Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 4, 2020


Phil saw the call come in. He was about to put kieran into bondage. "It's the guy you called." He clamped a hand over kieran's mouth. "Not a sound out of you, got it?" kieran nodded. He had already gotten ten minutes of the small cat o' nine on his dick, then the blue tooth vibrator up his butt for twenty minutes, and a full hour fucking from Phil, so he didn't want any trouble. "Hello? " Phil answered. "Hey there. I'm sorry to disturb you Sir. My name is rick. I'm calling because I got a strange message, I think from my friend kieran. Is he there? Can I talk to him?" Phil tightened his hand gag. "Oh, that... ha ha ha. Yeah, I'm sorry. Your number is awfully close to my husband's number, and we were having a spat. I was trying to hang a picture and he wasn't answering when I called him. I looked for him and he was buried in his phone So I texted him. I forgot the question mark after k " "OH. Thanks. I was nervous for my bud. " "I'm really sorry I interfered with your day, rick. I don't know anyone named kieran. But I'll bet he's glad he has friends like you looking after him. You're calling from quite far away." "Yeah, kieran and I were really tight for a while, and then, time, etc." By now, kieran began to make out the voice through the phone. "RICK! Rick would come and rescue him. But he couldn't get a word out. Phil had him gagged REAL tight. "I'm really sorry about this rick. I wish I could make it up to you. Have a great day." Phil got off the phone and laughed. "Boi, you are in DEEP SHIT. The only thing that MAY rescue you, is if rick's hot. Is he? " kieran nodded his head "yes." "Well, bring up a picture of him on rob's phone. Let me see." "yes sir. " kieran had just about given up hope. He pulled up a picture of rick. "Yeah, he's hot. Too old for us thought. I hope he's getting fucked good." "Sir, rick is a top. That's why we broke up." Phil began to laugh. "You were a top too. " "I still am," kieran thought, but he sighed. "Yes sir. You're right."

Kieran was naked, with his arms over his head and tied to one of the pipes that ran through the basement play room. It was just a bit too high for him , and he had to stand on the balls of his feet. Rob and Phil were taking turns "putting him back in his place," as they put it, and it was Phil's turn. "WHACK" he felt the paddle on his ass. "WHACK " as he got it again. "I could just keep on going with this, boi. And you'll feel it , more and more. The two really solid shots had already been almost enough for kieran. He was fighting back sobs. "WHACK" came the third one and he broke. "I'M SORRY SIR. I'M TRULY SORRY." he sobbed out. Phil wasn't done. "WHY'D YOU DO IT BOI? WHY? WHY DID YOU CALL FOR HELP?" "I... I... please listen to me Sir, please. It was because I'm lonely here. " He began to sob even more. "I AM SO FUCKING LONELY." That got a another WHACK to his ass. "DON'T EVER USE THAT LANGUAGE TO ME AGAIN. EVER." "NO SIR. I'M SORRY. I'm just... I'm missing everybody. All my friends. My life. My job." Phil came to the front and grabbed his face, roughly. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO BE PATIENT? DIDN'T ROB?" Still sobbing "Yes sir. You both did." "You know, there are bois in this community who live in a cage, or a cell. They get taken out for sex, and THAT'S IT. YOU WANT THAT?" "No Sir. You said you were working on things, but... I got impatient. " They heard footsteps. Rob was coming downstairs. He called Phil over and whispered something. kieran saw Phil smile and shake his head. "Ok boi. Don't think we don't listen to you. Ted and Allen are coming over with matt this afternoon. You remember matt, don't you?" "I do Sir. He was in the cage next to mark." "Yup. He's the one. They decided to keep him. We're gonna let you bois hang out together, and then we're gonna go out to someplace local for dinner. It IS about time that some of the other folks saw you. " He paused. "I'm thinking if you deserve the promenade. We'll have to see. "PLEASE SIR. I WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. I'll do anything . ANYTHING?" Rob smiled. "You sure about that boi? ANYTHING?" "YES SIR. I did you guys wrong. I owe you whatever you want. " He paused. "That came out wrong. I'm sorry, but..." Phil laughed. "We may take you up on that. And you'll learn not to make general statements like that." He called over Rob and whispered, and Rob laughed. "PERFECT. That'd be fun." "So, boi, we're not going to forget this. I'd suggest you not try anything like this again. We've been really good, compared to other daddies, about how you've been treated. Nothing's exactly the way you like it, but... you'll have to deal. That's your life now. " "Yes sir. I understand. I belong to you." "You do. You didn't agree to this, I know. But it is what it is. Now, we're going to let you fix yourself up and get back to the chores you haven't done the last two days. Get busy."

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So the "honeymoon" was over. kieran had a much better sense of what his life would be after his escape attempt. It was quick thinking on his part to come up with the story about being lonely - although it WAS true. He believed Phil when he talked about how the repercussions would be much more severe if he tried this again. He'd have to start trying to get used to this new life.

One of the repercussions was losing his ability to choose his own outfits. Rob picked out a blue polo shirt with a white border on the collar and sleeves, and a pair of chinos which, kieran knew as he slipped them on, were going to be snug.

"JUST LOOK AT THAT CRACK AN EGG ASS." Phil called out as kieran came out of the bedroom. "Inspection boi." kieran got into position. His hands behind his back, his chest out, his legs spread. He grimaced as Phil passed his hands over his body. "Really, really nice, boi. REALLY FINE." He felt Phil's hand on his ass, and his tongue at his ear. "GOD YES," kieran muttered. He hadn't had any kind of sexual contact over the two days of punishment, so it all felt good. "I'm gonna get me a piece of that ass. Soon." Rob called up. "GENTS. Company is here. " Phil and kieran came down the steps, with Phil keeping a firm hand on kieran's neck. "It'll be fun. Your first 'play date,' he laughed. Ted and Allen were as different from Phil and Rob as they could be. Ted, slight, glasses, and with a look like a university professor (which he was), and Allen, heavy set, white haired, and seeming like someone's grandfather. "Guys, kieran is our new boi. kieran please meet Ted and Allen." kieran remembered enough from the beginning. He lowered his head to look down, and kept his hands behind his back. "Pleased to meet you Sir Allen, Sir Ted. I'm kieran. I'm Sir Phil and Sir Rob's boi." Allen held up his chin. "Pretty eyes boi. Well trained. Do you use the cage?" "We do. Not 100% although we're thinking of increasing it. "And of course, you met matt, but I think... you'll find he's a different boi." Ted put his hand on matt's bicep. "mattie, how do you greet other DOMS?" You could see that matt was still trying to get used to this, but he sighed as he took the slave position. "How do you do, Sir Phil? Sir Rob. I'm matt, but you should feel free to call me mattie, or Ted's boi, or Allen's boi. It's good to see you again." Rob smiled. "You gave him a hair cut. Looks good." "Shaved him too. We didn't want to, but... you know, part of his training. " "Why don't we let them just hang out in the library or something? Bois, think of it as a date, away from the daddies."

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"I'm sorry you went through what you did, matt. I know that you fought a lot more than I did, and you probably put up with a whole lot of training." Matt smiled. "Let me show you what part of that was. " He got up and loosened the very tight jeans he was wearing. He had on no underwear. "You'll hear them talk about how proud they are of their wood burning fireplace. They have branding irons too..." One of matt's cheeks had been branded with the word "bitch." The other with "owned slave." "SHIT! " kieran was stunned. "HOLY SHIT!" I'm not gonna ask if it hurt, because... yeah, it did. " "I was pretty much out of it for 4 days while the put on medication to keep away the infection. Naked, chained.. " He got a little teary. "That's when I surrendered. That's when I started calling them Sir and Daddy and doing whatever else they wanted." He looked at kieran. "Your guys don't seem to be that mean. Mine are always commenting about how Phil and Rob are too lenient." "I got a pretty good solid punishment for trying to escape. Not like what you got though." "Know what provoked it? My getting huffy and using my teeth during a blow job. First I got smacked around, and then.. this. " kieran asked "do they fuck you? "Yup. Every day, at least once. Both of them. They're both ass men. And they like tickling. " "You're not caged. They don't keep you in chastity?" "No, but they milk me twice a day. They've got this machine. I have to get naked and then they put this pump on my cock. Each one plays with a nip - they're a hot spot. Once I shoot, they measure it. If it's enough, I can get up and get to work. if not... then the games begin." "Do you sleep with them?" "Sometimes. Sometimes they lock me in the cell or the dog cage if they don't feel like they want me. " He paused and reddened. "know what though, kieran? They're awfully good in bed. I miss it when I'm not with them." kieran began to reconsider his own position. It began to not seem so bad. Just then, he heard a door opening. It was the four daddies. "SO... did you bois get to know each other better? "yes sirs" They both answered. They saw the smiles between the four of them. Something was up. "So, know what we're going to do? We're going to have you boys entertain us a bit. " matt and kieran looked at each other. "kieran, you were a top, matt, you were versatile? Well... today, kieran bottoms, matt tops. Get undressed bois." There was a little hesitation, then Phil's deep voice. ' I SAID GET NAKED." Matt saw that Ted had his stun gun in his pocket. The stripped. kieran was caged, and he tried to cover it from matt. "Matt... take a look at your boi. He's yours for the next half hour and we want him FUCKED. FUCKED HARD. How do you want him?" A very low voice came out of matt "How do you want me to take him, Masters?" "AH. You HAVE trained him well. Face up? You guys wanna see how our boi reacts to another cock in him?" "OH YEAH. I wanna see his eyes," Ted added. "On the floor, boi," Rob spoke to kieran. Legs up." He gulped. He had no idea what sex with matt was gonna be liked. He was about to find out. He saw matt smile. He was getting hard. "You're really hot kieran. Mind?" He began running his finger over kieran's rosebud. "OH GEEZ. Haven't felt that in a while. " Matt looked at his Masters. "Sir , is it ok if..." He saw Ted shake his head yes. Matt had a very long tongue. He began to eat kieran, and kieran began to moan. "DAMN. That' feels SO fine down there. SO FINE." matt was smiling. "it's gonna feel even finer. Get ready stud.." Matt's cock was thinner than either Phil's or Rob's but it was long. It went into kieran like a long probe. "Heh heh. When I fuck guys, I tell them to think of themselves as a flower, with a moth after nectar. You feel that way kieran?" kieran just felt like he was being stabbed by a sword. It WAS a long cock, no question about it, but matt's technique was, well, nothing compared to the daddies. As he got fucked, he began to think of how good it felt to have Daddy Phil in him, or to be taking Daddy Rob's cock in his mouth. He closed his eyes to think of them. Then he began smiling. That encouraged matt. His eyes began to glow, almost like a wolf. He pumped faster and faster. Then he felt Allen's hand on his neck. "NOPE. You know what happens?" "Yes sir. I do..." Ted pulled out a vial and put it over matt's cock. As his jizz came out and filled the tube, kieran lay there, not knowing what to do. Phil stepped in. "An ass like that needs to be treated right.' "OH YES SIR." kieran smiled. His daddy was going to fuck him. In front of people. In fact, everyone but matt began to play with themselves. kieran was about to get a cum bath. Phil had been worked up already, so kieran wasn't going to get as thorough a fucking as he usually did. "DAMN HE FEELS GOOD." he thought, not realizing he had said it. "Behave, and you get more. Keep acting up, and..." Phil smiled and pushed. His jizz went up into kieran, while he was spattered by the jizz from the other guys. "WHEW. Haven't had a circle jerk in a while " said Ted. "I know. When did they go out of fashion? " Rob laughed. "Maybe we need to bring them back. It's kieran's turn next time." "Heh heh. Ok, so how about we get the bois cleaned up for dinner. Unless you want them to wear the dried jizz." "Nah. They're sweaty too. matt's about the same size. He can borrow some of kieran's clothes. Phil looked at them. "To the shower. Together. Get yourselves cleaned up." "We have to shower together Sir?" kieran asked. "Yes, you do. NOW. " He fibbed. "Maybe we'll turn on the closed circuit camera. " "SHIT." thought kieran. Have they been... (they weren't).

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As they soaped each other up in the shower, matt stole a kiss from kieran. "you know, you're cute. I did enjoy that. Did you?" "I'm more of a top, to be honest. So I'm not used to that." matt smiled. "I'd love it if you topped me next time. I bet you got quite a wand in there." They stared at each other for a minute before they began kissing deeply under the shower water. "You know, matt, this is all a porn cliche'" kieran laughed. Matt smiled. "So? Does it feel good?" It did. He hoped he'd get to play with matt again."

The daddies had picked out outfits for the bois: white shirt and black pants for matt, a melon colored shirt and dark green pants for kieran. It had been the first time out with their new Masters for either of them. They learned something new when the waiter came over with FOUR menus. As subs, they didn't get to pick their meals. As the food was served, Rob threw his arm around kieran and whispered. "You know, we had a rough patch, but I think this is gonna work. You willing to make it work, boi." His hand massaged kieran's shoulders, and they only one who didn't get to shoot that afternoon, began to get roused again. "I am Sir. Matt told me about his life. I didn't realize how lucky I am." After dinner, and after matt and his daddies had left, with a promise to get together again soon. As kieran and his daddies got home, Rob looked at Phil. "I think he's been punished enough, don't you?" Phil was sitting next to kieran and he looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, I think he's gonna be a good boi now." He kissed kieran. "Does boi wanna shoot tonight? " kieran was about to say "YES SIR," but then changed it to "if that's what the Daddies want. Thank you Sir." They all undressed. Rob began necking with kieran seriously, as Phil began a slow edging of the boi. His moans were getting swallowed up by Rob's mouth, until they became urgent. Rob pulled away, and let kieran just let out a huge scream, as he came mightily. "OH GOD SIRS. Thank you Sirs.. kieran was close to crying as they formed a group hug. "Clean up tomorrow, boi. Tonight, we all need our rest. And tomorrow, we begin planning your outfit for your first promenade. It's two days from now."

Next: Chapter 10

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