By moc.elppa.proc.sbb-cigam@yeliR_.B_treboR

Published on Sep 26, 1993



Organization: M A G I C


by Gay Blade

"You are commanded to present youself for MY pleasure this Friday night at 9pm." That was what the note said. Nothing unusual about that. You'd had this scene a few times before. It had always been a good trip. Great sex. A good feeling to be owned for the weekend. So you do as you've been told and arrive at the appointed hour at the address on the note. You know the routine. The door is ajar and you go straight in. Closing the door behind you, you start to strip. The Master may be watching you. You fold your clothes and put them in a neat pile on the hall table. There is a blindfold there and you put it on. You stand there for a while, completely naked and very expectant. Your cock twitches.

Presently you hear a door open and footsteps comming towards you. A hand falls on your shoulder and strokes your chest and back. It is your Master come to inspect his slave. His hands explore your body all over, checking you for cleanliness and fitness. Once he is satisfied he starts to tie you up. Leather cuffs go on your wrists & ankles. Briefly your blindfold is removed to be replaced by a tight-fitting hood. You glimpse your Master, tall, strong and handsome. You're not allowed to look him in the eye so you keep your head down. The hood has nose holes and a removable cover over your mouth but no eye holes. It is fastened in place with lockable collar. A chain is run from a D-ring on the collar through the wrist cuffs down to your ankles. This keeps your hands in place in front of you on a level with your chest.

A large, greased butt-plug is slowly slid up between your arse cheeks and into your hole. You weren't expecting this and you find it hard to relax to accommodate it. The Master gives you time to relax and when the plug is in gives you a taste of his belt across your arse. You must please your Master! A chastity belt is next. This locks your cock and balls into a rigid pouch with no way in for prying fingers and also keeps the butt-plug in place with a broad strap running up between your buttocks. Even if you could move your hands there would be no way for you to play withyourself. You are completely helpless. Trussed up like you are you couldn't escape yet you wouldn't want to. You feel very safe and VERY turned on!

The Master disapears for a moment. Although you can't see you can still sense his presence. When he comes back he picks you up bodily, moves you a few feet to one side and puts you down again. "Crouch down!" he says. The first words either of you have spoken. You do as he bids you. You crouch down on your haunches and as you do you feel some coarse material rushing past you, closing in on you. You have been BAGGED! You feel the sack being closed over you head then you are picked up and thrown onto the Master's shoulder. Like a sack of potatoes you find yourself being carried outside, down the steps of the house and bundled into the boot of a car. The boot lid is slammed shut, the Master gets in the driver's seat and the car drives off. Curled up in the boot you feel every bump in the road. You have no idea where you are going, no idea how long you've been driving, no idea what will happen to you when you get there.

The car stops and you hear the Master get out. The boot lid is opened and you are lifted out and up onto the Master's broad shoulder. Gravel under foot crunches as you are carried for quite a way into a large building. Footsteps now have a hollow echo. You are going round and down. A spiral staircase? A stone spiral staircase! A heavy door creaks open in front of you and you hear the crackle of a wood fire. You approach the fire and the door closes behind you. Nobody has spoken but you sense the presence of at least one other person. You are set down on the floor and the bag is removed. Your chain is taken off, freeing your feet and hands. But you keep the cuffs on. The Master and whoever else is in the room walk round you, inspecting you. Someone clips a lead to your collar and makes you walk behind them round the room. You are still hooded and can't see a thing. This makes you wary of bumping into things and you are too slow for your captor's liking. A sharp crack with a belt on your buttocks smartens you up and soon you are walking confidantly behind him.

You are led to a central position in the room, in front of the fire,and your ankle cuffs are fastened to rings in the floor, pulling your legs apart. Your hands are pulled above your head and fastened to a beam in the ceiling. The chastity belt is unlocked, unzipped and taken off you. Your cock and balls swing free once more but only briefly. Leather straps go round and between your balls and a cord is tied from them to the floor. This pulls your balls down and makes your cock jutt out and grow stiff. Someone grabs your swelling prick and rubs menthol lubricant all over it. Getting it under your foreskin and over your balls! The itching heat starts to penetrate, starts to drive you wild. Ye Gods, you want to get your hands on your cock but you can't. A bandanna soaked in poppers is tied over your mask. The vapours invade your nostrils, making your senses dull and heighten at the same time.

Someone is patting your buttocks. The patting grows harder. Not a hand but a leather covered paddle. Harder it hits, making your buttocks glow red. You breathe deeply and relax your muscles. Struggle against it and it only hurts more. You feel hands on your nipples. Playing with them. Pinching and pulling them. Rolling them between finger and thumb. When they are quite stiff you feel clamps being attached to them. Weights on the clamps pull your nipples down and accentuate every move you make as the unknown hand wields the paddle. Finally the blows stop and you are left alone for a few minutes. Your captors leave the room.

You are just wondering where they have gone when they are back. You did think there had been two of them but now it sounds like three and you think you feel more than two pairs of hands upon your skin. One pair of hands unties the cord that holds you balls to the floor, another removes the butt-plug from your arse, and is that a third pair of hands removing the mouth cover from your mask? An inflatable gag is shoved in your mouth and pumped up, stretching your jaws wide apart. The cord that held your balls to the floor has been tied to what feels like a light weight which swings between your legs. You feel something invading your arse. It is an enema tube and slowly your arse is filled with luke-warm water. Your bowels feel very full. Almost bursting point when the water is run out and the weight on your balls grows heavier. The "weight" is a bucket and the water is being emptied into it! More water into your arse and out again into the bucket. A third and a fourth time clean water is run into you and emptied again. You're feeling thoroughly abused. You've got no control over what happens to you. Your captors have the upper hand.

The enema tube is removed, you are given more poppers and fingers slide into you arse! The fingers move round and round making the muscles relax. The remnants of the enema water squirt out and into the bucket. Quite a weight now and someone is gently swinging it from side to side. Your captors decide to change the scene and you are cut loose from your rigid stance. The bucket is taken off your balls and the clamps taken off your nipples. You are led round the room again. Stiff from standing still for so long you aren't quick enough and you feel the smart of a belt across you buttocks. The circulation returns to your limbs and you move more freely. Eventually you are led to a table and made to lie on it on your stomach. Your wrist & ankle cuffs are tied to the corners of the table. A very special table, it has hole in it for your prick to stick through and the area between your legs is missing so that the Masters can have better access!

You lie there for a moment with nothing happening and then you feel three streams of hot urine fall on your bare skin! One guy's hands grip your cock and starts to wank you roughly. You feel another's hand working its fingers up your arse. The third feeds you some more poppers. You would groan with agony and pleasure were it not for the gag. The stimulation grows and grows until it overpowers you. This is IT! You shoot great streams of semen, an unseen hand milking you. The guy with his fist up your arse slowly withdraws. You are shaking all over. You are cut lose. The cuffs on your wrist and ankles removed. The hood stays in place but the gag is taken out. You are led by the hand out of the room and up some stairs. You are put in a bath and showered clean. Dried with a soft towel and led into a bedroom. The collar is unlocked and the hood removed. Lying in bed with you is your Master, your Captor, your Hero.

This is your reward. To sleep with him for the rest of the night. You may never know who the other two guys were, but tonight that doesn't matter. You are with your Master. That is your place.

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