
By Kevin

Published on Jul 9, 1999


Thanks onced again for all the great letters I got this week. I really appreciate it. However, I feel the need to appologize about, and clarify one thing. This story and the whole shooting scenerio has nothing to do with columbine hs. I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was basing it on Columbine. I sympthize with everyone that atteneded that school, is in the Littleton community, or anyone that simply is alive today. School shootings is not a joke, and i dont mean this story to make it seem that columbine was a light thing. Please understand that. Onced again, email is welcomed and hoped for at ANY questions, comments, anything, feel free to send me. Thanks alot!

KeviN Sync3-

At the twelve o'clock hour, as many as 30 people are being held captive in the Los Angeles, NBC headquarters by a teenaged mad man. The gunman entered the building at approximately ten o'clock this morning, according the security camera footage that was sent via satellite to the NBC headquarters in New York City. He informed the Los Angeles Police Department that the building has several bombs throughout. If they try to enter the building, or if any of the hostages try to exit, it will detonate all the bombs. Inside the building are N Sync members James Bass, Joshua Chasez, Joey Fatone, Christopher Kirkpatrick, and Justin Timberlake. Backstreet Boys members Nick Carter, Howard Dorough, Brian Littrell, Alexander James McLean, and Kevin Richardson. From the band The Offspring, Dexter Holland, Jewel, actor Kevin Scott, actress Katie Holmes, and director James Cameron, and talk show host Rosie O'Donnell are also inside the building. Today was going to be a special episode of the Rosie O'Donnell show, as throughout the week, she had been giving little segments of the movie Bad Timing, now in theatres, and today 4 bands from the soundtrack, along with Kevin Scott, Katie Holmes and James Cameron were to appear. The gunman left out all of the "normal" people, but he told the police that he wanted the celebrities for hostage'

We all sat there, stunned and silent, listening to the report. We entered the building this morning, nervous about today's show, and now, we are hopeing to get out alive. We continued to watch the TV, when all of the sudden the building went black as the electricity went off.

`Oh my God!!! We are going to die!!' Megan screamed as we all started to get restless. Lance walked over to her and put her arm around her, as she sobbed on his shoulder.

`Oh shit, I wonder if you can lock the doors?!' I thought out loud.

I quickly ran toward the door, as the generators finally came on. Only half of the lights were on, but it was more then enough light to see. I made it to the doors that led into the green room noticing JC beside me. `Shit' I thought out loud as I saw you had to have a key to lock them.

`Is there anything we can put across the handles, so no one can get in?!' JC asked, trying to regain hope.

`Maybe we can put a chair there. We can put on leg of the chair over one of the handles, and the other leg over the other handle and then they won't pull apart! Think it will work?' I asked with a ray of hope in my eye.

Guys! Bring a chair here!!' JC yelled into the room. Lets hope this works' JC said under his breath

Justin soon came running in with a chair and we slid it over the handles. JC then pushed on the doors, and they didn't budge.

`Oh, thank God' I said out loud as I saw that we would be safe now. At least momentarily.

`Will the TVs come on?' I asked as we re-entered the room and Nick got up and tried them.

`No' Nick replied looking at the floor sorrowfully.

`Don't worry guys, we will be fine' Chris said, trying to cheer everyone up.

`Okay, we all are here, aren't we?' Kevin asked, finally speaking up.

`Oh lord, where is Howie?' Brian said from the other side of the room.

`Shit! That's right, Howie said right before this all happened that he had to go to the bathroom' Kevin said

`Well, shouldn't he be back by now?? That was like 10 minutes ago!!' Brian said, starting to panic.

`Brian, I'm sure he is fine. Calm down' I said in a soothing voice.

Everyone started to calm down at this point. I moved over and sat down next to Megan, who was sitting crying on Lance's shoulder. Brian, Nick and JC sat on one couch, Justin, AJ, and Kevin on another, Chris and Joey sat on the third, and Megan, Lance and I sat on the last one.

`Megan?' I said, in a way asking if she was okay.

`Yes Kevin?' She said, taking her head off of Lance's shoulder, her voice quivering.

`I'm sorry about earlier.' I said giving her a hug and she cried on my shoulder for a little while.

`Its okay.Kevin,' She said between sobs

`Oh shit! My cellphone' I remembered Karen being on it. I walked quickly over to it and picked it up.

`Hello? Karen?' I said into the receiver?

`Kevin? Are you there?' She said sounding rather excited

`Hey Karen..' I said, glad to hear her voice

`Oh my God Kevin, whats going on?' She asked loudly

`I don't know. The power is off. The room has no windows, so we can't get out! Howie from the BSB is missing. JC heard popping noises earlier, and I think it might have been gunshots.' I said to Karen slurring all my words together, as the other guys were now thinking about that too. Just then there was a noise at the door.

`Oh Shit, someone is at the door. Call LAPD, and tell them that there is eleven people trapped in the green room. Hopefully twelve if we find howie..okay? Hold on..'

`Alright' Karen replied as I laid the phone down, and now there was a pounding at the door.

`Okay guys, don't let whoever is out there, see that someone is in here.' I said as everyone started to get frantic again.

`What if it is Howie?' Nick quickly asked

`What if it isn't?' I replied

`Guys!! Let me in!!' We heard Howie's voice from outside the doors.

`Oh, thank god' we sighed, glad to hear his voice

We walked out to the doors to see Howie, Rosie, and Katie standing at the doors. We slowly lifted the chair off the door, and let them in, as Howie pulled the door closed behind him. They all looked to be in total shock.

`Guys, you won't believe what I just saw' Howie said, white as a sheet, as we all walked into the green room, sitting down.

`What happened?' Nick and I asked in unison.

`I was on my way to the bathroom, when I saw a guy, dressed in all black walk down the hallway. I went into the bathroom, and when I came out, I passed a room where I looked inside just in time to see him blow away at least five people. He just shot them in the head like it was no fucking deal! Then he turned and saw me and shot at me, but I just barely got away. I ran straight into Katie, and Rosie, and I told them what was happening, and then we finally found our way back here through the dark' Howie said, reliving the terror in his head.

I walked back over to my cellphone, picking it up.

`You still there Karen?' I asked

`No, its Ian now' Ian said into the phone.

`Ian! What are they saying on the news now?' I asked with hope

`They don't know. They haven't released any more information on it. They just keep saying the same things over, and that they have report from the shooter that 6 people are dead. Is that true?' Ian asked, his voice cracking

`Howie saw some people get shot. Everyone is in here now except Cameron. Lord knows where he is at' I said, obvious to my despise for James.

`Oh God Kevin, I was so worried about you. I love you so much' Ian said, breaking down

`I love you too Ian' I said as I glanced up to see if Brian was looking, and I saw him look at the floor with a hurt look.

`Tell me you will be ok, and when you get out of there, things can be like they were' Ian asked pleadingly.

`No Ian, I don't know if I will get out of here, but things can't be like they were. It over Ian, last night was a mistake' I said, feeling bad.

`But Kevin, I love you. Isn't that enough?' Ian asked, obviously crying

`No, its not. Ian, I love you too, and my heart will always have a place for you, but we are only friends now, and it has to stay that way' I said, as I looked up and now Brian was looking at me smiling and I smiled back.

Brian gave me such a warm feeling. I wasn't sure if we would hook up or not, but I really liked Brian, even if we were just friends. I wasn't even sure if Brian was gay, even though I was pretty sure he is.

`If that is the way it has to be. I really miss you Kevin' Ian said, feeling a sense of loss.

`I miss you too. Hey Ian, I'm going to hang up now. I will see you soon..ok?' I asked

`Okay.. Be careful. Please be careful' He begged me

`I will. Bye' I said hanging up the phone.

I then sat down, Indian style on the floor as Brian came over and sat next to me.

`Damn, do you have any idea how much makeup is on my face' I said, trying to lighten the situation.

`If you look like this with makeup on, I would hate to see you without it' Brian joked back as everyone was listening and laughed and I lightly punched him in the shoulder.

`You should see his face. That bastard Ian hit him yesterday. They took thirty minutes this morning just to cover up the scratch' Megan said from across the room.

`Lets not reveal my life story here' I said playfully back to Megan.

Hey, what was that, last night was an accident' talk' Megan said in a mocking voice.

`Uhh..Megan, lets not go there.' I said, trying to avoid it.

`Why, did he hit you again?' Megan asked, oblivious to what really happened

`Megan, what usually happens at a bed?' I asked, as she finally got it.

`Your right, lets NOT go there' She quickly said, laughing, causing everyone else, but Brian to laugh.

`Whats with you Brian?' Nick asked him, noticing him pouting.

`Nothing!' Brian said defensively

`Aww, does Brian have a crush on Kevy' AJ laughed from across the room as everyone joined him in laughing, even me and Brian.

`Yeah, he is gonna have my children' Brian joked back making a funny face.

`Uhh, Brian, we need to talk hunny. Maybe you and Megan should hook up, seeing how you both know nothing about sex' I said, causing everyone to laugh. At this point the whole room had totally forgotten about the situation we were in.

`Oo Brian, not so hard!' Megan joked in a sexual voice.

`Okay, can we stop before Brian has a mess to clean up?' Katie said, finally speaking up.

`I don't know. This black room could use a touch of white' Justin joked

`Ewwwwwwww' Everyone said in unison

`Oh, please Brian, no, I don't feel like hearing NBC complaining about it' Rosie said with a laugh

`Am I the only one not enjoying this conversation' JC said in a cold voice

`Oh, you're right, you can have my children too' Brian said trying not to laugh

`You guys are so perverted' JC said grinning a little.

`See, JC just wanted some action' AJ joked from across the room.

`Okay, there is about to be a big orgy in this room if we don't stop' Lance said laughing uncontrollably

`No orgying in the greenroom..why do they call this room green anyway..its black' Rosie said in a ditzy voice.

`Because blackroom sounds racial' Katie joked

`Well, what about the little green people? Its racial to them' Rosie said defensively, keeping a complete straight face

`Oh, well you green guys don't mind, do you Justin?' AJ asked, insinuating that Justin was an alien.

`Oh, so funny' Justin said throwing a pillow off the couch at Justin.

`Doesn't green mean horny?' AJ said picking at Justin again.

`In Justin's case, he could be purple and still be horny!' JC laughed at him.

`I thought we just dropped the sex subjects' I said joking, but also a little tired of hearing about sex.

`Oh, isn't Kevin getting any?' Justin smiled wickedly at me.

`We already discussed my sex life. I'm about to go into another room with Brian and get some now' I laughed back

Woo Hoo!' Brian yelled as he started chanting I'm gonna score tonight' over and over.

`Could you possibly flirt anymore Kevin? Its nauseating' Megan said sarcastically

`No, I don't think so. If I flirted anymore, I think I would be having sex, and I don't think y'all wanna watch that' I said, half-serious, and half-kidding.

Now that's something I want to watch' Justin said, with an expression on his face that said did I really just say that out loud' I laughed, as well as everyone else, trying to ease the tension that came from that comment

`You would' AJ said sarcastically.

`Me too' Megan joked, and tried to force the same look on her face that Justin had.

`Oh, shut up pancake girl' I said as all the members of n sync and I cracked up, remembering how we first met.

`Oh, okay, how about, its really nice to meet you GAYS' she stressed again, this time causing everyone from the Backstreet boys to burst into laughter.

`Shut up! Honest mistake.' I said blushing and laughing

`Wait, I want to hear the story behind these two comments' JC said and Lance agreed.

`Well, Megan decided it would be fun to throw pancakes in the room, and one sorta landed on Justin's head' I said laughing remembering it, as everyone but Megan started laughing.

Okay, well lets remind them, Mr. Scott, how when you were introducing yourself to the Backstreet boys, you just happened to say its nice to met you gays..guys..i mean guys, its nice to meet you guys!'' She said overexaggerating, but it caused everyone to start laughing except me. Paybacks are hell. Brian saw that I wasn't smiling and reached over, taking my hand in his again, and I looked him in the eye and smiled.

`Awwwwwww, how cute! When do I get my wedding invitation?' Chris joked as he looked at us with a sort of awe in his eye.

Uhh, I think I sent them out yesterday, so you might get them by Monday' I laughed. Oh, by the way Megan, you're my best man!' I added causing everyone to laugh.

`Oh, I knew this day would come' She said as she put her hand over her heart, trying to joke, but not being successful.

`Oh no, she is having a heart attack!! Someone call 911!' Joey shouted causing everyone to laugh

`That's not funny' Brian said sounding saddened.

`Oh, sorry Brian' Joey said, as we all remembered his history of heart troubles. I squeezed Brian's hand, trying to uplift his spirits again.

`Besides, shouldn't someone of already called 911? How long do they expect us to wait in here?' Katie said, thinking out loud

`Uhh, if they called LAPD in, we will be here for at least twenty more hours' Rosie said, not amused with with the LAPD

`We can eat Rosie if it comes down to that' AJ joked

`No, that's not a good idea, I taste salty.' Rosie joked

Really? I have been told that too, except, it wasn't my skin' Chris joked back, getting ewwws' from around the room.

`Are you always so perverted?' I asked Chris in a serious voice

`No, its just being trapped in a room with twelve guys and three chicks that does it to me' Chris said jokingly

`Oh, more for me!' Megan laughed

`No way, you always get them, they are mine!' I laughed back

`Hey wait, some of us are actually straight!' Joey said

`Yeah, I hope so.otherwise, what the hell are we trying to save?' I joked, making fun of their MTV Movie awards skit.

`Yeah, that's not sexy Justin, trust me' AJ continued the joke.

`Aww, what do you mean? Everything Justin does is sexy' I commented, making everyone laugh, and Justin blush

The room then got quiet, as everyone ran out of things to say. Brian laid his head on my shoulder and squeezed my hand a few times and we heard a few `awww's from around the room.

`Alright, I cant take it anymore, I wasn't going to ask this and make myself look dumb, but are you two going out or what?' Lance asked, pointing at us.

`Nope, but we would make a pretty cute couple..wouldn't we?' I joked back.

`Yeah, we would' Brian said.

I turned to look at Brian, and saw him looking at me lovingly. I slowly leaned over and placed my lips on Brian's, sucking on his bottom lip. He seemed a little shocked at first, but he didn't seem to mind. I soon felt Brian's tongue slip into my mouth as I began to slide my tongue up and down his. Our tongues wrestled for a while, as I raised up my hand and lightly traced the side of his face. As we continued to kiss, I could hear everyone in the room whistling and making ewww' noises and the annoying Ewww, get a room' comment from Lance. My tongue explored every place in his mouth, as I slowly pulled my tongue from his mouth and I kissed his lips one more time.

`Hey, who says being stuck in a room is a bad thing?' I said smiling.

`Uhh, I hate to interrupt you guys, but, well, I really really have to go to the bathroom' Nick said, jumping around in his seat.

`Hold it! Don't you dare go!' Rosie looked at him with a evil look.

`Here, I will hold it for you' I said joking.

`Seriously guys, its not funny, I really have to go' Nick said in agony

`Maybe we can sneak you down to a bathroom' Kevin said, hopefully.

`Guys! Am I the only one that realizes that we are in a emergency situation. I have been quiet for long enough! If you go out in that hallway, your going to get your fucking head blew off. Go piss in the corner Nick!' Howie said very angrily and coldly.

`Howie! Shut up! Everyone is finally calmed down, now don't start your shit!' Kevin yelled at him.

`Y'all didn't see 5 people loose their Brian's all over a floor!' Howie screamed back

`Guys! Shut up, you are being to loud, we have to keep quiet.' I told them

`Oh? And what are you going to do about it? Careful pretty boy, you might break a nail' Howie said directly at me walking towards me.

THAT IS ENOUGH!!!!!!! SIT THE FUCK DOWN NOW!!!!' Rosie SCREAMED from across the room. We are in this together! I realize that it sucks to be trapped in a room for this period of time, but get used to it, and stop acting like assholes! We are here, and we are going to make the best of it!' She yelled, calming down. `Now help yourself to some eggs' Rosie said in a polite maid type voice, making us all laugh.

`Wow Rosie, I never saw you like that before' Katie said wide-eyed.

`Yeah, well..ya know how it is. I scare myself sometimes' Rosie said sitting back down as Howie finally snapped out of his daze.

`Sorry Guys, I over reached' Howie said taking his seat.

`Its okay' Kevin and I said in unison

`So, we still need to figure out where Nick can go to the bathroom' I said thinking hard

` we don't' Nick said as his face got red

`Oh my God, didn't..did you?' Joey said trying not to laugh

`Its Rosie's fault, she scared it out of me' Nick said blushing very hard and causing everyone to laugh.

`Here Nick' I said letting go of Brian's hand, standing up, and taking my shoes off.

`Wha..what are you doing?' Nick asked as he looked puzzled.

`You can wear my pants, but I'm keeping my underwear, so you are just gonna have to go underwearless' I said as I took off my windpants and threw to him.

`Uhh, thanks' Nick said thankfully and he went over to the corner to change.

`Aww, that was sweet' Brian said as I sat back down beside him, taking his hand.

`Kevin will take off his pants for anyone' Megan joked from across the room.

`Shut up!' I laughed as I glanced over in enough time, to see Nick turned towards the wall, but now had his boxers and pants around his ankles.

`Nice ass Nick!' I yelled, making fun of him

`Oh, thanks!' Nick yelled as he shook it a little.

`That's the reason Kevin took off his pants, he wanted to see Nick's ass' Megan joked again.

`Yeah..and your point is?' I said

The room got silent again and Nick took his seat and we sat there, listening to the sounds of the helicopters above. The building seemed to be totally quiet. It was now around 3:00, we had been trapped for about three hours. After a while, Nicks pants were dry again, and he gave me back mine, and put his back on. As we sat there, the lights above us began to flicker, but Rosie reassured us that it was okay, it was just the generator running out of power. Then the lights went out. All but one light in each corner of the room, which were run by battery.

`Wow, it's really quiet, I wonder if he is still in the building' Lance thought out loud.

`Maybe they don't know we are in here' Justin also commented.

`Isn't it funny how both of those comments were made by blondes?' JC joked as nick growled at him.

`Oh, its okay JC, that's just Nick's mateing call.' JC yelled

`You aren't getting my pants again Nick!' I laughed back

`Wow, it's really hot in here' Howie commented.

`Yeah, when the generators went off, so did the cooling system' Rosie said, as Justin took off his fleece sweater revealing the white wifebeater under it.

`So now what? We are trapped in a room with no head, no windows, no fans, no nothing?' Katie asked starting to get a little worried, as the rest of the guys of N Sync also removed their sweaters.

`We are going to die, aren't we?' Lance asked

`Hell no, this is the most fun I have had in a long time' I said, laughing, but no one else laughed.

`Maybe that's because your too busy sucking face with Brian to notice anything else' AJ yelled as things started to fall apart.

`Go to hell AJ!' Brian yelled, as I felt him gripping my hand tighter in anger towards AJ.

`Guys, don't start this again!' Justin yelled, frustrated.

`Why? You gonna piss yourself too? Everyone knows you're the little baby of N Sync. The cute blonde, that's all you are!' AJ said furiously.

`A cute blonde that could whip your ass!' JC said, taking up for Justin.

`Shhh, guys! Be quiet for a minute' Megan said trying to get us all quiet. Soon we all heard a noise.

`What is that?' Justin whispered, frightened

`I think its footsteps' I whispered back.

Just then someone started banging on the door, and we heard glass shatter. We heard the chair fall to the floor that was holding the door closed. As we heard the door slowly creaking open, everyone in the room stood up and got ready to run. We saw a figure, about 6'1" and fairly thin enter the room, and walk to the center, carrying what looked like a semi automatic pistol. As everyone began to scream and run as I stood there in panic. I saw Lance dive under the table, that was holding the food, as everyone else ran by me towards the door. He raised the pistol and in what seemed like so motion shot right by me. I ducked and started crawling, as felt someone pulling on me. I looked up to see that everyone was out of the room except Brian, Nick, and Justin who were all making their way towards the door, and Lance, who was still hiding under the table. I felt Justin pull on me as I heard another shot being. I looked up to see blood coming out of Justin's shoulder where he just got shot.

`Kevin!!!! JUSTIN!! COME ON!' Brian yelled from the door as the gunman turned and shot at him, just missing him.

I got up and ran towards the door pulling Justin with me. I turned back to see the gunman wasn't following us. Justin and I caught up to Brian and Nick as we ran down the long, totally dark corridor. We could hear the girls screaming up in front of us.

`Oh my God! Lance! Lance is still back there!!' I said.

I turned around and tried to run back to Lance, but Nick grabbed me and didn't let me go.

`Kevin! No, if you go back he will kill you!' Nick said dragging me along.

`If I don't go back, he will kill Lance!!' I said continuing to struggle and Brian now started helping nick pull me along.

`GUYS!! DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT HIM!?!' I screamed frustrated.

`He will be fine. Lance is a smart guy.' Justin said in pain, and holding his shoulder.

We could see light from the lobby area as we continued running. We saw JC, Chris, AJ, Rosie, Megan, Joey, Katie, Kevin, and Howie waiting for us.

`Oh shit, are you alright Justin??!' Chris yelled as he saw his blood covered wifebeater.

`Where is Lance??' Joey asked

`He is still back in the room! He crawled under a table and wouldn't come out!' I said as I started crying, seeing his face in my mind again.

`And you just LEFT him there???!?' Howie screamed at me

`Oh, your one to talk! You left all of us in there!' Brian screamed back.

`NO!!! We are NOT going to argue right now. We have to get out of the building, and we have to do it NOW. We have to get Justin to a hospital!' I said frustrated with everyone.

`Wait, didn't it say on the news that the building was rigged, so that if anyone tried to leave it would blow?' AJ asked

`I think so. Oh shit, what are we gonna do?!' Joey said, giving up hope.

`Wait a minute, maybe we can get out through the ceiling!?' Rosie said hopefully.

`How? Where??' Kevin asked quickly

`Uhh, I'm not sure, I think if we go up to the third floor, there is an access panel up there, and we might be able to get out' Rosie said quickly

`Someone needs to go get Lance!!' Megan reminded everyone

`I will!' I volunteered.

`Okay, lets go upstairs first so you know where your going when you find him' Rosie said to me.

We all ran after Rosie as she made her way to the stairwell. I put my arm around Justin for support, and helped him along. As we climbed to the second floor, the fire alarm started blazing, and the sprinklers came on, adding a layer of water to the floor.

`Oh Fuck!! How do we know if it's a real fire?!' Kevin yelled over top of the fire alarms

`We don't!' Rosie yelled back.

Rosie pushed open the door to the third floor, as she reached into her soaked pocket and found her keys. She jingled through her keys until she found the right one, and soon we arrived at a door. She opened it, and led us inside, where above us was a huge access panel. She put her key in the keyhole and closed her eyes.

`Keep your fingers crossed' She yelled as we were all unsure as to if this panel had a bomb on it or not.

She turned the key and nothing happened as we all breathed out a sigh of relief. She slid the huge door back and climbed up the stairs out to sunlight. As we all got on top of the roof, we could now see the press members that had gathered all around the building. As we looked down, literally thousands of people were gathered around the building, as a helicopter circled around the building. I looked around, but saw no smoke, so I assumed that there was no fire.

Okay Kevin, there are stairs that lead down from this roof right over there' Rosie said as she pointed. Just go down them, and you will see a path to follow. Good luck Kevin' Rosie said getting teary eyed.

`Alright guys, I will see you in a minute' I said as I turned to re-enter the building

Oh, Kevin, take these incase you need them' Rosie said handing me the keys Use the big red one' She said giving it to me.

`Thanks' I said giving her a quick hug and running back into the terror filled building.

The steady buzzing of the fire alarm was devastating to the senses. I quickly ran back down the stairs that I had just came up. I walked out the doors and into the lobby, and I ran down the corridor that we had just run from. I was making my way back to the same room that I was trapped in for hours, afraid of what lay ahead. The only thing giving me any sense of light or direction was the illumination from the exit signs as I ran down the hallway. Even over top of the fire alarms, I could hear my shoes splashing in the inch deep water from the sprinklers. My clothes were soaked, and now the water ran over my body, not being able to soak in anymore. I kept running until I realized I was almost back into the green room. I slowed down, and very quietly made it to the broken door, leading into the green room. I tip toed into it, and looked around, peering around the corner. When I looked in, I saw lance laying in the middle of the floor, and the gunmen on the other side of the room, just sitting there, looking at Lance. I instantly panicked. I could see that Lance wasn't moving.

`Should I pick him up? If I do, I could make things worse, but he might kill him if I leave him there.If he is still alive' I thought to myself.

I peered around the corner once more and decided that I had to act now. I ran into the room and jumped onto the gunman. I struggled, trying to get him to drop his gun. When I felt him drop the gun I continued to hold him down in the chair as I kicked the gun away with my feet. This guy could obviously overpower me, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. A few moments later, he threw me off of him, and I landed on my back on the hard tile floor. Beside my lay the gun. I picked it up and aimed it right at him.

`Don't move asshole!' I yelled as I stood up

`Oh, what are you going to do? Shoot me? You don't have the balls' I heard him yell back at me.

Without even thinking twice, I fired 2 shots at his head. I saw him fall to the ground and walked over to him, shooting him yet again in the face.

`Oh my God.. I just killed someone. Shit..' I thought to myself as grief set in.

I walked over to Lance, and checked for a pulse. He had one, it was faint, but still apparent.

`Come on buddy, lets get you out of here' I said as I picked him up.

I made my way back through the dark corridor, carrying Lance. I made way into the lobby where I caught my first glimpse of real light from the glass doors and I could see he was bleeding from his chest.

`Oh God Lance, don't die on me' I said to him

I quickly ran up the stairs and entered the small hall way again, and soon, I was carrying Lance onto the roof. As I slowly carried him down the stairs off the roof, he opened his left eye a little. I smiled at him, as his eye went back closed. Lance was strong, or so Justin said.

`He will be okay' I kept thinking to myself

As I followed the sidewalk that Rosie told me to follow, there were paramedics waiting for me. I told them what happened, and they told me I needed to go talk with LAPD about what I witnessed.

`Kevin!!' I heard Ian yell as I was walking towards the police tent that they had set up nearby.

`Ian!! Karen!!' I yelled as I ran after them and gave them both hugs.

`Thank God your okay!' Karen said kissing me on the cheek as about 50 camera flashes went off.

`Oh my God, I didn't think I was going to get out of there!' I said, starting to get tearyeyed.

`We were so scared for you, your mom called and said she called your cellphone, but no one picked up, so we thought you must have got..shot.'Karen said trailing off

`Yeah, my cellphone is still in there' I said pointing back towards the building.

`Did anyone get hurt?' Ian asked me

`Yeah, Justin Timberlake got shot in the shoulder, we know that at least 5 people are dead, but we don't know who, Rosie wasn't sure either. Howie just saw some people getting shot. And Lance Bass was shot two times in the chest' I said, worried

`Oh, I need to ask you guys, is it okay if N Sync stays over for a while? They need a place to stay, and actually, maybe the Backstreet Boys might want to stay. I told them I would check with you guys first.'

`Its fine with me, did you meet Brian? Whats he like??' Karen quickly asked

`He's gay' I said laughing

`Damn it, why are all the cute guys always gay?!' She asked, laughing

`What about you Ian?' I asked, turning my attention to him

`Yeah, I'm gay' He said seriously

`No shit. I mean do you care if they stay?' I said, Karen and I both laughing

`Oh, no, I don't care' Ian said, smiling widely

`Good. Hey listen, I need to go fill out some paperwork. I will see you guys at home..alright?' I asked as I turned and started to leave

`Alright, see you soon' Karen said as her and Ian walked away.

I made my way over to the police tent, where after 20 minutes of filling out forms, and stating what I saw, and what I did, they said I was free to go. I looked around, and saw Joey sitting on the sidewalk, stareing into space. I walked over to him and sat down beside him.

`Whats wrong Joey?' I asked, looking at him.

`I never realized how human we really are. I always think that because we are famous, we are invincible, and can't die, but look at us now.' He said stareing at the pavement.

`Yeah, it's really weird, isn't it? One minute, your worried about your appearance, and making sure your not wrinkled or anything, and the next minute your worried about if you will take another breath' I said, thinking back on today's horror.

`I hope they catch the bastard that did all this' Joey said

`He is dead Joey.. I killed him' I said, looking at the ground

`You did?!? Kevin! That's awesome!' Joey said full off life.

`Joey, that's someone's life we are talking about. I took it away' I said, saddened again.

`In self defense!' He said, defending me

`That doesn't ease my conscious any' I said, still refusing eye contact

`Kevin, you did the right thing. Don't be down on yourself about it' Joey advised me

`Okay, I will try. Anyway, we need to find the rest of the guys, since you all are staying at my house, we might as well go back there, and then we need to go see how Justin and Lance are.' I said to Joey as I stood up and helped him up.

`So, where is everyone's stuff at?' I asked Joey

`Well, we were hoping that we could find someone in town to room with, so we didn't have to spend another night in a hotel. But we were originally supposed to be back at the hotel by 3, and then we were going to go back to Florida if we couldn't find anyone to stay with. So now all we have to do is go pick up our things at the hotel, and everything should be set' Joey replied.

`Oh, I see. Well, we better find the guys, so we can get going.' I said, as we started off to look for everyone in a crowd of around ten thousand.

It took about an hour to actually find everyone, and we walked silently back to the private parking lot. My clothes were finally dry by this point. We still had to show the security guard our passes and he let us into the parking lot. We had 3 cars, so all of the remaining N Sync members rode in their car, and all of the BSB members rode in theirs, including Brian, which upset me a little that he didn't want to ride with me. We stopped at N Sync's hotel and went up to get their stuff. I went into Justin's room and grabbed his luggage and Nick picked up Lance's heavy suitcase. We complained about how much these guys pack, while dragging them down the hall.

`I hope Lance is okay' Nick said as all 5 of us stood at the elevator doors.

`He will be.' JC commented seriously.

`How do you know' Nick asked at the same time that the elevator doors opened.

`Because Lance is a fighter, he wouldn't give up' JC said.

`That's exactly what Justin told me' I smiled and said to JC.

As we stepped out of the elevator, we were greeted by many clapping employees and such. They had tightened security a lot since we went upstairs, and there was now a small crowd of girls formed, waiting for us. Thankfully, security held them off as we exited the hotel and threw some of the luggage in JC's car, and some in mine. Within minutes we pulled out. Slowly we drove through the crowded 6 o'clock Los Angeles streets. As we neared the Backstreet Boy's hotel, I saw another large crowd gathered out side of the hotel. I pulled into a back parking lot as JC and AJ pulled their cars in behind me. The Backstreet Boy members got out and went inside. Within 15 minutes we were on our way to my house.

The ride was a silent one for everyone. Barely anyone spoke on the way towards my house. I kept checking my mirror to make sure they were still following me. I turned on my turn signal and pulled into my driveway seeing both cars follow.

`Well, this is it' I said as they got out of their cars and smiled. I helped them get their things as we made our way into the house.

Okay, let me warn you now. Ian can be an ass, and Karen is obsessed over Brian, just so all of you know now.' I said laughing as I jiggled the keys in the door, trying to hold two suitcases at the same time How much do you guys pack??' I said with a goofy face as the door finally opened.

`Honey, I'm home!' AJ yelled as he walked in.

We started up the stairs. The house seemed to be totally empty, which surprised me because both of their cars were outside.

`I only have 2 guestrooms, and each only has one bed, so some of y'all might want to take the couch, or I can take it, and someone can have my bed. You guys decide' I said stopping in mid hallway and asking.

`I'll take the couch, but where will I keep my stuff?' Nick asked.

`You can just put your stuff in my that okay? Then you can use my shower and all' I said to him

`Yeah, that's cool.' Nick said as he sat down his heavy suitcases.

`Why don't we let Lance or Justin have my bed?' I said and everyone shook their had is agreeance.

`Alright, that's settled, I will take a guestroom, how big are the beds?' Kevin asked.

`Uhh, well, you can fit two in each bed.. I have a few inflatable air mattresses and Karen has plenty of extra covers if you all wanna just use the floor and inflate one of them, that would be cool' I said.

`Cool, I want the bed still, who wants to sleep with me? That didn't sound right..' Kevin said with a joke.

`I can sleep with you' AJ said with a wink and laughed

`I take one of those air things and sleep on the floor with it' Howie said.

`Alright, that's one room, with 4 people. Who all wants the other room?'

`Well, I will take the bed, and if Justin gets released, he should get the other spot in the bed' Chris said.

`Okay, I guess I get one of those dinky mattresses then' Joey said with a sigh.

`How bout you both take mattresses, and give Justin and Lance the bed, and then if Lance doesn't get released tonight, then Chris can sleep on it. Is that cool?' I asked and they all agreed.

`Brian? JC? What about you guys? You both don't have a bed. You guys want my bed?' I asked, turning to them.

`Then what about you? Where are you going to sleep?' JC asked.

`I have no idea. Prolly in the same room as Nick, but on the floor' I said, not to happy about it.

`Why don't you and JC take the bed, and I will sleep downstairs with Nick' Brian suggested.

`If that's what you want..' I said, looking at him.

`Yeah, its good enough' Brian said coldly

`Alright, looks like its you and me, JC' I said smiling and starting to walk down the hall again, happy that we finally had sleeping arrangements made, but sad that Brian was being so cold to me suddenly.

`Okay, Kev, AJ and Howie, you guys get this room' I said and pointed at the door as I continued down the hall.

`And Chris and Joey, this is your room' I said, opening the door for them. I waited for them all to come out of their rooms as we went down to the second level.

`Okay, in here is the library, if you all need to use the net or anything, the computers are in there' I said, pointing at the double doors, giving them a small tour of my house.

`And this is my room. Nick, you, JC and Brian can throw your stuff on the bed or whatever, we will unpack later' I said as we entered the room and they put everything on the bed.

`Wow, nice room' Nick commented

`Thanks!' I said as the guys went over to the glass overlook.

`It's beautiful' Howie commented as he looked out the window

`Guys, we really should get going to see if Justin and Lance are okay' I said as I started to walk out the bedroom door.

`He's right' JC said as he, and the rest of the guys followed me.

`Okay, once again, who is riding with who. I can get five in my car, and AJ you can get five, so if both Justin and Lance get released, its going to be a little hard to fit everyone in' I said

`Why don't we just call a limo?' Nick asked.

`Hey, that's a good idea. Let me run downstairs and call one. You guys can go sit in the living room or go unpack or whatever' I said as I turned to walk down to the kitchen.

I walked downstairs and went into a bathroom and restyled my hair after it was messed up by the sprinklers. Then I walked into the kitchen and picked up the portable phone as I pressed my speed dial button for the limo service, I walked over to the fridge and pulled out some fruit for me and the guys, since we hadn't ate since breakfast. I asked the lady to send a limo over, and have the hospital let us in a back way. As I hung up the phone, I set it down on the table and walked over to a drawer picking up a knife, and then started slicing some fruits on a large serving plate. Our maid, Cindy, was out for the night, so I had to actually make my own food. As I was finishing up, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I looked back to see Brian behind me as he gently massaged them.

`Hey Brian! I thought you were mad at me..' I said, going back to getting the fruit ready.

`Why would I be mad at you?' he asked, still standing behind me and still gently and tenderly massaging my shoulders.

`Because you haven't talked to me all weekend, and you just turned down sleeping in my room'

`Kev, I didn't sleep in your bed because, first off, it would have been rude to ask JC to sleep in the same room with someone he doesn't really know, and second, I figured you just wanted sex, and I'm not like that. Sex isn't important to me.' Brian said.

`Okay, so I take it that you are calling me a slut..' I said as I laid my knife down and picked up the tray.

`No! Not at all!' He said as he followed me as I started walking out of the kitchen with the tray.

`How do you know I wanted to even have sex with you in the first place??' I asked, a little angry.

`No, I didn't mean that. I was only saying it, I didn't mean it to relate to you at all' Brian said, sounding discouraged.

`Oh, its okay. Sorry, rough week' I said as we started up the steps, him slightly behind me'

I walked into the living room and laid the tray down as everyone started eating. They were watching a report on the shooting today, as me and Brian sat down to watch it, him sitting on my lap with my arms around his waist.

`The 6 killed in this mornings shooting spree were 81 year old Jane Kozinski, the 25 year old singer/songwriter Jewel Kilcher, 19 year old Doris Feebie, 40 year old Honica Westward, 39 year old Margie Kipper and 32 year old Bryan Holland of the band Offspring. Katie Holmes, Kevin Scott, N Sync, and the Backstreet Boys were trapped inside the building for nearly 4 hrs, until the shooter entered the room they were in, and was killed. We will have more of this story as soon as it is released. As of the eight o'clock hour, Lance Bass is at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, in good condition, after suffering a gunshot wound to the chest. He is expected to be released tonight. Justin Timberlake, who suffered a gunshot wound to the left shoulder, had been released earlier this afternoon.' The television reported said.

`Brian.. Jane Kozinski, isn't that the lady that interviewed me this morning?' I asked sadly.

`I think so.' Brian replied, also feeling saddened.

`She had such a pretty smile' I said, as we heard the limo outside blowing its horn.

`Oh, no time to get sad kiddies, our party wagon is in da house!' Chris said jumping up and running towards the door.

`I got dibs on a window seat!' AJ yelled as he ran after him.

I released my arms from around Brian and he stood up, and offered his hand to help me stand. I took it, and slowly pulled myself to my feet. I put my arm around his shoulders as we walked to the door, locking it, and getting into the limo.

After nearly 30 minutes, we arrived at Cedars-Sinai, making our way into the hospital and to the front desk.

`What floor is Lance Bass on?' I asked the lady behind the desk.

`The second floor, Mr. Scott' She replied sweetly.

`And do you happen to know where Justin Timberlake is?' I asked curiously

`Well, he was released earlier. But the last time I saw him, he was in Lance's room. Would you like me to take you up to his room?' She asked

`Yeah, that would be great' I smiled.

She led us to the elevator, which arrived quickly and we all fit in easily. She pressed the button for the 2nd floor, and then led us down a large hall.

`In there. Our normal policy is two in a room at one time, so don't stay to long.' She said pointing at the room and we said we wouldn't, and thanked her as she walked away

As we walked into the room, Justin was sitting on the chair asleep, and Lance was laying on top of the bed, and dressed in his normal clothes.

`Lance?? What are you doing dressed?' Kevin asked

`Oh, they released me about a half-hour ago' Lance replied with a smile.

`I'm glad your okay' I said walking over to him and giving him a hug

`Oh! Careful' he exclaimed as I bumped his sore area from the wound.

`Oh, sorry about that' I said as I broke the hug.

`Thank you Kevin. I appreciate what you did for me today' Lance replied with tears in his eyes.

Aww, your welcome Lance. I'm just glad you are okay' I said sitting on the chair next to him, as he smiled brightly. So what did the doctors say?' I added

`They want me to get plenty of rest, and to keep off my feet at least until tomorrow. They said it should heal without any complications. They took the bullet out, and it's stitched up now. They just want me to have a check up in a month.' Lance replied.

`That's great! I'm so glad you are ok. What about Justin?' I asked looking over at him, still sleeping with his mouth wide open.

`He will be fine. The bullet just grazed his skin, so he is just missing a lot of skin right now.. But it just needs to heal' Lance said, giggling at the way Justin looked

`Well, what do you say we get home?' Howie suggested as the guys still stood at the door of the room.

`Yeah, that's a good idea. They want me to call when I'm ready so they can get me a wheel chair' Lance said.

`Okay, I will go get a nurse' Nick said as he left the room

`So, your roommates are okay with us saying at your house?' Lance asked as we heard Justin start to snore and everyone in the room burst into laughter.

`Yeah, they are good with it. They weren't there when we went home though. I don't know where they are' I said as we all calmed our laughter.

`Wha? Whats going on?' Justin said as he started to wake up.

`Morning sleepy head' Lance called over to him.

`Ugh, I feel like I got hit by a bus.' Justin commented

`So Mr. Bass, you're leaving us already?' A teenage nurse said as she pushed a wheelchair into the room.

`Yup. You know how it is, make new friends, and then you have to go' Lance joked.

`That's too bad. Come back and visit us.' She said with a smile.

`Uhh, no thanks. I had enough of this place' Lance said as he got into the wheel chair, and Justin stood up as we followed the nurse pushing Lance.

She took him back downstairs, following the same route that we took coming up. The limo was sitting at the back of the building like I requested and we made our way out to it. We all piled into the limo, as I sat with Justin on my left and Brian on my right.

`Thanks a lot' Lance told the nurse and she pushed the chair back into the hospital.

`Wow, its been a long day' Justin commented, with his head against the window.

`Yeah, it has' I said as I put my arm around him and he smiled.

`I can't wait to get home to bed' JC said as we all agreed.

`Oh, that reminds me, I need to call home and get them to inflate those air mattresses for you guys.' I said as I took my arm from around Justin, and reached into my pocket to discover that my cell phone wasn't there, before remembering where it was.

`Can I borrow someone's cell? Mine is still at NBC' I said as I looked around.

`You can borrow mine. Ya know, since you let me borrow your pants, after all.' Nick joked as he handed it to me.

`Thanks Nick' I laughed as I picked up the phone and dialed my number.

`Hello?' I heard Karen say.

`Hey Karen, do me a favor, okay?' I asked.

`Whats the favor hunny?' She asked back.

`Will you inflate those 3 air mattresses and put 2 of them in the guestroom by mine, and one in the other room, and throw some covers on them. Pretty please?' I said into the receiver.

`Okay, for you, I will. Where are you at?' She sighed

`We are almost home, but I was hopeing you could have them done before I got there' I told her

`I will try. See you soon' She replied into the phone and hung up.

`Thanks Nick' I said as I handed the phone back to him

`Anytime cutie' Nick said to me making me smile.

As the limo pulled infront of my house we thanked the driver and we all got out, as Howie picked up Lance to carry him to the house. I opened the front door as everyone scattered. I walked down to the kitchen and saw Ian and Karen sitting at the table, talking.

`Hey guys' I said as I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a soda

`Hey Kev. What are the sleeping arrangements?' Ian asked

`Kevin, AJ and Howie are in one guestroom, Lance, Justin, Chris and Joey in another, Brian and Nick are gonna sleep in the living room, and me and JC are gonna sleep in my room.' I said looking down at the evening paper where I saw a picture of Jane.

`So no one is in my room?' Ian asked

`Nope' I replied.

`Damn.' Ian giggled.

`Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight' I said kissing both of them on the cheek.

`Your going to bed already?' Karen asked

`Yeah, stress takes a lot out of you' I said as I walked out of the kitchen

I walked up the stairs slowly with my soda in my hand and listened for sounds. I walked into the living room and looked for JC.

`Anyone seen JC?' I asked as everyone looked up at me

`Nope' Everyone replied.

`Thanks. Goodnight guys' I sighed out as they all told me goodnight.

I walked up the next flight of stairs and walked into my room where I saw JC already laying in bed. I slowly took off my fleece pull over and my jeans and shoes, and then changed out of my CK boxerbriefs into boxers. I crawled into the bed, next to JC wearing a wifebeater and my boxers as I turned the light off.

`Goodnight JC' I whispered as I kissed his cheek.

`Goodnight Kevin' he said back as I rolled on my back towards him and slowly drifted off to sleep

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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