Kid Brother

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 2, 2002



The next afternoon me and a couple of buddies of mine, Bill and Scotty, were in our basement rec room shooting pool and bullshitting. After a while Davy came down and occupied himself at the far end of the big room with his comic books. We ignored him, as we usually do. He's always known better than to bother us, what with being just a little brother and all. But now I began to wonder how I could put his new "Little Brother" status to work for us without giving the guys the impression that I was starting to groove on queer stuff. The opportunity arose before I could come up with anything.

"Back in a sec, guys," announced Scotty. "Going upstairs. I gotta take a monster crap!"

"Hey," I stopped him. "You can use the can down here. We finally got the pipes fixed." Bill and I returned to our pool game.

A few minutes later Scotty came out of the bathroom, shouting, his pants being tugged around his knees while his other hand seemed to be trying to hold his buttcheeks apart.

"Damn! Didn't you guys hear me callin'? There's no fuckin' toilet paper in there. Get me some, willya! Shit, I couldn't even pull up my fuckin' pants. Didn't want to get them all shit stained. Aw, quit laughing, you pricks! Think you'd never seen me bareassed before."

Chuckling, I started toward the stairs when I caught the expression on Davy's puss. His mouth hung open and he stared wide- eyed at Scotty's backside being pulled apart to keep the shit from smearing around more than it already had. I stopped in my tracks and headed back toward the guys.

"Sorry, man. I just remembered. We're out upstairs, too," I lied.

"Aw, what the fuck am I gonna do?"

Before he could think of an alternative, I snapped my finger at Davy. He came running.

"Kid, we got a little problem here." I spun Scotty around and bent him over.

"HEY!" he cried.

"Hold still, bud. Davy, kneel right down there so you can see just what the problem consists of. You heard my good friend just took a big dump, and seems he wants to get rid of all that nasty stuff that's left over before it dries up and gets crusty." Bill was curiously stunned and Scotty was looking back over his shoulder wondering what was going on and blushing all over. I couldn't imagine why. You'd think he'd never bent over with his pants down to his ankles before, while a bunch of guys studied the shit surrounding his asshole! Quickly, I snapped my fingers again.

"LICK IT FOR HIM!" I barked. "Get your tongue in there and lick his asshole clean!" Before Scotty could move, I grabbed him around the waist, then the hips, until I was finally holding his ass open.

"That's it, kid! Run that tongue up and down. Get every scrap of it. Make that shithole sparkle." Needless to say, the guys weren't exactly calm about what was happening. Bill was screaming something about how could I make my brother do such a thing. Scotty was trying to squirm loose 'til I slapped him hard on the butt. He seemed to pull away from the lapping tongue then kinda pushed back onto it.

"Hold still!" I wacked him again. "Davy doesn't mind doing a favor for a friend of mine. Do ya, kid?"

"Nope. Honest, Scotty, I don't mind. Ever since I did it to Toms I've found out that I really like cleanin' assholes. You got a nice one, Scotty."

"Tell him how nice it is later, kid. Here, dig inside and scoop the shit out with your tongue. That's it. Now get every bit offa his lips. Pull that hole right into your mouth and suck on it!"

Bill had finally shut up and had even moved closer to get a good look at what was certainly an unbelievable sight. I don't even think he was aware of the huge boner snaking down his leg. Scott was quietly moaning from the rim job.

"What do you think, Bill?" I looked at him. "Looks like it was a waste of time Scotty going to the toilet. Hell, he coulda just bent over and shot his turd right in the kid's mouth. You'd eat his turd, wouldn't you, Davy?"

"Gee, I don't think I could do that, Toms! A whole turd! I guess I just like lickin' it."

He was about to dive back up Scotty's hole when I motioned him back. Quickly, I eased two fingers up Scotty's rearend. He flinched, but Davy had loosened it up real good. I fingered around inside, amazed at what I was doing, but determined to carry this as far as I could. Their shock was just too delicious. I mean, think about it... it had to be. Why would I have my fingers rummaging around inside another guy's butthole playing with his shit?

"There's more to this job than we thought, little brother. There's a whole bunch more in here. Come close. Now lick my fingers while I get ya some. Yeah! Be sure to get in between them. That's a good kid. We're gettin' it now."

I dug in deep and collected enough to cover my fingers good with lots of Scotty's sticky shit. I pulled the shit-coated fingers out and stuck them in Davy's face.

"EAT IT!" I ordered, unnecessarily. The boy was already holding my hand and lewdly licking up and down and between the digits, then plunged them into his mouth and happily sucked the shit off of them. He was voracious! I think that's the word. I noticed Bill feeling himself up. He quickly stopped when he saw I'd noticed. I smiled and said, "There's lots more in there, Bill, and if I know Davy he won't be satisfied until it's cleaned out. Right, Davy?"

"Mmm. Right, Toms! Gotta do a good job. More. I want more!"

"Go ahead, Bill," I suggested, catching the lascivious look in his eyes. "Drill right into Scott's shithole. We'll go in relays. One of us collects while the other feeds Davy. go ahead."

Tentatively, he fingered the slimy hole 'til Scotty looked back at him.

"Do it, man. Aw fuck, that's right. Fuckin' fingers feel righteous playing around in there. Really dig in deep, man. Scoop the shit right outta my dirty hole. This is so outrageous!"

"Oh, man!" exclaimed Bill. "Fuck! I'm playing around with his warm shit! I can feel my fingers sliding around in it. I didn't know being perverted could be so much fun! I got a couple fingers full. Is your queer little shit-eatin' kid brother ready?"

"That's the spirit!" I cheered. "Yeah, my queer little shit- eatin' kid brother's ready to lick some more. Just remember, Davy gets talked to any way we like. But only between the three of us. Understand? Now pull 'em out!"

Bill excitedly dug a little more, working his fingers around in a big, deep circle. Then he triumphantly yanked them out and thrust his fully caked fingers into Davy's begging mouth. Just as he reached Davy's lips I could see that his fingers were holding a fair-sized chunk of Scott's next turd. He must have reached deep enough to come across it and break off a piece.

"Gotcha something special, Davy," Bill said sarcastically. "Not the leftovers. Here's a nice big bite of the real thing. Pulled it right offta the end of his turd. Real meaty! Let's see you eat it."

Davy looked up at Bill like a demonic, lewd suck slave, and slowly covered the fingers down to Bill's palm, then just as slowly wrapped his lips around them like a tight little asshole and pulled the turdball from them, his tongue slipping between them to wrap around the morsel. Bill knelt down next to Davy as we all watched intently as the boy savored the offering.

"WOW!" stared Bill. "You really like that, don't you?"

Davy stared back as he made a show of chewing Scotty's turdlet lovingly then swallowing it right down. Would you believe then he actually burped?!

"Gee, that was great!" Davy suddenly brightened from his trance.

"Would you like to do the same with Bill tomorrow, Davy?" I asked, all innocence.

"Could I Bill? That's be swell!"

"Damn straight, kid." Bill was suddenly uncharacteristically macho. "But none of this mamby-pamby finger-scooping. I'll let you take it like a man should..straight from the source."

Like a man should? What the FUCK was he talkin' about? Was there something about my friend I didn't know? Or had this whole experience fevered his brain?

"WOW!" Davy cried. "I can't wait. Would you...uh...just to carry me through. Would you just let me smell your asshole, Bill? Just to give me something to dream about?"

"Sure, kid." He dropped his pants and pushed his sweaty butt in Davy's face. "Don't touch, now. Get a few big whiffs just to get an idea how my turd's gonna smell." Davy breathed deeply, humming to show his approval.

That done, I had Davy finish cleaning Scotty's anus then we let the kid treat us to slow lingering blowjobs, excited at watching him milk big creamy loads out of each other's throbbing pricks. Then I ordered him upstairs so we could talk. But first I knelt on the sofa and stuck my ass out.

"Hey! Come back here. Don't forget your daily duty, little brother."

"Oh, right. Shucks, Toms, I wouldn't forget my favorite job. I figured maybe I should wait til you tell me you're ready for a cleaning. I sure don't want to be a pest."

"Now's the time. At least for my sweaty crack and the outside of my hole. You can eat me out real good later tonight after my balls have produced more creamy dessert for you." Having shot a big load, I wasn't really in the mood. I just didn't want this session to end without having the guys watch the kid gladly pay honor to his big brother's shithole. The deal with Scotty was too perfect a chance to pass up, but I wanted them all to realize that his first duty was to me! As it was, he kinda embarrassed me again. This time in front of my buddies.

"Fer chrissakes! Will ya quit smellin' around and lick!"

"OK, Toms. It's just kinda funny, that's all."

"Hunh? Whatta you saying? I got a funny lookin' asshole?"

"Naw. It's sorta cute. It's just funny how your butthole alone smells ron...uh what's that word? Oh yeah! How your hole smells raunchier than a whole finger-full of Scotty's stuff!"

Bill and Scotty burst out laughing, and I smacked him across the face, sending him sprawling. "Just for that crack, tonight you sleep with me, under the covers, with your nose stuffed up my asscrack the whole night long, smellin' my farts! See how ya like that you little creep!"

"Gee, Toms," he pleaded, "I'll like that just fine. I didn't mean it was bad or nothin' like that." Rubbing his sore cheek, his voice became kinda dreamy sounding. "I think it smells just wonderful! I'm glad it's so strong cause that means you'll be needin' a cleaning more often. Makes me excited about tasting what's inside."

"Sorry, kid. I thought you were making fun of me."

"Toms? Uh, do you think it would be alright if I know...with Bill some other day? I mean, I really want to, honest Bill! Gee, I've been thinking about a lot of guys I know I'd sure like to suck turds outta. But to get a big fat turd shittin' right in my mouth while I watch it coming out...and then to EAT it all...well, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like doing it...I mean there's no reason why I shouldn't enjoy it, is there? I just wish you'd be the first, Toms. Cause I'm sure I'd really like it then! I get boners all day long just thinking you probably got the juiciest turds in the whole world! And since it will probably be stinky as all-get-out, I'll be able to eat anybody's after yours!"

Even after what had already taken place, Bill and Scotty...and myself as well...were freaked out at the acceptance and enthusiasm he seemed to show. I also began to wonder if I was losing--or even ever had--a position of dominance over the kid. If I ever did I could see it slipping away fast. You can't make a slave of the willing, I've heard somewhere.

I stood up and walked over to him. He smiled up with a silly little grin, and it was then I discovered my edge. I HAD HIM. The dumb cocksucker was in love with me! He really would do anything I asked. How could I have even doubted? From the moment his lips first pasted that kiss on the fat knob of my pecker, to a few minutes ago when he'd obediently gobbled up my buddy's shit from my finger (shit I'd gone in and gotten myself), he never lost his trust in me. Dumb son-of-a-bitch! I mean that's really DUMB! Probably has convinced himself that stinky butt goop really tastes good just because I gave him his first little taste when he rimmed me out. Hmmm. Actually, that was his idea. No matter. I told him to dig his tongue in deep. Now I'm confused. Wasn't it really what his tongue was already doing that gave me the idea what orders to bark? Fuck it. Time to take command right now, however it happened.

"Juiciest in the world, hunh, kid?" I flicked a lock of hair from his forehead. "I'm hardly the first, in a way, what with Carleton boltin' that big black monster for ya, and you just gobbled up what had to be about half of one of Scotty's good-sized turds. But you're right. I'd already made up my mind and was gonna tell you guys tomorrow. MINE will be the first--rolled into a firm but very, very juicy mouth-watering sausage steam-heated right in my personal oven-- to ever slide squishily direct from scalding rectum to your starving, begging lips! You're gonna love it, little brother. I swear!" I shook my ass around seductively. "I'm cookin' it right now. Right up inside my ass. Just for you!"

I reached down with both hands and held his face gently.

"Tomorrow you're gonna have the sweetest, most delicious meal of your life. Oh, you'll eat other guys' turds in the future...lots of 'em, I promise. But you'll always remember the glorious sight of my asshole...the one you LOVE to suck on...opening right up and present- ing you with the most luscious, steamy, big brown turd just for you alone, beckoning you to lick all over it as much as you want before you go into a wonderful oblivion from your first tender bite until you have chewed and savored the many different flavors and been totally intoxicated with the magnificent aroma filling your nostrils as you lunch from my generous bowels. As the rectal doors slowly close I'm sure you'll wish to show your admiration and gratitude for your splendid meal by licking your plate, tenderly digging your tongue in and around every crease, into every valley and plateau of my rubbery anus. You'll be so satisfied, and quickly realize that it was a perfect portion. You'll have no desire to claw inside for more and yet you'll remember that the last bite was probably the tastiest. It will doubtless be the freshest! Then like a gentleman, you'll calmly lick any residue from my anus, thank me gratefully and I'll congratule you on a job well done. Then as a courtesy to you, I'll put my dick in your mouth and allow you to drink all my piss to wash down all my shit."

"WOW!" all three exclaimed, mesmerized.

"BUT! First you little peckerhead, get this straight. You can't go around home or at school offering yourself as a toilet boy. No hanging around the gym latrine going up to every guy reaching for the toilet paper and offering your mouth as a more thorough substitute. Or going into restrooms and scooting face-up under the partition begging guys to sit down on your face so you can gobble up that last clump hanging outta their assholes. You'll get plenty. But I'll tell you whose cock to blow, whose ballsweat you can lap up, and which assholes to suck on. And especially this: NO turd touches your lips ...except if you wanna eat your own...unless I'm there. No, wait. Even if it's your own. Hmmm. That's an interesting thought. You got it?"

"Anything you say, Toms. Anything! Golly, I must have shot in my pants listening to you. I'd better go change now."

As I turned back to the guys, Scotty was glaring at me. "Holy shit, Tom! What a sonofabitch you are! A real golden-tongued foul- mouthed wizard. Just for a moment there you actually had me believing that perhaps your ass was full of sweet chocolate turds that any of us commoners would be privileged to have you squat and grunt til you dropped a precious lump into our cupped hands. The kid sure bought it. Time you told us what the hell is going on. We're getting awful queer around here. Shit! You guys had your fingers up my ass!" As if that were the strangest thing that had happened!

"Yeah, and you were begging for more, remember?" accused Bill. "But he's right, Tom. Blowjobs and everything. Smells like shit in here. Funny, I hardly noticed it til now. I'm getting dressed. And who the hell is Carelton?!"

I filled them in on everything from the beginning, impressing upon them that Davy was MY suck-boy, though I was willing to share his services with my two best buddies on occasion. I explained about trying to come up with some scheme to make the kid's talents pay.

"You might be able to rent him out as a cocksucker," suggested Scotty. "Especially with the high school kids. They've always got a bone on and don't get it nearly as often as they'd like. But you're not gonna get much call for a shit-eater! I mean today was quite an experience, I'll admit that, but it was just so shocking, you know? Where you gonna locate sickos that want to take a dump in a kid's mouth?"

Bill and I both coughed, feeling a little guilty I guess, when he mentioned sickos.

"Yeah, I know," I admitted. "I wasn't expecting this turn of events...and so fast. One uninhibited kid, isn't he? Okay, I know, that's understating it. So he's a sick little pervert who doesn't know any better. What the fuck, he seems to enjoy it all...why not make some bucks with it? I'll treat him right. Make sure no one hurts him. Start out by selling blowjobs, like you said. Then maybe after he gets a regular bunch of customers, we can have a show for them at maybe fifty bucks a toss. Promise them the raunchiest thing they've ever seen! Have all these guys on folding chairs playing with their meat while the kid's up on a platform or something sucking and fucking with some dude, then have the guy excuse himself right in the middle of the show because he has to go take a crap. Then Davy could pipe up, saying he wants to watch! The guy hesitates, but Davy begs him. They'll hoot and holler with disgust, but I'll bet nobody leaves their seat. Then the guys says OK and calls Davy names and makes him get on his knees while he bends over and orders him to eat his ass out. Then when he's ready, he makes Davy lie on the floor and squats over his face and shits right on it! Davy'll surprise everyone by licking the guy's big turd while it comes out, then sucking on the end of it! What do you think?"

"SICK!" cried Bill. "You'll make a million if you travel from town to town, but those guys aren't gonna want to stick their dick in his mouth anymore after seeing that! What you need to do is somehow locate some rich perverts willing to shell out mucho bucks for a night with a kid like that. But not sadists. Guys into shit like Davy is. Willing to eat and get eaten. I'll bet there's a few really jaded fags that have done it all and would just love to have a teenager shit in their mouth while he's licking their own smelly hole. We're talking a hundred, maybe two hundred bucks a pop. Or should I say poop?!" He laughed.

"Besides," pointed out Scotty, "where you gonna get a guy to do that on your little stage in front of all those rowdy boys?"

"Yeah," Bill agreed. "Could be a nasty scene."

"Hell, I'll do it myself!" I announced bravely.

"Hah, in this burg? They'll get their rocks off, then run you both out of town."

"Maybe you're right," I relented. "I guess your other idea is better."

"Yeah. Stick with the blowjobs. By the way, what did Davy ever do with the paperboy's turd? Did you actually see him flush it? I wonder!"

"You don't think..." I started to wonder myself.

"Like maybe he wrapped it up and saved it for later!" laughed Scotty. "Something to munch on while watching Sesame Street?"

"Aw, cool it, asshole!" I warned. "That's my little brother you're talking about. Besides, I think he only likes it fresh from the source!" I laughed too. "You guys will be here tomorrow, right?"

They both nodded, a bit reluctantly. Perhaps too reluctantly. Like it was maybe a show for my--and each other's--benefit.

"Yeah, I guess," agreed Bill. "After that little threat I made when I was so hot, I can't just not show. Besides, I kinda want to see if you'll really do it. Damn! Right in your brother's mouth?! Yessir, this I gotta see!"

"Me too!" promised Scotty. "I didn't have a good seat for the last show."

"Your seat was the last show," I chuckled.

"Looked to me like Davy thought you had a really fine seat!" laughed Bill. "He spend enough time licking your seat!"

The next morning I woke with a rigid boner and was tempted to call Davy in. Then I decided to save it for the festivities. I thought this was best because I could feel pangs of stage fright creeping up on me and figured it'd be best if I was as horny as possible. So I put it out of my mind and sat on the toilet for the usual. I pissed away my hardon then almost fucked up the whole afternoon. I started to automatically take my morning shit! Fuck, my old shit tunnel was yawning wide and contented when I realized what I was doing. Carefully, I reached back and sure enough, that old turd was already at the gate. Squeezing my muscles, I lifted off the seat and with three fingers, slowly pushed it way back inside, then squeezed real hard to push it back up my rectum. Whew! I only hoped I'd be able to hold off til then.

"Ready for the big day, Davy?" I asked after we had assembled in the basement.

"Gee, Toms," he hedged. "I'm not so sure about this. I mean eatin' the whole thing and all."

"Hey! You're not backing out now, are you little brother?"

"Well, no. Not if you really want me to do it. I'm just not in the mood, I guess."

"Don't worry 'bout that. We'll get you in the mood. How would you like to get your tongue warmed up by licking all over our big cocks? We need some warming up too, you know. Hell, once you clean all the sweat off of our balls and get a good whiff of our buttholes you'll be begging for it. Here, sit right down and," I grabbed Scotty and pulled him over to stand in front of Davy, then quickly yanked Scotty's shorts and jock down, "...suck on this!" I must have been very anxious to get going because I actually grabbed Scotty's floppy prick and aimed it at Davy's mouth!

"Hey!" cried Scotty. "I can do it. Get your mitts off my dick! Unless you plan on helping your brother take care of it!"

"Sorry," I blushed. Then I got a little angry at his insinuation. "Oh, you don't mind Davy doing what he wants with it, but..." then I shut my mouth, realizing I was only making my situation worse. What the hell was I feeling so bent out of shape for? "Guess I'm just over-anxious."

"Aw, Tom, I was only kiddin'! Hell, I don't mind. You've already had half your hand up my ass! Besides," he cooed teasingly, "you got a real nice touch there!" I was ready to smack him one when he turned abruptly. "Oooh, yeah. Suck it up, Davy!"

Bill stepped up to the other side and whipped out his prick and started to rub it over Davy's cheek while he watched Scotty getting sucked off. After dropping my shorts, I squeezed between the kid's legs and suggested he try licking all three of our dicks at the same time. We pressed closer, jamming our hard boners at the boy.

"Gee, fellas," he whined, "maybe we should do this some other time."

Not on his life! We were ready to be blown and he was the only cocksucker in the room. Besides, a slight look of his gave me the idea he had something on his mind. Like he wanted to be coaxed or something. This was going off without a hitch if I had anything to do with it. If encouragement was what he wanted, then encouragement was what he'd get. "Whip your dick out, Davy!" I barked.

"My hands are full, Toms!" He kinda smiled up at me.

"Come on, guys," I pleaded. "We gotta get the kid hot. All together now, pull his shorts off and we all three play with his cock and nuts til he's slobbering all over our tools. It ain't queer if we all do it at once. I got a big fat turd up my ass and there's only one place I want to dump it!"

Davy was already shirtless. Bill and Scotty slipped his shorts to his knees while I held his legs up and pulled them over his feet. His big thumper smacked back hard onto his stomach. Hell, he was feeling just fine! The little bastard was only trying to even things out a bit for his own pleasure. I let him get away with it this once.

"Damn!" gasped Bill, "will you LOOK at that monster!" Quick as a flash, three hetero fists were soon using all their expert experience in jacking a hot boner! Moaning contentedly, Davy pulled us closer by the nuts and rapidly moved from one to the other to the other, licking and slurping all over our bouncing dicks. This continued for quite some time, until I was afraid we were getting too excited. Bill, I noticed, was massaging the kid's balls with four fingers. I didn't say anything, but I was fairly sure the fifth finger must be fluttering around Davy's butthole!

"Nobody come!" I warned. "Feed him your balls now and don't let him come either. Sweat lickin' time, Davy. Clean off our hot balls, baby, that's where all that good juice is packed away." We jammed in even closer, pulling the boy's face into our crotches, holding up three large sacks of smelly testicles for my brother's lapping pleasure. Our stiff rods were oozing precum over his cheeks and forehead, but the boy loved it! Watching him go at it, I kinda wondered--just for a second mind you--what it would be like licking on three guys' hot smelly nuts at once. I quickly put the thought out of my mind, but not before having a weird, disturbing flash. That if I was with three hot guys that I didn't know and would never see again in my life...that I'd get down on my knees and try it myself! Just horny, I decided, but noticed that my grip on Davy's pud had become a little too...well, lovingly sensual! So I let up, but Davy looked at me just as my face must have been registering guilt. Fuck!

"Oh, man!" moaned Scotty just then. "I can smell our balls all the way up here. We smell like a locker full of moist jockstraps after a game!"

Bill tapped me on the shoulder and, as I turned toward him, stuck his finger under my nose. "Here, buddy, smell this quick!" I was still pondering Davy's glance and automatically did what he said, taking a big whiff.

"Nice," I agreed, "what...?" Bill started laughing and rubbing his finger over my nose and lips. "Hey, you cunt!"

"Whatsa matter, Tom?" He was really cracking up. "With all the pussy you say you've eaten, surely you've gotten used to the fragrance of butthole near your nose. Can't be much different than a chick's."

I reached down into Davy's crack and poked inside a little ways. Then I stuck it up to Bill's nose.

"Here, see how you like it, prick! Smell my brother's asshole yourself."

Defiantly, he smiled and moved his nose around in circles above my offered finger. "Mmm, pretty nice, Tom!" Getting into the humor of it all, Scotty got into the act.

"Gimme a whiff, Tom. Damn, that's sure a sweet butthole your kid brother's got!" Yeah? I stuck it in his mouth before he knew what was happening. He started to sputter, then not letting me have the final laugh (and having already inadvertently cleaned it), he smirked at me and sucked on the end of my finger. It was my turn to laugh.

"We better watch it, guys. We're gonna be doing things we never thought of if this keeps up!" We all laughed, then Davy spoke up.

"Can I smell?" Scotty took a turn and played around down in Davy's hole then let him try it. "Mmm, that's good!"

"And he really means it!" I chuckled. "Look, his eyes are getting all glassy."

"Hell, I meant it too," admitted Scotty. "WHOOPS!" Then to get out of it he turned around. "How 'bout a rim job, Davy? Wanna smell and suck on my butt for a while?"

"Sure, Scotty!" replied the kid, enthusiastically. He rapidly ran his long tongue up and down my buddy's asscrack, unashamedly washing his backside with glee. Scott spread his legs further apart and held his cheeks open, gasping at the pleasure of having the boy's face down there licking and digging into his shithole again.

"Yeah," I encouraged, "do us all. Work that hungry shit-licker of yours in there. Probe deep, now. Eat out my buddy's asshole! You love the taste of his shit. Wait'll you taste mine! But do Bill next. I don't dare bend over until you're ready for a special delivery. I been holdin' it in all day. Here, Bill, scoot over closer. Now, Davy, work on this one. WHEW! Damn, Bill. Close those cheeks again. Didn't wipe, hunh? What the fuck. Get back over here. I'll hold 'em open myself. It's gonna get a lot smellier in here before the day's over. Heck, smells worse than it looks. Here's an appetizer for you, boy! Cheeks're clean. Go right in there and suck the crust offa that brown wrinkled thing in the middle. That's what's left over from Bill's morning shit! Get it while it's...hungry little bastard, aren't ya?!" Davy was already smooching Bill's whole anus right into his mouth.

A few minutes of this and I started getting antsy. Scotty had knelt down and was jacking Davy's big boner slowly.

"Will you look at all the cream that keeps flowing outta this thing!" he remarked, wondrously. Davy's cock was literally dripping with pre-cum. And Scotty's hand was drenched with it as he slipped up and down the gooey shaft.

"AW, FUCKIT!" he groaned. "I don't care what you guys think. I'm not queer but I'm gonna SUCK this hot prick!"

Bill and I stared in amazement, and even Davy pulled his face out of Bill's ass, as Scotty started lapping up the cream from Davy's throbbing shaft! Then he plunged down on it, taking about half into his mouth. He pulled off and, licking his lips, he stared at the boy's big dick. He looked up, an expression of delight on his face, and sucked it back in. Davy ran his hands gently through Scotty's blond hair, and started moaning and tensing his body. Quickly, I leaned over to Davy's ear.

"Don't shoot, kid. You want my goodies, doncha? You won't do it if you come."

"I can come again real soon, Toms. I gotta cum! If I don't I'll shoot just as soon as I see your hole open. If I come, then I can enjoy it more. Don't worry, I want it more than anything, big brother. I'm gonna lick your turd all over! Every inch! Then I'm gonna EAT IT. Aww, Scotty! SUCKIT!"

Bill and I were pounding our puds as we saw Scotty's cheeks puff out as his cocksucking mouth was filled to capacity with Davy's huge virgin load. He didn't lose a drop, sucking and swallowing like a veteran blow-boy. He had to use both hands on the pulsing shaft, and between moans he started thrusting his hips up and down. I got the idea and dropped down and started to jack his throbbing cock furiously. What the hell, I thought, gotta help a buddy out. His prick was so hard, like iron, yet so smooth and exciting.

"DAMN DAMN DAMN!" Squeezing my butt tightly, I bent over and engulfed his shooting pole as he flopped back onto the couch. The first blast was all over the side of my face, but every spurt after that was greedily slurped down by yours truly! Honest, I just couldn't help myself. And to top it off, the slimy stuff was fuckin' delicious! I raised up on my knees and Scotty and I looked at each other in bewilderment. Then we laughed, pointing at each other's cum- dripping lips. Quickly, I whispered something to him, then rose and walked over to Bill--my hard cock bouncing around threateningly.

Calmly, but forcefully, I approached Bill. "SUCK IT! Put your mouth on my cock and suck me off! Drink my cum, Bill!" It wasn't a was an order.

"Oh, no." He started backing away. "NOT ME! I ain't sucking no cock!"

"It's the only way," I explained. "Cause Scott and I aren't letting you leave here until you do." He knew we meant business when Scotty came up on him from the other side.

"Well...alright," he agreed, almost in a whisper.

"WHAT?" I demanded.

"I SAID OK, BUTTHOLE! I guess it's only fair...somehow. But who's gonna blow me?"

"ME!" Davy quickly offered. He knelt on the floor and sucked in Bill's big cock.

I thought sure we'd have a bigger fight on our hands, but he wasn't immune to all the excitement, and knew he was with friends.

"Wow, what a hot mouth, Bill. Suck on that muther! That's it, yeah! Oh, get ready, pal. Soon, soon, here it comes. AW GOOD! BLOW ME! JEEZ, WHAT A COCK­-SUCKER. UUH, AHH! DRINK MY BABY BATTER. SUCK IT ALL DOWN! Whew, man that was good, Billy. You can stop now." Even he laughed at that, wiping his dribbling lips.

"God! I don't believe we did that!" sputtered Scotty.

"Good, wasn't it?" gushed Davy, running his tongue over his lips to catch the remnants of Bill's sticky sperm.

"Well...uh...I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," said Scotty.

"Fuck! The way you swallowed my brother's cock you looked like you were expectin' the sweetest drink in the world. Face it, Scott, you loved it."

"Yeah, hell, I guess I did. You sure gobbled my goober right down, Tom. How'd I taste?"

"Shit, guy," I admitted, "you didn't see me spittin' nothing out, didja? Guess all three of us kinda got really hot. If I'da known it would so easy I'da had you boys down on your knees long ago!"

"Cut the crapola, Tom," laughed Bill. "Play bigshot with your brother, dicklick, cause your cum-drinking days aren't over by a long shot!"

"Leastways not til I blow you and Scotty blows both of us," I responded. "Gotta even it up. Guess it ain't so bad helping a buddy out once in a while. Besides, what we did was sorta normal considering what's coming up next!"

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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