Kevin and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Apr 16, 2001


Hi everyone. I know, I know. It's been a long time since my last posting. Thank you to all who have asked about me. Normally, I don't like to wait so long to post, but I've had a little bout with Pneumonia, and it just about kicked my butt. I'm pretty much back to normal now, well, as normal as I I will try not to be so long between chapters from here on out. Once again, thanks for hanging with me.

This story is a work of fiction. I do not know the true sexuality of either Backstreet Boys, or Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexual material, then, this story isn't for you.

Kevin and Joey Chapter 5

"You love me?" Joey asked, surprised by the words.

"Yeah, I do." Kevin answered, turning to face him.

"I don't know what to say." Joey said, his expression full of different emotions all struggling for release.

"I understand." Kevin said, his eyes focusing on the floor.

"No, I don't think you do." Joey replied, taking Kevin's hand in his.

"Then, tell me," Kevin said, looking into Joey's eyes.

"I love you, too, Kev. I just never dreamed that you could feel the same way." Joey said, losing himself in the emerald pools that held him in their gaze.

Kevin moved closer to Joey allowing their lips to brush against each other in a tender kiss. Joey wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist resting his head on his shoulder, as Kevin wrapped his arms around Joey's neck.

"What are we gonna do?" Kevin asked, placing his hand on the back of Joey's head.

"I don't know. I never expected this to happen." Joey answered, becoming overwhelmed by the strong emotions that gripped his soul.

"Neither did I," Kevin replied.

"I do know one thing, though. As far as I'm concerned, there is definitely an us." Joey said, lifting his gaze to meet Kevin's.

"Well, we have the rest of this week to be together. We don't have to decide now." Kevin said, giving him an uneasy smile.

"Okay, let's just enjoy being together. Let's not bring it up, and let's not talk about it, until the day comes, when we no longer have a choice, agreed?" Joey asked, smiling at Kevin.

"Agreed," Kevin answered, sealing it with a kiss.

"Mmm, do you end all of your agreements that way?" Joey asked, giving him a coy little smile.

"Depends on who I'm agreeing with," Kevin replied, giving him another small peck on the lips.

"Really? Suddenly, I'm feeling very agreeable." Joey said, closing in on Kevin's lips for a longer more passionate kiss.

Once again, they found themselves lost in the passion that held their hearts. Each of them striving to give the other the greatest pleasure that they had ever experienced. They, tirelessly, made love bringing each other to the heights of ecstasy, only to start all over again, once it had subsided.

Finally, they lay in bed holding each other, both of them physically drained of energy. Their bodies still damp from the excertion they had encountered only moments earlier.

"God, you make me feel so good." Joey said, as he lay on Kevin's chest, both arms wrapped tightly around him.

"I'm glad. I'm feeling pretty good myself." Kevin said, as he smiled down at his lover.

"I'm glad, too." Joey said, gazing up at him.

"Hey, maybe we should grab a quick shower before we fall asleep." Kevin said, stroking Joey's damp hair.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. We seem to be a little sweaty." Joey said, with a slight laugh.

"I noticed that. How do ya suppose that happened?" Kevin asked, giving Joey a curious look.

"Follow me, and I'll show ya." Joey said, giving Kevin a mischievous grin.

"After you," Kevin said, releasing him, and pointing towards the bathroom.

"I think maybe we should make this a cool shower, don't you?" Joey asked, as he stood to his feet and headed towards the bathroom.

"Why should we make it a cool shower?" Kevin asked, as he followed Joey to the bathroom.

"Cause, I have a feeling it's going to be warm enough in here without all that hot water hitting us." Joey responded, giving him a lust filled smile.

"I have a feeling, you might be right." Kevin said, as he entered the bathroom with Joey.

After another round of pleasure, they finished their shower. Joey made it back to the bedroom first, while Kevin was still in the bathroom. He straightened up the bed and got things ready for the two of them to get a good night's sleep.

Kevin walked out of the bathroom still drying his hair with a large towel. He noticed that Joey had already gotten things ready for them to sleep, and gave him a big smile.

"Wow, you are so beautiful." Joey said, watching Kevin finish his hair.

"Maybe, it's just because I'm with someone who brings out my best." Kevin said, with a slight grin.

Joey walked over to stand behind him and slipped his arms around his waist until his hands were flat on his stomach.

"Baby, you're beautiful, period." Joey said, causing Kevin to blush.

Kevin turned in Joey's arms, giving him a slow tender kiss. He pulled from his grasp only to take his hand and lead him to the bed that they would once again share. Kevin turned out the lights, after turning down the covers for them. He slid into the middle of the bed, pulling Joey to his chest and wrapping his arms around him.

"I love you, Joseph Anthony Fatone." Kevin whispered, as he ran his hand up and down Joey's back.

"I love you, too, Kevin Scott Richardson." Joey responded, kissing Kevin's chest tenderly.

Before long the night filled with only the beating of two young hearts that had finally found each other. There was so much love in their hearts, yet, so much worry on their minds. Although, each of them knew that they felt a very strong bond with each other, the reality of their unique situation would be weighing down on them soon enough. Neither of them was willing to suffer the pain of separation, yet each knew that their careers would keep them apart, more than they would be together.

Morning arrived way too soon for the guys. Although, there were no definite plans for the day, other than a short rehearsal for The Backstreet Boys later in the afternoon. There was no wake up call for each of the guys, as was the normal routine. With no plans until later, each of them opted to sleep late.

One by one, the guys all gathered together in Brian's room to see what they all wanted to do. Everyone showed up except for, Kevin.

"Have you called, Kevin?" Nick asked, sitting down by Brian.

"No, I figured I'd let him sleep. Although, it is kind of strange that he hasn't called any of us yet." Brian said, wondering what was up.

"Well, call the man, so we can decide who's doing what today." Howie said.

"I'll do it." AJ said, picking up the phone.

He dialed Kevin's room and waited as he heard the phone begin to ring. After a few rings, he was about to give up, when he heard an answer.

"Hello," Joey said, absentmindedly grabbing the phone out of habit.

"Umm, is Kevin there?" AJ asked, getting the attention of all those in the room.

"Yeah, hang on a minute." Joey said, handing the phone over to Kevin who still hadn't woke up yet. "Kev, someone wants you on the phone."

"What?" Kevin said, in a still sleepy voice.

"The phone is for you." Joey said, a bit louder getting Kevin's full attention.

Kevin didn't think anything about it. He just took the phone from Joey and answered.

"Hello," Kevin said, awaiting a response.

"Yeah, Kev, are we having a good morning?" AJ said, with a little mischief in his voice.

"AJ?" Kevin asked, realizing what had just happened. He had shared his feelings for Joey with Brian, but he hadn't told the other guys anything about it yet.

"Yeah, it's me. Is there something that you'd like to share with the rest of us, Kev?" AJ said, enjoying his moment of torture on his bandmate.

"What do you mean the rest of us?" Kevin asked, unaware that everyone was listening to AJ's conversation.

"Well, we're all in Brian's room about to order breakfast and decide what we're all going to do today. Looks like you've already got plans." AJ said, smiling into the receiver.

"Order breakfast, I'll be there in a few minutes." Kevin said, looking over at Joey, who was now listening to his conversation.

"Okay, we'll do that. See ya in a few." AJ said, hanging up the phone.

"Are you okay?" Joey asked, giving Kevin a concerned look.

"Yeah, I'm okay. What are you doing for breakfast?" Kevin asked, turning towards Joey.

"I don't really have any plans, why?" Joey asked, wondering what Kevin was going to do.

"Well, all the guys know that another man, just answered my phone. So, if you don't have any plans for breakfast, we might as well tell them and see what happens." Kevin said, looking into Joey's eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Joey asked, lightly rubbing Kevin's chest with the back of his hand.

"Well, I don't want to lie to them. I've done enough of that lately." He responded, lying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Then, let's do it." Joey said, causing Kevin to smile.

"You know, if you're uncomfortable with this, I could tell them myself." Kevin said, trying to ease Joey's mind.

"No, if you're going to tell them, then I want to be by your side for support." Joey said, giving Kevin a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, I guess, we'd better get ready and head on over there." Kevin said, taking Joey's hand as he got out of bed.

"Why, Mr. Richardson, are you asking me to shower with you, again?" Joey asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Yep, that would be what I'm asking." Kevin said, with a slight laugh.

"Thank, God! Race ya to the bathroom!" Joey said, as he bolted from the bed.

Kevin just shook his head and grinned, as he watched Joey's naked form running towards the bathroom. He headed in that direction himself, trying to keep the thoughts of his impending confrontation with his bandmates, out of his mind for the moment.

"What kept ya?" Joey asked, as Kevin stepped into the already running shower.

"Wasn't I worth the wait?" Kevin asked, with a grin on his face.

"Baby, you're worth every second." Joey said, as he turned and kissed him.

Slowly, they took turns soaping each other's hard bodies, letting their hands glide across the well-defined muscles. Before long, they had worked themselves into another state of passion, as they kissed and caressed each other.

"I hate to do this, but we really have to stop." Kevin said, his voice weak as he breathed deeply.

"I know, but, I really don't want to," Joey responded, as he held his lover in his arms.

"I don't either, but if we don't, we'll never make it to breakfast." Kevin said, bringing Joey back to the reality of the situation.

"Oh, okay, but I want a rematch later." Joey said, giving him a tender kiss on the lips.

"Baby, you've got it." Kevin said, returning his kiss, with a more lasting effect.

They two young lovers, finished getting ready and before they knew it, were standing at the door to Brian's room. Kevin could see the uneasiness in Joey's eyes as they stood about to make their entrance.

"Last chance, are you sure you want to do this?" Kevin asked, giving Joey one last moment to rethink his position.

"I'm sure. I'm nervous as three kinds of hell, but I'm sure." Joey said, looking into Kevin's eyes.

"Then let's do it." Kevin said, returning Joey's gaze with a smile.

"Kev," Joey said, grabbing his arm, just before he could open the door.

"Yeah," Kevin said, turning to look at him.

"No matter what happens, I love you." Joey said, bringing a huge smile to Kevin's face.

"And, I love you, too." Kevin said, as he gave him another quick peck on the cheek.

They each took a deep breath as Kevin turned the handle on the door. As they entered the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes fell on Kevin as he approached them, with Joey by his side.

"Good morning, guys. You all know, Joey" Kevin said, looking around the room.

"Hi guys," Joey said, still feeling a bit uneasy about the situation.

"Well, it's about time you two got here. I've been trying to hold them off, but the smell of bacon and eggs was just about to cause a major riot to get to the food cart." Brian said, giving them a smile.

"Okay, now that the love birds are here, can we please eat?" Nick said, completely surprising Kevin and Joey.

"Morning, guys, if you want any food, you'd better get over there, before Nick takes it all." AJ said, greeting Kevin and Joey with a light slap on the shoulder.

"Thanks, AJ. We'll do that." Kevin said, in astonishment, looking from Joey to Brian, who was still standing there.

"Come on, you guys. It's getting cold." Howie yelled, getting the remaining three's attention.

"Okay, we're coming." Brian called back.

"Um, Bri, what the hell is going on here?" Kevin asked, no longer able to contain himself.

"What do you mean?" Brian asked, giving his cousin a knowing smile.

"You know very well, what I'm talking about, Bri. Now, out with it." Kevin said, as Joey stood there watching the exchange between them.

"Okay, okay, I figured that you were going to tell everyone about you guys, after AJ, sort of made his little discovery this morning. So, I kind of clued them in on what was going on, because I knew that you'd be nervous about it, and I didn't want them to give you a hard time. Of course, I didn't know that you were going to bring a visual aid with you when you showed up." Brian said, with a smile as he threw an arm around Joey's neck.

"You mean, they all know, and they're okay with it?" Joey asked, looking from Brian to Kevin.

"Sure they are. Why wouldn't they be?" Brian asked, giving Joey a curious look.

"I just....I mean, we......Kev, ya wanna help me out here?" Joey said, not being able to find the words to say.

"It's okay, Joey. Just take it easy." Kevin said, taking Joey's hand in his. "So, you've taken care of me, again." Kevin said, giving his cousin a thankful smile.

"Oh, it was nothing, besides, you would have done the same thing for me." Brian said, giving him a little wink.

"Get over here, you." Kevin said, as he opened his arms for Brian, who smiled and stepped into them. "Thank you so much." Kevin whispered into his cousin's ear.

"Anytime, cuz," Brian whispered, back, as he released him.

"Joey, welcome, buddy." Brian said, as he pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks, Brian, for everything." Joey said, returning his hug.

"You're welcome. Now, let's eat, before these pigs wipe out everything." Brian said, as they walked towards the food cart.

"Did he just call us pigs?" AJ asked, glancing over at Howie.

"Yep, that's what he said." Howie answered, with a laugh.

"Now, where would he get an idea like that?" AJ said, as he put more food on his already loaded plate.

"I don't have a clue." Howie answered, as he stuffed more food onto his plate as well.

"Well, Joey, welcome to my nightmare." Brian said, shaking his head, as he headed for the food cart.

Joey and Kevin looked at each other, both wearing an expression of relief, and thankfulness. Kevin made a mental note to give Brian a more detailed expression of his gratitude at a later time. Suddenly, all the nervous tension that Kevin and Joey were feeling earlier, seemed to lift off them. Both felt as if a large weight lifted from their shoulders.

Joey and Kevin grabbed something to eat and joined the rest of the guys. Kevin couldn't believe how well the guys were reacting to the news of his relationship with Joey. The love and loyalty that his friends and bandmates showed him, sometimes, caught him completely off guard. His heart became overwhelmed as he thought of their devotion to friendship.

"So, how did you two manage to get together, if you don't mind me asking?" AJ asked, glancing at Kevin and Joey.

"Well, we just sort of hit it off, that first time we all got together, and things just kind of happened from there." Kevin said, giving Joey a smile.

"That's great, guys." Howie said, smiling at them.

"Thanks, Howie." Kevin said, returning his friend's smile.

"Hey, as long as you guys are happy, I'm cool with it." Nick said, giving his opinion on the situation.

"Thanks, Nick." Kevin said, nodding in his friend's direction.

"Listen, guys. I want to thank you for making me feel welcome and everything. I really appreciate it." Joey said, looking around the room at each of the guys.

"It's okay, Joey. We all liked you before you and Kev, hooked up. Just promise me one thing will ya?" Brian asked, trying to keep a serious face.

"Sure, what is it?" Joey asked, giving Brian his full attention.

"Promise me that you won't answer the door naked, the way Kev, does." Brian said, as the other guys lost their composure.

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything." Joey said, with a grin, causing the other guys to stop laughing and look at him, with surprise.

"Good answer, Sweetie," Kevin said, proud of Joey's ability to hold his own with the guys.

"Oh yeah, he's gonna fit in just fine." Brian said, as he slapped Joey on the shoulder.

"Thanks, guys." Joey said, as he laughed with his new friends.

Kevin, looked at Joey in admiration as he took his hand once again. Joey, turned to look at his lover with nothing but love and happiness in his eyes. The moment that they had been dreading had turned into a moment of great joy for both of them.

To Be Continued.............................................

Okay, guys/gals that's it for now. Let me know what you think about the story. Send mail to Oh yeah, check out my other story Me and Joey. Until next time, Much Luv to Ya!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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