Key West

By Sam Davies

Published on Sep 1, 2006


Wow. That was intense.

Brett was laying naked next to me radiating heat. The muscles in his calves twitched as they began to relax from their previously tense state. I caught a slight whiff of manly B.O. coming from him as his sweat began to evaporate. Gently I rubbed the back of his leg, each dark little hair prickling the skin on my hand. He was so beautiful. So calm, yet so strong.

'What just happened?' I asked myself in a daze. 'Did he... did I... did we seriously just suck each other off?'

I was still breathing heavily. My heart continued pounding in my chest.


Brett rolled off the bed, slipped his boxers back on, and went out onto the porch for a cigarette. He didn't even glance at me. I cannot believe that I just did that. The remnants of his jizz floated around inside my mouth leaving a slightly salty aftertaste. His cock had been in my mouth! The very thing I had wanted for so long. And it was spectacular!

The sticky blankets stuck to my back as I sat up and leaned over the bed. I looked over my shoulder to the spot where he had been laying and noted the indentation he left. What a man. I tried to figure out exactly how things had evolved in the past hour, not sure how I went from trying not to crap my pants in fear, to gushing a load in my best friend's mouth. I distinctively remember one thing however. He made the first move. This I was absolutely sure of because I would have never had the guts to do it.

He kissed me... what was up with that. Was Brett gay? No, definitely not. Then why would he do that? It wasn't an empty kiss; there was some serious passion in it. Maybe it was just his way of releasing the sexual tension that ad built up while we were down here. I thought it through and decided that this was most likely the explanation. But still....

I looked at my cock as it sat between my legs, patiently waiting to be played with again. A small drip of cum formed at the very tip of it. Quickly I dabbed it up with my finger and licked it.

"There." I said in a soft voice "Now you and Brett's guys can swim around in my tummy together."

I laughed as I realized just how out of it I was. I mean... I was talking to my cum for one thing. It probably had something to do with the fact that I hadn't slept in more then twenty four hours. Between my nighttime excursion with Robby, and having to keep checking on Brett while he slept, I was absolutely exhausted. I stood up, took one big step forward, and flopped down onto my neighboring bed. The air conditioner whirred in the corner and it became evident that the heat from our lovemaking had faded. Brett was still out on the porch, and I imagined he would head out to get some lunch or something when he was done. I glanced out the glass door at him. He was leaning on the stucco wall of the balcony. I watched the muscles in his back move as he tossed his cigarette over the railing. If there was anything wrong with his body I couldn't find it. He was flawless; but I knew that wasn't how he felt. Deep down inside he was terribly self conscious, a fact you would never guess unless you knew him as closely as I did.

I looked over to the bed were we had just been laying and smiled sleepily. He was an incredible friend, sometimes I wonder how I ended up being so lucky. My body shivered and I felt goose bumps begin to form on the bare skin of my thighs. I crawled under the blankets, closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Quit it stud!" I shouted at Robby. His fingertips gently touched my ticklish chest.

"I was just playing honest." He responded in a little boy voice.

The sun warmed me. The sea breeze cooled me. Everything else made me feel alive.

We laid naked on our outstretched beach towel facing each other. I looked over his glistening body. The oil, he explained to me, was his secret to a perfect tan. He had to pay thirty dollars for one bottle of the stuff, but reassured me it was worth it. I laughed.

"So what do you think?" he asked as he flexed his bicep.

"Lookin' good." I commented, "You are making some serious progress!"

He had asked me several weeks ago If I could help him with his arms. I agreed and joked that we had a lot of work to do because it is not easy getting a skinny boy like him buffed up. Honestly though I was reluctant to assist. I really didn't think he could have gotten any hotter then he was. Boy was I wrong.

"Watch this!" he said. He flexed his arm again and it now appeared twice as big.

I looked into his sparkling eyes in amazement. That was certainly...strange.

"How the fuck did you do that?" I asked.

"You tell me." He responded. I was dumbfounded, so decided to ignore it and go after what I really wanted to see grow in size.

"I can show you!" I said.

I reached down to his crotch playfully and grabbed hold of his soft dick. I stroked it a little until it sprang to life. Slowly at first but then more and more rapidly it hardened and stood up. What a sight to be held. You could have raised a flag up that sucker! I took hold of him and worked my hand up and down his shaft. His foreskin slid back each time I pulled my hand down revealing beautiful mushroom like head. I worked it for a few minutes and couldn't resist an longer. I leaned down and swallowed his cock.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing fag!" I heard him say.

I thought he was just being playful so I continued. I moved my mouth up and down over his dick before realizing something was different. Holy shit, his foreskin was gone. What the fuck was going on here? I continued providing him with oral pleasure while I puzzled over the odd changes occurring before my eyes. It was not too hard however, to put these things out of my mind. He tasted delicious.

"Get the fuck off me!" I heard him shout. He pulled out of my mouth and stood up. "Stay away from me!"

I was so confused. Tears instantly began welling up in my eyes.

"What are you saying?" I asked, trying to see past the glare of the sun. He crouched down and snarled.

"What I am saying is that I don't want to have anything to do with a god damn queer!" With this he stood up and turned away. I was in shock.

"Robby wait!" I said and reached out to grab his hand. Then I noticed it. A thick band of stitches just behind his knuckles. This wasn't right.

"What the..." I began.

He turned back to me and it instantly became clear what was going on.

This wasn't Robby... it was Brett.

I shot up in bed breathing heavily.

"Oh god!" I inhaled.

"Come on... you don't have to worship me!" said a smiling Brett as his naked body walked past.

I tried to laugh at his quick remark, but was still shaken by my dream. I watched him walk to the kitchen for a drink, and admired his ass with every step. He really did have a great ass. Not as soft and fleshy as Robby's, but more sculpted. I bit my tongue to keep from making him aware of my admiration for his butt.

'Take it slow." I told myself, 'You've got two whole days left together.' I definitely did not want to scare him off. A feeling of guilt began to lay heavily over me.

He had long gone past, but my eyes remained glued to the spot where he'd been. Just long enough it turns out, for him to make a comment as he walked past again. This time though, instead of his ass I was greeted with his beautiful soft cock.

"Man, you need to turn on the TV 'cause I don't want you oogling over me all afternoon" He declared.

"Maybe you should stop the torture and just shoot me or something." I replied, not meaning to actually say it out loud.

"Jeez, gay boy's feeling a little testy. If you would prefer I will put my shorts back on, but I honestly didn't think you would want it that way." He gave me an accusatory glance as he said this. "I mean seriously though, what is the point of wearing pants around a guy who just sucked you off."

I almost choked. Boy he was being pretty fucking up front about this whole thing. You would think he'd be ashamed or something. For some reason that is how I was feeling. I heard the bathroom door shut and the shower start.

'Shit!' I thought, 'I've gotta piss like a racehorse.'

I stood up, stretched for a moment, and headed for the bathroom. The act of peeing while Brett was in the shower was something that up until recently I would have done without a second thought, but for some reason things seemed different. As I approached the door I actually reached up to knock. What a dork.

I stepped into the bathroom and announced my presence.

"I gotta piss." I said.

"Go for it." was Brett's overly enthusiastic response.

I lifted the lid and stood over the john with my cock in my hand for a second. After concentrating on going for what seemed like a decade I finally got a steady stream. Just behind the thin curtain I could hear Brett moving around in the shower.

I finished up my business and turned to leave when I had a thought. What would happen if I hopped in there right now? What would his response be? Anger? Over what. Like he said I just sucked him off... and further more he did the same to me!

I spun on my heels and made a complete one-eighty, removing my boxers mid stride. I stopped at the curtain and took a deep before peeling it back. I stepped in and turned to face Brett's shiny, wet body.

"Hey there." He said coolly, and continued cleaning himself.

I stepped forward and kissed him softly on the lips before returning to my previous position. He smiled at me.

"So what you up to?" He asked.

"Just watching" I replied. He smiled again and began soaping up his chest.

He was gorgeous. This was honestly the first time I had ever been able to take in his totality while he was in the nude, without fear of being chastised. He was so perfectly proportioned it was like he was molded by god's hands himself. I broke my gaze as he suddenly began laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh..." He responded heartily, "I was just thinking that it would be pretty dangerous for me to drop the soap right now."

I turned red from embarrassment and tried to repress my thoughts of taking advantage of his beautiful ass. After a moment, when I was sure that my dick wouldn't spring to life, I decided to make sure he knew I that the passion I had with him earlier him was not a fluke.

"Yeah, about that soap..." I said, "It can be pretty dangerous to hold onto as well."

I removed the bar from his hand, and passed it back and forth through my own to work up a lather. Brett stood motionless waiting to see what I was up to.

I reached out my hands and lightly pressed them against his chest. Slowly, I began sliding them across his wet skin until I had his entire chest and stomach covered with foam. His dark nipples stood erect as I encircled each one with a finger. He closed his eyes. I then moved onto his arms and gently caressed them. The were solid. Sometimes I forget just how long this guy had been lifting weights. I lifted each arm and rubbed the bar of soap in the patch of hair that resided there. He rotated so I now had access to his back. Just as I did with his chest, I slid my hand back and forth, making bubbly patterns over the ridges of his muscles.

I dropped to my knees and began to lather up his lower half. I grasped my hands around around each thick leg and moved them up and down. Oh man. I was starting to get hard again. I gently kneaded the backs of his legs before moving onto his glorious butt. I felt him tense up a little as I touched it. God, his ass cheeks were firm. I playfully slapped each one before covering them with soap as well. I hesitated for a moment before reaching around towards his crotch. My hands had just grazed his curly pubes when he stopped me.

"Whoa now." He said, "I think I can handle this area myself."

While I knew that he was trying to kindly decline my advance, his rejection hurt. He didn't trust me. I stood up and went to leave when I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "You think that because you can't play with my cock you are all finished?"

He bent down, and picked up the soap off the tile floor of the shower. All the while, he playfully looked at me with one eye closed and the other topped by a crooked eyebrow. Imagine a naked, tan, and buff inspector morse trying to keep an eye on you as you trot about the scene of a crime. He looked so stupid with that expression on his face I couldn't help but forget the pain I had felt only a moment earlier.

He lathered up his un-bandaged hand, and proceeded to cover me with soap at full speed. I felt his strong fingers gliding smoothly on my chest and stomach. Quickly, with full and graceful movements he rubbed up and down my legs, over my ass cheeks, and around my back. As I had expected him to do, he completely skipped over my groin area.

We were both covered head to toe in soapy bubbles. This was so crazy, I felt like a little kid. Sticking out one finger, I drew two small circles around his nipples, and a great big smile across his belly. He chuckled at my actions and reached out to make his own art on me. I watched curiously as he drew the word yummy across my chest followed by a long, downward pointing arrow. Fuck he was good!

I leaned into him on the neck as our well lubed chests slid together. God he was hot. I felt his hand grab my ass, and squeeze it gently.

"Brett," I said "You are great."

"You too bud. I kinda wish this moment would last forever." He replied.

This statement hit hard. It suddenly became perfectly clear what was going between us.

It was something that we both knew would never be able to leave this island.

To be continued.

Sorry for the delay in writing this chapter. I really appreciate every one's patience. Hope all is well, and look forward to hearing from you all in the future.


Sam (

Next: Chapter 9

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