
By Kristi Walker

Published on Sep 14, 2003


Warning: This document contains Adult Material. If it is illegal where you live to view adult material, leave now! If you find Adult material offensive, you may also leave now. Enjoy the story and as always comments are welcome.


Brian had been dressing for years. He started when he was ten when he found a pair of his mother's pantyhose in the hamper. He was alone in the house and had the uncontrolled desire to try them on. He was small for his age and the pantyhose were way to big for him. Even though they didn't stretch over his legs as they should have, he was amazed at how they felt and was hooked from that point on.

He had no sisters so he would borrow his mom's pantyhose when ever he could. He had a lot of time alone because both his parents worked during the day. He had lots of opportunities to wear his mother's pantyhose. As he got a little older and the pantyhose started to fit him a little better, he got bold and tried other clothing. First was a pair of panties and a bra.

The panties were pink nylon and the bra matched with a little lace on the cups. He loved how the panties felt, much better than his boy briefs. He was soon wearing skirts, blouses, dresses and shoes. He also started experimenting with makeup and over time got rather good at it.

Brian is thirty-six now and lives almost 24/7 as Kerri. His family knows about Kerri, his mom walked in on him one day when he was sixteen and fully dressed. He had bought a few things by that time and the clothes that he had on fit him well. His mother was shocked but very open. They talked that night about his dressing. She asked how long he had been doing it, why he did it and did he like being a girl.

He told her about how he started and yes, when dressed he loved being a girl. She asked him how often he dressed and he said everyday. Brian's mom had always wanted a daughter and had to admit that Brian was very pretty as a girl. If he wanted to be like a girl she had no problem with accepting him as her daughter. She told him that he could dress as a girl anytime he wanted except for school and only after they had spoken to his father about it. She said that he also needed a girl name and that if he had been born a girl his name would have been Kerri. Brian liked the name and took it as his girl name.

Brian's father accepted this part of his son seeing that his wife was happy about having a daughter. The three of them had a long conversation that night and in the end Brian's dad wanted to meet his new daughter. He said that he would only accept her if Brian truly looked like a girl. Brian got dressed in the outfit that his mother caught him in. A sheer white blouse, tight pink skirt, white lace bra with matching panties and garter belt, sheer white stockings, white satin slip and pink 3" pumps. Brian's mom helped him with his make up. They both knew how important the next few minutes were and wanted everything to be perfect.

Brian's dad sat on the sofa waiting to see how Brian looked dressed as a girl. He was imagining all kinds of images when in walked a pretty sixteen year old girl. Brian's dad was not expecting this and certainly had not pictured his son to look this good and this convincing. He walked up to his son, hugged and kissed him and said "Welcome to the family Kerri." Brian had tears in his eyes he was so happy and his mother was sobbing for joy behind him. From that point forward Brian was known by his family as Kerri and allowed to dress anyway he/she wanted.

The only time she was Brian now was at work. Kerri had toyed with the idea of starting a dot com business from her apartment so she could work as Kerri, but didn't know what it would be. There had been so many that have come and gone and she didn't want this to be another. New Business

She was reading the paper one day, checking the real estate section as she always does and saw a small shop for sale. The shop sold dance apparel, leotards, tights, ballet shoes, skirts, etc. Kerri was intrigued and since the shop was only in the next town she decided to take a ride there and check it out.

The drive was only twenty minutes and she found the shop easily. In the window she saw the most beautiful leotard. It was purple velvet with sheer purple neck, back and sleeves, she instantly fell in love with it. She entered the shop and was greeted by a woman in her 40's. She had an incredible body, one which said that she used what she sold. She was wearing a white spandex leotard with whit tights, pink chiffon wrap skirt and ballet shoes.

The woman asked, "may I help you?"

"I'm interested in the purple leotard you have in the window."

"Lovely isn't it? What size Hun?"


"Won't be a sec" the woman said as she went to a rack and pulled out the requested garment.

"I have a changing room over there if you would like to try it on, just leave your panties on, health reasons."

"Thank you", replied Kerri grabbing the leotard and headed towards the changing room. She closed the door and began taking off her soft pink blazer, then her white blouse. Under her blouse she wore a white camisole and soft pink lace bra. She took the camisole off and left the bra on. She then unzipped her pink skirt, slid it down her hips to fall to the floor followed by the soft pink half slip.

She stood in front of the mirror in her bra, matching thong panties, garter-belt, white stockings and pumps. She stepped into the leotard and pulled it up her body over her lingerie. She heard a knock on the door and the sales woman asked, "how are you doing in there, need any help?" Kerri replied "no, all set" and stepped out to get the woman's opinion. The woman smiled and said, "that looks great on you Hun, really suits you, but as sexy as the stockings garter belt and pumps are, they just don't go with the leotard." Kerri looked at herself and giggled say "no, I guess they don't."

Kerri bought the leotard and a pair of purple tights to go with it. While she was paying the lady she asked "are you the owner?"

"Yes", came the woman's reply, "my name is Sarah."

"Hi Sarah. I understand that this shop is up for sale, is that right?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I saw the ad in the real estate section of the paper today."

"Are you interested?"

"Not me per say, but I know someone. I'll have him come over tomorrow, will you be around?"

Sarah smiled and said "I'm here every day Honey, that's the trouble when you own your own business, no free time."

"Why are you selling?"

"Well, I started the business when my daughter was younger and was in her second year of dance school. The costumes and other gear got a bit expensive. I had a little bit of capital and figured I could get my daughter's things cheap and make a bit of money also. Ten years later, she's off to college and I'm ready to semi-retire."

"So, you really do all right here then?" "I've managed to raise a family and help put my daughter through college, yes, I've done alright here."

"Great, I'll have my brother stop buy tomorrow." Sarah

smiled as she handed Kerri her purchase and said "may I ask you something?" "Sure replied Kerri."

"Why would your brother want to buy a dance shop? Does he have a daughter?"

"No, just he has a little money stashed away and wants to invest it in something that will help it grow, not just sit there. He told me if I found something to let him know. He will own the business and I will run it."

"Well, if you think he will be interested in it, have him stop buy tomorrow and we'll talk."

"Ok, thanks. Bye."

Kerri was very excited about the prospect of owning her own business. She had never thought of opening a dance shop, but what better. She stopped at her parents house and told her mother and told her what she was planning. She explained that legally Brian would be buying the shop but that it would be Kerri running it. Her mother was very excited for Kerri and told her that if there was anything that she and her dad could do for her to let them a call. Keri's mom told her to stay for dinner so she could tell her day herself.

When Kerri's dad got home he gave his wife a kiss. When he saw Kerri he said "Hi Sweetheart, how are you?" kissing her on the cheek. "Hi Daddy, I'm doing great and I've got something to tell you", she said with a smile. She sat down and her mother said, "I'll put on some coffee." When her dad sat down Kerri proceeded to tell him about the dance shop and what was planning on doing. He was very happy for her and asked if there was anything he could do to help. She said, "not right now, but if I need anything I'll ask."

The next day Brian stopped in at the dance shop after work. He walked in and saw Sarah, she was in a blue cotton leotard with matching tights and white chiffon wrap skirt. She wore dance shoes with low heels. Sarah came up to Brian and said "can I help you?" Brian didn't want her to know that he was in previously so he said "yes, I'm looking for Sarah."

"I'm Sarah, you must be Brian. You and your sister look so much a like."

Brian smiled at this saying, "I understand that this shop is up for sale."

"Yes, and I understand that you may be interesting in buying it. I'm curious why you would be."

"Well, as my sister Kerri must have told you, I've got some money and I'm looking to invest it. I don't want to run the place but don't want to keep the money in the back doing nothing for me. The stock market is also too risky right now so if I can start a stable business and keep my money working for me, why not." "Well, then, let's step into the office and talk. Coffee?" "Yes please, thanks. Milk, one sugar thanks.

They stepped into the office and spent a good two hours talking about the business. When Brian left he had the name of the realtor who was handling the sale and told Sarah that she would hear from him shortly.

Brian got home and didn't even take the time to change into his usual after work attire he was so excited about what he was doing. He got into his apartment, dropped his keys and briefcase on the kitchen table and called the realtor about the shop. He had made arrangements to meet the next day after work and if things went well he would be making the purchase soon.

The meeting with the realtor went well. When it was over Brian had pretty much purchased the shop and all it's contents. It would be a few more weeks before the sale was final and Sarah agreed to stay on for another two weeks after to show Kerri how to run it. She also told Brian that if Kerri needed help with anything she could call her.

Brian went into work the next day and resigned giving two weeks notice. He didn't explain what he was doing, just that he was leaving the area. On his last day at work, his co-workers through him a party and wished him well in what ever he did. He thanked them all, grabbed his things and walked out with the biggest smile on his face, this was the start of a whole new life. He was also thinking of something else that had been at the back of his mind for a long time, he just wasn't ever able to act on it, now he believed he could.

Once Brian had signed the papers purchasing the shop Kerri started going there after work to learn the business. She also worked there all day Saturdays. Her first day she noticed again that Sarah was in a leotard and tights. She asked Sarah about this and Sarah said "I've done this since I started the business. It's great advertisement because people can see what things look like on a person. It's also great when you get new items in or if you are trying to push sale items." Kerri thought this was a great idea and purchased a couple of leotards and pairs of tights. When she went to pay Sarah tried to refuse the money saying that this was hers and her brother's shop now. Kerri reminded her that the finally papers had not been signed yet and that legally it was still hers.

New Employee

Kerri had owned the shop now for a little over a month. She had been living full time as Kerri since Brian's last day at his old job. Business was going very well, Sarah had definitely done her homework on the location when she first opened the shop. Kerri had been thinking a lot lately about hormones and possibly full transition, she loved so much being a woman. She knew that there would be a lot of doctor's appointments, especially while she decided whether to transition or not. Although the she didn't open the shop until one, she knew that she couldn't always get early morning appointments so she decided that it was time to hire some extra help.

She had a number of applicants from the local high school and decided on a young woman, named Tina, who was seventeen and in her junior year. She had been studying dance since she was six years old and knew a lot about it and what was required. Also since her last class each day was study hall, she could leave at 12:30 and be able to open the shop when necessary.

She was very attractive with a dancer's body. Kerri explained to Tina what the job involved and that once she was fully trained there would be days where she would work on her own. She also explained that it was required that employees wear items in the shop as their uniform. She could pick anything she wanted and there would be no charge as long as she selected a variety of different garments and it had to be what they were selling in the store.

Tina learned the business quickly and was soon able to open and close the shop on her own. Kerri decided that it was time to start her therapy and see about transitioning. She was excited about the prospect about finally having real breasts. She had done her homework on transgender doctors and scheduled an appointment with doctor Adams. She told Tina that she had an appointment so she would need to open the shop. She told Tina that she would be there shortly after the shop opened. Tina said "Ok." Kerri went to her appointment excited. The doctor examined her, asked her some questions. He gave her a hormone shot and then prescribed the hormone pills for her. He explained how to take them and then told her to schedule an appointment in another two weeks time. Kerri left his office, scheduled the appointment and went right to the pharmacy to fill her prescription. At the shop Tina could tell that Kerri was excited about something and when she asked Kerri simply said that she had a great morning.

The New Girl

Kerri had been on the hormones for two months and had nice B cup breasts. She had decided to transition completely and would be looking into surgery in about a year. She was in the shop alone one day, Tina wasn't scheduled to come in for another hour or so, when a young man of about eighteen walked in. Kerri could tell that he was nervous and, walking up to him asked if she could help him. He said, "I was wondering if you were looking for any part-time help." Kerri was surprised by this response, she had expected him to say "no thanks", or "just browsing".

She smiled at him and said, "come into the office." He followed her in and she told him to sit down. She sat in her chair behind the desk and said, "now, tell me about yourself. Why would a young man want to work in a dance shop? Are you a dancer?"

"No, just that. well I need work."

"Well, what about places like Burger King or Mc Donalds?" "They aren't hiring right now, I've tried. I saw your ad in the paper awhile back and thought I'd try."

"Would you be comfortable selling leotards and tights?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, but I'm willing to give it a try."

"What's your name?"


"Well Jimmy, how would you feel about wearing these clothes?"

"What, leotards?"

"And tights, yes. I require my employees to wear what I sell, great advertisement."

"But, I'm a guy."

"I can see that. It is a requirement and if you don't want to wear the uniform, which by the way I can understand, I have to say I can't help you."

"But what if someone saw me, plus wouldn't the customers be uncomfortable seeing me like that?"

"You have a point. How much do

you need this job?"

"Very much ma'am."

"Would you be willing to try a few things?"

"Such as?

"Well I have a girlfriend who is a beautician, should would be willing to give you a make over and teach you about makeup and such. I have a wig that you could use, also some breast forms."

"You want me to become a girl." "Only when you are working here. I pay well, plus you get to pick anything you want from the shop free. If you want you can try the job for a month, if you like it you can stay on, if not then at least you will have had the experience."

"Can I think about it?"

"Sure, get back to me within two day or I'll write it off and you don't want the job and the deal will be gone."

"Ok, thanks."

"By the way, it will be our secret, plus think of all the pretty girls you can meet." Jimmy smiled and left the shop. Kerri knew that she would see him again, he was definitely interested. The next day Jimmy came into the shop and saw Tina working. He was a bit surprised and went very shy. He asked if for the owner and Tina called Kerri over. "Hi, come into the office", Kerri told him. She closed the door and said, "so, I take

it that you still want the job." "Can your friend really make me look like a girl?" "Yes she


"I don't have to pay for the clothes?"


"What will my salary be?"

"Seventeen an hour, that ok?"

"That would be great. Ok, when do I start?" "You can

start tomorrow, Tina has the day off so it would be good. Can you get in here about nine?" "Yes"

"Great. While you fill out this application I'll call my friend." She handed Jimmy the application and called her girlfriend to make arrangements for Jimmy. She stop her conversation and said to Jimmy, "Connie wants to know what to call you, obviously if you are going to look and work as a girl the name Jimmy won't do."

Jimmy thought and said "Tara"

Kerri went back to the phone and said "Tara. Right, I'll see you tomorrow morning then, she'll be here at nine. Thanks Connie." She hung up the phone and said to Jimmy, "Ok Tara, Connie will be here at nine so I expect you to be on time. If you can get here a little earlier, we'll pick out what you will be wearing for the day."

"I'll be here at eight. Thanks ma'am." "Please, call me Kerri, don't be so formal, makes me feel old. Ok Tara, see you tomorrow at eight, welcome aboard."

Kerri was amazed at how quickly Jimmy accepted this offer. She knew that he had dressed as a girl before he just hasn't admitted it to anyone yet. She couldn't wait to see how cute he looked as Tara, she know that Connie would do a great job.

Eight o'clock came and as promised Jimmy was at the door ready to start his transformation and new job. Kerri unlocked the door and let him in. "Good morning Tara", Kerri said kissing his cheek. "Good

morning ma'. ah Kerri"

"Ready to get started?" "I guess so", Jimmy said with a shrug. "Good, let's find

you a uniform. Go through the racks and pick out something that you like." Jimmy picked out a cute spandex black tank style leotard with a low back and high cut legs, thong style.

"My, you do like the sexy one's don't you" said Kerri.

Jimmy blushed, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's quite alright Hun, believe me,

just well you do realize that if you wear that you will have to shave your under arms. Are you still in school?"

"No, I finished a few weeks ago, graduation is next month and I don't start college until September."

"Well, how do you feel about shaving then?"

"What, my underarms?"

"And your legs. I wasn't going to mention shaving because I thought that you were still in school and I would have made sure you wore dark tights to hide the leg hair, but if you are willing to shave you can wear anything, plus the tights will feel so much better without the hair under them."

"Well, I guess so. Do you want me to go do it now?" "No, I'll have Connie wax you, that ok?" "Sure."

"Ok, go try on the leotard, but for now, leave you underwear on. Once we are certain it fits you, then it's yours."

Jimmy ran into the changing room and took off all his clothes except his briefs. He slipped the leotard on. It fit him like a glove, but felt a bit bunchy in the back with the thong strap. He stepped out of the changing room for Kerri to see.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked him.

"It's nice, but feels bunched up in back."

"That's because you are still wearing your briefs, it will feel different with tights on. Does it fit ok?"

"Yes, I guess so."

"Ok, go take it off for now, stay in just your briefs and put this robe on." Kerri handing him a pink silk short robe for him to wear. Jimmy went back to the changing room and did as Kerri told him. When he came back out Connie was there setting up her things.

Kerri saw Jimmy come out and introduced him to Connie. "Connie, this is Tara, you new model, Tara, this is Connie, she's going to make you beautiful."

"Hi Tara, nice to meet you", said


"Nice to meet you too."

"Great, now that you two have met, I've got a few things to do. I'll leave you both to it, Tara, when Connie is finished, grab a pair of black tights to go with your leotard and get changed and ready for work. You can also find a pair of shoes that you like also, I'd go with ballet slippers they're very comfortable. Oh and Connie, make sure she knows how to apply her own make up too." Kerri said the last with a smile.

After two hours Kerri heard her name called. She came out of her office and saw Connie standing next to a lovely 18 year old girl. She was wearing the black tank style leotard, black shimmer tights, soft pink wrap skirt and black ballet slippers. Her hair was done in a French braid.

Her make up was perfect. She was wearing a soft pink eye shadow and lipstick. Her eyes were lined in a way to make them look bigger. Thick lush eye lashes and blush. Her nails were the same shade pink as her lipstick in a metallic style. She lifted her arms in a ballerina style and twirled. Kerri could see that Connie had waxed Tara's underarm and guessed she did her legs as well.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Tara. "You look beautiful. Do you like it?" "Yes!"

"Good. Why don't you look around the shop and get to know where everything is. Connie, can you come with me please?"

Connie and Kerrie went into the office. Kerri closed the door and kissed Connie on the lips.

"What was that for?" asked Connie "For doing such a

fantastic job with Tara, she looks great. Did you wax her legs also?" "Yes, she asked me too. Does she know about you?"

"No, I haven't told either girl about me."

"You have another girl? Why didn't you call me?"

"Because she's a real girl, like you. She's very sexy, great dancers body."

"Well, when do I get to meet her?" "She's working

Monday if you want to stop by." "I'll be here. Tara

does look great doesn't she?"

"You did a wonderful job Hun."

"You knew she was like you didn't you?"

"Of course. Seriously, how many boys apply for a job at a dance shop. Jimmy said he was desperate for work, but when I told him that he had to wear what we had in the shop as his work clothes, he only took a day to accept. I don't think it took him even that long really. I think he made up his mind as soon as I told him, but he had to act like he didn't want too, but needed the work. Plus the Jimmy is the one who came up with Tara, how many boys think up fem names?" "Well, he does have a nice body, so young and tight."

"Mmmmm, he does." "You going to get him into bed?" Connie asked with an evil grin.

"CONNIE!!!!!" Kerri yelled laughing, "maybe."

Both women laughed at this.

"Well if you don't I might try. Hell I might try even if you do; and if your other girl, what her name?"


"If Tina's as hot as you describe her I may try for her too."

"Well, I'd wait a few months for Tina, she's not yet 18."

"Well, I've got to run Sweetie, thanks for calling me. If you or Tara need anything give me a ring. Tara has my number now. She should be ok her next shift putting on her makeup, but you may suggest she comes in early so you can help her a bit if she needs it."

"Thanks Hun. See ya."

They kissed each other goodbye, European style and Kerri walked Connie to the door. As they walked through the shop Connie walked up to Tara and kissed her goodbye wishing her luck with the new job. Tara thanked her and said goodbye. At the door Kerri said to Connie, "I'll call you later and let you know how things went. Thanks again."

Kerri turned and walked back into the shop area. "Ok, let's get started with your train, shall we?" Kerri showed Tara what was required of her, how to work the register. They practiced with Kerri being a customer for about two hours until it was time to open the shop. Tara was a bit nervous with the first customer, but after she made a sale she relaxed. The rest of the day went very smoothly.

At nine o'clock it was time to close. Kerri turned to Tara and said:

"You did great Hun. How did you like it?"

"I really enjoyed it. Do you really think I did a good job?"

"Yes, you did. So, are you my new sales girl?" "Yes!"

"Ok, well I have some things to finish up before we close. Go through the shop and pick up three more outfits. I'll schedule you for the three days that Tina is off. I'll work out a better schedule by the end of next week. I should be out in about a half an hour."

"Ok, thanks." After a half an hour Kerri came out of the office with Tara's work schedule.

"How are you doing Hun?"


"Got your outfits picked?"


"Let's see."

Tara brought her clothes up to the sales counter. She had picked a long sleeved purple thong spandex leotard, a short sleeve pink velvet leotard and a purple velvet skate dress with sheer bust and sleeve. She picked out a sheer pink and a sheer purple wrap skirt and shimmery tights in black, pink and toast. She also grabbed two pair of jazz shoes with 2" heels in black and tan and another pair of ballet slippers in white. "Can you get dressed at home or do you need a place to change?" asked Kerri.

"I would need a place to change." "Well you can get

dressed here on the days that Tina isn't working, come in through the back door and go into the office. We'll have to figure something out for when you and Tina are working together."

"Thanks Kerri."

"You're welcome Hon. Now go home and have a nice weekend. I'll see you on Monday." Tara put her new clothes in her backpack and headed home. Kerri was amazed at how easily Jimmy adapted to being Tara. She had never thought about feminizing a guy before but was glad for the opportunity to help Jimmy become the person he really wanted to be. She walked back into her office think about where she could have Tara get dressed for work. The obvious place was at her apartment. She pondered this while she finished closing up shop. "Well, how did it go?" asked Connie over the phone.

"How did what go?" "Stop being a bitch", laughed Connie, "you know damn well what I'm talking about." "It went very well. She was great and a natural for the job. You did a great job with her Connie, thanks." "My pleasure Hon, I was glad to do it. She turned out really beautiful didn't she?"

"She did."

"So? Are you going to fuck her?" "CONNIE!!!!", Kerri

yelled laughing. "Well? She does look hot."

"Yes, but I'm her boss."

"So, what's wrong with a little office romance?" "First

because it's not an office, second because I didn't hire her to fuck her." "Well, then maybe

I'll have to stop by one day and take her myself. When is she working again?"

"Never mind. I've got to run.

Thanks again Hon, for everything."

"My pleasure Love."


Jimmy came into the shop at 8:00 a.m.. Tara was scheduled to start at 9:00 a.m. but she needed to get dressed at the shop as Jimmy's parents were home. Jimmy had packed the pink velvet tank leotard, pink tights and wrap skirt and ballet slippers for Tara to wear today. He grabbed his backpack, said bye to his parents and headed to work.

Jimmy went to the back door as Kerri had said and knocked. Kerri opened the door and let him in. "You're early", she said, "good, you can go into the bathroom and get dressed, I'll be in the office when you are finished. Call out if you need help with anything", she said to him as he headed to the bathroom.

Kerri was in her office about thirty minutes when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in", she said. Tara walked in, "what would you like me to do?" "Kerri said, "you look great Hon, take this tray and put it in the cash register, then take the feather duster and start dusting. I will be out in time to open." At five minutes to nine Kerri came out to the shop and said "Are you ready?" "Yes", replied Tara. Kerri unlocked the doors and turned the sign to Open, "let's get started then shall we?"

The day went very well. They had several customers and Tara really worked hard for them. She seemed to enjoy her job and was very good at it. At 5:00 p.m. Kerri said, "well I'm beat, time to call it a day." She walked over to the door, locked it and turned the sign over. "Let's finish closing up and then we can go get a coffee or something, that sound ok?", asked Kerri. "Yeah, sounds great I'll just go and change while you cash out."

"No, don't bother, I want to get to know Tara better, after all she is my employee. Relax you can grab a heavier skirt to wear, no one will know the difference."

"Ok, sounds like fun. I'll go grab a skirt now. Is it ok if I pick a different pair of shoes too?"

"Of course Hon, what ever you need. Finish what you need to here, get ready and come in the office in half and hour."

Tara picked out a short black wrap skirt in a heavier material than the chiffon that she had been wearing throughout the day. She also got a pair of black jazz shoes with a two inch heel. She finished putting the racks in order and getting the shop ready to open the next day, put her skirt and shoes on and went to the office. Went she got into the office Kerri was ready to go.

"Ready Hon?" Kerri asked Tara.


"Good, let's go then, there is a coffee shop a few miles from here that is quiet", Kerri said grabbing her purse. The two women headed out the door and got into Kerri's car. They drove to the coffee shop, found a table in a corner and ordered their coffees. After the waitress gave them their orders and went back to the counter Kerri started the conversation.

"So, how do you like working for me?"

"I really like it. You are really great to work for and I have a lot of fun helping the customers."

"You don't mind that you have to be a girl?" "Well. I

was a little uncomfortable at first but when I realized that no one knew who I really was I was able to relax, now I don't even thing about it."

"How long have you been dressing

like a girl?" This question caught Tara by surprise and she almost choked on her coffee. "What do you mean?" she asked Kerri.

"I know you have been dressing for a bit, your first day at the shop was not your first time."

"How did you know?"

"Many ways, first you excepted the job very quickly and I know you hardly thought about it,. You are two comfortable in women's clothes. You learned how to put make up on very quickly. You adjusted to being a girl very easily. So tell me, how long have you been dressing?"

"Well, err. uhm. I've been dressing since I was ten."

"How did you get started?"

"I had to wear a leotard and tights for a Christmas play that I was in. The moment I put them on I was hooked. After the play I came home and fell slept in them. My mom thought that I was just over tired and fell asleep before I had a chance to change. She just came in my room and covered me up but I was awake the whole time. After that I would wear them when ever I was alone. Once I out grew them I have to find something else so I would wear my mother pantyhose. After awhile I'd try other things of hers and then started practicing makeup."

"Do you ever think about being a girl?" "Sometimes.

When I'm dressed I fantasize about what it would be like to be taken by a man as a woman. Imagining smearing my lipstick over his hard cock gets me so hard."

"Have you ever been with a man?" "No, and I only think

about it when I'm Tara." "Well, your secret is safe

with me Hon. I won't tell a soul. Actually I've got a secret to share with you, but it will have to wait until we get back to the shop."

With that, they steered the conversation to other subjects such as work, clothing, etc." They finished their coffees and Kerri paid say "it's my treat." They went back the car and headed back to the shop. Kerri opened the door and lead Tara into the office. "Sit down Tara", Kerri said. Tara sat and looked at Kerri.

"Now, for my little secret. I'm just like you are Hon, I was born male and have been dressing since I was very young. My family knows and they are extremely supportive. Growing up the only time I wasn't Kerri was when I was at school or work. I bought this place so that I could like as Kerri full time. I hired Tina because wanted to start transitioning to Kerri and I knew that I would be taking a lot of time off. Tina does not know about Brian, she only knows me as Kerri."

"So why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I want you be comfortable with who you are and know that you have support if you need it. I know your family doesn't know about Tara, otherwise you would be able to dress at home before coming to work."

"Thanks Kerri, that really means a lot to me." "You're

welcome Hon. There is one other reason that I told you."

"Why is that?"

"Well you said that when you are Tara you fantasize about smearing your lipstick on a hard cock."

"Yeah?" Kerri began undressing. She untied her skirt and pulled her leotard down to expose her B cup breasts. She pulled her leotard off and stood before Tara in just her tights. Tara looked at Kerri's body and was amazed at how feminine it was. If not for the cock that was between her legs, there was no way that this beauty was ever a boy thought Tara.

"Do you want to smear your lipstick on my cock?" Tara's only response was to drop to her knees and kiss Kerri's cock through her tights. "Mmmmm, yessss Baby, you want it don't you?" Kerri pulled the waste band of her tights down letting her cock free, "yesss baby suck it. Take it in your mouth. Let Tara out completely, be the woman you want to be", Kerri encouraged Tara. Tara did what Kerri said and took her cock in her mouth. "Mmmmmmmmmmm yessss Tara"

Tara realized that she had been waiting for this for a long time. She enjoyed what she was doing and sucked Kerri's cock with abandon. At this moment Jimmy didn't exist, Tara was here completely and fully. She continued to suck Kerri's cock moaning. She could feel her own tights getting wet. Kerri put her hand on the back of Tara's head encouraging her. "You like being a girl don't you?" "Mmmm", replied Tara. "You want to be a woman now don't you?" "Mmmm", was Tara's reply again. "You want me to make you a woman don't you?"

At this Tara pulled her mouth off of Kerri's cock and said "yes, please make me a complete woman." "Then stand up Hon." Tara stood up and Kerri kissed her very passionately. They kissed like this for a few minutes and then breaking the kiss Kerri said, "I'm going to make love to you as a woman should be made love too." Kerri went back to kissing Tara and unfastened Tara's skirt letting it fall to the floor.

Kerri then slid the straps of Tara's leotard down her shoulders and arms and pulled it down to her waist. Tara's breast forms staid in place as she used the adhesive that Kerri had given her to use with them. Kerri immediately bent down and started sucking on the breasts. Although Tara couldn't feel it, she still enjoyed having them sucked as it made her truly feel like a woman and she let out a moan of pleasure. Kerri continued to push the leotard down Tara's body letting it fall to the floor. Tara was not standing in just her tights and shoes.

"Turn around", Kerri told Tara. Tara did as asked and Kerri put her arms around Tara and held her tight. She kissed Tara's neck and rubbed her breasts. Tara felt Kerri's breasts rubbing against her back and moaned softly at the feel. Kerri knelt down and gently pulled Tara's tights down to her knees. She stood up and put her hands on Tara's shoulders gently pushing her down to her knees. Kerri then gently pushed Tara forward so that she was on her hands as well.

Kerri went to her desk and pulled a tube out of a draw. She went back behind Tara and kneeled down, squeezed and little of the ointment into her finger. She slowly rubbed her fingers around and over Tara's asshole making sure that it was well lubed. She then slowly inserted her finger. Tara jumped a little and then sighed as Kerri pushed her finger in deeper. She pushed, wiggled and twisted her finger in Tara making sure the she got plenty of lube in her. Tara was moaning the whole time enjoying the feel of Kerri's finger in her.

When Kerri was satisfied that Tara was lubed very well she began to pump her finger in and out, slowly at first and then with increasing speed. "You like me finger fucking you don't you", asked Kerri. Tara could only respond with a moan. Kerri slowed her pace and then inserted another finger. Tara sighed loudly.

When Kerri was satisfied that Tara was lubed and stretched enough she pulled her fingers out. Tara whimpered at the empty feeling she now had. "My little girl liked being fucked doesn't she", Kerri said, "well now it's time for my young lady to become a woman." What that Kerri straightened up on her knees and pushed her cock into Tara's boy pussy.

Tara jumped because there was a pain she was not expecting. Kerri went slow at first letting Tara get used to having a cock in her. When she could feel that Tara was relaxed Kerri started fucking her faster.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God that feels so good" "You like having a cock in your pussy?" "Yessss. Oh I love

it. Fuck me." "You like having a pussy?"

"Oh yessss. Don't stop, please don't

stop fucking my pussy?" "You want to feel my cum in you, don't you?"

"Oh yesss, please, cum in me. Fill my cunt with your cum."

Kerri held onto Tara's hips and slammed her hips into Tara's ass. Tara kept a matching rhythm pushing her ass back and forth onto Kerri's hard cock. Kerri yelled out, "I'm gonna cum. Oh, yes I'm cumming. Take it, take all my cum." Tara moaned and used her ass muscles to milk as much cum out of Kerri as she could. When the last drop was released Kerri pulled out of Tara and sat back in a chair. Tara just lay on the floor for a moment savoring the feel of Kerri's hot cum in her.

"My young lady is now a woman. How do you feel?" asked Kerri. "Mmmm, I feel so wonderful and warm", replied Tara. "I can teach you so much if you want", said Kerri. "Yes, please teach me everything", said Tara. Kerri laid down on the floor beside Tara and they kissed. After about a half hour of cuddling and kissing Tara said "I really should get home." "Ok Hun. I'll see you on Wednesday then?"


"Good. You can come in anytime you want though, you know that don't you?"

"Thanks, I may stop by tomorrow, if that's ok." "Sure,

just remember that Tina will be here so it may be best if Jimmy didn't show up. I can introduce you to Tina if you like." "I'd like that."

Tara got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. She got dressed in Jimmy's clothes and then headed out of the store. He said bye to Kerri and thanked her for a wonderful evening. Kerri said he was welcome and she waved as he left the store. She had gotten dressed again while Tara was cleaning up. She replayed the evening over and over in her mind and was subconsciously rubbing her breasts through her leotard. She was fantasizing also all the things that she wanted to do with Tara.

Kerri was in the office when Tina showed up for work. Tina was wearing a sky blue unitard with a sheer pink wrap skirt. Tina said good morning to Kerri and went right to work getting the shop ready to open. Kerri enjoyed having Tina there because she knew her job well, Kerri knew that she leave Tina to open the store and that it would be done right. For the better part of the day Kerri stayed in her office while Tina ran the shop, only coming out occasionally to see how things were going.

Tara came into the shop about an hour before it closed. Tina greeted her and asked "can I help you find anything?" "Hi, I'm Tara, you must be Tina." Tina recognized the name from the roster list and said "Hi, nice to finally meet you. Kerri is in the office if you want to see her." "Thanks." Tara walked to the back and knocked on the office door. "Come in" came the reply from inside. Tara walked into the office, up to Kerri and gave her a kiss on the cheek, European style. "I'm glad you're here", said Kerri, "I've got something I want to talk to you about, sit down, please."

Tara sat down and looked at Kerri questioningly and worried. Kerri saw the look, smiled and said, "don't worry, it's nothing bad, in fact it could be great." Tara smiled back and said, "what is it?"

"First, let me ask you a few things", said Kerri. "How much do you enjoy being Tara?"

"I love it very much."

"That's what I thought. Now, if you had more opportunity how often would you be/dress as Tara?"

"As often as possible, but

unfortunately the only chance I get is when I'm here."

"I know that Hun, but would you like to be Tara 24/7?"

"Yes, but you know I can't."

"Well, I'm about to offer you your chance."

Tara looked at Kerri very confused. "How?"

"My place it quite large, I have an extra bedroom, in fact I have two extra bedrooms that I don't use very much. If you like, you could move in with me. You could be Tara twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week if you wanted. I would help you with your femininity, not that you need a lot of help. I'd help you if you wanted to go further. We could be girlfriends and if you wanted lovers. What do you think?"

"What do you mean by `if I wanted to go further you would help me'?"

"Well, if you wanted to become a complete woman like I'm doing, I'd help you anyway I could. So, what do you say?"

"When can I move in?" "Kerri giggled at this and said, "as soon as you tell you family that you have found a place to live."

At this, Tara came around the desk and gave Kerri a kiss. Not the European kiss she gave earlier, but a kiss of lovers. Kerri sat Tara on the desk and they continued kissing. Their hands were all over each other's bodies, Tara paying lots of attention to Kerri's breasts. Kerri moaned in Tara's mouth feeling her hands on her breasts. Kerri reached under Tara skirt and found that she was wearing thigh high stockings. Kerri's hands went instinctively to Tara's satin panties and started rubbing.

Tara moaned at Kerri's touch. Kerri kneeled down and lifted Tara's skirt. Tara was wearing and ice blue thong. She began kissing and licking Tara through her thong cause Tara to moan in pleasure. Both women were enjoying what they were doing so much neither noticed the time.

Tina had come to the office door shortly after Tara and Kerri started kissing. She had closed the shop and was bringing the register tray and receipts into the office as usual. When she saw the two women kissing she grew very aroused. Tina was not a lesbian, but she enjoyed watching porno's with two women fucking. She often wondered what it was like. She knew she was bi-curious and seeing these two women right in front of her cause her tights to become extremely wet.

Tina watched as Kerri knelt down and began kissing and liking Tara's crotch. She couldn't see exactly what Kerri was doing as she could only see Tara's back. Tina imagined what Tara's pussy looked like and what Kerri was doing. She came out of her day dreaming and noticed that Kerri's head was bobbing up and down like she was sucking a cock. "This can't be right", she thought.

Tina quietly crept into the office to get a better look. To her surprise Kerri was sucking a cock, Tara's cock, and it was real. Tina gasped out loud which caused Tara and Kerri to turn in her direction. Tara tried to pull her skirt down to cover up but Kerri kept stroking her cock. "Oh my God Tara, you're, you're a boy", Tina managed to say, "but, you look so pretty. I never would have guessed." Tara blushed at this, one because of the complement she just got from a very sexy woman and two because she was still embarrassed.

Kerri finally let go of Tara's cock and walked over to Tina. She said, "Does this bother you Tina, working with a Transvestite?" Tina shook her head, "No, not at all, in fact I find her very sexy. Does she have real tits?" "No, not yet", replied Kerri, but maybe one day she will, but that's totally up to her." Kerri said this last bit looking over at Tara. "What is her boy name?" asked Tina. "That is not important right now", said Kerri.

"Well, since you know Tara's secret, I think it's time to reveal mine", said Kerri. At this she took off her wrap skirt and slowly pulled down her leotard. She saw Tina looking at her naked tits and smiled, "yes, these are real", she said. She pulled off her leotard and was standing in front of Tina and Tara in just her leotard and ballet slippers. She kicked off her slippers, pulled down her tights and out sprang her cock.

Kerri explained that she was a transsexual and would one day soon be a complete woman. She explained that she was going to the doctor's so often because they were preparing for her sex change operation. Kerri also told Tina that her and Tara were now lovers. Tina didn't hear this last part as she was leaning forward sucking on Kerri's breasts.

Tina loved breasts of all shapes and sizes. She loved looking at them and really enjoyed seeing a sexy pair of breasts in a tight top. This is secretly one of the reasons she enjoys working at the dance shop, she can see all the beautiful tits in tight leotards. She loved tights so much, but this is the first time she's actually had one in her mouth and she was in heaven.

Tara got off the desk and walked over to Kerri and Tina. She unwrapped Tina's skirt and began sliding down her unitard. When Tina's tits were bared Tara knelt down and took them in her mouth sucking and nipping the nipples. This caused Tina to moan into Kerri's tits. Tara continued to pull off Tina's unitard until it was down to her ankles. Tina lifted one foot and then the other allowing Tara to remove it completely.

After removing Tina's unitard, Tara was now at eye level with Tina's pussy. She put her mouth right on it and licked Tina's clit. Tina gave a moan and her knees buckled. Kerri caught her and kept her from falling. Kerri lead Tina around the desk followed by Tara. Tina was laid on the carpeted floor where Kerri knelt down and began kissing Tina. Tara got between Tina's legs and returned to licking her pussy. Tina was bucking her hips in rhythm to Tara's tongue lashing. Tina was moaning into Kerri's mouth. She pulled away from the kiss and told Kerri she wanted to suck her tits some more. Kerri obliged her sticking her tits in Tina's hungry mouth.

Tara stuck her tongue in Tina's pussy and wiggled and licked it around. This drove Tina crazy and she pulled her mouth off of Kerri's tits. Kerri moved up to straddle Tina's face and rubbed her cock head on Tina's lips. Tina opened her mouth allowing Kerri's cock to slide in, she sucked on the cock with the same hunger that she had sucking Kerri's tits.

Tara went back to licking and sucking Tina's clit and she also inserted a finger and began fucking the wet pussy. Tina was bucking hard and moaning around Kerri's cock. Kerri was fucking Tina's mouth furiously. Both were on the verge of cumming. Tina, reached up and tickled Kerri's asshole. That did it, Kerri was cumming hard in Tina's mouth. At the first shot of cum in her mouth, Tina came in Tara's mouth.

Tina had a huge orgasm. She felt as if she would never stop cumming. Kerri finished cumming in Tina's mouth and moved down to kiss her again. She tasted her own cum in Tina's mouth and drank down what was passed too her. Tara kept licking, sucking and finger fucking Tina until Tina begged her to stop. Tara rolled onto her side and crawled up to kiss Tina.

Kerri, realizing that Tara hadn't cum yet, crawled around Tina and gently rolled Tara onto her back. She immediately took Tara's clitty into her mouth and began fucking it with her mouth. Tara let out a loud moan of pleasure. Tina finally recovered from her orgasm and joined Kerri in sucking Tara's clitty. The two took turns sucking and licking for a bit.

Kerri got hard again and let Tina take over sucking Tara's clitty. Kerri crawled up to Tara's head and gave her a passionate kiss. She then separated from the kiss and stuck her clitty in Tara's mouth. Tara took it in her mouth eagerly and moaned in satisfaction when Kerri started face fucking her.

Tara began moaning and bucking her hips wildly. She was fucking Tina's mouth while her own hot mouth was being fucked hard. She grabbed Tina's head with her hands and held on tight. Tina knew this meant that Tara was ready to cum and she wanted it bad. Tara shot her first load into Tina's mouth and she swallowed it happily. Right at that moment Kerri began cumming in Tara's mouth. Tara let go of Tina's head and grabbed Kerri's ass, pulling her in tighter. Tara continued to cum in Tina's mouth and Tina swallowed all, not wasting a drop. Tara was doing the same to Kerri, swallowing all that was offered to her and not wasting any.

When Tara and Kerri had finished cumming, they all lay on the floor to rest. Tina was the first to sit up. She looked at her boss and her co- working and said, "that was wonderful. How long have you two been lovers?" Kerri said, "we've only recently become lovers. Tara has agreed to move in with me and I will help her to become that woman she wants to be." "Oh", said Tina, a slight look of jealousy on her face.

"Is something wrong?", asked Kerri. "No."

"Are you sure, you don't look very happy at the moment."

"Well, just a little jealous of Tara I guess?"

"Why?" "Because I would love to be moving out of my parents house." "Oh, is that all?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if Tara has no objections, I've got another bedroom at my place and you could move in with us. That ok Tara?"

"Sure", replied Tara. "Do you mean it?" "Yes. You can also help Tara and me. I've been Kerri most of my life but Tara is new. Plus I will need help when I have my operation to fully become Kerri."

"When will that happen?" "Soon I hope, will know more when I see the doctor again next month."

"So, when can I move in?"

"As soon as you tell your family."

Tina flew onto Kerri and gave her a huge kiss. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. This means so much to me", said Tina. "You're welcome Hun. Now, why don't we finish closing up, get dressed and I'll take you both to your new residence", said Kerri. They all dressed. Kerri jumped into her car and Tina and Tara jumped into Tina's. When Kerri showed them around the place, they both fell in love with it.

Tina and Tara moved in a day after each other, Tara moving in first. They lived in Kerri's house together for many years. All three were lovers, all though they also went out on dates with others, sometimes double dating. Kerri had her operation and became Kerri permanently. Tara, seeing how happy Kerri was being a complete woman started hormone therapy. She would be having her operation within a year. Tara's parents were none too happy about Jimmy becoming Tara, but they accepted that they had a daughter, not a son and loved her just as much. Tara saved enough money that she was able to buy into the dance shop and be a partner with Kerri.

Tina continued to work at that dance shop while she attended college. She majored in psychiatry. She soon started her own practice and specialized in Gender Dysphoria.

Next: Chapter 2: Taras First Formal

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