Kevin the Cyborg

By Boris Chen

Published on Jan 26, 2025


Chapter 7. Monday July 16. Back to work day.

Monday started just like work days have since I graduated from USC, 0600 my alarm went off and I quickly got up and sat on the edge of my bed briefly to collect my thoughts. Just then I heard Kevin's alarm go off and about 30 seconds later he appeared in my doorway, naked. So I stood up and went in my bathroom, set out two towels, and turned on the shower water, steamy-hot. Then I got in and Kevin followed moments later and we started our routines and tried not to bump into each other.

When I had to lean against the shower wall and bend my knee so I could scrub my feet I also had a good view of the backs of his legs and his butt cheeks, they looked wonderful. It got me thinking about yesterday, I wondered if Scott fucked Kevin but I didn't want to ask. I was hoping he'd eventually just tell me. I highly doubt I could take Scott rectally without lots of blood and pain.

A short time later I was seated at the kitchen table eating my breakfast, sipping coffee, and reading yesterday's business news.

By 7:10 I was outside waiting to cross Kettner to get on the trolley for the 30-50 minute ride to work.

Our department opens at 8am, I'm salaried and I run a department so I like to be there just before the troops arrive, most of them are hourly employees. We work 8am to 4:30pm daily, but I log a lot of hours at home, because I can work there with less distractions.

All day my mind replayed mental images of Kevin in the boxing ring. I wished I'd taken pictures of him with boxing gloves and bright red padded gear covering his noggin and his crotch. He stood in the ring with bare feet on the white canvas deck with his dark red round nipples on display, which I think is some of what attracted so many watchers, he looked like a topless girl in the ring. Over a dozen guys came in from the weight lifting room to watch him being taught how to defend himself with his fists. I bet more than a few were disappointed, `That ain't no woman, it's an f-ing dude!'

In the break room my coworkers had comments about my tan and relaxed smile and they said I seemed much more animated than normal, but I kept responding with comments like: `Yah whatever.' One of the guys in my department quietly asked if I got laid, I simply nodded yes but never smiled.

By lunch break the comments had stopped. Our bid on the new theater in Tulsa was the topic of the day, we had a manager's meeting (0900) and reviewed their architectural drawings and desires for a smaller system. These four theaters would be some of the smallest new structures we've bid on.

We decided that everyone should take home a copy of the construction plans (on a DVD) and check for any reason why we should decline that job, otherwise the next step was to begin to do the calculations for the exact system and then the cost to manufacture and install. We don't always do the install, sometimes they have a local contractor who has done our systems before and knows how to get them working correctly. The nice part of that is if the system fails it's the installer they usually call. The single biggest factor for proper operation of our hardware is alignment of the speaker with the reflector. Once they're installed correctly they are mostly maintenance free.

Once the concentrated wave of audio hits the reflector it divides the wave into segments and sends them toward places on theater walls which become virtual surround speakers. With our system the seating area becomes the subwoofers, the screen itself becomes the center channel, and even the ceiling is used as a virtual speaker. I designed the encoder that feeds specific sound channels to specific speaker elements on the drums. Picture it like aiming a big fire hose at the trunk of a very large oak tree. The water hits the tree and is reflected off in various directions, that's how our reflectors work.

So far it appears our job in Tulsa will all be made of off the shelf components, it will not take any new technology to build those systems.

The old guy showed up that afternoon and I handed him the new circuit boards that just got silkscreened with parts locations. We were going to build ten of these prototype amplifiers, we had all the parts in stock on the big work bench. He works fast and by closing time he had all ten boards partially assembled, I think today he placed all the resistors. Tomorrow he'll be back to install all the capacitors and chip sockets. He should have all ten boards assembled by the end of the week if we have all the parts in stock. We can get next day delivery from Jameco and Newark if we're missing anything.

We were in the final stages of designing a new system for a hurricane damaged college stadium in Florida. It's an entirely different design if the sound system was to be used outdoors, the lack of a ceiling makes a huge difference.

I left work at 4:35pm and rode home, hoping, praying to come home to find Kevin on the sofa plugged into power. Our office landlord locks the outside doors at 5pm daily, but you can still exit the building.

I got off the trolley at 5:10pm and stopped to get the mail, then up to 21st floor, the door popped open and there was Kevin asleep on the sofa, plugged-in to both chargers, curled up on my spot. I set my stuff down on my bed and used the toilet, then out to the kitchen to make some coffee.

Entering the kitchen I saw my dinner was already on the table with a hot cup of coffee beside it, and my favorite big spoon with two napkins and the salt shaker. I sat down and ate my dinner, which was a hot French Dip sandwich, dipped, with more juice on the side, a big slice of kosher pickle, a large helping of coleslaw, a glass of wine, and another glass of cold water with ice. I even ate the sprig of parsley!

About the time I finished my last bite I heard movement in the living room then Kevin shuffled in the kitchen in sweat pants only, I heard his bare feet shuffling across the linoleum floor. I turned to look as he walked in the kitchen, my eyes went directly to his belly button.

With a mouth full of food I welcomed him back and asked how his day went.

"I got a lot done today. I finished high school and got a text from Robco after it was submitted to them, and now I can start downloading college (four year degree in Marketing which will take a lot less time than high school did because he will only be watching classes). They sent me the link to download the video files."

I congratulated him on starting college, he stepped up close, beside my chair and I pressed the side of my face against his stomach and hugged him, with my hands on his butt cheeks. Then he stepped back because I was still eating. He slid his chair around the table beside mine and I offered him a spoonful of coleslaw, which he took in the mouth like a one year old in a high chair.

Then he told me he picked-up two more breakfasts, they're in the refrigerator. I thanked him for doing that. And he said he heard a rumor at the skate park that he'll be one of the contestants in the upcoming Go-Go-Boy contest, but it was just a rumor. Kevin said the contest was sometime in October.

He said he talked to Luke today and confirmed lots of his information. Kevin said he thinks there is a connection between Luke's family and the local PFLAG office. He also told me that Scott said his choice of a college degree should be called a Bachelor's in Capitalism because that's what it sounds like. I laughed when he said that, it sounded rather astute coming from Scott's mouth. I asked if Luke was gay and Kevin said he says no, he isn't.

He said he dusted his entire bedroom and had a pretty nice day, no problems. And he never had to punch-out any assholes at Memorial Park either!

I told him a little about my day and my lunch, then we cleaned up and moved to my room to lie on our backs side by side and talk while the sun started to go down outside. It was a very nice evening just talking and staring at the ceiling.

As the sun started to settle down into the Pacific we get the nicest red and orange sunsets, sometimes for a few minutes it lights clouds over land and San Diego turns pink. I showed him how the color of my ceiling changes gradually as the sun gets closer to the ocean. I told Kevin how in ancient times the sunset was a big deal, they worried if it might not return to the eastern horizon the next day. It was a big part of the religion and culture of the ancient people. Kevin said he wished he could go back in time and see it for himself. I told him Sun worship is still around, it's just disguised now. Most of the people involved in it have no idea what they're praying to because nobody listens or thinks critically any more. I told Kevin sun worship (and sunrise) icons are contained in a lot of corporate logos, it's everywhere.

He asked if that was why I didn't go to church and I said it was a big part, yes. I asked him if he would like to go out and visit a few Sunday services just to see what they looked like, he said yes. Just to be clear I told him I believed in God, but didn't believe in religion. Kevin said he'd like to discuss that topic more sometime.

During our conversation Kevin reminded me I only had one dinner, no lunches, and two breakfasts in the refrigerator, so I used my computer to order enough for the rest of the week, then I walked back to the bed to lie beside Kevin on his back. I asked him if he would go with me to the Deli.

Fifteen minutes later we walked in the lobby door and got in line. I saw Debbie the manager was still working the register, taking orders. The waiting area was very crowded.

"Hi Debbie!" She hugged me back, a former New Yorker and she finds it hard to suppress her Greek foodie DNA.

"I see you have our newest employee with you today!"

I spun around to look Kevin in the eye. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled back to me but said nothing. "He said you'd discussed it but he was keeping it a secret. Not to worry Mister Slone, he'll only be here one day a week for six hours, it won't interfere with his studies one bit."

I looked back at Kevin but we had this understanding about not contradicting each other, so I played along. "Yes, I'm afraid he's going to spend most of his earnings at the Amazon MP3 store."

"You know how kids are about their music these days!"

I told her I laid down the law, he was not allowed to play anything by Taylor Swift out loud in our home. Debbie laughed loudly as we finished my order.

We all smiled. I paid but my order wasn't ready so we had to wait for my number. We sat there watching the three young Hispanic men working at the steam table, both of us were watching their shirts for when they stood upright and if they're in the right spot the ceiling lights shine perfectly down their shirts and light up their skin. All of them wear a lightweight short sleeve white cotton button down shirt, so if their chests get lit up you can clearly see brown circles on their chests and for some of them a big shadow for the belly button hole. We sat close side by side on the bench holding hands down low watching the show, they were constantly flashing skin at people waiting for their food. Kevin said the guy all the way over on the right end was wearing a Crucifix. Sure enough I could see the gold cross clearly through his shirt. I whispered to him he should probably change some of his electives to Spanish, he agreed, this close to the border it was good to speak some Spanish.

Most men wearing button-down shirts without a tie leave the top button open. Most of the steam table guys had three buttons open so they all had a nice broad display of hairless upper chest on display, I thought it looked nice. Younger Mexican men tend to not be very hairy, and I think it looks great. It was like a wide V-shaped area of smooth brown flesh that I found to be rather erotic.

This deli serves a lot of food every day, but most of it is eaten in hotel rooms, they only have three small tables for dining here, I doubt I've ever seen them used. They have a nice back kitchen here where the food is put in big stainless steel pans (pre-warmed/cooked in a commercial oven) to sit on the steam table. Order slips are placed on a rack and the three guys scoop and dip and grab stuff from the table to assemble each order. They set paper bags at the pick-up window and the final person double checks that everything ordered gets put in the bag then they call your ticket number. I've never had anything missing, they are always super careful. You never see these people stopping work to check their Facebook likes or how many times their last comment on Twitter got re-posted.

"5643!" was yelled by the guy at the pick-up window. I looked and motioned to him that it was me. At the window he held up the order slip and read it to me, exactly what he packed in the large paper bag. I noticed as he read the slip that his arms and hands were shaved hairless. I believe if a man shaves his arms he also shaves his pubes and arm pits, possibly his thighs too. Judging simply by his looks I guessed this guy was in his late 20s, his English was great.

We slowly walked home but traffic was heavy, it took a while before the lights let us cross. With all the people getting off the trolley there was a large number of people waiting to cross both ways. Even the hotel lobby was busy and several taxis were dropping off new guests under the covered grand entrance. That hotel is one of the nicest in southern California. They come here from the airport by limo or taxi. This hotel is very tall and it has a bright green copper roof that makes it stand out in the city skyline. It's about 15 stories taller than our building across the street.

There were too many people in the elevator to talk about anything. Back at home we discussed school.

"You're totally done with high school, right?"

"Yes sir, it's over."

"Have you started downloading college yet?"

"Yes, that's what I was doing when you got home."

"How much different is college than high school?" I asked assuming he glanced at his first class.

"High school was one kid wearing a forehead video camera all day from the time he got off the bus until he got back on the bus. College is just the classes, there are no breaks or times when nothing is happening, they are edited to be concise and as short as possible, but the advantage is you can rewind and watch something again if you missed it. High school was one long daily video including lunch and periods in study hall, so this will make college go much faster." He said he should have it done quicker, maybe by November. He said college classes have the camera mounted in the seating area with someone following the professor with the camera on a tripod and you can easily read the chalkboard and projector screens.

"Why don't you go to bed early and I'll do the same, tomorrow's another day."

He agreed and said he was going to bed. It was only like 6:45pm.

He went to his room but left his door open, I saw him in bed working on something on his computer. I went to my room and got into my shorts and sat down at my computer and looked at what it takes to fly from San Diego to Tulsa, I knew there wouldn't be any direct flights. But when we submit a bid one of the owners usually goes to visit and look over the construction site. Lots of times all we see is a scale model of the new facility on a table. I don't know if they've actually started building this new shopping mall with the multi-screen theater. Like I said before the existing one was destroyed by a tornado and some people died so the entire place was leveled and the new one will be made of the most up-to-date tornado proof designs and should be safe even in a mile-wide EF-5 storm because the mall will mostly be underground.

While I was looking at the web page for a travel site something caught my eye and I ended up on Pornhub and was looking at two muscular guys blowing each other. I don't really get into big muscles or girls with big fake tits, I'm more of an A-cup guy, and I like twinks and femboys because aside from some silly makeup they're usually totally real. If I see piercings or excessive tats I always leave that show quickly. I am especially bothered by pierced nipples, belly buttons, and face-neck tattoos.

If I could change one thing about the world since world peace will never happen I would put a stop to pierced nipples and belly buttons. And maybe if you have tattoos on your face you should also be required to get a big letter L tattooed on the center of your forehead too, at no extra cost!

But I found this one guy on Pornhub from the state of Antioquia Colombia . His name was Travis and he had a great body, almost a nice as Kevin. He had too many tattoos but his body was gorgeous and not too hairy. He was oiling himself and rubbing it all over, which looks nice. He was doing something like a very slow belly dance and eventually his boner fell out and he started wanking. The view I got was his belly button and his dick. The way he was positioned I could see inside his belly button all the way to the bottom and then he started spurting semen on the floor. It got me so horny I stood up and slid my shorts down and started stroking myself too.

I turned sideways by my desk and put my feet up on the file cabinet so I was nearly on my back on the office chair, which leans far back if you push hard enough. I turned my head to the right to keep one eye on Travis on the screen, by then he was licking semen off his fingers and I felt my orgasm start, I shut my eyes and moments later I came on my stomach. House rule #15: always keep paper towels near every computer and bed.

I got summoned to the CEO's office on Wednesday and he said they wanted me to fly to Tulsa to go talk to the contractor and the owner about their system, he wanted us to have a firm yes or no if we will bid on their theaters by then. I planned on making my decision at home tonight. I kind of anticipated a unanimous yes vote tomorrow. The four of us who own the company take turns flying out to accept or decline bids. After that it takes a couple more weeks to fully cost the job with installation. It's typically a 2-3 man job and takes a couple weeks to run conduits and pull cables, mount reflectors, and drum speaker mounts. After all the hardware is in it becomes a one-person job to fine tune and test. The hardware in Tulsa is being installed on fresh concrete so it will take rotary drills and extra time because poured concrete takes longer to drill and mount than concrete blocks. They have to run a ¾ inch conduit from the projection booth to the screen to pull cables for the drum speakers. In a new building it usually goes much faster and they use a rented hydraulic scissor lift platform to work on when running conduit. Our contractor in Missouri uses a gun to shoot bolts into concrete instead of drilling. It costs more but it's much faster to install. Shooting bolts into new concrete sometimes causes other problems.

On the way home I stopped to get our mail and opened the report card that showed all of Kevin's grades for every semester since he started freshman year in July. He graduated with a 3.9gpa, which is excellent. It was addressed to me so that's why I saw it. I handed it to him when I got back. I also asked Kevin if he wanted to fly with me to Tulsa for one night.

"Is that the place where you met the guy at the bar?"

"Ahhh no, that was Amarillo."

"Do you know what day?"

"They've not made the appointment but it might be this weekend, somewhere between Friday and Wednesday. We fly out in the morning and meet them that afternoon, tour the site, which may be just a vast sea of dirt and stakes in the ground, then we stay at a hotel and fly back in the morning. Each way we'll have a layover, maybe in Denver or Phoenix."

"I work this Friday from noon to 8pm," he replied.

"I'll keep that in mind, like I said they haven't purchased airline tickets yet. It'll be neat if you can go along too just to see how we do things with future clients."

Then I handed him his grades and he smiled, now it truly felt over!

I also asked if he would like to take a weekend soon and stay one night at the Hotel del Coronado, it's the place that fired off the fireworks show back on the 4th.

"Why are we going there?"

"Just a change of scenery, try something new and different, no special reason actually, just for us -- just for fun. They got a bunch of pools and a huge beach, parts of the hotel were built in the late 1800s and it's expensive and has a reputation for great food and service, attention to detail. It's kind of like going back in time two hundred years."

"How expensive is expensive?"

"About $500 bucks a night for one bedroom with a balcony overlooking the ocean."

"Is that high?"

"It's well above average for the USA, but there are places that go a lot higher, like thousands a night. But they don't want our business and who in their right mind wants to spend the night in Beverly Hills."

"Yah, sounds like fun."

"Keep in mind the place has a huge sandy beach but the ocean feels like ice water, so you only go in the water with a wet suit, and they get sharks and stinging jellyfish too."

That didn't scare Kevin. He reminded me he comes from the home of Godzilla so he knows all about monsters in the sea. He said he'd climb up on his foot and take a ride across Tokyo! I laughed at his bullshit.

Our days were routine, no problemas (as they say locally). Kevin started his job and made decent tips (for a teenager working his first job) too. He said when he got his work shirt he went in the bathroom and moved around under the ceiling light by the sinks looking at himself in mirror to see how visible his chest was. He said his two big dark circles were easily seen if anyone took the time to notice. He said his coworkers spoke Spanish almost exclusively to each other so he tried Japanese to every customer who looked like him.

Kevin said he had to learn how to scoop food into plastic containers without making it look like he was slopping it onto a mess hall tray. He used a big ladle and a pair of tongs too. He said he had a nice time and was well treated and they split tips between all the staff and everyone made twenty five bucks. He thought some of their tips weren't for the food but for the studly Mexican twinks on display.

On Monday morning we flew out of San Diego to Denver, then Denver to Tulsa. The company paid for my ticket but I bought another one. The second ticket cost me $375 and the airline used regional jets without first class seats. He had no problem going through security despite being titanium, copper, and stainless steel inside, with a small amount of uranium too. I heard there is some kind of code on the boarding pass that indicates the passenger is a cyborg. His driver's license has a code that indicates he is not human.

Once we got to Tulsa we took a taxi to the hotel near the construction site. Even though it was two years ago we could see some of the devastation from the tornado. It struck one end of the mall where the theater was located. All remnants of the old mall were gone now and the new mall was a big hole in the ground. They had a man-made mountain of dirt on the old parking lot as they were about to start laying pipes for the new mall which will be mostly underground. One of the people joining our group said the tornado even sucked the vehicles, light poles, and the asphalt off the parking lot.

This guy said there was another mall being built down in Moore Oklahoma with a similar concept as this one, but the mall itself will sit entirely under a three story concrete parking lot built to withstand 350 mph wind, but cars in the garage might get sucked out. When this mall was destroyed they found cars from the parking lot over a mile away in a pasture.

I met with the contractor, his architect, and the mall owner. The mall owner owned other malls all around the Midwest, so this was just one of his current projects. We sat at a picnic table overlooking the huge hole in the ground where the old mall stood and when the discussion turned to the Cineplex we had our chat about the theater sound system. I handed him our thank you letter and told him we were proud to bid on his system and hoped we got the job, they would receive our actual bid in about two weeks. The owner guy (main investor) said we were the only company to send someone to hand deliver a letter. I told him at this distance from San Diego we'd probably subcontract out the install work, there is a company in Saint Louis we've used before for theater sound systems, they did good work. We talked about sound systems for about 15 minutes and I invited him if he was interested in seeing the largest private sound system at a replica ancient Roman theater in Amarillo next summer and gave him the date and who to email for tickets. He said about half the movie theaters around Tulsa and Oklahoma City use our system but he was impressed by the technology and most of all by the price and simplicity.

He said he was not a huge fan of classical music, I told him the star performance was the 1812 Overture but we also played some live recordings we made of various things thought to be impossible to make sound real, like lightning strikes, the space shuttle lifting off, an actual Tsunami wave 17 feet tall in Indonesia, a small tornado in Nebraska, a NASA rocket launch, test firing an M1 Abrams tank 120mm gun, Niagara Falls, an EF-4 hurricane in Jamaica, and a herd of stampeding bison in Montana. You'll probably never see any of these but then you can say you've heard them up close!

He asked about my traveling companion, I introduced him to Kevin, he sat near me smiling but not speaking, Kevin said his parents recently passed away and now he was living with me, his only living relative. I told him his mother was my older sister.

When we got to 90 minutes seated at the picnic table we walked closer to the edge of the hole and he pointed out where the theater would sit and the entrances and the extent they are going to make the mall tornado proof, in fact the entire mall will be a tornado shelter and some parts of it will be open 24 hours a day for that reason. He said they'll have six elevators and six long ramps to get people in and out of the mall quickly. It is being designed to easily survive a direct strike by an EF-5 tornado.

Then Kevin chimed-in and boasted: "Yah, Mother Nature's gonna have to up her game!" I ignored his comment but the guy showing us the site just laughed. We could not go down in the hole but we saw lots of white plastic pipe sticking up in the air for plumbing, they also had the outside perimeter of this entire end of the mall already poured. I think he said the floor comes next, but for now all they're doing is digging trenches for pipes and compacting the ground.

We shook hands and left in separate directions, I called for a taxi and we rode back to our hotel and got changed to check out the indoor pool, which wasn't very crowded for a weekday. Most of their customers were people crossing the country on I-44 which runs from Wichita Falls Texas to Saint Louis Missouri.

He told me he wanted to swim some laps so he took off and I sat on a pool chair to watch. When Kevin came up at the far end of the pool some guy walked over and started talking to him about his incredibly long stretches under water, but Kevin acted like it was just another day. Watching the two of them chat in the shallow end I got the idea this guy was flirting with Kevin, but he looked a lot older than me, maybe in his late 40s. The guy was standing awfully close for a stranger talking about the hotel pool. I kept a close eye on them regardless, but eventually he gave up and patted Kevin on the shoulder and got out of the pool.

After swimming for a few hours we walked to a local restaurant with a bar so Kevin could sit there and sip a 7-Up and I ordered dinner and a glass of wine. I ordered him a bowl of pudding which he will eat. It kind of bothers me eating so often in front of him. After dinner I ordered a glass of Miller beer on tap. After dinner we went back to our hotel pool and chilled out in the deep end. He showed me how he likes to swim underwater since he doesn't need to breathe much. He swam the length of the pool underwater, which looked freaky. Some of the other people in the pool commented about his skill, I told them he was a pearl diver. Of course that made perfect sense and then nobody freaked out when he stayed under water for 80 seconds.

That evening we made love in our hotel room, on the bed this time.

We also spent an hour in the garden tub cuddling in the hot water with the lights off and soft music playing on his cell. That evening I blew him twice.

The next morning we caught our flight to Phoenix then switched airplanes for the very short flight back to San Diego. The actual wheels-up time flying from Phoenix to San Diego is only 38 minutes but we spent hours waiting or standing in lines.

At home Kevin went straight to bed and plugged-in because we forgot to pack a charger but he did fine, I think his reactor worked a little last night and when we got home he had 4% left and he said he was seeing a flashing indicator. Before I went to bed I ordered three more Robco long-wire chargers, one will stay in my overnight suitcase.

I've come to understand that for Kevin, just being awake and maybe some casual walking around, his batteries might last as much as two days instead of just one. When we decided to shut off his telemetry feature that gave him another six hours of battery power at base load.

That week Friday we were home on our normal schedules, I went to the Deli that evening to sit in the back and spy on Kevin at work, I don't think he saw me but I wasn't hiding. It seemed like he was showing off his tits on purpose because I kept a count on each guy on the food service line to see how often they stood in the exact right spot to show off their flesh at the tourists waiting for their food. I think they show chest flesh to help increase tips from the ladies.

Two weeks later we spent Saturday night at the Hotel del Coronado out on the island, we checked out four of the pools and he waded into the Pacific ocean up to his knees then chickened out, it was too cold. I told him the Pacific is always cold along the California coast. On this trip I had one of the new chargers already packed in my suitcase, and there it shall remain for the next decade!

That evening we walked to the bike rental hut and rented one plain bicycle and pushed it along their wide concrete trail and I had him stand and watch how to get on and off the bicycle, then I had him try but he couldn't get started.

So I went slower breaking down the process into individual steps, I got him to stand with one foot on the pedal and coast along the sidewalk. Eventually we got to him throwing his leg over the back tire and landing his ass on the seat then pedaling and learning how to brake and stop without wrecking. The sun was down and the lights came on the walkway by the time he was able to ride the bike, he was totally proud of himself for conquering it. Then he rode around the open grassy park area, around me, but nobody from the hotel asked him to stay on the cement sidewalk, which was maybe 10 feet wide. He laughed loudly and was totally proud when it finally worked.

I told him my sister taught me to ride a bicycle when I was about four years old and I crashed and cried a few times but eventually was able to ride and stop without crashing, but it took weeks to get it figured out.

After two hours we returned the bike and walked back to our room holding hands. At my request that evening he fucked me on the floor. We pulled off a bed sheet and spread it out on the floor (to avoid making noise) and he put me face down with my face on a pillow, my legs spread apart, the balcony doors wide open, and the `do not disturb' sign on the door handle. He pounded my ass hard, and he came twice inside me. The next best part was when he collapsed on top of me and panted and caught his breath. Yes, my ass bled a bit but it was worth it.

Then we soaked together in the garden tub, me in back, with my hands all over his shoulders and chest for almost two hours. We already got snacks and a 6-pack of regular Coors beer in those little 12 ounce brown glass bottles delivered to the room, it was a great evening. We exchanged `I love you' twice that evening. I think I spent half an hour kissing his ear and neck while my fingers gently rubbed his nipples.

I noticed his dick was hard while I was doing that romantic stuff.

September 15, 2080

Back at home we spent time looking at his skateboard now that it has all the new hardware installed and broke-in. He said new tires are horrible for a couple hours until the surface gets roughed up and they stop slipping. He asked me if he could invite Luke over one evening soon. I agreed. About two days after I said yes to Luke's visit Kevin got in his first fight at the skate park, luckily the cops were never called because it lasted about ten seconds. He caught someone hassling Luke and stepped in and shoved the kid away and charged at him. Kevin grabbed his shirt to yank him back to his feet and warned the high school kid to leave Luke alone, or else. He said he pulled back ready to break his face but never punched him, Luke cried.

So Kevin hugged him and walked him to the park entrance and lectured him that he should learn to fight or tell him who did it. "The kid I knocked off Luke was totally surprised to have someone step-in and put a stop to it." He said he warned him to leave all the little kids alone or he'd break his nose and have the park turn off his sticker for life.

I heard a couple weeks ago the cops came and busted one guy on distribution of narcotics. Four different kids recorded him with cell phones flashing bags of meth and sent them to the cops. They showed up two days later and arrested him and flew him back to Nicaragua.

Kevin updated me at dinner this week that he was almost through his first semester of college. I asked if his classes were in English and he said no, they're in Japanese. He's attending classes at The University of Tokyo, which is north of the Imperial Palace, north of downtown Tokyo. It's a pretty big campus.

That week I finally remembered and went into the CEO's office since we don't have an HR office in the building, we rent HR services at some consulting company in town. I went to his office just before he got up for lunch break one day and asked him if he had any company logo coffee mugs, I wanted to give one to my nephew, so he walked across his office and opened a wall cabinet then turned and asked what colors I wanted. Almost everyone here has one, I usually drink water at work and I think I gave my mug to the old guy who builds our circuit boards.

"They all have a black background?"

"Yes, some have a white lightning bolt, some have an orange one, a few have green and there's one with a pink lightning bolt."

"I'll take black and orange please."

He reached into the cabinet and moved things around and moments later slowly pulled his arm out with a mug in a small plastic bag. He walked over to his door and handed it to me with a smile. He said if my nephew is still around next summer he should come to the open house in Texas. I told him I already explained it to him, but we haven't put it on our calendar yet. "What's the date? I forgot."

He walked over to his desk, grabbed the mouse, clicked a few times then told me `It's Thursday, Friday, and Saturday June 19, 20, 21 in 2081.' He wrote it down on post it note and handed it to me, then I thanked him and left before he could invite me to lunch. I set the mug in a drawer in my desk so it didn't disappear then I grabbed my wallet and cell and left the building to get lunch at a deli half a block away. I usually buy a six inch Italian hoagie, their veggie hoagie is nearly as good, and sometimes I order it instead. It wouldn't surprise me if the veggie hoagie had more calories than the Italian one with four cold cuts.

That afternoon I remembered to bring the mug home and gave it to Kevin.

It was a surprise when I got off the trolley he was standing on the platform staring back at me like something was horribly wrong. I glanced up at our condo building to see if there was a huge section that burnt out but all was well, I think maybe he was just stressed that I might walk right past him since there were so many faces to look at getting off the train together, but he found my eyes easily. I usually keep my eyes on the deck when walking on a crowded train platform.

"What are you doing here?" I asked kind of expecting to see him plugged in on the sofa.

"I wanted to meet you earlier, here I am!"

I turned him around and we walked to the crosswalk, waited for the light, then crossed with about thirty other people, many of whom lived in our building or the one next door. As we stood and watched the crossing light we were sort of bumping into each other at the shoulder, kind of like flirting in public.

There were six other people in the elevator, it took about 2 minutes to reach the 21st floor then we got off with four other people. Kevin unlocked our door and we went inside. He went to the kitchen, I went to my room, then the kitchen with his mug.

I held up my old mug and showed him how my lightning bolt was yellow, now we have another one with an orange bolt, "The orange one is yours."

"Wow, thanks for thinkin' of me."

"You're welcome, thanks for being a very pleasant person."

"It's how I roll." Was his usual reply to compliments. I think he heard a character in a movie say it, so now he says it.

In honor of his new mug I made two cups of coffee and we sat at the table and talked about general stuff. He always asked questions about American culture and how people act in public. He says life in Tokyo is rather different from San Diego.

He told me most Japanese would not understand people from California, I told him the feeling would go both ways. Then he corrected himself and said he was not complaining, just commenting.

I told him there's a common mind virus that lots of wealthy-bored people get here, but it afflicts mostly women, it's called virtue signaling.

He asked what that meant, I said its how bored rich people try to trick everyone around them into thinking they are generous, caring, and right-minded when in fact they are usually none of those things.

Kevin asked if I was wealthy and I said `probably yes.'

"Do you do that signaling?"

"No, I don't have any friends, I rarely talk to strangers, I never discuss politics or religion with anyone, and I pretty much keep my opinions to myself."

His comment was, "That's weird."

"Uh huh. That's how I roll." Then we both chuckled because I stole his line.

Contact the author: borischenaz mailfence com

Next: Chapter 8

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