Kevin and Joey

By Starfire

Published on Feb 16, 2001


This story is a work of fiction. I do not know the true sexuality of either Backstreet Boys, or Nsync. If you are not at least 18 years old, or are offended by homosexual material, then, this story isn't for you.

Kevin and Joey Chapter 3

Everything had gone well, as the guys of Nsync and the guys of Backstreet had their first meeting. All the guys relaxed and talked among themselves easily. One would think, with that much talent in one room, there would be little jealousies, here and there. However, that wasn't the case. Both groups got along well. In fact, it appeared that some new friendships had been forged.

"So, you gonna tell me what was going on with you and Joey, or what?" Brian asked, as he helped Kevin pick up a bit, after the guys had gone.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked, toying with Brian a little.

"Kevin Scott, don't you play dumb with me!" Brian said, as he threw a piece of pizza crust at Kevin's head.

"Okay, okay, Joey and I have some things in common." Kevin said, ending it there.

"And, would those common things, be what I think they are?" Brian asked, with a grin.

"Could be," Kevin said, with a smile.

"I knew it!" Brian said, slapping the counter.

"Now, Cuz, don't get all excited. We're just gonna go out tomorrow night." Kevin said, throwing some things away.

"What? You're gonna go out, on a date?" Brian asked, giving his cousin a bright smile.

"Well, yeah, why?" Kevin asked, getting mixed signals from Brian.

"That's great!" Brian said, slapping Kevin on the back. "I'm really happy for ya."

"Damn, you're more excited than I am." Kevin said, with a laugh.

"I just think it's great that you're going out with someone, that's all." Brian said, throwing the last of the mess in the garbage.

"Well, don't be too happy. I mean, it's not like we're dating or anything. We're just gonna go out, and talk, and stuff." Kevin said, rationalizing the situation.

"And stuff?" Brian asked, giving Kevin a big grin.

"That's not what I meant." Kevin said, giving Brian a punch in the arm.

"What? I didn't say anything." Brian said, grabbing his arm.

"You didn't have to say anything. I know how your mind works." Kevin said, with a smile.

"Are you telling me that you wouldn't like to wake up in the morning next to a certain Nsyncer?" Brian asked, with a bright smile.

"Well, I didn't say that." Kevin said, giving Brian a big smile of his own.

"That's what I thought." Brian said, with a slight giggle.

"Well, I'm no angel, but there's something about him. I don't know. It's just a feeling really." Kevin said, as if his mind had wandered to another place.

"What kind of feeling?" Brian asked, being taken back by Kevin's actions.

"I don't know. It's like there's something more there. I can't put my finger on it, just yet." Kevin said, thinking about when his hand touched Joey's.

"Something more, eh? Uh oh," Brian said, as he looked into Kevin's eyes.

"What?" Kevin asked, being shaken back to reality, by Brian's voice.

"Why do I get the feeling, you're leaving out something?" Brian asked, as he gauged his cousin's reaction.

"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked, as he brushed his eyebrow with his thumb.

"That's what I thought." Brian said, with a smile.

"What?" Kevin asked, still playing it cool.

"You're keeping something from me. I don't know why you try that. You know, I can always see right through you." Brian said, folding his arms and raising his eyebrow.

"Okay, you got me. Tonight, when Joey and I touched, it was like an electric charge hit my body." Kevin said, reflecting on the night's events.

"You mean, he shocked you?" Brian asked, unsure what Kevin was saying.

"No, it was more like, connecting, or something. I don't know how to explain it." Kevin said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, you mean connecting, as in, a merging of souls." Brian said, taking Kevin by surprise.

"Yeah, something like that." Kevin said, nodding his head. "It was like this energy passed between us."

"Just do me one favor, will ya?" Brian asked, becoming quite serious.

"What's that?" Kevin asked, as he looked Brian in the eye.

"Be real careful. I don't want you to get hurt." Brian said, bringing a smile to Kevin's face.

"I will, Cuz." Kevin said, throwing his arm around him. "You keep this up, and you're gonna take my job."

"Are you crazy? I wouldn't have your job." Brian said, with a laugh. "Then, I'd have to look after, Nick."

"I see your point." Kevin said, joining in the laughter.

"Well, I guess I'd better go. You'll let me know how things go, right?" Brian asked, placing a hand on Kevin's neck.

"Don't I always?" Kevin said, with a grin.

"No, but I'm gonna trust ya anyway." Brian said, playfully patting Kevin's face.

"Oh, will you get out of here." Kevin said, with a slight smile.

"Fine, throw me out. I see how ya are. So much for family." Brian said, in sarcasm, as he stepped into the hallway, and started towards his room.

"Hey, Bri." Kevin said, causing Brian to stop and look in his direction. "Thanks, man."

Brian looked at his cousin standing in the doorway. He smiled, gave him a slight wink, and headed to his room. He really didn't have to say a word. Kevin knew what he meant. When you're around someone for any length of time, you get to know that person, well enough to almost read their thoughts. However, when one is related to that person, the bond is so strong, it's as if you can feel the other's emotions. That's what Kevin and Brian shared. Either of them, willing to lay down his life for the other, without a second thought.

Kevin went to bed that night thinking of the next day's events, and what they might hold for him. There was definitely something about, Joey Fatone. It was something that excited him, yet, at the same time, gripped his heart with fear.

The phone rang bringing Kevin out of his thoughts. He wondered who could be calling. The guys had already gone to their own rooms for the night.

"Hello," Kevin said, with a questioning voice.

"Hey, Kev. I didn't wake ya did I?" Joey said, on the other end.

"No, man, you didn't wake me. What's up?" Kevin asked, surprised by the call.

"Not much, I just wanted to see what the plan was for tomorrow. Well, that and I wanted to talk to you." Joey said, peaking Kevin's interest.

"Well, I haven't really made any definite plans, yet. Was there something that you wanted to do?" Kevin asked, opening the floor for Joey.

"I don't know. Why don't we just go for dinner and a movie or something." Joey said, hoping for something a bit relaxed.

"Hey, that sounds like a good idea to me. We can relax, be ourselves, and just get to know each other a little better" Kevin said, being quite happy with the idea.

"Great, it's a date then. What time?" Joey asked, getting the plan in his head.

"How about, dinner at six and then we'll catch a movie around eight?" Kevin asked, waiting for Joey's approval.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Joey said, becoming a bit more relaxed with the conversation.

"What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?" Kevin asked.

"What other thing?" Joey asked, unsure what Kevin meant.

"Well, you said you wanted to know what was happening tomorrow. Then, you said, that you wanted to talk to me." Kevin said, leaving it for Joey to take from there.

"Oh, it wasn't anything. I meant that I just wanted to talk to you, as in, hear your voice." Joey said, with a smile.

"Oh, well, I'm glad you called." Kevin said, softly as his smile widened.

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night. I don't know. I just feel kind of comfortable with you, for some reason." Joey said, his own voice lowered a bit.

"That's funny, because I feel the same way about you." Kevin said, bringing a bright smile to Joey's face.

"Well, listen, I know you guys have interviews and stuff tomorrow, so I'd better let you go." Joey said, not really wanting the conversation to end.

"Yeah, it's just some stuff in the morning, but I guess I should get some sleep." Kevin said, his emotions battling with his words.

"Until tomorrow night, then," Joey said, ending his part of the conversation.

"Goodnight, Joey." Kevin said, as he hung up the phone.

Kevin's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. He was so happy that Joey had called. Why, was he getting so attached to him? They barely knew each other, and yet, every time he heard Joey's voice, something inside him melted. No one had ever had that kind of effect on him before. His mind kept saying to be careful, but his heart kept saying, give him a chance.

Too many things for his mind to handle in one night, so he decided to try to get some sleep. Whatever happened, he was gonna ride it out until the end.

The next day proved to be pretty routine for the guys. They did their morning interviews, and fulfilled the obligations that they had for that day. Kevin seemed to be going through the motions as his thoughts moved ahead in time to his evening date with Joey. The guys finished their day with a little sight seeing and a trip to the mall.

Finally, the time that Kevin had been waiting for, had arrived. He had made the necessary plans and now the only thing left to do was to call Joey and get things started.

"Hello," Joey said, from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, it's Kevin." He said, with a bit of nervousness.

"Oh, hey, Kev. Listen, I'm almost ready. What's the plan?" Joey asked, as he ran around finishing some things.

"Well, why don't you meet me in the lobby in about 15 minutes. Will that give you enough time?" Kevin said, tying up the loose ends.

"Oh yeah, that would be fine." Joey said, with a smile.

"Okay, I'll see you then." Kevin said, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Okay, see ya then." Joey said, ending his part of the conversation.

Kevin made his way to the lobby, feeling a bit better about the whole situation. He fumbled around for the keys to the rental car he had gotten when he heard someone behind him.

"Lose something?" Joey said, as he watched Kevin feeling around for the keys.

Kevin turned to see Joey standing behind him wearing a dark pair of jeans and a dark red shirt. He couldn't help smiling at the sight in front of him.

"Wow, you look really good." Kevin said, causing Joey's smile to widen.

"You're looking pretty dapper yourself." Joey said, causing Kevin to blush a bit.

Joey let his eyes roam across Kevin's features as he savored the sight of him dressed in black jeans and a green shirt, which really brought out his eyes. He became lost in the sheer beauty of the man standing before him.

"So, are we ready to go?" Kevin asked, finally finding his keys.

"Yeah, let's hit it." Joey said, as he walked beside Kevin.

They walked outside the hotel and made their way to the waiting Toyota SUV that Kevin had rented. After a little small talk, they decided to just grab a pizza and head to the movies a little later. Kevin was glad that Joey wanted to keep it casual and easy going for the night.

They ordered a pizza and took a seat in a corner booth, hoping to go unnoticed by a passing fan. It seemed that their luck would be holding out for them, because not one person interrupted their meal.

After eating and talking for well over an hour they decided to head on over to the movies. Both had loosened up quite a bit. They talked as if they had known each other their entire lives.

After making their way into the movie theater, and grabbing some drinks and popcorn, they found some seats toward the back, tucked away in the darkness. They were having a great time watching the movie, until their hands brushed against each other sending that same energy through their bodies that they had felt the first time they met. Slowly, they turned to look at each other. As their eyes met, Kevin slid his hand down entwining his fingers with Joey's. Joey let his eyes wander to their joined hands for a moment and then back to Kevin's eyes as a soft smile, found it's way to his face. They moved lower in their seats as Joey let his head rest against Kevin's shoulder. Kevin released a low sigh, as he rested his cheek against the top of Joey's head. They sat there like that through the entire movie, only moving to caress each other's hand. Both were thankful for the cover of darkness, that was shielding their new found affection.

Before either of them knew it, the credits began to roll signaling the end of the movie. They reluctantly released each other staring briefly into each other's eyes. Suddenly, a leisure night out, to get to know each other, had become much more, in a short amount of time.

Kevin and Joey walked in silence toward the car. Neither of them sure what the other might be thinking. Kevin unlocked Joey's door before going to the other side to get into the car. He started the engine, and headed out, not knowing what might be going through Joey's mind. He didn't say a word, and neither did Joey. He began to feel as if he had made a big mistake in what he did at the theater. He drove with his left arm as he relaxed the other on the arm rest in the middle of the seat.

Suddenly, he felt Joey take his hand in his, once again entwining their fingers as they had been in the theater. Kevin turned to see Joey smiling at him, with insecurity in his eyes. Seeing Joey's face made him sigh with relief.

"What's wrong?" Joey asked, looking at him with concern.

"Nothing, I'm okay." Kevin answered, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted from him.

"No, seriously, I can tell that something's up. What is it?" Joey asked again, not willing to forget.

"You really wanna know?" Kevin asked, in all seriousness.

"Yeah, tell me." Joey said, stroking Kevin's hand with his thumb.

"Okay, I was afraid, that I had done something wrong in the theater when I took your hand. You were so quiet after we left, I thought I had made a mistake." Kevin answered.

"No, no, you didn't make a mistake. I was very happy that you did that. I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something, that's all." Joey said, smiling at Kevin.

"What were you thinking about?" Kevin asked, squeezing Joey's hand.

"You," Joey said, bringing Kevin's hand up to his lips and kissing it tenderly.

Kevin smiled that smile, that only he has, as a slight blush came to his cheeks. He drove on into the night, wondering where things were going for the two of them. They drove around for a while before going back to their hotel to call it a night.

"I had a really good time tonight." Kevin said, as they walked towards his room.

"Me too," Joey said, with a bright smile.

They walked on in silence. As they neared his door, Kevin suddenly became very nervous.

"Well, I guess this is it." Kevin said, as he unlocked his door.

"I guess, so." Joey said, feeling a bit uneasy himself.

"I had a great time. I hope we can do this again, real soon." Kevin said, giving Joey a shy grin, before looking at the floor.

"Kevin?" Joey said, in a soft voice.

"Yeah," Kevin said, turning towards him, just as Joey gently pressed his lips to his.

At first, Kevin, was surprised, but then the feeling of Joey's lips on his, took him to a place he'd never been before. It was as if he'd melted into Joey, somehow. I mean, he'd kissed, and been kissed, but this was something very different.

"I've wanted to do that, all night." Joey said, as he finally broke the kiss.

"I'm glad you did." Kevin said, as he leaned his forehead against Joey's.

"Me too," Joey said, placing his hands on Kevin's waist.

"Joey?" Kevin said, as he lightly stroked Joey's cheek with his hand.

"Yeah," Joey answered, leaning his cheek against Kevin's hand.

"Would you like to come inside?" Kevin asked, as he looked into Joey's eyes.

"Are you sure?" Joey asked, searching Kevin's eyes for any glimmer of doubt.

"Absolutely," Kevin replied, giving Joey the answer he was looking for in his eyes.

Kevin leaned in kissing Joey once again, as he opened the door behind him. Wrapping his arms around Joey's neck, he pulled him inside. Joey, used his foot to close the door, as he became lost in Kevin's kiss.

"Kevin, are you sure you want to do this?" Joey asked, pulling himself from Kevin's lips.

"I want this more than anything." Kevin answered, pulling Joey back to him as their lips met again.

Joey didn't ask any more questions, but gave himself over to his feelings as Kevin continued to kiss his lips, face, and neck. Before either of them knew what was happening, they found themselves lying on Kevin's bed as they explored each other's naked bodies.

Joey rolled on top of Kevin as his lips made their way down his neck, until they found his nipples. He licked and sucked each one bringing it to perfect hardness. Kevin let his fingers run through Joey's hair as he moaned in pleasure, feeling the effects of Joey's assault on his chest.

Joey worked his way down Kevin's chest and stomach until his lips brushed against Kevin's hardened cock. Joey took it in his hand, stroking it slowly as he continued to kiss his way into Kevin's dark pubes. He lightly flicked his tongue across the flesh of hardness he held in his hands, working his way to the top. Kevin released a sigh of pleasure as Joey continued to work on him.

"Oh, god, Joey, that feels good." Kevin said, softly.

Joey responded by sliding his mouth over Kevin's enlarged cock head. Slowly, he took it inside him. Kevin took in a short, quick, breath, as he watched his cock disappear into Joey's throat. His body went into sensory overload, as he watched Joey pleasuring him with his mouth.

"Oh, Joey, that's amazing." Kevin said, as he closed his eyes, running his fingers through Joey's hair.

Kevin slid himself from Joey's hot mouth just long enough to change his position. He shifted, so that he was staring right at Joey's hard meat. He took it in his hand stroking it to full length, as Joey once again took him in his mouth. Kevin could no longer resist. He placed his mouth over Joey's cock head, licking around it with his tongue. Joey moaned around Kevin's cock as he felt him sliding his meat into his mouth.

Before long, both men had the other completely in his throat, giving him pleasure beyond their wildest expectations.

"Oh, god, Kevin, I'm gonna cum." Joey said, his voice breathless, as he released Kevin's hardness.

Kevin smiled to himself as he buried his face into Joey's pubes, swallowing all of him into his throat, awaiting his reward.

"Oh, Kevin, oh man, here it comes." Joey said, as he released himself into Kevin's throat.

Kevin felt the hot liquid hit his throat with an explosive force. He closed his eyes as stream after stream pulsed into him. Joey's body shook under the strain he was feeling. Kevin held him in place until he had drained him of every last drop of juices.

Joey breathed heavily as he began to come down from his orgasm. Kevin held his softening cock in his mouth, until Joey moved pulling it from it's warm enclosure.

Joey moved until he was facing Kevin. He looked into his eyes and closed in for a tender kiss. Their lips gently moved over each other in a way that neither of them had ever experienced.

"Kevin," Joey said, his breath failing him.

"Yeah," Kevin answered, in a similar state of lust and excitement.

"I want you to make love to me." Joey said, as he looked deeply into Kevin's eyes.

Kevin returned the look that Joey gave him. Without saying a word, he stood and walked into the bathroom, returning with a condom and some lube. He placed the condom onto his hard member, as Joey watched with anticipation.

Kevin positioned himself between Joey's legs, as Joey lay on his back. Joey lifted his legs spreading them wide, giving Kevin better access to him. Kevin placed some lube on Joey's hole as he slid his finger inside him.

"Oh," Joey moaned, as he felt Kevin's probing finger within him.

Slowly, Kevin slid one, then another finger inside him, stretching Joey in preparation for what was to come. He removed his fingers, and moved into position. He placed the head of his tool at Joey's entrance. Gently, he pushed forward, as he felt the ring of muscle give away allowing him to enter.

Joey closed his eyes, lost in the feelings that Kevin was awakening in him. Inch by hardened inch, he felt Kevin sinking into his body. Just as he felt he could accommodate no more, he felt Kevin's balls rest against his ass.

Kevin could not believe how hot and tight, Joey was. He felt the flesh gripping and massaging his hard cock. After giving Joey enough time to adjust to his invading member, Kevin slid his cock out so that only the head remained inside. He reversed his direction filling Joey once again with his hard, thick, meat.

Before long, Kevin and Joey established a rhythm. Joey cried out in ecstasy as he felt Kevin's hard cock rub against his prostate, sending him into unknown realms of pleasure.

"Oh, Kevin, that feels so good, baby." Joey moaned, as he smiled up at him.

Kevin didn't say anything, smiling at the pleasure he was bringing Joey, as well as, the incredible sensations he was feeling himself. He kept his rhythm going as he felt the juices boiling inside him, begging to be released.

"Oh, Joey, I can't hold back much longer." Kevin said, as he pumped himself in and out of Joey.

"Do it, Kev. Let it go, baby." Joey said, encouraging Kevin to give in to himself.

"Oh, god, here it comes." Kevin said, giving Joey two more hard thrusts.

"Ahhh!!!! Oh yeah, Oh god," Kevin said, as he struggled to regain his composure. He collapsed onto Joey's chest as his body convulsed from his orgasm.

Joey held him as he stroked his hair, running his hand over Kevin's sweaty back muscles, as his body lay limp with exhaustion.

"Oh god, Joey, that was incredible." Kevin whispered into his neck.

"You're quite a man, Mr. Richardson." Joey said, holding him tight, yet with unique tenderness.

"Yeah? You're not so bad yourself, Mr. Fatone." Kevin said, bringing himself up to kiss Joey's lips.

After disposing of things properly, they found themselves in the shower together washing each other's body thoroughly, taking time to enjoy certain areas.

Soon, they were lying in the same bed in which they had just consummated their relationship. Kevin lay back pulling Joey to his chest as he wrapped his arms around him. Kevin leaned his cheek against the top of Joey's head as he reflected on the previous events they had just shared.

Joey listened to the beating of Kevin's heart as they drifted off into a content silence each of them giving themselves over to sleep.

To Be Continued.............................................

Okay, guys/gals that's it for now. Let me know what you think about the story. Send mail to Oh yeah, check out my other story Me and Joey. Until next time, Much Luv to Ya!!!

Next: Chapter 4

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