
By Kevin

Published on Jul 5, 1999


Okay, I know that it has been forever, I'm sorry about that. I appreciate all the Email that i recieved last time. I have been going through some really tough, and time consuming things the last few months, but I hope to get this story going again. I am trying to make this story as completely different from any other story as possbile, but with as many bsb and n sync stories that have been popping up lately, its getting hard to do. So if I'm using anyones ideas, I didnt know, so please EMail me and let me know. Your comments, suggestions, whatever are welcome at I hope you all enjoy : )

KeviN Sync2-

It seemed only seconds until I heard the most annoying sound. "beep beep beep beep". Groggily, and attempting to regaining my thoughts about what happened that night, I slowly made my way to the shower. As I stood in the shower, I began thinking about what was going to happen on the show today. I knew that The Offspring and Jewel were on, but who were the other two bands? And where did Rosie plan on sitting us all considering she only ever has a few chairs? I got out of the shower with ideas popping in and out of my head. I went to my room and got dressed putting on a Fleece pullover from Gap, it was light purple with a tancream stripe on the chest, with a wife beater underneath. For jeans I had a pair of nike nylon wind pants on(gray with orange stripes going down the side), CK boxerbriefs, and a pair of Nike shoes. I threw on an adidas hat to cover up my unstyled hair and left my room. On my way down the steps, I heard Ian and Karen talking in the kitchen.

`Good morning guys' I said as I entered the kitchen and headed for the fridge.

`Wow! Kevin! Your looking good.' Karen said and Ian whistled, making me blush.

`Shut up you guys' I said, grabbing the cereal out of the cupboard and pouring in my bowl.

`Can we come along today?' Ian asked

`To the show?' I asked turning around

`Yeah' he said starring at me with a grin on his face.

`Umm..why?' I asked them sitting down at the bar looking at them.

`Why don't you come join us at the table' Karen asked

`I think I can handle sitting by myself' I said, in a grumpy mood. (Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm very grumpy in the morning.)

I finished my breakfast in silence and then announced that I had to go. I got up and put my bowl in the sink, when I turned around, I saw that the both were refusing eye contact with me.

`Sorry guys, you know how I am in the morning.' I said kissing both of them on the cheek, threw on my bright yellow nylon windbreaker, and headed out the door.

`Make sure to watch me today' I yelled in the door before closing it.

I got to my car, pulled out and headed toward the Los Angeles NBC Studio. Most people weren't aware that there was NBC studio in both NYC and LA, because NBC only promotes the studio in NYC, and the LA studio is small branch. However, since most everyone that needed to be on Rosie today was already in LA, they decided to just fly her over instead of flying us all to New York. I reached over and turned on the radio. A song came on that I wasn't sure the name of, but it sounded really familiar. I decided that I would just wait till the end of the song to hear the name. It was just getting light out. Being on the road at 6:30 was nothing new to me. Even at 6:30 there are traffic jams..which I guess is normal because of people heading to work. At the end of the song, they started playing another one, and I realized they were both from the soundtrack from `Bad Timing". One was Backstreet Boys and the other was a band that I had no idea of their name, but the voices sounded so familiar.

`Who is that??' I said to myself, frustrated that I couldn't figure it out.

I arrived at NBC studios before I had a chance to hear the band's name. At the gate, I showed them the pass that Megan had given me the day before. They gave me directions to the studio parking lot. Once I got there I saw Megan standing at the door looking nervous, and smoking, something she never does unless she is angry.

`Shit.' I said to myself as when I saw that she was coming toward my car. I opened the door, got out and locked it, slamming the door.

`Kevin, where the hell have you been?!' she said yelling in my face.

`Megan, calm down, I'm only 10 minutes late. The traffic was hell..already! Welcome to LA' I said trying to make her laugh..but she obviously wasn't amused.

`Oh my God!! Kevin, what happened to your face?!?!?' she yelled, lightly touching the cuts and bruises on my face.

`I'm fine, just a little argument' I said taking her hand off my face.

`Well, makeup better be able to do something about that! What if they can't? Then what!? Maybe you should think of these things God, damn it!' she said being frantic and taking a puff of her cigarette. I just rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

`Come on, your already behind schedule' she said grabbing my arm and trying to pull me along.

`Megan! You're starting to piss me off! I'm not that late, stop worrying so much! You know I love you like a sister, but this is the kind of thing that makes me fire people!' I said giving her a stern look and not budging.

`I'm sorry Kevin, I just don't want you to mess this up for yourself' she said looking at me with sorrow eyes.

`Okay, let me ask this, how many of the bands are here?' I asked jokingly, knowing that I caught her.

`Only Jewel.' She replied reluctantly looking at the ground.

`That's what I thought, but come on, I better get ready' I said putting my arm around her showing her a forgiving smile.

Once inside I was escorted straight to the hair and make up room. Jewel was already in here.

`Hey Jewel' I said walking over to shake her hand. I sat in the chair beside her to get my hair and make up done.

`Hi Kevin, it's nice to finally meet you' she said smiling.

`Its cool to finally meet you, I have liked your music for a long time' I said flashing a quick smile back.

I knew that Jewel was already in the business and I could tell that she really wasn't thrilled about meeting me, but I thought I would just give her the benefit of the doubt. The room was totally silent. It had mirrors all around, and smelled like hair spray. It was a large room, and had about 6 black leather chairs to sit in. Jewel left after about 5 minutes, and said how happy she was to meet me again, and then walked out along with the lady that was doing her hair. I was in there for about a half-hour longer until the make up lady finally said that I could go.

`What time does the show start?' I asked her before leaving

`Noon' she said trying to brush me off and get back to her work.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was only 9:30..what was I supposed to do until then? I told her thanks and walked out into a lobby where Megan was waiting.

`So how do I look?' I asked her.

`Wow Kevin, you look great, they even covered that cut up perfectly on your face' she said standing up.

`Yeah, but now what are we gonna do until its time to start filming' I asked her

`Well, did you eat any breakfast?' she asked.

`Yeah, but I can always eat again.' I said laughing

She led me down a quiet and empty hallway. It was a very uncomfortable all way, with black walls and white floors and ceilings, and was very cold. Once we entered the cafeteria we say that they had a few vending machines where you could get cold foods, but the kitchen didn't open until later. As Megan and I stood there, looking at the vending machines, we both began to realize how nervous we were.

`Are you nervous or something' I laughed, pointing to her tapping foot.

She just laughing and mumbled something about a smartass. We stood there for a few minutes, looking at what they had to eat and arguing about what to get to eat. I decided on a ham and cheese sandwich and a carton of milk. I looked at the seating area, and noticed that the room was completely empty. I sat down next to a window, where you could see the sun just barely over the horizon. I looked up to see Megan get a candy bar out of the vending machines. We sat there, completely speechless and nervous about the events coming up. I was nervous because I didn't want to mess up in front of some of the cutest guys I had ever seen, and Megan was nervous cause she didn't want me to make a fool out of us both. I finished my sandwich, and Megan sat there, munching on her candy bar. I told Megan I was done as I stood up to throw away my container, and wrapper, and Megan suggested that we should head up to the lounge. After some silent complains from me we started walking out the long hallway again. When we neared the lounge I looked in through the windows, and saw the Backstreet Boys sitting there, in the flesh!

`Oh shit!' I thought as I looked, and saw my role models sitting there.

As Megan and I entered, I thought maybe I should get out of there. I wasn't sure if I could be in the same room as these guys without doing anything stupid. And most likely, they would all figure out I was gay, and if they did, and they weren't okay with it, they would tell everyone. All of a sudden I had so many bad things going through my head. It was about that time that I felt Megan push me in. Howie looked up and saw me trip into the room.

`Aren't you Kevin Scott?' He asked confusingly, and politely as I blushed from tripping. This only drew everyone's attention to me, as everyone now looked up at me and they started to stand.

`So much for not making a fool out of myself.' I thought

`Yes, I am. Glad to finally meet you guys, I'm a fan of yours' I said extending my hand and shaking Howie's.

As I said this I looked back to see Brian and Nick look at each other and smile. After that I shook AJ's hand followed by Nick, Brian's and Kevin's. By this time I was ready to faint from the excitement. Then I felt a nudge in my side as I looked back at Megan.

`Oh! This is Megan, she is' I said, looking at the ceiling with a loss of words

`I'm his agent. I think Kevin is a little excited about meeting you guys.' she said with a pleasant smile shaking all their hands.

Brian and Nick continued to smile, except now they were smiling even harder. I gave them a curious look, but when they didn't make eye contact back with me, I decided to let it pass.

`Its great to meet you gays--guys! Nice to meet you GUYS.' I said trying to cover up what I said.

`It's cool to finally meet you. We have heard a lot about you, but never had the chance to actually meet' Brian said snickering.

`Thanks. So are we gonna stand here, are we gonna sit down?' I said with a laugh.

They all joined me in my laugh as we began to sit down. To my left was Megan and to my right was Kevin, followed by Brian, Nick, Howie, and AJ.

`We really enjoyed your movie Kevin' Kevin said and looked at me with a polite smile

`Thank you, I really enjoyed doing Bad Timing. It was definitely a blessing to work on.' I said lying though my teeth.

`We must of saw the movie 10 damn times' AJ said laughing picking and pointing at Brian when he wasn't looking.

`Are you serious? I mean, James Cameron is a great director, but face it, the movie, well to put it nicely, sucked.' I said with a hint of anger in my voice. They all looked at me with a hint of concern in their eye.

`Well, when I heard that I would do the movie, I was really excited that I finally got a big part. Then when I found out Katie Holmes was going to be in it, I figured that this was going to be a huge opportunity, but then, Cameron turned out to be a real dick. If everything wasn't done to exact perfection, he would get pissed, and go on about it forever. Everytime you would mess up a scene, he just couldn't let it go, and he made it so hard to concentrate on acting, because all you could think of was not messing up' I said getting angry.

`What?! Why the hell didn't you tell me this Kevin?' Megan asked sounding pissed off about what Cameron did.

`Because I figured you would get mad, and then call him to tell him off, and in the end I would be the one to get punished for it, so I just decided to keep quiet.' I said looking at her

`I can feel the love in this room' Nick said and laughed, causing everyone else to laugh.

`Don't mind Megan, it's her time of the month' I said as Megan playfully hit me on the arm.

`Okay, I assume you are the Backstreet Boys?' The stage manager said pointing at them from the door, causing us to jump at his loud voice.

`Yes, that's us' Howie said finally speaking up.

`Okay, good. Okay, the line up for today is, first we will have Jewel perform, then The Offspring, then the Backstreet Boys, then N Sync, after each of the performances, the band will give a short interview. After all the bands are done, we will have Kevin Scott come out, followed by Katie Holmes, and then James Cameron will come out, and we will close with an interview, we are going to try to keep it under 3 hours. Is that clear?' The stage manager said in a firm voice.

We all nodded our heads to show that we understood. I was starting to feel more nervous now, since he said that N Sync was going to be here. Even though I meet a lot of cute guys in the business, the blonde curly haired guy from N Sync was really hot. I wish that I knew his name so I could at least talk to him, if I saw him.

`Okay, so what we are going to do now is, I need the BSB to come with me to rehearse. Kevin, you and your agent need to go down to the green room and wait. There will be a lady named Jane come in to give you a basic prep of the questions Rosie will ask today. Is that okay Mr. Scott?' The stage manager asked, more like told me it was okay.

`Yes, that is--' I started to say, but was cut off by the stage manager.

`Okay, I need the BSB to follow me, NOW' He said in a rude voice.

As the members from BSB stood up, Megan and I joined them, shaking their hands, complimenting on meeting each of them, as they walked out the door. Megan and I walked down to the green room where they had a small buffet with eggs, bacon, waffles, all kinds of breakfast foods and a soda machine. The room was painted dark black with black carpet and no windows. So far, the only room with a window was the cafeteria. The counter was black, the chairs were black, everything was black. They had several large TVs attached to the ceiling for viewing the show. Megan complained about not being hungry as I grabbed a plate and filled it with a pile of eggs and grabbed a glass of 7UP.

`Wow Kevin! I never saw you eat so little before' Megan commented in a sarcastic voice

`Shut up Megan' I said joking with her and taking a quick bite of my eggs.

`Okay, I'm sorry Kev. You better be careful to not get fat. If you do, I might not be able to take you to meet any more GAYS, or I mean guys!' She said busting up laughing, obviously catching my mistake.

`Okay, so I was nervous' I said mumbling through my mouthful of eggs.

This only brought more joy to Megan, as she began to mock me, and talk like she had food in her mouth. Needless to say, she was being very annoying. I took another bite of eggs and waited for the interviewer to come in. Megan was obviously excited. She kept running around like crazy, picking up things and throwing them at me. At one point, she went to the breakfast table and started a food fight with the pancakes. I heard the door open behind me, but before I could look back to see who it was, I noticed Megan was launching another pancake at me. I ducked just in time for it to miss me.

`Megan, what the hell is up with you?' I said trying hard not to laugh.

Just then I remembered hearing the door open, and I could see Megan was suddenly acting very nervous and embarrassed. I looked back to see 5 guys standing at the door. 4 of them were laughing, but the one that had a pancake on his head, obviously wasn't happy. I ran over to them and took the pancake off his head. Thank God there wasn't any syrup on it.

I'm soo sorry!' I said throwing the pancake on the floor and shaking his hand. I'm Kevin Scott. And you are?'

`Pleased to meet you Kevin, and that's cool about the pancake. My name is Justin Timberlake.'

`Okay, cool, hi Justin. You look so familiar..but I just can't quite place you.' I said with a confused look.

Ever heard of N Sync?' He asked, our blue eyes interlocking.

Oh my God, I couldn't believe it. This was the second time I made a fool of myself today. I quickly looked away from him and looked at the floor, as I felt my face get red.

`Oh, yes, I definitely heard of you guys. Its nice to meet you' I said trying not to look too stupid.

`Likewise' Justin said, as I raised my head and saw that he was now looking around the cluttered room.

That was when I noticed that they all were smiling. I couldn't believe that he wasn't mad at us for what just happened. I could already tell that there was more to this guy then just a pretty face. The silence set into the room, as everyone looked around the room.

`Well, I know Justin now, what about the rest of you guys?' I asked, snapping everyone back into reality.

`Well, I'm Lance' Lance said in his deep voice, raising his hand.

`And I'm J.C.' A sexy guy said, who was standing beside Lance.

`Joey' I heard another voice say

`You can refer to me as Jesus' I heard a voice say. When I turned to see who it was, I saw someone with a crazy hairstyle. It kinda looked like a tree was growing on his head, but all in all, he was still really cute.

When he said that, everyone laughed, and J.C. told me that his real name was Chris. They all were dressed in khaki jeans and black fleece sweat shirts. For shoes they had on black Eastland Minneapolis shoes. It was obvious that everyone's hair had gel in it, and that they had already had their make up done. I then heard Megan clear her throat. I looked back and saw her coming up towards me.

Oh, pancake girl back there' I said pointing to her, making everyone laugh. That's Megan, my agent.'

`Not for long' Megan joked as she started walking towards us.

`Ahh, yeah Megan, you wouldn't last a day without me' I joked back with a cocky smile.

Megan gave me the look of death as I moved so she could shake all of the guy's hands. I went back over to the couch as she shook everyone's hand. I noticed she was spending a lot of extra time at Lance. I just passed it off as I went back to shoveling in my eggs. I felt someone sit down beside me as I looked over to see Joey.

`Your Joey..right?' I asked, hopeful that I got his name right.

`That's me' he said with a smile

`Wow, I actually got your name right' I smiled. He sat there watching the TV and I continued eating me eggs.

He turned to me suddenly and asked `Are you gay?'

`What?!?' I asked, shocked, choking on my 7UP.

`Are you gay? I just want to get it out in the open' He said, acting as if it wasn't a big deal.

`Does it matter if I am? Or if I'm not?' I asked, looking around the room to see that no one was looking at me.

`No, it doesn't, I'm just curious, that's all.' I sighed, knowing there was no way to get out of this one.

`Yeah, I am..' I said looking at the floor.

`Cool. I know a lot of people that are gay.' Joey said trying to comfort me a little.

`Really? You should introduce me' I said as we both laughed

`Hey, I might just do that. Are you seeing anyone?' He asked, his facial expression still not changing.

`Its confusing, I was, but then I kinda cheated on him. I realize I messed up, but I didn't think he cared. Then yesterday, he hit me, and we got into a fight, but what makes it the worst is that we are roomies. So then last night I went into his room to see how bad his face looked after he was asleep, but apparently he was awake, and then I woke up later that night, and he not gonna go into what he was doing. So this morning he was all cheerful, but I don't know..' I said, thinking I confused Joey.

`So you guys slept together last night?' Joey asked.

`Wow, this guy doesn't beat around the bush' I thought to myself

`Yeah, well.. oral. But its all messed up cause I caught him in bed with some guy yesterday.' I said, feeling very uncomfortable talking to someone I barely knew about this.

`Well, it sounds to me like you should get out of the house for a while.' Joey said, still with little emotion

`Yeah, Karen, my other roomie keeps everything cool in the house' I said, looking at the clock that read 11:36

I then felt JC sit on the other side of me. I looked over and smiled at him as I took in my last bite of eggs and got up to throw my plate out. When I was on my way back to sit down, I saw that JC and Joey were talking, and snickering. I decided that I would go see how Megan was doing. I noticed her in the far corner of the room talking to Lance and Justin.

`Is Megan working her corner again?' I said, yet another crude joke, but everyone laughed, so I was satisfied. Megan gave me another death look.

`Hey, I thought some interviewer was coming in to see me. They start filming in about 15 minutes and no one came in here yet.' I said to Megan.

`I don't know Kevin, why don't go you over there and wait' she said rudely, treating me like a little kid.

`Yeah, sure..' I said hurt.

I walked out of the room as I heard Megan calling my name. I walked down the long halls, not knowing, or caring where I was going. I didn't feel welcome in the room. Two guys were sitting there, most likely discussing me being gay, and Megan just told me to get away from her. I found a set of stairs and sat on them, thinking about my life, when I felt someone come up behind me and stop. I sat there, hopeing they would go away.

`Megan, just go back into the room. You know I have been having a rough week with Ian and all, and yet you can still say things like that to me. So just leave me alone, I don't want to hear you apologies right now' I said, not looking at her, just stareing down the steps.

`Who's Ian?' I heard a voice say, as I turned around to see Brian from the backstreet boys behind me.

`Oh, sorry, thought you were someone else.' I said looking back down the stairs.

Obviously' Brian said with a smile and he sat down beside me. You want to talk about it?' He asked, looking over at me

`No, not really..' I said, not looking back at him.

Brian seemed to be really caring. He just sat there, not really saying anything, just trying to console me. I looked over at him and he was stareing directly at me, smiling. It felt really good to be near him. I slowly reached over and put my arm around his back, pulling him closer, and laying my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around my back too. I didn't mean anything more then friends by it, and I'm pretty sure he didn't either.

`Could you imagine The Enquirer getting a picture of this?' I joked as we both laughed.

`Brian Littrell leaves Backstreet Boys to be with Kevin Scott' He said laughing

`Will Kevin Scott please come to the green room' echoed through the loudspeakers.

`That's my cue' I said to Brian as I removed my arm from around him as we both stood

`Well, I need to get down there too. We were told to wait there after rehearsal' Brian said

`Well, come on, lets go then' I said laughing and starting to walk. Then I realized that I was lost.

`Uhh, do you know the way?' I asked turning around and looking at him

`Yeah, come on' He said reaching out and grabbing my hand.

Wow' I thought Could Brian be gay? He is really is acting like it..or maybe he is just being friendly'

We walked hand in hand back to the green room, not passing anyone along the way. As we entered the room, everyone looked up at us, as Megan came up to me.

`Kevin, what are you doing?!?' Megan whispered frantically

`What do you mean?' I whispered back confusingly, as she pointed to me holding Brian's hand. I looked up to see everyone had went back to what they were doing except nick and Justin, who were looking at us with anger.

`If he doesn't mind, why should I? Just go back to talking to your boyfriends lance and Justin over there' I said coldly

`Whatever asshole' She said as she started to walk away.

`Mr. Scott?' An elderly lady called out my name, dressed in a black and red formal dress.

`Yes?' I asked as I saw her walk towards me.

`Hi, my name is Jane. I am supposed to prep you for your interview this morning' She said smiling sweetly, and extending her arm.

Since Brian was on my right, I let go of holding his hand and shook her hand, when I lowered my hand back down, Brian instantly grabbed it, making me smile, and feel loved for the first time in days. Jane told us to follow her, as we made our way through the members of N Sync and BSB, sitting on couches, looking as us as we passed, still holding hands, giving it a feeling of death row. We finally reached a table where Jane told us to sit down. Brian sat on the right of me, as Jane sat on my left.

`Okay, we just need to run down a few things that you do and don't want to say. You never know what Rosie is going to ask, so we need to be properly prepared. Is this okay Mr. Scott?' Jane asked

`That's fine Ruth. Please call me Kevin' I requested as she smiled.

`Okay, Kevin. Now pretend I was Rosie asking you this. Now, there is rumor going around that you and Justin Timberlake actually got into a fight over Britney Spears, is this true?' Jane asked as I laughed

`No, honestly, I just met Justin this morning for the first time, and I have yet to meet Britney, so I have to say that is false' I said laughing a little bit, and by the look on her face it was satisfactory.

`Do you have a significant other? Male or female?' She asked and I noticed Brian perk up to hear the answer

`No, I'm single right now' I said sadly.

`Then what is Brian to you?' Jane asked with a confused look, pointing at me and Brian's interlocked hands, which were laying on top of the table.

I don't think Rosie would be asking this' I laughed But I just met Brian this morning also, and we are just friends'

`Do you prefer male or female?' Jane asked

`Lets just hope Rosie doesn't ask this one' I said laughing

`Why?' Brian asked quickly, interrupting me and Jane

Hey! Who is the interviewer here??' Jane laughed So, why do you hope she doesn't ask that?' Jane laughed causing me and Brian to laugh at her.

`Lets just say that right now, I'm not really interested in the female type. All I'm really looking for is love, whether it's female or male. But I think I prefer male right now' I answered honestly and looked over to see Brian smiling widely.

`Okay, I will let Rosie know that we need to avoid that area of during commercial break. She should have started filming by now, so I need to go get backstage to catch her during break. It was nice meeting you' Jane said as we all stood and shook hands.

Brian and I sat back down at the table as Justin came over and joined us.

`Hey guys' Justin said as he pulled out the chair on the left to me and sat down.

`Hey Justin' Both Brian and I replied

`Hey does anyone else hear that noise?' I heard JC ask everyone in the room

`What noise?' Joey asked back

`I don't know, it sounded like a popping noise a minute ago, and for like last 10 minutes, I keep hearing something that sounds like a helicopter. Well, I guess that is normal for LA.' JC said giving up on his argument

Dude, do we need to admit you to the physco house again?' Chris joked, as Joey began to sing Drive Myself Crazy' in the background. We all laughed and returned to our conversations.

`Hey Kevin, you live in LA..don't you?' Justin asked me

`Yup, I live in Los Feliz area..why?' I asked back as I noticed Justin kept glancing at the spot on the table where me and Brian were holding hands.

`Uhh, because me and the guys were wondering if maybe we could bunk there tonight?' Justin asked snapping back into reality.

`Sure, why not? Uhh..cept, I need to check with my roommates. Karen is obsessed over you guys, and Ian..well..I'm not gonna go there' I said half laughing, half-serious.

`Who's Ian?' Justin questioned me.

Ian is my roomie..and an asshole' I replied as nicely as possible. I will call home before I forget and see if they mind'

I withdrew my hand from Brain's despite his saddened look, and walked over to the corner of the room and pulled my cellphone from my pocket dialing my number.

`Hello?' I heard Karen's voice after two rings

Hey baby, whats up?' I was just calling to- I started to say as Karen cut me off

`Thank god you're okay!!' Karen said with relief

`Yeah, why wouldn't I be?' I asked confusingly.

`Oh my God! You don't know?!' Karen started to get frantic again.

`Know what?' I asked sounding worried.

`Oh my God, I can't believe they didn't tell you. There is someone in the building with bombs and guns!! Turn on CNN!'

At that point I went limp, dropping my cell phone, as visions of Columbine HS flashed through my head. I ran over to the two TVs that were on MTV and changed the channels quickly.

`Hey! I was watching that!' Lance yelled at me

"Kev? Whats up dude?' Kevin asked me

They soon saw what I was talking about as I reached CNN, and we saw the building we were in from a helicopter..

......To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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