Kept Panty-Guy

By J J

Published on May 6, 2003



+++This story is fiction and about two adults+++

I've often imagined what it would be like to be a rich man's kept panty guy.

It's a thrilling fantasy, mostly becuase I tend to imagine an elaborate penthouse apartment in NYC and a gorgeous, fit guy in his late 30s or so. If dreams were to become reality, we'd stuble upon each other by chance at a bar or late night hang out. I wouldn't be looking to be what I'd become for him, and he wouldn't be looking for a young guy-toy, but we'd fall in together like that. We'd talk and flirt with each other, until I'm telling him all my fantasies and he's telling me his, until we've talked the night away and go home without each other on the promise of meeting sometime soon.

When he calls, he tells me to meet him at his apartment for dinner. I dress casually, jeans and a nice shirt, knowing I'll look slightly out of place in what I'm sure is a fantastic apartment. And sure enough I'm dumbfounded after arriving, a two story place overlooking Manhattan, plush and well decorated. We eat a light meal and sip wine, flirting again as we had when we met. Occassionally he brushes my knee with his hand, or reaches for my hands across the table. He fills me up with stories of his busy life and listens to my rambling on about this and that. I know the part he wants me to play: submissive but smart, shy, cute, and boyish. He tells me I look great, and I blush when he compliments me, speaking softly and eloquently. After dinner I become nervous, not sure what to do with this guy who seems so out of my league, but am suddenly thrilled and surprised when he tells me he has a gift for me. First, though, he suggests I enjoy myself and relax in a warm bath. Handing me another glass of wine, he tells me to go upstairs and soak for as long as I want, tells me to get comfortable--pamper myself with whatever I find.

I make my way up the stairs and find the bathroom, lit with candles and smelling of glycerine soaps. There's a large, marble tub and I notice a stand next to it with towels and chocolate mints. I suddenly feel giggly and giddy, and scold myself for being such a willing toy. I shimmy out of my clothes and draw a hot bubble bath, slide into the tub and soak there with my wine. I scrub and clean every inch of my naked body until my it tingles from the soap, water, and growing anticipation. Satisfied, I finish my wine and climb out. I wrap myself up in a towel and place a mint in my mouth, noticing suddenly that there's a door that connects to my host's bedroom. The door is slighly open, and I can see the flickering light from candles mirroring that in the steamy bathroom.

Making out the edge of his bed, I see a brighly wrapped package and a bow. An irresistable temptation, I scamper into the bedroom and look at this package. A card sits on top of it that reads, simply, "Put it on and come find me. I can't wait to see you in it."

Of course by now i am shocked, taking off the wrapping of this bix to discover the pink and white stripes of Victoria's Secret. My mouth drops open and my heart starts racing... I remember telling him how much I liked lingere, but I didn't realize it would lead to something like this. Feeling a twitch in my soft cock, I open the box to find a pink satin and lace chemise, matching bikini panties, and thigh high stockings.

I begin to shake a little, as I drop my towell and begin to adorne myself in the delicate attire. First the stockings, then the pretty, pretty panties, and finally the feel of the chemise falling around the tops of my squeaky clean thighs. Insane with a sudden rush of vanity and passion, I wiggle and feel the satin on my body, rub my knees together to hear the stockings against each other, and walk to the mirror to admire my new outfit. The chemise hangs delicately across my shoulders, my panties shine through its lace, the stockings hold my legs tightly. Then I remember the provider of these gifts and I giggle like a school girl, running through the bathroom and down the stairs to find him.

When I round the corner into his living room he's standing still in the middle of the room, waiting for me. He smiles when he sees my grinning, and I can't help but burst out:

"I love it!"

Still running at him, I jump on him and crash into his open arms, our lips colliding in a passionate kiss, my legs around his waist and his firm and warm hands holding me up by my satin clad bottom. He grips my ass tight as I kiss him, lunging in his mouth with my tongue, running my fingers in his hair, intoxicated on his cologne and his kissing me back.

He slips an arm up my back and supports me against him as we finish the first of many kisses to come, and begins to carry me across the room to the stairs.

"You look wonderful," he says.

"I feel so pretty and special. Thank you," I say.

Breathless and dazed, I can't help but say, "Take me to your bed. Take me there and have me however you want. I'm your panty-toy tonight." and I drop my head to kiss his neck and caress his shoulders.

Before I know it we're in his bedroom and he's placing me on the edge of his soft mattress. Sitting there, I don't waist a moment in my effort to thank him and prove to him that I want to be his young, kept man. I reach past the bottom of his stylish tye to his belt buckle and unlock his trousers, tugging gently down on the dipper they fall to his knees and reveal a fine, meaty buldge bursting from a pair of auburn briefs. Immediately I fondle him there, massaging with my hand and putting my face and lips at the base of his flat, toned stomach.

I sink my teeth into his stomach just a little bit, just to give him a rush as I dip my fingers under his briefs and feel the spongy head of his cock, slippery with a drop or two of his salty pre cum. Coating the tip of my finger with it, I ease back from his body, look up at him and put my finger in my mouth. I bat my eyes at him and he smiles, putting his hand on my head and guiding me to his crotch, where I bury my nose and inhale his musky manhood, using my hands to pull down his underwear until the cotton slips past my face and I'm getting my first look at his pulsing cock, lovely and rising into a perfect erection in front of me.

I can't believe my luck. This guy's as hot as an underwear model, standing in front of me with his cock just waiting for me to taste him. I slide my hands across his firm ass cheeks, feel my panties tight against my stiffened cock, the delicate chemise draped across me, and take him into my mouth. We moan together right away, as I slide my mouth further down his shaft and taste his slippery drops. Within a moment or two I'm worshipping his cock with my mouth. I suck it and kiss it. I stroke it, flick my tongue against its purple head and then bathe it some more. I run my mouth along the underside and hear him breathing hard, take his balls into my mouth and gently massage them with my tongue, reaching up to stroke him again. Both of his hands are on my head now, and as he guides me from his balls back to his slickened cock, I hope a little that he'll lose it when I suck him again and cum all over me, but I know different. I know he wants more and my bottom tingles at the thought. This gorgeous guy didn't make me dinner and buy me pretty lingerie just to get my mouth around his dick.

And as soon as I think it, he pulls my mouth off of him and pushes me to my back, breathing hungrily now as he climbs on top of me and begins to lick my neck. It happens fast enough for me to lose my breath a little, and I hear myself gasping as he kisses and licks my neck, beginning to grope and grab at the rest of my body. I can feel his moist cock against my pantied crotch, grinding into me, and moving past my leg as he pushes my chemise toward my neck and kisses my chest, nipples, and stomach. And then the best part. He reaches my waist and begins to mouth my cock through the panties he bought for me, tugging a little at the waist line until he sits up and begins to pull them off of me. I look at him and smile, dazed with all of this pleasure. I bring my knees together and pulls them up my thighs, watching my cock fall out, the slippery drops of pre-cum oozing from it's head.

My panties go flying across the room and he's on top of me again. I feel our bare cocks against each other for the first time and whisper in his ear for him to fuck me.

"What are you waiting for," I tease. "C'mon, give it to me, get that beautiful cock inside me and put me to bed like a good boy."

He reaches over me and fumbles in his dresser, smiling and laughing at my teasing him. I hear him open a tube and as he brings it past my face I smell it's fruity flavor. He kisses me and rubs the lubricant on himself, and surprises me with a slippery thumb against my asshole. I moan at the surprise and feel his thumb enter me quickly, faster than what I was ready for, which makes me moaning again even louder as he slides it around and then leaves me just as quickly.

"Is that all you got," I tease him agian. "Is that all you can give me? I really thought..."

But by now he's climbed on top of me and has his cock against my ass and is beginning to push himself inside, the warm feeling taking me over, and I realize with then that he's looking to get inside of me all at once. I can barely take a breath for the intensity, and I feel my eyes roll into my head, my back arch, and the grunts and gasps escape my mouth as he pushes a little deeper and then a little deeper still. His slow thrust into me feels imposslble to hold and I feel myself crawling away from him, but he pursues me and pushes deeper. Overcome with pleasure, whimpering in my pleasure, my legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his back. Then I finally feel the soft puff of his pubic hair against my bottom, and take a deep breath.

"What's the matter," he whispers. "Not enough for you? Maybe I should try again?"

I eek out a smile and put my cheek against his as he pulls out of me a little. I feel totally at his mercy and love that my bottom is stuffed with cock. Again he surprises me, this time with a hard thrust against my ass. My legs fly into the air as I shriek out, my mouth suddenly betraying my teasing from before with simple pleads:

"I love your cock in me" I whisper. "Fuck me and fill me with your cum."

Again he kisses me. We savor each other's tongues for a moment and then he rises a little and begins to fuck me gently. I close my eyes and melt away feeling his penis move in and out of me. He rubs his hand over my thigh, tugs at my chemise, tickles and caresses my stomach as he rides me. He moves gently, grinding his soft hair into me with every stroke. I feel that special burn in my ass and notice my vision blur a little as he continues to push in and pull out of me, and fall into a zone as his movements get stronger and stronger, his hands gripping me a little tighter, until he is falling back toward me and fucking me harder and faster.

My body is bouncing now with his force and my mouth falls open absently. I feel so taken and under his spell that I think I could begin drooling and not even care. The feeling of getting fucked by this guy is too much. I see that my chemise is bunched up around my chest as I watch him having his way with me. I look at his tight, sweaty chest with its few strands of hair, his pretty eyes shut tight, his teeth clenched as he begins to pound me even harder, his thrusts now a bunch of quick, hard slaps against my ass, my legs wide open and flailing. He begins to groan deeply and suddenly he grasps for my cock, which immediately spews cum across his chest and across my own, coating his stroking hand as I cry out. He slams into me for the last time and lets out a wail, his throbbing penis completely inside of my ravaged, weak bottom...shooting his creamy cum inside of me and him moaning all the while.

I wrap my legs back around him and hold him still inside of me. We shiver as we finish our orgasms and kiss each other deeply. Out of breath, we lie there for a while until he softens a little and pulls out of me. We lay against each other and feel my sticky cum between us across our stomachs and chests. he puts his arms around me and tells me how good it felt to fuck a cute guy like me, as I feel a warm drop of his cum leak from my bottom.

"Why don't you stay for a couple weeks," he says. "I'll take you shopping for panties and we can work together on the rest. You into it?"

I grin and cuddle agianst him, falling asleep in his arms.

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