Key West

By Sam Davies

Published on Aug 9, 2006


"Arrgh." I grumbled as I turned over and awoke to a face full of sand. I was laying half naked on the beach with Robby.

"Fuck!" I looked at my watch, It was almost three. We had been laying there for over two hours, god only knows who saw us. I felt kind of nauseous with this thought, but quickly regained a feeling of peace when I looked down and saw Robby smiling up at me. He reached his hand over and placed it on my thigh. I almost instantly got a hard on, but I think it was concealed by my jeans. I looked up the strip of beach and realized that we weren't to far from my hotel.

'Good,' I thought 'I've gotta get some of this sand off me.'

I pointed up the beach and said "Hey, my hotel is only like 300 yards that way. You wanna use the pool and get in some late night exercise?"

"Yeah, sounds like a plan" he responded.

We strolled up the beach hand in hand until we got to the gate of the pool deck. I fished my key-card out of my pocket, swiped it through the reader, and breathed a sigh of relief when the gate opened. I stepped inside and Robby followed. I watched him walk by and admired his tan, lean, near perfect physique. I couldn't help but recall Michelangelo's famous sculpture of David. They could have been twins.

On the pool deck and sat down on a set of loungers facing each other. He instantly began removing his remaining clothing, and within seconds stood completely naked in front of me.

"Holy shit!" I said louder then I should have. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going for a swim." he said as he turned away and grinned.

I scanned the empty hotel balconies and noted that all the room lights were off.

'Thank god.' I thought.

My mind wandered to where Brett ended up sleeping tonight. Hopefully as far from here as possible.

I followed Robby with my eyes as he walked towards the pool. The beautiful ass I had fantasized about earlier in the night moved up and down with every step. Each smooth butt cheek looked like a soft pillow on which I could rest my weary head. His soft dick bounced a little when he walked and his balls dangled freely between his legs. I became paralyzed by my infatuation with his body.

"You gonna sit there and stare at my ass all night?" he chuckled.

It took a second to process, but I got the hint and began to remove the remainder of my clothing. As I pulled down my pants my cock popped out and sprang to attention. I quickly walked to the edge of the pool and dove in. When I rose above the water, Robby was just returning to the surface as well. We swam laps around the deep section of the pool until my arms began to get tired. He continued, but I moved into the shallower area. I leaned against the tile wall, and relaxed while trying to permanently engrave every detail of this marvelous evening in my mind. The thick smoke from the tiki torches burning around the pool cast wavy shadows on the surface of the water. Robby's streamline body moving through the water like a torpedo, back and forth the entire length of the pool. The gentle sea breeze making the palms wave melodically all around us.

I don't know why, but in the middle of this perfect moment my mind once again drifted to Brett. I just felt as though he should have been my first. That together we could have embarked on this journey of mutual discovery. I imagined that it was him swimming in the pool with me, naked, and glad to be that way. My heart pulsed with lust for two men, the one I was with now, and the one I could never have.

Robby surfaced in front of me in the waist deep water. What a tease! His pubes were just visible below the surface and then the disappeared into black. I gazed once again at his beautiful physique as he slowly approached. It was almost as though some magnetic force kept drawing my eyes to him.

He stood directly in front of me. His dark eyes twinkled with the reflection of the moon. I leaned forward and kissed him. Our tongues wrestled in his mouth while my dick continued to harden. He must have been able to feel it. I inhaled deeply as I felt a foreign hand grasp my cock. It was a feeling unlike anything I could have ever comprehended. Absolute surrender to another person.

"Let's take care of this guy." he whispered in my ear, then proceeded to hold me close to him. He stroked me slowly under the water. I reached around, and in an attempt to further enhance my own pleasure, grabbed the ass I had been longing for.

"Wow." I whispered in response.

He continued stroking my penis faster and faster, and then began kissing my neck and my shoulders. He lowered slightly, and I felt his tongue swirl around my nipple.

"Holy shit, rob that feels insane." I gasped, and throwing my head back in agreement. He switched to the other.

I was undergoing absolute sensory overload. Between the water lapping at my waist, his licking, and that incredible performance taking place below the water it was absolute ecstasy. I had no idea.

With out any warning, he stuck out his tongue and slid it all the way down my chest. Taking a deep breath, he disappeared into the water.

'Oh my god,' I thought 'he's gonna....'

And then there it was. Total bliss. I suddenly felt my cock enshrouded in a warm moist place; his tongue swirled around its tip rapidly. He pushed slowly towards me until I felt his nose in my crotch. My rod hit the back of his mouth and began receiving a massage from his contracting throat muscles. It was just too much. I was about to blow my load when I felt him grab my balls.

I looked down as he rose from the water, took a breath, and returned to the depths. My entire scrotum was quickly engulfed in his mouth, and I felt his tongue poking and prodding each nut. Then something new happened. It started gently at first, but then it became more intense... a definite sucking feeling. He let my balls be and returned his attention to my throbbing penis.

His mouth began moving up and down my shaft rapidly, his throat swallowing, and his tongue providing me with pleasure that is indescribable in words. Then the sucking began again. And just like that I knew it was over.

I felt my searing cum coarse out of my balls as they contracted. My dick began to flex. Bam! I felt shot after shot of steamy jizz shoot out of my me and into his mouth. He continued his oral masterpiece. Again and Again I shot into him while experiencing the most intense orgasm I have ever had.

"Shitttttttttttt" I hissed.

The pulsing stopped, and my dick gave its final twitches. He milked every last drop out of my now sensitive, and rapidly deflating manhood. I breathed in deeply, and let the wave of pleasure pass by. Wow.

Then I heard it. Some sort of groan coming from up above. My eyes darted from balcony to balcony, until they landed on my own. Robby rose from the water once again. My worse nightmare had come true.

"I'm so fucked." I said.

I looked back up towards the dark hotel, and into the cold eyes of my best friend.

Next: Chapter 5

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