King of Sorrow

By Jayson Spears

Published on Jul 16, 2001


This is my new story. It will have lots of celebs in it, Nsync, BSB, 2Gether,B4-4,Britney, Christina, and god knows who else. It will have gay themes, and sex, and maybe the occasional straight one. If these type of things offend you, then leave. If you are under 18, Leave. I do not claim to know any of the people I write about, or that I have even met them, This is all fiction. If you don't know what that means you shouldn't be here. Email me at because I strive on feedback.

This is a AU Story (Alternate Universe) and will have magic, vampires, beasts, elves, whatever. It means that in this story the world will be different, In this world, Pigs can accually fly, and I can do whatever I want. This also means it might be confusing at the beggining. If you have any questions, email me. Um yeah so this about wraps my disclaimer up. This first chapter will not really have a continueing storyline, it shows what happened in the past, and sorta hints about where the story will go. Things will get better. If you have complaints, praise, or just want someone to bitch at, please email me.

A history of the land

The world of Estaria, Had been created by Qea, the Overmother. She controlled all of the elements and the past, future, and present of all things living, dead, and unborn. Under her were 12 lesser Gods. Each with their own element and sphere of influence. 6 male gods and 6 females. Each element with an opposite.

The male gods are as follows: Rygar - God of the Sun, Reiner - God of Time, Friest - God of the Mind, Parda - God of all things Mystic, and Tsuagal - The Scholar god.

The female gods are as follows: Myria - Goddess of the Moon, Helena - Goddess of Space, Lin-Lin - Goddess of the Body, Tristamao - Goddess of all things Arcane, and Cinna - the Rune Goddess.

There were two gods directly under Qea, they were Amara - Goddess of the Realm, and Zozma - God of the Void. Their power rivaled that of all the others.

There were also, the Three. Three gods cast out by Qea, for their attempts to usurp her throne, in the Temple of the Ancients. They were - Milishea, Goddess of Lust - Omar, God of Sorrow - and Dekanti - Goddess of Murder. They had not started out with their evil elements, but earned them through their actions. They had started their own reign, in a small pocket plane of their own making, inside of Qea's vast dimension. They called themselves "The Triad" and they constantly meddled with Estaria's mortals.

In the House of Qea, Inside the Temple of the Ancients

"Well then what do you suppose we do? They have been neglecting their duties for far to long. Rygar and Myria have been fighting for as long as I can remember, and Trista and Parda's continual trial to see who is more powerful is getting on my nerves. Amara and Zozma are constantly plotting, and the rest of the Gods have not faired much better. The peoples of Estaria are crying out for help, Pretty soon all your work will be for nothing Qea. You must do something." said a man in a cowled robe.

"They are my children though. I already cast out the three, What can I do? I do not wish to kill them. They are part of me and we have lived for eons together." said Qea.

"Yes mistress, But with the other gods neglecting Estaria so much, their power grows rapidly, and soon may even start to rival that of your own. They could manage to..." the man continued, but was cut off.

"Silence!!! Their power will never rival mine! They are part of me, when they grow in power, so do I! Fool. Out of my sight!" Qea roared. She waved dissmissivly and the man in the robe turned to dust and was blown out a window in the throne room.

Qea pondered to herself. She walked through the courtroom to a pool, and touched it. It rippled and when it stopped images of all the gods and goddesses appeared. She watched them bicker between eachother and fight amongst themselves. She sighed, and then the water shifted and a image of Estaria appeared, it had been deformed and twisted from the world she had created, to the world run by the Three. Qea cried from the pain she felt for her people, and for what she knew she had to do. Qea got up from the pool and walked over to her throne and sat down.

Qea shed one more tear, and then channeled the energy of all the elements into herself. She drained their powers from them, sucked it from their bodies, and from Estaria itself. She could feel her children suffering but she persisted, She knew this had to be done.

Estaria shook violently from the process, the winds raged and the seas flooded. Mother nature was was vengeful upon the world. The effects of the power draining from the land causes the elements there to shake and crumble. Estaria suffered a series of huge earthquakes, and it split in to three peices. A main continant, one to the north, and a small one to the west. Thunder and Lightning snaked out wildly and the whole world was screaming. Fire and Brimstone rained from the sky, and the seas turned to acid. The continant to the north sunk into the acidic sea. Then everything calmed.

A image of Qea appeared in the sky, and she spoke, "My dear children, I am sorry for what I have done. You gave me no choice. People of Estaria, I have gifted 12 people, Some born, and some who will be born in the future, with the gifts of my children. These demi gods, these Avatars, will walk Estaria for 100 years, and when the time is over, they will take their place in my temple, If they so choose. Be told, the killing of one of these beings will result in the transfer of their power. I shall restore the world, without the taint of the three, but be told, the Triad will always be a part of Estaria, giving in to them will fuel your own destruction. I shall not interfere anymore with the lives of you mortals, they are your own." Then the sky flashed and Estaria was once again the vast green land it hand once been.

After 50 years, only 3 of the Avatars had been publicly found out, and their lives had been very difficult, groups of mortals seeking to kill them to inherit their power, and the members of the Triad also wished their death, to steal their power for their own.

One of the three, a old hermit in the woods, was chased through the forest by a group of bandits. A bear killed him, and it transformed into a human. One bandit escaped alive, he was found out of his mind, in a field leading to Carmyn, the main city of Estaria. No one had identified the bear-man, but there is many a wives tale of him told to children to scare them in to going to bed on time.

One of the others was the young Prince of Carmyn, Joshua. He had been identified by a mid-wife witch, on birth, as the Avatar to Lin-Lin, the Goddess of the Body. He was well guarded since birth, a recluse in the castle, for the last 20 some odd years. The king of Carmyn hoped to gain favor, and that when his son took his place in the Temple, that he would bless the family.

And the third was a young girl from a small farming town in the north. Her name was Miya. She used to tell her mother that a woman talked to her when she slept. On her 10th birthday a group of Raiders entered the town and tried to slaughter everyone. Upon arriving at the girl's farm house, the symbol of the Moon appeared on her forehead, and black bolts of lightning rained from the sky. Within 2 minutes the girl had killed over 40 raiders without lifting a hand. The town praised her as a hero, and keeps her well hidden. All attempts to find, or capture her have been in vain.

Time passes in Estaria. Some seek to find the Avatars, to kill them and claim their power for their own. Some wish to protect them, and some people refuse to believe any of it, brushing it aside. Some Avatars know of their power and hide it, and some of them are clueless as to their destiny.

Well thats it for chapter one. Yes Joshua is JC, I will proboly call them by semi formal names to make it seem more medival. (Joey - Joseph, Lance - Lansten, ect. This might change as I am horribly lazy.) So what did you think? Did it suck? Tell me why and ill fix it! I promise!!

Next: Chapter 2

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