Kids Try Out

By Thor Douglas

Published on Sep 2, 2010


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. If you are offended by sexually explicit material or situations, discontinue reading immediately, and go somewhere else. This may have pieces of real life happenings. If this or something like this happened to you, congrats! Please think of your risk before attempting anything like this in my stories. Thanks for reading. Please do not reprint without my approval.

For comments and suggestions, email me at Just be an adult about it.

Kid's Try Out - Part One

Rex liked The Pen. It wasn't a bar you should be going looking for love. It was dark with strong drinks and some real pervs going there. The staff knew him well and gave him almost free run. His favorite part of the was The Hole. It was a second bar in the back with a wide open space and some interesting set ups. The regulars that went in there were guys looking to unwind, looking for some quick fling. There a few guys mulling around drinking and waiting for someone to start some fun.

Right now, Rex was sitting in his favorite stool in the Hole just nursing his beer. He already had a good buzz going. A couple shots of whiskey helped to get that along but he was in no hurry. He was waiting on someone.

A boy had contacted him on-line wanting to "try out" to become his next boy. Now he had boys before but they were either playthings or servants. What Rex was wanting was a boy that was both. He wanted a slut that wouldn't be afraid to fuck around but he wanted a boy that would do what he said. Would take the orders he wanted him to follow.

Jim, the bartender, knew something was up. Rex had that smirk that said something fun was going to happen. And Rex knew how to have a good time.

"Rex, your fuck toy is here," Jim laughed, nodding toward the door to the Hole, The Hole was Rex's hang out. Maybe it was because there was post with hooks to help secure willing victims or maybe the drain in the floor was a long trough drain that had no problems taking away whatever may be spilt onto the floor.

Rex glanced back and saw the Kid. That's what he was told what people called him. Rex could see why when he first saw the pics. When you are old enough to be another man's father, well then they are a kid to you.

The Kid was about 22 years old with medium length blonde hair, wiry frame. He asked the Kid why such long hair for a boy. He replied back to Rex that the hair made a good handle. This made Rex laugh hard and his balls jump. Besides he could cut it later if he wanted.

The Kid showed up as Rex directed. Jeans with a black leather belt, white T-shirt, and boots. That's it. No collar, no wrist bands, no extra crap.

"Hello Sir," replied the Kid standing back to let Rex turn and look at him. Rex didn't.

"Sit." That was all that Rex replied.

The Kid pulled up a stool and sat next to Rex. He looked at Jim in the eye and said, "A bottle of beer, please."

"Here you go. Two-fifty," Jim said with a smirk, waiting to see Rex's reaction.

"Put on it on the big guy's tab," said the Kid, nodding to Rex.

"And what makes you think I'm paying for your beer?" inquired Rex not looking at the Kid.

Taking a swig of the beer then stating, "Because if what I've been told about what you put guys through is half true, I'm gonna need one. I just figure I'd get it while I could."

Jim expected Rex to haul off and smack the kid half way across the bar but he was more surprised by the roar of laughter erupting from Rex!

"In that case fucker, lets get this started," barked Rex, "Strip to your jock, cocksucker."

The Kid downed his beer and jumped up from the stool. He pulled his shirt and jeans off quickly. He folded them and put them on the bar.

"I'll hold on to those kid," said Jim, scooping up the Kid's clothes and stashing them behind the bar somewhere.

"Thanks man," said the Kid nodding his appreciation.

Rex finally turned to take a good long look at the Kid. The Kid's straw hair fell just above his eyes and covered most of his ears. It gave the Kid a scruffy look, almost unkempt. He had some muscle but it wiry muscle. But his flesh, that's what made Rex's sadistic heart fill with malicious glee. It was pale, a creamy pale without any blemishes or tattoos. This meant every mark and every stroke would be highly visible in beautiful detail after he was done working the Kid over.

Rex licked his lips, imagining the taste of the Kid's flesh would bring to him. The Kid's eyes locked with his and the Kid shivered. The Kid's mind flashed with what delights he was to endure. Rex was more than the fantasy men he jacked off to. Here might be a man to push him to the limits of no. Would Rex use him the way he always wanted to be used and if so, could he take it? The Kid hated safe words. Oh he understood them, it was just felt like he couldn't truly lose himself in the moment if he had to have one.

"Over here Kid," and Rex motioned over to a section of the bar. There were two curved brass rails that arched over the bar indicating this is the space to order drinks. Below that along the bottom of the bar was a long brass rail for individuals to rest their feet upon.

"Grab the rails and set your boots up on the boot rail, Kid," commanded Rex patting the space between the poles. The Kid grabbed the rails and put his feet up onto the booted rail. Rex pulled out from under his stool a small black canvas bag. The Kid could hear a zipper being opened and items being moved around.

Rex selected one strand of rope and began secure the Kid to one of the rails. Once he was done with that hand, he moved on to the next. As he bent down, he sniffed the Kid's ass. He smelled just clean flesh with a bit of masculine musk. His cock gave a bit of throb as he knelt to the left of the Kid. He started binding the boots to the rail. Then the right was secured just as quickly. This forced the Kid to keep his balance by thrusting his ass out for all to see. It also spread his cheeks so his hole was winking at Rex. Rex resisted the urge to start eating that sweet tasting meat but he knew the time would come later for him to feast on the Kid's ass.

He then reached into his bag and pulled out a small syringe that he had filled up with lube, one of his own "special" recipes. No drugs, but some additives that would make the fucker feel good. He took the cap off and pushed the nub into the Kid's ass. He injected half the syringe. And took a step back to watch what the Kid would do.

The Kid accepted the bondage willingly. At first he thought, I'm gonna get my ass worked over good. But then Rex didn't touch him hardly at all. Then when he felt the cool gel being flooded into him, he thought well maybe he's going to fuck me and claim me in front of all these other men. Now Rex didn't touch him at all. What the fuck's feeling funny, he realized. Did he drug me? No, it doesn't feel like that. It just makes me want to touch and feel my ass. Oh won't someone just fuck me!

Rex could see the wheels turning and the gel's affect on the Kid. He ass was trying to back up on someone. He was humping the air with his ass. Then he spied a fella walking up to see what was going on.

He nudged the guy, "Get a refill and you can dip your wick in that buddy."

"Don't mind if I do," was the reply.

The guy drew down his zipper and hauled out his semi-hard cock. He pulled back the foreskin and worked his cock into hardness. The sight of the milky white ass helped to pump blood into his rapidly thickening meat.

The man strode up behind the Kid and pushed himself in. The heat from the Kid's ass was amazing. It was like sliding into warm silk. The guy let his cock rest and throb in the Kid's hole before calling Jim over. Then he peered down to watch his meat slide in and out of the Kid's fuckhole.

The Kid could feel someone approach him. He hoped it was Sir but he couldn't see. If he tried to look back his would have to pull his ass away and didn't want that to happen! When felt one hand holding his waist and something thick and blunt pushing it's way into him, he instinctively pushed back to guide it in. That lube Rex pushed into him was making him feel warm and just that bit itchy. This dick felt so good sawing in and out of his hole.

Jim just smiled really big and took his sweet time getting the guy his drink. When he set the beer down next to rails, the guy looked up and told him he would need three more bottles and a line of four shots of whiskey. Jim liked this arrangement. Not only was he getting a show but he was selling more drinks. Rex's tab for the night was gonna be taken care of.

The guy used long strokes in the Kid, almost letting his dick fall out. Something about the Kid's ass just made his dick sing. He stopped for a sec and turned his head, "Hey fuckers! Get over here. This kid's ass is amazing."

The Kid realized it wasn't Sir in him. It was someone else. The Kid still felt Rex's presence but it wasn't till he looked over that he saw him sitting on his stool again. Rex would be drinking his beer, talking with Jim or the bar back. Sometimes Rex would look over at the Kid and watch the first of many fuckings he was gonna have the Kid endure.

The Kid accepted what was happening to him as a fucking good thing. Sir is devious and lewd. He was liking this man and he wanted more. He wasn't sure if he should make the man in him cum or not because he wasn't sure what Sir would want. Does he want me to make this man empty himself or does he want to keep my hole unseeded? He went back through the on-line conversations he had with Rex all while still working his hole for this man.

Then he remembered Sir saying something about wanting a boy who would be about sex and not just protocol. He knew the answer and starting flexing his ass rings to milk the fucker using him.

"Oh shit! He's milking my cock!" exclaimed the guy working the Kid's ass over to everyone within hearing distance. "Oh yeah!" The guy slaps his ass several times with a strong hand. Nice red marks begin to appear on his flesh. The strikes only increased the need in the Kid to be filled so he started fucking back harder on to the guy.

Placing the bottles and glasses down, Jim looked at the fucker and told him the cost. Without missing a stroke, the guy pulled out his wallet threw down a ten and twenty and told him to keep it. Hell yeah, thought Jim. As long as this keeps up, the kid can stay right were he is.

The guys buddies watched the show, waiting for their turns at this hot piece. They knew their friend couldn't hold out much longer.

With a growl erupting from his throat the fucker, pounded hard and deep, driving his now swollen cock into the Kid's innards, "Son of a bitch, I'm cumming! Fuuuuccckkk!"

Scalding man seed coated the inside of the Kid's hole. The coating smeared along his walls as the man continued to fuck in and out the asshole. Cheers came from his three buddies. He pulled out slowly as to let the Kid's ass rings close and hold his jizz in him without spilling out. He tucked his sticky cock away into his jeans and took a seat next to the boy's keeper. As he was sitting down, he saw one of his buddies set his beer down and open his jeans. The folds of his open jeans locking his jeans into place around his leather chaps. He knew the guys had a thin but a long cock with a wicked upward curve. His cum was going to pushed deep into that ass. He smiled wickedly at that thought. His other two buddies cheered on the new fucker, telling him to use the Kid hard and rough.

He grabbed his beer and took a long swig. Rex looked at him and said, "Have a good time with the Kid?"

"Yeah. He is one hot piece of ass. Is he yours?" asked the man, hoping the Kid wasn't so he could take him out for use later.

"Not yet but he is doing a good job of working into my good graces," laughed Rex.

"Well, my boys here can put him through his paces, if that's what you want man."

"Go for it. I want him used well."

The Kid really didn't hear much of the conversation going on next to him. He was into the probing fuck stick that was worming it's way into him. He settled into the pattern the man was fucking him with, quick stabbing jabs to the gut. He grunted with each thrust enjoying being the center of attention. He decide however that it would be better to take care of all these men, so he started squeezing and pushing back. The curved dicked fucker responded with louder grunts and harder thrusts. The Kid's actions were rewarded soon when the man started swearing calling him demeaning names, like cum whore and slut and bitch, all the while cum was spewing into the Kid's bowels.

"Two down and two more to go," remarked Rex. He pulled up from underneath the bar a pitcher half way full of golden liquid. "Jim, fed this to the cum dump. I bet he needs a `beer', " joked Rex.

"Ricky, go water the Kid. I've got too many drinks to get," commanded Jim to the bar back. A circle of men were ordering from the bar while watching the show Rex had orchestrated. They were panting and rubbing their crotches, wondering if they were going to get a crack at that ass. And they were sucking down the drinks while the Kid took on this current man.

Ricky took the pitcher of piss and lifted the Kid's head. He was all sweaty, his eyes glazed over with lust. The Kid either couldn't or wouldn't pull his head up enough for Ricky to water the boy.

"Use his hair as a handle boy!" barked Rex seeing Ricky having trouble with his request.

Ricky grabbed the Kid's hair and pulled up. The sudden sensation of pain jerked the Kid out of his reverie. Putting the pitcher to the Kid's mouth, he began to tip the contents in to his mouth. The Kid not knowing what is was bucked at first, urine falling to the counter top. Rex seeing this got up a leaned by the Kid and whispered into his ear, "You don't want my piss boy? It's the first thing I am giving you of me this night. If you don't want it, then I guess you don't want anything else I have to give." Hearing that made the Kid tilt his head up more and open his mouth. He figured actions spoke louder than words. Ricky slowly fed Rex's beer piss into the Kid and the Kid gulped it steadily. He savored every mouthful.

"Good boy," said Rex locking his eyes with the boy. The Kid didn't care if drowned in the piss being poured down his throat as long as he could still be acknowledge by this man. The Kid never broke off the contact till Rex did by sitting back down.

While Rex and the Kid bonded, the next guy to step up was a tall bear of a man. He extracted from his jeans a hefty 6 incher that was itself 6 inches around. At 6 foot 8 inches with a very broad muscled chest, one could think a giant of a man would crush the Kid. And he probably could but instead chose to slowly slide his thick member into the boy. The Kid gasped as his ring was stretched to accommodate the giant's intruding cock.

"So fucking sweet," moaned the giant, "I'm going to enjoy hearing you take this."

Ah shit, this guy is going to split me open, thought the Kid. Breathe, he commanded himself. Slowly the cock filled him, widening his ass.

With a small whimper escaping his lips, "Ahhhhh... damn."

"Hehe...that's right boy. You can take it all. There you go little guy. All of my cock is in you now. Ready for a good fucking, boy?" coached the giant in a deep voice. He removed his shirt. Sweat poured down the fur on his chest. His hands wrapped around his hips, holding him in place. Then he started to pull his fat dick out of the Kid. When the head was about to come out, he drove his flesh back into the Kid's guts. He picked up momentum, every notch in the tempo made the Kid gasp and grunt. The crowd began to bang their bottles and glass in time to the fleshy slaps.

Rex watched this scene intently, letting it burn into his brain. This was one of those moments when you know you are experiencing the most erotic thing one could at that moment. The Kid's rear was as out as far as he could push it. The giant's hands lifting the boy's ass up to meet his increasingly savage thrusts. The sounds of flesh upon flesh impacting upon one and another; the Kid's barking gasps, the grunts of the rutting giant. He could smell the sweat and sex pouring off these two. His cock was so fucking hard he could swear that he was going to fill his jeans with jizz. But he took control and stopped himself from losing his load. That was going to be saved for something special.

It wasn't long before all the stimulus got to the giant pounding away at the Kid. Too many fucking bitches turned down this fat piece of meat because they couldn't handle what he wanted to dish out. But this kid could. He saw no collar so he hoped this one could become a playmate.

The giant's fat member swelled inside the Kid. His balls bolted inside his body in preparation of him releasing his pay load in this boiling hot and tight asshole.

"Son of a bitch, you're sucking this cum from my nuts!" bellowed the giant fucking machine when he felt the contractions of the Kid's battered hole responding to the beating his hole was taking.

"," the Kid grunted between thrusts. He pushed his own ass toward the brutal cock.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" was all the giant could get out his brain going primal from this assault. His balls couldn't take the buildup much longer. The Kid's steamy fuckhole was unbelievable. It was going to end for the giant inside the Kid too soon for his liking.

"GRRR....ARRGGG!" roared the giant fucker as his body unleashed torrents of ball juice into the Kid's hole.

The Kid sighed as the walls of his anus were bathed in the searing jizz of the giant. The Kid felt an odd sense of completion. He could feel Rex's gaze on him, an awareness that he had been evaluated and was given approval. He looked over to Sir, his mind in dosed in a sexual fog. Immediately, he eyes met Rex's. He couldn't see if Rex was smiling, or frowning, or anything. The eyes, those told him everything. Rex approved but hungered for more.

The gaze transfixed the Kid to the point he never really felt the giant's cock being removed from his being. He slowly pulled his hips back and the giant let out a long held breath as he withdrew. The Kid's hole clung to the sides of his dick like a well-worn boot. The intensity of the removal was sending waves of overload through out the giant's frame. He shook while holding the Kid's slim waist.

Rex's special lube mixed with the three men's load begin to ooze out of the open hole. The last and fourth guy of the gang stepped up and pushed his member into the Kid to stop the tide of thick fluids running out of the abused hole.

The man's member was 7 inches long with a pierced bar bell at every inch. And with every inch that was pushed in, the Kid could feel the metal stimulating his ass ring. His ass took on sensation overload and he started bucking against the guy.

Grasping the Kid's ass with both hands he began to ride the bucking boy like a kicking bull, "Fuck yeah! Work that sloppy ass bitch!"

The Kid's insides were on that point of shut down and he knew he had to do something to make this fucker cum. Rex was doing this for a reason and it didn't matter if he knew why. He just had to know the what of the situation. If he tightened his ass then he could milk the man fucking him but it would increase the stimulation. If he relaxed into it, the fucker could go longer but his ass could probably take the punishment. He looked harder into Rex's eyes and knew what he could do. With Sir's stare feeding him approval he could take anything, so he began the familiar motions of the bottom's dance. The pierced man approved by swearing at the Kid and increasing the intensity of the strokes.

Rex could see the struggle in the Kid's brain and body. He was going to succumb soon to being ravaged. Which is just the point where he wanted the Kid but not beyond that. He drank in the sight before him. The sweaty body of the Kid tied to the bar. Men surrounding him egging on the current fucker. The man determined look on his face to wreck the Kid's hole. The way the Kid was bucking on the man's rod was something to behold. He blond hair was drenched and hanging from his head in matted strands. This was something that Rex was going to remember for a while.

The pierced cock in the Kid's ass was getting harder and hotter. He could feel the slime in the Kid's ass making his cock slide without any problem. The Kid was pulling on his cock with those incredible anal muscles of his. And the piercings were carrying the vibrations of the Kid's ass through his meat and into his balls. Oh fuck too soon, he thought. So fucking good...

And then it happened, probably the biggest load the Kid was going to get from these four thugs. It just poured from the cock impaled deep inside his guts. It kept coming like lava from an erupting volcano, molten and sticky.

He withdrew quick to watch the Kid jump as the barbells rippled his ass rings. The Kid arched up and away just as quick and hollered out loud at the sudden sensations. This also pulled some cum and ass juice out to slop on to the barroom floor. Rex reached over and pushed a sizable butt plug into the Kid's rectum. He twisted to make sure the bulb locked into place. The Kid had an all-over body orgasm as it felt full again. The remaining men groaned in knowing that the show was over and no more turns were going to be given out.

Rex kneeled down between the boy's restrained legs. The Kid's legs were covered in fine sheet of sweat. The smell emanating from the slut's legs was a strong odor of sex and men. He undid the knots and grabbed the Kid's ankle and made him put down each foot as he untied him. The Kid was a bit shaky but stable. His muscles twitched and vibrated.

Rex wrapped his body around the Kid's, his own aroma of sweat and arousal matched the Kid's strength in odor.

"You did good Kid. You put on a good show and I could throw you to these fuckers and they would tear you apart but then I wouldn't get a crack at you," whispered Rex into the Kid's ears. He has deftly untied his hands from the brass bars.

"Come back boy. I've gotcha," soothed Rex as he pulled the boy's arms into the Kid's chest. He cradled the boy into his chest, his shirt wicking away the Kid's sweat. The Kid could hear Rex's breathing his ear, the stubble from his beard rubbing along his jaw bone. He couldn't believe the amount of Sir he was touching. The heat from Sir penetrated the Kid. The strength of those hairy muscled arms was so inviting. He wanted more of what this man could do to him. He didn't know what to expect but he wanted it.

"Just one more thing you have to do before you come with me, Kid," informed Rex.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 2

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