Chapter 6. Week 2 of vacation. Tuesday July 10th.
We had a great vacation so far, work only texted me once. I'm going to let Kevin go to the skate park alone on Thursday and Friday with his board. He's still mastering the basics so I doubted I'd have to deal with him falling from fifteen feet in the air. To me it appears most of his calibration work is finished and I think he'll be fine riding his board at the park (instead of on the sidewalks).
Since Kevin isn't human he doesn't have much of an endocrine system, lacking testosterone he won't have much free-will desire to do impulsive boy stuff. Cyborg Nutrient contains some male hormones. Macho behavior was a variable setting in the design program, a 0-10 slider. I set his at `four' to make him more compliant but not totally wimpy. And since his is set low I wanted to get him to a local gym and let him strap on boxing gloves and get training in how to defend himself with his fists. We haven't done that yet but we should have done that last Wednesday when we had time.
Today I'm able to track him with my android tablet as long as his cell is turned on; what directions he's heading, speed, altitude, and any system fault codes as well as charge status, rate of power consumption, reactor status, fluid levels, internal temps, and if he needs to dump waste. Basically, aside from GPS stuff I can monitor the same eight parameters that are indicated by the tiny LEDs under his toenail. The only time those tiny toenail lights come on is when they're plugged into power through that port.
The telemetry and wireless tracking works via Bluetooth via his cell phone but after he lives with me for a couple of months I'll probably shut it off because it shortens battery life. I'm also thinking seriously about getting him a high-dollar tracking implant. We've both looked at the cheaper tracking implants and were not entirely impressed with the service or reliability.
After he left I ordered more deli meals then walked over to pick them up while he was out on his own. And don't think for one minute my mind wasn't totally occupied with thinking about him. I worry about him like he was my own child. I guess I'm suddenly like an inexperienced new father. On second thought maybe if he was wearing diapers during break-in it might be a good thing!
Yesterday while Kevin was gone to the Deli to pick-up some food I watched the noon news and saw a local story that worried me. The TV said criminal gangs from Mexico were in California kidnapping cyborgs to work as sex slaves along the vacation coast, like Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta. He said they were searching for radio signals the cyborgs emit (Bluetooth and wifi). Another reason why the Robco tracking implant was better was it used a scheme to hide and disguise those signals to make them almost impossible for kidnappers to locate.
Today, while he was at the skate park I took the trolley back to the mall to discuss security with the sales people at Robco and got a list of settings to change, I learned more about the high quality implant that few people buy because of the cost, but it bypasses the cellular, wifi, and Bluetooth frequencies which kidnappers look for, but requires a much more expensive implant and a higher subscription cost per month for satellite tracking. Robco sells and implants the most expensive one but it's like a secret, like the secret menu items at In & Out!
I asked why that would be safer than the other frequencies and he said the implant (and satellites) used spread spectrum so the signal was nearly impossible to locate because it was constantly changing frequency.
This implant was inserted the same as the cheaper ones sold in stores but the cost was much higher. The store units were like $250 including the implant procedure, and add on a $15 a month subscription for tracking limited to two hours per month. The implant Robco sold cost $900 and $40 a month for full time satellite tracking accurate to one foot. They said it's not made by Robco but they install them and have them in stock. I asked what their record for post-implant complications and infections were and he said they've only sold two because of the price but both of them were fine with no infection. I made an appointment for Kevin but advised I might have to re-schedule or cancel, I wanted to get his buy-in first. He said they will use his stand-by chip so he'll be in deep standby for the procedure and won't feel a thing. The implant takes about four minutes to install and activate. I told them I'd probably be back tomorrow with `the kid.'
After I got home from the mall I re-connected my tablet computer to Kevin's cell and was amazed at the different status displays they had on this application. I also read every word in the pamphlet about the tracking chip from Robco. I needed to discuss it with Kevin first.
While I was at the store we also discussed his break-in period and falling. I described each fall as best I could and they said they all sounded perfectly normal, not to worry. But there was a recall notice on his production batch that ended up with visual problems. So far it sounded like Kevin was not affected.
The sales guy said he'd seen this exact thing before with brand new adolescent cyborgs who ride skateboards, he said as they walk around in public they get so focused on watching the sidewalks they walk into stuff and fall over when they trip over edges because they're obsessed with looking for rocks, sand, and wide cracks.
Tuesday afternoon.
Kevin got home about 4pm with mild sunburn and 11% power left. I had him sit next to me on the sofa with the charger in his toe. He seems to charge faster with the small wall units plugged in his toe than the top of his head, not sure why. Probably has something to do with data lines that the small wall units don't have.
We discussed his day, Kevin said he was very ready (`pumped' is the term he actually used) to get his new trucks and tires. I asked if he tripped or fell today, he said he did twice but figured out why it's happening and already made changes to how he watches the ground.
I told him that I went to Robco to discuss his falls and a better implant. I told him all about the high dollar implant and the Mexican theft gangs stealing cyborgs for slavery in Mexico, he nearly cried. Kevin agreed to get the better implant ASAP. I replayed the video of the kidnapping story from the noon news.
"You know I go back to work Monday morning, right?"
"Yah, you've told me like four times now." He said without turning to look at me, sort of showing a lack of concern but I wanted to make sure.
"Any thoughts or concerns about being alone all day?"
"I thought I might find more stuff to do than hang out at the skate park, maybe I could get a job or something?"
"Like doing what?" I asked half watching the TV.
"Maybe at the Deli or maybe at the gay bar by the skate park."
"Like doing what?"
"What about being a Go-Go-Boy, dancer guy in that Speedo you got me?"
"There's risks; stalkers, violence, being hit on, rape, diseases, that sort of thing."
"Maybe I should look into amateur night competition or something. I could use the money."
"For what?"
"Music, maybe some movies."
"You mean at the theater or on your computer?"
"We should go see one on the big screen once so I can see how they compare. But I was thinking about movies on the TV." He nodded toward the TV we were both facing from the sofa.
"Sure, we can do both, check out the listings in the paper."
"Okay. You eat already?" Kevin asked.
"Yes, just before you got home. I should be good for the rest of today. How's your charge now?"
"Thirteen percent, thanks for asking."
"Anything else you need?"
"Nope. I'm good, filled where I should be and empty others. Thanks Rob." He turned to smile at me with that answer.
After his smile I pulled my arm from over his shoulders placing my hand on his thigh above his knee giving him a friendly and slightly intimate squeeze then asked, "Can we discuss a few more items?"
"Most of the time I get home from work around 5:15pm unless it rains hard or there's a late afternoon game at the stadium. What I would like to see is on days you go out or have friends over that you're home, cleaned-up, serviced, and mostly charged by 5pm. Is that reasonable?"
"No problem." He offered with a smile staring at the TV, same as me. Then he added that those were similar rules that Scott Hall had with his family.
I got up from the sofa and came back with the pad of Sticky Notes and wrote one saying:
Work Days by 5pm:
Charged, serviced,
cleaned, and home.
I stuck it on the mirror in his bathroom so we both knew the guidelines. Each day starts in the shower and ends with him at home ready to relax with me.
After I came back from his bathroom I told him almost no company locally would hire him without a high school diploma so I suggested he concentrate on finishing high school with excellent grades before he applies for any job. I asked where he was and he said he was just starting his junior year, he was ahead of schedule because of extra time in bed.
We watched the TV in silence for a time, the news, weather and latest on the Padres.
Then it occurred to me, "Have you ever seen a Go-Go-Boy routine before, or just from an encyclopedia entry?"
"Just online stuff, never seen one live."
"Would you like to watch a real one?"
I grabbed the TV remote changing to the web search feature, found several online that were recent, one from a gay pride festival in Palm Springs last year. It downloaded in fifteen seconds and started to play. He watched in amazement, then asked, "Human or mecha?"
"Who knows, hard to tell these days." I answered.
The first young man looked to be around 23 to 25, with blond hair, slightly muscular, skimpy shiny metallic looking skin-tight suit but nothing else on. He was performing on a bar in some outdoor gay establishment but the video and sound looked pro. While we were watching the video Kevin mumbled that he thinks Scott has an unusually large dick, he thinks he might have been designed to be a walking-talking fuck machine. He said he might not be the smartest kid but he's probably super big, like maybe a foot long.
The Go-Go-Boy on the video twisted his hips around like a belly dancer holding onto a shiny golden pole moving with the music for a time then crouching down letting patrons stick cash money into his suit or touch his upper body and legs. It didn't seem to bother being touched by lots of horny strangers, male and female, young and old. Both of us saw people actually grabbing the big ridge in the front of his shorts.
Kevin watched in surprised silence, his mouth slightly open.
"Yah I could do that." He said slightly nodding up and down.
"Even with all those strangers grabbing your dick?"
"I really don't mind being touched, it feels nice. I wonder if I'd be as popular as him."
"I don't think that'll be a problem, I think you'll be very popular. When you go talk to them you might mention your mecha thing."
"That's the rule right, within three minutes of constant banter?"
"Are there any other mechas at the skate park?" I sort of changed the subject as the video ended and the TV jumped back to the news.
"I've met two so far. Say, that reminds me, can I invite one of `em over?"
"How old?"
"He was built about two years ago, but his age is 17 about to turn 18. I'm talking about Scott."
"What's Scott into?" I asked.
"He's a lot like me, cept he's able to skate mostly without wrecking. We like the same music too."
"What about his owner?"
"His rules have him home by 8pm daily; we overlap several hours a day."
"Why you wanna invite him over?" I asked knowing the probable answer.
"I think if we got to be friends he might teach me to be a better skateboard rider. And I'd like to see him naked sometime. He said he doesn't care who he shows his dick to, he's had sex with a lot of humans."
"Seen him with his shirt off?" I asked.
"Uh huh." He said with a small grin appearing on his face.
"He's the short muscular type. Chest muscles, small pointy nips, like you said, he looks like Christopher Atkins, and under his shirt too. His Bio-Card said he likes to put out."
"What's a bio card?" I asked but I think I already figured it out.
Kevin answered still not looking at me, "It's a small text file with basic information (like a business card) that the unit or its owner can edit which is available to read over wifi if their settings allow it. His was still set on public so I'm not sure he knows it's there for any other Robco to read. You can write anything in it you like really."
"Do you have one?" I asked.
"Yes, but it's blank except for my name and incept date."
"If you bring him over on work days please text me so I know before I walk in the house."
"Sure. I'll ask next time he's there."
"What's the other kid's name?"
"I forgot to ask, but he's younger than Scott, he looks like he's maybe 14. He doesn't drive yet."
I didn't know Robco made such a young looking cyborg, but I guess they do, or maybe he's not a Robco, maybe he's the other one, P-something, I forget the name. Kevin reminded me that `young' is just a cosmetic thing on cyborgs, they're all the same inside.
It made me think that a kid who looks 14 driving his mother's car is going to get stopped by every patrol car, it would take him forever to drive to the mall, so I understand why he's not allowed to drive. Well he shouldn't feel bad, I'm in my 30s and I don't even own a car. That's why San Diego is thick with robotaxis.
A mental image of the newspaper article popped into my brain and I reminded Kevin it's the law in North America, sex with any cyborg is legal despite their apparent age. If you're the owner it is perfectly legal to torture and murder it too, just like its legal to destroy your own car with a sledge hammer. I thought there was a minimum age because they only grow so much, if you buy a cyborg that looks to be nine years old it will be small its entire life because they don't grow like a human, but they can grow a little but it takes years. If you purchase a 9 year old looking Cyborg by the time it reaches 12 years of age it may look like an 11 year old.
I asked, "Why would anyone buy a 14 year old looking cyborg?" Kevin told me he heard kids talking about him at park, he's a replacement for their 14 year old son who died in an accident, and the problem is the 14 year old cyborg is basically 14 forever.
I asked if he spoke to him and Kevin said yes, a few times. He's focused on skating but he's done with school so he's home all day with his mother. I heard his mother is an emotional wreck from the death of her baby boy two years ago when he fell or jumped off a balcony and hit the sidewalk and died instantly from massive head trauma. There is always speculation if it was suicide or an accident. The original Luke was also a skateboarder.
"Also, if it's okay with you I made an appointment for you to get implanted tomorrow morning at 10am at Robco at the mall, he said five minutes and you're done, and they'll use your standby chip so you won't feel a thing."
He sat there in silence then turned his head and looked me in the eyes, sighed, and said okay. I grabbed his left hand, raised it to my mouth and kissed the back of his hand. As kind of a joke he mumbled to me `you missed.'
So Scott's coming over Sunday and we go back to Robco for an implant tomorrow morning. I got up from the sofa and wrote myself reminder notes. I also posted a note on his bathroom mirror, implant Wednesday 10am at Robco.
When I came back to the living room Kevin told me he thinks Scott's owner loans him out to friends for use as a sex/party toy. He said his father is some kind of sales guy and sometimes he uses Scott to close the sale, like if the buyer signs now he'll let them use Scott all weekend too.
"Wow, can you imagine that?" I asked.
But Kevin said he never really gave it much thought. The way Scott acts I don't think he's proud of his work but he has no choice, he does what they tell him. He also told me about the marks on his wrists and ankles, he makes no effort to hide them at the skate park.
"So they loan him out to friends, maybe to swingers, who knows. But they deliver him to some stranger's house, he knocks on the door, they take him inside and he removes his clothes and they hand cuff him by his wrists and ankles to a platform in the basement then they take turns fucking him, fucking his mouth, or who knows what else, maybe they piss on him. I don't really know much about that stuff."
Kevin said he heard in some places they drink the blood of children while the kid is wide awake but tied down. "But we don't have real blood or semen. I think his big attraction is his dick, maybe it spits semen five feet or something too. But he can only do that so many times before he runs out."
I said, "What do his parents do for a living?"
"He never said, except he says his mom drinks a lot, and he said they basically bought him as a sex toy. Sometimes he's gone for three or four days at someone's house. He said sometimes he works at fancy parties at the homes of rich people where he works as a waiter walking around serving drinks from a silver tray with no clothes on, just a famous boner."
"Sounds like that movie Eyes Wide Shut." I said, but Kevin never saw it, it came out like 80 years ago!
We talked nicely for about ten more minutes then I asked him to go to bed early, charge all night, and get as much school done as he could, I told him I would wake him up for our appointment. So I went with him to his room, he got in bed under the bed spread.
Before I plugged in his head cable I asked him a big question,
"Kevin, What do you want? What do you want out of life?"
"You know Rob, this is a question I've been programmed to answer but I don't think you want to hear what Robco taught me to say, programmed me to say, do you?"
"Just be honest, speak for yourself. Is this something you think about?"
"Uh, no not really. I'm aware that I am a machine, and when I look in the mirror I see a miracle of technology wrapped in human flesh but I'm not like you, I don't think like humans. I guess if I had to answer without being given time to come up with something insightful or funny I'd say I'd like to live out my lifespan in good condition, no major injuries, as little conflict and tragedy as possible, and I enjoy making your life better, which makes my life better to. I guess I want to live in peace and harmony with humans but especially with you. I'm here to learn and improve your life, that's what makes me happy. That's what I want."
"Thanks for telling the truth." I said. "Oh wait!" he said.
"When I see you smile, when I make you happy, that makes me feel like I'm doing what I was made for. That is what makes me happy most of all, seeing you smile because we did something together."
Then I leaned over and gently kissed his mouth and plugged in his head wire and his eyes shut and he became still and expressionless.
I looked at his alarm clock, it was about 5pm. I should let him sleep all night until 9am tomorrow morning; he might be over halfway through his junior year of high school.
Wednesday July 11, 2080. Implant Day.
I woke up the next morning with my alarm clock set for 8am. We had to be at Robco when they unlock the doors in two hours, luckily most of the morning commuter traffic will be done by then.
I had the place to myself so I showered and hung out in the kitchen, nuked a breakfast and made coffee. I mixed his shot glass of nutrient and left it on the counter. It's so routine now we never discuss it, but I have recorded him a couple times to make sure he was taking it like he's supposed to. Trust but verify!
At 0845 I un-plugged his head cable and he woke-up right away, I asked how he was doing with school with several extra hours and he said his 3rd year was almost done, he might finish it this weekend. I offered my hand and walked him to the bathroom and watched while he looked at the notes on his mirror then combed his hair and brushed his teeth, then he went back to his room to get dressed.
I made him a cup of coffee while he got dressed and he read yesterday's newspaper then shredded it. I finished my breakfast and ate an extra bagel too. At 9:15 we got in warmer clothes and left for the trolley station. At 9:50 we got off the trolley at the mall and walked toward the far corner, it's about a quarter mile away, the mall is pretty big. We got to the front door of Robco about two minutes after he unlocked the door, they were ready for us.
We were escorted to a small procedure room, it looked like a tiny doctor's office room with a paper covered exam table, a sink, desk with computer and an eye chart on the wall.
We discussed the implant, the procedure, and the cost, I signed the form as Kevin stretched out on the table, he propped up his feet then I reached in my pocket for the standby chip and held it up so Kevin could see. I paused briefly and Kevin was staring at my eyes. He smiled slightly and nodded yes, so I handed it to the cyborg technician.
The technician moved to the head end and carefully parted Kevin's thick black hair and inserted the chip. His eyes closed and I pinched his toes to make sure he was unresponsive. I recognized a charger cord hanging on the wall so I plugged him in by the toe while the office guy got set-up.
I remained by his feet and watched as he double cleaned his skin then put on the gloves. He opened the tray with the implant already inside the needle. He pulled the skin tight on his right shoulder and pushed the needle through his skin then aligned the syringe with his collar bone and advanced the needle further under the skin and used another finger to feel for the tip of the needle beside his collar bone. He advanced it another half inch and stopped to feel the site, to make sure the tip of the needle was beside the bone and the wire was fully inside his body. Once those were done he slowly pushed in the plunger.
"The syringe has a few CC of saline behind the implant to push it out of the needle, so you inject slowly and it becomes positioned beside the bone, but it will move over time as his body reacts to a foreign thing, he'll slowly grow stuff around it and it will seem to disappear." The technician kind of narrated what he was doing.
There were several drops of blood around the injection site, otherwise it wasn't much of a procedure. Once the syringe plunger was all the way in he carefully pulled it back out, and watched closely there was no sign of the implant coming back out. He shook his head yes, and said it's pretty easy to do, then he pulled the needle all the way out and held the syringe up so both of us could see the antenna wire was gone from the tip.
We both took turns gently feeling his collar bone for the implant to check that it was properly placed. I actually felt it like a grain of rice under the skin against the bone, but I couldn't feel the antenna wire. He took a 1x1 piece of gauze and held pressure on the hole for about 60 seconds since it bled slightly. He explained that sometimes people get little bruises from the implant, that's normal and it will go away. He told me what signs to watch for, like signs of infection. He said some redness and pain at the site for a couple days is perfectly normal. He said it was possible Kevin would be tender there for a few days.
Then he pulled off the gloves and dropped them in the trash and the needle into the sharps container on the wall. He peeled the implant ID sticker off the procedure tray and stuck it to his sleeve, then peeled a bandage and placed it over the site and then asked if I needed to do anything else since Kevin was shut down, this was the time!
I said no, we're good. He reached over and dumped the procedure tray in the trash, put the Mayo stand back, re-checked the bandage but it appeared the bleeding had already stopped. He pulled the USB chip from Kevin's head port and handed it to me while I unplugged the wire from his toe and in two seconds Kevin opened his eyes and asked how long the procedure takes. We both chuckled. Kevin looked at me like "Dude, I just asked a simple question and both of you are laughing at me."
The Robco guy told him we were done already. I helped Kevin to sit up on the edge of the table and let his feet dangle briefly. Once he looked me in the eye and said he felt fine I held his arm and he jumped off and landed on his feet, the three of us walked to the front waiting area. He sat at a computer and typed in the serial number of the implant into a web site and took my credit card for the subscription and payment, I signed and got my card back and he handed me a receipt and we were free to go. I glanced at my watch, it was 10:11am.
Outside the store Kevin told me he felt exactly the same as when we got there except he had soreness at the site but it was mild. Since were at the mall I suggested we go see a movie in the Cineplex so he could see what a real Hollywood movie looks and sounds like. I knew this Cineplex had our basic theater sound system installed about eight years ago. We stopped near the ticket booth and looked at the films playing soon but I didn't recognize any of them, so he picked one called Dawn Patrol-64. It was a new movie about a special mission unit during the drone war in ground combat in Yemen.
It was a 90 minute flick based on a true story of ten robot soldiers hunting a world terror suspect hiding in the coastal mountains of Yemen near the town of Hawf. By the time Omar Bin Atwah was captured eight of the ten soldiers were dead, shot by civilian snipers protecting the bad guy who was born and raised in their town. Kevin liked the movie but said the portrayal of cyborgs in 2064 wasn't accurate. But this was his first time in a movie theater. He said he saw my name in the ending credits as the surround sound consultant. I told him my name is in the credits of nearly every Hollywood film these days.
We left the theater and rode the trolley back home and I remembered neither of us had a morning shower so I told him I wanted to try something different. He went to his room and came back to the kitchen only wearing white Hanes cotton briefs. I told him he looked very nice in underwear, my compliment made him chuckle briefly.
I had him stand on a used bath towel in front of the kitchen sink and using a wash cloth and bar of soap I started hand washing him in the kitchen, first his face, then his back, his arms, arm pits, chest and stomach, then his legs and feet. Then I took off his underwear and rinsed the wash cloth and soaped it again and turned him around and carefully hand washed his butt and crack, after cleaning the wash cloth I carefully hand washed all around his pubes, and carefully cleaned between his thighs, his scrotum, and his penis last. Then I put the floor towel on the edge of the counter and had him lean over and I shampooed his hair in the kitchen sink with the sprayer and regular Ivory soap.
After that was done I applied a small amount of hand lotion to my palms and hand lotioned nearly his entire body, I did his penis twice but he still didn't get erect but I could tell he liked the attention from mommy. I pulled his underwear back on and reached down inside to carefully hand position his penis toward the side, not hanging over his balls. He closely watched everything I did, it was all new to him. After his sink bath I pulled the bandage off his shoulder and stuck it to the corner of the newspaper.
I told him I really didn't have plans for the rest of the day so he said we should watch sports news on the TV, then he put his hands on my shoulders and jumped up and grabbed my hips with his legs like last time so I had to carry him like a four year old boy to the living room and drop him on the sofa.
I sat on my spot on the sofa and turned on the TV, he got on his stomach and rested his head on my right thigh, I grabbed a throw pillow for his head and I set my hand on his back and we watched a re-run of US football teams playing in Berlin Germany last month in June.
Kevin asked how it felt when he jumped up on my waist like a 4-year old boy. I told him it was fine as long as I saw it coming, he's easy to carry and I liked the intimacy. Kevin said he liked being held and holding onto my upper body, it made him feel safe and loved.
On the TV the big news was the announcement from New York that the NFL was losing two teams to bankruptcy, but they will still play in the upcoming season. The two teams closing in February are the Panthers and the Browns, they expect two more might go out of business the following year for similar financial reasons. Ticket sales and local support were non-existent and TV revenue was also disappearing. Rumors on ESPN said the next two to close might be Jets and Cardinals. They showed video of games last season where New York had maybe 150 people in the stadium built for 28000.
I noticed that Kevin fell back asleep with his head on my lap so I left him alone, because he's in school anytime he's asleep. After a while I muted the TV and slowly leaned over and moved around so both of us fell asleep on the sofa facing opposite directions, my face was against his left thigh, my lower legs hung off the end of the sofa and I woke up again around 2pm.
Kevin woke me up when he got off the sofa, I had to use the toilet and he wanted a sip of water. He also needed to drink his daily dose of nutrient. I heard him down it and set the glass on the counter. He said it has a grape flavor like Pedialyte. I keep forgetting he has actual human sensory nerves in his nose and mouth so food tastes and smells pretty much the same to him as it does to me. His eyes are very similar to ours but he sees UV and IR light and we can't.
I asked him if there was anything he needed to do and he said he'd like to go outside just to get some sunshine. I suggested the roof top deck, he said it was too cold, so we decided to take a short walk over to the waterfront and look at the ships in the harbor then come back home. I asked when his last orgasm was and he said when I tortured him on my bed the other day. I asked if he needed to come and he laughed and said, "You're asking a 19 year old Japanese boy if he needs to come?" We both laughed so I offered to do it for him and he stood up and shoved down the front of his briefs so his penis and balls hung out.
"Okay then." I said and took his hand and walked him to his bedroom and sat him on his bed, feet on the floor. I got on the floor and yanked his undies down to his ankles then took him in my mouth and fucked his dick with my mouth. Kevin reached his arms back and leaned back but watched what I did. My mouth slid up and down on his erect penis and blew him to a nice orgasm, it took about four minutes. He bucked his hips slightly as if he was slightly fucking my mouth back. But he came and I took his bedroom wastebasket and spit it out after he fell backwards to relax in the afterglow of a nicely done blow job. "You're good at that." He mumbled with his eyes closed.
I think I spit three times then put it back and got back between his legs and licked out his belly button and rubbed my face side to side across his soft tummy, it's one of my favorite places on his body, his belly, from hips to ribs, that entire soft abdomen is like the most expensive pillow and the flesh tastes wonderful. I licked his nipples and massaged them too, he said he wished he could breast feed me. As a joke I said I was going to trade him in on a 2083 Cyborg when they have the breast milk option available. They say you'll be able to order a boy with actual working nipples that produce real human breast milk. In his own defense he said his areolas were plenty wide enough but his actual nips were too small to feed anyone except maybe a baby mouse. I told him to breast feed you really need some kind of nipple to latch onto.
We stayed in that intimate position for several minutes, I massaged his nips briefly, it really turned me on.
He asked what human breast milk tastes like and I said it tastes a lot like vanilla milk shake, it's why babies like it so much. As a joke I asked Kevin if they'd take him back as a trade-in. He didn't seem to think that was funny. I told him I was kidding, he repeated what he said: it wasn't funny. In a rather serious voice he said, "Rob, you're not always as funny as you think you are." I've heard that before from people who became x-friends of mine for the same infraction. It's my autistic sense of humor once again! I said I was kidding and was sorry for hurting his feelings, he winked and smiled at me.
It was kind of neat since one discussion we've never had was how he can correct me when I say something wrong or hurtful, but he did it that time just fine. I stood up and pulled him to his feet and we got ready to go for a walk to the harbor.
We left our lobby and instead of walking toward the corner by the trolley station we went the other way (west), and crossed Harbor Boulevard and strolled through the park to Tuna Harbor and looked at the boats and they had three large commercial fishing boats tied up to the pier and about thirty people fishing off the pier. Across the water sat two US Navy aircraft carriers, unmarked. They're mothballed, in storage in case of sudden need.
Kevin asked how deep the bay was, I had no idea but I knew how to find out quickly so I took his cell and searched for a nautical map online. "It's about 50 feet in the shipping channel and here by the commercial pier it's around 32 feet deep." I pointed to one boat tied up to a pier and told him that boat is about 35 feet long, that's how deep it is in front of the Midway and outside the shipping channel.
While we sat there watching ships going by one of them leaving was a cruise ship. Kevin commented, "It looks very top heavy." I told him that was exactly why I would never sail on one, in fact I won't set foot on one tied up to the pier either. Read about the SS Eastland, it capsized before leaving the pier.
Kevin asked how far it was if you sailed west until you hit land. "I'm not sure, maybe 6000 miles? I think if you head west from here you run into southern Japan."
We walked home after sitting on the pier by a bunch of people fishing in the bay, I think both of us were chilled so I made two cups of coffee. Despite clear skies and warm sunshine there was a very cool breeze blowing in from the ocean.
That evening around dinner time I put him to bed on both wires so he could work on school and get a good charge. He wants to get a job and I already told him he needs to finish high school first, practically nobody except nasty manual labor jobs would hire him without a diploma and he doesn't have the battery capacity to be mowing grass and blowing leaves all day.
In my room I went online and connected to the tracking server and looked at a map that showed every step Kevin took since twenty five minutes after he was implanted. When it activated we were non-moving, seated in theater 3 in the mall Cineplex.
I went to bed early to read the booklet for the tracking implant, it also covered the web service.
I just remembered something I wanted to explain, it still confuses me too. All cyborgs have basically two birthdays: one is the incept date. This is the date they are first switched-on and become aware of the world around them, often on that date they are just a computer without a body. The other is their visual birthday. For example, the 14 year old cyborg at the skate park, if you asked him what his birthday was he'd say it was 14 years ago, on the date his new owners picked him up at the Robco store, like April 5th, 2066. Since Kevin looks 19, his birthday is July 1st, 2061, but his incept date is around June 15, 2080, the date he was first switched-on.
Thursday July 12th.
Kevin left with his board, a backpack, sun screen, his cell, and a bottle of water at 9:45am. I made sure his cell was in working order before he left and that he drank his nutrient too. I already had the tracking service on my desk computer screen. Believe me, I lost interest quickly, it was as boring as watching paint dry. His movements were completely predictable.
I set the tracking service to record his movement and dump it every day at 6am. If something went wrong I had to download his map before it dumped at 6am.
If you hover the mouse over his tracks it shows at any one spot his direction, speed, and elevation. That implant could be installed in any vehicle, dog, or delivery truck, not just humans and cyborgs.
While he was gone I scrubbed my entire bathroom, including the walls. I also jerked off with fantasies about doing stuff with him playing in my head. Yes, there were a few sex things I don't have the guts yet to ask him to do with me.
While Kevin was gone I called the nearest gym and spoke to their resident MMA trainer about teaching Kevin basic self defense with his fists and feet, one class, maybe two hours. He said he does that sort of thing all the time, he charged $300 for one hour in the ring with safety gear on his face and nuts. He also said he was available tonight if we had time, so I told him I wasn't sure but we'd call back if we were going to come over.
Kevin got home from the park at 3:49pm, uninjured. He had a small bruise on his knee because he didn't wear knee pads, which were in his backpack.
As soon as he got inside I sat him on his kitchen chair with one charger in his head and got the one from the living room and plugged into his toe, then he told me about his day. He said Scott was there but left early because he had to leave for La Jolla that evening but he'd be back Sunday morning so he could still come over Sunday as planned, Kevin had to give him money for the trolley, which was weird.
As soon as I could get in a word I asked Kevin about a one hour lesson in how to defend himself with his fists from a professional MMA boxer at a gym that was five blocks away. He asked about injuries and I told him they'll wear padded gloves and other safety gear, like on his head and in front of his dick. Kevin chuckled and said `sure, why not!' so I left him there on two chargers and got my cell and called the trainer, I said we'd be there in one hour.
"Are you gonna do it too?" Kevin asked.
"Hell no! I'm too old for that shit." I replied.
"Where is this place?"
"It's about eight blocks from here, Columbia at Broadway in the basement of the Emerald Plaza office tower."
"We can walk there?"
"Yah, but I need to know with both wall chargers plugged in do you think if we left in 30 minutes you'd have enough of a charge to do one hour in a boxing ring on your feet taking swings and kicks?"
Kevin said "No problemo!" He said he'll crank up his reactor for extra juice too if it's not too hot in the gym.
I asked if he could keep an eye on his charge status while we were there and he said yes, it would be like getting fighting lessons with one eye on a roast in the oven! (I think he was being sarcastic but meant it could be done, poorly, but what was most important?). I told him if he ran out of power I had no easy way of bringing him home. How would I get him from the gym into a taxi and from the taxi into our condo? I don't think he takes that possibility as seriously as I do.
While he sat there at the kitchen table charging I went to his room to pick-out some clothes, and did the same for me. Then I used my bathroom and brought Kevin's toothbrush out to the kitchen for him to brush in the sink, I set his clothes on the counter. He's going to wear navy blue sweat pants, his red USC shorts, and a plain green hoodie. I anticipate he'll be in the ring just wearing shorts.
At 5:10 I changed my mind and ordered a robotaxi to arrive here at 5:30pm. By 5pm he said he was at 56% and climbing. Basically he sat there in his shorts with his eyes closed like a mannequin at the kitchen table.
I got dressed and at 5:27 I unplugged him and we left for the elevator. The taxi arrived at 5:31 and it took us 12 minutes to get to the office tower, we walked inside and rode the elevator down to the gym. The place was mostly full of weight equipment with a lot of middle aged men pressing iron and a few running on treadmills. This was not a gym designed for dozens of women on exercise bikes in designer outfits, this was a guy's gym.
We checked-in at the desk, he pointed to a glass door across the room, the door glass had a logo of two people boxing, we walked inside, I went first.
My first impression was the gym smelled like sweaty guys, it reminded me of the gyms at USC.
I introduced Kevin and to encourage him to speak less (and maybe not admit he was mecha) I mentioned he spoke Japanese but was learning English, the trainer asked him if he understood him and Kevin just nodded yes weirdly. They shook hands and after a brief introduction he told Kevin to take off his sweats and climb into the ring.
It was a standard boxing ring, raised three feet above the floor with padded ropes, three levels of rope running around the perimeter to corner posts. There were spaces for trainers outside the ropes at two corners. He told Kevin to take one corner, he took the other one. I acted like his trainer and helped him squeeze between the ropes and he stood in the ring then in our corner I pulled off his sweat pants so he was standing there in his red USC shorts only looking rather nervous and shy.
Some older guy tossed three pairs of gloves and different types of padding over the ropes, one went on his head, and another went around his waist, the last ones went on his feet. The guy took off his shirt and got in the ring too, barefoot.
I helped Kevin get into padding, they suggested his feet, his groin, and one that covered his head with openings for his ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. I think Kevin was concerned that the gear had been worn by a hundred different guys in the past two months.
I stood leaning against the ropes just behind Kevin and strapped on the gloves. I also activated my cell to link directly to Kevin to watch his charge level, I knew he said he activated his secondary (nuclear) power supply too. It normally functions automatically, but with knowledge of something strenuous about to occur he can trigger it manually. He told me when it runs he feels himself getting warmer all over because it uses his blood circulation to shed excess heat. We both watched the trainer putting on his gear, pretty much the same as Kevin's.
So this trainer dude looked to be around 6'1" tall, maybe four inches taller than Kevin. He was muscular but not huge, it was obvious he's lifted weights. The guy was Hispanic and looked brown too. His hair was short and black, but his face sort of looked like an older American Indian. He had somewhat of a serious expression on his face, he also had some evidence of swelling on one eyebrow line and a few minor bruises on his shoulders. I think he said his first name was Lawton, just call him Law. As a joker Kevin introduced himself, "My name's Kevin, just call me Kevin." Then they tried to shake with boxing gloves on!
Law had no piercings or tattoos and he was shaved from forehead to knees. He had kind of a nice belly button and his nips were sort of like mine, maybe a little smaller, I noticed he shaved his arm pits too. Anytime I see an adult man who has shaved arms or chest I always assume they are shaved around the penis and butt crack too. I think it cuts down on body odor too.
He gestured to Kevin to join him in the middle of the ring and did kind of a tiny demonstration what was likely to happen to him in a minor street fight, then started to show Kevin what to watch for, signs that someone was about to punch him and how to block most quickly thrown punches. The first time he hit Kevin his head rocked back and it looked like he felt dizziness briefly then he laughed and started to take the trainer's speed more serious.
Then Lawton gestured to someone who was watching them practice and had him climb in the ring to act as a bully trying to start a fight so he could position his hands and arms to show Kevin what body language things to watch for when someone was getting ready to swing at you. The guy that joined them looked young, kind of built like Scott. (short, stocky, mildly muscular, with a very sexy belly button.)
So that guy moved back to the ropes but stayed in the ring while Lawton took a few slow motion swings at Kevin to show in detail how it usually happens and where he was vulnerable. He said a nice fist punch to the side of the head, above the ear can knock you out briefly, but the worst punches would be at the nose, mouth, and eyes. The lower jaw was vulnerable and so were the bones around the eye socket. He demonstrated punches with both hands and feet too.
After showing all the ones he is likely to receive he had Kevin do them for real at him.
Kevin got in a few punches and the trainer loudly told him to swing harder, then he stopped and moved Kevin's arm slowly to show him what muscles to use and when and how to push hard and fast, also where to hit on the other guy's head and upper body. He covered four typical punches and exactly how they were done so anyone could understand, including me. He also showed Kevin how to use his entire upper body to put more weight into each swing. He had Kevin do each one about ten times quickly, and then moved onto the next swing. The third guy in the ring stepped close to Kevin and showed him how to move his arm and form a fist. Finally Kevin said "I think I got it now!"
I thought to myself this guy is being very patient and gentle with Kevin and he was a very good teacher at this sort of thing. While all this was going on there was a steady trickle of men coming into the gym to watch, most eyes were on Kevin and his amazing body. From across the gym he certainly looked like a topless flat-chested girl getting lessons, it attracted quite a crowd. I was both scared and proud, my entire body was trembling from the adrenalin, and I never set foot in the ring!
After they started gently boxing Kevin seemed to start to get into it once he saw the guy was not going to hurt him despite his fierce looks. Once he got some confidence he started trying harder and it paid off because he landed some serious punches on the guy's face. With twenty minutes left the match ended and he started teaching Kevin how to fight with his feet, what parts to use, and where to kick, including in the balls. He told Kevin that in most street fights feet are never used and never anticipated. The bad part was it made your body off balance briefly, and you couldn't really duck or move with fighting with your feet.
I could see Kevin was really getting into it by the time we had about eight minutes left. I was so proud of him in the ring, he looked like he actually gained a lot of knowledge and confidence despite this being totally out of character for his personality. I'm sure he was scared what might happen when we first arrived. The trainer guy was so good with him that I tipped him an extra fifty bucks. Lawton quietly told me if Kevin needed any more instruction to call the gym and he'd squeeze him in the schedule.
We left at 6:58pm after Kevin took off his gloves, shook hands, and seemed very excited and happy. They shook hands and Kevin paused to bow to his teacher like he was taught in Japan. By the time he climbed over the ropes and out of the ring there were ten young men watching the show. Kevin always attracts an audience of other young men with his ultra sexy body, but the trainer was always totally professional.
Standing beside the ring I helped him get dressed and we left the gym and walked home, after the hot sweaty gym it felt like January outside, but we toughed it out and made it home on foot. On the walk home I confessed I almost screwed up at the gym, when I helped him get back in his sweat pants I wanted to reach down his underwear and adjust the position of his dick, then I remembered we were in public so I stopped just in time. Kevin admitted that his tutor had a great looking body, it was very distracting but once he got hit on the forehead (with head pads on) he snapped out of it and took him seriously.
We also talked about Scott on the walk home. Kevin remembered something, maybe the 14 year old cyborg's name was Luke, but he wasn't 100% sure. Kevin agreed with me that his trainer looked totally hot with a shaved body. He said he thought the guy was going to humiliate him in front of all those people but he soon discovered he was totally professional. Kevin said he'd love to see him in the showers too. I admitted I had the same thoughts, but I think it was his body that attracted the audience. Kevin had no comment about that because there is nothing he can do about it.
I told him again I was very proud of his effort and conduct, but Kev had little to say other than his usual "It is what it is."
Back inside I made him a hot coffee and sat him on the kitchen chair and plugged in both wires. He said he had 17% battery left. I told him again I was super impressed and pleased by how well he did. Kevin admitted he was scared but had a great time and no longer fears the bullies at the skatepark or on the trolley. Kevin sat there in the chair kind of slouched back and said, "Hey Rob," so I stopped what I was doing and turned around, he gestured for me to come closer, so I stepped beside one of his feet and he reached up, grabbed my head and pulled my face to his and put a big kiss on my mouth and said thanks for a wonderful time, then in a softer voice he told me he was very happy and he loved me. I stood there looking down at him in the chair with the stupid looking white wire plugged in the top of his head and I told him I too was very happy and I loved him too. I told him he was a great person and fun to be with, I told him to just keep being just like this and we'll have no problems. He said he'll try, but life ain't easy in a world where everything is new, especially the language and culture.
I reached for my elastic waist band and pushed down my shorts and shook my limp penis at him and he reached out and held it briefly then let go so I went back to working on an actual grocery store list. I didn't tell him but I was going to experiment with making one meal a week at home, just for him and me, maybe Sunday evenings after I went back to work full time. I also considered buying a really nice bread machine. I asked him if he ever drank hot chocolate and he said he never tried it but he'd like to so I put powdered chocolate on the shopping list, if I can find one that isn't full of nasty chemicals.
An hour later the sun was low in the western sky and I asked him to go to bed early and work on high school classes, so I unplugged him and walked with him to his bed and plugged him back in and covered him with a sheet. That will give him an extra 4-6 hours of high school overnight. He went to bed without a shower, but I took a quickie then went to bed early too.
I started to realize on days like these where everything is new and stressful it takes a lot out of you. Watching Kevin in the ring in his red USC gym shorts was almost as scary for me as it was for him. But he was the one who got in the ring, not me.
When I got in bed I started to wonder if Lawton ever got the idea that Kevin was mecha. I think the foam rubber foot pads he had on hid his charging port.
Friday July 13, 2080.
I got up by the alarm clock at my normal time but Kevin was still plugged-in on his own bed. I made breakfast and read yesterday's newspaper and checked my email. One of the guys I work with in the R&D lab at work emailed me a list of projects for us to start soon. We also had architectural plans for a system on a new Cineplex being built in Tulsa Oklahoma, their mall was destroyed by a tornado last spring. The new mall would be a proper tornado shelter, built to survive a Cat-4 twister they say, so they also had to design it to survive our sound system air pressures. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your theater down! They planned on mounding up soil outside the theater walls and building the place half underground so instead of tall walls facing Mother Nature the only target would be a flat roof covered with grass and dirt.
On the new theater when you arrive there's a long walk down a ramp to the basement entrance, then it was further downhill into each theater too. The entire mall is being built with the main floor about sixteen feet below ground. The ceilings on this new place would be much lower than a standard movie theater height today of 30 feet. As long as we have accurate drawings we can design the surround system to work in almost any room, even outdoors (where birds can be a problem). I think some of the people who work in our Amarillo factory are waiting for the day they hear we declined a job because the room was too complex.
On the wall inside the engineering office at work we have a large framed poster, it's a scene from a version of the Three Little Pigs fairy tale, and it shows the big bad fox blowing down the pig's house made of straw. The poster was given to us in honor of the theater with the roof collapse from our audio system. Now, each theater room has to have so many square feet of ventilation open to the sky to prevent structural damage, or we have to build them a much smaller amplifier to avoid damage to the building and (possibly) to people's ears. If you look closely at the pig's straw house it's actually an old-style small town movie theater!
Kevin wandered out of his room after his alarm rang at 9am, I asked him to kindly take a shower, so he left but came back wet and squeaky clean 20 minutes later. When he walked by the table I reached out and pulled him closer to my chair, I leaned over and kissed his tummy several times and let him go. I've done this to him almost daily and he always puts his hands on my head to embrace me when I kiss his stomach, I think he really likes the sensation and the emotional change that comes from a sudden act of passion.
The first thing out of his mouth after sitting down with a cup of coffee was to thank me again for going to the gym and the lessons he got yesterday, he said it totally changed the way he feels about riding the trolley and being at the skatepark. He said there are a couple guys there that seem to constantly be trying to impress everyone by being hostile and abusive, sometimes threatening. There are some high school age boys who like to pick on the younglings and Kevin said he's going to put a stop to it, we're there to ride skateboards not abuse children.
He told me the ones who do it think they're all Billy Badass, but in fact they're just cruel and stupid, it's pointless and he's tired of seeing it, and seeing nobody else step in when they shove an eight year old down to the concrete for no apparent reason other than to intimidate. Some of them think they're big and bad gangstas who rule the park, but that shit is gonna stop. He said even Scott doesn't say anything. He said they each get one warning, that's it. I told him to be careful, look for weapons first. "You don't want to be the asshole who shows up for a gun fight with a knife." That made him laugh, but I think his primary target for protection will be that 14 year old cyborg (Luke) and maybe Scott too. I think Kevin is very intrigued by Scott, and the idea of a 12 inch boner is so cool it's almost weird.
Before he left home for the trolley I reminded him about dangers of riding the trolley, there have been murders and shootings, and he needs to keep his head on a swivel. He left at 9:35am after I warned him if he ever hears loud pops to hit the floor immediately.
I went to my bathroom to take care of a personal matter, seated on my porcelain throne.
After he was gone I had some work related phone calls to make and sat there talking to one of the sound engineers while I was zoomed in on the skatepark watching his icon move around on the map. I think he was riding his board around and around the S-tube. On the map he is represented by a small yellow dot.
At home I put a new black ink pen on the plotter, I think I'd be using it a bit for the rest of July and into August because one prototype amp board we're designing is nearly done and ready for first assembly. When we get ready to build experimental circuits there is an old retired teacher guy in that part of San Diego who loves to tinker with electronics so we give him the circuit board and he has access to all our parts and he installs parts on the circuit board and hand solders everything. Sometimes he catches mistakes I made in the design of the board. We have a machine for making copper circuit boards from a print. It's actually a photographic process using high intensity UV light and acid. Then the old guy drills all the holes with our drill press or a cordless. He's gonna be hard to replace, I mean the dude is like in his 70s now and works just for fun. I heard he never cashes his pay checks he works for the enjoyment of it, plus I think he likes getting out of the house and being with a bunch of nerdy young men.
I took a nap that afternoon and woke up on the sofa when Kevin came home at 4:02pm at 19% charge remaining, which was his highest so far.
When he walked in the living room I directed him to sit on the sofa and plug in his toe, which he did. Then I went to the kitchen and grabbed the other charger and brought it out and plugged it in and handed the other wire to plug in his head, then he had to tell me about his day.
The first thing I asked was if he beat any of the bullies but he said no. He said Scott was gone all day so the park seemed empty, and the 14 year old cyborg never showed-up. He pinged the park but nobody stood up and looked around so he must have been the only Robco there.
Standing between the sofa and coffee table he kind of showed me some of the riding positions he learned today and he used hands to re-enact some of the wall surfaces he worked on.
Then after a big sigh he told me he learned something really big today that changed his entire attitude. He said he talked to one of the Park-Narcs and learned the guy is super smart, he was one of the designers of the park. He said the S-bowl looks like a pretty shape, almost like a hotel pool with one section you can float along in the current on an inner tube but he said that part is designed with 15 different basic skills in mind. He showed me there are 15 small numbers molded into the concrete deck to show which skill to learn on each spot.
He went into the office and got out a big folder that was full of big photos and we walked along the outside of the bowl and he showed me each maneuver and the spot to do it. You do this one here, this one here, and this one here, once you master them you go on to the next three. You cannot do the third or fourth groups until you master the one before it because it builds skills. He told me he was dumbfounded, had no idea that place was so well designed. The Park-Narc was like in his 30s maybe, maybe almost 40. He had long hair and is super skinny and he lives for the skateboard. Kevin asked him if he teaches and the guy said `not no more.' He showed Kevin the big surgical scars on both ankles and said his riding days were basically over except for simple nearly straight rides once in a while.
`What happened to him?" I asked.
Kevin said he said it was a motorcycle accident, broke both ankles, both legs, and half his foot bones on both sides.
"Yep, anyway he handed me a paper with a list of skills for the S-tube and their corresponding numbers, then said to look them up online then come back and start doing them in order. He said if I do them in order I'll move way ahead of the clowns in no time."
"I never thought that much design went into a skate park, shows how much I know about that stuff, just ask me about amplifiers and I suddenly become a genius!"
But Kevin just stared at me when I said that like it was too stupid to respond to.
"Well good, I'm glad you had a good time and met another teacher, maybe you should make friends with him too."
"Kevin said he was so happy he could hardly stand it." So I asked if he wanted me to do something stupid to ruin his afternoon. Kevin ignored my comment and sat back down, grabbed the TV remote control and flipped through all the sports channels for something interesting. He stopped at a bowling match, some kind of competition for a trophy and cash. We noticed all the bowlers threw the ball exactly the same way, they all wore some kind of wrist brace too. I kind of noticed one of the key things to cause success in bowling was consistency, I think that's also true for golf.
I sat cross legged in my corner of the sofa, he sat close beside me. I reached over and scratched his back under his shirt a few times, finally he remembered and went to his room and changed into shorts only and came back. When he sat back down his left leg was part way under my right knee, his back looked so inviting I had to rub my hand all over his skin. Kevin's flesh was always super soft and tempting.
After a short time with us staring at the muted TV on a TV channel that played only movies from the 1930s, 24 hours a day, I stretched out my legs and put my feet on the coffee table and slouched down more which made Kevin lie on his back, which made my right hand go to his chest where I could fingertip massage his nips, which made my dick get somewhat hard. I think he fell asleep.
You know Cyborgs never fall asleep, they go into standby mode and switch operations to maintenance stuff with their eyes and ears shut off (along with most of his senses). I jokingly considered writing a standby mode for him where he is asleep but his mouth is awake, so he could snuggle on the sofa with me, facing my body, and I could slip my bone in his mouth and then we can just chill out like that for hours with it safely soaking inside his mouth while I watch a football game! Maybe I need a second cyborg for that and order him without teeth and a very long tongue.
At 6pm he nuked my dinner and poured us two glasses of wine but his was just enough for a few tiny sips. I fed him a couple tiny bites of my dinner with my spoon. We commonly shared glasses, spoons, forks, plates, and bottles and never thought twice about it.
At 5:58pm I went to my room and went online and downloaded his activity map before the tracking company deleted it in the morning. Then I shouted his name and he came to my room and I invited him to join me in the shower.
At 7pm I put him to bed plugged-into both wires. I went to bed to read then fell asleep about 90 minutes later.
Saturday July 14, 2080.
Kevin had an interview today. He's auditioning for a spot in the upcoming Go-Go-Boy fundraiser competition for San Diego PFLAG, they have two shows every year. Boys that do well are sometimes offered a position as a full-time paid Go-Go-Boy at the bar. Cyborgs have not been excluded and it's never mentioned during the competition. I think the next one is being held in October.
He went there alone for his appointment since he knew the neighborhood. I offered to go along but he said he could do it himself. He dressed in nice clothes and rode the trolley like he was going to the skate park and walked five blocks east down Commercial to the club. The appointment was for before the place opened and he thought there would be others like him being interviewed.
Everything was quiet until 11:32am when he returned home with a smile. I asked him to join me on the sofa, I handed him the power cord and he plugged-in and told me what happened:
"I got there on time, maybe a couple minutes early. I went to the entrance and pounded on the door and eventually someone opened up and escorted me across the bar, through a door and back to an office where two older guys were on a sofa, I sat on a folding chair ten feet away facing them and answered their questions."
"At first they asked questions to verify that I met the requirements, like my age, where I lived. They never asked me about school or a diploma. They asked if I'd been in a pageant like this before, ever walked a catwalk, or did modeling before. They asked how I felt about appearing on camera live on TV wearing nothing but a very small and tight gold colored swimming suit. And they asked about piercings and tattoos. One of the guys said a lot of applicants are disqualified for tattoos or piercings. He said that other than earrings nothing else is allowed."
"One of them said `Are you Japanese?' so I confessed my father was and I was born there but I am an American citizen. I half expected them to make the leap and ask if I was a cyborg since most cyborgs are built in Japan, but I think most people automatically assume we're all built in India."
"Then they asked if they could take a few publicity photos, and I agreed. They had a spot with a photography background hanging on the wall that also covered part of the floor, so I had to strip to my underwear in front of them and stand there, then they handed me the actual Go-Go-Boy shorts and I turned away and pulled my briefs off and changed into the tiny suit. One of them had to help me pull it up and get it straight around my hips. I let one of the guys reach down the shorts and aim my dick to the side but I never got hard. So I stood there while they had me slowly rotate and he took about thirty pictures. That was the end of the interview, I think it lasted maybe 15 minutes. I stood there beside the interview chair and took off their suit and got back in my clothes with them watching. He said they'll send out a letter to all applicants with a list of people who qualified for the competition, it would be decided after everyone was interviewed, about six days from now."
I asked if he saw any of the other contestants and he said yes, they were seated at tables in the bar (which wasn't open) and he said all of them looked great in the face, some muscles, but mediocre bodies. Kevin thought they were concerned how all of them looked in a very small and very tight bathing suit, which is not something you can improve at the gym. Kevin said, "The contest often comes down to muscles or beauty. I think this group leans toward more of a twink look instead of a junior body builder look. They told me there was a study done based on search terms used worldwide on gay image web pages, and all around the world for the past 70 years, the most searched for term has always been Twink, kind of a boyish, just out of high school looking body."
Kevin rambled on for a bit, I let him just talk, and told him that talent scouts always attended the Go-Go-Boy shows. They come from Hollywood talent agencies, modeling services, and ad agencies.
Then I changed the subject to school and he smiled and said he started his last year of high school overnight, the extra time at night certainly helped. He said he estimated he was averaging one month of school for every 100 minutes of sleep time, so he might get high school done this weekend. I reminded him I already paid for a bachelor's degree for him, which would be started as soon as the school in Palm Springs notified Robco-Tokyo that he graduated.
"Have you downloaded any college yet?"
"No, I just finished downloading the rest of my high school classes."
"Do we need to celebrate when you graduate?"
He chuckled and said, "No, it's not a big deal, college maybe, but not high school."
When the TV show ended we went different ways, he got into shorts while I nuked my dinner. We sat in the kitchen, he read the paper while I ate and cleaned-up.
At dinner he reminded me Scott was coming over around 10-11am tomorrow and he needed bus fare to get home too. We also discussed if he needed anything at home, like pop or beer or snacks.
Sunday July 15, 2080. Final day of my two-week vacation.
The big event of the day was Scott's visit later this morning. We cleaned the floors and his bathroom just in case. We also opened all four windows to get some fresh air inside. Kevin put on clean bed sheets and got the charger from my bedroom and plugged it in with the first one under the coffee table so Scott could charge while he was here. I made a mental note to buy another charger or two.
I did some thinking about this visit and realized Scott was coming here to visit Kevin, not me. I planned on spending that time in my room working on a new system design for a theater project were submitting a bid on over in Oklahoma. I just got the building plans in my email so I was starting from scratch. We have a building consultant who examined the design to see if it met our criteria for safety. Usually what we do is require one vent in every theater with access to outside air so when our speakers puffed out a blast of air some of that pressure could vent outside instead of damaging the walls and ceiling or hurting the ear drums of people watching the movie. Our building guy already approved their plans. This place was a smaller four screen theater in an indoor mall that has not yet broken ground, they are still demolishing the existing structures, then comes four months of pouring concrete.
I started work after breakfast and sat at my new desk marking bullet points in the design notes, what their designer outlined was duplicate systems in every theater. This one had all four rooms built exactly the same, and we were not involved in their music system in the lobby. And this one did not want the lightning displays in the lobby, just amps in cabinets in each projection booth. All they wanted for controls were a power switch and master volume control. They also wanted it controllable by computer since this was to be an automated theater, the movies were delivered by satellite instead of shipping movies on three foot reels. So the projection equipment was totally computerized with no celluloid film being shown at all. They'll use a very nice 4k video projector in each theater.
I've seen other theaters like this one, they have technical problems and can be totally screwed up if a large thunderstorm moves over the theater while a film is playing. The satellite signal is lost, the movie stops and the audience gets really mad, most people will never return after that happens. Basically in one of these theaters the audience is watching a 4k cable movie channel on a 24 foot diagonal screen. Tulsa is a bad place to locate a theater like this, but what do I know?
The guy who invented our fluid dynamic acoustic system using barrel speakers and reflectors also created an HTML web page where you fill in the blanks with the specifics, the measurements of the theater: height, width, length, wall material, elevation, seating, and altitude above sea level. Then it will calculate reflector placement, spacing, speaker locations, and wattage. If it works then we can bid on the hardware. So I sat there with calipers and a steel ruler measuring and calculating distances on the blue prints and plugging numbers into the fluid dynamics page and it spit out an ideal system map.
One of the big factors is this: with this size room is there enough space for our gear? They have to leave a gap on the side of the projection screen for our speakers which range in size from four to two feet in diameter and three to five feet long. Our speakers are essentially like a large steel drum on its side, mounted on a steel platform and bolted to the floor. Sometimes we place them under the screen but usually they go just to the left and right sides, you never see them but you can see the reflectors.
The reflectors just look like a three foot diameter round satellite dish painted black with a grey lightning bolt logo, they're mounted up high on the back wall so most people never notice them. All the old theaters still using Dolby Surround systems have two or three smaller box speakers mounted on the side walls, our system uses the walls instead of more speakers and more amplifiers.
I sat at my desk slowly measuring and typing numbers into the web interface.
At 11:10am I heard the intercom buzzer buzz, it was the doorman with an unlisted visitor waiting in the lobby to see Mr. Kevin Slone. Then two minutes later our doorbell rang, Kevin was handling everything. I had my bedroom door shut but my room was quiet and I was semi-listening just in case.
For a little while I heard gym shoes shuffling on the hardwood floor in the kitchen and guessed both of them had a couple cups of coffee. I also heard the TV was on one of the cable channels I never saw, like MTV or the gay youth music and fashion TV channel (GYMF-TV). Anyway, I had enough work to keep me occupied.
After a while things quieted down and considering my curiosity, plus... my mug was empty I headed for the kitchen for another cup of coffee.
I grabbed the water pitcher and filled it from the RO faucet but managed to squeak a glance in the living room but saw nobody there, so I poured in the water, closed the lids and pressed the blue start button. While I was waiting I stepped to the far side of the counter. That's when I saw four naked boy feet and ankles hanging over the arm of our dark brown leather sofa, two smaller ones in between two larger ones, each pair facing in opposite directions. My assumption was they were kissing. The TV was on but the volume was way down. I know they could hear the coffee pot hissing and gurgling.
This was Kevin's friend on Kevin's time, so I decided to respect his privacy. After I got my cup of Joe I headed back for my bedroom office area and closed the door. I was glad they were in the living room instead of in his room with the door shut and locked.
I made it through that cup of coffee while working on my meeting notes for Monday morning when there was a soft knocking on my door. I hollered for him to come in.
The door gently opened, it was Kevin in his red shorts with a big smile. He asked if I wanted to meet Scott. I immediately said yes! He stepped back into the hallway looking down toward the living room, which you can see a small part of from outside my bedroom door. He excitedly motioned `comere' to Scott.
He glanced at me and smiled then seconds later they both walked in.
Scott was also only wearing some old gym shorts. He looked awesome and stunningly boyish cute. His blond hair was curly and shaggy, simply adorable. His hair hung over his ears and his neck in back. His eyebrows were wide and dark brown, his eyes a very bright blue, almost silvery gray. He had nice shoulder and chest muscles and some decent development in his upper arms and back as well. He had a nice pair of bright red nips that matched the color of his thinnish lips. About as big across as a 25 cent coin and stuck out like two cherry Hershey Kisses with the points bit off.
His stomach was flat and his belly button was a small round lump, smooth on top. I saw no body hair either. Like Kevin, he was smooth as a baby. When he reached up to scratch his ear I saw his arm pit was also hairless. I saw no hint of any facial hair or that he ever shaved.
Further down his legs were thin but decent, I only saw him from the front, so I couldn't comment on his tush. And he had skinny ankles with bare feet but honestly... I'm not into feet.
He stood about (5'7") two inches shorter than Kevin's 5'9" (175cm) frame and displayed a great toothy smile as he walked toward me with his hand out to shake mine.
"Mister Slone, I'm Scott Hall."
"Nice to meet you Scott, please call me Rob. I hear you and Kevin are skateboarders?"
"Yes sir. I know Kev's workin on his break-in calibration but we're getting him geared-up, we can hardly wait. He showed me the trucks and wheels you guys ordered. All good choices, that'll make his almost identical to mine below deck, I have the exact same tires and bearings."
"Thanks for showing him the ropes and stuff."
"You're welcome sir... Nice place you got here." Scott said looking around my room and walked over to the window which was behind my desk, next to the plotter. I told him on a clear day I can see the mountains east of Tijuana. (Note: to Caucasian people in the area, Tijuana is often referred to as "T.J." But in Spanglish is pronounced: tee-WANNA)
"That's what ten years of college full time can get you if you work hard." I offered.
"Very nice, oooooh great view too. Oh yah, I should show you something." And with that he stepped close to me and bent over at the waist lowering the top of his head to aim at me. At first I didn't understand what he was doing then Kevin spoke up from beside the bedroom door and said, "He wants to show you his charging port."
Guessing he wanted me to feel the edges of his USB connector on the top of his head, I reached up to finger the edges of his port. Sure enough, proof positive, he's mecha. Scott stood back up smiling knowing we'd satisfied the self-identifying rule. Everything was kosher now.
"What time you gotta leave for home?" I asked.
"3pm. Kev says you got bus fare?"
"Yep. Kevin, grab that for him." I said pointing at my dresser.
Kevin walked across my room and took five dollars and stuffed it into Scott's front pocket. They both smiled. I looked at my watch, it was 1:45pm. When it seemed like we ran out of things to say I excused myself to get back to work, and Scott waved as they left my room and gently closed the door. That moment was the only time I caught just a quick glimpse of his butt from the side but I really needed more time to evaluate his ass.
I sat back in my chair, relaxed, then went back to measuring their theater drawings and projected requirements for wattage and space for speakers and reflectors.
About thirty minutes later I went to the kitchen for a big glass of cold water, the living room had the TV on but turned down I set the glass under the RO faucet and stood there waiting for it to fill, so I stepped along the counter, to near the chipper and glanced out in the living room and saw what looked like Scott's left shoulder and what looked like the top of Kevin's head over his lap slowly moving up and down.
I grabbed my glass and got a few ice cubes and went back to my desk.
At 2:15pm I remembered to ask Scott about charging, so I walked out of my room and down the hallway into the living room. When I got there Scott was in my spot on the sofa, naked with his legs on the coffee table. Kevin was on his spot, on his stomach, naked. Kevin had Scott's boner in his mouth and was sliding his head up and down. When they saw me walk in the room they both stopped and stared at me with big smiles on their face. Kevin pulled off Scott's boner and lay there smiling holding it upright with the big mushroom head against his lips and nose. Scott had one hand on Kevin's back, the other arm was on the armrest of the sofa.
His boner was impressive, like Kevin said. It looked to be around a foot long with a big red mushroom head on the top. His entire shaft was shiny wet with saliva and neither of them seemed alarmed when I walked in the room staring at the huge schlong on display.
At first I was speechless, all I could muster up was enough brain capacity to say: "Nice dick!"
Scott simply smiled and said `thanks.' I'm sure he's heard that lots of times before.
Kevin asked me if I wanted to taste it and I looked around the room trying to think of a reason so say no, but that little voice that speaks in my ear and tries to imitate my inner dialog voice told me to not speak just move closer and get on my knees. So that's what I did.
On the floor beside the sofa I got on my knees with my stomach against the edge of the seat cushion and leaned over. I put my right arm on the sofa arm and the other hand on his thigh and leaned closer to look at that big fat head, which was all wet and shiny. Kevin was smiling and had one hand gripping the base, so he leaned it over a little to point at my mouth.
I slowly lowered down until my lips barely touched the tip and I kissed it. I looked up at Scott, he was closely watching me. I took my arm off the sofa arm and set my right hand on his chest and rubbed both of his rubbery nipples and went back down and kissed the head again, then I stuck out my tongue and licked it, which made Scott wince. Then I opened my mouth and took it inside, but just the head. Scott and Kevin had their eyes watching everything I did.
I took him in my mouth until I felt I had just the mushroom inside my mouth then started rubbing it all over with my tongue which made Scott's entire body twitch, Kevin let go of the base and gripped his nut sack instead.
Just the mushroom head almost completely filled my mouth, which was something I never had before. I could have gone further but I wasn't invited to blow him, just get a taste, so I slowly pulled back to let my lips drag across his rim and his entire head then I was off. I saw a silvery string form from the piss hole to my lips as I pulled away, then it broke and I glanced at Kevin first, then Scott with a smile. I repeated myself as I got one last fingertip massage of his left nipple, I told Scott, "Very nice dick, I'm impressed." They smiled but remained silent.
I got back to my feet and noticed his crotch smelled like a boy's crotch, kind of a boy's locker room smell. It was how Scott smelled around his balls. I noticed his pubes were trimmed but not shaved.
I looked at both boys again and thanked him for letting me taste it, he smiled back and proudly told me I could taste his dick any time I wanted.
I thanked them and apologized for interrupting them and went back to my room, quietly closed the door, walked to my bed, and pushed my shorts down and wanked and came on my stomach. Walking down the hallway to my bedroom door I realized I forgot why I went to the living room in the first place.
At 2:55pm another knock on the door was both boys all dressed again and smiling, both of them spoke oddly like they were very mellow and high or something. Scott said bye, nice to meet me, I returned the compliment and Kevin escorted him to the trolley, I watched them from my bedroom window because Scott's hair is easy spot in public, even on a crowded trolley platform.
When Kevin came back he got into shorts and crashed on my bed while I was working at my desk and we chatted until dinner time. We discussed Scott a lot and Kevin said he wasn't very smart but he was a very nice person and not afraid to get dirty or take risks. We even discussed his extra large dick and how it felt in the mouth. I think our opinions of an enormous boner in the mouth were nearly the same. It was designed for looks more than anything else because when your mouth went all the way down on it most of that length was still on the outside.
I thought if he had vaginal sex with a woman that extra long dick would keep hitting her cervix and might become painful, so it wasn't a good thing to fuck with one that long but it sure did look majestic. I told Kevin that when I grabbed it and closed my hand my fingertips didn't reach my thumb tip, it was that big around! I told Kevin he needs to name his dick something like `Everest.' Kevin laughed.
I told Kevin that when I started puberty in 6th grade I suffered from boners during the day that I could not control, but because I was never really small they were impossible to hide and our teacher liked to have us come up to the chalkboard to solve math problems in front of the class, so those boners were a huge problem for me. I felt sorry for Scott knowing a foot long boner would be impossible to hide.
We ate dinner then both of us went to bed early, I had work tomorrow and Kevin had just a few hours of his senior year left. He said he'll for sure finish tonight and attend graduation.
Contact the author: borischenaz at mailfence
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Playing with Fire (Chicago burn unit nurse falls for wild younger patient)
Raising Crow (Motherless 1-hour old Great Dane puppy handed to 18 year old HS student)
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Response Team (Govt agents foil acts of crime and terror in western USA)
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Just a reminder: Everything in this book if fictional, it's totally made-up.