Kinky Love Under Lockdown

By Namab Mas

Published on May 3, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Kinky Love Under Lockdown

Chapter Three

One morning a couple of weeks later I was working in my room, trying to concentrate despite the pain in my bowels. I'd been trying not to shit first thing , so that when I did go he was up and in the mood for it. On some days I couldn't manage it – the urge was just too powerful – but I was getting better. I'd done well to hold it that morning after the big bean chilli I'd made us the night before, but I wasn't going to be able to hold it for much longer. I didn't need to either, for he was all ready and waiting for me. I finished the sentence I was writing, saved the document and went through to the bathroom to take a dump.

Ed was standing naked with his hands behind his back, cuffed to the vertical towel rail that went from floor to ceiling. He was helpless, forced to stand and watch what was about to happen and unable even to hold his nose to get away from the smell. His dick was already more than half hard, and when I sat down on the toilet in front of him I watched it rising to the occasion. I looked up his godlike body, and then held his gaze as I relaxed inside and my shit surged ecstatically down to the exit, and I started curling out a big, satisfying turd. His mouth opened a little way as he listened to it crackle and squeak and the first weighty drops splashed my bottom, and then the smell hit him. He inhaled it deeply, glanced down at his throbbing dick, and looked back to me, curling out another satisfying turd. The door and the window were shut and the rankness of it really filled the bathroom, especially when I farted and dumped a lump of mushy shit on top of my load. He stood and watched, breathing hard and his eyes wide, with the look of a lad who really wants to cum and his dick dancing in front of him. He really did have the most spectacularly beautiful one; long and shapely, and so very suckable...

'Go on, release yourself,' I said. 'I wanna suck your cock!'

He grinned broadly, fiddled behind him and released the safety button on his cuffs – they were only the pretend ones you get from a sex shop, not proper police cuffs – stepped forward and thrust his cock into my open mouth. He'd told me once that I gave really good blowjobs, and now he gave a little masculine gasp as I rolled my tongue round his head and then took his shaft right back into my throat. He fucked my face gently, and as he did I fondled his bottom,pushed his legs apart and probed further into his crack. He'd been for a shit earlier and he'd had a shower afterwards, so his bottom was perfectly clean, and I tickled his hole and teased him underneath behind his balls. His breathing grew heavier and he started to leak acrid spunk into my mouth and went to pull back as if to stop himself cumming, but I wasn't stopping then. I pulled him back into my throat and sucked him harder, and he gasped and yelped a few times, and then shot his load right into my mouth.

We pretty much never went for a shit alone any more. Well, I had on a couple of mornings when I'd got up very early and had to go when I'd got back from my run, when he was still asleep, but apart from that neither of us had emptied our bowels without the other present for the best part of a fortnight. At the weekend we'd had another messy session in our pants, but most of the time it had just been shitting in the toilet or on the floor, sometimes with him tied up. He used to get really excited when I restrained him in the bathroom and had a shit in front of him, and then one morning when his stomach felt bit gassy I tied him up to the radiator in my room and pretended to work while he stood by with his dick bouncing, squirming about as he got desperate. Eventually I released him from the radiator and took him through to the bathroom, still with his wrists cuffed together so he couldn't wipe his bum. His dick bobbed and twitched as I pulled his pants down for him and let him sit hastily down on the toilet, where at once he let out a wet fart and a series of rapid-fire plops, and his smell was really ripe. When he was done I wiped his bottom for him and then wanked us both off together. We did it again the next day, and this time he sucked my dick whilst he sat there having a long, slow shit, with his usual softer smell rising up around us.

It was pretty obvious that the next thing would be not to untie him at all and make him go where he was. That was why one morning shortly afterwards I cuffed him to the towel rail again, this time with his ankles and wrists chained together and his arms stretched above his head, standing on a plastic sheet. I left him there for a bit while I went and did other things, and when I came back he was jiggling and squirming and he pleaded with me to release him and let him take a shit. The sight of this cool and confident lad helpless and desperate to go to the toilet never failed to turn me on, and I put down the toilet lid and sat down on it, and waited for him to humiliate himself completely. It didn't take very long. He wriggled and squirmed about more frantically, and then suddenly he tensed up, shuffled his feet right up to the wall with his ankles as far apart as the cord tying them together would allow, and stuck his bottom out as best he could. His face went bright red as he stood there with a big brown tail extending down from his bum and perfuming the air with his fresh smell, and his dick danced and bobbed up and down. He was so turned on I told him to release himself and come over for me to suck him off. Scat with him tied up was proving exciting, and it wasn't hard to see where it would go next!

A few days later I stood up from the table after we'd finished having breakfast together. Ed had been trying to get up earlier recently, saying he felt lazy and unfit and needed to go running more often, and so when I got back from my run he was already up and I made him some breakfast. Normally he'd wait a bit afterwards, and then go and work out or go for a run himself. This morning he was looking all tense and excited, though, and his running shoes were staying in the cupboard. We'd been terribly horny the night before and come up with an idea. Now we were going to do it, and he raised one eyebrow as he saw me get up.

'Okay. Time to tie you up. Are you ready?'

He looked really serious, and when he stood up his erection stood up proud in his jogging bottoms. Slowly he pulled them down and stepped out of them, and then his tight T-shirt too, leaving him only in the stretchy grey trunks that barely contained his cock. Then I turned and led him through to his bedroom, where he'd made his weight training set-up ready the night before. The bench was set as high as it would go, and angled so if he was lying on it his head would be raised. He looked all coy and wary as he walked towards it.

'Right. Over you go.'

He spread his legs slightly, stepped forward and straddled the lower end of the bench, bent over along it and stretched out his arms. I moved in at once and tied him. I cuffed his wrists to the frame in front, and used dressing gown cords to tie his ankles to the bench legs. Finally I passed a cord around his body, and pulled it tight so he couldn't squirm about too much. He always got really excited as I immobilised him. He whimpered piteously, and his dick twitched and throbbed in his pants. I ran my fingers over his bottom and pulled his pants down a shade to straighten them up across his cheeks, and he whimpered again as I gave them a playful slap. He was ready, and now all I had to do was wait.

I went and cleared away the remains of breakfast, washed up the espresso pot and the cup he'd drunk it from a quarter of an hour earlier, and then did a couple of odd jobs around the flat. A few times I stuck my head around his bedroom door to check on him. He was facing away from the door with his bottom sticking right out towards it, and in front of him to his left I'd opened the wardrobe door so he could see himself in the long mirror. I could see his face in it too, and the third or fourth time I looked in on him he was looking strained. I walked into the room that time, stood behind him and fondled his bottom through his pants, and he whimpered. There was no need to say anything: we both knew what was going to happen. I reached down underneath him, unbuttoned his flies and freed his dick from his pants. It bobbed up and down and he gave a little moan.

I went off and pretended to do another couple of little jobs, leaving him in ever growing discomfort. I'd told him that if he could hold it for a couple of hours I'd take him to the toilet, sit with him while he eased himself and then wipe his bottom for him, but we both knew couldn't. I was far too excited to do anything really, and I was absent-mindedly making my bed, giving my cock a stroke through my pants every so often, when he cracked.

'Cam!' he called urgently. 'Cam ... please!'

I scuttled quickly back through to his room. He was a pitiful sight now, sweating and groaning, wiggling his bottom up and down and side to side as best he could, and the room smelled of his farts. I wondered how the people who posted pictures and adoring comments about him on gay chat forums would react if they could see him now, bound and helpless and desperate for a shit. His dick had subsided a bit and it hung heavily down in front of him, swinging to and fro as he squirmed. I came and stood next to him, nonchalantly stripped naked while he struggled, then took up position standing behind him again and watched him slowly lose his battle. His wriggling grew more frantic and he let out a couple of high-pitched moans, and then suddenly he gasped and went still.

'Oh ... oh no...'

His chute gave a heave he couldn't hold back, and he pushed out the seat of his pants with a thick crackling log. I watched its tip tent out the grey fabric and curl to the left, and then his turd snapped and collapsed into a lumpy ball. His bottom hissed and squelched as it swelled up, and his dick stood up to attention once more, and danced and dribbled on the floor. Eventually the filthy noises from his pants abated and I stepped a bit closer, sniffing at the warm, thick aroma.

'Mm, Ed, that smells! Have you finished?'

'No,' he said wretchedly.

'Push it all out then. Go on. I'm not untying you til you're done.'

'Oh god...'

His bottom filled out slightly and the slimy sounds started up again, and I stood by and watched and wanked. He wriggled his hips from side to side, trying to dislodge the shit packed into his crack to make room for more. Then suddenly it worked, and he emptied his bowels with a fart and rush that made him gasp as slimy hotness spread across his bottom and down behind his balls. He'd shat himself copiously, and now he stood there whimpering, with his toilet smell hanging around him like fog. I stepped right up behind him, pulled out his waistband and inspected his dirty bottom and the hot brown lump pressed up against it. He knew what was coming next, and he let out a little whimper as I let his waistband go.

'Mm, you smell!' I said again. 'Properly shit yourself, haven't you. Have you finished?'

He nodded, and said 'yes' in a small voice.

'Good. Now, want a messy bottom...?'

He nodded again, eagerly this time.

A while back I'd managed to snaffle a box of disposable plastic gloves from a storeroom at work. Normally I just used them whilst cleaning, but now I put one on and started to run my hand over his bottom. His shit was warm and lumpy and firm to the touch, like plasticine, and he gasped as I cupped it in my hand and pressed it to his skin. I began to push his shit gently about, side to side and up and down and then in a circular motion, smearing it all over his cheeks and tickling him underneath. Looking down between his legs I could see his dick dancing again, and when I rubbed a bit harder he began to moan and dribble cum. I stood by and let him calm down for a few minutes, then started once more and rubbed him until he was breathing heavily and edging. I could never believe how turned on he got when he shat himself! He yelped at me to stop or I'd make him cum, and he begged me to release him and let him sit in it.

I bent down next to him and untied his legs, and then stood and undid the cord around his middle, listening to his hoarse breathing and watching his dancing dick. He wriggled gratefully as soon as he was free to do so. I uncuffed his arms from the frame, but then got him to hold his hands out in front of me so I could cuff his wrists together and lead him through to the bathroom. I held the poppers under his nose for him to inhale, and then as soon as I gave him the word he scuttled forward, turned around and plonked himself down on the toilet. Shit squashed all over his bottom and up between his legs, and he leaned back with another big gout of cum dribbling down his shaft. I kept him there for a good twenty minutes, sniffing poppers and making him wriggle and slide to and fro and really cover his bottom in his own shit, until he looked at me, his wrists still cuffed together and his face all pleading and intense.

'Cam ... I wanna cum. Make me cum!'

He leaned back a bit to let me in and held his cuffed hands out of the way so I could reach in and take his thundering cock in my hand. At the same time I started to wank with my other hand, and held my dick in his face until he cracked, leaned forward again and took it in his mouth. He sat there in his shit and gave me a blowjob, and I pulled back dribbling cum onto his lips. Slowly I reached down and took his cock again, and wanked us off so that we both finished together, and he leaned back and shot all up his tummy and chest while I spattered all over his pretty face.

Then he tied me up for the first time. It had never done anything for me in the past and it didn't drive me wild then either, but I did get a tingle in the base of my cock as he cuffed my hands together and then tied them to the towel rail, stretched upwards like when I'd made him shit naked there. We were both wearing only our pants and I watch his dick rise to the occasion and make a big tent in the front of his tight white boxer briefs as he secured me in place. He turned around and farted, and then clenched his bottom up hastily. I needed a shit too. The need to go had been building up for nearly an hour, and I felt as if I had a concrete block in my chute, forcing itself painfully against my arsehole. He knew it, and he stepped back and looked me up and down, massaging his hard-on through his pants and grinning sexily. Behind him the bath was cleared of clutter and the disinfectant and plastic bags were ready, and so was the stool. He sat himself down on the toilet lid, squirming a little in his own discomfort, leaned back and waited, and his cool, sexy smile spread across his face as I started to squirm.

I was desperate for a shit, and after a quarter of an hour I was sweating and jiggling around, trying to find some position to relieve the agony in my chute. In front my cock was pressing uncomfortably against my pants. He was still sitting there fondling himself, smiling and looking as if he was enjoying being the dominant, untied one for a change. He could torment me if he wanted by making me watch him have a dump on the toilet while I struggled desperately not to lose all my dignity and dirty my pants. For a moment when he stood up I thought he was about to do just that, but he just adjusted my pants a little, pulling the legs down and the waistband up at the back so they were tight across my clenched bottom. A couple of little desperate farts escaped me and I clenched up frantically with shit actually forcing itself through my hole. He sniffed and wrinkled his nose up.

'Phew! You stink Cam! Are you shitting yourself? Ooh, you are, aren't you!'

I nodded, teeth clenched tight. My shit was forcing itself out, all hot and sticky between my cheeks, and the smell was getting thicker. Then suddenly my chute gave another heave that I couldn't control and the battle was over. I let out a gasp of relief as I gave in and my turd shot out and pushed out the seat of my pants, then collapsed into a bulky, hot mass that out across my bottom and down between my legs. He watched open-mouthed and wanking, sniffing eagerly as the smell filled the room. I pushed again, and a renewed surge from my arse massaged the back of my balls and made me whimper, and the pile pressed against my cheeks grew heavier.

'Cor! Cam, that's massive!' he breathed. 'Are you done?'

'Think so ... yeah.'

I strained experimentally and wriggled my hips a bit, and my shit pushed stickily against my cheeks, strained again and forced out a last little turd or two. He stood up and stepped towards me, and for a moment I thought he was going to start pushing my shit about on my bottom like I did for him. Instead he reached out and took hold of the back of my waistband, pulled it out so he could see what I'd done, and gave a low whistle as he saw the brown explosion from my bottom.

'I've had an idea,' he said huskily. 'Wanna swap? Pants, I mean, if I go too now...'

'Ooh! What, and then wear one another's?! Yes!'

'Okay. I really need a poo now though. Hang on, I'll untie you...'

He reached up and undid the cord tying me to the rail, and then the cuffs themselves, and finally I could reach down and free my dick from the confines of my pants. It sprang out gratefully, and I stroked it as I stepped back to give Ed some space. He had his bum clenched up as tight as mine had been, and now he turned away from me, bent forward and rested his hands on the side of the bath. He stuck his bottom out and started to grunt, then bowed his legs and arched his back and pushed out his shit. He did a solid log that tented his pants out at the back, bent to the left and curled across his cheek, and then another one pushed out on top of it and spread out and to the right. Filthy sounds came from his pants, and his light, fresh smell added to the heady atmosphere in the bathroom.

'Ooh,' he grunted. 'Oh that's better...'

I couldn't resist reaching out and touching his bulge. It was firm and lumpy, warm to the touch, and he sighed contentedly as I pressed it against his skin. But then he grunted and strained and filled his bottom out again, and I heard and felt him adding to it. I pulled his waistband out and watched him pushing smooth solid brown shit into his crack and sideways across his cheeks, and his smell came up at me more strongly. The sense of intimacy as I watched him fill his pants like this was incredible. Then he'd finished, and he gave a final strain and straightened up, wiggling his hips experimentally.

'Mm!' he sighed. 'Ooh ... big solid poo! Now ... shall we swap?'

Standing on a couple of spread-out plastic bags, we pulled our pants down carefully, stepped out of them and turned around to compare the messes we'd made. My shit was softer than his and I had a big, sticky brown semicircle on my bottom, whereas his solid, golden-brown load had just left faint smears. Our pants lay on the floor, each with a big brown block in them, mine darker and a bit bigger than his. We stood and looked down on them and wanked, until he turned and squatted back down, and his dirty bottom added a couple of slim little turds to his pile. He straightened up again, massaging his cock, and motioned me to swap with him.

Cautiously I got one foot and then the other into his pants, then bent and pulled them up. They were heavy with his shit and I pulled them up carefully to keep it in the seat where I wanted it. Next to me he was doing the same, and then he got them above his knees and pulled them right up, and his mouth fell open with a little gasp as my shit touched his backside. Slowly I pulled his up too, nearer and nearer, until I felt his shit against my skin. It felt different to mine; firmer and tackier, with lumps in different places, and I wiggled my hips to feel it all the more strongly. So did he, grunting as my shit smeared his bottom, and for a moment he looked uncertain.

'Okay?' I asked him.

'Oh ... oh yeah. Your turds feel really sticky. So nasty!'

'Feel alright though?'

'Oh yeah!' he grinned, pulled his dick out of his flies and wanked excitedly. 'It's fucking hot! I wanna sit in it!'

'Mm, go on then!'

He stepped back again towards the toilet. He was flushed and wide-eyed and his dick was throbbing, and he hesitated for a second, trembling all over. Then he lowered himself down, paused for a second or two, and sat down in my shit.

'Oh!' he yelped as it exploded across his bottom. 'Oh fuck! Ooh...!'

He nearly came then, and he screwed his face up and tensed his body all over as he fought it down, rocking to and fro with a foul squelching sound. Then he relaxed, and a big gobbet of white cum oozed from the end of his dick, trickled down the shaft and dripped onto his pants and his hand, leaving him wanking with sticky fingers. His hand was shaking a bit as he took the poppers bottle I proffered.

'You sit too,' he said as he held it. 'Sit in my shit.'

He took a long hit from the poppers, sat back and watched, stroking his cock slowly as I pulled the stool towards me and lowered myself down onto it. His shit was firm as it pressed against my bottom, and then I sat down on it in a warm, sticky rush.

'Mm! Oh yeah!'

I wriggled to and fro, and moaned out loud as a lump of his shit massaged the back of my balls and the ultra-sensitive area behind, and then fumbled my dick out. We started wanking together, wriggling and rocking about as we did it. When he stood up and twisted round to show me the damage his bottom was nearly brown all over. He sat back down again and we wanked harder, and then harder still until we were both edging and yelping out loud. Then he jerked forwards, threw back his head and fired his cum out across the room, and seconds later I jumped up and came all over him.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 4

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