Kevin's Service

By Jonathan Doe

Published on Aug 29, 2012



Disclaimer: This story contains sexual contact between two consenting males of legal age. If this kind of material offends you or you are prohibited from viewing it by your local authority, then please leave now. This story is PURE FICTION, any resemblance to any person(s), living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintentional. While it is not possible to screen who is accessing online material, I would like to remind the reader that the 'sex' depicted in this story is pure fantasy. In the real world there are consequences to every action. Stay safe in body and mind. Thank you.

Kevin's Service

My name is Kevin and I am gay. There, I said it. You are the first person I've ever told my secret to. I have been wanting to tell me best friend and my family, but I am just not quite ready. Besides, I wanted to make sure that I really was gay before I go around telling people. Maybe it's just an admiration I have for the male body.

My family consists of me, my mom Jennifer - she is a very young-looking 35 and my dad Robert. My mom works part-time as a school substitute mostly to keep busy...we sure don't need the money. Dad is an investment banker and does corporate real estate on the side - I think mostly to keep up his network of friends in the business. He is 36, very handsome (guess that's where I get my looks from), muscled, well-toned, and very smart. I admire him a lot. We live in a gated community of about 25 large homes. The backs of all out homes lie just off the country club golf course and I would guess that 90% of them have swimming pools. Our neighbors are doctors, lawyers, bankers and there is even one nuclear physicist.

Like I said, I am Kevin. I'm 18 years old, 6'2" tall and I weigh 190 pounds with 6% body fat. I have naturally blond curly hair that I keep pretty short; I hate people that don't take care of their looks or their bodies. For the past three years of high school, I played both football and basketball; on practice days I ran with the rest of the team and on the other days, I swam laps. I had just graduated from high school a couple of weeks ago and was enjoying the time off until I was to start college in August. Since I was no longer practicing with the team, my best friend and I ran or swam each day and then went to his house to lift weights in his garage. His dad kept a pretty impressive man-cave there with a variety of gym equipment. I figured I would continue this routine until college and then I would start going to the gym at school. I knew my body looked good and I was very proud of it. I have a great tan and I really like my dime-sized nipples. Recently I have discovered how sensitive they can get while I jack off. Very hot. I got a lot of comments and stares from the other players in the locker room - especially in the shower room. I did my share of checking the other hot guys out too. I forgot to mention that I am pretty well hung. Until early this last year, I felt almost cheated in that department. At the beginning of my senior year, I had only 5 inches of hard dick. But in a matter of two or three months, I got my beloved growth spurt. All of the sudden, my dick just seemed to grow both in length and girth. I am now very proud to show off my 8.5 inches of manhood for all to see in the locker room. I know there are other guys bigger than me, but many many with less. Even soft, I am close to 6 inches of swinging dick. Also, I am naturally smooth on my chest and stomach. I have an almost invisible treasure trail running from my belly button down into my shorts, a light dusting of blond hair on my legs, and a small tuft of pit hair. My ass is totally smooth as are my balls. Just above my cock, I have a very small patch of blond pubs, but I trim them down to where they aren't even visible. I know alot of guys shave, but I don't like how it feels after the first day - all stubble-like.

Anyway, the first week of summer vacation was great - sleeping in, working out with my best friend, and pretty much doing whatever the hell I wanted. It was over the first weekend of my break that my parents decided that they were taking a two-week vacation to Hawaii. They did not even mention that I wasn't invited - I kind of got the hint when they said it was going to be their second honeymoon and that I was old enough now to be trusted at home for those two weeks. So, they got packed and I drove them to the airport. I had stayed home alone for a night here and there, so I was sort of nervous and excited at the same time about being alone in our big house for two whole weeks. Thoughts of a big house party kept creeping into my mind, but I also remembered how those always seem to turn out in the stereotypical teen movies - so I dismissed the idea. But what would I do that I wouldn't normally do while the 'rents where there?

As soon as I knew the 'rents were on the plane, my mind started spinning to help decide what to do that would prove to myself that I was really gay. I begin to make a list of what to do. With this list, then I started doing some internet research. For example, my first item on the list was Craigslist. I looked through several ads and finally found four or five that I wanted to take a better look at.

Having never done anything really, I had no clue what to expect or how Craigslist worked. So, I found one ad that was sort of harsh:

Discreet Sex, M4M, 25 I am 25 years old 6'0 230 athletic build! 6.5 cut send pic in first email with 'discreet' in subject or it will be deleted. I don't have time for your games. 2 emails or less.

Based on that ad, I decided he was sorta pushy, especially for my first time; I decided to look a bit further. I found the following ad and decided to respond to it, just to see how things went:

Looking for Cocksucker. You host; I use your Mouth, M4M, 40 White, five-eleven, one-ninetyfive. clean. ddf. I am dominant/aggressive guy. You will suck my cock however I tell you to. I may face fuck you. I will tell you what a cocksucking slut you are while I pump my cock in and out. You beg me for my creamy load...maybe, just maybe, I'll give it too you. You will be hwp, clean, hiv neg and ready to serve. Send me your age, stats, cock size, cut or uncut and a full naked body pic. If I like what I see and think you're worthy of my cock, I will let you know. If I do select you, we will come up with a day/time and you will follow these directions exactly:

  1. All lights off in your house

  2. Front door unlocked

  3. Tell me where your bedroom is

  4. You be naked laying on your bed with your head hanging over the edge

  5. I will get naked and start fucking your throat

  6. I may decide to do other things to your naked body or tell you to do something

  7. When I am ready to come, I'll do it wherever I feel like and you'll say Thank you sir

  8. You stay on the bed naked until I have left your house

Once I read the details of this ad, I knew it was the one I wanted to try. Shit, just reading it gave me a raging hard-on. I immediately started drafting my response to this guy's ad. I was very careful to answer all his questions including a very detailed description of me and I took two pics - one of my hot naked body from the neck down and the other of my hard cock. The pictures were quite nice, if I do say so myself. My football and basketball practice, along with swimming had definitely paid off. I looked at the pics a few more minutes, admiring my abs and my big cock.

After I got my ad reply ready to go, I sat back and thought about whether I really should do this...I thought that since the 'rents were definitely out for a couple of weeks and we would probably set this up later some night, that I should go for it. There wouldn't be nosy neighbors wondering who this strange man was coming over while the 'rents were away. This would prove to me for sure whether or not I was gay. I clicked the "send" button in my email and started doing watching tv. Within about 10 minutes, my email dinged indicating a new message. I nervously opening it. It read:

Good job, boy. You followed directions exactly. I like that in my play things. I am pleased with your pictures. It has been five days since I blew a load, so tonight will be the night. Give me your address boy. I will be there between 11 and 1130 tonight. Remember the instructions I gave you. I only want one email back from you giving me the address...then you wait for me. Be ready like I told you. I know you want this cock and cum!

I quickly replied with my street address and the gate code, and clicked send. Not sure if I would get anything back, I sort of waited around a little while, but there was nothing. I was really nervous. I was only 4pm by now, so I had a few hours before "he" arrived. I watched a little television and fell asleep on the couch. When I awoke, it was 10pm. I ran up stairs for a quick shower and started to find clothes to wear, but remembered what 'he' said, so I decided to just not get dressed. There was something invigorating and exciting about walking around my whole house naked. By now it was 1030, so I decided to go ahead and make preparations. I went down stairs and unlocked the front door, then I remembered I hadn't told him which room was mine. Shit. I quickly wrote on a stick-it note which bedroom was mine, and stuck it on the outside of the front door. Next I headed up to my room, shutting off all the lights as I went. When I got to the top of the stairs, I realized it was absolutely pitch dark in the house and I didn't want to disobey, but I also didn't want "him" to trip over anything in the dark. I decided to switch on the light over the stove in the kitchen. It was just a little light, but would provide a small break in the dark for "him" to at least see the staircase. I hoped he wouldn't be mad about it.

At 11 I decided to get comfy on my bed. I was beginning to get really nervous, wondering if I had made a really bad decision. I mean, what if this guy was a killer like in that movie about Craigslist, or what if he was someone I knew, like a neighbor or a teacher from school. But even with the butterflies in my stomach, I was rock hard and steadily oozing precum. As I waited, I began to wonder if he would even show up.

At about 1110, I heard the front door open. My heart began to pound and my cock began flowing a river of precum. I could hear what sounded like him getting undressed at the front door. It seemed like it took him forever. I next heard him ascend the stairs - the fifth step has a creak that I've learned to avoid over the years of coming in late - and he begin moving toward my room. By now, I had scooted over to hang my head over the edge of the bed and could sense him in the room with me. It was very dark, but there was just enough ambient light coming in through the blinds that I could see his shadow as he moved toward the bed. He had a tight, muscled body and his was his cock sticking straight out. It had to be 10 inches - not terribly thick though, which I was actually glad. He moved toward me, put his hands on my chest until they each found a hard nipple, and began to pinch and squeeze. I moaned in pleasure and he quickly jammed his cock into my mouth to shut me up. I was thrilled. He kept at my nipples while holding his cockhead in my mouth. He must have sensed that I'd never done this before - he told me to massage the head with my mouth. While I did this, one hand left my nipple and quickly found my aching cock. He roughly grabbed it, ran his thumb over the head smearing the precum all around and then jacked my cock a few times. I again moaned at this feeling. I loved jacking off, but this was the first time anyone else had touched me sexually. It was amazing.

His hand went back to my nipple, teasing, pinching them both. Then with no warning, he jammed the entire length of his cock into my mouth, over my tongue, assaulting my throat. Fortunately he pulled it back out just as quickly. I coughed and gagged and he let out a sound of deep amusement. He continued going balls deep, fucking my mouth and throat - sometimes slow and gentle but mostly fast and hard, like he just got out of prison. I even wondered if perhaps he was just out of prison. This just made me more horny and got my cock that much harder and produced more precum.

He would push his cock balls-deep and hold it there for a few seconds, yet it felt like forever. Just when I thought I would gag and throw up from the assault, he would pull out a little and I could catch my breath. I got the hang of things pretty quickly and I think he was pleased. When he would pull all the way out, there would be a trail of spit-precum leading from my mouth to his cock. His low-hangers would cover my eyes while he had his cock all of the way in my mouth. Finally after about 10 minutes of this routine, he pulled out completely. As I waited, I wondered if I'd done something wrong, but he said "suck my balls boy". He lowered them near my waiting mouth and I licked at the orbs, then sucked one of them into my mouth, covering it with saliva and gently rolling it around in my hot mouth. I repeated this on the other and alternated back and forth for a few minutes, all the while, he was stroking his big cock. I had one hand on my cock and I moved the other to jack his cock for him. He quickly slapped my hand away from his cock and said,

"You'll use only your mouth, cocksucker! Do you understand me?"

I answered, "Yes sir".

He pinched both of my nipples hard after that - hard enough that I was really in pain and didn't want to do anything else to displease him. When he let go of my nipples, he pulled my hand from my own cock and replaced it with his. He squeezed my shaft with one hand and my cockhead with the other. It hurt almost as bad as the nipple torture.

He did this until I'm sure my cockhead was an angry purple color and then he let go. He jacked me for a few minutes while I continued sucking his balls. He pulled his balls from my mouth, replacing them with his long meaty cock. He went back to the routine of hard face fucking me. I was beginning to love this. After about 10 more minutes of this, his low hangers began to tighten up and I knew he must be getting close. That was fine with me, as my mouth and jaw were beginning to tire, plus I was ready to finally taste another dude's cum.

He abruptly pulled his cock out and smeared the spit-precum mixture over my lips and face. He held his hard-on at the base and slapped it across both cheeks several time, and and told me to get on the floor on my knees. I scrambled to do as ordered. Once there he told me to open up and suck his cock like the cum-guzzling party bitch I was destined to be. I did as he ordered and he began bucking his hips in time with my sucking. He grabbed both of my ears and began slamming his rock hard cock in and out of my mouth. Saliva was dripping down my chin, my chest and pooling up on the carpet. Because of the angle, I wasn't able to get his cock as deep into my throat as I could on the bed but before I could really try anything else, he pulled his cock from my hot mouth and began to jack himself off. With this other hand, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back. He said, "Open your mouth boy. I got something for you!". About the time I opened up, he leaned down, spit into my mouth, and kept jacking off. In just a few seconds, he put the head of his cock on my outstretched tongue and jacked faster. He was saying, "Oh yeah, hell yeah, you're about to get this jiz boy". With that, his cock spurt out three ropes of cum that shot past my tongue and landed in my hair and forehead. I tilted down slightly so the others would squirt into my waiting mouth.

Just as I'd hoped, the next four spurts went directly into my mouth. I quickly gulped them down along with the previous gift of his spit, and clamped my lips around his cockhead so I wouldn't miss anymore of his baby batter. He jacked a few more strokes and I sucked as much cum out of him as I could, swallowing it all. He pulled out his still-hard cock, wiped it across the cum on my forehead and shoved it back into my mouth, telling me to clean it all off and not let it go to waste. I did exactly that - it tasted so good. I had tasted my own cum before, but his was so much better.

He said, "Get back on the bed like before cocksucker".

Once there, he grabbed one nipple and began pinching and with the other hand, he started to molest my cock. He was much rougher now with my cock. He spit in the palm of his hand and began jacking me off. It hurt but felt so good at the same time. I wanted to cum so badly. Between the pleasure in my left nipple and my cock, I could only hold off for another couple of minutes before I knew I was going to blow my huge load all over my chest and stomach. He jacked me hard, knowing exactly what he was doing. I tensed up and in a few more strokes, I blew the largest load of my life. I had 10 full volleys of cum spewed all over my chest and stomach. The first two went past my head. He continued to roughly jack my cock - he didn't care how sensitive I was...I was there for his pleasure, to be his cocksucker. I was lucky that he even cared enough to let me cum in his presence. When he finally did stop jacking my cock, he scooped up the first palm-full of my cum from my chest and said to open my mouth.

I did as he ordered and he let if drip from his palm into my mouth where I ate it all up. The next palm-full, he scooped from my stomach - this one, he smeared all over my face. The remainder of my cum was rubbed all over my stomach and chest. He then said to lick the cum from his hand to clean it all off and to lick his cock clean once again. I did this all, and was able to get one last cum droplet from his cockslit.

He said, "Boy, remember what I said about staying put until I'm gone".

With that, he said that he might email me again if I was lucky and he left my room and I heard him descend the stairs. I listened to him get dressed and open the front door.

But before shutting the door, he yelled back to me: "Boy!".

I said "Yes sir".

He replied, "Tell Robert I'll see him at the office when he gets back", and then he left.

Thanks for reading! Comments are welcomed. Please put "Nifty-Kevin's First Time" as the email subject and send me a message:

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