Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 2, 2020


This story would not have been written had it not been for the help of Pete. Kudos to you handsome.

Paul's embrace was a ruse. After he felt Kieran melt into his arms, he pulled out the chloroform soaked handkerchief he had prepared just the minute before. He covered Paul's face with it. Paul struggled, and he struggled hard, but even though Kieran had a better build, the element of surprise, and Paul's strength, overpowered him. When he woke up , he couldn't move his arms or his legs. He was lying, face down, hogtied, on the backseat of a car. He tried to call out, and he found that he had been gagged with his necktie. He grunted out some words, and Paul answered.

"You woke up faster than I thought ya would kid. Strong metabolism. Great. It'll serve ya well. We'll be where we need to be soon. Just relax. You ain't going anywhere. " He laughed. "DAMN you're fine, kieran stud. My clients are gonna be very pleased."

Kieran strained, and struggled at the ropes, until he had no more strength He had no idea where they were, or how long they had been driving. He felt Paul decelerating

Paul stopped the car. He opened the door and Kieran looked at him pleadingly. Paul began to laugh. "No sympathy for ya bud . You're about to get a great life. Now..." He cut the rope that was holding the hogtie together, but the ropes binding Kieran's wrists and ankles remained. "My clients always get a kick outta this." He reached over to Kieran and yanked him over his shoulder. Kieran felt as if he were a sack of potatoes, Paul did it so easily. He squirmed, but Paul just laughed. "Think you're my first one, stud? Not even close." His hand patted Kieran on the ass. "Yeah, that's a good one. Another reason they wanted ya." Kieran was looking around. It was clearly the countryside, but where? He had been drugged, and he had no idea of time. He had caught a glimpse of the house when Paul opened the door: BIG. Almost like a mansion. Where was he? And what was this all about? He had heard Paul use the word "client," and he had said THEY wanted ya. What was this? He rang the doorbell and yelled "BOI DELIVERY" and began laughing. The door opened. Kieran's head was pointed away from it, but he recognized a voice. "HEY. That was faster than we expected GREAT JOB. " His mind began to turn: he recognized the voice. And someone he knew said "great job" a lot. Phil. Phil Miller. Could it be? "How about you just drop him in the chair over there? " Paul carried Kieran over, and dropped him in the chair. His arms were behind the chair back, and his ankles were securely tied together. The necktie gag was soaked from his saliva, but it held. He saw Phil standing, arms folded, smiling. There was a lit fireplace behind him, a down staircase to the left, and an up staircase to the right. "Welcome home Kieran." and he laughed. For the first time that night, Kieran tried to scream. "Go ahead, Kieran. Won't do you any good. Won't do you any good even if you weren't gagged. We're far enough out that there's no one around. No one can hear you." That didn't stop Kieran, who continued to scream.

Rob came into the room. "Phil, do we have visitors?" Then he saw Kieran in the chair and smiled. "Ah. The merchandise is here sooner than I thought it would be. EXCELLENT." Merchandise? What the fuck? Kieran kept screaming and he started to struggle. The ropes weren't moving. "Why don't you relax him while I pay Paul, and help him unload? Phil spoke to Rob and looked at Kieran "Boi , consider this one of the most significant days in your life." While Phil went outside, Rob moved to behind Kieran. He pushed his thumbs into his shoulder blades, and massaged. It DID feel good to Kieran. He felt Rob's mouth moving to his ear, speaking softly. "Kieran. Face it. You're not getting out of the ropes. It's not happening. You're not the first boi we've had in this chair. Better start enjoying it." He ran his tongue up and down Kieran's ear "I know I am." Kieran tried to yell "FUCK YOU" through the gag but all that came out was "MMMPH " Phil and Paul came back into the house. They were carrying armloads of Kieran's clothes, and a box of what looked like his personal items. "Rob, we'll go through the clothes tomorrow. A little fashion show maybe," he smiled. "But Ricard is coming to take measurements for the rest of the wardrobe too, so most of this? We'll just dump." "Is Craig coming too? " "Yeah, Craig wants to evaluate him to see what kind of program he needs." Phil looked at the puzzled face of Kieran. "Ricard is your tailor. Craig is going to be your personal trainer." "WHAT THE FUCK? " went through Kieran's head again "Now, let me take care of this Paul. Again, thank you for doing it so cleanly, and so quickly. " Kieran saw Phil counting out large bills. He wasn't sure he had counted correctly, but he thought he saw 250,000. go from Phil's hand to Paul's. "Always a pleasure doing business with you guys." He shook both of their hands. "Gotta tell you though. I thought about telling you he got away, and keeping him for myself. As he left , Kieran began to piece things together. He had just been bought and sold! And.. Paul wanted to keep him. Did this have to do with.. sex?

"Ok Kieran, now let's understand a few things, and learn a few rules. I'm gonna cut the ankle restraints so you can stretch. And I'm gonna take off the gag, so we can talk. No yelling, no foul language, nothing like that. Of course, if you don't agree, I don't have to do it. You good with that?"

Kieran stopped squirming and looked at him. He shook his head yes. "Good boi. I think this is gonna go well." He undid the ankle ropes, and took off the gag. Kieran grabbed his breath. "Mr. Miller, what's going on? Why am I here? What do you want with me?" "Those are all easy questions to answer Kieran," Rob was speaking now: Mr. Honner. "Phil and I have been together for a long, LONG time. We've been together notwithstanding that we're both tops. We're DOM tops. Leather, ropes, roleplay, the whole thing. But we both wanna be in charge. So we've always had a twink, or sometimes two twinks, join us. Nice, but expensive, and really, not completely satisfying. " He smiled. "The other part is, frequently, what one of us finds hot, the other doesn't, so there's always someone not completely happy." "YOU, however, caught both of our eyes. And we thought about just asking you over, for a good old fashioned three way: spit roast, the whole thing. BUT... I'm a good researcher, and I learned you top too. So that was gonna be a problem. On the other hand, when I was doing my research, I learned, unfortunately for you, your family is gone. So you are literally here all alone. " His eyes began to shine. "Phil and I started talking, and , well, decided that in our retirement, the one thing that was missing was a boi who could pleasure us both. And we decided on you." "You decided on me? Without asking me? Without seeing if I was interested?" Phil smiled. "Well are you?" "FUCK NO!" Kieran yelled, and began to squirm again. "FUCK NO. LET ME THE HELL OUTTA HERE." "Well, now you know why we did what we did. We weren't going to take no for an answer." "I'm not serving as your sex slave, damn it! NO WAY." Phil and Rob looked at each other and started laughing. "Yeah, you are. " Phil looked at Rob. "Did you investigate while I was out?" "No. I wanted to wait for you." From behind, he moved his hand from Kieran's right shoulder, and began opening Kieran's shirt. There was nothing Kieran could do. As his shirt opened up, Phil licked his lips. "MMMMM. Shaved. That damn body builder tradition, but for the rest.... " He came closer and began flicking a nipple. Rob did the same to the other one. "Guys.. Guys.. Don't. Don't... OOOOOH. " Kieran gritted his teeth, but the moans started. "You wouldn't be doing that if I weren't tied up, bastards." "True." said Phil. "But you are. ." Gently, he pushed his knee into Kieran's crotch and rubbed it back and forth. "Yup, it's hard. A hot spot" "I think his ears are too," said Rob. "We'll have plenty of time for that tomorrow. For now though..." He gave Rob a head signal and he pulled Kieran out of the chair. He held his bound arms. "Stand still boi. Phil's got to take care of something. Phil had a template - it reminded Kieran of the type he used in geometry class as a kid, but it was all circles. It was metal and, as he found out when Phil started moving it over his right nipple, cold. "What's that for, Mr. Miller?" Phil smiled. "Still calling me Mister. GOOD. That's one step from Sir. I'm measuring your nip for an ownership ring." "Ownership ring?" "Yeah, we'll have your tit pierced and put in a ring that indicates you belong to us. That way in case you manage to escape, they'll know that you belong to a Master, or in this case Masters, and bring you back. "I DONT BELONG TO YOU." Rob laughed. "did you see the money change hands? You belong to us." "They'll miss me at work." "Oh yeah, about that. Know what we have here? " He held up a piece of paper. "Your letter of resignation. You'll sign it tomorrow. And I better take care of some stuff now, before I forget. Rob continiued to Kieran in the bear hug, as Phil went through his pockets. Kieran struggled. He had no idea these two older guys were that strong.

Phil got Kieran's cell phone and his wallet. He took the phone, threw it on the floor, and crushed it with his foot. "FUCK" came out of Phil's lips. "You're property now boi . Property doesn't need a phone. And... since the only identification you need now is 'boi', or "Phil and Rob's boi." He moved over to the fireplace and threw the wallet into the flames. "See how easy it is for you to disappear, boi?" Phil laughed as he saw tears forming in Kieran's eyes. He came over, and Kieran felt his hand on the back of his neck. "I guarantee you boi . You're gonna LOVE your new life. More than I love those sweet, sweet lips." Kieran tried to turn away, but he couldn't. He'd have lied if he said he didn't find the kiss arousing. "Now, one last thing before we finish up tonight, boi." Phil grabbed Kieran's belt buckle, and opened it. He dropped down his pants, and his speedo brief. He smiled. "Not bad. Having a bottom with a nice cock is a real treat. Even if he doesn't use it." "What are you talking about? Let go of my junk." "Sure. Just as soon as I do this.. Phil produced what looked like a small coil of metal. He slid it onto Kieran's cock and then, Kieran saw him use a key to lock it. "It's a chastity cage Kieran. The only relief your cock is gonna get is by masturbation and now... the only people who decide if and when you masturbate.... are us." "I'm gonna untie you so you can pick up your pants. " Rob said. "Thank you Mr. Honner," Kieran almost whispered. He closed his pants and then made a mad dash to the front door. He pulled on the handle. The door was locked . It didn't move. "FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!" He screamed. "Usually, I have the electricity on. You'd have gotten a nasty shock Kieran. And with conducting metal on your cock. " As Phil talked, Rob came up behind him and began gently, delicately licking his ear. "Let's just relax Kieran. Ok." Through tears, Kieran answered "Ok Sir." Rob looked at Phil. "For tonight Kieran, we're gonna have you sleep in a cell downstairs. It's late, and introducing you to love for three, just isn't in the cards." They led Kieran downstairs to the basement. It was finished, and had a playroom of the type Kieran had seen in porno magazines. There were four large cells around the perimeter of the space. "Sometimes, Paul uses the place for storage when he can't get merchandise to clients. And this one..." He opened the door of the largest cell. "This is where you'll sleep tonight. Maybe get your head together a little bit. There are some books - you've mentioned them to me as favorites - and the television works if you'd like that. The bathroom is equipped fully. And finally... I know you were drugged to get you here, so I'll leave this as an option. " He pointed to a cup of water, and two small pills. "Those are a very powerful tranquilizer. If you find yourself having trouble sleeping, take them. You'll want to have a clear head tomorrow. It's going to be a busy day. " Kieran said nothing. He was on the verge of tears. "Don't your daddies get a goodnight kiss?" Phil was joking but Kieran took him seriously. He came over, and kissed Kieran. "Good night Daddy Phil" Then he moved over to Rob and kissed him. "Good night Daddy Rob," and he felt his cock swell in the cage. Phil and Rob also felt their cocks swell, as they went back up the stairs, and closed the light. There was a light in Kieran's cell, so he wasn't in the dark. For a few minutes, he sat on his bed, and cried into his hands. Then he remembered the feel of Phil's lips. Of Rob's lips. Of Rob's tongue on his ear. Their fingers on his nips. That all felt better than it should have.

He stepped out of his clothes and reached down to his penis. He grinned. No luck. He turned off the light and got under the covers of the bed. No need for the pills. He was asleep in ten minutes, dreaming of Daddy fantasies.

Next: Chapter 3

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