Kieran and Chris

By shy fox

Published on Oct 20, 2000


Kieran and Chris: Part One By ShyFox

This is my first go at writing something for the Nifty Archive. I hope you all enjoy it and there are more parts ready to go, so if you like it Email me at and tell me. I will try to respond to anything that I get. Now this may be true of it may be fiction but either way its fun.

Disclaimer thingy :- Does anybody actually read this bit? Oh well, if you don't like this then hey I'm not forcing you to be here. Also everything is legal until you get caught, so if your not supposed to be here then take my advice and don't get caught. ?

It all began with me needing a part time job to provide some much needed spending money for the long summer ahead.

Well I suppose that I should really introduce myself first, my name is Kieran, I'm about 5'4" tall which I suppose is pretty small really, I have bleached blond hair that is far too long and is constantly in my eyes, which are green. I'm also fairly skinny but not unhealthy (and that's all your getting, if u want to know more then you will just have to email me and ask, because you will never know until you ask?)

Now that that's the introductions done I can get on with it.

Anyway I was really short of money so I had decided to go hunting for a local job that meant I didn't have to do much travelling. So after a few rejections I got asked back for and interview. (For those of you who live in the UK the store is the well known convenience store with the red sign and white writing, I wont mention their name cos they screwed me on my wages.)

So I eventually got the job of morning and evening supervisor, which I had to say actually involved less work than I had originally imagined, but on the downside it meant getting up at 5:30 every morning to open up the shop. So with as much enthusiasm as any normal person can muster at 5:30 on a Saturday morning I headed off for my first day. As I pulled up outside the store and hunted for the keys I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned round and did a double take because stood before me was possible the cutest guy that I had ever seen.

I suppose that now would be a good time to mention that I have only just begun to notice guys but have done nothing about is so far because I'm just not sure what all the feelings that I am having are supposed to mean or what I am Supposed to do about them, but just looking at this guy gave me a few ideas!

As I just stood staring at him I realized that he had spoken "Are you the new supervisor?" this blond vision repeated to me.

I snapped back to reality and answered "yeah" and then added "and you are?"

"Chris", he replied. Seeing the blank look on my face he added "your help".

If only he could imagine exactly what sort of ideas popped into my mind at that response.

"OK", I shrugged and proceeded to unlock the store and go in.

Once inside I headed straight to the office to shut off the alarm and flip on the lights. Then on the desk I spotted a note from the manager who explained that Chris was one of the paperboys and that he had offered to come help me in the mornings. Now because it was the summer holiday his parents didn't mind him getting up this early and I think that the extra money that he got probably convinced them.

We began sorting the newspapers into the delivery piles for the other paperboys and after awhile we were working side by side.

"So tell me how they conned you into this?" I jokingly asked.

"Money" he replied. "I want to go skiing in the winter break and to do that I need to make as much money now as I can."

"Yeah, me too" I said, and then added "not the skiing though, I just need some spending money."

"I understand THAT." He said "It's a real bitch when your parents decide that you are too old' to get pocket money and they use that whole standing on your own two feet' speech."

After that brief chat the conversation died, but honestly who can expect anybody to have a deep and meaningful conversation so early in the morning?

The silence did, however, allow me to sneak frequent glances at Chris who stood at about my height and build, but his short blond hair was natural and his blue eyes seemed way too sharp for anybody who has had to get up so early in the Morning. After about 10 minutes of working in silence I wanted to learn more about him, so I opened with the tried and tested (and innocent) question of.

"So, how come I haven't seen you at school?"

"I don't know." Chris replied "I go to St. Lukes."

"That explains it." I said, "I go to the high school."

"Cool." said Chris "What subjects are you taking?"

"Chemistry, Biology and Environmental Science." I replied.

On hearing that his face lit up "You do biology?" he asked.

"Yes." I said "why?"

"Well," he began, "I've got this piece of science coursework to do and I just don't understand the questions. Would you be able to help me with it?"

"Sure, why don't you bring it with you tomorrow morning." I said. I mean how could I possible say no to him?

"Thanks a lot" he said.

The rest of the morning passed fairly quickly, and I was forced to say goodbye to Chris when the next shift arrived for work. My mind, however, did linger on the thoughts of my `helping' him with his homework.

The rest of my day passed without much excitement as my family had gone on holiday, so I had little to do other that hang around the house waiting for my evening shift to start. Which it eventually did, so at 9:00 that evening I returned to the store. As I arrived the afternoon supervisor was just leaving and she explained that all I had to do was to watch the security monitors and then close the store at 11:30 and cash out the tills.

So I sat in the office watching the time pass on the monitors wishing that I had a book or something. Then on the screen I saw Chris approaching the office door, I wondered what he was up to so before he could press the buzzer I had Thumbed the switch to open the door.

"Hiya." He said as he came round the corner to the desk that I was at.

"What's up?" I enquired.

"Jan said that you would be working tonight and I'm still really stuck with this homework so I was wondering if we could do some work on it tonight." He explained with a hopeful look on his face.

"Sure." I smiled "Why don't you pull over that chair and show me what the problem is."

"Here." He said pushing a folder into my hands.

I opened the folder and looked at the sheet of questions that were on top. He had made a start on the first one and his answer was pretty good. I told him this and he smiled and blushed. God he looks so cute when he's embarrassed.

So for the next 45 minutes we worked through the problem sheet and during this time he had slowly worked his way right up to my side, then as I finished the last question and looked up I just caught him turning away quickly. Was he looking at me I wondered: `no he couldn't have been, or was he?' These thoughts whirled around in my brain until Chris brought me back to earth by saying.

"Thanks for the help. I don't think I ever would have got it done"

"Anytime." I smiled back at him.

As he stood to leave he did so by standing straight up which caused his to rub his body along mine which made me catch my breath. Then instead of walking around the desk he squeezed between the chairs and as he did he brushed his crotch against my shoulder. My mind was still reeling but was there an erection there or did I imagine it. Whatever the truth there was no doubt of my own hardness beneath the table.

"See you tomorrow." He said over his shoulder as he left the office.

"Yeah, tomorrow" I breathed.

"WOW." I said to the empty office as I watched Chris walk towards the exit.

Well that's it for Part One if you liked it then write me and say and I'll post the following parts.

Until we meet again ;)

Next: Chapter 2

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