Kieran Has Two Daddies

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 30, 2020


Stan and rick brought "new blood" to the little community that our other characters belonged to. More than one head turned when rick walked down the street, and he loved it. He tried to always make sure that at least two shirt buttons were opened, and that he was wearing tight fitting jeans or slacks. A few phone calls had found rick a job at the local gym as a trainer. Craig was glad to have a fellow worker, and rick was glad to be working in an environment where there was a hot young blond man in very skimpy clothing. He looked, but he never touched: NYC was one thing, but in a smaller place like this, where it seemed everybody knew everything, he did NOT want Stan to hear that he had been cheating. No more weeks as Robert Conrad for him! (although he had to admit that some of the scenes still stuck out in his mind, and he would smile as he thought about them

rick took over training the bois who were already in good shape, while Craig took care of the newer guys. They worked well together, and eventually rick was teaching a class on building up arms, and chests. Kieran took that class. There was no question that HE was flirting with rick, trying to rekindle something. He'd come to class in a t shirt that was just a little too small, so it rode up on his belly, or he'd wear gym shorts so tight that both Craig and rick were concerned that, someday, they were going to split right there in the gym. His behavior didn't go unnoticed, and Phil and Rob factored it into their plan for a "party" as they put it.

For Stan, meeting jack was the best thing that had happened to him in many, many years. Stan didn't have many friends. If pressed, he could probably name 3 or 4, but his life had revolved around rick. He was STILL obsessed with his hot lover, and sometimes, he would go by the gym, on the slim chance that he'd "accidentally" see rick without his shirt on. Even if he didn't, he'd get rick naked at home. He and Cooper had done a run to the "toy store" as Cooper put it , and he and rick were well equipped. The smile on rick's face most mornings, was not always because he was glad to be at work. But we digress. Stan and jack had hit it off right away. For jack, having someone who was friendly, and more blue collar than white collar, was a true joy. He had tried, but had never fully gotten over the sense of inferiority that he had gotten when he met Mark's friends at that first party, so many years ago. He had tried: he had gotten reading lists from Mark, and from Cooper and even from on line classes. It wasn't him. He'd read for 5 minutes, and then suddenly remember something he had to do for a house, or some small item he had forgotten: some excuse to get back to work with his hands. Stan was like that too. Once, when he was out for a walk, Stan saw jack putting up a stone wall on someone's property. "Hey, you need a hand with that, jack?" "Don't need one, but company is always good Stan the Man. Extra gloves over there, if they're big enough for ya." They just fit, and Stan came over. jack was about to show him how to do what he was doing, but he didn't have to . Stan knew. "You've worked construction." Stan laughed. "you name the job . I've worked it. This stuff... I missed it. I didn't get a chance to do it in the city." "Well, come by any time." What may have surprised people, was that this friendship was completely, and totally, platonic. jack had no interest in Stan's big cock, or sleeping with anyone other than Mark. Again, after all these years, he was hopelessly, totally, head over heels (or, as he would say "heels over head") in love with Mark. Still, it didn't prevent Mark from using his vivid imagination to construct roleplays where he would torment jack over an alleged obsession with Stan. He'd tie his lover to the bed, and then, slowly push his hand under jack's t shirt, listening to jack suck in his breath as his hand moved closer to jack's nipples. He'd poise his hand there, not massaging, not squeezing, just "there." "So... you got a thing for Stan?" "No Sir. Nothing. I only have a thing for you." That's when the nipple play would begin. If anything, jack's nipples had gotten more sensitive to Mark's touch over the years, and the moaning would start. "You sure jack-o?" "YES SIR. OH.... check sir. See how hard I am. See.." How do I know you're not thinking about Stan ?" He'd smile and squeeze harder. "I'm not Sir. I'm not... OOOOH that feels so good. Kiss me Sir. The truth is in the kiss." "We shall see. I actually think the truth... is in the ribs..." Then he'd attack jack's sides, digging in with some serious tickling. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP SIR. STOP PLEASE. NO, I DON'T FEEL ANYTHING FOR HIM. NOTHING. JUST YOU." That's when Mark would kiss him and jack was right: the kiss told him everything. His husband was completely and totally devoted to Mark, and to the dogs. "Fuck me Sir. Please. I want you. I don't want Stan. I want YOU." Mark would smile. He'd twist his wedding ring "And I want you. Always have. Always will. " jack's jeans would go off, then Mark's and then... it wasn't thirteen inches, but it was enough. MORE than enough. Mark would slide into jack and jack would moan, trying desperately to hold Mark's cock as tightly as possible, to give him as much pleasure as possible. "Who's my boi? Who's Mark's boi?" "Me sir. Please. PLEASE. I'm your silver haired boy." "Ha ha. You're my silver fox, stud. My fucking silver fox STUD! " Mark would yell, and his cum would shoot up into jack. He almost never used the cock cage anymore. jack had been trained well enough that he knew never to cum without permission. He asked. "Please Sir. May I? May I shoot?" "Hmmm. " Mark would tease, and he'd flick jack's balls, which would start jack squirming on the bed. "PLEASE SIR. I HAVE TO. I HAVE TO.... " Mark would always laugh at this, because he'd get jack in a sticky position. He was so close to the edge, but he didn't have permission. And if he came without permission, there were punishments. Today, Mark felt in a generous mood. "Shoot for me Boi." "Thank you Sir. THANK YOU SIR!!!!" and the splooch was all over. Mark usually spent about 10-15 minutes kissing his husband before he untied him; that is, unless the ladies, who needed to get out of the house more and more often as they got older, needed relief.


Phil and Rob, in the meantime, were planning a "party." Kieran, who was sitting in the bondage chair, shirtless and in the tiny shorts he had worn to the gym to flirt with rick, tied and gagged, was hearing the planning. "So, you KNOW Stan is gonna be on board with it, Mark is gonna be on board with it. Cooper probably. " Phil looked at kieran. "You're due for a shave. I think we're gonna have rick do it. Before we do you." "MMMPH.MMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMPH." kieran was torn by this. Yes, it WAS shaving time. He never had much hair, but there were "sprouts" on his chest. The thought of rick shaving him, made him close to burst in his cage. But having it done in front of everyone? THAT he wasn't sure of. Not that he had any choice. "I'll start calling. I have a feeling that there's more than one sub around here who needs shaving." "I can tell you this love. There's at least one DOM around here who needs to make a deposit," Phil smiled and looked at kieran. "Let's go boi. You can think about rick if you like. " "MMMPH. MMMPH. MMMMMMPH. kieran was shaking his head no, and Phil laughed. "It's ok. What goes on in your head when I'm in you, is none of my business. What you put IN your ass, is. " He took him by the back of the neck. "Know what Rob? I think I'm gonna leave the boy gagged today. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" "Now, let's get that sweet ass in the air... MMMMM." Phil had kieran on the bed. He didn't bother to tie him down after he had released the wrist bonds. He slipped the shorts off, and smiled. "Next time you try to get out of the house in those, there's gonna be some serious spanking boi. You understand?" kieran looked at Phil and shook his head "yes." "Those shorts are for me and Daddy Rob. NO ONE ELSE." "MMMMMMMMMMMPH. " kieran moaned as Phil started kneading his ass cheeks, before he pushed them in the air. Phil fucked his ass about 3 times more than Rob did. They used to laugh that kieran's mouth belonged to Rob, while his ass belonged to Phil. Kieran knew: he belonged to both of them. He closed his eyes as Phil began pounding him. At first, he DID think of rick, but then... the two Daddies who were taking such good care of him came to mind. He began to push his ass to meet Phil's cook. "THERE YOU GO BOI. Who needs a porn star when a Daddy loves your ass the way I do? " Phil was flexible enough to bend down and get kieran's ear, and he did. He began nibbling, and pushing deeper, and deeper. When his breathing got faster, kieran knew he was close. He clamped down, and Phil shot into him. Behind the gag, kieran smiled. He knew he had done well. He wished that he could relieve himself, but he knew what would happen now: he'd go back to the chair, until Rob had gotten aroused enough to fuck his mouth. Only then, would they PROBABLY let him cum, although since they had caught him in the tight shorts, he wasn't sure they'd let him.

Lest we forget, during this time, Stan and rick had an addition to their home. One day, jack was working on the exterior of their house: he was replacing some of the shingles, broken or blown away from a strong winter storm. As he came down from the roof, he saw two bedraggled looking blond boys, perhaps no more than 19 years old. "Excuse us Sir. Are you jack?" "Yeah hey. That's me. Hey, it's cold outside. You wanna come in for a drink of coffee or something? " The one looked at the other. "Is that ok Sir?" "YEAH, OF COURSE it's ok. I just asked you didn't I? And now I'm telling you: I'm' jack. I'm not sir, I'm not Mister. I'm jack. What're you two called. "I"m Brian Sir - I mean jack - and this is my brother Charlie." "Brian, Charlie. Nice to meet you. " Jack paused, and squinted for a minute. "Are you guys twins." "We are Sir - I mean jack - I'm sorry. Our father used to insist on us calling him Sir, and..." Jack laughed. "Well, I'm no one's daddy. Come on in. Don't mind the girls. They try to look tougher than they are. They can't chew anything more solid than a marshmallow. He had the boys seated and put out coffee. He saw how Charlie was looking at a loaf of date nut bread on the counter. jack had known hunger himself, so after he brought over the coffee, he put the cake on a plate, and put it out with a knife. "Have at it kids. I have enough trouble staying away from it. If it's gone, I can't eat it. The boys must have been terribly hungry. Jack could have sworn he turned around, and the cake was gone. "So boys, what's up? Why are you looking for old man jack?" They looked at each other blushing. "Jack... we were looking for work. Neither one of us really knows how to do anything, but we know how to use a shovel, and how to paint, that stuff. " "Can you unclog a drain?" "Charlie's learning, but I can." jack leaned back. He pulled out his wallet and put two 20s on the table. "Tell you what? The kitchen drain over there is a little slow. Let me see how you do , Brian." The kid looked scared "Brian , can I help?" Charlie asked. "Not yet. I'll call you when you can." He went to the sink and jack watched. Yup, Brian told the truth. He knew what he was doing. Halfway through it, he turned around and smiled at jack. "You tricked me. There's nothing wrong with this drain." jack laughed. "You're right. And you just earned a third one for telling the truth. Honesty counts in this business." He tossed another 20 on the pile. "Take it Charlie. I have a feeling you're in charge of the money." "That's right Sir.. I mean Jack. " He paused. "You wouldn't happen to know a place we could stay at for a night where we could get a room for this?" jack looked at him. "Where were you boys gonna sleep if this didn't happen." Brian stood behind Charlie and put his hands on his shoulders. "We'd figure it out. We've figured it out for the last 2 months." "Last 2 months?" "That's when our Dad caught us diddling each other. Then he found the magazines. He threw us out. We've been on our own since then." jack had a soft heart, but he wasn't gullible, and he trusted a man who knew his plumbing. He began to think. Hmmm. Younguns would just make his life a little more difficult, but... he thought back to all the people he had trained. And the business could afford unskilled workers. They usually did hire a few every year. Now where to have them stay.... "Just a minute guys... Just a minute.." He got to the phone and called Stan. "STANLEY. jack-o here, your local sub contractor. Ha ha hah. I love saying that." The boys could hear Stan's deep voice on the other end of the phone. "Listen, I was wondering.... " and he gave Stan the story. "I was wondering if you guys could put them up, at least for a short while. " The boys didn't hear Stan say to jack. "This might work. I've been wondering about what to give to rick for Christmas. 19 year old blond twins... I can see his face at promenade." "Thanks Stan-o. HEY. I'm gonna see you at the party at Phil and Rob's aren't I?' "DAMN RIGHT. ricky's gonna have another surprise." "COOL! Thanks bud. Let me talk to the guys." He put down the phone. "Ok Brian, put the money away, because I found a place for you guys to stay. No cost. " They were smiling. "Wait wait. Let me finish. I don't want you to think you're being tricked." He told them what he knew about Stan and rick, and how the town worked. "So, bluntly, if you don't mind being boi tois to a very stacked man of color, you probably have a permanent place. Now, in terms of working: I'll give you guys a try. 20 bucks an hour. Off the books. This ain't easy stuff. It's a ten hour day, easy. Sometimes twelve. Usually six days a week. You up for it.?" They looked at each other. "Jack, in town they said you might be the kindest guy in 200 miles." "300 Charlie. Oh, wait, you're Brian." He laughed and they did too. "By the way, jack. I'm not too good at the stuff Brian's good at, but I'm a wicked good cook." "Hmmmm. I'll have to introduce you to Jamie . He runs an Inn not far from here. That's where I was gonna send you before Stan came through. "Someone mention my name?" Stan was in the doorway, all 6 plus feet of him. The boys looked at each other. "You... You're Stan the snake?" Stan smiled. "The one and only. The notorious, the famous, the infamous, Stan the snake . That's me. Who's Brian and who's Charlie? " They introduced themselves. "Ok, you boys understand what this is about don't you? My boy likes a little side hustle every now and then, always with a blond, always younger. So I'd expect you to put out from time to time. Beyond that, screw the rent. " "HEEEEEEY. So what's going on, Daddy man?" rick was now in the doorway, his jacket opened showing a tight flannel shirt three buttons opened. He looked at the boys. "HELLLOOOOOOOO. I'm rick." They blushed, and then Charlie said "rick, your'e better looking in person than in that film." "You bet your sweet blond ass I am." Stan went over and put his arm around rick's middle "Merry Christmas honey. These boys are gonna come and live with us."


jack had planned to call Jamie about maybe trying out Charlie's cooking skills the next day, after he got them started on something simple. He was supervising the installation of an in ground swimming pool in a client's back yard. There was a fair amount of "sweat labor" involved, and "the more the merrier." He headed out to the site the next day, stopping at Stan and rick's place first. "Already gone, jack-o. We gave them the address and they wanted an early start." "How'd they get there? It's not close? " "Think they're walking. Said they're used to it." Stan patted his belly. "That Charlie's got chops in the kitchen, I'll tell you." rick came out , dressed for work at the gym, and first came over to Stan, backing into him and wrapping Stan's arms around him. "Isn't Daddy man good to me." He turned and kissed him. "I get blonds and... this..." he groped Stan. "Ok, guys, don't let me get in the way. The girls are in the car and I gotta get moving. " As he left, Stan nibbled rick's ear. "You better get moving too, or you're gonna be late for work. REAL late for work." "Save that rod for me Daddy man. Whatever happens with our kids, I still want that. "

There were about 8 of the laborers there when jack got there, including Charlie and Brian "HEY CB," (he had already nicknamed them). Did you meet the other guys. "Sure did jack. Hey, thanks again." Brian came over. "No problem. Sometimes, it's just the thing to do. Better get back there. You mighta been early, but what counts around here is who's standing at the end." The dogs had gone around to visit their friends on the site. jack hired local folks, off and on, trying to stick to gay guys if he could. This was a big job, though, and there were straight guys and gay guys too. They all knew jack as a fair boss, who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Today, he could tell, it was gonna be more than his hands that got dirty: it was warm. He'd get himself prepped, and then get out there with them.

He heard a car horn beep. It was Jamie. "HEY. Jamie bird, whatcha doing out here." He came over and gave jack a big hug. "I'm not really sure jack. Not sure at all, but... guess who I dreamt about last night?" "If I'm right, what do I get?" Jamie smiled. "Me for a night if Mark'll let ya." Jack laughed. "Ok, now I gotta answer. Cora." Jamie's face blanked out for a minute. "HOW? How did you know?" "Cause she came to me too. I know why?" "Ok, share with me, because I'm totally lost. She said something about 'go do something good with jack." He pointed to the workers. "See those two blonds? Brian and Charlie. They showed up yesterday , looking for work. Tossed out of their house because they're gay. People in town sent them to me. " Jamie was silent. "You know, I'm looking at them, and I'm thinking about the bus ride, the boarding house... the bus depot." jack draped his arm around him. "Me too Jamie bird. Me too. Universe gives, and you gotta give back." He hugged Jamie. "I try not to think about it, it makes my head hurt, but... where would we be if we didn't meet on that bus?" "I know jack. I know. Did they remind you of us?" "Not at first, to be honest. Not until Cora showed up. I want ya to meet them, especially Charlie: he's the one who looks like he's in pain." Jamie laughed. "That woulda been me." "Well..., that's why she came to you, cause I was gonna call you. Charlie says he can cook. And they're staying with Stan and ricky. Stan confirmed it." Jamie laughed "Well, Stan's approach to food is kill it, fry it, eat it. I'll have to give him a chance." "How about I take him off shift early, bring him over to the Inn? You can test him there?" "Sounds good." Then he stared at jack. "You know, you have always been the one of us with the purest heart jack. It never changed. " "AW, stop that Jamie. You'd see how impure it would be if Kornacki walked onto the field." "Now, now. We all have one of those, or two of those, or... God knows how many I have. But seriously jack. You think I don't see the fresh flowers in front of Magnolia's ashes? ALWAYS. " jack's face clouded over. "I miss her Jamie. I think she was one of my best friends ever. I love the girls, but..." He grabbed Jamie's hand. "I can't think like this. I gotta get to work. " He gave Jamie a kiss. "we'll come by at about 3, ok?" He tossed off his t shirt, made sure his faded "Mark's boi" cap was on, and went out to the excavation. "jack, if you knew how many hearts you break everyday when you work like that," Jamie thought. His heart wasn't breaking, but his cock was hardening. He'd best get on his way. He'd see jack later.


"HEY JAMIE. Sorry we're a little late. Charlie wanted to say goodbye to a few of the guys. " He smiled. " I think Charlie met a boyfriend today too." "I DID NOT JACK. WE JUST... WELL... we just smiled at each other. What a sexy name. Silas." "OH, YOU PICKED A GOOD ONE, CHAMP" Jamie laughed. "No one knows what team he bats for, but everyone wants to get hit by him." "I think I do Sir. We're going out on Saturday night." jack looked at him. "You better check with Stan and rick first." "Oh, I did. They said there's this party at.... Phil and Rob's." "RIGHT! I forgot. Jamie and I are going too." "I'm Jamie..." He held out his hand. You're Charlie right?" "Yes sir." Jamie laughed. "I'm sure jack told you this, but I'll tell you too. No Sirs with he and I . We're both bottoms. Have been for years. Subs even. " Charlie blushed. "Don't blush. So is your honey rick. And you'll meet some more. It's all irrelevant. We're gonna make a quiche. Or, more to the point, you're gonna make one. I'm gonna stand back. Fridge is over there." "Ok jamie. Got it." Charlie got busy. He put on an apron, washed his hands ("plus one" thought Jamie), and then went for where the flour SHOULD be (it was), and then into the fridge for the ingredients. He stopped. "What's your price point on the quiche jamie?" ("plus two") thought Jamie. "Don't worry about that Charlie, worry about this: you, your brother, jack and I are going to eat it when it's done. Impress us. " The two old friends left the kitchen. When they were alone, they would slip back into their roles from their younger days. jack was in an arm chair, Jamie sat down on the floor, hugging his leg. "Why did I ever give you up jackie?" jack ruffled his hair. "Who can explain these things j bird? But here's what we know: after all these years, we're still together, we're still healthy, and we've still got the jones for each other." "Bedroom? Mutual jo?" "Sounds good to me? Mark took me this morning, so he won't be looking for a while." Charlie heard the door close, and smiled. He wondered about his date on Saturday. And he wondered about this party everyone was going to. And who was kieran?"


Hey gentle readers: we're coming to an end to this story. Probably next episode, at the "barber party." I do hope you've been enjoying this tale half as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Isn't it funny how our worlds mix up and what we get at the end? It's also the end of the year. Make yourself feel proud by making a contribution to Nifty. If you've been with this story from the start, 2 bucks an episode comes to about 25 bucks. Four, if you can swing it, is 50. Pony up. Do it for jack. Or Stan. Or Charlie. Or any of your favorite characterss.

Next: Chapter 14

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