Kid Brother

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 4, 2002



A quick smoke and a Pepsi, and Davy was back on his stool. I half bent over and backed my butt up to his face. "Suck my smelly hole, kid, and open wide. I'm gonna fill it up real quick. Show my buds how badly you want to eat your big brother's yummy turd!"

"Yeah!" they cried in unison. "Go for it!" Bill encouraged. We were all on the rail again, stroking our big cocks, huddled close together. I looked back over each shoulder seeing the guys watching intently, and I must say, with obvious enthusiasm at what I was about to do. They were getting off on it! Whatever inner inhibitions I still held inside quickly vanished and I began to rotate my asshole lewdly over Davy's mouth. I looked down between my legs and noticed Davy rapidly jacking his long, stiff pecker. I reached back and held my cheeks open, then concentrated on trying to empty myself slowly enough for a good show.

"Oh, WOW, Toms!" screamed Davy. "It's opening up! I can't see it yet, but I can sure smell it! Oh, gee, it smells so good, Toms. Push a little so I can lick it when it pokes out! I want to lick it a lot before I eat it."

"Oh, man, here it comes, Davy," warned Scotty as he helped to wrench my butt apart. "Lick it, kid! Oh, man, I never seen nothing like it. Never actually saw somebody shit up close before. Kinda weird. Aw, fuck, the kid's lickin' it. Jeez, lickin' all over his turd!"

I could feel sensations never before imagined. A hot tongue lapping at my shithole while I completely relaxed and shot my nasty chocolate bar out for the world to see. I could feel Davy's hand gently applying pressure to keep it from bolting. I stayed relaxed and felt that turd hanging out of my ass, kinda suspended there. When he wanted a fresh section to lick asshole juices off of, he just allowed it to slip further out, until I couldn't control my muscles any longer...I was gonna clamp down whether I wanted to or not.

"EAT IT, KID!" I gasped. "Grab it and start eating. I'm...I'm clamping down!" With a final PLOOP, the rest shot out into his hands.

"JEZZUS!" cried Bill. "Willya look at the kid gobble that shit! Eatin' my bud's turd! Look at that, Scotty!"

I turned around quickly. Scotty couldn't have missed it. He was wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open in a mixture of disgust and amazement, jacking on his leaking pole, close enough to smell it himself. The expression on my face soon mirrored his as I watched my little brother bitin' and chewing as he shoveled my steamy turd into his mouth. His eyes were glossy and he looked as though he was munching down on a Ho Ho somebody was trying to take away from him. He caught my eye and gave me a, shall we say, shit-eatin' grin as he devoured the last of it and started licking his fingers clean. Then he swiftly stood up and came around behind me and started tonguing my asshole. I smiled at the guys, and spread my butthole obscenely, wiggling it in Davy's face, letting him clean me real good.

"I DID IT, TOMS. I DID IT! I liked it. Boy, that was swell. You got real tasty turds...just like I thought. You got another one?"

"All out, little brother. Sorry."

"Can you guys give me some, please? I want more."

Bill and Scotty squinched their eyebrows as if they were testing their sphincters to see if they could shit. Both sadly shook their head no. Davy looked disappointed, then his eyes lit up. Suddenly, he squatted down and reached behind his back and down to his ass. Then with a grunt, he very lewdly shitted a little turd into his hand. He brought it around and looked at it strangely, smelled it intently, then slobbered all over it before sucking it, and swallowing it right down.

His perverted display over, he grabbed his cock and pounded it to a quick and heavy orgasm, moaning and muttering about how much he liked eating our turds--mine and his own. I signalled the guys, who were as ready to pop off as I was, and we grouped together, jacking stiff boners until we shot off in the kid's face. Davy was too tired to exert himself, but he obediently and willingly opened his mouth and stuck his brown-stained tongue out to catch as much stud-juice as he could.

My first futile attempts at recruiting customers for Davy near the high school taught me very quickly to change my approach. "Hey, kid. Want a blowjob?" just got me sour looks and a persistent freshman who offered to make it mutual.

"No, man, not me. My kid brother. Now get your hands off my crotch, willya."

"Hmmm, is he as cute as you?"

"Uh...cuter! Cost you twenty bucks."

"Twenty dollars? Get outta here. I don't have to pay for it!"

After a week of getting nowhere, Scotty and I were in the park discussing it when we went into the head to take a piss. The place was almost deserted, except for one guy in the last stall. Scott didn't realize he was there, and just continued rattling on.

" I said, Tom. You're never gonna find guys in high school who like to eat shit like your little brother. You gotta find some jaded older fags with dough."

"Sssh!" I pointed back behind us. But he missed my warning.

"MAN! The way that kid gobbled down your turd...unbelievable!" I jabbed him in the ribs just as the guy came out of the stall. He stared at us, especially me, with an amused, bewildered smirk. I was so embarrassed! We just looked ahead and quietly finished peeing. "Sorry..." muttered Scotty.

I could feel the guy come up behind us and clear his throat. I knew he had heard but we tried to be casual as if nothing out of the ordinary had even been said. Finally, I slowly turned to see if he had left. He just stood there smiling. I gave him a hard glare and said, "Say, asshole, you dig watching guys taking a piss, or what?"

"Well...ah..." he spoke, just a little put off by my challenging attitude. I can be nasty when I want to. But usually not with cocksuckers, unless it's some creep who won't take no for an answer. Lord knows I've had my share of blowjobs right in that very restroom. Now this guy was no creep. Actually he was a pleasant-looking man in his thirties. It was just that I was being defensive.

"I was just wondering," he continued cautiously, "does your little brother really know...what he said? Cause if he..."

"FUCK NO," I cut him off. "I don't even know what you're talking about. I don't even have a brother!"

"Oh, sorry. But then why did you say no if you don't know what I'm referring to? You see..."

"BUZZ OFF!" I yelled. Scotty was tapping me on the shoulder rapidly.

The guy started to walk off, but just then Scotty seemed anxious and blurted out "Hey, mister, uh...what if it's true?"

The guy turned around and his eyes lit up. I quickly put my hand over my friend's mouth but he yanked it away.

"I seen him do it. He loves it! He ate us both!" I was ready to slug him. He promised never to betray that confidence. "You interested?" Then I saw what he was up to. I looked at the guy and he was smiling and slowly nodding his head up and down. Scott had grasped the situation quickly. I was too unnerved to see it.

"To answer your other question first, yes, I do enjoy watching guys piss. Especially in my mouth! But I get really fuckin' hot watching a young guy take a BIG HEALTHY SHIT!"

"In your mouth?!" I asked, still a little sarcastic. "That why you hang around crappers? Peeking under the partitions so you can smell and watch guys plopping their turds?"

"No," he chuckled, not even a little put off by my put-down. "Say, why don't we go outside and discuss this on one of the benches? You see, I brought my young son to the park today. He'll be looking for me."

"Sure," said Scotty. Then to me, "This might be just the guy you're looking for, Tom. Let's see what he's got to say." I agreed and we left the restroom.

We sat on a bench out of earshot of anyone else and the man seemed quite relaxed in discussing his depravities.

"To answer your other question, only one boy has ever shit right into my mouth. But please, tell me about your brother. How old is he? What does he do, exactly?"

Even though I was more relaxed by now because of the guy's easy- going attitude, I found it hard describing Davy's filthy habits. Scott took over. He seemed to get a charge out of telling our story. I watched him excitedly describe the day he came out of the basement toilet.

"' he orders his brother to get right down and lick my hole clean! I didn't know whether to shit or go blind!" he chuckled, "and when they started scooping it out for the kid to eat off their fingers...I mean I never did anything so nasty before that...then I actually sucked his's BIG...and Tom sucked me...and Davy sucked Bill...licked all over that turd...shit in his own hand..." He must have related everything in the space of two minutes! He finally stopped, out of breath, just when a young kid about 14 came running up with a basketball. He plopped down on the bench next to the man. He was a cute little bugger, kinda skinny but rosey-cheeked and all smiles.

"Fellas, this is my son, Andy. Oh, and my name's Mark." Obviously, the talk was over. I started to get up and suggest we exchange phone numbers so we could continue our conversation at some other time, but Mark just motioned me back down and put his arm around Andy.

"Son, how would you like to meet a big-dicked young man and shit one of your pretty turds in his mouth while your old man watches?"

We gasped in astonishment, then amazement, as he continued his outrageous suggestions to the boy. "Tom's brother is a turd-lover. Eats 'em right down!" The kid not only smiled brightly, but sprung a boner that shot directly out of the side of his shorts! He didn't even put it away...just placed the basketball on his knee to keep it from the view of anyone but us!

"SURE!" Andy replied, enthusiastically. "Can I get to watch you suck his turd out too, Dad?"

"If you'd like. Why not? You can see everything while you blow his big dick."

Then they both looked at us with our mouths hanging open.

Mark laughed. "I mentioned earlier about one boy...I've been rimming Andy since he was born, and eating his delicious turds for a couple of years now. He's a fine little cocksucker. Takes it up the ass like a Hollywood whore, too!"

"I lick Dad's turds sometimes, too! But mostly I like it when we piss in each other's mouth at the same time. I like piss!" he said, fingering his exposed rod. "Are you gonna pay us?"

Seeing the sudden frown on my face, the first change of expression since they started their banter, Mark turned to Andy.

"I think it might be the other way around this time, son. I gather Tom's trying to drum up business to fit his brother's proclivities. Selling his mouth, so to speak. Much like we do when we perform for that rich man in Palm Springs. But that's alright. He pays plenty and besides, I've always wanted to watch you perform with another youngster. Not to mention having the opportunity to have you witness me up close as I receive a young guy's juicy offering." Then he turned to us.

"Oh, I've managed to talk a few lads into performing the squat and plop for my amusement, but only so far as to lick their assholes clean for them afterward. Even that they found mildly disgusting, but boys will do most anything for money. No, the real reason I've never gone further is a pact with my son. His turd only...unless he's present to watch."

"It'll be great fun!" exclaimed Andy. "When can we meet Davy?" Then he quickly added, "Don't you guys join in?"

"Uh, no," I said quickly.

"You never know, though," gushed Scotty, eyeing the kid's stiff prong. "We suck a little dick now and then!"

"ONCE!" I cried.

"Okay. So it was only once," he admitted, looking dejected as if I had make him admit that he wasn't as cool as Mark, Andy and Davy. I just looked at him and shook my head in exasperation, as if accusing him of becoming more of a fag every day. He hung his head, as he has since the seventh grade whenever I criticize his actions. Dammit, he was starting to forget that I was the leader and he was the follower! It's always been that way.

Then he got a pouty look on his mug and said, "Fuck you, Tom! I don't care what you think. The more I look at that kid's...Andy's... pecker sticking up like that...well, if he ever lets me, I'm gonna suck on it! So there, big shot!"

"Hey, hey," I tried to quieten him down. "Go ahead and blow him if you want. What the fuck do I care?" Then something made me follow it up with, "Hell, you can even blow me, too!"

"So that's it!" he cried. Mark and Andy were taking in our challenges with amusement. "You're pissed because you blew me and I never blew you!"

"You're crazy," I replied, dismissing him.

"I do want to, Tom," he said quietly. "I just didn't want to act too anxious. I was afraid of what you'd think of me."

"Hell," I playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Let's get these arrangements made for Davy's first clients. Watching that show will have us climbing the walls like before. Besides, I wouldn't mind another swipe on that pecker of yours. I told you that before."

I had already explained to Mark about Davy's emotional development, and asked him not to mention money in his presence, assuring him that the dough was to be used for his special education. Then we concocted a story we could play out to get Davy involved. On Saturday I called Bill and told him our plans. He tried to sound disinterested, but the catch in his voice gave him away. He arrived in record time, out of breath. He must have run the three blocks from his house! We three sat around reading magazines and stuff, while Davy slyly sniffed around us, wordlessly trying to hint by playing obvious pocket pool that he wouldn't mind being of service in some way. I calmly looked up from my magazine.

"Kid, why don't you leave that thing alone before you break it off?"

"Can I do anything for you guys?" he gushed.

"Nope," I said, going back to reading, "we're just fine."

"Oh," he said dejectedly, and shuffled off.

I winked at the guys. Ten minutes later the doorbell rang. Davy almost beat me to the door, but I opened it and welcomed Mark and Andy. I introduced them to Bill and Scott, then Davy, explaining that they came over for a few games of pool. I noticed that Davy couldn't hardly take his eyes off Andy's midsection. The boy was decked out in the shortest, tightest pair of shorts imaginable. Even the three of us were mesmerized by the kid's sexiness. Maybe it was the tightness or something, but I doubt any of us--with the exception of Davy-- could have displayed such a packed crotch!

I even caught Scotty licking his lip. Hmmm. I decided right then and there that if I used my influence over him I could make him my second permanent source of blowjobs. Maybe even get him to lick my butt if I tongue his dick once in a while. But that's for later.

"Nice of you to invite us over, Tom," said Mark. "Just moving here Andy hasn't made very many friends yet."

Now any regular kid of 17 would either be confused or smell a rat. After all, why would someone like me invite an older man and a young twerp over to socialize? But Davy just smiled his stupid grin and listened.

We walked into the living room, Mark following Andy with a hand on his shoulder. Then he stopped abruptly and began to sniff the air with a sour look on his face. He sniffed to the left, then behind him, then toward Andy. Bending over behind the boy, Mark nearly put his nose right into Andy's asscrack, then started sniffing rapidly and noisily. He stood up quickly with a frown and anger in his voice.

"Dammit, boy, must you always embarrass me? Sometimes I just don't understand you." Then to us, "You'll have to excuse us...a little family problem. I swear, Andy, you're turning into such a filthy boy. Well, this time I'm going to embarrass you! TURN AROUND!" Andy turned obediently, his backside toward us, and Mark reached around the boy's hips and swiftly yanked his shorts straight down to his ankles, leaving his smooth little bubble butt exposed to our gaze. He bent the boy over, spreading his buttocks open.

"Just look at this!" We looked. "Do you believe this?" The man stood there exposing his son's pink, innocent-looking asshole to us. Innocent, except for the circle of brown surrounding it! "I can't tell you the number of times I've caught the boy forgetting to wipe his ass!"

"Aw, Dad!" Andy cried.

"How can you stand smelling like that?" he asked.

"I don't know. I kinda like it!"

"LIKE IT? Well, let me tell you. No one else appreciates it. Nobody enjoys being around someone with a smelly asshole!" Bill, Scott and I held our noses in agreement. Davy had already inched closer for a better look. I caught the hesitant gleam in his eyes, not to mention the boner tenting his pants.

"Well," continued Mark, "we'll have to get you cleaned up. We can't visit like this. Could we use your restroom, Tom?"

"Sure," I agreed enthusiastically. "Right through the hallway, then to the right."

"Uh," Davy muttered, then stopped. Even he had the sense to realize he couldn't volunteer to do what he wanted to the boy with his dad present. Besides, he caught my inquiring eye and remembered that I had to agree to any use of his services.

"Did you say something, Davy?" I asked, slyly.

"Uh, no, Toms. Well, I was just wondering...oh, nothing." He looked so sad.

"Oh, duty calls, hunh, kid?"

"If it's okay with you, Toms!"

"MARK!" I yelled down the hall. "Come back, you guys, before you do anything. Davy wants to ask you something!"

Father and son came back into the living room, Andy's shorts removed, Mark holding a wet washcloth. "Yes, Tom? What is it? I was just about to..."

"Ah, mister...uh, Mark," Davy stammered. "Would it be alright if I cleaned Andy up? I'm a...real good at it."

"Well, a strange request, but go ahead. Here's the washcloth. The little snot refused to do it himself."

"Oh, I won't need that," Davy assured.

" are you gonna do it?" Mark asked, pointedly.

"Lick it, like I always do!" Davy knelt down. Andy, with a smile on his face and anticipation in his expression, quickly bent over and backed his ass into Davy's puss. Before more could be said, Davy plunged his face between the soiled cheeks. It was obvious even Mark was amazed at the kid's zeal. He knelt beside Davy.

"Good golly, there, Davy. You really like licking the shit off Andy's asshole, don't you? Let me see your tongue at work. Back off a little. Yeah, run that licker up and down that delicious crack." The pretense was over. "You know, we really came over here for you. All that sweet sweaty stuff you're licking off is there for you. Andy usually keeps his hole shitty because his Daddy is always there to lick it off for him. I love eating his shit. I'm like you, Davy. But today it was saved just for you."

Mark was quickly dropping his pants to his knees, stroking a big, dripping cock while he spoke to my stench-mouthed little brother. Davy was listening and looking at him out of the corner of his eye. We three watched excitedly as the others got into it as if we weren't even there.

"LICK THAT HOLE ON THE INSIDE, DAVY," ordered Mark. "ANDY'S GOT A SUGAR-COATED LITTLE TURD UP THERE AND HE WANTS YOU TO EAT IT ALL UP!!" Davy pulled away for a moment, breathless, and looked at me for permission.

"Do everything Mark says, Davy, EVERYTHING! It's okay."

Mark stripped off all his clothes, his ramrod swinging stiff before him. He pushed Andy to his hands and knees, then straddled his ass. Davy now had two buttholes to pleasure. One nearly licked clean, the other only inches above the first. More mature, a little hairy, slightly cleaner, but pungent nonetheless. Mark moved his legs more toward Andy's shoulders, then thrust his gaping hole back to Davy's mouth.


As if finally realizing our presence for the first time, he encouraged us onlookers.

"Come on, you guys, quit playing with yourselves and strip. Let's get some cock-sucking going here. Tom, go stick that in Andy's mouth. Let him get used to it, then you can cram it right down his throat. He loves it. Make him clean your balls first. Either one of you guys can come over here and feed me. They're both juicy!"

Bill and Scotty were both on the rail and ready. Scott motioned to Bill to take Mark up on his offer. Bill started forward, then looked quizically at Scott. "You don't want a blowjob? You crazy?"

"Crazy? Maybe, Bill. Watch this!" Scott layed down on the floor on his back and scooted under doggie-positioned 14-year-old and started to mouthe the youngster's long dangling cock.

Mark pulled Bill's throbbing prick into his face while Bill stared aghast at his friend greedily displaying his newly-realized cocksucking skills. He didn't watch for long--his attention quickly diverted by the fact that his balls were inside a moving, moist cavern, causing his sperm to boil. Mark swirled them around, Bill's bobbing prick leaking sticky goo all over his forehead. The handsome man let the tingling testicles fall out with a wet smacking sound, then moved higher and licked hotly up and down the fat ridge on the underside of Bill's dong. He looked up into the husky boy's eyes and begged.

"Spread your legs a little, you big-dicked stud. NOW FUCK MY FACE! Hold my head and pretend my mouth is a juicy, dripping pussy. I'm gonna suck the sweet cum right outta your big balls! You don't mind if I play with your asshole, do you?"

"Not as long as you stay on the outside!" warned Bill.

"Talk dirty to me, Bill. Anything you can think of." Then he quickly and hungrily engulfed every inch of my friend's prick.

Mark was right. Andy was eating me alive, deep-throating me on every stroke. I just stood still and let him milk my cock as he backed into Davy's insatiable butthole licking, and quivered to Scott's energetic blowjob.

"OH, GAWD!" cried Bill, slamming into Mark's mouth now. "What a cocksucker! Yeah, man. I'll use your face like a pussy. Take that cock. Take it, you butt-suckin' finger-fucking shit-eating queer turdsucker! OH! You got your finger up my ass! Sneaky cunt. Go ahead...shove it in there! I'm gonna drown you in cum then shit down your throat! You'll fuckin' love it. Not a little boy's paltry droppings. I'LL GIVE YOU THE BIGGEST, SMELLLIEST MANTURD YOU EVER SLOBBERED OVER! Aw, I'm gonna cum soon!"

Mark pulled off immediately, leaving Bill panting frantically-- his prick left throbbing in mid-air. He tried to jam it back into the man's mouth.

"Hold off, baby," calmed Mark. "Make it last. Wow, you really got into the nasty talk, didn't you? Really want to shit in my mouth?"

"Sorry, Mark, I guess I got carried away."

"I loved it." Mark smiled. "Now let's go slower. Lie down."

Mark grabbed Scotty's lonely, upthrust cock and held it towards Bill. "Here, suck on this. You keep eyeing it, now suck your friend while I suck you."

"Naw...I'm not queer. I like pussy!"

"Scott piped up just then. "I like pussy too, you putz. But this is great. Don't think about it...BLOW ME!"

I had pulled out of Andy's talented mouth to keep from coming myself, and the kid moved onto his side. Soon everyone was on their side, connected together into one mass--by cock...except for Davy who was still nursing on Andy's hairless pink butthole. By now he could have sucked out several miles of turd!

Bill tentatively started tonguing Scotty's dick, until Mark gently began to push down on the back of his head. He looked like he resisted somewhat, then just gave in and let about half of it slip into his mouth. He didn't resist any longer. I think he must have remembered how much he liked sucking on mine and just went for it. Andy was still slowly slipping in and out of Scotty's lips, and Davy had abandoned the kid's ass for Bill's balls, which only caused Bill to suck with more enthusiasm.

I knelt there watching my brother and friends all queering each other. I wanted to maintain some kind of image but my dick was dripping too much to really give a shit. I crawled around to the other side of Mark and he caught me eyeing his prong.

"Sit on my face," he whispered, "I wanna taste your hole! And I wouldn't be the least offended if you wanted to lick my dick a little."

Straddling his chest, I backed my butt down to his mouth. I let out a groan when contact was made. What a feeling having someone's mouth and lips and tongue slurping and sucking on your asshole! I couldn't understand how someone could enjoy doing such a sickening thing, but FUCK! It sure felt good having it done to you. It also made me hotter than hell! Hot enough to remind me that cocksucking was tame in comparison. The others were busy and out of sight range, so I sneakily bent down for a quick swipe of Mark's big cock. I pulled back quickly when I realized I had scooped up a thick tongue- coating of the juices that were running down his shaft! I was disgusted for a moment, then my asshole twitched and I decided that the taste wasn't all that bad.

Well, truthfully, I wasn't all that disgusted really. After all, I'd caught that quick spurt of Davy's that one time, sucked up Scotty's hot load, and I had to admit that even Mark's cream was kinda tasty. I even wanted more! Alarm bells should have been ringing in my head. Instead, as I gazed around at the action, I was astonished at how three pussy-loving guys could so easily get used to handling each other's joints, and even enjoy sucking on them. Hell, even the one I was holding now had been squirting up a hot twat at least once. He had Andy.

Scotty thought it was 'fun.' Bill was getting into it quite well also, judging by the way he was lewdly slopping his tongue up and down Scott's dick. Fuck my image. I ground my hole rapidly over Mark's fluttering tongue, then dove back down and began licking all that slimy juice from his prick. When I had cleaned it thoroughly, I started sucking it. AND I MEAN SUCKING IT! I had been glad my friends couldn't see me, but now I kinda wished they could. I was suddenly outdoing their best efforts. My prick throbbed, my asshole was gaping and twitching, and I felt like the best fucking cocksucker in the room! A cocksman like me? A guy who'd rather eat a juicy cunt out than breakfast. And here I was with about six inches of an older man's cock banging the back of my throat! I was actually trying to suck out the sperm curd from his hairy balls! I was gonna drink it. I decided I was queer...but just for today. I wanted to act as queer as the horniest faggot I could ever imagine. I was startled, but didn't even consider stopping, when Davy's face was suddenly nestled right next to mine.

"Good, hunh Toms!" he exclaimed.

"Mmm, arggg," I muttered without relinquishing my plaything.

"Let's do it together, okay?" he suggested.

Slowly I let the prick slip from my lips and trailed my tongue down the long shaft. Davy began to imitate me, snaking his tongue along the other side. Soon my little brother and I were smiling and dick-lickin' like crazy as we shared the pulsing organ. Suddenly I felt Mark pull my cheeks tighter to his mouth as he crammed his tongue up my shithole so far he was tickling my liver! His cock got harder and throbbed violently. My tongue at the time was running along the fat vein on the underside and I could feel the canal expand. Just on the other side of that thin membrane a bump hit my tongue with amazing force. I knew what was coming and welcomed it, feeling a sense of power that I, with Davy's help, was causing his explosion! I looked upward in time to see a gusher of white lava shoot out of his pisshole and just keep going! A solid creamy stream about a foot high burst out, only to cascade back down, splattering our faces. It was the only shot, but not the finish. A river of cum just kept pouring and pouring out of the cockhead, and none of it ever reached his balls. Davy and I drank thirstily from the purple, engorged fountainhead, happily sucking up the immense flow of man- honey!

Gawd, did I actually say 'man-honey'? Well, chum, I'm sorry. But that's just what I considered it at the time. And I still do. Now I'm not advocating that you make a career out of it, but if you haven't even tried it, take my advice: GO OUT AND BLOW SOMEBODY! You'll love it. A buddy...your brother...hell, do like Andy does and BLOW YOUR DAD! Well, maybe not.

Then we got the clap. Bill and Scotty stood there clapping and yelling "Bravo! Bravo!" They repeated our positions with the exception that Andy requested Davy's asshole to suck on. Gleefully, my brother squatted on the kid's face while the boys went to work. Davy's eyes lit up and he giggled. Of all of us he was the only one who had yet to experience a rim job.

"Oooh, wow," he squirmed. "I LIKE GETTING CLEANED, TOO! That's nice, Andy. Gee, you're sure getting way up inside me. Better watch out or you'll be licking my poop!" he laughed.

"I won't mind, Davy. After all, you're gonna eat mine, aren't you?"


"Ever been fucked, Davy?" asked Andy.

"Uh, what's that?"

"You know, a dick up your ass. Oooh, those tongues!"

I hadn't moved. Mark was still fiddling with my ass as I watched the others and listened to Andy and Davy. I was so engrossed with them, and my anus was gaping open so much from the fervent licking and sucking, that I was only slightly aware of just what Mark was doing. Then it dawned on me. He kept easing a finger in and out of my butthole, pulling it all the way out and licking it! I could clearly hear him smelling loudly, and hear him licking and sucking on his finger. The guy was casually trying to dig shit out of my hole! Will I ever get used to these weirdos? I pressed down, trying to see if there was anything in there I could put within his range.

"DAD! COME WATCH. DAVY'S GONNA DROP A TURD! Come watch me lick it!" cried Andy. We quickly disengaged as Mark crawled up close to his son for a good view and probably to be within smelling distance!

"I'm gonna do it for ya, Andy! Real soon. Grrrh, ah, grrrh."

"Remember, Davy," cried Andy, "squeeze off when I smack ya!"

"Oh, look son. It's opening up," cooed Mark excitedly. "Oh, you lucky boy! It's magnificent. BIG & JUICY! Go for it, boy. Yeah, lick that juice off...all around it...oooh, that's it, suck on the end of it. Let it go right into your mouth. Oh damn, boy. You look so beautiful. I JUST LOVE WATCHING YOU SUCK THE JUICE OUT OF ANOTHER BOY'S HOT STEAMY TURD! It's really coming out now. Don't choke on it, son!"

Andy quickly smacked Davy hard on the rump. Immediately, little brother squeezed tightly, dropping his long lump of shit and leaving a chunk hanging there. Obviously, he wasn't done.

"Squeeze tight, Davy!" cried Andy, dropping the turd from his mouth. "Dad, lemme watch you eat that chunk and clean off his hole!"

Dirty Mark was right there sucking the clump of shit from Davy's filthy asshole, then licking off all the residue.

"Tom," yelled Andy, "Fuck Davy! Stick your dick right up his ass. I want you to get your dick all covered with what's still in there, then keep pulling it out for me. I WANT TO LICK HIS SHIT OFFA YOUR DICK! That's the way I like it best. I LOVE TO SUCK ON SHITTY COCK! Please! Do it now. Stick it right in there."

I was dumbfounded at all this, but happening so suddenly--and I had such a mutherfuckin' stiff boner wanting release--I didn't question anything. I pushed Mark aside and squatted right down and aimed my prick at my little brother's shitty virgin asshole. He was so loose his only response when I shoved in was a strangely satisfied moan. I'd never fucked an asshole before, but I knew it would not normally be like this. I could feel my dick squishing into a soft mushy mound of clay. But it still felt fantastic!

After enjoying a few strokes, I could tell that there were lips moving along my shaft...licking the shit--and whatever else--from my prick as I fucked my brother's stinky ass. Knowing I could not take much of this as hot as I was, I was glad to follow the program. Repeatedly, I withdrew my foul organ and directed it to Andy's out- stretched tongue. I looked down and dumbly watched Andy's angelic face turn into a back alley whoreboy as he made luscious sucking noises, cleaning every bit of Davy's smelly shit from my prick! Each time I'd plunge my pink, clean bone back into the pit of darkness, only to have the boy pull it out for me and quickly engulf it. Mark was beside himself at the erotic sight of his little boy hungrily lunching on the fruit of my brother's bowels.

"CLEAN THAT SHITTY DICK, BOY!" his father howled. "Suck off that candy you like so much! Is it as good as your Daddy's? DAMN! I'M SO HOT. I'D LOVE TO SHIT RIGHT DOWN YOUR THROAT RIGHT NOW! OH, HOW I WISH I WAS MUNCHING ON ONE OF YOUR SWEET TURDS...I'M COMING!!!"

With that, he stood up and shot a tremendous load all over my dick and onto Andy's face. The kid loved it, darting his tongue to every spot he could reach to slurp up his father's abundant cum. Then he screamed, and I could tell that Bill and Scotty--who had remained at their stations--were noisily lapping up young jism. I was so close to coming!

Andy collapsed, and Bill and Scotty moved aside as Mark suddenly went around and bent over into Davy's startled face, grabbing his ankles and grunting.

"Here you go, pretty one. Here's your first man-turd! I gotta shit right now or I'll bust. Open wide, baby, eat my turd! Ahhh, I'm shitting right in your face! CHEW, BABY! EAT MY SHIT!"

"Fuck me, Toms!" cried Davy, just before he grabbed Mark by the hips and lined up his obscenely opened rectum to receive gratefully an absolutely enormous, dark glistening turd. I plunged in deeply, jamming my now-spurting prick all the way up in the deep recesses of my kid brother's hot rectal tube. I just held it there, all the way in, and moaned like a banchee, spritzing his colon as I watched him attempt to devour the older man's huge turd. But it just kept coming out. Davy had to cradle it as it oozed from the big-lipped asshole. It was a losing battle. It was tremendous! No one could have kept up with it. I couldn't believe the intensity of my orgasm, stuffed up Davy's butthole, watching this incredibly perverted, handsome man take a dump in my little brother's mouth! On instinct, I reached under Davy's body to jack him off. But as my hand reached his cockhead, the cum was already flowing in rivers over my hand. It was so abundant it reminded me of a horse pissing. Andy picked up the discarded turd and started licking all over it.

"Mmmm," he said sheepishly. "I just love lickin' Dad's turd!"

From a few feet away, I heard a mumbled "OK, let's!"

Scott and Bill rolled into a 69, frantically blowing each other to instant, mouth-filling orgasms. They choked and sputtered a little, but tried their best, and apparently managed to drink down the better part of each other's pent-up goop. They soon sat up next to each other with self-conscious smiles, wiping away the tell-tale drippings from their chins.

"Okay, cocksuckers," I clapped my hands. "Before you two fall in love, let's all go downstairs and rest. Beer, pretzels, and I wanna shoot pool in the nude!" I laughed.

"Soda for you, squirt!" Mark said, pointing at Andy.

"You, too, Davy," I added. "Though, if you don't throw up with what you already got in your gut, beer probably won't bother you either."

We stayed naked but lugged our clothing down to the basement with us. Would've been hard to explain if we'd been trapped down there for some reason. Six naked guys. Couldn't exactly say we'd been skinny- dipping. Or starting a nudist colony.

We sat around, throwing back a few brews, shooting a little pool, and generally just recuperating. Nothing was ever said about it, but we all knew that six firmly packed ballsacks would soon be ready to pump out more juice.

(To be continued)

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