Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 22, 2020


Kieran was beginning to get the rhythm of his new life. The disruption when Paul had brought over Matt and Mark had quieted down, and his routine was beginning to be established: if he and the Daddies got up early enough, there would usually be some foreplay in bed, before he'd have to get up and get ready for his training session with Craig. After that, he'd occasionally get to go to breakfast with Craig, and Kieran looked forward to those. He felt more comfortable asking Craig some of his questions than Phil or Rob. Whether there was a breakfast trip or not, his duties as boi would begin when he got home: The Daddies shared cooking, and whoever was cooking that day, would bring Kieran into the kitchen to show him what was going on. The plan was to turn over the cooking duties to him as soon as they felt he was ready. After they had cooked, whomever was there that day (they seemed to take turns working out of the house), would take Kieran to bed or the play room. Phil liked fucking, and bondage roleplays. Rob was much more of an oral guy, and a tease. He LOVED to play with Kieran's ears, or to tickle him, or that one time - that ONE time - when he had taken off Kieran's cage, and edged him for two hours. "THAT was fun," Kieran thought. After that "play period," he'd have to get started on the laundry, or some other project. He thought he'd hate shoe polishing, but he loved it once he saw how they wanted him to do it: the shoes would all get dropped on the living room floor, around the feet of whoever was home that morning. Kieran's job, in addition to polishing the shoes, was to tend to that Daddy: to massage his feet, to suck toes if he were told to, anything. By early afternoon, they'd both be home, and there'd be some kind of additional sex play, generally with both of them. They'd take turns, and while they had promised a "spit roast," it hadn't happened yet. Then there was "bondage afternoon." They'd tie Kieran up in the play chair, and one, or both of them, would have more fun, working with his nipples, or cock teasing him, or something. Sometimes they'd replace that by a fashion show: they had bought a LOT of clothes for Kieran, and they wanted to see how he looked in them. One time, he put on a tight, pink shirt and some khaki pants, and Phil just lost control of himself. He jumped up, grabbed Kieran around the middle, tossed him over his shoulder they way Paul did when he brought him here, threw him on the bed and fucked him mercilessly. It was the ONLY time that Kieran had hurt after sex with either of the daddies. They both liked gags, and they had a big collection of them. Phil liked to gag Rob too, and they had played one session where kieran and Rob were tied and gagged, back to back and then teased until they each surrendered. Kieran had surrendered first. He wasn't used to that kind of play. The kind of play he liked the least, was tickle torture. Both daddies did it - Rob was better at it. He hated it because he totally lost control. He was glad for the cage during those sessions, because he was always afraid that he'd cum unexpectedly, or worse, pee himself.

Today was a breakfast day with Craig. Over scrambled eggs, he asked Craig "I hear Phil and Rob talk about promenade a lot, but I don't really know what that is. Do you?" He saw Craig's eyes get wide, and he dropped his fork. He lowered his voice. "kieran, I'll let this one slide, but just so you know, you can NEVER call your Masters by their first names. They are either "the Sirs" or "the Daddies" or "my Masters" or something like that. Bois NEVER used their Doms' first names. If they found out you did, well.. you've seen the whip collection." "I'm sorry. I think I kinda got that I wasn't supposed to do that, and it slipped out. I don't know why. I always called them "Mister" or "Sir" at the bank. Craig laughed. "They're easy going guys. You can fall into the trap of thinking that you're buds. Don't. Other daddies are not so nice. The guys who matt went to: Ted and Allen? OH GEEZ. I imagine matt has gotten four or five spankings already. " The thought of getting a spanking made kieran's cock move a little in his cage. He wouldn't mind a good spanking. But he understood the point. "Anyway, promenade. Ok, you're a smart guy. You've seen who's at the gym, and you've probably figured out: a lot of the guys around here, are guys who formed a little community with their bois, their subs, their bottoms. Once a month - Sunday afternoon- everyone kind of converges at a park around here, and there's a slow kind of walk: the Masters with their boys. You get to meet the other Masters, the other bois. There's a pretty rigid protocol. You can never look a Daddy in the eye, and you can never speak to them unless they speak to you first. Masters Rob and Phil like it if you keep your hands behind your back when you do. It's different for other bois. Eye to eye, chat, get to know each other. "That's another thing Craig. I mean, I know you, and I see the other guys at the gym, but... it's almost a little boring. I don't have any friends, people to talk to, nothing. Craig smiled. "Yeah, that happens a lot at the beginning. To be honest, kieran, they're still trying to decide to keep you. That's why you've been so isolated. Once they decide that you're a keeper, you'll get more exposure to the other bois. I promise. Other Doms know about you, and they really want to meet you. You're the first boi of color these Daddies have ever had. "Are there other bois of color ?" Craig thought for a minute. "Yes, I think there are 3. Jason, Peter, and Sam. Sam is the newest one: he got here about a month before you. He's with ONE Master, a guy named Cliff. Peter belongs to Adam and Charles - Charles is a man of color too, and Jason , hah! Jason has been the boi for Mr. Williams for about 15 years. He's HOT too. " "Can I ask you one more question, Craig? What happens if the Daddies don't want me anymore? I mean, what happens if I DON'T pass? And if I do, what happens if I get too old?" Craig laughed. "Well, if you don't pass, they'll return you to home, and there'll be some story to cover. It's happened before. Now, getting too old, you don't have to worry about that. Don't take this the wrong way kieran, but you're not 18 ." "THANK GOD FOR THAT" kieran laughed. "No, seriously, it's a good point. Some of the guys only like REALLY young bois. When they get too old, maybe they'll find another Daddy who wants them, or, there's always the brothel." kieran looked up. "Oh yes. It's about ten miles from here, and it's a rather famous one. They're always looking for "someone new," and that's where a lot of bois wind up. Last one was this guy Matt. NOT the Matt Paul just bagged, but another one. He's very popular because they built a fetish scene around him. He's chunky and blond, and he's "the plumber." Jeans that hang, tool belt, the whole nine yards." "One other thing. I know you're in your 30s. Your Masters were very clear: they wanted a man, not a kid. You don't have to worry about getting too old for them. " Craig looked at his watch. "We'd better get going. You know who's home today? " Kieran grimaced. "Master Phil. Probably means a good ass reaming is in store for me today. " "Ha ha. It's good for you. Don't worry about being sent away kier. Seriously: they waited a long time to get you, and they wanted you very, very badly. And neither one of them really likes the very young guys much at all. You're gonna be with us a while."

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"AH, kieran, good. You're home just in time. Where's my kiss?" "Sorry Sir. I thought I might be too sweaty." Phil laughed. "I like you sweaty. Gives you more of a chance to try to slip away. But get yourself cleaned up. We laid out clothes for you for the day, and then we'll get to work in the kitchen. I wanna talk to you about school too." "School Sir?" "Well yes, school. There's a community college not far from here, and we thought you wanted to take classes." "I DO Sir, but... I didn't think it would be in person." Phil laughed. "You know, we'd LOVE to have you around here, taking classes on the computer, on line and all that, but... what if you're in class on line, and one of us wants our cock sucked because we think you're so goddamned cute?" kieran blushed. "I see Sir. Thank you." "School will begin in another couple of months, so we'll look at classes . Tonight we also have to pick your outfit for your first promenade. For now though, I think we'd best get you dressed for the day. A shower first.

kieran went off to the shower. He looked at himself in the bathroom window and he was proud of what he had accomplished with his body.

"You should be proud, boi. You're beautiful." He felt Sir Phil's lips on his neck and his hands, gently but firmly pulling his own behind his back. kieran realized again that these guys were older, but they were strong: VERY strong. He could tell Sir Phil was not using ALL of his strength, and kieran would have had trouble escaping. If Sir Phil continued to kiss his neck, he thought he would swoon. "Up to the bedroom boy. NOW" "Yes sir." Phil put the restraints on kieran's wrists, and then he pulled the towel away from his waist. He smiled at kieran. "That gym work. All it's going to do is refine what's already quite beautiful. " He began running his finger back and forth over kieran's chest. "You don't like it when I play with your nips, kieran?" "I don't DISLIKE it Sir. They're just not... well, they're not as sensitive as, my ears, my neck, other things. " "Too bad. They're such beautiful pecs." He bent down and licked one of them and heard kieran suck in his breath. He stopped "Hmmm. Seems pretty sensitive to me." "Something you're doing Sir. That usually doesn't do it for me.. OH GEEZ SIR.." Now Phil was nibbling at that nip, and squeezing the other one. "I can move to your ears if you want. I like the way they taste." kieran moaned "I belong to you Sir . Whatever you want to do." "Well, what I WANT to do, is kiss that beautiful mouth while I'm on top of you." He rolled onto kieran. Almost instinctively, Kieran exposed his neck. "Ok... I haven't shaved yet today. A little scruff never did anyone any harm.... " kieran felt the bristles rub back and forth, while Phil's hand snuck down and began gently pushing his legs apart. "OOOOH SIR... OOOOH. You're making me melt. " Phil said nothing, but just kept up the scruffing. He moved his mouth to kieran's ear and whispered "mancunt." For some reason, that word got kieran hot and aroused. "YES SIR. YES. I'M YOUR MANCUNT. YOUR BOI WITH A MANCUNT. FILL IT. PLEASE SIR. FILL ME UP WITH YOUR COCK. YOUR DADDY COCK. FUCK YOUR BOI. FUCK HIM.." "Oh, don't worry boi. You're gonna get fucked, and fucked hard. I want your lips first though.. " He began kissing kieran, and kieran yielded, taking his tongue almost immediately, sucking on it, moving his mouth around, and bucking his hips from the feeling. Phil whispered "think about this time if we let you out of the cage tonight. We're thinking about it. A little sex show for us. He laughed, and kieran was intrigued. Then he felt his legs being lifted in the air. "Old school boy. " Phil put kieran's legs over his shoulders . His cock was fully enlarged, and fat. He slid it in. Some of the bathwater was still in kieran's canal, and it made things just a bit easier, as Phil took him. "NNGNGNNNNNNNNNG" came out of kieran's mouth. "you know something boi ? I love gags. But the way you respond when you're being fucked... I wouldn't give up those noises for anything." Phil smiled at him. "How you like this?" Phil slid all the way into kieran and then, without moving forward, contracted his lower muscles so that his cock got wider. "OHHHHH. SO GOOD SIR SO GOOD. YOU'RE GONNA BE A NUCLEAR PHYSICIST AND SPLIT THE KIERAN ATOM." "Heh heh. Nah. I'm just gonna make you want my cock every day. Every. single. day. The way I want your sweet ass." He pulled back and then with one big forceful thrust, shot into kieran, screaming at the top of his lungs. "BOI BITCH YOU ARE JUST SO FUCKING HOT." He caught his breath, and kissed kieran, from his neck all the way down to his navel.

"I think I better get you dressed now, kieran..." Sir Phil smiled at him, "athough you're such a handsome man. We ought to have you naked all the time." "I could do that Sir." "HA! After the wardrobe, no I don't think so. I know what we've got for you today. You're going to look like such a stud." Rob had chosen a heavier weight blue oxford shirt - the kind kieran had worn to important meetings at work, and some light tan jeans. kieran was getting used to thinking he looked handsome in the clothes they picked, but each outfit seemed to make him feel that more. "Now let's get an apron on you, and get to work. We'll surprise Phil with a hollandaise sauce for lunch. " In the kitchen, Sir Phil led kieran through the steps of the somewhat difficult dish. He was impressed with the questions kieran asked, but moreso, with how beautiful kieran's hands were. "They're like something out of a painting. I never noticed. Something new every day with this boi," he thought.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx "HEY! Something smells good in there and I know it's not Phil," Rob came into the house in a bundle of energy. He gave Sir Phil a big, long kiss and then he looked at kieran. "Oh, My. This pretty boi just gets prettier every day." His lips met kieran's, and again, kieran's cock began to grow. Sir Rob was gently pushing his knee against his crotch, which stimulated him even more. "You're the sous chef , boi?" "Think of him as the kitchen bitch, Rob . He'll beat your eggs if you want." Rob smiled as he looked in the pot. "Did you make that? " . "Hollandaise is my favorite." And then he whispered into kieran's ear. "you, strapped down on a table, covered in it, as I lick it off, drop by drop. And then I dip my cock in it, and you get yours that way." "NOT MY HARD EARNED SAUCE GUYS! " Sir Phil laughed. kieran made a big smile when the two of them started laughing. Clearly , they were remembering something from their past. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

Over lunch, Rob put his hand on kieran's thigh. kieran covered it with his own, and that seemed to be ok, since Rob didn't give him a look or say anything. "How do you like the preppier look boi?" "I feel kinda like a student. Someone home from school - getting ready for a date. " "Hmmm. Not my picture, but a good one." "What did you think Sir?" "Oh, I thought superhero in his everyday outfit, just waiting to burst out and take on villains.." He grinned. "Until he's defeated and turned into the slave of an evil older man who ravages him every day." Kieran was grinning. This was the kind of thing he loved with Rob. "How does he do that Sir?" "Because he knows our hero's Achilles Heel: he has sensitive ear lobes. If he gets those. Between his teeth, or even... between his fingers, superboi is finished." Rob raised his fingers to one of kieran's ears, and kieran almost melted. It was true. Rob's touch was firm, but gentle, and his nerve endings were exploding. The fucking he had gotten from Phil happened just a few hours ago, and.... "Would you mind if I took our young man downstairs, Phil? I haven't used the cross in a few days, and I'm thinking... Hmmmm. I'm not gonna say." "I know what you're thinking, Sir", kieran began to flirt. "You're thinking of tickling me until I beg for mercy." Rob smiled. "I won't confirm or deny. Let's go." "yes sir." Phil smiled as they went downstairs. He cleaned up the remnants of lunch. They kept a list of kieran's schedule on the refrigerator. He added, at the bottom of it "kieran dances and jerks off."

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In the basement, kieran found himself tied down for the second time that day. This time, he WAS gagged. A BIG penis gag - one bigger than he had ever seen. "Now that I've got you... heh heh. " Rob stuck his finger through kieran's shirt, and found his navel. He began circling it. He locked eyes with kieran and stared him down. Kieran began to giggle, the sounds dribbling through the gag. "AH. Now we've primed you. So now the fun can begin.." He opened kieran's shirt. "Phil was right. We don't admire that torso of yours enough. Today though, admiration is NOT on my mind." He dug his fingers into kieran's pits. Rob knew what he was doing. kieran thought about all the tickling movies he had seen, and thought "they didn't get it like this," as he squirmed, trying to move away on the cross. First Rob dug in deep, and then softer, and he was relentless. "You give, boi? You surrender?" Rob's fingers had moved to kieran's ribs, and ... he broke. He shook his head violently in a "YES" motion. "GOOD. Now we can get to the fun part." He took the gag off. "We're gonna need that pretty mouth of yours boi." kieran was still trying to catch his breath, so he couldn't get any words out. Rob undid the ropes, and he pointed to the floor. "Get on all fours. NOW" "SHIT" thought kieran. He had never done something like this. He felt Sir Rob putting the leash on his collar, and then he found himself being led around the basement, at a pretty quick clip. "Promenade is fun with your boi. Walking your pet is even better. " Rob scratched behind kieran's ear. "You remind me SO much of my favorite pup when I was growing up kieran. But my pup didn't blow me. You're gonna blow me now." Kieran smiled. He looked forward to blowing Rob. "YES SIR!!!! Rob opened his slacks and his longer, more streamlined cock came out. kieran licked at it. He put his mouth around the head, and then he added something. He pulled back. "Oh, I'm sorry Sir. I didn't ask for your permission. Please Sir: may I suck your cock?" "You may. And you need to do a good job." "Thank you Sir. Thank you." Rob loved burying his hand in kieran's hair, and getting a blow job was a good excuse for it. He pushed kieran's head forward, thinking "This boi is smart. Oldest trick in the book, but it works. It works every time. While kieran was sucking, he was thinking "Rob would make SUCH a great lover. I'd have to bottom for him, but... DAMN I could do that. Especially. .." "MMMMPH. " he almost choked as Rob's cock grew larger. "Look at what you're doing you scamp. SUCH a good cocksucker." He began to shove, hard. He slid in and out and increased the pace. And then... kieran was swallowing the wads that were coming out of his Daddy. He sucked hard to get every drop. "What a good boy. WHAT a good boy. " Rob had a look on his face. "I may have to train you. Put you on the leash every day to learn a new trick. I may even take you doggie style." "Yes sir. MMMMM." kieran slid up to Rob's leg and nuzzled, the way a pup would. "Best get you dressed again, boi. I KNOW you didn't start the laundry, and then, we got some stuff to do. Did I hear you're gonna dance for us today?" "Sir Phil suggested it Sir. I'd like to if you want me to." "Oh, I think we do. I think we wanna see the full show. "

And if you wanna see it too, gentle reader, come back next time.

Next: Chapter 8

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