King, Queen and Jack

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 14, 2005




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



John Houghton, in line for the Barony of South Highmarl, sat at the table and studied his cards. Even for a game of draughts, his hand was a poor one. Marry, he thought to himself, this hand is as weak as my chances of an inheritance upon my grandfather's death. It was true, not only would the Baron have to pass on, but so would over a half-dozen other relatives. Barring another incursion of the Plague, such prospects were dismal, indeed. He hated to lose the shillings he had placed in the pot already, but such was fate. When the round came back to him, he cast his cards face down on the table. "By me." he said.

"Chin up, Jack." said Thomas, his cousin and whose prospects of an inheritance were somewhat better, only two men stood between him and a dukedom. "Surely the grace of Lady Luck shall smile upon thee before the night is fully past."

"She shall have to smile soon, or my pouch shall be empty once more and she shall have nothing to smile upon." Jack said mournfully. "And it is already too slack to pay the rent on my room upon the first of the month. I had hopes of winning myself a respite here, but that seems not to be." He was skilled in cards; but no amount of skill can carry the day with a series of poor hands such as he had drawn, and bluffing was not wise in his current straits.

"Well, one never knows what the Fates may bring." Edward said to his right. He looked up, and smiled. "And unless my eyes deceive me, they pay call upon us right now."

Jack turned his head and blinked in some surprise. These were no scullery maids; these were two of the ladies who waited upon the Queen! He shook off his surprise to stand up, as did his comrades. "Welcome to our little game, my ladies." Edward said (he was fourth in line for the very throne, so he held social superiority here), "May we buy you a drink and convince you to...dally here with us for a while?"

His friends snickered. A dalliance could mean more than one thing, after all!

The ladies had the grace in their turn to not take offense, one was more than twice Jack's own score of years, the other a good handful of years away from either of them. "We thank you for your kind offer," the elder one said, "but we are here for young Houghton."

"I?" said Jack. "I am unsure what I have done to earn your ladyship's interest, but I am here to serve you." That, too, could be taken more than one way.

"It is not I who wish to be served by you, Sir Houghton." Jack was not a knight; the title was simply a common use of the honorific in his case. "The Queen wishes to speak with you at once."

Jack was properly startled, but said, "I hear you and obey." He said. He paused only to take his small handful of coins from his pile on the table, and place them back in his pouch, to tuck his pouch back inside his breeches, and he went after the two ladies.

Did the Queen favor him, then? He had seen her only a half dozen times, and while the last two times he had actually spoken with her, the conversations did not carry with them any hint of her interest. Should the Queen wish him to bed her, he decided, he would seek first some form of compensation for such an act, his rent still loomed and the lot of a royal favorite was a dangerous one. Far better if he could act coy this night, put her off until he could find some way to gauge the King's reaction to such a dalliance on his Queen's part, some monarchs looked the other way on such things, other were intensely jealous even if they themselves were hiking up the skirts of every fair maiden they chanced upon. Still, the current King was not yet rumored to have sired a single bastard yet, he may well be in love with his Queen. Though no issue had proceeded from that as well though the marriage had been two years before.

Yes, this situation bore a very careful consideration. He would be dancing on a tightrope, and if he was not careful, he would find that same rope fashioned into a noose for his neck!

Indeed, he was required to hold back while the younger of the ladies distracted the men on guard at the Queen's chambers, and he was then ushered into her presence by the elder. The Queen sat upon the edge of the royal bed, a necessity as the bed was the sole piece of furniture in the room. "Here he is, Your Majesty." the lady said.

"You may leave us alone now" the Queen said, waving her hand in dismissal.

"Is that wise, Your Majesty?" Jack said before the lady could depart.

The Queen looked at him in surprise. "You question my choice in this?"

"None question the Queen's choices." Jack said, bowing. "But the damage to a reputation can occur even when the person is quite blameless."

"You think I brought you here to have you make love to me?" the Queen said and she laughed. It was not a kindly laugh at all. "The Lady Elizabeth knows me better than this. I need to speak with you privately, is all."

"As you wish, then." Jack said and bowed again. One couldn't bow enough to a monarch, especially when you were a young nobleman with no real chance of any inheritance and life was going to be a series of careful friendships cultivated to keep your stomach filled and clothing on your back. Landed gentry were tolerant of such as he, but the proprieties were the more important nonetheless.

"Do you really have such a high opinion of yourself as to think I should stoop to one such as you for my bed partner?" the Queen said when they were alone.

"I apologize for my impertinence." Jack said promptly. "But given that I have nothing but my body to offer one such as you, there was little else I could think."

"I shall tell you what I wish of you." the Queen said sharply. "And you will obey me, and upon your obedience, you shall be rewarded appropriately. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Of course, your Majesty." Jack smiled. He wasn't sure what the Queen wanted, but the thought of the reward the Queen could offer was enough to make him willing to do nearly anything she asked.

"The first thing you are to do is to lower your breeches." the Queen said.

"Your Majesty?" Jack didn't believe his ears!

"I require to see your male organ." the Queen said. There wasn't the slightest hint of lasciviousness in her words, it was the tone one would use when examining a horse she wished to buy.

When Jack still hesitated, she snapped, "Do it now!"

Jack's hands went to his trousers and he untied the string. He lowered his breeches and the underwear beneath it as required. The proffered organ thus displayed was of a nature to make the Queen smile in derision. "Is this all you have?" She asked him.

"Your Majesty's pardon, but I wasn't...I mean that I have not... I do not wish...." Jack stuttered.

"Hold your tongue." she said sharply. Then in a kinder tone. "You do not need to impress me with this male tool of yours, but I do need to see it...ready. If you think you can relax before myself sufficiently to permit it to...sprout, you should do so." This last comment was undoubtedly borne of the fact that Jack's penis was currently well imbedded within the folds of his foreskin.

"I shall...try to obey, Your Majesty." Jack said. "But you must forgive me if I cannot perform under such conditions to my best ability."

"Then perform as well as you can." the Queen said. Her gaze did not help one whit! Still, after some careful manipulation, Jack managed to bring his prick to full erection, if one that lacked a certain rigidity. Jack had eight inches of cock to his credit, but that size somehow seemed...inadequate in light of that disdainful, fixed glare.

"Is this all you have?" the Queen said as she regarded his efforts.

"It is what I have." Jack said. "What I was born with. If you require more than this, I am told there are methods to increase its size." Then, defensively, "A good deal of the pleasure for the partner is contained within how it is used rather than its size."

"That is true." the Queen said. "Perhaps we should bring forward the one who shall be using it, then."

"Using it?" Jack wondered what in perdition the Queen had planned here! Was he to be forcibly married to some young maiden the King had impregnated, in order to provide a royal bastard with a father and a title. A young nobleman such as he was fodder for such marriages, especially if the King wanted to be able to continue the bed the woman, whereupon he was supposed to be glad to be cuckolded, and....

But the figure who came through the curtain was the King himself! Jack yelped and tugged at his trousers futilely, the wool was tight about his thighs and it was always took a good deal of pulling to get it up so that he could tie it once more....

"Will this one do?" the Queen asked the King. "You indicated that his appearance was otherwise acceptable to you, is his manhood sufficient for you?"

"I think he will do quite well." the King said. He looked at Jack. "You are John Houghton, are you not?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jack bowed, he could do naught else.

"You are wondering, I imagine, just what the Queen and I have planned for you."

"I have my suspicions." Jack said. And he sighed. He could count upon a goodly sum for such a marriage, more if the King cuckolded him...and it wasn't like his other chances for fortune were any better. "You may depend upon me to take proper care of whatever lady you have chosen for me, and upon my discretion for your continued encounters with her...."

The King and Queen surprised him by bursting out laughing.

Jack, bewildered, looked from one to the other. "Have I given offense here?" He said. "I assumed that since the Queen was not seeking me for a lover, then it must be for the King's convenience in his love affairs that I be retained in your service."

"Well, you are correct about that much, at least." the Queen said. "But you misunderstand. The King has been fully faithful to me throughout his marriage. And I have been fully faithful to him."

Jack considered this as he retied his pantaloons. "Then I do not understand." he admitted. "Why else should you wish to see...myself in this manner if not for the marriage bed."

"We do wish you for the marriage bed." the Queen said.

"But..." Jack looked at the King and back quickly. "I could not dishonor the King by sleeping with you, Your Majesty, though you are indeed beautiful, of course...."

"You are not being asked to bed me." the Queen said. "I was selecting you for another."

"Another? But then who...?" Jack was only momentarily befuddled. There were only two people here and if the Queen wasn't the one, then that only left... "Your Majesty?" Now he stared at the King.

"You know the political situation we are in." the King said, now somewhat bashful. "I must not have any taint of impropriety touch my reign. The slightest scandal could launch us into a civil war. You know that."

"I know that, Your Majesty." Jack said.

"I had hoped that marrying would let me put aside my own inclinations." the King said. "I had hoped that I could be satisfied. I could hope...but that was not to be."

"We need a young man who can be counted upon to behave with all discretion." the Queen said. "You are young and without title or property. So long as you bind your fortunes to us and only us, you shall find your fortunes increase. Should you fail to remember to whom you owe your fortunes, then your head can come off easily enough. Yes, politically, you will do quite well. The only question is whether you can provide the services my husband requires in order to gain that fortune. Can you?"

Jack looked over at the King and this time he looked at him as one man looks at another. The King seemed to realize this, and smiled and lowered his head slightly.

Jack smiled slowly. "I think I can be very satisfactory." he said.

The Queen said, "Then let me see you be satisfactory."

"Your Majesty?" Jack was startled by this.

"Let me see you pleasure the King." the Queen said.

"But...but I...."

"If the King is to be satisfied with a single lover, then I must know that the single lover will be satisfactory. I cannot have him pretend to be satisfied with you, then seek out another without my leave. I must know and there is no better way to know than to see you two together. So take the King, make love to him, and I shall judge then whether you are the one we seek. If not, then I shall repay for your effort and we shall find another."

Jack looked at the King who sort of shrugged helplessly. The Queen he had married had mended a substantial rift in the factions of the country, but that mend would be ripped asunder if they were not satisfied with each other. She was right, if the King was to have a lover, he needs must stay with the one. If his eye was to wander and the wrong people found out, civil war would follow.

There was the fortune to be won by the royal gratitude. There was the prestige that would follow from being the royal favorite.

And there was the King, a young man in his mid-twenties, hale and hearty and of fair appearance, besides. If Jack had never looked at the King with sexual longing, it was that the King had been beyond his reach. Now that the King was there, that the King was his to have...yes!

Jack said, in the strongest voice he had managed so far in this uncomfortable audience, "Then let me show Your Majesties that I can be pleasing to both of you."

"Ah, the lad is bold." the Queen said. "If he can make love to a man while his wife watches him, then he might be bold enough to carry this off with the discretion it will require."

"Yes." the King agreed. "Come, young Jack, and show me your talents in this. If I must be faithful to you as well as to my wife, I must know that you will provide me the love that I need."

"I am at your service, Your Majesty." Jack said and with the braveness that came from knowing this next few score of minutes would determine the pattern of his life, he moved forward and took his sovereign in his arms. A man that he had never dared consider as a lover, a man that held Jack's very life in his hands, Jack now held him in his!

To Jack's surprise, the conflicting sensations translated in his body to a rather goatish lust, the heat that he felt here was not forced in any wise, nor was it faked, he truly did want this man, this monarch, this lover, to be his own! He understood better the myriad men who dared to pursue a forbidden affair despite the dangers to life and disgrace to reputation, to stand here as he did, to hold a man that contained within him the balance upon which his life would lie, and to feel therein the desire to make love to him, hold him, touch him, kiss him!

Jack trembled as he curved his arms and his body to place it more firmly against the King, he groaned as the royal lips touched his own, and then the lust of the goat rose and he was clutching tightly, he was forcing his lips against the King's, he was grinding his manhood against the crotch of his King!

And the King gave way before that eager passion, Jack felt the lips that had been commanding turn to passive, he took the King's control for his own and he began to kiss across that smoothly shaven cheek, he kissed down the supple, silken neck, he kissed and nibble the junction at the body and as he did, the King groaned, and the groin that rubbed against Jack's cock was one of warm steel, vibrant as a sword that had drunk the blood of its wielder's enemy, pulsing like the hoofbeats of the steed that bore the knight into battle in the joust, and that lance within the breeches was met by his own and they bore across each other to press against the body and attempt to pierce there to the very heart!

"Uhh, uh, guh!" the King moaned as Jack's hands went down and cupped his buttocks, "Ah, uh, eh! I think you shall prove virile enough, at any rate." he gasped.

"I serve you, Your Majesty." Jack murmured in the King's ears. "I serve you, and I find pleasure in the service, the pleasure of being of value to you, at last, my lord and liege, at last, I am of value to you."

"Ah, ah, on the bed, then, we must do this quickly before some minister finds reason to intrude even into here." the King whispered. "And quickly because my body cannot deny itself the longer, it has been two years since I could enjoy the touch of another man, two long, lingering years!"

And Jack lowered the King onto the bed, and his hands reached for the King's trousers, the man beneath him may be a monarch but though the cloth was of finer cut, the fastenings were the same for all that, he found and untied the waist-cord and then began to work the pants off so that he could lay bare the scepter of the King's manhood!

And the King moaned as Jack pulled off his pants, the cloth slippers he wore indoors were flimsy things that fell off without protest as Jack touched them, and then the King was naked from the waist down, and laid upon the royal bed, and Jack knelt at the bed as though at the communion rail, and he took his King's noble staff and the thick, hot, meaty shaft was vibrant and alive upon his tongue and it kissed the roof of his mouth and wept with salty joy as the cockhead touched the back of his throat!

The King moaned as Jack sucked on his dong, and he said huskily to his Queen, "I knew this one would be worthy, the moment I saw him in the courtyard, I knew he would be worthy and he is, he is!"

"That is good." the Queen said, as composed as though she was discussing a routine matter of the household, "You might be able to settle for just his embrace, then?"

"I think so, yes, ah, ah!" the King gasped. "Ah, his mouth is a talented one, he has nursed many a man's strength from him before mine, that is certain."

"Then take your pleasure and let us be done with this." the Queen said. "You know the danger in this as much as I, and my presence here will not prevent the damage should this become known! Move quickly, my husband, move quickly!"

"Ah, I cannot choose with just this." the King moaned. "I must know him entire. Climb upon my bed, my dear Jack, so that I may taste your manhood and know that it shall fit my needs amply."

Jack rose, his lips sloppily damp from his suckling of the King's prong, and he untied his pants and pulled them down once again. He had no more than gotten them below his cojones before the King reached out and grasped Jack's dong and Jack could only gasp and grunt out his pleasure as the King's hand pleasured him.

"On the bed, I say again." the King ordered. "On the bed, now, my good sir!"

Jack obeyed, and the King took his dick with an eager talent that spoke of his own activities in the days before he was the King, when he could take a lover and have hopes of it not becoming a matter of public record, two years may have passed but the King's talent for sucking cock had not been diminished, Jack's manhood was swallowed down in its entirety and he could only moan and return the favor. He was in the double bliss of having his prick nursed by a talented mouth, and having a hot male pud throbbing in his mouth, and he could have spent the entire rest of the night and all of the following day like this if he were permitted. His pleasure rose up in him and raced through his young body, until he shivered all over from the desire that coursed through him, exciting his every sense, driving his body to faster and faster responses, and he sped up his nursing of the King's prod and that only increased the pressure upon him, and he knew that he could not long last if this continued, he would cream and knew that even in this, he must pleasure his sovereign and not catch him unaware, better still, he must let his lord reach that peak first!

But the King had other plans, when he was slurping upon a slime-covered cock, he let go and said, "Now, my gentle Jack, you shall take me."

Jack was beyond caring, let the entire kingdom watch him now if need be, he could not have stopped himself from obeying that command, he arose and found his clothing confining, but a look at the Queen told him to hurry up, he settled for staying off the bed, wheeling the King's lower body around, and pushing into the regal ass from the edge of the bed.

The King let out a keening sound that was alarmingly loud, his ass actually worked and sucked Jack's prong down deeper inside of him, Jack could only let himself be taken and when he was buried within the King's bowels, he wriggled slightly, confirming that he could move without harming his lord, and then began to move his hips with a smoothly swaying motion, to drive his pud into the King without damaging him, to please him, to love him, and incidentally, to love himself as well.

His cock was angrily humming now, Jack judged his climax to be no more than a few moments off, and he panted, "My King, I cannot last much longer, I must release soon, my Lord, I beg you, join me in this, and soon!"

"Ah, my dear young man, I could not deny you your own joy in this." the King panted. "And know that my own release is building within me. Tarry but a moment or two more and I shall indeed join you in this instant of delight."

"I hear my King and I obey." Jack shivered as he said that, for he must manage to comply with it somehow. His cock demanded its relief, it was like wielding a tiger that roared and clawed at him, but Jack gritted his teeth and kept moving, even when orgasm crept up his brain and began to assail him, he held back, moving his hips with all the control his climax-ravaged body could manage, he held back, he must hold back the more, he must let the King have the grace of first climax!

"Ah, I come now, my dear Jack, I reach my point now, oh, my beloved man, join me in this, join me now, now, ah, ah, ah!"

"Uh-UH-HHUH-GUHHNNNHHH!" Jack promptly exploded in his orgasm, he ejaculated heavy ropy streams of come into his King's butt, and the King felt the heat of that explosion within him and his eyes opened wide, and he clutched at Jack arms and he held on and he burst forth with his own cannon-fire of male sperm, it flew all about at once, there was no cohesion to it, it was like a fine spray that went in all directions, and Jack felt it fly at him and upon him, his stomach, his arms, his cock that drove in and out of the King's ass, that, too, felt the hot splash of the King's seed. But most of it landed upon the King below and Jack's own come-packets were firmly placed deep within the royal bowels, and when the delivery was complete, he held himself above his lord, and would have continued this, had not the King's arms reached up and pulled him down.

And the kiss, as it had started their lovemaking, so did it end it, the King starting off the one in command, and then relinquishing it to Jack and Jack felt the kiss' time to end and he let go, and his hand stroked the King's sweaty brow and he smiled down into his King's exhausted face.

"Well, then." said the Queen. "I think that this one will do quite well. I shall want to attend further sessions from time to time, that I may be certain that there is no danger of this joining ending itself in some unpleasant manner. Young Houghton, if you can remember with proper gratitude who your fate has been joined to, we shall see that you are more than amply repaid for your efforts to keep the King contented."

"I am grateful." Jack said as he rose and pulled his pants up again, now his dong was sticky and wet and it stuck to his woolen trousers. "Yet even if I never receive anything, I would return."

"Well-spoken words." the Queen judge. "And if they are well-meant also, then we shall have averted the crisis at this time. You, young Houghton, shall return to your friends and tell them nothing of what has occurred here. Do you understand that if they find out, we shall assume it is you who have told them and you will incur our displeasure."

"I shall handle my friends' curiosity." Jack promised the Queen. The Queen herself went out and by her departure, forced the guards to follow her, and so Jack's way was clear once more.

Jack looked back at the King, still lying upon the bed. A smile touched his lips and the King returned it in kind, and Jack went back to the room where he and his friends had been playing their game of draughts.

"Well, he returns with his head in place." Thomas proclaimed. "And what did Her Majesty want with you at this late hour?" And he leered.

"Nothing that you are probably thinking." Jack said and that was true, for Thomas no doubt thought the Queen had eyes for Jack and had invited him up to seduce him. "We only talked, and nothing more."

"And what was so urgent to talk about that she could not wait until morning?" Edward asked with some rightful suspicion.

"I think she was trying to judge my suitability for a post here at the castle." Jack said. "But nothing has been promised yet, so let us all just wait and see."

"And she did not ask you to lower your trousers?" Thomas asked. "She did me, when she summoned me last night."

Jack looked at Thomas, surprised. "Yes, she did." he said. "I think she was checking to see if I carried any venereal disease, for she regarded me the way a farmer judges a milk cow's udder."

"Then I am ready to believe you, for she did the same of me. Then she frowned and told me I would not be required after all." Thomas said. "I am not sure why the Queen has asked such of Jack tonight, but I agree that she is not looking for a lover for herself."

"Deal me back into the game." Jack said, for the last round was now over.

He got his first three cards and smiled when he saw them. Three face cards.

King, Queen and Jack of diamonds.

His luck had finally changed.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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