Kidnapped for a Loincloth

By Dave Lent

Published on Feb 24, 2003



The attached is a true story that happened in different segments in different locations. Both Tarzan and boy are lovers of bondage and tight loincloths. Responses welcomed and solicited to:

Kidnapped for a Loincloth

Tarzan was cruising through the jungles in his new SUV. He had made some real upgrades since he found that treasure chest full of gold coins washed up on shore. This sure beat swinging on vines and those painful falls when some of the vines weren't adequately attached to the branch!!!

Tarzan had the money now, but he was still lonely. The apes were fun to hang out with, but they were much too hairy and crude for his temperament. He wanted a sidekick, a friend, someone he could talk to, relate to. In his new SUV he should be able to find just the right companion to assist him in his saving the damsels in distress that happened along in the jungle now and then, and still prevent the ancient gold bullion hidden by tribes of past generations buried in secret cities in the jungle from being ransacked by white bwanas. He also wanted a little buddy to share in his off-hours fun and games. Someone to practice knots with.

Tarzan drove a considerable distance to one of the remote watering holes and found some of the native boys getting water for the village. He spotted one particular beauty that set his eye a' glimmering as soon as he laid eyes on him. To his luck, the others filled their jugs and departed, leaving the slim boy all alone at the water's edge.

Tarzan left the SUV in the bushes and sauntered up to the boy, whom Tarzan could now see was very muscular and well built, as he was only wearing a tiny loincloth. As he approached him, boy eyed Tarzan up and down and Tarzan felt there was a special bond between them already. Boy eyed Tarzan's loincloth and his smooth, well-honed, muscular body. Tarzan felt that he had indeed found the perfect mate to share his tree house and life-style with.

Tarzan started with small talk and boy was impressed that the "king of the jungle" would spend time with him. It became apparent that boy had few ties to the village. Both his parents were dead. He wasn't happy at the village as he felt he was 'different.' He couldn't just run away, as there was no place to go. If he did leave, it would have to be done forcefully so that the tribe wouldn't take retribution.

Tarzan felt he needed to make a choice there and then. He took his large knife out of his sheath and put it to boy's neck. Holding boy's arm, he made boy march to the car with the knife at his neck. If anyone were watching, it would be very apparent that boy was being kidnapped. Yet boy made no signs of fighting to escape.

They reached the SUV and Tarzan popped open the trunk. He ordered boy in, still at knifepoint and told him to face the front with his hands behind him.

Tarzan secured boys hands with rope and then tied his ankles together and tied them to his hands. Securely hogtied, Tarzan reached around and felt boys bulging loincloth. He had indeed made the right choice.

Boy appeared a bit frightened that his wish was being so quickly and dramatically realized. "I'll be good, Sir. I'll do anything you want."

"Indeed you will," Tarzan said in reply, leaving boy to ponder his fate.

They drove the long distance back to Tarzan's tree house. Tarzan untied boy's feet, but keeping his hands tied, ordered him out of the trunk. Boy walked up the narrow stairs to Tarzan's home in the jungle. There were several rooms interconnected with walkways, stairs and rope climbs. The first room boy came to appeared to be already prepared for him. A table in the middle of the room had been covered with a soft cloth. Boy was ordered to stand by the table. Each of boy's feet was tied to a leg of the table and boy was ordered to bend over the table. His hands were still bound behind his back. A leather collar went around his neck and was tied to the opposite end of the table. He was bent over the table totally immobilized, totally helpless and he loved it!! His cock was so hard it ached in anticipation.

Tarzan removed boy's loincloth with a swift snip of his knife. He took the loincloth and fastened it around boy's face. "Enjoy it boy, you'll have a lot of aromas to enjoy here!"

Tarzan ran his hands over boys small smooth butt. He took his razor and shaved what few hairs he found. It was now perfectly smooth and velvety. Tarzan greased up his finger and slowly entered boys hole with it, lubricating the opening for what was to come.

Tarzan ran a tube down from a large gourd filled with warm water and juju fruit extract, and after greasing the tube end, gently eased the tube into boy's hole. He ran the full amount of extract into boy as boy moaned and breathed deep through the ratty used loincloth. Tarzan came around to the head of the table and lifted boy's head by a handful of hair. He rubbed boy's face in his crotch, and boy moaned but could do little but be frustrated, as his tongue could not reach what he desired so much.

The gourd was drained. Tarzan untied boy's collar from the table, but left the collar around boy's neck so he would remember his status now. Then Tarzan stood boy up and tied his collar to the beam above. Tarzan untied boy's feet from the table legs and then retied his feet to eyelets in the floor. Tarzan pulled away the table and boy was left standing in all his boyish wonder. Lanky and slim, but well proportioned and muscular. Smooth skinned and so perfect in complexion and form.

Tarzan marveled at him for a while. He was so satisfied that he seemed to have found the perfect companion. Boy was still masked with his loincloth, so could not see Tarzan admiring him. He felt a pride that Tarzan had picked him. He was living out his fantasy with someone that understood his needs, as no one in the village had. He wanted to make Tarzan very happy and very proud of him and so that he would keep him as his "boy" forever.

Tarzan got to work, aware that boy could not hold the juju juice for very long. He took his razor and, after lathering up boy's pubic hair, deftly removed it with a few quick strokes. Boy's crotch and cock was now clean and smooth as a newborn babe. His cock seemed larger without the hair at its base and so much more appealing in its newly naked and exposed status.

Boy pleaded to be let to the bathroom. Tarzan smiled and waited a few moments, letting boy think that he would have to let the juju juice and water loose where he stood. Tarzan wanted boy to know his place right from the beginning. Then Tarzan put a bucket behind boy and untied the rope holding his collar. He held boys shoulders and eased him down. Holding boy's face against his crotch he allowed boy to squat over the bucket and release his load.

Then he re-tied boy to the table and repeated the water treatment. Boy's head was swimming now from the effects of the intoxicating juju juice extract in the water, and he really wanted to touch Tarzan. Being tied up was so frustrating. Tarzan controlled everything. After the water ran clear and Tarzan was sure boy was totally cleaned out, he took boy to the shower. Removing the loincloth mask, he re-tied boy's hand to the tops of the shower stall, one arm to each side, so he could not escape. Tarzan was still not sure if boy would try to get away if he had the chance. He had to treat him as a kidnapped prize.

The warm water ran over boy's body and Tarzan massaged soap all over his body, especially his cock and balls to remove any remaining hairs, and over his cute butt so as to remove any residue. He especially prodded his hole, which boy seemed to especially enjoy.

After the shower, Tarzan dried boy's body thoroughly. He then led him to the bed where he laid boy down on the bed and again tied his hands and feet to the four posts, spread-eagled. Tarzan then showed boy his prize possession. It was a soft leopard skin loincloth, petite and encasing for just such a boy as this. He explained to boy that he would let boy wear this prize loincloth, but only upon showing that he had earned it.

Boy knew he would wear that loincloth some day, no matter what the test. He had found his true home. Tarzan, still not sure what boy was thinking, knew it was best to keep boy tied up and secure until he had proven himself to Tarzan. That proof was to come very soon and very emphatically.

Boy napped for a few minutes and then was awakened to the sound of Tarzan. "A few rules boy" Tarzan began patiently. "First you will always wear a skimpy loincloth. Period. Nothing else. I'll have no dripping pre-cum on my floors! Second, you will be bound securely all the time until you prove your allegiance, and even then you will be tied up often since you do your best "work" in that condition. Third, you will only cum on my command and at my instigation. Are these rules clear?"

Boy answered without hesitation, "Yes Sir."

Tarzan then blind folded boy as he still lay spread-eagled on the bed. Tarzan then removed his loincloth and knelt with a knee on each side of boy's head, facing boy's feet. Slowly he lowered himself down to boy's face so that his perineum was just above boy's nose.

"Open your mouth wide boy!" Tarzan ordered. Boy complied and Tarzan lowered his heavy ball sack into boy's mouth.

"Give them a good bath boy," Tarzan told boy. He then bent over boy's body and began to tie up boy's cock and balls. He took a cord and brought it up under boy's ball sack. Around the cock he tied a square knot and tightened it so that boy's cock and balls would hold his blood flow. Lacing the cord back down around boy's cock, Tarzan made a figure eight between boy's balls separating them and setting them in their own pockets for easy access. Back up around boy's cock and then around it all again to make a nice tight package.

Boy was moaning and feasting on Tarzan's balls. He sniffed deep the male odor of Tarzan, the sweat and manly aroma of his intimate parts. Boy liked having his balls encapsulated and secured. Tarzan was in complete control and boy liked it that way.

"Nothing too tight or pinching?" Tarzan inquired of boy. Boy nodded his head side-to-side since he could not very well reply with his mouth still at the task Tarzan had set to him.

Tarzan pulled up and boy held firm to his prize. Tarzan liked the tug at his ball sack and played with boy a while. But finally he said "Release, there is more to be done to you."

Tarzan put on his well-worn loincloth and then untied boy's hands and had him sit up in the bed. He kept boy's feet still tied, as he knew he would have to always keep boy in bondage, lest he might possibly escape. He quickly and securely tied boy's hands behind him and only then untied his feet. He pulled boy's feet over the edge of the bed and walked him down into the warm afternoon sunlight, over to the large old multi-branched tree that grew in the grassy glen by Tarzan's home.

He laid boy down on the mossy carpet on his back and proceeded to apply boots to boy's feet. He laced them up tight and secure. Then he lashed the boots to an iron bar with hooks on the ends. Boy's feet were spread far apart on the long iron bar.

Satisfied that boy's feet were securely fastened, Tarzan put the end of chains onto the hooks on the end of the bar. Then he slowly cranked the ratcheted winch that gradually raised boy up and up, feet first. The branch was high in the air and soon boy was floating entirely off the ground. Tarzan kept cranking until boy was about three feet off the ground.

Boy's hands were still tied behind his back and were awkwardly dangling behind him. No doubt uncomfortable too, Tarzan thought. But he had planned for this. Tarzan knew that boy could not be held upside-down for too long with blood rushing to his head, so he had to make all the fastenings quickly.

Tarzan quickly released boy's hands from behind him and retied them to two posts set in the ground on each side of him. This way boy could not spin around while suspended and he was held immobile in the air. Tarzan stepped back to admire his work. Boy spread eagle in the air, upside-down, his feet spread at a delectable and inviting angle. And just the right height Tarzan surmised to himself.

Tarzan had his table of tools and accoutrements at hand as he stepped up to the slightly swinging boy. Tarzan's crotch was right at boy's face. He lifted boy's head and it fit perfectly into his crotch. Boy breathed deep again the aroma of Tarzan and how close he was to his prize. He nuzzled Tarzan's pouch, opened his mouth to take in the taste and aroma of Tarzan's loincloth. He licked at Tarzan's thighs and tried to work his tongue back into Tarzan's bulging loincloth.

Meanwhile Tarzan went about his business of oiling up boy's smooth pussy-hole. He oiled it around the edges and plunged some oil into the beckoning hole. Then he slowly played a butt-plug up and down and then finally down into the pleasure hole and the little sphincter clamped shut around the pleasure toy's flanged end. There it pressed against boys prostate and only served to harden his cock even more rigid.

Tarzan quickly attached a cord hanging from the tree he had previously set there on a pulley. The end he tied securely around boy's balls. The other end ran up over the pulley and down in front of Tarzan.

Tarzan stepped back and let boy breath some fresh air. The blindfold was still in place. Tarzan dropped his loincloth to the ground and freed his jungle-king cock.

Tarzan's cock grazed boy's lips and boy responded with a darting tongue and eager thrust of his head. But his arms were tied tightly to the sides so he could not go far. Tarzan teased him, with his cock slapping his face and brushing his lips. He swung his huge jungle cock against his cheeks until finally boy was able to snag the large organ in his mouth and began to suck on it ferociously, the prize he had been seeking since he had met Tarzan.

With the earnestness and passion of boy's lunging and sucking, Tarzan knew he had made the right choice at the watering hole. No one could fake such a response. Maybe the bondage would not be necessary as long as he had thought.

"Good boy!" Tarzan told boy. "Now for some further training."

Tarzan made some spittle on his forefinger and thumb. Then he reached down and gently began to play with boy's now slick little eraser head nipples. Boy jerked responsively and began to suck even harder. Tarzan reached for the ruler on his table and began to lightly smack boy's cock and balls.

"Gentle sucking, and no teeth, or this will be your reward," he told boy. Boy's cock jerked to attention with each smack and the tip leaked copious amounts of pre-cum juice. Tarzan wasn't sure if this was a fitting punishment or more pleasure for boy. But boy did slow down and his teeth receded into his lips so that he truly pleasured Tarzan. Tarzan likewise responded with some more nipple play to let boy know that he had done well.

Boy moaned and set into a sure rhythm of pleasuring the King of the Jungle's massive cock. Boy wanted to receive the treasured jism so badly. He had heard of its almost magical properties even out in the village where he lived.

Tarzan pulled on the rope attached to boy's balls and putting sufficient tension into the rope length, he tied it off to a branch to keep it taut. Then Tarzan took a vibrator and placed it on the butt plug. The vibrations seemed to shoot through boy, down through his cock and innards, down through his whole body and into Tarzan's cock. He was one blissfully-contented pleasure receptacle. His whole body vibrated with the orgasmic expectation of a great release.

Just as he was nearing that point of no return, Tarzan removed the vibrator.

He slowly rubbed boy's nipples in small wet circles and slowly extracted his cock from boy's mouth. Boy's mouth was sore from all its exercise.

Tarzan removed boy's blindfold so boy could appreciate the beauty of his new master's cock and then Tarzan just let his sloppy wet erect cock and sweaty balls drape over boy's face. Boy let the pungent aromas and juices wash over his face. He licked and caused more of Tarzan's pre-cum to drip onto his welcoming tongue and lips. It was such sweet nectar to boy.

From boy's rather groggy response, he knew it was time to let boy down from his up-side-down perch. He untied his arms and gently lowered him back to the mossy ground. He let him lie there and rest in the warmth of the afternoon sun. His feet were still firmly tied and slightly elevated so that he was still immobilized from escape. Not that he wanted to. Boy could use his now free hands to massage any part of his body that needed stiffness worked out after such a bondage scene. Only his boy-cock was off limits.

Tarzan sat back against the tree and admired boy's beauty and the perfect combination they both made. This was one that he felt he could train and finally trust so that they could one day switch places and allow boy to tie up Tarzan.

Tarzan tied boy's hands to his collar. They were out of the way and they couldn't inadvertently reach down and shoot the prized boy load. Boy was near mad with desire and Tarzan couldn't risk a "youthful indiscretion." Not now when he still had more first-day initiations to run boy through. At the end of this day, Tarzan would know all he needed to know about boy, and their future together.

Tarzan untied boy's cock and balls so they could get some blood flow and then poured some rejuvenating fluid into boy's mouth. Boy responded by perking right up and his cock was still hard. Tarzan put boy's old loincloth on him and untied his feet. He let boy walk around a bit to get his equilibrium back and explore his new environment. His hands were still shackled to his collar and the butt plug was held in place by the thong of his loincloth. Cheetah came up to boy and sniffed him and stroked his thighs. Boy had obviously made a good impression on Cheetah, a good judge sign of character! Another test passed.

Boy had his circulation and color back and seemed ready for his next test. Tarzan brought him over to the large table he had prepared. Solid and secire, it could take a large weight on it. It was covered in a fine soft hide so that to lie on it was comfortable and silky. About in the middle was a small hole. Boy could guess what was coming.

Boy stood at the end of the table. Tarzan ran his hands up and down boy's smooth body and then down came boy's loincloth. Boy hopped up onto the table and, sitting there facing Tarzan, began to kiss Tarzan's chest and with his hands stretched from his collar restraints, stoked the Jungle King's chest. He suckled on Tarzan's nipples. He made love to Tarzan as best as he could in his restraints. He poured his thanks into the meager physical expression he could express in his limited bonded state. He was so thankful to Tarzan for rescuing him from the village where he had felt so different and outcast.

Here he was at home and would do anything to remain here. He wanted to make Tarzan happy because Tarzan was making him so happy. All his fantasies were being realized and he just wanted to let Tarzan know how happy he was to be where he was.

Tarzan finally pulled away, as his loincloth was developing quite a wet spot from all this activity! Boy would have to take care of that.

He nodded at the table and without a word being spoken boy flipped over and laid stomach down on the table. His cock and balls protruded through the small hole, and Tarzan pulled them completely through from underneath.

Then Tarzan locked the leg stocks to the end of the table, spreading and immobilizing boy's ankles in the soft fur covered openings. He released boy's wrists from his collar shackles and placed them in the stocks at the upper end of the table. Boy was stretched out completed and totally powerless. With boy completely immobilized, Tarzan then moved to under the table and moved the slats together that would restrain and confine boy's cock and balls in the small stock-like opening in the slats. Boy could not lift up his butt now since he was locked in from below too.

To finish the scene, Tarzan then laced boy's cock and balls up and dangled the cord to the ground. He then tied a large bone to the cord and set it swinging, the weight of which boy found especially tingling and sensuous.

Tarzan then got up on the top of the table at boy's head. He sat with his legs extended down boy's torso. His crotch was right in front of boy's face and boy breathed in deeply the aroma of the Jungle King. Tarzan softly spoke to boy. "You've passed all your tests well so far, boy. Now you need to pass the juju test. This is an herb that only I know about. It renders men like jelly when they inhale it. It will take you to places that you cannot otherwise go. You see what is before you boy."

Tarzan lifted the flap of his loincloth and inched forward. The bulging mound of flesh drove boy wild with desire. He nosed it and licked at the wet spot of Tarzan's precum. Tarzan held a small vial of juju juice to boy's nostril and boy breathed deep. Then again, he breathed in the intoxicating fumes. Tarzan unsnapped his side ties and removed his loincloth. Then he leaned back and sniffed in the juju fumes also.

Boy did go to another place, warm and floating and sensual and without worries. He took in Tarzan's cock lovingly and with abandon. He licked and sucked and slurped and tongued and suckled and made love to the cock of the man who had given him so much. The freedom to live out his dreams, the freedom to explore his bondage fantasies, the ability to have a friend that understood him and did not condemn him for the way he was.

He could live this way always. Just him and Tarzan in the jungle home, far from reproachful others, free to be bound. A strange paradox, but one boy was all too eager to live with.

Tarzan reached down and began to play with boy's nipples. Then he called out and his pet dog came and began to nip and pull at the hanging bone. Boy's cock and balls were pulled and rattled, sending more waves of excitement up his body. His buttocks tightened on the butt plug as his cock and balls received more stimulation. Tarzan called out again and the dog sat at attention.

Tarzan reached over and swatted boy's butt. The tingling felt warm and while painful, also pleasurable.

For the longest time, Tarzan would call out "Attack!" and "Sit!" commands to the dog so that boy had his attention constantly switching from Tarzan's cock to his own gyrating cock to his nipples to the tingling sensation in his butt. It was more than he could handle. Apparently for Tarzan too. Tarzan leaned over boy and held boy's head against his crotch just as he let out a jungle-piercing scream. At the same time boy's cock released a gush of cum to the ground as he rammed his small torso up and down on the table. Boy swallowed Tarzan's load down his throat and continued to slowly and lovingly suck and tongue Tarzan's cock as it began to go soft in boy's mouth.

They lay there for the longest time, exhausted, in silent reverie, but knowing each had found what they had been looking for. This boy would definitely wear the prized leopard skin thong!

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