Key West

By Sam Davies

Published on Aug 7, 2006


There wasn't a thing to do but sit and wait for Brett to finish his "I gotta get some tail" thing and pass out drunk, at which point I had to haul his ass up to the hotel room. It was just before nine and he was already wasted. I glanced over to see him trying to stick his hand up some Puerto Rican girl's skirt.

'I wish he would just hurry up already.' I thought.

This had pretty much been the way the whole trip had gone so far... me sitting at the bar while he did his best at getting laid. I chuckled and realized that for all of his efforts he had gotten squat. Whether or not Brett was ready, I was gonna leave soon because I was getting dizzy from the cloud of smoke that was all around me. That his one imperfection, the only flaw I could find in the enthralling person that was my wingman Brett. He was an heavy smoker; and I absolutely abhorred the habit. Luckily, he knew it and did his best to not smoke when I was around. Unfortunately, when you are in a sleazy bar like the one I was in right now, you basically have to cope or leave.

I slid off my chair and walked over to the corner table he was occupying.

"I'm takin' off man," I explained to him, "You wanna come with me to get something to eat?"

"No, I'm just gonna sit here and chill with Carla, and Mandy, and Jessica over there" Brett pointed lazily. He was so wasted I was pretty sure tomorrow was going to be a 'slow day'.

"Alright, I'll seeya back at the room." I said stepping back.

Brett raised his hand to warn me but it was to late. I rammed right into someone, lost my balance and fell on my butt. I looked up and saw a pitcher of beer and a basket of wings flying through the air with their trajectory set for the front of my shirt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I heard as I tried to get up. An outstretched hand met mine, and once standing, I looked to see that it was attached to one of the hottest guys I have ever had the pleasure of standing face to face with.

"Come with me and I'll get you cleaned up." He said picking up the overturned pitcher and scooping the food off the floor. I glanced down to assess the damage and saw that I was thoroughly coated with a layer of blue cheese dressing.

Matt was laughing at me as the bar guy lead me into the kitchen. He walked in front of me and I couldn't help but notice the beautiful ass he had on him. We passed through the kitchen and as we were walking he grabbed some towels and a promo t-shirt out of a box. I walked slowly behind him, trying to imagine what he would look like without his pants. Up until this point, the only other guy I had seen naked in person was Brett. I mean yeah, we got changed in gym, but I never had the balls to look around and admire my surroundings. I have been on a purely porn diet for about nine years.

We stepped out into an alley and pretty ass handed me the t-shirt and towells. I began wiping some of the blue cheese off of my shirt when I realised that it would be easier to just put on the one he gave me. I pulled my shirt up over my head and stood there for a minute trying to figure out where the head whole was in the one he gave me. It became clear as soon as I figured out what I was doing that this guy, this complete stranger, was standing there checking me out. This was a first for me. Sure I had eyeballed other guys before, but as far as me being at the other end of game was a completely new thing.

"It looks really nice on you," he said.

"You think?" I responded, trying to pull some slack into the overly tight shirt. My nipples were standing erect and made little bumps on the surface of the shirt. I was so fucking horny it wasn't even funny.

"Yeah, I really do." He stepped forward.

I cold feel his warm breath on my face. Without even noticing what I was doing, I reached out and held his hand in mine.

He looked into my eyes and said "I think it looks hot." then pushed me against the wall.

We were pressed together. I could feel his warmth through my clothing. Our faces were so close that our eyelashes touched. I leaned forward, and just like that, entered into my first gay kiss. I saw swirls of color behind my eyelids as I felt him wrap his arms around me. Our tongues wrestled passionately and I knew instantly that I wanted to take this as far as I could go. I have lived a closeted life since I was thirteen. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would actually be able to act on the burning desires with a person who shared those feelings. I now had this opportunity and I was not gonna let this chance slip by.

We broke our kiss and I longed to continue but was terribly out of breath. We must have been going at it five, maybe ten minutes although it didn't feel like more then a few seconds.

"Let's go." he said, in minutes I was sitting in his car.

We drove around in silence for a bit and then parked once he found secluded area. I checked my watch and noted that it was almost midnight. I still don't even know this guy's name, but I just spent three hours cruising Key West with him. Looking over I saw that he was rubbing his hands against the bulge of what looked to be a very tasty cock. Holy shit. This was seriously gonna happen. He reached over and rubbed his hand over my very tight shirt. My muscles twitched as it slid over my abs, then my pecs, then slowly down to my thighs. He looked at me. This being my first time I had absolutely no idea what to do except reciprocate the actions. I placed my hand on his thigh. Gently his other hand guided my hand all over his body. I was so caught up in the moment, so nervous, that I didn't even notice when it came to a stop on the bulge in his pants. I looked at him and smiled. He leaned over and gave me another sweet kiss.

At this point my mind kind of switched into auto pilot. Without realizing it, I unzipped his zipper and pulled out his thick cock. I was handling another guys piece of meat and I loved it. I gave it a squeeze and watched in the dim light as the head grew swollen and red. I released my grasp and unbuttoned his khakis. He took off his shirt revealing a lean chest with strong, but not very muscular arms.

I laughed, as I took off mine as well, "I guess it wasn't much use putting this on." He grinned in response.

He pulled the remaining crucial elements of his package out from his pants, and I gasped in awe at the gorgeous set of nuts before me. God they were so loose and smooth. I reached over and rolled each one in my fingers. It was such an incredible concept that I was actually acting on these feelings I had, I had to keep on reminding myself this was for real. Yes... these two beauties are real. That pulsing cock, its real too. Oh yeah, and this sexy beast that is sitting next to you... he is soooooo real!

I knew what he and I were both waiting for. I was apprehensive, but I knew once I got going, it would be such ecstasy I would never want to stop. So I took a deep breath, and leaned into his crotch. I smelt his manly aroma, and became even more turned on. Finally I decided the moment was right, turned my head to face his cock, and gave a good long lick from the base up to the head. I savoured the salty taste and could barely keep from just cramming the whole thing down my throat. I heard him groan and began licking in circles around the tip of his penis. This was fucking incredible.

Very carefully, I slid his dick into my mouth and began to gently suck him, stopping only to caress his dick with my tongue. I tried to get more of him into my my mouth but almost gagged. I was so embarrassed, but heard him tell me to just slow down and relax. I continued sucking, but now began moving up and down along the shaft. I took my free hand and began to fondle his balls. Then, without warning felt his dick contract and shoot a thick jet of come into the back of my throat. I coughed, but it kept on coming. I began to swallow instinctively and felt his jizz slide down my throat.

'Holy shit. That was awesome.' I thought.

I continued to milk him for a moment until he was soft, then sat up and fell back into my seat. He had such a look of utter contentment on his face I almost thought he was sleeping. He reached over and held my hand. I felt safe. A sort of peace washed over me like I had never felt before.

"Let's go for a walk", he said.

I didn't know what to say. What do you talk about after you blow a guy? The weather? Sports? I said nothing. Just got out of the car, took off my shoes, and followed him up onto the beach.

Next: Chapter 3

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