Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 3, 2020


"Hey. Wake up sleepyhead." Kieran felt a gentle, but firm hand, gently pressing against his arm and shoulder. He woke up and , in that moment between sleeping and waking, he had forgotten where he was. His sleep hard on bumped up against the cage, and then he remembered. It all flooded back, and he pulled the comforter up to his chin, watching the smiling Phil standing there. "Sorry to wake you kieran. Normally, I'd just let you sleep, but there are people here to see you, so... RISE AND SHINE STUDMUFFIN"

Kieran went to look at his watch. They hadn't taken that from him yesterday. 8:30 "HOLY. Did I sleep THAT long?" Phil Miller smiled. "You had a very demanding day, new surroundings. It's quiet here. It's easy to sleep late. You'll probably be able to get a nap later, but for now, no, we've got to get some stuff done." He handed kieran a small pile of clothes. "I found these in what Paul brought with him yesterday. I think they'll be fine for today. So, why don't you just toss some water on your face or something, and get dressed and then we'll go upstairs. " Kieran was thinking: could he take out Phil? Maybe. But even if he did, he had to get upstairs, get out of the house, and find his way back to home. It seemed too soon to try an escape. "Please Mr. Miller. Please let me go. This isn't where I belong." Phil laughed. "Trust me kieran. It's PRECISELY where you belong. Feeling a little embarrassed about getting out of bed naked with me here? You'll have to get used to it, but for today, ok. I'll step outside. You let me know when you're done. " The young man's brain was still trying to process everything. He had the clothes in his hand. One of his favorite t shirts: a dark red one that fit snug, and a pair of white shorts that he almost never wore, because he was afraid they'd split on his thighs. His sneakers were still there. He didn't see any options, so he got dressed. "I'm ready, Mr. Miller" Phil came over and gave him a look. "Indeed you are. Aren't you cute? Or handsome? Or both. Yes, you're definitely where you belong." Phil opened the cell cage. "Let's go upstairs. If everything goes the way I think it will, you won't need to spend another night here." "But... but... where will I sleep?" Phil laughed. "You were schooled in scripture weren't you, kieran?" "Some, Sir." He saw Phil smile. "All will be revealed in the fullness of time. Now let's go. People are waiting for us. Rob, and Craig and Ricard are all upstairs." Phil put his hand on the back of kieran's neck, and motioned to the stairs. Phil's touch sent a pleasant bold of electricity through kieran. As they walked up, Phil spoke. "I seem to remember you take tea, not coffee. We'll have it with breakfast. It'll be late, but that's ok. " When they got to the top of the stairs, kieran saw one man in very fine looking clothes, who reminded him of his bitchy colleague. The other guy, short, muscular, hairy. He saw the name "Craig" pencilled on his polo shirt. "Ricard is going to measure you for a wardrobe, and then, Craig is gonna evaluate you so he can write a work out program for when you go to the gym." "I'm gonna get to go to the gym?" "Yes. Of course. Not your old gym, but the private one nearby. Gotta keep your body nice and toned. That's one of the reasons you're here." Ricard stepped forward. "please take off the t shirt. I need to take accurate measurements." kieran looked at Rob, who shook his head yes. He took it off, and handed it to Rob. Did Rob just smell it? He thought he did. Ricard came over with a tape measure and a pad. He measued EVERYTHING. "Hmmm. Caged, so I'll have to make adjustments. At some time, Mr. Honner, please let me know how the slacks like when he's not." "Of course Ricard. Just make sure to include a full classic tuxedo in the wardrobe. I have a LOT of formal events to attend. " He smiled. "this handsome boi is going to be on my arm for many of them." "Arm candy," kieran thought. "I never thought I'd be someone's arm candy." "Yes, of course Sir. " He continued to take measurements, and then he sat down with Rob. They were going over a list. It seemed to be extensive, but eventually, they were finished. Phil turned to kieran. "You can put the t shirt back on again kieran, unless you prefer to exercise bare chested. It's up to you." Kieran put on the shirt. He saw that there were a series of hand weights and resistance bands about. "I'm Craig" The short blond guy said. "I'm gonna be training you, so let's see what you've got. Hit the floor. Gimme push ups. 25 of them." This time, kieran looked at Phil, who shook his head. kieran started. "NICE. VERY NICE. You brought me an advanced one this time." He turned to kieran . "Ok. There are three sets of hand weights. Take the one you think you're most comfortable with. Let me see some curls." "The ones I use are bigger than these." "Then just go as far as you can. Burn em out." Doing the curls felt good. Kieran could feel his biceps working and when he saw Phil and Rob staring, he smiled. He liked it when people looked at his body. It didn't happen a lot, but today.. he was the center of attention. "I think you better stop kieran. You're at 40, and we have overheads to do too" "Gotcha coach," kieran tried to make a joke, but no one seemed to laugh. He did overheads until Craig stopped him. "Ok, finally, you know how to use the resistance bands?" "I do. I've been using them for years." "GOOD. Then you'll know what to do." kieran DID know how to use them and again, his muscles flexed, and stretched. Phil made a joke. "next time, no shirt for you when you do those." Kieran couldn't help it: he smiled. "OK gents. I think I have what I need." He looked at kieran. "Phil and Rob tell me you'll be starting with me in two days. I'll pick you up, we'll jog to the gym and then at the end we'll jog back. It's about a third of a mile. " He smiled. "I know you can handle the run. You got gym clothes?" "He does" Rob added. "And more coming." Craig held out his hand. "kieran, you're in damn good shape. I'm gonna put you in better shape." That may have been the best thing he had heard in the last couple days.

As Ricard and Craig left, kieran was wondering if they were a couple. "Yes, they are," Phil smiled. "If you thought Ricard was the bottom, you're wrong." kieran found himself blushing, again. "Ok, kieran. Now, you probably want a shower, you may want to shave, and I know you want breakfast. What order?" "I think I want to get cleaned up first, Mr. Miller. Do I have to shave?" Phil looked at Rob. "I think today you do. You won't have to every day, but today, definitely. " "Ok. I'll be out as soon as I can." He started heading to the stairs. "Nope boi. You use the main shower on this floor. To the left. "


Kieran found a full robe in the bathroom. There was a small 'k' on it, so he assumed it was his. It was warm, and sensuous. The bathroom products were a brand he knew of, but had never used. "Everything here is top notch" he thought. As he showered, he wished he could get to his cock. He was horny. VERY horny. It was nothing in particular that did it, but everything. While he resisted what was happening, he also found it, well, appealing. But there was... the one thing.. boi... sex slave. He was going to have to bottom. He shaved when he was finished washing, and then switched back into the t shirt and the shorts. They were the only clothes he had right now. "I hope I'm dressed ok for breakfast," he spoke to Rob, who was moving things to a table. He didn't hear Phil come up behind him, and drape an arm over his shoulder, and rub his hand over his nipple. "You're dressed more than fine for breakfast boi." kieran wanted to resist, but instead, he found himself leaning back into Phil. He looked up at Phil's smile and he whispered "Thank you Sir." "WAIT. " went off in his head. "WHAT DID I JUST SAY? WHAT DID I JUST DO?" "Ha ha." Phil smiled at him. "Come and eat. Neither one of us knew what you like for breakfast, so we put out just about everything. Help yourself. We've already eaten, so this is just to talk and maybe explain a little about your life now." Kieran didn't realize he was as hungry as he was. Or as thirsty. The tea was top notch. So was all the food. He tried, hard, to chew slowly, to eat politely. Phil and Rob were going over a notepad so they weren't watching. When he pushed away his plate, the fork rattled, and they looked up. "How was it?" Rob asked "One of the best breakfasts I've ever had." Phil smiled. "At some point , we'll sit down with Craig and figure out what he thinks you should have for breakfast. For a couple days though, it's a freeforall. There was silence for a minute. Then Rob spoke. "I think you understand why you're here, kieran. We referred to you as boi, and that's what you are: our boi. Most bois have one daddy, you'll have two. Your main job, from here on, is keeping us sexually satisfied" He paused. "And that means bottoming for both of us." kieran blanched a bit. "I'm sorry Mr. Honner, but I don't bottom." Rob laughed. "You will now. That's how it works." "No Mr. Honner. That's not what I do." kieran got up, and started walking toward the door. "The electricity is on today, boi. You sure you want to try that?" He hesitated. Was it? He put one finger on it, and the burn persuaded him to move away. He looked at them, and almost began to cry. 'YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME. THIS IS KIDNAPPING" Phil laughed. "yeah, I guess it is. But if no one knows it's kidnapping, is it kidnapping? Oh, that reminds me. " He pulled out a paper. It was kieran's resignation letter. "SIGN IT." "NO." Phil grinned. "Are we gonna have a power struggle over this kieran? Haven't you realized you've lost every single one?" kieran thought about that for a minute. Phil was right, but. "I'm not signing it. " He didn't know Phil could move that fast, or that he was that strong. He also didn't know that Phil had been a college wrestler, and that he still wrestled in senior divisions. All he knew was that he was in a very painful submission hold, and his abdomen was screaming at him to sign the damn thing. "OK. OK. I'll sign it. You forced me to do it." Phil handed him the pen. "I never forced you to give me that flirty smile you always did. " kieran found himself blushing for the second time that day. Rob got up. "I'm gonna head to town. I'll take this letter and drop it in the mailbox. Then I'll take care of some errands." He looked at Phil "Will that give you enough time?" Phil smiled. "It should." "Ok loves" He came over and gave a LONG kiss to Phil. Then he came over to kieran. He brushed his hand through kieran's hair. "Trust me boi. You're going to love it. There are a lot of young men who'd love to be in your position." "And will love to be in the position you're about to be in," Phil smiled. "Save some for me, hon" Rob called out, as he left the house.


"So kieran, it's you and me. I'm much more of an anal fan than Rob is, but we both do each one. You're gonna start with me because, well, I'm a little bigger. " "The look of a scared rabbit" would describe kieran's face when he heard that. "Please, Mr. Miller, please. I mean, I like you. I like you a lot, but..." "You want another abdominal stretch boi?" kieran paused. "No Sir. " He saw Phil smile. "The bedroom is upstairs. Get up there, and don't take off your clothes. Just stretch out on the bed with the dark blue cover. That's the play bed." Kieran dropped his head, and started up the stairs. "Damn you've got a pretty ass. I may have you do your squats here, handsome." Phil laughed when he saw Kieran's face. Kieran found the bedroom right away. A big, well appointed room, with a four poster bed right in the center . There were side tables on both sides. He saw a few toys on each one. He knew some of them, but not others. Nipple clamps. A vibrator. He picked up a smaller chastity coil. "That's for when you REALLY misbehave, boi. Now on the bed. Face up." "Yes sir." Kieran almost whispered. Phil came over, and he pulled up restraints from the top corners of the bed. He locked each one on one of kieran's wrists. "Pull. If they're not secure, you can get hurt." kieran tested each restraint. Phil seemed pleased. Then he undressed in front of kieran. "HOLY SHIT. This guy has a six pack" kieran thought. "And how many inches? 7? 8? " "Like what you see boi? Hope so, cause you're gonna get it just about every day." As Phil got on the bed next to him, kieran whispered "can't we just cuddle Sir?" "Cuddling is for after. " kieran felt Phil's hand go underneath his tshirt. "OH YES. I have been wanting to touch you like this, for so long, you beautiful boi." kieran thought he was thinking but "I can't remember the last time someone called me beautiful" came out of his mouth. "Well, you are.." Phil rolled on top of him. "Rob likes ears. I like necks. Expose yours please." The pressure of another man on top of him was beginning to rouse kieran. He felt his legs curling around Phil, as Phil's tongue, then his teeth, began to play on kieran's sensitive neck. "OH GOD. That feels so good Mr. Miller" "In the bedroom, kieran, you call me Sir. And I call you boi." "Yes sir. " The nibbling got harder, and kieran began to moan. Phil had moved kieran's shirt up, and his nipples were exposed. Phil moved his head down, and began to kiss kieran's torso, until he reached his nipples. Then he began to lick, and then chew. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" slipped out of kieran's mouth. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH " when Phil's hand moved up to his other nipple. "Kiss me boi. Kiss your top man." Phil's lips met kieran's, and then, kieran guessed that Phil would like a little resistance. He was right. But that resistance was broken, with just a hand to kieran's balls. "Let's get these shorts off, boi." "Please sir. Can we take off.." "No. Rob has to have his turn with you too, before we can think about that. " Phil smiled when he pulled off kieran's shorts. "I can see why you topped. I bet when it's hard... " He looked at kieran. "boi, have you ever had your ass eaten?" "No Sir. I've heard about it. I've read about it. But.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. He felt Phil's tongue probing him. He heard the sounds of the slurping.

Then he felt Phil's thumb at his hole. "Easy does it boi. Easy does it. " He pressed in, and began openining kieran. kieran felt one, then two fingers, slip in and begin moving around inside of him. "DAMN that feels good Sir. " kieran wasn't a virgin. Men had been in his ass before. But never like this. It felt so... right. Phil looked at him seriously. "You think you're ready boi?" kieran gulped. "I don't know if I'll ever be ready Sir. " "Well, let's see." Phil slipped a rubber on his cock and kieran breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare ask for one, but... now he felt Phil's cockhead at his hole, slowly pushing in. "OH YES. Nothing better than tight boi butt." kieran could feel Phil moving his cock in, little by little. He winced. "OUCH. It hurts Sir." "Yeah, it will this time. It won't after this. Promise." He slipped all the way in, then he stretched out on kieran. "My mouth was at your ass, which is the only reason I'm not kissing you." "Kiss me Sir. Please. I'll brush my teeth after." Phil laughed and the laugh pushed him in harder. "Boi, you were BORN to bottom. Whoever told you you were a top, is probably the same guy who didn't tell you how beautiful your face is. " kieran felt tears welling up again, but he held on, as Phil began sliding back and forth. "Sweet boi, this is gonna be fast, because I've only been waiting to do this for a few years. But trust me. There will be times when we'll do this long and slow. " "Yes sir." kieran felt the hard stab of Phil's cock, and then he saw the look, as Phil closed his eyes and smiled. He could feel the liquid pulsing into the condom. When Phil finished, he smiled. "That was even better than I imagined it would be boi." "Thank you Sir." "You may need more sleep. You still wanna cuddle." "Yes sir." "Ok, I'm gonna untie you and we're gonna cuddle. In cuddle mode, you can call me Daddy. Ok?" "yes Sir. I mean Daddy." Phil kissed him on the tip of the nose, and embraced him. "Pleasant dreams boi. Your daddies are glad you're here."


Rob heard the silence of the house. He figured that.... and he went upstairs. That's where he found his husband, and their new boi. He smiled. He pulled out his camera to take some pictures. "My turn next," he thought, as he went downstairs to unload groceries.

Next: Chapter 4

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