Kev and Nick

By AJslilboy

Published on Apr 4, 2001


Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. It has no truth nor is it meant to imply anything about the Backstreet Boy sexual preferences.

Kev and Nick Part 2

The plane landed in Kentucky and they all gathered their stuff. Kevin didn't know how to act when he saw Nick again. He tried desperately not to make eye contact with him. He was the first one off the plane and he turned around he saw the god that was Nick make his way down the steps and his heart pounded and bounced around in his chest. He knew he was in love and he didn't know how to feel about it. He turned back around and saw his mother quickly coming up to him.

"Hey mom." Kevin said as he hugged his mother, " Where's dad?"

" Oh Honey you know him he had to go out of town for business so he won't be hear for Thanksgiving but he apologizes and says he loves you."

" Alright so it's just us." Kevin said giving his mother another hug and walking away as Nick got closer.

" Hello Ann. Thanks for inviting me to have Thanksgiving with you, you look great."

" Nick you're too much of a smooth talker. You must make a killing with the ladies."

Nick laughed nervously and nodded his head yes. Kevin headed to the car trying to avoid Nick but he followed and got in the car with Kevin. Kevin sat in his seat and looked out the window trying not to look at Nick. He saw Brian come off the plane and greet his aunt.

" Hey Aunt Ann."

" Hey sweety you look great."

: Mean while in the car:

" You ok Kev?" Nick inquired.

" Yeah I'm fine just tired." Kevin said lying.

" Your still tired? You slept the whole flight practically.

" I SAID I'M FINE ALRIGHT." Kevin snapped.

Nick looked hurt and shocked and Kevin felt bad but didn't know what to say.

Nick couldn't believe how Kevin had just yelled at him. Nick wondered if he had done something wrong. He almost came to tears. The man he loved had just bitten his head off for no apparent reason. He just looked away and wiped the tears away that were forming in his eyes.

Brian got in the car and sat next to his cousin and across from Nick. Nick was looking out the window as they left the airport. Brian couldn't help but think what an angel his friend was. He always imagined himself being with Nick but didn't think it would ever happen that's why he settled for Leigh Ann.

It took them half an hour to get home from the airport. Kevin went straight to his room and didn't talk to anyone; he laid down on his bed and started crying into his pillow so no one would hear down stairs. Kevin went in his suitcase and fished out a black book and a pen. Kevin being very professional and deemed the serious one of the group, kept a record of everything, including his life. He wrote in his journal everyday especially when something was bothering him. He had stuff in there he had never told anyone. He started writing he wrote about the dream and about how he was in love with Nick. Then he heard his mom calling him from downstairs for dinner he set the book down on his bed not even thinking about it and went down stairs.

" Where have you been Kev? You disappeared as soon as you got home." His mother inquired

" I was in my room Ma I was kind of tired."

" Are you feeling alright sweety your face looks a little pale?"

" I'm fine mom." Kevin said and kissed his mother on the cheek.

" Brian and Nick are in the living room watching t.v. why don't you go in there and join them until dinner is ready, it's not healthy for you to stay alone in your room all night."

Kevin nodded and went into the living room and smiled to himself. He was 28 and his mother still treated him like he was 12. Brian was in the recliner and Nick was on one side of the couch so Kevin sat down on the complete opposite side of the couch and didn't look at him. They were watching Daria on MTV, Brian liked her sadistic and sarcastic way of looking at life. A few minutes later Ann called from the kitchen asked Brian if he would come set the table. He got up and Kevin laughed at him.

" Hey she's gonna make you clean up so keep quiet old man." Brian said laughing and walked into the dinning room.

" Glad he's gone now we can change the channel. I was getting sick of that show." Nick said.

" Yeah I guess." Kevin said in a very low murmur.

" Look Kevin what the hell is your problem you've been cold as ice since we got off the plane. Did I do something to piss you off or something cause I'm really getting tired of you being a bitch to me." Nick said frustrated.

Kevin really felt bad. He didn't mean to be rude to Nick, he was just confused and his defense to being confused about something was just to shut it away. Kevin looked over at Nick was just looking at the t.v. and he could see the light reflecting off the tears in Nick's eyes. Kevin felt really crappy now. The last thing he wanted to do is make Nick cry.

" I'm sorry Nicki. I don't mean it. It's just I've had a lot on my mind lately."

" It's alright Kev, I'm just worried. I don't like it when you're mad at me. If you need to talk to me about anything I'm here."

" Thanks Nick, and I'm not mad at you I swear, but this is something I don't think I can talk to you about right now."

" Alright."

" We cool?"


" Hug?"

Nick laughed. "Why not."

They leaned over and hugged. It lasted for what seemed like forever and when it finally did end they realized they actually had been hugging for the past 10 minutes. They both felt electricity when they hugged each other but neither knew that the other was feeling the exact same. Ann called Nick and Kevin into the dinning room for dinner.

During dinner the made small talk and joked around. Nick being his polite self congratulated Ann on what a wonderful dinner she made and she made a sarcastic comment back to him about being a suck-up and they all laughed. They finished dinner and Brian went up stairs to take a shower. Ann and Kevin started clearing the table.

" Ann could I use your phone? AJ wanted me to call him." Nick asked.

" Sure Sweety there's one in Kevin's room if you want a little privacy."

" Thanks." Nick said and excused himself from the table.

Brian was getting undressed and turned the hot water on. He stepped in the shower and got an almost immediate hard-on. He hadn't jacked off in almost three days. He soaped up his tool and his hands and started stroking himself. It felt soo good he thought. He closed his eyes and started imagining his favorite jack off fantasy. In his fantasy they were on tour and him and Nick were sharing a room as they often did in real life. Anyways, Brian came out of the bathroom and there would be Nick on his bed butt naked on his hands and knees with his ass faced towards Brian. He would look back at Brian and tell him to come over. Brian would and then Nick would ask him seductively if he wanted his ass. Brian would just smile and bury his face in Nick's ass. He started tongue fucking Nick's hole and Nick would moan loud. Brian would swirl his tongue around it and stick it in and out.

" Oh yeah. Eat that ass Bri."

Brian would just moan and keep fucking him with his tongue until his ass hole loosened a bit. Then Brian for some reason would already be naked and hard would but his cock to Nick's ass and push it in hard and start to rapidly fuck Nick. He would kiss Nick's back and reach under him and start jacking him off while he was fucking him. He would do it harder and harder until Nick orgasmed and this would send Brian into an orgasm. At this point in the fantasy Brian increased his stroking and shot all over the shower wall. After he came down from his orgasm he cleaned himself off and then cleaned his cum off the wall. He shut off the water and got out.

~10 minutes previous~

Nick went into Kevin's room and shut the door behind him. He picked up the phone and started dialing AJ's number, he sat down on the bed and that's when he saw it, Kevin's journal was lying there open. Every one of the boys knew about Kevin's journal but none of them had read it. Nick set the phone down and picked up the journal. He knew he shouldn't read it but he couldn't help it. Part was just being nosey and the other part was concern because he wanted to find out why Kevin had been so upset. Nick turned back to where the entry began and started reading. His mouth dropped as he read about Kevin's dream about the two of them, it was so erotic he started to get a whopping hard-on, probably the biggest he had ever had. Then he read about Kevin's feelings for him and tears of utter joy filled Nick's eyes and began to stream down his face. He was so engulfed in the confession that he didn't hear Kevin walk in the room. Nick looked up and saw Kevin with a pale frightened face.

Kevin couldn't move he was so scared. Holy shit he thought Nick read it, Nick knows, now he hates me. If he could move he would have kicked himself for being so stupid about leaving his journal lying there on his bed. He was so scared he thought he was going to pass out. Then Nick stood up and started to walk over him. Kevin was afraid Nick was going to punch him or runaway or yell at him or something terrible like that. He couldn't bear to watch so he shut his eyes till it was over and since that was the only part of his body he could get to move. He felt Nick get closer. Then he felt Nick's hands on his cheeks and his lips on his pressing hard but yet they were so soft. Kevin's legs felt week as they kissed and not a word was spoken between them. To be continued...

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