Key West

By Sam Davies

Published on Aug 24, 2006


"Matt," I said, "Tell me what you remember about finding me last night."

He paused for a second then began to tell his tale.

"Well I got home from a club around three thirty and found you slumped there unconscious sitting on the toilet. The mirror was shattered and there was a puddle of blood next to you so I imagined that you must have been pissed at me for leaving you at the bar, and kind of, you know, hit it. I checked your pulse, looked at your hand and thought, fuck, this doesn't look too bad! I could probably stitch you up myself. I thought it would be a hassle to have to deal with the ER, insurance and all that crap down here. So I took care of your hand while you were in la la land." He stopped, "That's pretty much it, you slept for like six hours."

What a piss poor liar. It was written all over his face. I may have been drunk, but I knew god damn well what happened. Curiously though he didn't mention anything about what I said.

"I thought after you left me in the bar you were gonna grab something to eat and head home?" I tried to trip him up.

"Well I did but then..." He trailed off and became silent. I watched as his face changed. Everything about him seemed to change, like something absolutely horrible was about to happen. He rubbed his hands on his jeans, stood up and looked at his feet. A heavy sigh left his chest.

"Listen Brett, I gotta say something." There was a long awkward pause as he chose his words.

"I'm gay. I have known it for a while, and finally met someone I felt comfortable sharing that with last night. Unfortunately, and I am sure you will remember it once you dry up a little, you saw something you shouldn't have." His cheeks turned red as he said this.

He was about to say something, but I held closed my eyes and held out my hand to stop him. Yeah, I am a total jerk... and he is my best bud. But I couldn't let this slide.

"You are what?" I said angrily.

"I'm gay." He responded.

"You are so not gay. I have known you since we were like ten, and there's not a chance in the world that you're a homo." He looked confused.

"Um. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I am." he said, looking like a little kid afraid to be sent to his room.

My head was spinning. I closed my eyes, but everything kept on going round and round. What the fuck could I do now. How do I handle this. Why was this so god damn hard! I clenched my fists. My stomach tightened. I thought I was going to throw up. My plan for surviving the feelings I had for him crumbled.

"Matt... come here." I said.

He cautiously walked across the room to where I was sitting and knelt down so we were eye to eye. His short, sandy colored hair. His glassy blue eyes. His perfect nose and lips. I was in love and no force in the universe could stop me.

I leaned my head forward, closed my eyes and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Everything in my body told me this was right, but my head screamed no. I opened my eyes back up to await his reaction. He looked at me, confused at first, but quickly gained acceptance. He smiled, and came back for seconds. My heart began beating faster then it had ever gone before. I had such an crazy feeling in the pit of my stomach I can't even describe it. We kissed once more and I began rubbing my hands down his chest. I felt my dick spring to life as he reached out his hand and pressed it against the side of my thigh.

Instinct took over. I stuck my hand into the waistband of his boxer shorts and began to explore. I touched the smooth skin of his lower belly. His coarse pubes. It just happened... I wasn't even thinking about what I should have been doing. My hand slid lower and grabbed hold of his cock. His fucking cock! Holy shit this was insane!

Our kiss went from being one of tentative lust to one with the full blown fury of a decades worth of pent up passion. I gripped his dick softly and began to jerk him off. It was incredible to be holding him like this. So hard and full of life. There was almost an electricity to it.

I wanted to see him nude. Now.

I pulled down his boxers and he instantly went after mine. There was a tangle of arms and legs an then finally a moment of awe. We sat before each other completely naked, hard as rocks, sweat glistening off our tanned skin. I was hornier then I had been in my life.

I went to go and kiss him, but he dropped to his knees. Bewildered by what I knew I knew was about to happen, I looked down to him for reassurance. He smiled at me and proceeded to aggressively lick the head of my cock. Had I been standing I would have collapsed from the feeling I was experiencing now. Yeah I had gotten plenty of blow jobs before, but this was different. This was Matt.

I felt his tongue move down and begin moistening my balls; caressing them oh so tenderly. Matt made an "o" with his mouth and proceeded to suck each each nut into his mouth. One at a time... then both at once. I felt the warmth of his saliva on them and groaned. He let them slide out over his lower lip, and proceeded to engulf my cock. It slid all the way in without any hesitation.

'Damn,' I thought 'He must have done this before.' I then realized that the encounter last night might not have been limited to the portion I saw.

Matt began sucking my cock faster and faster, making me fear that I would not be able to hold out much longer. It was so unfair that he was the only one getting to have all the fun. I wanted to explore his body as he was mine. I wanted to worship the swollen tube of flesh that was dangling between his legs.

"Stop." I said "I've got an idea."

I pushed my self out of the deep leather chair. I was still a little unbalanced so my sexy bud got up, and guided me by the arm to my bed. I laid down softly and beckoned for him to join me. He crawled halfway up the bed and began to massage my groin.

"Uh. Uh." I said, "Spin around and put your feet up here." He did as instructed

"This was something me and Jen used to do when we were going out. Makes it a lot more enjoyable for both parties." I stated, with a chuckle. Yeah me and Jen... that was so fucking lame compared to this.

With Matt's beautiful dick now dangling just inches from my face my mouth watered with anticipation. Did I have the slightest idea how to perform oral sex on a guy? Hell no! Was I gonna give it my best shot? You had better believe it! Matt began servicing my manhood so I decided I best be getting a move on.

I gripped the base of his penis with my good hand and squeezed it. The mushroom head turned an angry red an swelled a little further. I gently kissed it two or three times before parting my lips and letting it enter my mouth. It felt so much bigger then it looked I was a little concerned about how much I could fit in. I slid my face further into his crotch until I had about the top three inches of his dick under my control. I did as he had done just moments earlier, and swirled my tongue around the top of his penis. I sucked on it gently and tasted a salty fluid exit the tip.

'Pre-cum' I thought, as I tried to suck more of this wonderful juice from him.

He was going to town on my cock and I could feel it hitting the back of his throat. I really couldn't hold off much longer.

"I'm gonna blow." I groaned to him.

"Give me one minute." He responded.

Son of a bitch! I tried to think of every un-sexy thing I could... my parents having sex, my sister masturbating. Nothing. I decided If I couldn't wait I was gonna get him to hurry the fuck up. I shoved his dick as far into my mouth as I could. Again and again and again. It hit my gag reflex and I instinctively swallowed.

"Oh god!" He shouted.

That was all I needed to hear. I instantly shot any enormous load deep into him. Each concurrent shot exited me like a fiery bullet. It burned with a love repressed for so long. A passion so long denied. My cock pulsed again and again. I was in ecstasy. Pure and utter bliss.

And then he came. I was definitely not expecting it. The first shot hit me in the face as I was pulling him back into my mouth. The second landed on my tongue and I cringed because of the strange taste. The third went right down my throat and I nearly puked. I was not sure how he was doing with the present I left for him, but god damn it I was taking this all the way. I swallowed as fast as I could. Each jet was a warm slimy mess that slid around in my mouth before finding its way down. His spurts slowed after what seemed like an eternity and then finally stopped. I milked the last little bit out of him and swallowed it. I took a deep breath and flopped onto my back.

Staring at the ceiling, I tried to catch my breath. My body tingled with adrenaline.

I laid on the bed naked, sweat forming glassy beads on my chest. I reached my hand over and squeezed Matt's calve. I felt his hand slide across my leg and do the same. Words cannot explain a connection that runs as deep as the one we held at that moment. I closed my eyes and watched the blue and green patterns dance behind my eyelids.

I didn't know what day it was, or what time it was. It didn't matter. I was with the man I loved.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 8

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