Kevin at Football Camp A This Is Us Story

By Matt And Brad

Published on Apr 9, 2021



If you are offended by stories depicting underage boys engaged in sexual acts, please skip this story.

This is a work of fiction based on characters from the television show "This Is Us". I do not own these characters, but I am lovingly borrowing them and the situation for this story.

It is meant as a companion piece to season 5, episode 7. I encourage you to watch the episode for visuals on the characters.

Also, please take the time to donate to to keep works like this accessible.

Kevin at Football Camp: A "This Is Us" Story

Chapter 1

Kevin really didn't want to go to football camp, but in the end, the hotel turned out to be a good time. Had he known that going into it, maybe he wouldn't have been making himself sick.

As soon as he and his father arrived at the hotel, they saw Coach in the lobby. Kevin respected the man because he is his coach, but he didn't like him. Coach called him stupid and made him feel bad about himself one minute, but pushed him hard to be a better player the next. Understandably, Kevin was conflicted.

He was also confused because his 13-year-old dick kept getting hard around the man. Granted, his teenage cock was hard all the time, but it was always raging around his Coach.

Here, in the lobby, was no exception. Thankfully he had his overnight bag to hold in front of him to cover his erection.

Coach introduced Kevin and his dad to two Penn State football players – Jason and Richard – who'd be running drills at the camp, and the sight of these two hulking dudes did nothing to make Kevin's cock soft. They were powerfully built college guys, with chiseled faces, mocha and caramel colored skin, and smiles that exuded confidence yet comfort at the same time.

"I'm excited to see what you can do on the field, little man," Jason said to him. Those words probably weren't meant to have the effect of Kevin's cock leaking a little bit of precum, but they did, and so did how he sized him up. Richard casually licking his lips didn't help matters.

After settling in and having a heart-to-heart with his dad, Jack took Kevin for steaks and more conversation. This alone time was good for them. Kevin never got to spend quality time with his father, and he liked this...maybe too much, since he was hard when they hugged and rough housed.

When they turned in for the night, Kevin couldn't sleep. He was really worried about football camp the next day.

Checking to make sure Jack was asleep, Kevin put some grey and white flannel pants on over his briefs and silently crept out of the room. Wearing just that and his tank top undershirt, he padded down the hall.

He found himself knocking on the room of the Penn State players.

"It's the kid from Pittsburgh," Kevin heard, before the knob turned.

Jason stood in the doorway like a god. A faint glow from the TV illuminated him from behind, making his silouhette very impressive, but it was his body that made Kevin's jaw drop. He was only wearing boxers to show off an expanse of caramel colored muscular perfection – muscles from being an athletic 20-something, not the gym toned power lifter that his dad was.

Kevin felt immediately inadequate with his small but toned eight grade body. His workouts with Jack hadn't quite paid off yet, but he knew he was still growing.

Also growing at that moment was Kevin's cock. Good thing his briefs were keeping his boy nail close to his body.

Jason's boxers, on the other hand, were not containing his manhood. It was pushing the fabric out for the whole hall to see, if anyone else was awake at this hour.

He smiled down at Kevin. "What's up, little man?"

"Sorry to bother you, but I keep thinking about tomorrow and the week ahead and wanted to talk to you guys."

"Sure thing. Come in."

The room smelled different than his down the hall. An aroma that can only be explained as "football player" lingered in the air – pits, feet, used gear, ripe jock, etc. – but there was also a smell almost like burnt leaves.

Richard was sitting on the bed, wearing only boxers as well, with a similar pronounced bulge, and he had an equally impressive set of muscles contained behind his mocha complexion, a bit bulkier than Jason's. He invited Kevin to sit down next to him with a big smile on his face.

He draped his arms over Kevin's shoulder. "What's on your mind, little dude?"

Kevin was a little dizzy from over-stimulation. So much heat was radiating from Richard's body next to him, but he could even feel it coming from Jason sitting on the opposite bed. Jason had leaned back, propping himself up on his arms, and spread his legs, so Kevin's eyes kept trying to avoid staring at his package. He was also well aware Richard's crotch was inches away to his left, a distance that was growing shorter with every passing second that Richard plumped up. Plus, Kevin noticed smoke coming from the ashtray on the table between the beds, which explained the burning smell.

"I've, uh, been struggling with my plays, and – um – I wanna make a good impression while I'm here. This means a lot to my dad...and to me! But I just wanna do good."

"Well, little man, what can we do?" Jason asked.

"I guess, whatever tips you have or anything to help me out?"

"We can't play favorites though," Richard said, to clarify. "We have to treat you like every other kid."

"Yeah!" Kevin said, brightly. "Treat me like any other kid!"

The college dudes exchanged looks.

"Okay, little man," Jason started. "Why don't you start off by showing us your throw?"

"Yeah! Okay! Do you have a ball?"

Richard chuckled. "Yeah, little dude, we have several."

Kevin felt the football player's arm tighten around his neck, and he was being pulled forward as the PSU player bent over and grabbed a football from under the bed. He found that he felt very flushed when he sat back up again.

Richard handed Kevin the ball. "Show us what you got." He gave the middle schooler a little shove off the bed and positioned himself with his back to the headboard, purposely spreading his beefy thighs to pronounce his bulge more. He grabbed the joint from the ashtray and took a big drag.

"Throw here?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, little man," Jason said, sitting on the other bed, facing the boy. "Maybe don't go full out, but throw it to me and we'll see." He turned to his buddy and gestured for him to the pass the joint, which he took a big pull from, before focusing his attention back to Kevin.

"Okay." Kevin was unsure, but he still tossed the ball to Jason.

Jason expelled all the smoke in his lungs when he laughed at Kevin. "Okay, you can try a little harder than that. I think I can handle what you've got."

Kevin tried again, putting a little more power into his throw.

"Okay, okay," Jason said, encouragingly, "now we're getting somewhere. Again."

This went on for a couple minutes, which gave Richard time to roll another joint. The college boys got more stoned, and the teenager got a little tired and sweaty. Kevin was also starting to feel a little light-headed from the heat in the room, the smoke in the air, and what he didn't realize was the pheromones exuding off the PSU guys.

Finally, Jason stopped their mini-passing practice. "Alright, little man, I can definitely see what we're working with here."

As Jason stood up from the bed to approach him, Kevin felt his entire body flush. He wondered if the college guys noticed how red he was. Jason got behind him, and his body heat and manly smell made Kevin sweat more than he already was. He could feel his already damp tank top clinging to his body.

The college boy said, "Let's talk about your form," and started adjusting Kevin like a mannequin, moving his limbs and twisting his torso. It was very easy for his big, black hands to move Kevin's small body like a toy.

Kevin knew he should be paying attention to what the dude from Penn State was saying, but all he seemed to be able to concentrate on was the closeness of their bodies and how he was being touched. Up until this moment, Kevin didn't realize his nipples were sensitive, but Jason's hands grazing his chest sent shivers all over his body.

When he was able to focus outward again, Kevin noticed Richard on the bed, holding the joint to his mouth in one hand while his other hand massaged the obscene tent in his boxers. Kevin knew his own bulge wasn't nearly as pronounced but was nevertheless straining his briefs. When the hulking college player came closer to where his teammate and the middle schooler were standing, both Kevin's eyes and jaw got very wide.

"Yeah, little dude, that's looking much better," Richard said. He took the joint from his mouth and handed it to Jason, exhaling a cloud of smoke that surrounded Kevin's face. "I want to add—" and started adjusting the boy himself, as his friend stepped back.

Kevin was in even more of a haze, thanks to the thick air in the room, and having two mounds of hard, mocha, muscle pecs in his face wasn't helping his dizziness.

"How do you feel, little dude?" Richard asked, taking the football from the seventh grader's hand and tossing it on the bed. "Feeling better about being here?"

"Yeah, much better," Kevin replied, dreamily.

Richard took Kevin's small head in his hands and tilted him up to look at him, and he broke into a huge grin. "I think we got the little dude high."

A strong hand came from behind and grabbed under Kevin's chin and tilted his head back. He was arched back, craning to look into Jason's smiling face. Kevin noticed smoke coming from the college dude's nose as he looked up at him. "Yeah, look at his eyes and goofy grin. That didn't take much, did it?"

Jason released Kevin's head and the boy rebounded back to look at Richard, who had the joint once again. He took a big hit, then said to the 13-year-old, "Open your mouth and breathe in."

Kevin did as he was told and saw first a stream of smoke come toward him, followed closely by the handsome face of the college footballer. Richard stopped mere centimeters from the boy's face, which is what made Kevin stop breathing altogether.

"Now release," Richard urged, and Kevin expelled the smoke from his lungs. He had tried cigarettes before with some buddies at school, but this was much easier to take and, so far, a much more pleasant experience overall.

Kevin hadn't realized Jason stepped away from him, until the mass of college muscle behind him got close again, and the heat radiating from his body seared into Kevin's back.

From far within the pleasant haze he was in, Kevin heard Jason's deep baritone voice say, "Let's work on your grip now, little man."

Kevin tried to close his hand around the object placed in his hand but couldn't get his hand around it. That wasn't unusual with a football, but this didn't feel like a football. And it was warm. He'd never felt anything like it.

Looking down, he saw his small white hand wrapped around a long, thick, dark tube that lightened a little bit past his fist. Kevin thought he had never seen anything like it, until he realized he was holding a giant dick and it was attached to the 6'2" football player behind him. His own cock was a fraction of the size, so he was mesmerized by the power this slab of flesh held.

"That's it, little man," Jason encouraged Kevin. "Don't be afraid of it. You can grip it harder. I'll let you know if it's too much."

Kevin gave the flesh bullet a squeeze and couldn't believe how hard and soft it felt at the same time. He heard the college dude growl above him, and from some primal place deep inside, Kevin knew he loved that sound.

The palm of his other hand was suddenly filled with a similar object, and Kevin reluctantly took his gaze away from Jason's dick and saw what Richard was packing. His mouth dropped.

His fingertips could barely touch around Jason's cock, but Richard's dick kept Kevin's hand in a wide C. Not only was it thick for Kevin's smaller hand, but it was thick by any standards. Obviously, Richard knew what he had, and when Kevin was able to drag his eyes away from the cock to Richard's face, the PSU player had on a cocky wide grin.

"Yeah, try squeezing that, little dude," he taunted Kevin, and Kevin gave it a try.

"Now stroke those cocks, boy," Jason commanded.

Kevin didn't need to be told twice. He wanted to run his hands up and down the length of the shafts. They were like two magic lamps holding the secrets to manhood, and Kevin wanted to rub harder to get his wish.

"Yeah, the little dude is really getting into it."

"Maybe we should give him a closer look."

"On your knees, boy."

Kevin lost track of who was talking, and it didn't matter. He was ready to follow orders and do what they said.

His flannel covered knees hit the hotel carpet, and he found himself staring down the barrel of Richard's massive cannon. As eager as he found himself being, Kevin was still unsure what to do. Thankfully, the college boys took the lead.

They grabbed his blonde hair and moved his head back and forth. They held his face steady and rubbed their dicks against his cheeks and neck, over his eyes, across his forehead, anywhere they could smear their leaking precum onto his pretty, young face. His face would be guided into the crease where thigh meets groin.

Even in his haze, Kevin was surprised he enjoyed being manhandled so much. In his group of friends, he was an alpha, but now he was a plaything for two twenty-year-old football players.

What almost sent him over the edge of excitement was when Richard and Jason slapped their dicks against his face. The feeling of those two heavy cocks colliding with his pretty, upturned face almost made Kevin cum, but his cock was painfully hard and contained in his briefs.

His face was sticky with bull precum, and the smell seemed to be making Kevin higher than he already was. Everything in his brain was telling him he needed more. He couldn't help opening his mouth and sticking his tongue out to collect beads of nectar as the PSU boys thwapped their heavy dicks against his young face.

That turned out to be his favorite part, feeling the power in those dark cocks as they collided with his cheeks. At any moment, Kevin thought one of the two dicks could break his nose and that made his cocklet even harder.

"Looks like we got a hungry one," Jason said to his teammate.

"Fuck yeah. Let's really see what he can do." Once again, Richard took Kevin's head in his large mitts and stared directly into the boy's eyes. "Open really wide, little dude."

Kevin did as he was told, and the college dude shoved his thick dick into his tiny throat as far as he could go. He wished he had taken a breath because now air wasn't able to get past the big, black blockade in the middle schooler's throat. His eyes watered as his lungs sought air, and he gagged. The throat convulsions briefly allowed the dick to slip farther in, but he had to cough it out or he was going to faint.

"Damn, that throat is tight!"

"Fuck! My turn."

Kevin was ready with full lungs this time and was able to hold the college man's big cock inside him longer. Jason even had time to fuck the boy's skull and get his stud balls swinging before the 13-year-old choked again.

"God damn! I love football camp."

The PSU players took turns abusing the seventh grader's mouth, and with each switch off, Kevin's throat was able to accommodate more inches, until finally the boy's exhaustion led to relaxation, and Jason ended up balls deep in the kid's esophagus.

"Holy fucking shit!" Jason roared. "The little man took my whole dick!"

"Fuck, he's a quick learner! Usually takes the boys much longer! You did it once, little dude. Time to do it again."

Jason's dick was covered in throat slime when he removed in from Kevin's skull, and the boy had just enough time to take a big breath before his head was turned and Richard pushed past his limit to connect his pubes with Kevin's nose.

"Yeah, little dude, take that black dick all the way down. Swallow. I wanna feel your throat work my cock."

Kevin did as he was told and massaged the giant flesh tube with his internal muscles.

"Fuck!" Richard groaned out. "That's enough basic training for this little one. Time for the real workout."

Air rushed into the boy's lungs after Richard removed his 9.5" obstruction. The football giant pulled the tiny boy to his feet and turned him around to where Jason was kneeling on the bed. Jason reached forward, grabbed a fist full of blonde hair, and pulled Kevin's head toward his dick again, roughly impaling the kid's face with dick, down so Kevin's nose connected to Jason's pubic bone.

Richard yanked Kevin's sleep pants down to the floor and easily ripped a giant hole in the ass of the boy's briefs. As the milky, blemish-free ass came into view, he took a quick second to admire how smooth and tight the boy is. It was one of his favorite snapshots in time, seeing that last moment of perfection before he and his buddy cunted a boy's virgin hole.

First, he dove his tongue in, working that pussy like he worked so many before. He pulled out all the stops to loosen the boy's hole, and Kevin was going crazy. Even with Jason fully down his throat, he was making so much noise, and that only encouraged the college dudes to double their efforts.

One moment, Kevin is being stuffed by tongue and cock, and the next he was completely empty, as the older guys switched places. His dazed mind didn't have time to fully process the void before he was stuffed again. Jason's tongue was longer and Richard's cock was bigger, so this was the most Kevin had inside him from both ends.

That is, until Jason started fingering open his wet hole. The older dude's fingers gave him sensations he'd never had before. Kevin felt like his entire body was tingling, especially when Jason would brush up against something. It was a jolt at first and balanced the feeling of being stretched, but then Kevin found himself wiggling his ass, trying to get the digits to hit that button.

Kevin was trembling in excitement from all the new sensations he was bombarded with, and he was powerless to contain it all when it finally built up. He suddenly saw stars, and with his mouth stuffed with black dick to muffle his moan, his teen boy cock erupted into the pouch of his briefs.

"Oh, fuck," Jason cried out, "We made our little bitch squirt. I thought I was gonna lose my fingers inside him, he got so tight."

"Yeah, the little dude's throat was vibrating my dick. Think he's ready?"

"Oh, he's ready. Got him loosened up." Jason took the waist band of the boy briefs in his hands and powerfully ripped the rest of Kevin's underwear off, throwing the cummed-in rag on the bed next to the boy.

"Whatdya think, little dude?" Richard asked Kevin, removing his dick from the white teenager's mouth and craning his face up to look at the face towering above him. "You ready for more?"

Kevin was too high and woozy from his orgasm to fully understand the question. "More?" he asked weakly.

Jason got some lube off the bedside table and noticed Kevin's high, sleepy face cradled in Richard's hand.

"You tired, little man?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, a little," came the sleepy, worn out response.

"I know. But we're almost done, and you want us to tell coach what a good team player you are, don't you?"


"Good boy. So relax, accept what's going to happen, push your hole out gently, and take that cock in your mouth again because you're gonna need it."

"Wha-?" Kevin didn't have time to finish the sentence before his jaw was again stretched by Richard's 20-year-old muscle cock.

His ass was also being pushed to its limits, wider than before, and sharp pain registered in Kevin's brain as something huge invaded his hole. He wanted to pull off the cock to scream but Richard's large mitt held him in place.

Relaxing was the last thing his body had the instinct to do, but in his daze, Kevin managed to. He could have been more relaxed than he ever had in his life, and he still would have felt every inch of that football player cock going in his hole. Even with only a quarter of Jason's dark shaft in his ass, Kevin was moaning around Richard's pole.

"I do love when they make all that noise," Richard said.

"Well, get ready, bro, because here comes the big one."

Up until that point, Jason had been using his leg muscles to squat behind Kevin. Both of the PSU dudes towered over the growing adolescent, so Jason needed to be lower in order to line his dick up with his new cock sheath. Now, the college stud stretched his legs, standing up with Kevin's hole around the tip of his cock. The upward motion and the height difference caused Kevin's feet to rise off the floor, with his pants still around his ankles. That, combined with gravity, made Kevin take more of that dick inside him. He was suspended in the air, dripping sweat, with a total of 11" of college football cock in both holes, with more inches to go.

And, of course, Kevin was screaming.

Holding the blond head on his dick, Richard egged on his buddy. "Fuck yeah, bro. Give it to him."

Needing no further encouragement from his teammate, Jason began to fuck the aloft, spit-roasted boy, slowly at first to plow a path deep in the boy's rectum, but the sensations felt so good that the footballer let loose.

The way the kid dangled between the two college hunks, an outside observer would have thought these dudes, bodies rich with melanin and glistening with sweat, were fucking a tiny, peach sex doll...and in a way they were. As Kevin's hole opened up, Jason's dick went deeper, and he started fucking harder, getting his full balls swinging and his thighs slapping that white ass pink. The force of his thrusts caused Kevin to take more of Richard's thick cock in his mouth, stretching his jaw to the max.

Since it was beyond obvious that Kevin no longer needed coaching in football or in getting fucked, Jason picked up the pace to get his nut. Richard watched his buddy grip the boy's tiny waist and noticed his abs crunch as he got his extra cardio in, battering the kid's hole.

Jason threw his head back and roared, driving all nine inches of dick into the middle schooler and emptying his bull nuts deep into the boy. He was so loud, that it drowned out Kevin's screams of pain and pleasure. Yes, his body was tired and sore and invaded in ways he never thought possible, but when the head of Jason's dick spurted semen in his guts, his young cock exploded all over the bed underneath him.

He ended up laying down in his own load, as Jason lowered him to the bed while he caught his breath. Kevin also needed to breathe, but that was harder with Richard's fat cock still in his mouth.

"Damn, bro," Richard said, getting up to stand next to his prostrate buddy, "you really pounded him out."

"Couldn't help it, man. This is some grade A, virgin hole."

"I gotta get up in there before I shoot."

"All yours, my man."

Jason unsheathed his dick from Kevin and grabbed the kid's briefs off the bed to wipe his dick off. Both college boys marveled at the tunnel left in its wake. The once tight hole was now gaping in front of them, stretched beyond anything that had come before this night in all Kevin's 13 years.

That is, until Richard and his forearm sized cock with its flared purple head got closer.

The football player generously coated his saliva-wet cock with lube, put the tip to Kevin's hole to stop it from puckering up again, and pushed inside the kid.

Now Kevin was stretched to the max!

Richard was impressed the boy was able to take half of his dick before he started struggling against it, but Jason had done a fantastic job preparing that hole.

Moaning into the hotel room comforter like countless whores before him, Kevin tried slithering away from the anal intruder by putting his knees on the bed to use as leverage to get away, but all he succeeded in doing was raising his ass higher to meet Richard's crotch and putting himself in a better position to arch his back.

It was there that something clicked in Kevin. A switch flicked in his brain, and the burning and soreness in his ass suddenly became yearning and desire. The more he moved away from the dick, the more it exited him, and the emptier he started to feel.

He didn't like that.

He wanted more.

Instead of using his knees to propel himself forward, Kevin sank back onto them and felt more of the gigantic phallus enter his hole. As two-thirds of mocha dick entered milky ass, the teammates exchanged a smile and a high five, knowing they conquered another bitch together.

Taking Kevin's newfound enthusiasm for dick as permission, Richard took the sleep pants all the way off the boy's so he could get in close to the boy. Putting his big hands around the boy's small waist, he drilled the remaining inches of thickness deep into Kevin. The shock and pain stunned the middle schooler, but no sounds came out of his body. He remained silent as the footballer power fucked into him faster and faster, and finally released as the most depraved, whorish groan the PSU studs ever heard from one of their bitches, ending with another load being shot all over the mattress.

Kevin's orgasm tightened his grip around Richard's cock, and the bull couldn't hold back any longer. He drove his dick as far in as Kevin's body could accommodate and unloaded into the boy's guts. Draining his balls and energy into the kid, Jason also collapsed on Kevin's back, pressing Kevin to the bed and again into his fresh load.

Jason was kicking back on the other bed, sparking up another blunt, and passed it to his buddy, when Richard regained his senses. "Damn, bro, you really gave it to the little dude. How you feelin'?"

"Fucking fire, man," Richard said, taking a drag. "You did good, little dude." He slapped Kevin's ass, which was still keeping his dick warm.

Finally, Richard pulled his dick out, and dragged some of his and his buddy's loads with it. The boy's hole was never going to close fast enough to keep it all in, and there was plenty more swimmers in the kid's ass. He picked Kevin's ripped briefs off the bed and added more cum and ass slime to the rag.

"How YOU feelin', little man?" Jason asked Kevin.

Empty. Sore. Horny. Tired. Better than I've ever felt in my life. Those responses all went through his head, but all Kevin said was, "Good." Typical teenager.

"Thas wuss up."

"It's getting late, little dude," Richard said, pulling on a fresh pair of boxer shorts. "You got camp in the morning. Probably should get back to your room."

Kevin hadn't considered moving and wasn't sure he could, but forced himself to push up off the mattress, his shirt sticking to the cum on the comforter.

He pulled his sleep pants on, and sheepishly said, "So..."

Jason choked on his smoke and laughed, "Don't worry `bout it, little man. We won't tell Coach."

Kevin exhaled with relief.

"What we will tell him," Richard said, putting his arm around the boy and walking him toward the door, "is what a team player you are and how much promise you have."

"Th-thanks, guys."

"Don't mention it, little dude." He opened the door for Kevin, and when he stepped into the hall, handed him a shredded cum rag that is the remains of his white briefs. "Get some sleep."

"See you on the field, little man," Jason called from the bed, as the door closed in Kevin's face.

Kevin stared at the door for a second, thinking about what just happened. The residual high and the sensory overload made it hard to focus, so he shook it off and decided to put it out of his mind for now.

He gingerly walked down the hall, not fully in control of his legs and feeling a little soreness in his ass as he moved.

When he was a few rooms away, he heard a knocking behind him. He turned to see a kid he recognized from another middle school knock on the door to PSU guys' room.

The door opened and he heard Jason's voice say, "What's up, little man? Come on in." The boy crossed the threshold into the room, with the door closing behind him.

Kevin felt a pang of jealousy and momentarily thought about going back to their room.

But before he could make up his mind, he heard a voice behind him.


He turned to look at the man and broke out into a cold sweat.

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