Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 15, 2020


Kieran woke up, with Rob's arm around him, holding him tight. Phil wasn't in bed anymore, and Rob was already awake. He could feel Rob's delicate lips tracing a line down his ear. "Morning sweet boi. Did you sleep well?" "Yes sir. Where's Daddy Phil? Is everthing ok?" Rob laughed. "SHHH. Listen very closely. You might be able to figure out where Sir Phil is." They were quiet. Then, there was the faraway sounds of helpless laughter, and begging. "He's down in the basement with that wild boi, matt. He likes a challenge. In a few minutes, he'll have his cock up the boy's ass, and he'll tame him. " He rolled kieran over on his back. "The way it tamed you." "Kieran laughed. "Oh, I don't think I'm tamed yet Sir." Rob smiled. "I'll tell him that. For now, I think you might need a little training. Let me check the time." He looked at his watch. "OH SHIT. We'll have to put it off. Got to get you ready. Craig will be here in just about an hour, and it's better to get that workout done sooner rather than later." "I can suck fast, Sir." "ha ha. Well, who wants a fast blow job when he can get one long and slow, HMMMMM?" He began to trace a circle around Kieran's nipple. "This is really Phil's specialty, but I like a little tit play myself." "Sir. My ears are more sensitive." "I know. But you can't eat the same thing every day." "Point Sir. So, Craig will come by and take me for my training. What else is up for me today, Sir?" "Well, the wardrobe should be here, so there'll be a fashion show at some point. And we're gonna start showing you how to use the kitchen. BUT... the big thing..." He smiled and kissed Kieran, before he grabbed his locked cock. "You interested at all in putting this in a boi's ass one more time?" "MMMMM. Depends Sir. Who is it? Paul?" "Ha ha. No, I think his partner would be very upset if we tried something like that. You remember that big boi he brought in yesterday? What was his name? Mark? "Oh yes. The guy with the shaved head? " "Yeah. You think you might be interested in showing your new daddies what you used to do before we took you?" "Can I think about it during the workout Sir? I mean, I think so, but.. Let me think about it please?" "Very reasonable you sweet boi. " He kissed him again. "Both of us are so happy you're with us. Now let's get you in some gym clothes for your workout." They got up and Kieran saw Rob's very full, hard cock. "Are you sure I can't take care of that for you, Sir? " Rob smiled. "Tell you what? I'll hold onto it until you come home. Then we'll take care of it. " He got up and found a white t shirt. "I bet you look so damn hot in this" and a pair of red shorts. "Oh yes. They're a little big on you for my taste, but they'll serve for working out. Now, do you want anything to eat before you strength train?" "I usually just do a protein bar or something like that Sir. More makes me nauseous." "Yeah I get the same way before my ass gets kicked. By the way, I'll probably be having MY workout when you're back, so don't do anything I'd be sad to miss." Kieran smiled. "You willing to make me the same promise Sir?" He winked. "You're just a little flirt, you know that. I can't wait to get you on the cross and have some REAL fun." "The cross, Sir?" "Oh yes. We have a St. Andrew cross. Most of the time, we use it for flogging and tickling. I don't see us flogging you, your skin is too pristine. But tickling? Oh yes. You better get ready. Stretch out those arms so they can't move and..." Just the thought of it was making Kieran nervous. "Oh, and yes, think about something else boi. It's too late for this semester, but if you think you want to take some classes, we'll look at what the university is offering. " "You'd let me out of the house Sir?" Rob smiled. "Boi, just got to undersand: there are eyes everywhere. It's not official, but there are a whole lot of daddies, a whole lot of Sirs, and a whole lot of bois around, so... if you violated our trust, we'd find you, and.... just know there are cock cages that weld shut." "I understand Sir. I think I do want to take classes . I just thought you'd make me do them on line." "In person is better. And if we know you're coming back home, well." There was a ring at the door - Kieran thought about the electric charge when he tried to escape - and Rob let Craig in. "Morning Craig. Sorry I'm not dressed. I had company last night." He smiled. " I understand Sir. We did too. " He looked at Kieran: "You ready for some hurting?" Kieran laughed. "Gonna take some big stuff for me to hurt" Rob laughed. "OH, I should come along, this is gonna be GOOD." "You're welcome to you know Sir. He's your boi. " "Nah, first few lessons, private. I'll go off to mine. We'll both be hurting. Craig you have a few of those protein bars for Kieran? It's what he eats before workout, and I think we don't have any." "Sure. C'mon newbie . Looking forward to this" Rob went down to the basement, where Phil was having his way with Matt. The boi had gone from screaming, to laughing from the tickle torture, to crying softly, as Phil pounded him. "GOD he's adorable Rob. " "You wanna offer something for him and give ME Kieran?" "Ha ha. Nah, not making that deal. If this boi is young wine, Kieran is fine aged scotch. " "HEY. I..." "SHUT UP BITCH BOI AND TAKE MY COCK" Phil went back to pounding matt. Mark was watching and it was turning him on, but his hands were chained, and his cock was locked up under his jeans. Nothing he could do, but watch. Rob went over and smiled at him through the gate. "You feel like a little cock yourself boi?" "I"m a top. I don't take cock." "Ha ha. That's what matt said. Look at him." "I'm a lot stronger than matt. I could take both of you." "Oh , you're a comic stylist mark. It'd be three of us. If Kieran wants your ass , he's getting it. "We'll see." "Yes, we will." Rob went back upstairs because the wardrobe had arrived, and he had to get ready for his own workout.

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In the car back, Kieran looked at Craig. "Bro , you kicked my ass." "Hah hah hah. That's what I'm paid to do, Kieran. Use my first name, ok? Bois and bottoms do that around here. No coach, no Sir, no nothing with me. Deal?" "Deal Craig. But I'm serious. That is the hardest workout I've ever had. And now... I'm STARVING..." "Tell ya what.. " He pulled out his cell and he got Phil "Hey Sir. I'm on my way back with Kieran. Is it ok if we stop so I can put some food in him." He began to laugh. "No, not THAT kind of food. Ok, we won't be long." "We're gonna stop at a diner and get some eggs or something like that. Phil was making jokes about how he had plenty to feed you." "I know he does. Hey, what's their reputation? Can you tell me?" Craig smiled. "You wound up with the best. They're ACES." Then... why did Paul leave?" Craig lost his smile. "I guess they didn't tell you. They threw Paul out. Some time ago." "HUH? What happened?" "Oh, Paul got a little, let's say , frisky with other bois. First couple of time he got caught, they let it slide. But then, when he hurt someone..." "But... Paul is a bottom. I don't understand." "He is NOW... " Craig paused. "Not my business but, weren't you a complete top when they took you." "Well, yeah, and they said I could top someone today." "Yes, they're LETTING you top someone. Paul took advantage. And.. well, they know doctors... Ok , I said too much. the bottom line, Kieran is, don't mistake their kindness for weakness." "Good to know Craig. Is this where we're going?" He saw the diner up ahead. "Indeed it is. Now, it's your first workout, and you really should be eating protein, protein, protein, but for today ONLY, if you wanted French toast or something like that, I'd look the other way. " "Waffles" "To die for, and I didn't see it."

When Kieran got back from the diner, Rob had in fact gotten back. He and Phil were going through the boxes of clothes that had been delivered.

Phil smiled. "Hey boi. Have a good workout. ?" "Superb one Sir. Craig's good." "Got some breakfast too. He looked over his glasses. Pancakes?" Kieran blushed. "I'm not supposed to tell you Sir" "Hey listen boi. You can eat whatever you want. I just want to make sure we've got the foods you need." "Can I ask you something Sir? I've never seen you with glasses." "Oh, I wear them for close work. Like looking at your wardrobe. "Sir... you should wear them more. You look hot." Rob laughed. "OH, he flirted with me this morning, he's flirting with you now. Our boi is HORNY" Now Phil laughed. "you horny boi?" "GULP. Yes sir." Rob asked. "Give some thought to the proposal?" "Yes sir. Is it ok? " "Of course it is. Go get cleaned up, we'll get Mark ready for you." Phil went back downstairs. Matt was sitting in his cell looking despondent. "GET OVER IT BOI. You think I worked you over? Ted and Allen are gonna rip you apart. " That only made matt cry some more. "Ok, boi mark. Our boi is gonna introduce you to the joys of bottoming, so... He opened the cell. "Let's get you out and on the platform. "FUCK YOU." matt winced. He knew what was coming. He saw the tazer blast come out. Right at mark's crotch. "Metal retains the heat boi. You want another one." "No. No. I'll behave. " "On the platform. We're gonna let our boi take you the way he wants to." They heard two sets of footsteps, and there were Rob and kieran. "Ok , boi, there he is. Tied down for you. Do what you gotta do." Kieran smiled and came over. "Hey Mark. You're handsome. REALLY handsome." mark tried to turn away. "I hope your new daddy doesn't take you TOO far away, because... I really like looking at you. Mind if I see you naked?" mark began to cry "Does it matter?" "Not really stud. But it's ok. I promise. I'm only gonna hurt you a little." He slipped off mark's shoes, then his socks. He got his pants off, and then unbuttoned mark's shirt. "OOOOH. You're so hairy, and I bet.... if I tasted those nips, you wouldn't mind." He climbed up on Mark and beginning licking at his nips, before he chewed one and mark shot his hips in the air. "FUUUUUCK. OH SHIT. " "Heh heh. Know what? I learned how to do that from my daddies. They're good teachers, huh? He was straddling mark, and squeezing his nips. "Can I get a kiss from you big fella?" From the corner of Kieran's eye, he saw HIS daddies looking at him, smiling. They were both filming it. "Ok.. mark croaked out. Ok... " "MMMM. Your lips sure are nice. Now, open up, big guy . It's gonna make it easier to open up downstairs." "Look at the size of his cock" Phil whispered to Rob." "I know. You thinking what I am." "Yeah. pay for play. Soon" Kieran finished kissing mark, and then he moved down to his hole. "Sirs, Can I? I'll brush up." "DO IT BOI." He put his tongue inside mark and mark howled some more. He ate him out for about five minutes, and then he said in a low voice. "Ok, big boi. Time for you to give it up to me." He slid in his hard dick. Evenly. Slowly. He had Mark stabbed, and moaning. "DAMN the kid's a natural" Rob whispered. "Seems a shame to turn him into a bottom." "I'll play you Diana Ross tonight, love. We're turning him into a bottom." Kieran continued his soft, gentle fucking of Mark. "Now you just remember, sweet stuff. If your daddy lets you pick a boi for fucking you, you pick me. Ok? "Yes, Yes. YESSSSSSSSSSSS." Kieran smiled as he shot into Mark. Then he leaned down. "Thank you big boi. It was a send off for me. Thank you for making it a good one."

Kieran got up, and stood in the middle of the basement, naked and with his hands behind his back. "Thank you Sirs. I'm done now." "Ok, we're gonna have to get your cock cleaned up, and your teeth brushed and flossed. Rob will go with you. I'll get Mark back in his cage. "Yes sir. Again. Thank you Sirs. " He smiled. "That was great."

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Rob was waiting for Kieran when he finished the shorter shower, and he patted him dry. "Hands behind your back Kieran. When a Sir wants to lock you up, that's the proper position." "Yes sir. ." "Phil wants to dress you today, so just toss on some shorts. New clothes. We're all excited. Upstairs, Phil was smiling. He was more than smiling. His bulge was very evident. "Every time I went to the bank, boi, I was hoping you were wearing this lavender shirt I really liked. We got you one. Put it on." Kieran smiled. He knew the shirt. A LOT of people liked it. He usually wore it when he wanted something. As he put on this button down, much better quality than the one he had, he felt it almost push up his chest. He had to suck in his gut to get it closed. Phil handed him a pair of weathered jeans. "We're not going out. So put those on, and push up the sleeves." "Yes sir. Two buttons?" Phil smiled. "You're learning." When he finished dressing, he saw Rob had a bulge too. "Go take a look at yourself, boi . I want you to see how SHARP you are.

Kieran went to the mirror and looked. He was almost embarrassed. He remembered that line from - what show - Gypsy "I'm a pretty girl mama" and he said "i'm a pretty boi daddies" they both got the joke and laughed. And then he felt Phil's arms around him, pinning him. "Go ahead Rob. I know you wanna." Rob came forward and he poked his finger in Kieran's shirt, just where the button met the navel. Kieran started laughing like a girl, He couldn't get away because of Phil.' "STOP HAHAHAHA. I'm too ticklish there. " He felt Phil's mouth on his ear. He whispered "You got your juices out. Now it's the daddies' turn. ' "Yes sir. " "Upstairs. Spend some time with Rob first. Then I'll be up. "Yes sir. " Rob took his hand. "I have been wanting this all goddamn day. " They got to the bed, and Rob kissed him. He kissed him like you kiss someone before you're gonna fuck them. Kieran wasn't tied up, but... he didn't have any will to fight. He just wanted more of his daddy's kiss. And he got more. Until Phil said "My turn" and sat on the other side. The two of them had very different techniques, and very different tongues, but each one was getting kieran riled, even though he had just fucked mark. "You are just such a beautiful boi, kieran. Such a beautiful boi. " Phil opened his shirt. He stroked his torso. "OH DADDY YES. OH MY... " He felt Rob opening his jeans and pulling them away. Slowly, Rob pulled his legs apart, and he began licking the inside of Kieran's thighs. "You need some polish on your ass eating boi. Pay attention." "I... I can't.. OOOOOH. " Rob was GOOD at this. Kieran felt his tongue caress every cell, before he got inside his jock and did the same thing to his balls. Up at the top, Phil was working on his ears, chewing gently. "Change positions love? " "You bet. Modified spit roast. " Phil took the same position he had the first time he fucked kieran. Kieran smiled. He knew it was gonna be good. Rob wasn't in a good position for getting blown, but he pulled out his cock and began stroking. "You'll blow me tonight, boi. For now..." kieran felt Daddy Phil go all the way in. Rob's semen began to fall on his chest, and he saw Rob smiling. "Like snow on the ground.. He didn't bite, but he kissed kieran's nipples. Even though it wasn't his "spot," the sensation from all over had gotten to his tits, and he felt it. as Phil began to pump. "Is there a boi in the house?" He whispered "Yes Daddy. Yes sir. It's me. I'm your boi." "OH SHIT. When you say that I'm just... aGGGGGGH" Kieran felt Phil explode in him. That's when he realized... Phil hadn't covered up this time. He wanted to be angry. He wanted to run to the bathroom. Instead, he said "Can I cuddle with my daddies now? " There was no argument. And when Phil got up to take a phone call, and left them alone, Rob straddled his chest, and got his blow job. And this time, kieran swallowed every drop. '

"this afternoon, we're gonna begin to get you used to being tied up for long periods of time. So get yourself cleaned up and dressed. We'll regroup in the living room. "Yes sir." When kieran got downstairs, he saw the chair, in the middle of the room. Rob was considering cuffs, and several kinds of rope . When he settled, he tied kieran to the chair. No gag, just a simple tie. "We'll be leaving you like this a lot boi. Just so you're available if we want you for something. And DAMN do you look good tied up. "Sir? Can you take a picture so I can see?" A quick snap and kieran saw it. He said it again "i'm a pretty boi daddies" but this time he added something "i'm a pretty bondage boi daddies." Rob ran his hand through his hair. "Yes, yes you are. And you're more than that. You're OUR pretty bondage boi. And you're the PRETTIEST bondage boi in town."

Next: Chapter 7

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