Kimmies New Job

By kimmie sissy

Published on Jun 10, 2004



This is a work of fiction and i dedicated it to the genius of tg fiction Gingerfredman

Please feel free to respond

Kimmie's new Job Part 1:

Well, after my escapades with Brad I knew from then on what I really wanted in life. I just wanted to get girlied up as often as I could and entertain men and other sissies, tvs, and cds. Suzy and I eventually grew out of our teens all the while continuing with our favourite hobbies of dressing, shopping, flirting and picking up boys and getting onto internet chat rooms...giggles.

By the time I was 18 I was old enough to move from the family home and get a unit by myself in the city. Suzy moved with his parents to another city when he turned 18 and I didn't see much of Suzy after that. We kept in touch though on the internet and in chatrooms where we talked about all our sissy adventures. Suzy had turned into a really lovely looking tgirl and had been on hormones and developed really beautiful 34DDreasts that she was really proud of and which she love to show off by wearing really skimpy bras...giggles. She decided not to go all the way and get the snip, which I was glad of too. Both of us really loved being tgirls with sissycocks.

With my new apartment and without the distractions of my parents I was now able to indulge myself in my favourite hobbies most of the time now...except while I was at work of course. That kind of bothered me in a way. I didn't feel good about being sneaky about my femininity. But it was something I had to put up with. At least I could go home at the end of the day with my pay packet and enjoy my other life.

I'd found a job at a local post office where I served customers and sat at the front desk all day. It was rather boring but you got to meet some nice people and it wasn't too difficult. I was sort of looking forward to getting out of the job and getting into something that I'd been trained at such as graphic design. I felt this job was just a fill in until the right job came along. I kept looking for the right job but I just couldn't seem to find anything that suited me or looked exciting. And then one night it happened. The job of my dreams came a long. But before I tell you what it was I'll explain how it happened.

After work each day, I'd get home and the first thing I'd do is have a nice long bath and wash away all that boyish stuff. I'd shave my whole body very carefully and make myself as smooth as possible. Then I'd make myself smell pretty too by spraying just a hint of perfume over my freshly shaved and cleaned body. Then I'd shampoo my hair and put it up in a girly bun with a towel wrapped around my head. While it dried I'd slowly and very carefully apply my makeup. First the powder pack, eyeliner and some lipstick...I always preferred the cherry red lippy.

After applying the makeup I'd then sashay over to my underwear drawers next to my bed and begin putting on my favourite lingerie. I loved femmy colours like yellow, blue and especially white. Wearing white would always bring back hot memories of my night with Brad wearing the wedding lingerie. First I'd put my stockings and suspenders on then a matching bra and then my panties for the night. Ooooh how I love putting these things on and every time I did it never failed to harden my little sissycock. It was always a stretch getting my little clitty into the panties I preferred but that was half the fun...giggles.

When I was fully girlied up I'd then either get onto the internet or a chatroom (oh by the way this is what I did when I didn't go out with other sissies or boys...giggles), and find someone or something to help me get rid of my boyjuices which I'd naturally built up in my tiny little sissyballs throughout the day thinking about my evening adventures.

That night instead of getting on the internet, I decided to read some of my favourite magazines. As well as the usual teen girl magazines I'd got a subscription to the two big magazines for sissies like me and their admirers. Pantyboy Magazine and Sissyboy Magazine. Pantyboy was a famous mag published by the porn supremo Gingerfredman and Sissyboy was a rival upstart attempting to grab some of the market that had arisen from the popularity of Pantyboy a runaway success.

I love just lying my girly bed or on the floor reading my sissy magazines while wearing my lingerie. Looking at all the girly fashions and reading all the sexy letters. And also stroking my sissycock as I looked at all the pictures of the sissies in their sexy lingerie. Some of the stories were so sexy and I loved the pictorials which showed photographs of the sissies and their lovers and included captions on the photos. Mmmm...yummy they were so scrummy...giggles.

It made me feel so good to know there were other sissies just like me.

Anyway, I night while reading the new Sissyboy Magazine, I was just browsing through the back section where the classified ads usually were and I noticed a job advertisement for a graphic designer and office all-rounder for Sissyboy Magazine itself. Wow, I thought that sounds like a job just for me.

I was so excited I jumped up off the floor and logged on to the Sissyboy Magazine website and double checked to see if the job was still available. When I saw that it was and that I could apply online, I spent the next couple of hours drafting a letter to the magazine's editor and publisher Mr Humphrey Bacall.

I told them that I'd been trained as a graphic designer, that I knew a bit about computers and that I'd read Sissyboy Magazine and it's competitor Pantyboy. I didn't tell them that I in fact was a sissy too, as I didn't know if that was a good idea. I just let them know that I liked the magazine a lot and would love to work in a publishing environment with creative people. Mr Bacall wrote a quick reply to me that evening saying how pleased he was to get my application and would I be prepared to have an interview the very next day.

I wrote back promptly and told him that because I already had a job I'd have to meet him either during lunch or immediately after work. Mr Bacall wrote back and agreed to an interview after work at his office. Well, you could imagine how excited I was. I quickly gathered all my portfolio together and prepared it for viewing by Sissyboy Magazine and got out my best interview clothes (boys' clothes-yuk). Then I went to bed early with my Sissyboy Magazine and played with my sissyclitty while laying in bed and eventually milked myself of all my boycream and went to sleep and had very exciting dreams. In fact it was hard to sleep at all with my excitement and I was up very early the next morning preparing for my interview that evening.

I checked my portfolio and put it in my briefcase along with some other essentials including a hair brush and nail clippers and a toothbrush. And just in case I also slipped a clean pair of white panties into the briefcase just in case I decided to go out later...giggles.

It was very difficult for me to concentrate at work that day. I was in a sort of a daydream all day imagining what fun I could have if I was lucky enough to get the job. I had to snap myself out of it on a number of occasions because I was building myself up so much I may have become disappointed if I didn't get the job. I didn't want to be let down so hard so I focussed on the job at hand. However, even that was difficult, because I was wearing the skimpiest pair of thong panties under my boy's trousers my little sissycock was constantly hard and nearly dripping. I had to go to the bathroom a couple of times to check that I didn't have a wet spot on the front of my pants....

When work finished that day I was so excited. I went to the bathroom and made sure I looked OK. I made sure my hair was nice and clean and well combed. Then I brushed my teeth and I put a little bit of rouge on my lips just to give them a bit of blush and put a faint hint of powder on my face. I thought well what the hell I won't go over the top with the makeup, but I'll use just a bit. After all designers are often a bit sissy anyway. I rushed over to the offices of Sissyboy Magazine across town and nervously entered the building that housed their offices. It was a large building with marble staircases and lots of fine furniture and palm trees and beautiful people all walking around in the foyer of the building. The building housed banks, insurance companies and of course some publishing empires including Sissyboy which was located on the 13th floor.

I took the elevator up and entered the lobby of the 13th where I saw that Sissyboy Magazine was occupying the entire floor. It was carpeted and had paintings all around and a visitors section, a photographic studio and sections for the editorial staff, graphic designers, and the secretarial staff.

My heart was pounding as I approached the receptionist at the front desk. The girl at the font desk reception smiled at me. She was blonde and wore pretty ribbons in her hair. She had a low cut blouse on which I could see all the way down her cleavage, as I peered over the desk at her. I could also see that she was wearing a pink mini-skirt and white high top she was sexy and seeing her sitting there with her legs open just enough to get a peak at her panties nearly made me cum there on the spot and - god forbid - I nearly turned me into a heterosexual.

I smiled my best business and boyish (yuk smile) as I approached. Hi, my names Kim Jones and I'm applying for the graphic design job that was advertised last week.

"Oh hi" she said "My name is Gerri, I'll just let Mr Bacall know you're here. Take a seat and relax. Would you like a tea or a coffee" she asked.

"Just a glass of water" I nervously replied as she rose from her seat and sashayed very girlishly in her 5" high heels over towards the kitchen. I watched as her perfect bottom wiggled it's way around the kitchen preparing my glass of water. When she returned she handed it to me and noticed I was shaking a little.

"Don't worry sweetie, Mr Bacall is very friendly...i'm sure you'll find him fascinating and with the sort of interest you showed in your application you're bound to get a job here."

"I'll just go and let him know you're here" she said as she turned again she winked at me as she disappeared into the big office next to the reception area.

I sipped politely on the water as I looked at all the magazines around the reception area. There were back issues of Sissyboy along with copies of the rival Pantyboy Magazine. However, I couldn't bring myself to look at them as they may have made me feel a little too excited before having my interview.

Eventually Gerri emerged from the big office and sat back down at the reception desk and said that Mr Bacall will only be a short while as he was on the phone to a photographer who was having a few problems with one of the Sissyboy Magazine models.

Just to keep the chat going I asked what the problem could be. Gerri replied that the model didn't want to get undressed as she didn't have a nice pair of panties that day. She only had big white cotton tail panties and felt they did not do her any justice. Gerri said she didn't have a spare pair of panties with her otherwise the model could have borrowed them. Besides, Gerri said that she may have been a little to big for the Sissyboy model anyway.

I asked what size the model was and Gerri replied that she was about a size 10. I thought about it and thought what the hell and told Gerri that I happened to have a size 10 pair of thong panties in my brief case now if that is any help. Gerri squealed and patted my hand girlishly and giggled. Then she said that my little secret was safe with here but she also said that it was only safe if I wanted it to be. Then asked me to just hold tight a moment and I'd go and see if Mr Bacall had sorted the problem out.

After a few minutes Gerri emerged again and wiggled over towards me smiling and said that if they could borrow the panties they would pay me back with a new pair or just write me a cheque.

I opened my briefcase and produced the tiny pretty little pair of panties and handed them daintily to Gerri how looked at me cheekily and winked and said she'd just go and give them to the Photographer. Gerri wiggled sexily into the studio room with the panties and was gone for a few minutes and when she returned she commented how the model was delighted and as soon as she saw the panties her little clitty rose to attention and she was out of her clothes and into that sexy little outfit before you could say sissyclitty.

Then Gerri sat down next to me and said that she had to get some details for the files. How old I was, did I have any mental or physical illnesseses, driver's license etc, etc, etc. Then she said that she thought I looked very pretty for a boy. I said thanks and then she said something that nearly caused me to faint. She said, "when I'm not dressed for work I look a llittle bit like you too, but I hate being a boy, I'd much rather be a girly all the time"....then she giggled and wiggled back to her reception desk.

I was dumbfounded by the revelation that Gerri was a sissyboy too. Wow, now I was really determined to get this job and my sissycock was really getting hard now thinking about the possibilities and fun I could have working for this organisation. Gerri winked at me again and told me that I was already virtually in the job because she had told Mr Bacall that she thought I may be a sissyboy too. I sort of blushed a little and giggled a bit...then she girlishy patted me on the knees again and said not to worry Mr Bacall likes his staff to have first hand experience at the work they do, especially his graphic designers.

After a few more minutes Gerri took a call from the main office and peeked over the reception desk to tell me that Mr Bacall was ready to see me now. Gerri stood and motioned me towards the big office. I walked behind Gerri as she girlishly sashayed towards Mr Bacall's office

Gerri opened the door for me and let me in then she left and closed the door behind me. I was standing in the room with Mr Bacall who was flicking through my portfolio of designs that Gerri had copied and given to him. Mr Bacall was seated at his desk. Although he was sitting down I could tell that he was quite fit. He was at least 55 years old with silver hair and a clean white business suit on. His desk was polished Oak and behind him were all the covers of the Sissyboy Magazines that he had published which were all beautifully framed and mounted on the wall. There were also copies of other magazines including the catalogues such as Sissy Shopper, Sissy Holidays and a new magazine called SissyLover, a classified advertising magazine for for admirers of sissyboys and sissies themselves.

All the covers featured a picture of a different sissyboy for each issue. Sometimes the cover featured an illustration of a sissy or an actual photo of a sissyboy. Mr Bacall motioned for me to sit down. I sat directly in front of him in the big leather chair that was provided and looked around the room. Mr Bacall smiled at me and leaned forward to shake my hand. His hand was big and manly compared to mine which was tiny and effeminate by comparison.

Mr Bacall leaned back in his chair with his arms folded and asked a few things which didn't relate much to the job. I guess he was just trying to get to know me a little bit before the serious interview started.

"So, Kim, tell me first, do you have a problem with the sort of material which our company publishes?"

"No of course not" I replied Then I cheekily said that If I did I wouldn't be applying for the job. "That's good" said Mr Bacall, "I just need to clear that up with interviewees before I proceed".

So your portfolio shows you are a talented designer and that this will be your first job as a designer. Well all I can say is that having looked in detail at your work I think you'd be ideally suited to the position. I don't really need to interview you beyond asking if you want the job or not. But before I get an answer from you I'll say that I'll put you on a starting salary of $(US)50K per annum including holiday pay and sick leave. You'll also have a mobile phone and a new computer for work and one new laptop for home if you wish. You can work both from home and your office, I don't mind so long as the work gets done."

" about it you want the job?"

At first I just sat there with my mouth open and didn't know what to say. Then I finally managed to get something out...."uuummmmm....welll....ahhh yes sir...I'd love the job....Um....when do I start?

"How about on Monday morning first here at 9am sharp and I'll get Gerri to set you up..."

"Look Kimmie, I'm a bit busy at the moment so how about I just leave you with Gerri and she can help you filling out the paperwork and all that boring stuff then she can show you around the offices and the studios....and I'll see you next Monday.."

"Sure....that would be great" I responded with a grateful smile. I thought also that I heard him call me Kimmie and my little clitty cock started to writhe inside my panties.

Mr Bacall got up and straightened himself out and walked towards the door. He motioned me first and directed me towards the door. I had a little bit of a girlish walk and I sort of exaggerated it a bit as I proudly proceeded towards the exit. I sashayed a little bit in my boyish (yuk) clothes and I'm sure he noticed. I felt his hand brush the small of my back as he lead me out of the room.

"Thanks Gerri, could you look after Kimmie now and show him around while I deal with all the other issues of the day. Welcome aboard Sissyboy Kimmie, I'm sure we're going to get on just fine and you'll be a valued member of our team."...I loved the way that he called me Kimmie again and I was sure too that we were going to have loads of fun working here with the team....especially with a sexy team leader like Mr Bacall I giggled quietly to myself.

Then Mr Bacall closed the door to the office. Gerri swung around in her chair and squealed delightedly and rushed over to me and gave me a big hug and congratulated me on getting the job. I squealed girlishly too without realising it.

Gerri took me by the hand and started to show me around. First she showed me all the important things like the kitchen, the medical cabinet and fire extinguisher and then to the toilets and bathrooms. She said that there were both male and female bathrooms but the sissyboys shared the bathroom and toilets with the genetic girls that might be in the office. The view was that if there was genetic girls here at all then they probably wouldn't mind. Then she giggled and said that if the sissyboys are feeling a bit aroused after a model shoot they might go into the boys room and have a bit of fun in there anyway...then we both giggled like a couple of little girls.

Then Gerri showed me into the design section where there were two other girls working at computers. Gerri introduced me to them.

"Girls this is the new designer Kim Jones....Kim this is Pauline and Terri". Both girls stood up and in their girlish ways took my hand and shook it. They were both very pretty. Pauline was wearing a pair of pink hotpants and stockings with little strappy sandles. She had Short dark hair and her makeup was immaculate. Terri was blond and also wore hotpants only hers where white and a bit shorter than Pauline's. She also shook my hand in a girlish but businesslike manner. Both girls were really nice and said how they couldn't wait to work for me. Then one said that it would be nice to have a real man around the place and they both giggled.

They were really both so pretty I couldn't tell if they were in fact sissyboys. My head was spinning and I didn't really take what they said as an insult but just a bit of girlish fun and then Gerri took me by the hand again and took me into the editorial room where I met the editors and some other staff. I forgot all their names almost immediately I was so excited. Then Gerri took me back to the office and gave me a few things about the company police and took down some more details about me and at the end of that she said..."Well Kim ^Ö or perhaps I really should call you Kimmie from now on ^Ö we're all done here now. All you have to do is show up on Monday morning for your first day. Congratulations again and I hope you have a nice week and a relaxing weekend before your big day. And by the way Kim, um, I mean Kimme, I'll fix you up for those panties's a company cheque and also, you might bring another spare pair of panties or stockings when you never know what might happen around here."

We both giggled and I agreed that I would bring a spare pair with me and then I grabbed my briefcase and excitedly exited the offices of Sissyboy Magazine feeling proud and happy and made my way home in a sort of semi trancelike state of mind thinking about what lay ahead of me.

Then next day I didn't bother going into work at the post office and I just rang them to say that I'd found a new job and I handed in my resignation. I'd only been there a couple of months anyway so they didn't really owe me anything and they had plenty of other staff members to fill in for me.

I decided to take a few days off and prepare myself for my new career and reading as much about Sissyboy and Pantyboy as possible ^Ö of course in an effort to do some research for the job I was about to undertake.

I read the articles carefully and inspected the photos and the printing, the illustrations and the layout of the classifieds section. All the while trying to concentrate on the layout and quality of the work. But I must admit it was such a hot little magazine, I found it difficult to concentrate at times on such things and found myself laying on the bed in just my panties and stockings stroking my girlycock as I read the hot little stories and photo-stories.

In one of the stories a sissyboy called Petra was walking along a sandy beach in a string bikini. She walked through a group of boys sitting on their surfboards on the beach watching the waves. The boys whistled at the sissyboy and started hollering about how sexy she looked and making rude comments. Further up an older man was walking towards her. In the next frame the older man stops Petra and asks her if she knows if any young lads have been seen around here causing trouble. The close up in the next frame shows the pretty Petra explaining how the boys with the surfboards on the beach about 500 metres away had yelled obsenities at her. The man who introduces himself to Petra as Mal says that he thinks they are the guys he's after. Then he says to Petra to wait here a minute. He walks up to the boys on the beach and within minutes they had scampered off away from the beach. In the next frame Mal walks back to Petra who is smiling girlishly and there's a closeup of her pretty face. Mal walks up to her and says how the little ratbags just cause so much trouble around here for everyone....but now they're gone we can all enjoy the day without feeling like we're not wanted. Petra smiles and says that it's such beautiful day she just wanted to go out into the sunshine in her new bikini but it was spoiled by the nasty boys. Mal apologises Petra and then asks her if she'd like to join him for a lemonade and icecream at his house further on up the beach.. In the next frame Petra is walking up the beach with Mal. The shot from the front shows that Mal can barely hide his excitement , there's a big bulge in the front of his swimmers and there's a little thought bubble coming out of his fram which is saying...."I can't wait to get this little sissyboy minx into my house". The corresponding shot of Petra in her pretty little floral string bikini has a thought bubble of her thinking how sexy, strong and manly this guy is and thinking how fortunate for here that she lubed her boypussy before going out.

It was a great little story and it followed with some hot scenes in the bedroom with Petra on her tummy with her yellow string bikini pulled to the side while Mal fucked her from behind while stroking her girlcock. The close up of Petra while Max fucked her showed a pretty little sissyboy wiggling her bottom for the camera and smiling while licking her lips..this time a speech bubble appears out of her mouth saying...."ooh daddy fuck your little girl's pussy daddy, cum into my boycunt daddy oooh I love you having your cock inside my pussy daddy and being your sexy little girlyboy".

The next shot shows Mal shooting his big manly load all over Petra's derrier and making a cummy mess on her panties.

The following shot has Petra on her back and ejecting a big load of sissyboycum on to her tummy and her titties and smiling as she cums and rubbing all of Mals cum over her tiny boyclit. It was a really lovely shot and I had to bring myself to an orgasm after reading it.

However, having looked closely at the pictorial I thought that there could have been some changes made to the story to make it even sexier. I thought that perhaps the guys on the beach could have been friendly and that Max and the guys could all have taken the little sissyboy back and they could have had a sixsome or a fivesome. Also that the little sissyboy could have had more feminine attire on too such as scrunchies and ribbons perhaps. I thought about it and wrote some notes in case I was asked during a meeting at Sissyboy Magazine what I thought. At least It would appear that I had actually been thinking about improvements.

I cleaned all my cummy mess from my tummy and went and had a little shower and got ready for bed. The next morning I awoke all refreshed and looking forward to the day and doing more research for my new job.

I picked up the competitor's magazine Pantyboy and flicked through it looking for some layout ideas and saw that it used some unusual techniques such as soft focus lenses and a bit of airbrushing in Photoshop along with some other interesting concepts such as a double page spread of a Pantyboy in lingerie, something Sissyboy hadn't included in any issue. Another great idea to offer the editorial staff. I had a close look at the spread of the Pantyboy model and she was wearing all pink. The pantyboy's little clit however hard it was was difficult to determine as the light in the studio caught the folds on the pink satin panties and obscured the little dolls clittycock. I took another note and continued flicking through the pages.

I kept my little diary of notes handy as I lay on the bed in my sexy white teddy and white stockings as I browsed through the pages. I ground my clitty cock into the bedspread and must have cum at least three times that day as I just indulged myself with sexy sissy research.

By the weekend I had cum at least 12 times and decided to give it a bit of a break or I'd be exhausted for work the following Monday so I decided to set off on a little day trip by myself to the countryside to try and take my mind off work. I packed myself some lingerie and my cameras and jumped into the car and headed south for the weekend. I settled on a little hotel by the side of the road that had a nice little restaurant and some friendly looking truck drivers parked near a diner close by. I decided to go into the hotel and have a little rest, watch some television and then go over to the truckstop and get some food later when it was closer todinner time.

While inside my room I got dressed into my fresh clean boy (yuk) clothes, but underneath I wore a pink floral pair of thong panties and suspenders with stockings. Before I put my thong panties on I smeared just a little bit of KY gel on my boypussy just in case I met up with a hunky truckie who's after some sissyboy loving. Then I covered my lingerie with my boy trousers (yuk). Then I sprayed a little bit of perfume on the back of my hand and went looking for a meal and a man....giggles. What the hell I thought. It had been nearly 18 hours since I had ejected any sissyboycum and my little clitty cock was filling with more juice. Time to get rid of it I giggled again to myself as I tucked myself in and started sashaying girlishly towards the door.

I had a tiny bit of rouge on my face and my hair was boyishly (yuk) natural. Although I didn't look like a real queen I certainly looked effeminate. Well at least enough for my taste anyway. I walked into the diner and there was about 4 or five people sitting there eating dinner and drinking coffee.. I sat down and ordered a lemonade and a salad and sat their reading the local newspaper while I waited for dinner. Then I heard some rather loud heavy footsteps enter the diner and a big guy of about 6'4" entered the premises and ordered a steak. He sat opposite me at a separate table and I could feel his eyes all over me. I peaked over my newspaper and saw him smiling. I blushed a little and smiled back at him. When he saw me smile he walked over to my table and asked if he could join me.

"Of course" I responded smiling. He said his name was Jim and was passing through and needed a good meal. He'd been driving his rig all day.

"I replied it must get lonely on the road out there by yourself all day with no-one to talk to."

He replied and he agreed with me and said he might just pull up the rig for the night and get some shut eye here and leave in the morning.

I said what a good idea I thought that was.."one less chance of a road accident tonight"....then I gave a little girlish giggle which he noticed and smiled when he heard it.

I blushed a little and tried to look away.

"Hey you know my name" he said. "So what's yours?"

Kimmie's my name I smiled back

"That's a pretty name, hey Kimmie would you like to come for a ride in my rig after you've eate?"

"Sure that would be fun, I've never been inside such a big truck before...but where shall we go?"

"Oh I know a nice little place up ahead where we can sit quietly and have a little drink and watch the stars if you like?"

"That would be nice" I responded smiling

Then after we finished our dinner he showed me to his rig. It was big and I had trouble getting into the cabin. Jim gave me a bit of a hand and lifted me up into the cabin by my waist. Wow was he strong and I felt so femmy being helped up by such a nice big strong man.

Once inside he started the ignition and the truck took off and we cruised to a little park that overlooked a valley and we could see all the twinkling lights of the township below. It was such a clear night too and the stars twinkled above. Jim asked me if I'd like a sip of the drink he'd bought at the bar. It was a spritzer with some wine in it and tasted really nice. After a few sips I started getting a little bit tipsy and more relaxed. Jim put his hand on my knee and started saying things like.."gee you are a pretty boy" to which I giggled and smiled an blushed a little. Then he asked if I didn't mind him putting his hand on my leg and I said it was OK with me and that it felt nice. I opened my legs a little for him and felt his big manly hands move further up my thighs. I reached over and put my hand in his lap and felt what seemed like a steel pole down there. I just looked up at him aghast and asked what the hell was he packing down there. He asked me if I wanted to find out and I giggled girlishly and said of course I do.

Jim lifted himself off of his seat and worked his trousers down his legs to expose his underwear which were a pair of red jockey briefs stretched to the limit by a giant pole of a cock that was almost ripping the fabric in it's attempt to break loose from it's confines. I just smiled up at him and got a grip on that lovely piece of manmeat. This sent Jim into a frenzy. I released the cock from it's underwear and Jim forced my head down onto his cock. He didn't really need to force me though I went down on it with pleasure and submissive willingness.

I licked around the head and tried to measure the length. Both of my small hands could fit around it and there was still some coming out the end. I estimated that it must have been at least 9" long and 3" thick. It was uncircumcised and was all veiny and purplish from the tension that he had been building up inside over the last hour. There was even precum leaking out of the piss slit which I eagerly lapped up and swirled around on my tongue.

Jim was desperate to get me undressed and suggested we adjourn to the driver's sleeping compartment at the back of the cab. Jim climbed in first and lay down on his back holding that huge cock in his hand as I sat in the front giggling as I began to remove my trouser revealing my panties, stockings and suspenders. I had on a little silky top too and I had painted my little nipples with some cherry lipstick before going out. When Jim saw me in all my girlish refinery he just groaned and started stroking his cock real hard. I stopped him and called him a naughty man. "You shouldn't do that, you might waste all that man cum and then what is a sissyboy like me going to do". Then I climbed in the back with Jim and sat on his stomach and reached around and felt that big hot cock all steaming and throbbing in my little hand as he pulled me towards him and started kissing me all aggressive and manly like. I moaned as his tongue invaded my mouth and his hands were all over me. Running up and down my milky creamy thighs and rubbing my clittycock through my pink satin panties.

As he massaged my girlcock I moaned and squealed delightedly and tossed my head back as I felt his hand reach around and start to play with my pantied bottom. Then he roughly pulled the string of the panty to the side and started to put a finger into my tight boycunt. I wiggled back onto his finger and felt it go in up to his first knuckle, then the second knuckle and then he had the whole finger inside my sissypussy. I squealed more and pushed back hard begging for it as I continued to run my lithe girlish fingers up and down his big manly cock. Then Jim inserted another finger into my horny hole and it felt divine. I just leaned forward and sucked on his tongue as he fingered my pussy.

My girlycock was leaking lots of cummy goo onto the front of my panties. Which I didn't mind anyway as I always carried a spare pair. I started cooing and whimpering girlishly as his fingers found my sweet spot. I nearly exploded there and then but I lifted myself off of him and told him straight. "I want you to fuck me with that big cock baby. Fuck me now honey and let me feel that big manly piece of cock inside me girly boycunt. Let me feel your hot babyjuice spray my sissy tummy darling. Fuck me now.

With that Jim flipped me over onto my back and I squealed as I landed roughly on the soft mattress. I lifted my stockinged legs high into the air and spread my boypussy wide open with my fingers. All the while I was whimpering and sighing girlishly and smiling at my truckie lover as he prepared to invade my sissycunt with his girlpleaser.

Jim looked down lustily at me and commented on how feminine I looked underneath him. Thankyou I whispered as I tried to scoot down onto his hard cock. Then he grabbed that big hard cock in his hand and directed it at the entrance of my sissypussy and I felt its heat and width at the entrance to my cunt. My cock was straining now and leaking cum freely without any help from my hand. I smiled up at Jim as he began his adventure inside a boypussy. As big as it was it went in easily thanks to the lube I'd applied earlier. I let out a girlish sigh of relief when I felt the inches start to invade my body. The more he invaded me the more liberated and feminine I felt. With every inch of his cock that entered me the more enthralled I became with the notion that I was really a woman with a cock. Like on so many times before with various men and boys, handsome and not so handsome I looked down as he fucked me and gazed as that big cock lurched in and out of me as if I really was this man's fucktoy. I smiled up at him and rested my hands on his superb pectoral muscles. His chest heaving as his sissypleaser massaged my grateful boycunt.

I lifted up and met his everystroke, whimpering and squealing as this hunk of a man had his way with his sissyboy. Then he decided to flip me over and do me from behind. MMmmmm that's my favourite position I moaned as I willingly and submissively let him do whatever he wanted with me.

I turned over onto my hands and knees and willingly offered him my wiggling panty clad boypussy once again. He thrust that spear back in and I wiggled back onto it until I could feel the wiry hair of his crotch tickling my sissyish derrier.

Oh god I was in girly heaven again. This was so wonderful I just rested my head on my arms as he fucked me for the next half an hour or so. After a while he groaned as he fucked me piston like. I was so wide open at that point in time you could have easily have fitted two cocks the same size into my pussy. As I thought of that I remembered the Sissyboy Magazine and what a good idea that might be for a photoshoot. I resolved to enter it into my diary just in case there's a meeting for ideas. I giggled to myself. But I digress again. Here I was on my knees being fucked royally from behind. My man grunting and groaning and me underneath whimpering and urging him on. By now he was fucking me like he was a jackhammer and I was just on my hands and knees loving it. Wiggling for him and moaning and squealing, as I know every man loves to hear their sissyboy squeal I didn't hesitate to do just that when the girlish urge took me.

Then as he fucked me he yelled out...."oooh baby I can't hold back any longer I've just got to cum into that hot boypussy of yours honey"....

"Go on" I urged him and I wrapped my stockinged sissy legs around his waste and pulled him hard to me. "Let that baby juice go darling and squirt me with that mancum of yours. Let me feel what a real man has inside those big balls."

Then I felt it like a spray gun aimed at my insides. First one big spirt then a smaller one. I squealed in delight and he continued groaning as a third, fourth and a fifth spurt entered my sissyboypussy.

I wiggled my ass to make sure I got it all inside and I wrapped my arms aroundhis big shoulders as he collapsed onto my lithe girlish body. He was sweating and exhausted and he just lay there kissing the back of my neck as the last vestiges of his hot babyseed entered my now steaming pussy.

I reached down and stroked my clitty cock as he rolled off of me. I felt his juices dribbling out of of the dark pleasure of being a sissy. As it dribbled slowly down my inner thighs I brought myself to another big cummy orgasm and shot 5 big loads all over my tummy and my titties.

Jim was stroking his semi hard cock as he watched me.

"Wow babe that was the best fuck I've ever had. You're way better than any girl or woman I've ever had and much better that the other gayboys around here too. Any chance of us getting together again for another turn. If it's as good as that I may even leave my wife and marry you if you're into it?"

I just giggled and thanked him for the compliment. I told him that I'm not ready to marry yet and anyway he just met me. He laughed and asked me if I'd like a lift anywhere in the morning. I told him that I had my own car and I'd make my own way back but thanks anyway. I gave him my email address and told him that if he was ever in my part of town we could get together again. He said he'd email me and keep an eye out for me in the chatrooms.

I changed my panties and got dressed again. He asked if he could keep the soiled pair as a souvenire and I told him that was fine.

Then we jumped into the front cabin and set off back to the diner. I went back to my hotel and had a shower and changed and got ready for bedtime.

I put on my little pink and white nightgown with the floral motif and panties and flopped around in my fluffy slippers doing my hair and nails while watching some tele. All the while I could feel little bits of Jim's seed dribbling out of my boypussy and soiling my clean panties. It didn't bother me though, it just made me horny so I jumped into bed again and milked my sissycock once more before going off to sleep.

Love from

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