Kevin and Joey

By Starfire

Published on May 1, 2001


This story is a work of fiction. I do not know the true sexuality of either Backstreet Boys, or Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexual material, then, this story is NOT for you.

Kevin and Joey Chapter 6

Kevin and Joey lay still, as they held each other. Both, were so happy that the guys in Backstreet took their being together well. Kevin's mind was a whirl wind as he thought of the things that could, and could not be, as far as his relationship with Joey. His mind wandered as he held him, in a spoon position. Joey gently caressed Kevin's arms as they wrapped around him.

"Kev, are you okay?" Joey asked, sensing that something was bothering him.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kevin asked, not hearing the question.

"I said, are you okay?" Joey repeated.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Why?" Kevin asked, as he snuggled closer to Joey.

"I don't know. You just seem to be somewhere else. You've been like that for the last half hour." Joey said, his voice echoing his concern.

"No, Sweetie, I'm fine. I just have some things on my mind, that's all." Kevin answered, knowing that his answer wouldn't end Joey's worries.

"Kev, you know you can talk to me. Now, what's going on?" Joey asked, as he turned in Kevin's arms so he could look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry, Sweetie. I know, I can talk to you. It's just that I've been thinking about how your guys are gonna react when they find out about us." Kevin said, looking into Joey's eyes.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that, too." Joey answered, laying his head on Kevin's chest.

"How do you think they'll take it?" Kevin asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"I don't know, Kev. I mean, it's not like you're someone that I can take with me anywhere. You're a Backstreet Boy. Not, that it's a bad thing, but it does complicate things for us." Joey answered, as his own fears crept into his mind.

"Well, your being in Nsync doesn't exactly make it easy for me." Kevin said, the tension evident in his voice.

"I know, Honey. It's just something that we've got to deal with." Joey said, hoping he hadn't made things worse.

"I know. I'm sorry, Joey. It's just the thought of not being able to be with you, makes me crazy." Kevin said, as he released a slight sigh.

"Believe me, I understand completely." Joey said, as he gave Kevin a short kiss.

"So, when do you think we should tell them?" Kevin asked, as he stroked Joey's hair.

"I guess, we could do it tomorrow?" Joey said, with uncertainty.

"Do you want to tell them, Joey?" Kevin asked, picking up on Joey's insecurity about things.

"Yeah, I want to tell them. I'm just a little scared that's all. I mean, I know that they support me, but this is a very unique situation." Joey said, hoping Kevin would understand.

"I know, Sweetie. I guess, we'll just have to hope for the best." Kevin said, as he held Joey to his chest.

"Yeah, I guess, so. They know that something is up, because they haven't seen too much of me lately." Joey said, mentally reviewing the last few days.

"I'm surprised Lance, hasn't nailed you for that." Kevin said, with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, so am I." Joey said, just as his cell phone began to ring.

"Uh oh, might have spoken too soon." Kevin said, as he began to laugh.

Joey just gave him a quick smack in the stomach as he headed for his phone. He glanced at the number on his display and looked back at Kevin, who was still smiling at him knowingly.

"Hello," Joey said, into his phone.

"Joey! Where are you? I've been looking for you for hours." Lance said, his patience wearing pretty thin.

"Geez, chill out Scoop. I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself." Joey said, immediately going on the defensive.

"Well, that remains to be seen. Did you happen to forget about a certain dinner?" Lance said, reminding Joey of a prior commitment.

"Oh shit, Lance. I totally forgot about that. Is everyone else there?" Joey asked, causing Kevin some concern.

"Yes, everyone else is here. Now, if you don't mind. Where the hell are you?" Lance asked, his voice low, but still in an angered state.

"Umm, I'll explain everything, Scoop. I'll be there as soon as I can, just give me 15 minutes." Joey said, looking back at Kevin.

"Okay, I can't wait to hear this one." Lance said, as he rolled his eyes.

"I'll tell ya about it when I get there." Joey said, recognizing the strained tone in Lance's voice.

"Okay, we'll wait for you." Lance said, ending their conversation.

"Well, perhaps we shouldn't wait any longer to see what the guys think. What are you doing for dinner?" Joey said, as he smiled at Kevin.

"Is it just me or have we done this already?" Kevin asked, with a grin on his face.

"Hey, you got breakfast. I get dinner. Now, shut up and get ready." Joey said, with a laugh.

"Sir, yes, Sir!" Kevin said, giving Joey a salute.

"Oh, I just love it when you're obedient." Joey said, giving Kevin a quick kiss.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's just get ready and do this, okay?" Kevin said, returning Joey's kiss.

Before long they were dressed and heading to meet the guys of Nsync. Joey's mind was going in several different directions at once. He played out each scenario in his mind as to the reaction of his friends to Kevin. Although, he loved his friends very much, he could not deny how much he loved Kevin, as well.

"Well, here we are." Joey said, the nervousness evident in his voice.

"Sweetie, don't worry. I'm right here. We'll get through this together, just like we did with my guys." Kevin said, doing his best to comfort him.

"Thanks, Kev. Well, let's get this over with, shall we?" Joey said, as he opened the door for Kevin.

"Gee, you make it sound like an execution or something." Kevin said, with a slight laugh.

"I'm sorry, Honey. I'm just a little nervous, that's all." Joey said, smiling at Kevin.

"Just relax, whatever happens, happens. There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just face it and deal with it." Kevin said, stating the obvious.

They made their way into the restaurant and asked for the guy's table. After being led through an out of the way area, they saw the guys sitting there waiting for them. Strangely enough, they didn't look as if they were all that mad. They were talking and laughing with each other as if nothing had happened. Before long Lance noticed Joey approaching with Kevin.

"Well, I wonder what this is all about." Lance said, causing the others to follow the direction of his eyes.

Each of the remaining members of Nsync looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces, as they saw Joey heading their way with Kevin.

"Hi guys, I'm sorry I'm so late. You all know, Kevin." Joey said, looking around at his band mates.

"Yeah, I think we've met. How's it going, Kev?" Lance asked, as he stood and shook his hand.

"Hi guys, I know this is a surprise. I hope, I'm not intruding." Kevin said, looking around the table.

"No, don't be silly. Grab a seat," Justin said, as they made room for Kevin and Joey.

Each of the guys shook Kevin's hand as he took a seat among them. They were still wondering what he was doing there, but they were happy to have him, nonetheless. At least, it seemed that way, and Kevin was certainly hoping that things didn't change once he and Joey had made their announcement.

"It's good to have you with us, Kevin. Although, I am a little surprised to see you." Lance stated, looking from him to Joey.

"I know. I'm sorry to just show up like this, but it was a last minute decision." Kevin said, vaguely, glancing at Joey.

"Oh, don't worry about that. You're among friends." Lance said, giving him a smile.

'I sure hope you feel that way in about an hour.' Kevin thought to himself, as he looked around the table with a smile on his face.

"So, Joey, you wanna tell us where you've been hiding lately?" Lance asked, directing the attention of the others towards Joey.

"Actually, I've been hanging with, Kev." Joey answered, not really looking at his band mates, but keeping his eyes on his menu instead.

"Really? What have you guys been doing?" Chris asked, speaking for the first time since they had arrived.

"I don't think that's really any of our business, Chris." Lance stated, giving him a stern look.

"Well, excuse me, for living." Chris said, holding his hands up in surrender.

"No, that's okay, really, we've just been hanging out and going to the movies and stuff." Joey answered, finally glancing at his friends. Each of them knowing that something was definitely up, by now.

"Okay, guys, I guess, it's time I told you what's really going on here." Joey started, suddenly glad that they were dining in a more private setting.

"Joe, your business, is your business, but if you'd like to tell us, we are kind of curious." Justin said, giving him a genuine smile.

"Thanks, J. Okay, here goes, the fact of the matter is that Kevin and I have been going out together." Joey said, trying to read his friend's faces.

"Going out? You mean like friends right?" Chris asked, drawing Joey's attention towards him.

"I don't think so." Lance said, to Chris, but not taking his eyes off Joey.

"I mean, Kev and I have been dating for the last few days, and we've gotten pretty serious." Joey stated as he and Kevin looked around the table for reactions. There were little grins on the faces of all of his friends, all that is, except for one Joshua Chasez. JC sat there not even looking in Joey's direction, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Kevin.

"Wow, Joey, that's really great. Congratulations, guys." Justin said, giving Kevin and him a big smile.

"Wow, Superman, has found his Lois Lane." Chris said, causing a round of laughter.

"Very funny, Chris, I'll remember that." Kevin said, throwing a wadded up napkin at him.

"Well, if you guys are happy, I'm happy, but have you considered the complications of this relationship?" Lance said, bringing back the reality of things for them.

"Yeah, we've talked about it, and we know it won't be easy, but we think it's worth a shot." Kevin said, smiling at Joey.

"Josh, you're being awfully quiet. Are you okay with this?" Joey asked, giving his friend a concerned look.

"What? Oh, yeah, sure, I'm fine. No, really, congratulations, guys." JC said, giving Joey and Kevin a smile, that didn't quite measure up to that of his band mates.

"Thanks, Josh. We appreciate that." Joey said, smiling at his friend, yet not being able to shake the feeling that there was something wrong. It was something that he would have to talk to JC about privately.

Joey wasn't the only one that noticed that JC's comments might have been a little less than sincere. Kevin noticed how uncomfortable JC had become after he and Joey revealed their relationship.

They guys ordered their meals, and had a pretty good time together. They were laughing and talking as if it were the norm for them to have Kevin there. Although, he made an attempt, everyone could tell that JC felt a bit uncomfortable with this new revelation.

The evening ended on a good note, although, overshadowed with the negativity of JC's unusual mood. Joey couldn't understand why his friend didn't seem happy for him. Kevin on the other hand, had a feeling he knew why, but was hoping beyond hope that he might be wrong.

After saying goodnight to their friends, Kevin and Joey made their way back to the hotel. Neither of them said much, as they reflected on the events of the evening. Finally, Joey decided to break the silence.

"So, what happens tomorrow?" Joey asked, not really looking at Kevin.

"Umm, we have some interviews, and a performance scheduled for tomorrow night." Kevin answered, noting Joey's uneasiness.

"You wanna stay in my room tonight?" Joey asked, wondering what was going through Kevin's mind.

"Do you want me to?" Kevin asked, looking towards Joey for the first time since the conversation had started.

"Yes," Joey said, turning to look at him.

"Then, I will." He said, giving Joey his best smile.

Joey looked into his eyes, and returned his smile. Although, Kevin could see that there was something clouding his mind.

"Joey, why don't I go get some clothes from my room, let the guys know where I am, and I'll meet you at your room in a few minutes." Kevin suggested, taking Joey's hand in his.

"Okay, Kev, sounds like a plan." Joey responded, giving his hand a slight squeeze.

The elevator reached Joey's floor and the doors opened. He turned towards Kevin and gave him a quick kiss before stepping through the door.

"I'll see you in a little while, Sweetie." Kevin said, as Joey cleared the door.

"Okay, I'll be waiting." Joey answered, as the doors began to close.

Kevin rode to the next floor where the Backstreet Boys were staying. He entered his room and began to gather some clothes for the following day. He headed over to the phone and dialed his cousin's room number.

"Italiano's Pizza, we serve it hot and spicy, just the way you like it." Brian said, with his best Italian accent.

"Very funny, Bri," Kevin said, trying to hold back a smile at hearing his cousin's light hearted mood.

"Oh, hey Kev, where have you been all night? I've tried to call you a million times." Brian said, drawing the attention of his visiting band mate, one Nick Carter.

"I've been out with, Joey. Why? What's wrong?" Kevin asked, his big brother mode kicking into gear.

"Out with, Joey, eh? Well, there's a surprise." Brian said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah, I can tell, smartass. Now, what's wrong?" Kevin said, repeating his previous question.

"Oh, nothing's wrong, I was just going to invite you to play a little B-ball with Nick, AJ, and me earlier, but we couldn't find you." Brian responded.

"Oh, okay, I was with Joey and the Nsync guys tonight. I forgot to take my phone with me." Kevin said.

"Well, duh!!" Brian said, with a slight laugh.

"Okay, okay, I messed up, I'm sorry." Kevin said, taking Brian by surprise.

"Alright, who are you and what have you done with my cousin?" Brian said, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Yeah, I guess, that didn't sound like me did it?" Kevin said, noting his slip.

"Is something wrong?" Brian asked, picking up on Kevin's tone of voice.

"It's just been a weird night, Bri. Joey and I told his guys about our relationship." Kevin said, giving Brian some understanding of the situation.

"Oh, I see. How did they take it?" Brian asked, unsure if he really wanted to hear the answer.

"Actually, most of them took it pretty good." Kevin said, leaving Brian hanging.

"And?" Brian asked, wondering what it was that Kevin wasn't telling him.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow, Bri. I just don't want to get into it tonight?" Kevin said, hoping his cousin would just let it be for the moment.

"Okay, Are you alright?" Brian asked, sensing Kevin's unusual mood.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm staying in, Joey's room tonight. Could you have breakfast for the guys in your room in the morning?" Kevin asked.

"Sure, that's no problem. Are you not going to be joining us?" Brian asked.

"I'm not sure. I don't know what, Joey, and the guys have to do in the morning. I just wanted to make sure that I had things covered for you guys, in case I can't be there." Kevin said, filling Brian in on the situation.

"Okay, Kev, I'll handle it." Brian said, easing his cousin's mind.

"Thanks, Rok. I appreciate it, and I'll see you guys tomorrow." Kevin said, as the conversation drew to a close.

"No, problem, Kev. Tell Joey, I said hey." Brian said, ending his part of the conversation.

"Will do, cuz," Kevin said, as he hung up the phone.

Kevin sat there for a few more minutes running things over in his mind. He didn't know whether to talk to Joey about his suspicions or to just confront JC about them and see what he had to say for himself. Either way, it wasn't going to be an easy task.

Putting it all on the back burner for the time being, Kevin headed to Joey's room. His time with him was quickly coming to an end, at least for that week, and he didn't want to spend the rest of their time together, worrying about JC.

Kevin approached Joey's door and raised his hand to knock. Just as he was about to do so, he heard the elevator doors open. As he turned to look in their direction he saw JC step into the hallway. Their eyes met, as he made his way towards Kevin.

"Hey, JC how goes it?" Kevin asked, trying to be friendly.

"It's going, man. You staying with, Joey, tonight?" JC asked, as he leaned against the wall next to Kevin.

"Yeah, I was just about to head inside, but if you've got a few minutes, could we talk?" Kevin asked, looking into JC's eyes.

"Well, yeah, I got a few minutes. Is something wrong?" JC asked, his expression one of both worry and confusion.

"No, I just have something I need to talk to you about, if you're sure it's okay." Kevin said, giving JC the opportunity to back out of the situation.

"Okay, you wanna come to my room? We can talk there." JC said, motioning toward the end of the hall.

"Yeah, that would be great, just let me tell, Joey where I am, and I'll be right there." Kevin said, giving JC a smile.

"Okay, I'll see ya there. I'm the last door on the right." JC said, as he gave Kevin a light touch on the shoulder, and walked away.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few." Kevin said, as he watched JC walk away.

Kevin raised his hand and knocked on Joey's door, glancing once more toward the end of the hall, where JC and just entered his room.

"It's open!" Joey yelled, from the other side.

"It's me, Joey." Kevin said, as he stepped into the room.

"I figured as much." Joey said, with a big smile.

Kevin made his way towards him with a smile of his own, and gave him a tender kiss on the lips, as he wrapped his arms around Joey's waist.

"Wow, what was that for?" Joey asked, as Kevin finally ended the kiss.

"That, was just because I love you." Kevin said, resting his forehead against Joey's.

"In that case, do it again." Joey said, giving Kevin a huge grin.

"Don't mind if I do." Kevin said, as he closed in on Joey's lips once more.

"Kev?" Joey said, as their kiss ended once again.

"Yeah?" Kevin responded, as he pulled Joey into a hug.

"I love you, too." Joey said, giving Kevin a tight squeeze.

They stood there like that for a little longer, until Joey broke the comfortable silence between them.

"So, what did you want to do tonight?" Joey asked, leaning back and looking into Kevin's eyes.

"I don't know, Sweetie. Whatever you think is fine by me." Kevin said, returning Joey's gaze. "Oh, there is one thing I need to do if it's okay with you."

"Really? What's that?" Joey asked, giving Kevin a confused look.

"Well, I need to talk to JC for a few minutes. I met up with him out in the hall, and I told him I'd meet him in his room if you don't mind." Kevin said, examining Joey's expression.

"No, I don't mind. Is something wrong with, Josh?" Joey asked, his concern evident for his friend.

"No, he's okay. Really, Sweetie, I won't be long, I promise." Kevin said, giving Joey another quick kiss.

"Okay, do you want me to order a movie for us or something, while your gone?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, that would be great. I'll be back in a few." Kevin said, giving Joey one more kiss before heading towards the door. "Oh, one more thing."

"What's that?" Joey asked, looking in Kevin's direction.

"I love you." Kevin said, with a huge grin.

"I love you, too, Honey." Joey said, mirroring Kevin's smile.

Kevin headed to JC's door and knocked. Before long he heard the door open, and there stood JC, in a pair of white shorts, with a towel around his shoulders.

"Sorry, I decided to grab a quick shower and rinse off, while you were talking to Joey." JC said, inviting Kevin inside.

"That's okay. I've been known to answer the door in less." Kevin said, with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, I've heard." JC said, with a laugh as his face turned a light crimson.

"Mind if I sit down?" Kevin asked, motioning towards a chair.

"Sure, make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?" JC asked, trying to be a polite host.

"Yeah, I think I will. What do you have?" Kevin asked, as he looked towards JC.

"Um, soda, ice tea, water, and wine, what's your poison?" JC asked, looking in Kevin's direction.

"Wine, sounds good." Kevin answered.

"Wine it is," JC said, as he grabbed a couple of glasses and prepared the drinks. "Here ya go." He said, handing Kevin his glass.

"Thanks," Kevin said, giving him a light smile.

"No problem, so, what's on your mind?" JC asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Well, I don't know quite where to start." Kevin said, as he placed his glass on the table.

"Just start at the beginning. Are you okay?" JC asked, his voice of genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's you that I'm worried about," Kevin said, looking into JC's eyes.

"Me? Why are you worried about me?" JC said, surprised by the words.

"Well, I noticed, when Joey and I made our announcement earlier tonight, you didn't seem to be very happy about it." Kevin said, not taking his eyes off JC.

"What makes you think I wasn't happy about it?" JC asked, as he stood and walked towards the balcony window.

"Come on, JC. I wasn't the only one that noticed it." Kevin said, making his way to stand behind him.

"What do you mean?" JC asked, sensing Kevin's presence behind him.

"Joey's kind of worried about it, although, he's not saying anything." Kevin said, laying a hand on JC's shoulder.

"I've just got some things on my mind, that's all. I'm happy for you and Joey, really." JC said, trying his best to be convincing.

"Who are you trying to convince, me or you?" Kevin said, taking JC by surprise once again.

"What are you talking about, Kevin?" JC asked, as he turned to look at him.

"Josh, I'm not here to judge you. I just want you to be honest with me, that's all." Kevin said, placing his hands on JC's shoulders.

"I am being honest with you. If Joey's happy, then I'm happy." JC said, as he looked away from him.

"Then why make him feel that you aren't?" Kevin asked, curious of the answer.

"Look, I'd do anything for, Joey. He knows that. As long as he's happy that's all that matters." JC said, finally looking into Kevin's eyes.

"Oh my god," Kevin said, as he released JC.

"What?" JC asked, trying to pull himself together.

"You love him, don't you?" Kevin asked, backing away from him a bit.

"Of course, I love him. He's one of my best friends." JC responded.

"No, it's more than that. You're in love with him, aren't you?" Kevin asked, unsure if he was ready for the answer.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Kevin." JC said, as he tried to avoid looking at him.

"Don't I? Look me in the eyes, Josh. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you're not in love with him." Kevin said, grabbing his shoulders and turning him to face him.

"Okay, fine, I'm in love with him. Are you happy now?!!" JC exclaimed, finally breaking down in front of him.

"Oh, Josh," Kevin said, as he pulled him into his arms. "I am so sorry."

Kevin held him in his arms as JC released his pain. His body convulsed as his face stained with tears, held captive for far too long. Kevin held him there, rocking him in his arms until JC's body could take no more, finally giving away to sleep.

Kevin picked him up in his arms and carried him to his bed, laying him down gently on top of the covers. He found a blanket and covered JC's body as he sat on the side of the bed, staring at his face, which had settled into peace.

"Oh, Josh, what are we gonna do now, my friend?" Kevin asked, as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from JC's face.

Kevin walked to the door, his body feeling the effects of his previous encounter. He turned once more looking towards JC with concern, before he stepped into the hall.

To Be Continued.............................................

Okay, guys/gals that's it for now. Let me know what you think about the story. Send mail to Oh yeah, check out my other story 'Me and Joey.' Until next time, Much Luv to Ya!!!

Next: Chapter 7

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