack opening wider around his hole that twitched and puckered out slightly, let out a squeaky little fart, then another, and squeezed shut again. The smell hit me at once, and my excitement hit a whole new level. I always loved Ed's smell, and that day it was the nicest it had ever been; all fresh and light and somehow clean, but also sultry and thick, and dizzyingly erotic. I couldn't stop myself letting out a moan, and he quickly pinched his busy, twitching little hole up tight.

'Okay?' he asked urgently. 'Quick, say if it's not, cos it's coming...'

'Yes,' I moaned. 'Oh yes ... gimme your shit Ed ... make me your toilet!'

'Mmm! Yeah! Oh I really need a shit now. Here it comes...'

His hole began to twitch again, and he let out another fart, deeper this time. Then the busy little pink ring slowly started to pucker out, and opened slightly to uncover the end of his turd. It was that gorgeous chestnut-brown colour again. His hole opened a little wider and it came slowly out, a slim, curved point that grew into a little brown finger pointing down towards me. My heart was thumping and I felt sick with nerves, and I clamped my mouth tightly shut as it started to pull apart. Then suddenly it dropped, hit me on the nose and rolled off down my cheek. The thud as it landed by my right ear seemed very loud. I moaned again. He'd actually dropped a turd on my face, I told myself disbelievingly; he'd shat right on my face and I realised I was absolutely loving it! Above me his hole was still slightly open with the broken brown end of his turd jutting from it.

'Uh...' he grunted.

His bottom heaved and his hole opened wider around the long turd that started to slid through it, making a filthy little sound and filling the air around us with his delectable smell. It wasn't all that thick, but it was solid and lumpy at first, with deep, dark cracks. I lay for a moment and looked up its length as the twisted end came steadily nearer. Then it touched down on my nose and slid down to my cheek, curling around and spreading out across my face as his turd kept coming down on me, gassing me with heat and smell and burying me under its weight. A lump slipped down below my nose then and all of a sudden I was struggling to breathe. For a second I almost panicked and shook the pile away, but I forced myself to lie still and take what he was giving me. Mercifully the end of his turd slipped out of him then, and when it fell it knocked the lump blocking my nose away slightly. Now it was over my mouth and I clamped it shut even more tightly, but at least I could breathe again.

Silence descended on us, broken only by his steady breathing and my little whimpers. I'd never felt anything so intense as what I did then. The sense of violation and degradation was incredible, but even more so the intimacy: it was like there was some deep connection between us via the shit that came from his body onto my face. What he was doing to me was horrible on one level, but I loved and worshipped him for it, and when I forced myself to lie still even when I was fighting for breath I did it because I wanted to serve him well as his toilet. Besides, the physical feeling of being shat on like this was disgustingly pleasurable, and his shit felt and looked and smelled wonderful as it lay piled up on my face. He'd already given me one hefty turd, but I knew his body well and I knew how much he'd eaten the day before – so I also knew he had a lot more to come! I lay and waited for it with infinite patience, my dick feeling as if it was about to burst.

Above me his dirty little hole started to twitch again, puckered out and emitted a couple of deep little farts. He had a little bit of his clinging to his anal hairs, I noticed. He farted on me again. Then once more his bottom heaved and his hole opened wider, and once again he overwhelmed me with the awesome foulness of a young man having a shit. He did another long turd that touched down and bent backwards, snapping as it did so, and then it collapsed and fell right across my glasses. All of a sudden I was nearly blind, apart from the light coming in around the sides that showed off the texture of the turd lying over my eyes, with little cracks and flecks and lumps buried in it. Above me he grunted and pushed out another one. His shit was still solid but it was smoother now, and it dropped a series of lumps on me as it crackled out of him. He covered my nose and mouth at once and the smell made me gag. Another drop cleared it for a moment, but then he farted gassily and dropped two more curls in quick succession, and even then I could hear him doing more. I could only just get air into one nostril, air that was thick and hot and reeking, but I forced myself to lie still as he sighed with relief and sat there above me, every so often drawing breath and pushing a little.. I didn't feel anything land. Suddenly he got up, and I sensed him turning round to look down on me.

'Oh my god!' he breathed as he saw what he'd done. 'Are you alright?'

I moaned and held up my thumb. I was still struggling to take in what had just happened. I'd sort of expected that having shit on my face would feel awful and I'd want to get rid of it, but I didn't. I could just about breathe, and that was good enough while having a face-full of his shit felt so nice.

'Okay. Can ... d'you want me to wipe?'

I held up my thumb again, lay there and listened as he reached out and took some toilet paper, folded it and started to wipe his bum. I could just imagine him doing it, looking all undignified with his dick bouncing about as he rubbed his hole clean, and somehow that made having been shat on by him even better. I realised I was edging when he dropped the first crumpled screw of paper on my chest. When he was finished he turned around again and I felt him bending down. His fingers closed around my cock.

Thank you,'he whispered. 'Thank you for being my toilet. I'm gonna make you cum now. Okay...?'

I whimpered and leaked cum onto my belly as he tugged gently at my cock with his long fingers, making me squirm with ecstasy and dribble pre-cum all over my belly. I could hear him wanking too with his other hand and his breathing was getting heavier, and all of a sudden we were both on the verge of cumming. Then he let out a yelp and jumped upright, and his hot sticky spunk rained down on my shitty face. He was still gasping a little when he bent back down, gave my cock another few sharp tugs and made me do the same.

'Seen this?' he asked twenty minutes later as I rejoined him in the living room.

'No, I've not. Dunno where my phone is. What is it?'

'News has just been on. They're gonna start ending the lockdown. We're gonna be able to go out more, and ... well, maybe I'll start getting work again. Might get a shag too!'

He laughed sharply, but then suddenly his face grew serious.

'It's been fucking mad, the last couple of months. I mean, everything about it seems mad, but especially ... what you and I've done together.'

'Yeah it does, doesn't it. I bet no-one else has got through the lockdown by playing games with his flatmate's shit!'

'Ha ha, no, probably not! It's ... erm, it's gonna be different now, though, innit. Like, seeing other people again, and if we can have people round...'

He looked suddenly uneasy, like someone about to tell his partner he wants to split up, and for a moment I thought he was going to say he wanted everything to stop. That would be a real shame, and it would be awkward too; having to share a flat as if nothing had happened; having to go back to shitting with the door shut and pretending it was what we'd always done. But then his face seemed to lighten.

'I mean, we'll have to be a bit discreet about things, won't we. We don't want all our visitors knowing what we get up to! Anyway, fancy a beer? It's a bit early in the day, innit, but fuck it, it's Saturday. Let's open that keg I bought last week.'

He looked round at me and grinned. For the thousandth time I saw how beautiful he was. Spending the last couple of months with him had been wonderful, and now I knew there was a lot more to come yet. Even as the world started to get back to normal, we were going to keep enjoying the very far from normal pleasures we'd discovered together, and the prospect of that was fantastic. He poured a couple of glasses of beer and handed me one.

'Let's get pissed,' he smiled 'Let's get properly pissed up and cook a big dinner,' he smiled. 'And then when we both need a big hangover poo tomorrow we can have some fun!'

'Heh, yes, let's do that!' I said happily. 'Mmm, nice beer this. Cheers!'


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